BIO 405 Medical Histology Compiled Notes | Second Semester Epithelial Tissue High cellularity; avascular Minimal intervening intercellular substance Exhibit polarity Origin: ectoderm, endoderm, mesoderm o Ectoderm: covers external surfaces of the body (e.g., skin and cornea); mouth and liver o Endoderm: digestive tract, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, respiratory tract, urinary bladder, urethra o Mesoderm: heart, blood, lymphatic vessels, serous cavities, urinary system, male and female reproductive systems Basal Lamina Thin sheet of amorphous extracellular material >50 kinds of glycoproteins, several types of collagens, and variety of proteoglycans) Provides structural support to the overlying epithelium impermeable barrier (exemption: water, small molecules) Limits contact between epithelial cells and other cell types in the tissue Lamina Fibroreticularis layer of extracellular material containing collagen and reticular fibers and fibronectin between basal lamina and underlying tissue thicker than basal lamina absent in glomeruli (kidney) and lens of eye product of connective tissue cells (fibroblasts) Basement membrane = basal lamina + lamina fibroreticularis General Classification of Epithelial Tissue A. Surface Epithelium o Covering epithelium (skin) o Lining epithelium (luminal surfaces of visceral organs and ducts of glands) B. Glandular Epithelium o synthesis and secretion of macromolecules Surface Epithelium Skin: protection G.I. tract: absorption Neuroepithelial cells (e.g., taste buds) and Olfactory epithelium (e.g., olfactory cells): sensory Kidneys: waste product excretion; maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance Testes germ cells source Epithelium Characteristics Location Lung alveoli Parietal layer of Bowman’s Capsule (kidneys) Simple Squamous Epithelium Simple Cuboidal Epithelium Nucleus at the thickest part of the cell Irregular polygonal outlines Specialized secretion and absorption Serous cavities (e.g., pericardium, peritoneum, pleura) a.k.a. mesothelium Collecting tubules of kidneys Follicles of the thyroid gland Simple Columnar Epithelium Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium Stratified Squamous Epithelium One layer (all cells rest on the basal lamina) Keratinized Stratified Squamous Epithelium (“dry”): impervious to water Non-keratinized Stratified Squamous Epithelium (“wet”): kept moist by glandular secretions Stratified Columnar Epithelium Transitional Epithelium LTPR Variant of simple columnar epithelium Lining of uterus and oviducts (ciliated simple columnar epithelium) Membranous and spongy parts of male urethra Ciliated Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium/ Respiratory Epithelium: Lining of the larger passageways of the respiratory system (e.g., trachea and main bronchi) New cells are formed in the deep layers Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium Lining of luminal surface of the heart, blood, lymphatic vessels (a.k.a. endothelium) Certain segments of the ducts of major salivary glands and pancreas Absorption Lubrication Protection Secretion Surface of ovary Lining of stomach, intestines, and large ducts of some exocrine glands Usually 2-3 layers At least 2 layers (deeper layers are cuboidal) Designed to withstand stretching Stratified squamous and Cuboidal Epithelia Epidermis (skin, “dry”) Lining of oral cavity, esophagus, vagina, part of urethra, most superficial layer of cornea (“wet”) Lining of larger ducts of some glands (e.g., major salivary glands) Large ducts of some glands Urinary passages (renal calyces, renal pelvis, ureter) Urinary bladder 1 Micrographs area of the epithelium Core: actin filaments Apical surfaces of cells (for transport of fluid or mucus over the surfaces of the epithelium) Simple Squamous Epithelium Kindey Simple Cuboidal Epithelium Parotid Gland Cilia (Kinocilia) Trachea Propulsion and motility Bronchus Longer and thicker than microvilli Simple Columnar Epithelium Gallbladder Flagella Nonkeratinized Stratified Squamous Epithelium Lip Stereocilia Keratinized Stratified Squamous Epithelium Skin Non-motile with actin filaments in the core Spermatozoan Epididymis and ductus deferens Hair cells of the inner ear (auditory and vestibular perception) Cilia Lining of Bronchus Transitional Epithelium Urinary Bladder Stereocilia Ductus Epididymis Modifications on the Lateral Surfaces Modification Function Zonula occludens Keep adjacent cells of the surface Zonula adherens epithelium glued Desmosome together Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium Lining of bronchus Surface Modifications of Epithelial Cells Function/ Modification Location Characteristic Short and fine finger-like extensions of the plasma membrane Microvilli Propulsion Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium Parotid Gland Microvilli Jejunum Stratified Columnar Epithelium Parotid Gland Core: axoneme/ microtubules Long cilia Protrude from the apical surface of the cells Gap Junction Enable adjacent cells to communicate with each other Skin (only desmosome is present) adherens: juxtaluminal Zonula occludens and Zonula junctional complex/ terminal bar Modifications on the Basal Surfaces Modification Function Help anchor epithelial cells to Hemidesmosome the underlying basal lamina Small intestine Increase surface LTPR Location Simple cuboidal and simple columnar epithelia (e.g., lining of G.I. tract) Location Stratum basale of epidermis 2 Basal infoldings cells lining some Increase absorbing of the segments of the capacity plasmalemma renal tubule Glandular Epithelium A. Exocrine Glands o deliver secretions into the surface epithelium o far from epithelial surface o Unicellular Gland Goblet cell (both surface and glandular epithelium) o Multicellular Gland Secretory Epithelial Sheet: Ependyma Intraepithelial Gland: small orifice (ducts) Glands with ducts B. Endocrine Glands o Deliver secretions into blood/ lymph o Ductless o Invagination or evagination of covering epithelium of body cavities Classification of Exocrine Glands with Ducts According to Morphology Classification Sub-classification Description According to Single, Simple Gland Complexity of unbranched Duct Compound Gland branched Tubular Gland Tubules Alveolar/ Acinous Morphology of Alveoli/ Acinous Gland Secretory Units Tubuloalveolar/ Some tubular, Tubuloacinous Gland some globular Exocrine Gland Classification Gland Location Crypts of Lieberkühn Simple Tubular Gland (intestinal glands) Simple Branched Tubular Cardia glands in stomach Gland Simple Coiled Tubular Gland Sweat Glands Simple Branched Alveolar Sebaceous Glands Gland Compound Coiled Tubular Brunner’s Gland (Duodenum) Gland Compound Tubuloalveolar Major salivary glands Glands Illustrations Simple Coiled Tubular Simple Branched Tubular Simple Acinar Simple Branched Acinar Compound Branched Acinar Simple Tubular Compound Acinar LTPR 3 Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs): makes the ground substance acidic due to the presence of sulfate and carboxyl groups in their sugar components o Hyaluronic acid: most abundant GAG; serves as the backbone to which proteoglycan molecules are attached by “link-proteins” to form proteoglycan complexes Extracellular Fibers A. Collagen Fibers (Collagenous Fibers) o present in all connective tissues; most commonly occurring types of connective tissue (main extracellular fiber) o H&E stain: pink (collagen fibers are acidophilic) o Masson’s Trichome: blue o made up of collagen (most abundant protein in the body, accounting for about 25% of the body’s dry weight) o 28 known distinct types (I to XXVIII) each type differs from each other in their amino acid composition and sequence of polypeptide chains o Collagen types I, II, and III: make up practically all the collagen in connective tissue Collagen fibers: made up of collagen type I o Collagen fibers have tensile strength and are slightly flexible but inelastic o Formation of collagen fibers: Procollagen: molecular precursor, synthesized by fibroblasts and mesenchymal cells (1) Fibroblast and mesenchymal cells: secrete procollagen into the ECM (2) Procollagen molecules assemble spontaneously to form tropocollagen by twisting around each other (3) Tropocollagen molecules aggregate to form microfibrils (4) Microfibrils group together to form bigger fibrillar structures called macrofibrils (collagen fibrils) (5) Collagen fibrils group together in parallel fashion to form collagen fibers B. Elastic Fibers o Able to branch and anastomose o When abundant, elastic fibers impart a yellow color to fresh tissue o H&E stain: remained unstained, usually appear as refractile, pinkish-yellow lines o Orcein stain: fibers appear blue to black o Selective stain used: resorcin-fuchsin and aldehyde-fuchsin dyes o Elastin: amorphous core making up an elastic fiber Compound Tubulo-acinar Classification of Secretory Cells (based on Nature of Secretion) A. Mucous-secreting: mucin mucous (for lubrication) B. Serous-secreting: thin watery secretion with enzymes Classification of Exocrine Glands (based on Mode of Secretion) Classification Mode of Secretion Location Major salivary glands Merocrine Exocytosis Exocrine portion of pancreas Destruction of Sebaceous glands secretory cells Apical part of secretory cells is Apocrine Ceruminous glands released with the secretory product Myoepithelial Cells (Basket Cells) Flattened, stellate cells present between epithelial cells and basal lamina Contractile eject the secretions of the acini into the ducts and propel towards the main ducts Location: sweat glands, mammary glands, lacrimal glands, major salivary glands Connective Tissue Derived from mesoderm Two major groups: connective tissue proper and special types of connective tissue o Special types of connective tissue: cartilage, bone, blood, hemopoietic tissue Connective Tissue Proper Found all over the body; “glue” that binds body parts together while allowing for some degree of movement Function: o envelopes muscles o forms the stroma and supporting framework of various organs o acts as a venue for the passage of blood vessels and nerves into and from the interior organs and other parts of the body o serves as a venue for the exchange of gases and substances between blood and other basic tissues o provides the arena as week as the cells that are needed to defend the body against invading organisms and other harmful substances Composition of Connective Tissue Proper composed of cells and extracellular substance/ matrix Cells are scattered individually in the extracellular substance Extracellular Substance of Connective Tissue Ground Substance amorphous, homogenous, transparent, and hydrated gel consists mainly of water that is stabilized by proteoglycans, hyaluronic acid, mineral salts, and glycoproteins abundant water makes it easy for oxygen, nutrients, and other needed materials to diffuse from blood to the connective tissue cells (same for waste products from the cells to the blood) Proteoglycans: main structural constituents and are responsible got the gelatinous character of ground substance Holocrine LTPR 4 surrounded by longitudinal bundles of microfibrils, consisting mostly of fibrillin highly insoluble protein responsible for the elasticity of elastic fibers o Occurrence of elastin: (1) elastic fibers (2) elastic sheets or lamellae (e.g., walls of large and medium-sized arteries) o Elastic fibers: not as widely distributed as collagen fibers particularly abundant in structures subjected to frequent stretching (e.g., ligamental flava between vertebrae, elastic cartilage that form the framework of the auricle and external acoustic meatus of the ear, external nose, auditory tube, epiglottis, and some parts of the larynx) able to recoil back to their original length when stretching force is released o Formation of elastic fibers: Fibroblasts and mesenchymal cells: cells that have the capacity to secrete substances that are needed in the formation of elastic fibers (1) Elastogenesis: fibroblasts and mesenchymal cells secrete microfibrils (mostly fibrillin) into the extracellular space (2) Microfibrils aggregate to form bundles Tropoelastin: precursor protein of elastin is secreted by the same cells into the extracellular space where it polymerizes into elastin and then incorporated into the outer aspect of the microfibril bundles (3) More and more elastin gets incorporated into the developing elastic fiber (4) Elastin and microfibrils are re-arranged where elastin gets to occupy the core of the fiber while microfibrils fill the perimeter C. Reticular Fibers (Reticulin Fibers) o Also made up of collagen (collagen type III) o Very fine and tend to branch and anastomose; can form extensive networks o Stain black when impregnated with silver salts (argyrophilic fibers) o React positively to PAS reagent o Relatively sparce in most connective tissues o Main extracellular fibers of reticular tissue o Comprise the fibrillar component of the lamina fibroreticularis of the basement membrane of epithelial and other tissues o Formation of reticular fibers: similar manner in collagen fibers Precursors of reticular fibers are synthesized and excreted into the intercellular matrix by specialized fibroblasts called reticular cells Cells in Connective Tissue Resident Cells Visiting Cells Mesenchymal cells Fibroblasts and Fibrocytes Inflammatory macrophages Reticular Cells Plasma cells Adipose Cells WBCs Mast Cells Resident Macrophages A. Mesenchymal Cells: multipotential stem cells that have differentiated from pluripotential cells; stem cells of most connective tissue cells (i.e., fibroblasts, fibrocytes, reticular cells, adipose cells) o capable of differentiating into several types of cells o Abundant in the embryo and in the umbilical cord rare in adults but could exist in the bone marrow and connective tissues near capillaries o Stellate cells having a delicate cytoplasmic process and an oval nucleus that contains fine chromatin and a distinct nucleolus B. Fibroblasts and Fibrocytes o Fibroblasts: most abundant cells in most connective tissues synthesize organic components of the ground substance of connective tissue matrix synthesize precursors of collagen and elastic fibers in histology preparations, fibroblasts are often seen lying close to or adhering to collagen fibers o Fibrocytes: fibroblasts that are idle or resting under proper conditions (e.g., woundhealing) can assume its active fibroblast form smaller than fibrocytes, having fewer processes than fibroblasts C. Reticular Cells: fibroblasts specialized to synthesize the precursors of type III collagen fibers o slightly larger than typical fibroblasts o H&E preparations: large and lightly-staining nucleus and long cytoplasmic processes that embrace reticular fibers D. Adipose Cells: a.k.a. fat cells or adipocytes o store lipids or fats (mainly triglycerides) o synthesized by the cells from glucose that is brought to the cells from the liver or obtained by the cell from ingested food via the bloodstream (chylomicron) o Lipoblast: fat cells only starting to accumulate fat (few small fat droplets) Droplets coalesce to form larger fat droplets single large droplet Fat droplet pushes and flattens the nucleus and cytoplasmic organelles to one side of the cell o Adipose cells are also called signet ring cells o Osmium tetroxide stain: black o Fat cells are sourced from mesenchymal cells or from pre-fat cells (preadipocytes) an intermediate step between stem cells and fat cells E. Mast Cells: a.k.a. mastocytes or histaminocytes LTPR 5 o large, ovoid cells with centrally located spherical nuclei and numerous cytoplasmic granules o Toluidine blue stain: cytoplasmic granules are stained dark purple o Cytoplasmic granules: membrane-bound pouches containing a variety of chemical mediators of inflammation heparin: anticoagulant histamine: dilates and makes blood capillaries more permeable; stimulates the smooth muscle cells (esp., bronchioles) o During an inflammation and immediate-type hypersensitivity reaction (allergic reaction) activated mast cells degranulate, releasing the content of their granules cells synthesize and release substances that mediate inflammatory response o Mast cells also play a role in wound healing and defense against pathogens o Colony-Forming Unit-Mast Cell (CFU-Mast): cells in the bone marrow where mast cells are derived from o Sparse in most connective tissues; abundant in the lamina propria of G.I. and respiratory tracts, underneath the skin, and along the course of small blood vessels F. Macrophages: phagocytes that differentiate from monocytes; a.k.a. histocytes (in connective tissue) o effector cells of the mononuclear phagocyte system (MPS) o widely distributed all over the body, present in all tissues o in connective tissues, morphologically similar to fibroblasts o Macrophages: ingest and destroy bacteria, exogenous particulate materials, dead or dying cells, and senescent tissue elements also play a major role in the body’s nonimmune or inflammatory response (by engulfing and digesting) help the body’s immune response by serving as antigen-presenting cells (APCs) o Fixed or free Fixed macrophages: attached to collagen fibers Free macrophages: wander about in the ECM o Resident or inflammatory Resident macrophages: inhabit a given site Inflammatory macrophages: differentiate from monocytes and migrate to a site in response to a stimulus G. Plasma Cells: a.k.a. plasmocytes o slightly bigger than RBC; has a strongly basophilic cytoplasm and eccentric nucleus o Nucelus has a “clock-face”/ “cartwheel” appearance o B lymphocytes (B Cells): play a major role in the body’s immune response because they produce immunoglobulins (antibodies) o Plasma cell: terminally differentiated cell incapable of cell division or reverting back to a B lymphocyte H. Leukocytes (WBCs) o Types: neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils, monocytes, and lymphocytes o Exclusively produced in the bone marrow (except for lymphocytes which are also generated from various lymphoid tissue and organs) o Mature leukocytes enter the blood capillaries of the bone marrow and join the circulating blood o Gather in inflamed areas of the body Types Connective Tissues Collagenous connective tissue/ ordinary connective tissue: most abundant type of connective tissue in the body Predominant extracellular fiber: collagen fiber (collagen type I) Predominant cell type: fibroblasts Dermis of skin Capsule of Dense some organs Collagenous (lymph nodes, Connective liver, spleen, Tissue Dense Collagen fibers testes) Scanty Irregular run in various Sheath of large intercellular Connective directions nerves ground Tissue Periosteum substance, that envelops abundant bones number of closely Dura mater packed collagen Tendons fibers and Dense Collagen fibers relatively Regular are arranged Ligaments embedded Connective in a definite cells Tissue pattern Fibrous membranes Hypodermis of Support and skin protection of (subcutaneous organs, tissue) muscles, and tissues Tunica adventitia of Areolar Helps bind blood vessels Connective skin together Loose Tissue Lamina propria Collagenous Protective Connective framework Submucosa of Tissue keeping major digestive, High structures in respiratory, vascularity place and urogenital and tracts abundant extracellular Predominant substance cellular where element is fat relatively few or adipose cell collagenous fibers are Represents arranged the largest haphazardly; energy more cellular storage site of than dense Adipose the body Subcutaneous connective Tissue area tissue Thermal insulator and shock absorber Yellow (white) adipose tissue: store lipid in a LTPR 6 o elongated cells (often referred to as muscle fibers) o Cell membrane: sarcolemma o Cytoplasm: sarcoplasm o Smooth ER: sarcoplasmic reticulum o Mitochondria: sarcosomes Skeletal Muscle Skeletal muscle tissue is organized to form mouse-shaped organs Muscle is attached at either end by dense regular connective tissue (tendon) to a part of the skeletal system (bone or cartilage) origin and insertion Also referred to as voluntary muscle Contraction: quick and forceful Organization of Skeletal Muscle Fascicles (bundles): collection of numerous skeletal muscle fibers bunched in groups Epimysium: tough, dense, irregular connective tissue that envelopes the fascicles Perimysium: encases each of the fascicles; keeps the muscle fibers within the fascicle together o also serves as a venue for the blood vessels and nerve fibers that supply the muscle fibers Endomysium: delicate connective tissue layer that individually wraps and supports each of the muscle fibers o external to the basal lamina o extracellular fibers are mainly reticular fibers single fat vacuole Brown adipose tissue: richly supplied with mitochondria; numerous droplets Predominant cell: reticular cell Reticular Tissue Elastic Tissue Predominant extracellular fiber: reticular fiber Reticular cells are usually seen attached to reticular fibers, forming complicated networks Predominant fibrillar component: elastic fiber Elastic fibers often form bundles arranged parallel to each other Predominant cells: fibroblasts Abundance of amorphous and jelly-like ground substance Mucous Tissue Scarce number of collagen, elastic, and reticular fibers Stroma (supporting framework) of liver Myeloid tissue Lymphoid tissues and organs (nodes and spleen) Ligamenta flava of vertebral column Suspensory ligament of the penis Skeletal Muscle Cells long, tapering, cylindrical, and multinucleated arise in the embryo from the fusion of mononuclear muscle cell precursors (myoblasts) that evidently differentiate from mesenchymal cells oval nuclei longitudinally oriented and located in the peripheral portion of the cells, near the sarcolemma Sarcoplasm is acidophilic o also contains myoglobin (oxygen-binding protein responsible for the brownish color of the muscle) Common in the embryo but rare in adults Wharton’s jelly (at the umbilical cord) Mainly composed of hyaluronic acid Muscle Tissue Contractility: ability to shorten; exhibited by a high degree including o Pericytes: associated with very small blood vessels o Myoepithelial cells: embrace the acini and small ducts of some exocrine glands o Muscle cells: a.k.a. myocytes/ myoid cells; exhibit the greatest degree of contractility Muscle tissue: highly cellular tissue composed of muscle cells that are supported and bound together by intercellular material consisting of connective tissue o basic tissue responsible for locomotion and movement of various parts of the body Muscle cells: derived from the mesoderm Myofibrils: numerous long but thin filamentous elements o arranged parallel to the long axis of the cell and exhibit transverse striations of altering light and dark bands Light bands: isotropic bands (Ibands); do not alter polarized light Dark bands: anisotropic bands (Abands); display birefringence in polarize light Z-line: dark transverse line; bisects the Iband LTPR 7 H-band: found within the A-band, lighter mid-portion that is further bisected by a thin dark stripe (M-line) myosin molecule is much bigger and heavier than an actin molecule; composed of six polypeptide chains, two heavy chains, and four light chains, which are so arranged as to form a structure that has two heads and a tail o F-actin: principal protein component of the thin filaments it is the filament form of actin that consists of two strands of globular and soluble actin (G-actin) molecules coiled around each other to keep the actin filaments aligned, Factins are anchored to the Z-line by proteins, notably α-actinin and desmin each of the two G-actin molecules that makes up a thin filament possesses binding sites for myosin o tropomyosin and troponin: form what are called the troponin-tropomyosin complexes that are arranged along both sides of each actin filament troponin-tropomyosin complexes play a role in the regulation of contraction Mechanism of skeletal muscle contraction: sliding filament theory (contraction muscle shortens because the interaction of the actin and myosin molecules causes the thin and thick filaments to slide past each other, resulting in the shortening of the sarcomeres) o During muscle contraction: thick filaments remain stationary while the thin filaments get pulled by the thick filaments towards the center of the sarcomere overlap between the thin and thick filaments increases, causing a progressive diminution in width of the I- and H-bands Z-lines move towards the center of the sarcomere because they get dragged by the thin filaments attached to them Insertion moves towards the origin Events in the sliding filament theory: o (1) in a resting muscle, binding sites of actin are covered by troponin-tropomyosin complexes o (2) Calcium ions bind with the troponin-tropomyosin complexes, exposing actin binding sites (initiation of muscle contraction) o (3) heads of myosin molecules promptly and spontaneously bind with actin molecules o (4) binding triggers the hydrolysis of ATPs by the ATPases present in the myosin heads (resulting to the release of energy) o (5) the energy that has been generated enables the heads of the myosin molecules to bend or flex, pulling the thin filament (i.e., actin molecule) towards the center of the sarcomere o (6) myosin heads remain in flexed position until new ATP molecules bind to them and get hydrolyzed o (7) myosin heads are able to disengage, recoil back to their former positions, reattach themselves to other binding sites in the actin molecules, and repeat the bending action they performed earlier o (8) movements of the myosin heads are repeated in a rapid fashion until the thick (myosin) and thin (actin) filaments have completely overlapped Transverse tubules (T-tubules) and sarcoplasmic reticulum Sarcomeres: small contractile units making up a myofibril (laid end to end) o refers to the region that spans two Z-lines o consists of a collection of thread-like structures (myofilaments) Muscle Filaments: thick and thin o Thick filaments: occupy the middle zone of a sarcomere span the region of the A-band kept aligned by the attachment of their midpoints at the M-line o Thin filaments: occupy the peripheral zones of a sarcomere more numerous, but are only about half as thick and are shorter than the thick filaments one end of each thin filament is attached to a Z-line while the other end is free o Resting muscle cell, the thick and thin filaments partially overlap each other at the A-band cross section of this overlap reveals that each thick filament is surrounded, in hexagonal pattern, by six thin filaments in the central region of the A-band, the thick filaments are not overlapped by the thin filaments Proteins in muscle filaments: made up mainly of four proteins: actin, tropomyosin, troponin, and myosin o actin and myosin are the most abundant, accounting for about 60% of total muscle protein o thin filaments consist of actin, tropomyosin, and troponin o thick filaments consist of myosin LTPR 8 o Sarcolemma: forms tubular invaginations that penetrate the muscle fiber and create anastomosing systems of tubes that surround the sarcomeres of the myofibrils at the junction of the A- and I-bands lumen: are continuous with the extracellular space, are called transverse tubules (T-tubules) o Sarcoplasmic reticulum: creates an intricate and complex system of membrane-bound channels whose function is to capture and store calcium ions needed for muscle contraction At the junction of the A- and I-bands, the membrane-bound channels form a pair of large, flattened cisternae that are closely applied to either side of a T-tubule (terminal cisternae) Triad: T-tubule and the pair of terminal cisternae associated with it o Depolarization of SER releases its store of calcium ions into the area of the overlapping A-and I-bands signal for the sarcoplasmic reticulum to depolarize comes from the motor endplate on the surface of the muscle cell Motor endplate: point of contact of an axon terminal and the sarcolemma of a skeletal muscle fiber (each muscle fiber has only one motor endplate) o command for a skeletal muscle to contract is a neural one o originates from the central nervous system and is carried to the surface of the muscle cells by the myelinated nerve fibers (i.e., axons) of somatic motor (efferent) neurons o axon of a somatic motor neuron arborizes and forms numerous bulb-like terminations (axon terminals) terminals make contact with the sarcolemma of up to 160 muscle fibers o Motor unit = somatic motor neuron + muscle fibers Events occurring in the motor endplate o an axon terminal sheds its myelin and settles into a depression on the surface of the muscle fiber (synaptic trough/ primary synaptic cleft) o sarcolemma in the primary synaptic cleft further forms numerous deep folds called junctional folds (secondary synaptic clefts) perpendicular to the primary synaptic cleft o In the expanded axon terminal, a very large number of vesicles that contain the neurotransmitter acetylcholine are found o Upon the arrival of the nerve impulse for muscle contraction at the axon terminal, the neurotransmitter-containing vesicles release their acetylcholine content into the synaptic cleft o Acetylcholine then diffuses across the synaptic cleft and triggers local depolarization that rapidly spreads across the surface of the muscle fiber, the Ttubules, and sarcoplasmic reticulum, which then releases calcium ions to start muscle contraction Types of Skeletal Muscle Fibers Smaller with richer blood supply Red muscle Sarcoplasm has more mitochondria, fibers glycogen granules, and myoglobin Slow twitch muscle fibers (contracting at a slower rate) White Contact faster muscle More forceful contraction, fatigue faster fibers Intermediate Morphological and physiological muscle characteristics in-between of red and white fibers muscle fibers Proprioceptive Organs Sensory receptors: simple nerve endings (free nerve endings), Vater-Pacinian corpuscles, and Ruffini’s corpuscles Proprioceptors: simple nerve endings (free nerve endings), neuromuscular spindles (muscle spindles), and Golgi tendon organs o Function of proprioceptors: monitoring of the position of the limbs and state of contraction of the muscles Neuromuscular spindle: present in all skeletal muscles (particularly numerous in muscles involved in fine motor movements such as the extra-ocular muscles) o stretch receptor that detects the degree and velocity of stretch applied to a muscle o encapsulated fusiform structure consisting of connective tissue encloses a fluid-filled space that contains several modified striated muscle fibers (intrafusal fibers) which are smaller and shorter than the surrounding skeletal muscle fibers (extrafusal fibers) o Intrafusal fibers: nuclear bag and nuclear chain Nuclear bag fibers possess a dilated central area that contains a bunch of nuclei Nuclear chain fibers do not manifest any dilatation; nuclei are set in a single row o Intrafusal fibers are provided with two types of sensory nerve endings: annulospiral ending and flower-spray ending Annulospiral ending: consists of the unmyelinated terminations of sensory neurons that are spirally wrapped around the central portion of the intrafusal fiber Flower-spray ending: consists of smaller nerve endings that innervate the peripheral portions of the intrafusal fiber Golgi tendon organ: small structures located in the tendons that attach skeletal muscles to their insertions and origins o consists of collagen fibers enclosed by a thin, coneshaped connective tissue capsule o supplied by a single afferent nerve fiber that discards its myelin and breaks into branches as it enters the capsule o slender nerve endings are in between the collagen fibers o sensitive to muscle contraction; measure the tension that is generated by muscle contraction Cardiac Muscle occurs only in the heart and sometimes in small areas in the wall of some of the big blood vessels attached to the heart striated with forceful contractions Organization: cardiac muscle fibers form bundles or fascicles (similar to skeletal muscle) Cardiac Muscle Cells cylindrical cells that typically split longitudinally at their ends to give off a few branches LTPR 9 contain only one or two nuclei and are centrally located Sarcoplasm is more abundant than in skeletal muscle (along with mitochondria) Smooth Muscle a.k.a. visceral muscles; comprises the muscular component of the wall of visceral organs also present in the parenchyma of most internal organs and even the skin sometimes referred to as involuntary muscle because it is not under conscious control contractions are slow and not as forceful as striated muscles Organization: Smooth muscle cells sometimes occur singly or in disorganized clusters, but more often, those in an area or organ are organized to form bundles (fascicles) enveloped by perimysium o cell membranes of adjacent cells in smooth muscle fascicles are attached to each other by desmosomes and gap junctions that are similar to those seen between epithelial cells o arrangement of smooth muscle fascicles varies depending on their location walls of the gastro-intestinal tract: has two layers – longitudinally-oriented fascicles and circumferentiallyarranged muscle fascicles urinary bladder: three ill-defined layers – two layers of longitudinally-arranged muscle that sandwich a layer of circularlyarranged muscle fibers Smooth Muscle Cells fusiform cells that are broad in the middle and tapering at both ends contain a single, oval nucleus located in the thick part of the cell Myofibrils: similar to skeletal muscle fibers; cross striations of their myofibrils are not as prominent as those of skeletal muscle cells T-tubules: surrounds the Z-lines with bigger lumens o only one expanded terminal cisterna is associated with a T-tubule (dyads) Intercalated discs: specialized junctional complexes that attach end-to-end terminal branches of neighboring terminal branches o appear as dark, transverse lines that occur at irregular intervals o Two regions: transverse portion and lateral portion Transverse portion: fascia adherens and desmosome (thin filaments of the terminal sarcomeres of a cardiac muscle cell attach into the fasciae adherens) Lateral portion: runs parallel to the myofilaments; characterized by gap junctions that are likewise identical to those between epithelial cells o transverse portion of the intercalated discs serves to anchor the myofibrils and to keep the cells together o lateral portion allows for instantaneous spread of contractile stimuli from one cell to another Mechanism of cardiac muscle contraction: similar to that of skeletal muscle cells o source of Calcium ions: sarcoplasmic reticulum and outside the cell o cardiac muscle cells contract without neural stimulation o Sinoatrial node or SA node: generates the impulse that initiates their contaction small structure in the heart that consists of Purkinje fibers o Purkinje fibers: modified cardiac muscle cells non-contractile cells that are specialized to comprise the impulse conducting system of the heart which generates and propagates the electrical impulse that initiates cardiac contraction o cardiac muscle cells are supplied with efferent fibers by the motor neurons of the autonomic nervous system efferent fibers serve to regulate the rate and strength of cardiac muscle contraction axon terminals of these efferent fibers end a short distance from the muscle cells they supply on arrival of an efferent stimulus, the axon terminals release their neurotransmitters into the intercellular space sarcoplasm is acidophilic smooth muscle cells are arranged parallel to each other with the thick part of one cell lying on the thin parts of neighboring cells Myofilaments: thick filaments of smooth muscle cells consist of myosin while the thin filaments are made up mostly of actin o the thick filaments contain much less myosin and the thin filaments do not contain troponin o smooth muscle cells do not form sarcomeres o thick filaments are scattered all over the sarcoplasm while the thin filaments which surround the thick filaments are anchored on dense bodies that contain the protein a-actinin o poorly developed sarcoplasmic reticulum o sarcolemma does not form T-tubules Mechanism of contraction: o dense bodies where the thin filaments are attached do not form a straight line, shortening occurs in all directions LTPR 10 o calcium ions also regulate smooth muscle contraction (source of calcium: extracellular substance) they enter the cell when the cell surface depolarizes Once inside the cell, calcium ions interact with an enzyme complex on the myosin molecule, calmodulin-myosin light chain kinase this interaction activates the enzyme myosin light chain kinase which breaks down ATP o the breakdown of ATP releases energy that enables the myosin molecule to interact with actin molecules o Smooth muscle cells do not need neural stimulation to contract; they are inherently contractile Pacesetter cells of small and large intestine trigger contraction of the muscle cells o smooth muscle cells are supplied with efferent fibers by the autonomic nervous system whose axon terminals end a short distance from the cells they supply Repair and Regeneration of Muscle Tissue Skeletal and smooth muscle: limited regenerative capacity o for smooth muscle: regenerative capacity depends on its location in the body Cardiac muscle: does not have regenerative capacity Satellite cells: source of new muscle cells; myoblast-like stem cells Dead tissue cells are replaced by connective tissue elements that form a scar Nervous Tissue made up of closely packed cells that are separated by very little amount of intercellular substance; highly cellular Arose from embryonic ectoderm Two divisions: o (1) Central Nervous System (CNS): brain and spinal cord devoid of connective tissue, except those associated with blood vessels consists of a mass of cells that neighbor each other o (2) Peripheral Nervous System (PNS): all other nervous tissue in the body there is some amount of intercellular material (mainly connective tissue) Cells of Nervous Tissue Neurons (nerve cells) functional units of nervous tissue highly specialized cells exhibiting irritability and conductivity o Irritability: ability to react to stimulus o Conductivity: ability to transmit and react vary in shapes o stellate neurons: characterize the ventral grey matter of the spinal cord and motor nuclei of the brain stem o pyramidal neurons: present in the cerebral cortex o flask-shaped neurons (Purkinje cells): give off a dendrite which arborizes like a tree (seen in the middle layer of the cerebellar cortex) Parts of a neuron o Perikaryon: cell body consisting of a nucleus surrounded by basophilic cytoplasm (neuroplasm) and enclosed by a cell membrane (neurolemma) that envelops the processes of the cell o Nucleus: large, spherical or ovoid, and centrally located o Organelles: rER: deeply basophilic, with granular masses (Nissl bodies) that are abundant through the perikaryon and are also found in dendrites (but are absent in the axon and axon hillock) Golgi complex: present in all neurons, but confined to the perikaryon rER and Golgi complex: synthesis of proteins essential for the maintenance of the structural and metabolic integrity of the cell; also synthesize neurotransmitters Mitochondria: abundant in neurons; profuse in axon terminals Lysosomes: also abundant, recycle proteins from senescent cellular structures and in dealing with abnormal and foreign proteins Peroxisomes: help in preventing the degeneration of the neuron by not allowing the accumulation of strong oxidizing agents; detoxifies noxious substances Centrosome (MTOC): source of the microtubules that the cells need LTPR 11 axon terminals or boutons are where axon synapses Capable of axonal transport: substances can move along the axon Anterograde axonal transport: movement of substances from the perikaryon to the axon terminals Retrograde axonal transport: transport of substances from the axon terminals to the perikaryon Covering of axons: all axons are enveloped by a sheath of cells, the neurilemmal sheath o many axons are further encased by a myelin sheath (in the PNS, also by basal lamina) Covering of axons in PNS: neurilemmal sheath is called Schwann sheath; formed by flattened cells with flattened nuclei called Schwann cells o Nodes of Ranvier: points of discontinuity between successive Schwann cells o Myelin: material that envelops the axons o Myelin sheath: structure that myelin forms around the axon, lying internal to the Schwann sheath o myelin is actually made up of Schwann cell plasma membranes that have been spirally wrapped, many times over, around the axon o Kinds of axon depending on the presence or absence of myelin – myelinated and unmyelinated conduction of a nerve impulse is faster in myelinated than unmyelinated axons o Incisures or clefts of Schmidt-Lantermann: layers of myelin in a myelin sheath yhat separated in some areas o Inclusions: Fat droplets: lipochrome and lipofuschin granules Pigment granules: melanin and iron Melanin granules: present in the nerve cells of the substantia nigra of the midbrain, locus coeruleus near the fourth ventricle, and the spinal and sympathetic ganglia Iron granules: present in the neurons in the globus pallidus o Cytoskeleton of neurons: Three fibrillar elements (neurofibrils): microfilaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules Microfilaments: finest of the fibrillar elements; made up of the fibrillar type of actin (F-actin) that consists of two strands of helically-arranged, polymerized G-actin filaments Intermediate filaments (neurofilaments): present in the cell body and the cell processes, particularly abundant in the axon; provide internal support for the cell and fix the diameter of dendrites and axons Microtubules (neurotubules): provide internal support for the neurons; strengthen synapses and play a role in the intracellular transport of organelles and secretory vesicles Processes of a neuron o axon: conducts impulses away from the cell body arises from a conical elevation on the perikaryon called axon hillock usually more slender and is typically longer Longest axons in the body: those that form the sciatic nerve only one axon is present in a neuron, but gives off collateral branches o dendrite: carry impulses towards the cell body more than one dendrite is usually present provide most of the receptive surface of the neuron branch more extensively (but are shorter than axons forms small, rounded swellings called boutons (terminals) at the ends (terminal boutons) or along the course (bouton en passant) of its branches Covering of axons in CNS: functions of the Schwann cells are performed by cells called oligodendrocytes o forms segments of myelin sheaths of numerous neurons o oligodendrocytes: not surrounded by basal lamina Classification of neurons (according to morphology) o Unipolar: only one process (axon) is present; exists in early embryonic life but rarely present in adults o Bipolar: single dendrite and an axon arise at opposite poles of the cell body (e.g., olfactory epithelium of the nose and in vestibular and cochlear ganglia) o Pseudounipolar: single process, morphologically an axon, leaves the body, but soon bifurcates (e.g., sensory neurons present in the craniospinal ganglia) LTPR 12 o Multipolar: numerous dendrites are present (e.g., most neurons) Classification of neurons (according to function) o Sensory neurons (afferent neurons): receive and transmit stimuli to the CNS o Motor neurons (efferent neurons): transmit impulses from the CNS to effector cells o Interneurons (association neurons): convey impulse from one neuron to another Synaptic vesicles: contain neurotransmitters Presynaptic membrane: axolemma of the presynaptic neuron in a synapse that is thickened (postsynaptic membrane for postsynaptic cell) Synaptic cleft: small gap separating the two membranes o Synapse: presynaptic membrane + synaptic cleft + postsynaptic membrane Nerve Fibers Nerve fibers = axon + coverings (neurilemmal sheath) o (when present) also includes myelin sheath and basal lamina Endoneurium: envelopes every nerve fiber in the PNS; a type of connective tissue in CNS, nerve fibers are not invested by connective tissue Synapse Synapse: point of contact between a neuron and another neuron or another cell site of transmission of a nerve impulse which can either be excitatory or inhibitory in nature allows neurons to communicate with each other or with effector (muscle and gland) cells and accomplish their integration and control functions Types of synapses o Electrical Synapse: occur rarely; exist between some neurons in the brain stem, retina, and cerebral cortex consists of gap junctions, enabling neighboring neurons to communicate with each other by allowing adjacent cells to exchange molecules and small ions o Chemical Synapses: more common; nerve impulse is transmitted from one neuron to another cell by means of chemical substances called neurotransmitters Presynaptic neuron: neuron that communicates the impulse Postsynaptic cell: cell or neuron that receives the impulse (could be a neuron, muscle cell, or a cell of a gland) Axon terminal (bouton): part of the presynaptic neuron that participates in the synapse Impulse transmission at the synapse o When an impulse reaches the axon terminal of a presynaptic neuron, neurotransmitters in its synaptic vesicles are released by exocytosis at the presynaptic membrane into the synaptic cleft o Neurotransmitter diffuse across the synaptic cleft and are taken up by receptors (proteins) at the postsynaptic membrane Synapses between neurons: o Axodendritic Synapse: axon of a neuron synapses with a dendrite of another neuron o Axosomatic Synapse: axon of a neuron synapses with a perikaryon of another neuron o Axoaxonic Synapse: axon of a neuron synapses with the axon of another neuron o Other types of contacts: dendrodendritic, somatodendritic, somatosomatic, somatoaxonic, dendroaxonic, and axoaxodendritic (serial) Neuroglial Cells Neuroglial cells: supporting cells interspersed among the neurons in nervous tissue o protect neurons o aid them in performing their functions by creating and maintaining an appropriate environment where neurons can carry out their function o play a role in neural nutrition outnumber neurons; but they are smaller than most neurons CNS Astrocytes Oligodendrocytes Microglia Ependymal cells LTPR PNS Schwann cells Satellite cells 13 neuroglial cells, except for the microglia, arise from embryonic ectoderm o microglia evidently arise from embryonic mesoderm Unlike neurons, neuroglial cells have the capacity to divide by mitosis Astrocytes: largest and most abundant of the neuroglial cells o shaped and have numerous, branching processes o involved in many metabolic processes that occur in nervous tissue o they form scar tissue in damaged areas Two types of astrocytes based on their processes: o Protoplasmic astrocytes: abundant cytoplasm; found mainly within the gray matter of the brain and spinal cord o Fibrous astrocytes: have longer, more slender processes; located chiefly in the white matter Types of Characteristics astrocytes smaller, and have fewer and shorter processes than astrocytes Oligodendrocytes Nervous System Integration and control functions of the nervous system are performed by: o collecting stimuli from the environment by means of receptors o transmitting these stimuli, called nerve impulses, to highly organized reception and correlation areas for interpretation o issuing orders to effector organs for appropriate responses to the stimuli Anatomic Divisions of the Nervous System A. Central Nervous System: large mass of nervous tissue in the cranial cavity and vertebral canal (brain and spinal cord) o no connective tissue stroma o nervous tissue: soft and jelly-like (making it fragile) o protected by bony structures (skull and vertebral column) o Internal to the bony structures that protect them, the brain and the spinal cord are further protected by enveloping membranes called meninges made up of connective tissue Meninges Characteristics o Outermost; made up of dense collagenous Dura connective tissue Pachymeninx mater o Outer surface of the dura mater adheres to the inner aspect of the cranium o Middle layer; flat, sheeto like membrane that is thinner than the dura mater o smooth on its outer surface, Arachnoid but projecting from its inner membrane surface is cobweb-like connective tissue o strands (arachnoid trabeculae) that connect it to the underlying pia mater o Innermost layer; thin but highly vascular loose connective tissue layer that Leptomeninx closely adheres to the (piasubstance of the brain and arachnoid) spinal cord o spans the entire surface of the brain and is continuous with the ependyma that Pia mater lines the ventricles of the brain o separated from nervous tissue by neuroglial cells o mainly made up of interlacing bundles of collagen fibers surrounded by networks of fine elastic fibers scanty cytoplasm with ovoid/ spherical nucleus located mainly in the white matter of the CNS where they form the neurilemmal and myelin sheaths of the axons Smaller than astrocytes and oligodendrocytes distributed throughout the CNS Microglial small and elongated nuclei; scanty cytoplasm with many lysosomes phagocytes that remove cellular debris from sites of injury or normal cell turnover cuboidal cells that possess short cilia and microvilli Ependymal Cells also have cytoplasmic processes on their basal surface that are relatively short except for those present in some ependymal cells in the floor of the third ventricle (called tanycytes), which are very long and extend into the hypothalamus comprise the simple cuboidal epithelium that lines the cavities of the central nervous system form the secretory epithelial lining of the choroid plexuses that secrete cerebrospinal fluid (CSF); their ciliary movement also helps circulate CSF Schwann Cells: form the neurilemmal and myelin sheaths of peripheral nerves Satellite Cells: small, flattened cells that surround the cell bodies of neurons that are in ganglia o PNS counterparts of astrocytes o provide structural support for, and are involved in numerous metabolic processes of neurons LTPR 14 o In the brain, the outer surface of the dura mater adheres to the inner aspect of the cranium synonymous with periosteum of the cranial bones, and is called periosteal dura o In the spinal cord, the outer surface of the dura mater is lined by a simple squamous epithelium and does not adhere to the vertebrae The vertebrae have a distinct periosteum connected to the dura mater by ligamentous strands a space exists between the periosteum and dura mater Epidural space: space occupied by fat and venous plexuses o The inner surface of the dura mater in the brain and the spinal cord is also lined by a simple squamous epithelium, is referred to as the meningeal dura o Subdural space: between meningeal dura and the arachnoid membrane contains minimal amount of serous fluid and is more of a potential space o Subarachnoid space: space separating arachnoid membrane and the pia mater contains cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) o Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF): clear, slightly viscous fluid that circulates within the ventricles of the brain, the subarachnoid space, and the central canal of the spinal cord contains sugar, inorganic salts, and traces of protein; only cells that are normally present in CSF are lymphocytes protects the central nervous system by acting as a water cushion plays an important role in the metabolism of nervous tissue constantly being renewed; comes primarily from the choroid plexuses, but some LTPR amount is also produced by the pia mater and the brain substance maintenance of CSF volume: some CSF is regularly drained into the venous side of the circulation via specialized areas of the arachnoid membrane called arachnoid villi Arachnoid villus: granular structure from the arachnoid membrane that penetrates the dura mater and then projects into an intracranial venous sinus (vein); acts like a tube with a one-way valve that allows passage of CSF from subarachnoid space into the vein, but not of blood from the vein into the subarachnoid space o Choroid plexuses: chief sources of CSF; located on the roof of the third and fourth ventricles of the brain and in parts of the wall of the two lateral ventricles consist of small blood vessels (i.e., arterioles and capillaries) of the pia mater that form clumps that protrude into the ventricles o Arrangement of neurons in the CNS Gray Matter White Matter contains the cell bodies, does not contain nerve cell dendrites, and proximal bodies, but it includes portions of the axons of the those of neuroglial cells in neurons that populate the the region CNS and neuroglial cells also contains the axons of nuclei of the neurons neurons whose cell bodies account for the color of the are in the gray matter or in gray matter a ganglion (i.e., collection cell bodies of neurons with of cell bodies outside the common functions often CNS) cluster together to form myelin sheath of the axons what is called a nucleus accounts for the (e.g., caudate nucleus characteristic white color of located in the basal ganglia white matter of the brain whose neurons nerve fibers having a are partly responsible for common origin, body movement and termination, and function coordination) often bundle together to regions of the gray matter form what is known as where there are numerous tract (e.g., lateral cell bodies not forming spinothalamic tract in the distinct nuclei are called spinal cord that carries nuclear areas pain, touch and temperature sensory stimuli to the thalamus in the brain) Tracts that are flattened are otherwise called lemnisci (singular, lemniscus) while those that are rounded or thick are called funiculi (singular, funiculus) Brain: gray matter at the peripheral area; white matter at the central area Spinal cord: gray matter is centrally located; white matter is in the periphery Golgi type I neurons: (in CNS) neurons that have long axons that leave either CNS or gray matter and terminate at some distance in another part of the gray matter 15 Golgi type II neurons: neurons with relatively short axons that do not leave the region of the gray matter where their cell bodies lie within the fascicle, each of the nerve fibers is individually wrapped and supported by delicate, loose connective tissue (endoneurium) Cranial nerves: nerves whose cell bodies are in the brain (12 pairs) Spinal nerves: nerves whose cell bodies are in the spinal cord (31 pairs) o Mixed nerves: most nerves; contain both afferent (sensory) and efferent (motor and secretory) fibers o Afferent nerve fibers: contain axons of sensory (afferent) neurons transmit impulses from the skin, muscles, bones, internal organs, and special senses to the CNS o Efferent nerve fibers: contain axons of the efferent (motor) neurons order muscles to contract and glands to secret o Nerve endings: terminations of nerves in epithelial, connective, and muscle tissues Sensory (afferent) nerve endings: terminations of afferent nerves Motor (efferent) nerve endings: termination of efferent nerves o Sensory nerve endings: collect stimuli and are dispersed all over the body Type of Sensory Characteristics Nerve Ending merely the naked terminations of axons Simple Nerve of afferent nerves; found in all tissues Endings can discern pressure; most sensitive to touch, pain, and temperature exemplified by Merkel discs found in the skin and mucosal surfaces Merkel discs: consists of the naked Expanded-tip leaf-like terminal of an axon that is in Nerve Endings contact with a Merkel cell Merkel discs are sensitive to touch and pressure made up of naked axon terminals enclosed by a lamellated connective tissue capsule Examples: Ruffini’s corpuscle, end bulb of Krause, Vater-Pacinian corpuscle, Meissner’s corpuscle, neuromuscular spindles, and Golgi tendon organs Ruffini’s corpuscle: small spindleshaped structure seen in the dermis of the skin, tendon, and ligaments; consisting of bulb-like expansions of the terminal branches of a naked axon that are enclosed by a very thin connective Encapsulated tissue capsule Nerve Endings o sensitive to deep pressure and stretch End bulbs of Krause: found in the conjunctiva and mucous membrane of the lips, dermis, glans penis, and clitoris; consist of an axon enclosed by a thin, lamellated capsule consisting of connective tissue o tactile and pressure receptors Vater-Pacinian corpuscle: largest of the sensory nerve endings; white, oval structures consisting of 30 or more layers of circularly arranged flattened cells Cerebellum Spinal Cord B. Peripheral Nervous System o nerve cell bodies are bound together by some amount of connective tissue in the form of ganglia o nerve fibers are likewise bound together by connective tissue to form nerves (peripheral nerves) o receives and relays all nerve impulses originating from stimuli from both within and external to the body to the CNS CNS then integrates these stimuli and formulates appropriate responses that are then relayed to the effector cells, tissues, and organs by the PNS o Ganglia/ ganglion: collection of cell bodies of neurons that have a common function in the PNS counterpart of a CNS nucleus ganglion is delineated from surrounding structures by a connective tissue capsule each neuron is surrounded by supporting cells called satellite cells a neuron and its satellite cells are separated from their neighboring neurons and their respective satellite cells by connective tissue elements o Peripheral nerves: nerves are the PNS counterparts of tracts in the CNS nerve: collection of fibers that are bunched in groups called bundles/ fascicles the nerve is enveloped by dense irregular connective tissue (epineurium) that keeps fascicles together within the nerve, each fascicle is likewise encased by perineurium LTPR 16 axon (postganglionic fiber) of the postganglionic neuron, on the other hand, leaves the autonomic ganglion to terminate in an effector organ o Preganglionic fibers leave the central nervous system at several levels, via the (1) III, VII, IX, and X cranial nerves (2) thoracic spinal nerves (3) upper lumbar spinal nerves (4) sacral spinal nerves Divisions of the ANS Division Location Function Preganglionic neurons whose fibers exit the CNS via the thoracic Responds to and lumbar spinal impending danger nerves or stress o usually supplied with a single axon; axon gives off numerous bulbous terminal branches o widely distributed in the body (dermis, subcutaneous connective tissue, pancreas, mammary glands, mesenteries, and external genitalia) o sensitive to vibration, stretch, and pressure (course touch) Meissner’s corpuscle: seen in the dermis of the skin of the fingers, toes, palms, and soles o has a capsule that encloses a mass of ovoid cells that are arranged perpendicular to the long axis of the corpuscle o axon that supplies the corpuscle enters the capsule at its inferior pole o tactile (touch) receptor o Motor nerve endings: responsible for transmitting the stimulus that commands muscle fibers to contract and glandular cells to secrete Motor endplates: specialized junctions formed from axon terminals of the efferent nerve fibers of the somatic motor neurons (those that supply the skeletal muscle) and skeletal muscle fibers they innervate axon terminals of the efferent nerve fibers of visceral motor neurons (those that supply cardiac and smooth muscle fibers and glandular cells) do not form specialized junctional complexes with the cells that they innervate Function Divisions of the Nervous System Somatic Nervous System Autonomic Nervous System (SNS) (ANS) Composed of all neurons in All neurons in the CNS and the CNS and PNS concerned PNS associated with muscles, with the regulation of visceral skin, and sense organs organs Somatic Nervous System Somatic afferent (sensory) neurons: responsible for the reception of sensory stimuli from the external environment and proprioceptive stimuli from skeletal muscle, tendons, and joints Somatic efferent (motor) neurons: innervate the skeletal muscles responsible for voluntary movements Autonomic Nervous System Visceral efferent neurons: control the activity of cardiac and smooth muscles and glands o two visceral efferent neurons are involved in the transmission of an impulse from the CNS to the effector cells cell body of the first visceral efferent neuron (preganglionic neuron) is in the CNS cell body of the second visceral efferent neuron (postganglionic neuron) is in an autonomic ganglion axon (preganglionic fiber) of the preganglionic neuron leaves the CNS and enters an autonomic ganglion to synapse with the postganglionic neuron Sympathetic Division Postganglionic neurons in the vertebral and prevertebral ganglia with which the fibers of preganglionic neurons synapse Sympathetic trunk: collective term for vertebral ganglia Preganglionic neurons whose fibers leave the CNS via the cranial and sacral spinal nerves Parasympathetic Division Enteric Division postganglionic neurons in ganglia (which are near or within the walls of the structures they innervate) with which the fibers of preganglionic neurons connect Made up of the visceral efferent neurons whose cell bodies and fibers form ganglionated plexuses in the walls of the digestive tract as well as in the pancreas and the gallbladder responsible for the increase of one’s heartbeat and blood pressure, sense of excitement, and other physiological changes that occur in “fight or flight” situations Called upon during resting and relaxing situations Responsible for things such as constriction of the pupil, slowing of heart rate, and dilation of the blood vessels responsible for regulating the activities of the digestive tract has connections with the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, but it functions autonomously LTPR 17