2014-2017 Linking primary and secondary production in streams across different biomes Science without Borders. Brazil Institute of International Ecucation. Through (Prof Titular Maria do Carmo Calijuri and Prof. Davi Gasparini Fernandes Cunha, Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos. Universidade de São Paulo and in collaboration with Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. This fellowship will support 3 trips to Brazil for Walter Dodds, two trips for Dr. Matt Whiles (Southern Illinois University), and internal travel for professors and graduate students, as well as a postdoctoral scholarship to study the fundamental ecology of streams. We will use 6 streams in an array from the Atlantic coast to the Cerrado region of South Central Brazil. We are interested in how important leaves are that fall into the stream channels to the animals in streams compared to algae growing in the channel. As humans alter vegetation along stream channels and increase nutrients in streams through their activities, they may drastically alter the way that stream communities function. The research is relevant because the Brazilian Forest code is changing the way that vegetation along streams is regulated, and these changes may in turn influence biotic integrity and water quality.