This is Sodium and his friend Fluorine. They have been best friends for many many many years. But they both feel very incomplete. Sodium Fluorine One day, Sodium had a fantastic idea to help get rid of the emptiness they felt. He noticed his valence electron shell had one electron! And Fluorine is missing one electron! To get rid of this valence shell and have a full valence shell, he gave Fluorine his valence electron. Fluorine was shocked! But she gladly accepted Sodium’s valence electron. Sodium started to feel very positive all the time without that extra electron adding to his negativity. Fluorine was happy to feel complete with a full valence shell, but tended to look towards the negative side of everything since she had one more electron than usual. Although they had opposing views on everything, they found themselves even more attracted to each other than ever before. Sodium and Fluoride became closer than ever and never left each other’s side. Despite their differing views on life, they learned to balance each other out. They lived happily ever after…THE END.