Uploaded by Ghieath Al Daher

Leadership Styles: Autocratic, Bureaucratic, Charismatic

BUS 5411 - Portfolio Activity Unit -01
University of the People
BUS 5411: Leading in today’s Dynamic Context
Portfolio Activity Unit -01
Dr. Chris Lorenz Marcelo (Instructor)
Ghieath Aldaher
BUS 5411 - Portfolio Activity Unit -01
This week, you will compose an entry delving into the primary leadership styles: autocratic,
bureaucratic, and charismatic, as elucidated in the book "Leadership Theories and Style: A
Transitional Approach."
Select the style that is either most akin to or most divergent from your own. Conduct research on
this leadership style and uncover instances of its application among renowned leaders. Next,
within your own history of leadership experiences, identify and elucidate an example of this style
that you have either employed or observed. Lastly, draw meaningful comparisons between the
chosen style and the remaining ones.
Leadership is a topic frequently discussed in daily life, yet it remains a complex and diverse
field. There are numerous interpretations of the concept, but in business and organizational
contexts, leadership can be defined as "the ability of a company's management to establish and
attain challenging goals, make swift and decisive decisions, when necessary, outperform
competitors, and inspire others to perform at their highest potential" (Twin, 2020). Various styles
of leadership exist within different companies, including democratic, autocratic,
transformational, transactional, bureaucratic, and strategic approaches. It is crucial for a leader to
be well-versed in these styles and adept at applying each one appropriately (Prentice, 2004). As
individuals have unique approaches to problem-solving, their leadership traits also differ. Some
may approach a situation in a manner that others may not agree with in terms of the solution
process. Some leaders are strict, while others are more lenient; some are easygoing, while others
are high-strung (Kramer, 2020).
BUS 5411 - Portfolio Activity Unit -01
In the book "Leadership Theories and Style:
A Transitional Approach," the author presents various leadership theories, but the most
significant ones discussed in this portfolio are autocratic, bureaucratic, and charismatic.
Autocratic leadership entails leaders having complete control and not allowing subordinates to
contribute input. In certain cases, this style of leadership can resemble a dictatorship (Russell,
2011). Autocratic leadership is not conducive to the well-being of an organization or a country.
At a smaller organizational level, a single decision-maker is solely responsible for all the
decisions made within the organization. Such decisions not only impact the reputation of the
organization but also diminish the decision-making capabilities of others.
Bureaucratic leadership is characterized by leaders adhering precisely to rules and leveraging
positional power to influence outcomes. Leaders in this style are selected based on strong
credentials and skills, and they possess the ability to positively impact people's lives. They
adhere to strict discipline set by organizations, and all promotions are based on performance and
results (Russell, 2011). I have always favored the bureaucratic leadership style because it
involves collective decision-making, ensuring that decisions are made in consultation with all
members. While it's not guaranteed that all decisions made by bureaucratic leaders will be
correct, in the event of a failure, a single person is not solely responsible. One crucial aspect that
makes bureaucratic style my preference is its well-defined chain of command, with clearly
outlined roles and expectations for each level of authority (Lee, 2020).
Charismatic Leadership is a style that combines charm, interpersonal connection, and
persuasive communication to inspire others. Charismatic leaders motivate and inspire their team
towards a greater goal by tapping into their emotions, creating trust, passion, and a sense of
BUS 5411 - Portfolio Activity Unit -01
purpose greater than themselves (Charismatic Leadership | BetterUp, 2021). Such leaders are
rare and possess the ability to inspire others through their charm and charisma. The most
charismatic leader I have witnessed so far is Muhammad (pbuh), who had a charisma that drew a
large following in a remarkably short period of time.
Autocratic Leadership vs. Charismatic Leadership
Autocratic leaders employ a forceful style where they issue commands and expect strict
compliance. This approach can be effective in certain fields, such as high-level leadership roles
or military positions, where a singular authority sends commands down the chain of command.
Charismatic leadership, on the other hand, centers on connecting with employees and teams
rather than being an authoritarian presence. Leaders in this style focus on appealing,
empathizing, and instilling passion with confidence (Charismatic Leadership | BetterUp, 2021).
Charismatic Leadership | BetterUp. (2021, January 26). Www.betterup.com.
Earl, M. (2011). Leadership Theories and Style: A Transitional Approach.
Kramer, L. (2008). 5 Different Types of Leadership Styles. Chron.com.
BUS 5411 - Portfolio Activity Unit -01
Lee, S. (2020, May 13). What Is Bureaucratic Leadership? Torch.