7 Key Model of a Business Idea Clients What are our target groups? Describe which target groups you consider to be your clients. This might be consumers, companies, governments, foundations etc. Divide the target group into customer groups. What needs do they have? How big and how financially strong are these target groups? Which benefits can we offer them? Products / Services What cluster of goods/services do we offer? What features do they have? For what values/emotions do they stand for? What are our USP? What benefit will we create for the clients? Money Market development Who will pay for what and how much? Units* How do the customers know about us? Prices? How do we convince the customers? What are our revenue streams? What are our cost streams? How do our products / services reach the customers? What is the starting capital needed? What are realistic funding options? Competition What are the strengths and weaknesses compared to the relevant competitors? Why would the customers come to us and not to the competition? I, the entrepreneur What is my motivation? What are my strengths and weaknesses? Ressources Which resources are required? Create a list of all resources you are going to need. This includes employees, investments, money, know how… Which resources are already available, which ones still