Uploaded by Saeed Khamis (MiddleEast)

Operations Architecture: Value Streams & TOM

Operations architecture improves the value streams and processes that deliver products and
designs the Target Operating Model (TOM), which is composed of:
Client journeys, value streams, and processes
The resources required to operate them
Value streams and processes can be operated by humans, and be fully automated or partially
automated. They use tangible or intangible assets, and consume resources. Examples of
tangible assets include factories, data centers, or machines. Examples of intangible assets
include patents, relationships with suppliers, or knowledge. Examples of resources include
electricity, raw materials, or cloud services.
Operations architecture is about improving or redesigning enterprise operations to better
meet client needs in alignment with the enterprise strategy; see Figure 44. The main levers
operations architecture uses are value stream mapping, automation, and employee
development and sourcing.