A2 Nationalism

The nation
• The nation is the central principle of political
• The basis for identity can be broad and made up of c
combination of a variety of factors such as language,
history, ethnicity etc…
• There can be conflicting views on what constitutes the
basis for national identity. Primordial nationalists argue
on basis common descent, common cultural bonds.
However, civic nationalists accepting of diverse ethnic
backgrounds argue on basis of civic consciousness- th
willingness to share common values e.g. liberal
democratic values- here a line is drawn separating the
private sphere from the public.
• Nationalism is voluntarist.
Organic community
• Humankind is divided into a collection of nations, each
possessing a distinctive character and separate identity.
• National loyalties and ties are found in all societies and
endure over time.
• Primordialists argue that nations are rooted in shared
culture, historical past. Anthony Smith in 1986 argued
that there was continuity between modern nations and
pre modern ethnic communities.
• Situationalist theorists argue that nation identity is
response to changing situations and historical
circumstances, seeing a link between the emergence of
the modern nation state and
urbanisation/industrialisation. Even so, the situationalist
Gellner argues that national community is deeprooted
Self determination
The notion of popular sovereignty as expressed in the ‘general will’ was
espoused by Rousseau- the founder of modern nationalism.
The form of nationalism which emerged from the French Revolution was
based on the assertion that the French people possessed with inalienable
rights rather than being merely the subjects of the crown.
It was based on a vision of a people or nation governing itself- the nation
was not merely a natural or organic community but a natural political
The goal of nationalism is the formation of the Nation State
For nationalists, the great strength of the nation-state is that it offers the
prospect of cultural cohesion and political unity.
Nationalism legitimises the authority of government because it represents
the idea of popular self government as it is carried out by and for the
Nationalists may not always aspire to independence- some may have more
limited objectives such as greater autonomy within a nations state.
Identity politics
• All forms of nationalism address the issue of identity.
• Nationalism informs people of who they are, forging social bonds
and a collective spirit.
It may take a variety of forms- for example cultural nationalism
based on the romantic belief in the nation as a unique historical and
organic whole drawing on popular rituals, traditions and legends.
• The importance of distinctive national consciousness was first
emphasised in Germany by Herder and Fichte C18 and C19.
Herder (1744-1803) believed each nation possessed a volksgeist or
national spirit which provided the people with its creative impulse.
• Another form of identity politics which sometimes overlaps with
cultural nationalism is ethnic nationalism. However, a sa form of
nationalism it has an exclusive character.
Liberal Nationalism
• Shaped by JJ Rouseau’s ideas on popular sovereignty.
It is aspirational.
• Application of liberal ideas in defence of individual
freedom and equality to the equal right of all nations to
be recognised as nation states.
• It stands for self government and therefore opposes
foreign rule and repression.. JS Mill the boundaries of
government should coincide in the main with those
of nationality.
• Liberals believe that international peace depends on the
construction of independent sovereign nation states..
Liberal nationalism is rational and tolerant.
• At heart liberal nationalists are internationalist believing
in transnational or global cooperation.
Conservative Nationalism
• Originally suspicious of nationalism as a threat to the status quo,
conservatives came to embrace nationalism as a way of preserving
social order..
• Tendency to develop in established nation states.
• It links in with conservative notions of organicism- nations evolve
naturally from the desire of humans to live with those with whom
share same views, traditions, culture, history and appearance..
• Essentially nostalgic and backward looking.
• It is prominent especially when there is a sense that the nation is
threatened or that a cohesive identity is being lost.
• Conservatives fear immigration as a threat to social cohesion and
are concerned at loss of sovereignty to supra national institutions.
Expansionist Nationalism
Populist and linked to imperial expansion later C19. a form of jingoism- a
mood of nationalist enthusiasm and public celebration provoked by military
conquest and rivalry e.g. Europe on eve WW1..
It denies equality of nations- It believes that some nations are culturally
superior and therefore have a duty to bring benefits of civilisation to less
developed parts.
It is chauvinistic- belief in cultural superiority- forms include Pan Slavism
the goal of which was Slavic unity among the peoples of south eastern
Europe under Russian leadership late C19 and C20. German nationalism
has roots in cultural superiority- volkisch nationalism. German chauvinistic
nationalism reaches it fruition in the racialist volkist beliefs of National
Socialism and Lebensraum policy 1930s/40s.
Chauvinist Nationalism is emotional rather than rational. All individual
identity is submerges in interests of the nation- such extreme form of
nationalism was termed by Charles Maurras as Integral Nationalism.
Such intense national feeling often springs from negative integration- the
portrayal of another nation or race as the enemy- a them and us view of the
Anti Colonial and post Colonial
• Influenced by the western nationalist views of the governing
European powers- leaders of nationalist movements Africa and Asia
heavily influenced by the ideas of liberal nationalism..
• Clearly aware their economic backwardness in comparison with
western powers, most sought economic as well as political liberation
and were attracted to socialism. .
• Socialism embodies the ideals of community and cooperation which
were established in traditional pre industrial society. It also provided
an analysis of inequality and exploitation through which the colonial
experience could be understood and challenged.
• Socialism in some post colonial societies became an appeal to a
unifying national interest. African socialism embraced in Tanzania,
Zimbabwe and Angola was based not on soviet style state
socialism but traditional communitarian values and the desire to
subordinate tribal rivalry to the need for economic progress.
Liberal Internationalism
Liberals fear an international ‘state of nature’. Or a state of international
anarchy by which the stronger nations could dominate.
Internationalism promotes mutual cooperation and understanding. This
explains liberal commitment to free trade. The ‘Manchester liberals’ richard
Cobden 1804-65 and john bright 1811-89 free trade would lead to
interdependence by encouraging nations to specialise and would promote
mutual understanding.
Liberals accept the importance of supra national organisations such as the
league of Nations and United Nations in creating an international order in
which the absolute sovereignty of nation states is qualified to ensure the
preservation of the national independence of all..
All human beings are of equal moral worth and that human rights are
universal hence the UN Declaration of Human rights 1948 and the
European Convention on human rights and fundamental freedoms 1956.
Liberals also believe in international law enforceable by institutions such as
the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court.
Socialist Internationalism
• Socialists reject nationalism as artificial and as denying that the true
identity of people is based on social class. Nationalism has been
used by elites to beguile the exploited by an appeal to a false sense
of community with their exploiters.
• Socialism is, however, intrinsically international. There is a belief in
an international class struggle. Workers share common experience
of exploitative relationships with workers in different countries.
• Socialist Internationalism is based on the idea that humankind is
bound together by mutual sympathy and compassion.
• Socialist Internationalism can be a basis for international
cooperation between nations or the dissolution of the nation and the
recognition of one world and one people.
Threats to nationalism
• Economic and cultural globalisation- so called McDonaldisation of
the world has undermined nation states.
• However, the mergence of ethnically based and aggressive forms of
nationalism in former USSR, Balkans and Africa- ethno cultural
• Centrifugal Nationalism in established nation states with rise of
political parties and movements seeking recognition as nations
either via greater autonomy within the nation states or
• As a reaction increasing movement and fluidity of society nations
may reinvent themselves in order to establish a collective identity as
a cohesive and unifying force to promote stability- Singapore,
Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand and Canada.