Introduction Method - We conducted and collected the experiment into 9 streams and those streams are the intermediate streams Porter , Broken and Andrews, the stable Slip spring , grasmere, and rayban and disturbed dry , Cass and ribbon wood. To be able to conduct the experiment before we start the data collection we made sure to have all the gear we needed such as 2 kick nets that is use to collect the macro-invertebrates and assisting the community diversity in each streams, we use plastic trays to place the sediments collected from kick netting which mainly preventing the samples from washing away and used to sort the macro-invertebrates we collected from our samples as it provide flat surface for convenience, furthermore, we used 20 big sample pottles to place our samples and the excess are to made sure we have enough containers, we also need waders to prevent us from getting wet as we collected the samples from freshwater streams, we also use paper labels, pen and pencils to write the date of collection, time , location and our group number. Additionally, we use one jug of ethanol for preserving of the specimens and organisms stable or being damaged due to transportation to the laboratory, we also use the Dissolve Oxygen and conductivity probe to measure the water chemistry sampling such dissolve oxygen , conductivity , pH , and temperature, To measure the we need to place both equipment or electrode into the water sample and wait for a few minutes to stabilize the readings. We also use Pfaunch sampling to observe the streams disturbance and the other factors. After we collected all the data on the field we proceed to the lab to analyze out samples, we use the __ technique to separate larger debris from fine sediments to easy to see and identify the macroinvertebrates, afterwards, we conducted subsampling whereas we divided the tray into eight and count the organisms in one section and identify them then afterwards we multiply it by 8 to estimate the total of the microinvertebrates in the entire tray or streams it was collected. After we collected all the data of macroinvertebrates in each of the 9 streams and calculated the average of the Pfaunch data we place all the data into the excel file and conducted an analysis into the R studio. - Intermediate stable disturbed: equipment : Conduct Dissolve Oxygen, pH , the temperature and the width - - - - The 9 streams minimum where we collected the data are Porter pass , slip spring , dry stream , Broken stream, Grasmere stream , Cass stream, the Andrew’s stream, the rayban stream, the ribbonwood stream. To be We use the conductivity probe , 2x kicknet , the 4x plastic trays , 20x Big sample pottles , 3x sets of waders , paper labels, pencils, pens to write on the plastic containers for the date collected the samples, location , time and the group number/ members, 1 jug of ethanol , 3x clipboards , 2x rulers ( 1m ), 2x tape measures and Dissolve oxygen probe to measure the DO and the conductivity. We use the Pfaunch to observe the streams disturbance and the other factors. that could able to explain the patterns within the streams disturbance level. We mainly focus on the species distribution/ richness across the streams so we conducted the kicknet. We are trying to measure the streams intermediate ( Porter , Broken and Andrews), the stable (Slip spring , grasmere, and rayban ) and disturbed ( dry , Cass and ribbon wood ). To be able to measure the interaction between disturbance and productivity to modulate macroinvertebrates diversity in streams we conducted the kicknets. Result Discussion