The Scramble for Africa - Richmond Heights Schools

11.1 part 1 World History
The Scramble for Africa
Industrialization in Europe and America led to
Imperialism in Africa
Imperialism- Seizure of a country or territory by a
stronger country
Industrialized countries needed more resources to
fuel their factories and new markets to sell products
Africa before European Domination
In the mid 1800’s Africa was a diverse continent
with hundreds of different languages and ethnic
Their societies ranged from large empires to small
Africans controlled their own trade routes
Africa before European Domination
Powerful African armies had kept Europeans out of
most of Africa for more than 400 years
Travel into the interior of Africa was nearly
impossible due to the powerful rivers
and disease
The development of the steam engine changed this
Africa before European Domination
The first Europeans to travel the interior of Africa
were missionaries, explorers or humanitarians
Henry Stanley was an American journalist that
traveled deep into the interior of the Congo to find
Scottish missionary David Livingstone
The Congo Sparks Interest
King Leopold II hired Stanley to gain territory for
He claimed he wanted to use it to promote Christianity
and abolish slavery
Actually he licensed the land to companies that forced
the natives to gather sap from rubber plants
Over 10 million natives died due to abuses inflicted
under Leopold’s rule
Land Grab
Belgium’s territory in the Congo led to other
European nations wanting African territory
Soon France, Britain, Italy, Portugal and Spain were
all claiming parts of Africa
1. Describe Africa before Europeans were able to take
2. Define imperialism.
3. How did industrialization lead to imperialism?
4. Which European nation was the first to gain territory
in the African interior?
5. What was the result of Leopold’s control of the