Title of the Research Study Researchers Full Names Faculty Mentor The University of Alabama (+any partners) Abstract This template addresses layout structure in traditional academic poster presentations. This is a short (50-100 word) summary of your research. Your abstract should be able to stand alone, completely self-contained. This section is 75 words at 28 point font. Your body text should be between 24 and 32 point font. This section is 75 words at 28 point font. Your body text should be between 24 and 32 point font. Introduction IMAGES Images are a great way to break up text. Any images you select should be: • relevant to your work • placed in the section where they are a useful addition • be of a high enough quality to be visual supportive, not distracting Methods Results Conclusions/Significance FONTS Use a cross platform font. If you use a downloaded font or use a font that is specific to one environment (i.e. only Mac or only Windows), you must embed that font in your PDF. Here is a bit about embedding fonts: http://www.pptfaq.com/FAQ00076_Embedding_f onts.htm. • Lists and bullets are more readable than walls of text • Black text on a light background is easier to read • Cross-platform fonts are encouraged • All headings should be a sans-sarif font (need to know what this is? About sans-sarif fonts • Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Trebuchet • Body font can be any easily readable font • Times New Roman, Garamond, Bookman Old Style, Book Antiqua To bring in charts from Excel- select the chart in your excel file and select Edit->copy, then switch to your PowerPoint file and select Edit>paste. The chart can be resized as needed for your poster without losing quality or readability. Scientific Symbols in these charts do not always translate correctly. For best results, use the Symbol font for scientific characters. Future Directions PRINTING DIRECTIONS You must send a .pdf to the printer. See step by step directions in the poster design handout. Image file types-The preferred image format for all inserted images is JPG if you do not need a transparent background.. • .png for transparency • .jpg for non-transparent images Bibliography Do not enlarge images after they have been inserted into PowerPoint To adjust an image and retain proportion, hold down the Shift key on your keyboard and click and drag with your mouse on one of the corners in order to scale it. Chart or picture Image Figure 1 Caption 1 Figure 2