Imperialism - Wasco Union High School

Chapter 11
The Age of Imperialism
Chapter 11 Section 1
1. Imperialism
2. Racism
3. Social Darwinism
4. Berlin Conference
5. Boer War
Use Page 343
Geography Skillbuilder
1. How does imperialism in
Africa in 1878 compare with that
in 1913?
2. What does the map of ethnic
boundaries suggest about the
number of ethnic groups in
Africa in 1913?
The Scramble for Africa
Africa Before European Domination- Africans
controlled their own trade networks. European travel
into the interior was nearly impossible.
Nations Compete for Overseas Empires- Europeans
that did penetrate Africa were explorers, missionaries
or humanitarians.
The Congo Sparks Interest- A Scottish missionary David
Livingstone traveled deep into central Africa. A few
years passed and he was feared dead. An American
newspaper hired Stanley to find him. Stanley found
Livingstone then set out to explore the Congo. His
explorations peaked the interests of King Leopold II of
Belgium. Belgium colonized the Congo for economic
interests and profits.
Forces Driving Imperialism
The motives that drove colonization in Africa and in
other lands were economic, political and social
Belief in European Superiority- The race for colonies
grew out of national pride. Each country desired to
calm land for their country.
Factors Promoting Imperialism in Africa- Europeans
were technologically advanced (automatic machine
Maxim gun, steam engine, railroads, cables, and
steamships). African ethnic group division over land,
water and trade rights prevented a unified stand
against European invasion.
The Division of Africa
Berlin Conference Divides Africa- Competition for land
in Africa was fierce, to avoid conflict, 14 European
countries met in at the Berlin Conference in 1884-1885
to establish rules for the division of Africa. By 1914, only
two countries (Liberia & Ethiopia) remained free.
Demand for Raw Materials Shapes ColoniesEuropean countries began to colonize due to the
need for raw materials. The Belgium Congo provided
copper and tin while South Africa provided gold and
diamonds. Eventually cash crops like peanuts, cocoa,
and rubber replaced food crops grown by farmers to
feed their families.
Three Groups Clash Over South Africa
Zulus Fight the British- A Zulu chief Shaka resisted British
efforts to colonize. His successors were not as
successful at keeping the kingdom unified. The Zulu
nation fell to the British in 1887.
Boers and British Settle in the Cape- The Dutch known
as the Boers,(Dutch for farmer), established a colony
in South Africa, and established huge farms. The British
took over Cape Colony and the two groups clashed
over British policy regarding land and slaves. When
diamonds and gold were discovered in the 1860s the
British and the Dutch fought for control of South Africa.
In 1910, the British won the war, and the Boer republics
joined to form the Union of South Africa, which was
controlled by the British.
Chapter 11 Section 2
1. Paternalism
2. Assimilation
3. Menelik II
4. Colony
5. Protectorate
6. Sphere of Influence
A New Period of Imperialism
Forms of Control- Europeans used different techniques
to control the Africans. Four types of colonial control
emerged: colony, protectorate, sphere of influence,
and economic imperialism.
Methods of ManagementDirect Control- Used existing political leaders
that were trained to carry out the European forms of
Indirect Control- Used paternalism. Europeans
governed in a parental way by providing needs but
not giving rights. They also supported assimilation,
local populations were expected to adopt the
European culture.
African Resistance
Unsuccessful Movements- African across the continent
resisted European attempts to colonize their land.
Africans used whatever forces they could including
active resistance and resistance through religious
movements. All failed except Ethiopia.
Ethiopia: A Successful Resistance- Ethiopia was the
only successful nation to resist European colonization.
Their victory was due to a strong leader, Menelik II. He
played the European nations against each other, and
built a huge arsenal to defend his country.
The Legacy of Colonial Rule
Negative Effects-Africans lost control of their land and
independence. Many died from diseases and
resistance fighting. Substance farming was replaced
with cash crops. There was a break down of African
tradition and a division of the continent.
Positive Effects- Colonialism reduced local warfare.
Humanitarian efforts improved sanitation and
provided hospitals and schools. Life spans increased
and literacy improved. Railroads, dams and
telephone/telegraph lines were built.
Chapter 11 Section 4
1. Sepoy Mutiny
2. “Jewel in the Crown”
3. Raj
4. Ram Mohun Roy
5. Muslim League
British Expand Control Over India
East India Company Dominates- British had
economic interests India and set up trading
posts. The British government controlled and
benefited from the East India Company.
Britain’s “Jewel in the Crown”- India was
considered the most valuable of all of Britain’s
colonies. The British set up restrictions that
prevented India from operating on its own.
British policies required India to provide raw
materials that they needed for manufacturing.
Indians were required to buy British goods.
British Expand Control Over India
British Transport Trade Goods- After the establishment of a
railroad network, India became increasingly important to Britain.
These railroads transported raw materials to ports.
Impact of Colonialism- India benefited and was harmed by
Negative- The British held the political and economic
power, and demonstrated racist attitudes toward
Indians. The British restricted Indian owned industries
such as cotton textiles. The British placed a huge
emphasis on cash crops which reduced food
Positive- The world’s third largest railroad network that
modernized the economy and unified the connected
country. Telephone/telegraph lines, dams bridges and
irrigation canals were established and helped to
modernize the country. Sanitation and public health
improved. Schools and colleges were created and
literacy improved. Local warfare ended.
The Sepoy Mutiny
Many Indians believed the British were racist and
trying to convert them to Christianity. The Indians
resented the British control.
Indians Rebel- A rebellion occurred when the British
failed to acknowledge a cultural difference of the
Hindu people. The British greased the gun cartridges
used by sepoys (Indian soldiers) with beef and pork
fat. This led the soldiers to refuse to use the
cartridges. The cartridges had to be bitten to be
used and the sepoys were Hindu and Muslim and
both religions forbid eating either pork or beef.
Turning Point- As a result, the British government took
direct control of India. The term “Raj” refers to British
rule over India from 1757-1947.
Nationalism Surfaces in India
Nationalist Groups Form- Growing nationalism
led to the founding of two groups: the Indian
National Congress(1885)and the Muslim
League (1906).
The Partition of Bengal- The British chose to
partition Bengal in 1905. The province was too
large for administrative purposes so the British
chose to divide it into Hindu and Muslim
sections. As a result terrorism broke out. In
1911, the British took take the partition and
divided province a different way.
Geography Skillbuilder
Use page 358
1. Which nation in 1910 held
the most land in colonies?
2. How is the location of India
a great advantage for