Customer Master <Site> Right Solution, Right Time, Right Price 1 Agenda Topics: I. Customer Master Data II. Customer / Material Info Record III. Sales Employee IV. Reporting 2 Business Process Workshop The objectives of the Sales and Distribution Customer Master Processing workshop is to: • Provide practical knowledge and experience in creating, displaying and changing: – Customers (Sold-to, Ship-to, Bill-to, Payer) – Default Carrier (forwarding agent) – Customer/Material info records – Sales Employee (including 3rd party commissionable reps) • Provide practical knowledge and experience with Sales document reporting and inventory/availability reporting 3 I. Customer Master Data 4 Definitions • Sold-to party – Person or company that places an order for goods or services. • Ship-to party – Person or company who receives the goods or services • Bill-to party – Person or company who receives the invoice for goods or services • Payer –Person or company responsible for paying invoices 5 Account Group Each Customer master is assigned to an Account Group. The account group is a classifying feature within the customer master that allow customers to be grouped together. Account Group 0001 0002 0003 0004 Z001 CPD Account Group Name Sold-To Ship-To Payer Bill-to Related Party One-time customer 6 Steps before setting up a customer master record 1. Search for existing customer record (see next page). 7 Step 1: Search for Existing Customer 8 Step 1: Search for Existing Customer There are several ways to search (by Name, Country, city) to name a few. Defaults to the first 500 hits A matchcode allows you to locate the key of a particular database record (for example, an account number) by entering information contained in the record. You will use the matchcode, whenever you not sure what to enter in a given field. 9 Search Results Double Click on Customer Number to select 10 Steps before setting up a customer master record 1. Search for existing customer record 2. If no match, or similar match, complete customer master form (see attached), and enter customer into SAP. 11 Customer Master Procedures If existing customer master with the same address is found, use this customer number, regardless what sales area it is set up in. Only upon management approval, will a customer be extended to buy from more than one Sales Area. If existing customer master, with different address is found, create a new customer master record but make sure to use same Sales area data (Ex: 0010, 10, 01) Only exception: When customer can be both an OEM and a Distributor (very rare) Will show a shortcut on how this can be accomplished later in the class. 12 Customer Master Record Consists of the following views: General Data Company Code Data Sales Area Data 13 Initial Screen Required Fields NOTE: USE ALL CAPITAL LETTERS WHEN ENTERING NEW CUSTOMER INTO SAP Account Group – Classification of Customer (Sold-to, Ship-to, Bill-to, Payer, Related Party) Company Code – Y012 Sales Organization - 0010 Distribution Channel – Means through which the product / service reaches the customer.10(Direct) or 20(Distributor) Division – Sales force responsible for Customer (01 – 07) 14 Initial Screen (Transaction code XD01) This will list all possible Sales Areas to choose from and allow you to select by double clicking 15 General Data-Address Required Fields Customer name Street/house number Postal Code (zip code) / City Country Region (State or Providence) District (County)– This will automatically populate, except when there are multiple counties. Check web site if needed Phone and fax number (use parentheses for area code ) 16 General Data-Address Enter Customer name 17 General Data-Address 18 General Data-Address 19 General Data-Contact Person Contact Person will only be used for finance and service only. Sales will use GWI Use Pulldown option for list of department 20 General Data-Control Data Use only if customer is also a Vendor 21 Company Code–Account Management Required Fields Recon. Account – Financial key to determine if customer is a domestic of related party (YEA Subsidiary) customer. Sort Key - 001 Cash Management – Corresponds with Division code from initial screen 22 Company Code-Account Management Correspond with Division code from Initial Screen 23 Company Code-Account Management Note: If customer was an existing customer in BOSS, this will reference the previous account #. All existing customers (excluding YEA departments/locations) with machine records or sales history in past 2 years set up in SAP. The previous account # if the customer was set up in multiples divisions will only reference one customer number (example MBAK3700 will be referenced for Baker, not TBAK Duplicate customer records were combined. Correspond with Division code from Initial Screen 24 Company Code–Payment Transactions Required Fields Terms of Payment – ex.) Net30 Payment History Record – Check the box – Contains the recording of information for reporting purposes. Lockbox - 10 25 Company Code-Payment Transactions Terms of Payment appear in both the Company code and sales area data views. Be sure to enter same field value in both 26 Company Code-Payment Transactions 27 Company Code-Correspondence 28 Sales Area - Orders Required Fields Sales District – Geographical service district (See Map) Sales Office – Geographical sales territory (See Map) Sales Group – Inside Sales Rep that services account, if applicable. Customer Group – Further breakdown of Distribution Channel (ex. ASC) Customer Stats Group – Enter 1 Customer Group 1 (Industry) Customer Group 2 (Application) 29 Sales Area - Orders Optional Fields Price Group – Used to identify commissionable third party reps. If relevant for commission, enter 01. Actual % commission to be receive is entered as a pricing condition record. Price List Type – Used to give a group of customer the same pricing. (Currently used by Columbus only for Honda Price List Type =01). 30 Sales Area - Orders 31 Sales Area-Orders Optional fields: Price list type: Identifies a price list. Price Group: Identifies if a 3rd party rep or another customer receives commission on the customer Always enter 1 32 Sales Area-Extras This field is found in the Extras pull down menu -> then the addition data options 33 Sales Area-Extras This field is found in the Extras pull down menu -> then the additional data options 34 Sales Area - Shipping Required Fields Delivery Priority – Enter 03 Order Combination – Uncheck box – This allows 1 Sales order=1delivery Delivery Plant – Plant from which goods are delivered to the customer (1W, 2W or 3W) 35 Sales Area-Shipping Always uncheck box 36 Sales Area – Billing Document Required Fields Incoterms – Enter FOB-Commonly used trading terms that complies with ICC Incoterms description – (ex. Buffalo Grove, IL PPA) Default plant and shipping charges. Terms of Payment – Enter same as Payment Terms from Company Code Date (ex. Net 30) Acct. Assignment – Identifies customer as related or nonrelated party Tax Classification – Enter 1 (means customer is taxable) Vertex will determine if Customer is actually taxable of not. 37 Sales Area-Billing Document Enter FOB Enter Buffalo Grove, IL or Dublin, OH followed by shipping charges Enter same terms as in Company code- Payment Transactions 38 Sales Area-Billing Document Always enter 1 for taxable 39 Sales Area-Partner Functions •Enter CR in first available line for Forwarding Agent (if applicable) •Number Field – Enter Forwarding Agent Number •Enter PE in next available line for Sales employee (if applicable) •Number Field – Enter Sales employee Number •Enter VN in next available line for 3rd party commissionable rep, if applicable •Number Field – Enter Vendor Number 40 Sales Area-Partner Functions Add these two fields Enter these fields 41 Review Questions and Exercises •What is the combination of the sales organization/distribution channel and division? •What are the 3 views in the customer master called? •What is the first step you should take before setting up a new customer master record? •What are the mandatory partner types that are automatically created when entering a Sold-to customer? •What additional partner types can be added to the customer master record? 42 Customer Master Hands-On Customer Master Exercise 43