General notes/quirks › Letters only in the SSID › 802.11g & 802.11b only › Use a different router for internet and robotics › Use a simple password and security setting The SSID is case-sensitive and contains only letters Click “Save” to write the configuration to the flash drive Pressing “OK” will lead you to an empty FCS screen. When both the NXT and Main Switch are turned on, the Red Power light should be solid, the white Wifi light flashing on and off, and the blue NXT light solid. You want to press this “Choose” button because that is where your controller is currently registered. If nothing shows up on this list make sure the computer you are using is connected to the same wireless network as the robot. Also, be sure both your main power switch, and NXT are turned on. When connecting for the first time, the module will not recognize the computer attempting to pair. As a security and safety precaution, you are required to press the red button on your Samantha to confirm the pairing request. This should only happen when: •Connecting to a computer for the first time atch?v=5irvtBmVq5g&featur •Connecting to a computer after the robot was connected to a different network (after competitions) After successfully connecting, the status for your robot should either be yellow or green Yellow Condition: Green Condition: •No Program is running •Program is either actively running or waiting for command from the FCS •NXT or Main battery is low: check the voltage •If the main battery is low, the Samantha power light will also begin flashing •NXT and Main battery voltages are nominal By clicking “Configuration” in the FCS, you can choose to enable, disable, extend, and shorten time for the autonomous and teleoperated periods. By clicking “Details” next to your team’s robot, you can gain access to more information including the firmware version, and IP Address. By clicking on your robot’s IP address in the “Details” menu, an internet browser window will pop up with even more information regarding amount of packets sent, number of joystick messages, etc. Don’t include numbers or other characters in the SSID The SSID is case-sensitive in the Samantha Configuration Utility Use a flash drive <2GB to configure your Samantha Having an indicator light on your flash drive is useful to confirm your module is reading the configuration If you switch networks on your computer, the FCS needs to be restarted Position your robotics router close to the field for a good connection Use Anderson Powerpole connectors to ensure the Samantha Module receives uninterrupted power Use zip ties to hold down any excess USB cable so it cannot shake if the robot takes a hit Don’t mount the Samantha module on metal backing, as radio signals are affected Because the antenna are parallel with the long edge, mount it with the narrow, flat side parallel to the ground Make your power switch easily accessible. If the NXT freezes, the motors with continue moving until the main power switch is shut off The red button and lights on the Samantha must be easily accessible per rule <RG07.c> FIRST has documentation on the FTC website including video tutorials and PDF’s to supplement your knowledge of the Samantha module. These documents are all on the “Team Resources” page on the FIRST Tech Challenge website. Additionally, this PowerPoint can be found on our website at ul-how-tos/ FIRST Tech Challenge Website – ftc Team Resources /ftc/team-resources Our Website – Questions? Ask me! Email