Progressive Era Review

Progressive Era
Unit Test
Which of the following is the most
important effect of the Progressive Era
of initiative, referendum and recall?
A. made government
more responsive to
B. restructured the
government branches
C. increased the power
of the judicial branch
D. provided for use of
the Australian ballot
Nativists in the 20th century would
MOST have approved of which of
the following earlier efforts
A. Labor Unions
B. Open Door
C. Chinese
Exclusion Act
D. Progressive
. As a result of the 19thAmendment
to the U.S. Constitution—
A. women were guaranteed
voting rights
B. African Americans were
granted citizenship
C. Native Americans were
prevented from owning
D. children were prohibited
from working in factories
The Progressive Era is defined by
reform of all the following
A. Political parties
B. Big business
C. Labor practices
D. Civil rights
How did the 17th Amendment to the U.S.
Constitution give more political power to the
individual voter?
A. It allowed citizens to vote regardless
of race, creed, or ethnicity.
B. It freed citizens to vote without
paying a poll tax or passing a literacy
C. It allowed for two senators per state
to be elected by popular vote.
D. It allowed for the number of
senators per state to be determined by
The 1st large scale attempt by the federal
government to regulate business in the
interest of society concerned regulating
railroads. This act was the
A. Robber Baron Act
B. Grange Act
C. Interstate
Commerce Act
D. Sherman AntiTrust Act
Which Progressive reformer was well-known for his
efforts in Wisconsin and became a model for other
Progressive reformers?
A. Eugene Debs
B. Woodrow Wilson
C. W.E.B. DuBois
D. Robert LaFollette
Which of the following led to better
enforcement of the Sherman Antitrust
A. the election of Theodore
B. Supreme Court Rulings
C. Labor leaders persuading
lawmakers to ignore the
D. Congressional legislation
affecting individual businesses
Which of the following describes how Eugene V.
Debs impacted the national elections of 1900,
1904, 1908, and 1912?
A. He supported the Republican
party though he was an
B. He campaigned for the
Populist party in all elections.
C. He won votes as a candidate
for the Socialist party.
D. He ran in all elections as a
candidate of the Progressives.
Which person worked to reform
social conditions in cities in the late
A. Jane Addams
B. Ida Tarbell
C. Helen Hunt Jackson
D. William Marcy Tweed
Muckrakers in the Progressive Era wrote novels
and essays that did which of the
A. advocated restrictions on
immigration and tariffs
B. defended socialism
instead of free enterprise
C. identified excesses of the
legislative branch
D. expressed problems of
urban society
Which of the following presidents increased the
federal government's role in conservation of
wilderness and natural resources?
A. William McKinley
B. Herbert Hoover
C. Theodore Roosevelt
D. Woodrow Wilson
During the Progressive Era, the naturalist John
Muir persuaded the government to increase
funding for which of the following?
A. food and drug
B. big business
C. civil rights
D. a national park
Congress has attempted to deal
with the issue of taxing citizens
fairly by enacting
A. high tariff
B. property tax
C. sales tax
D. graduated income tax
All of the following fought for political rights and
economic opportunities in the Progressive Era
B. American Indian Movement
C. National American Woman
Suffrage Association
D. Abolitionists
The activism of Susan B. Anthony
impacted American government
because it led to the passage of the
A. 17th Amendment
B. 18th Amendment
C. 19th Amendment
D. 20th Amendment
What do all of the below have in
A. protect the
nation’s natural
B. improve
conditions for recent
immigrants to the
United States
C. Advance the
growth of big
D. promote the
general welfare of
the American public
U.S. Forest Service established
Manage the nation’s water
and timber resources
Meat Inspection Act
Regulate meat processing
to ensure clean
Pure Food and Drug Act
Outlaw dishonest labeling
of food and drugs
Department of Labor
Promote the interests of
working people
A historian wishing to learn more about the
meat-packing industry would likely use
which of the following sources?
A. Textbook entry
B. Muckraker's book
C. Farmer's diary
D. Political candidate's
Which of the following would you expect to hear in
a speech by Teddy Roosevelt?
A. Attacks on all
conservative views
B. Support for both a
democratic issue and a
conservative issue
C. An assault on all
other political parties
D. a brand new set of
initiatives and issues
What was the term for journalists who investigated
American life and sought to expose corruption and
questionable practices?
yellow journalists
the New Journalists
. Which Amendment gave women
the right to vote?
A. 13th Amendment
B. 15th Amendment
C. 17th Amendment
D. 19th Amendment
Wisconsin Governor and Senator that promoted
the idea of a direct primary.
This gave voters the ability to vote for party
A. Theodore Roosevelt
B. Upton Sinclair
C. Robert LaFollette
D. Jim Doyle
During which period of US History were the
amendments concerning Income tax, Direct
Election of Senators, Prohibition, and Women’s
Suffrage enacted?
Gilded Age
Progressive Era
New Deal