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CSR Obligations & Mapping

Csr should focus on generic and strategic csr.
4 obligations:
1. Moral obligation (we should do what is morally and legally right)
Conflict: moral obligations are diff from person to person
2. Sustainbiliy (avoid harm)
Conflict: business do csr activities to inc their profit and for short term
3. License to operate (they should have license)
Could not be able to balance in order to escape from tax
4. Reputation (creating soft image, brand image)
Creating soft values but not consistent
Rating games:
It is a third party that was rating companies in terms of csr
Conflicts: not getting proper data even from surveys and data collection source was not right
Looking inside out (companies k konsy effects socities ko pohanch rahy hain) benefit
Looking outside in (society ka impact companies pe)