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Introduction to Communication: Definitions & Concepts

Introduction and Definitions
of Communication
Unit 3, Question 1
A few thoughts:
• Have you ever had that experience during various
events and instances, where you were unable to express
your thoughts properly?
• Has it happened that your words are misunderstood or
you were unable to catch the sense or meaning of the
idea transferred to you?
Maybe, because:
• The cause behind this could be unsuitable ways of
• Suitable communication is the pillar for our personal as
well as professional lives because all the relations are
intricately woven through communication.
Think about your daily life:
• We talk to so many people in so many different ways.
• Face to face communication, phone calls, text messages,
social media, through signs and symbols and in many other
• What is the purpose of all these activities?
The word ‘Communication’ is derived from the Latin word
‘Communis’ – which means ‘to share’ or ‘to exchange’.
• It is a process to exchange feelings, facts, ideas or opinions.
• Communication helps us to grow, learn and be aware of
• It helps us to be aware of our environment.
• Communication can be between individuals, groups or
• We are social animals and it is our very strong desire to
remain in touch with others.
• We constantly interact with other individuals.
• We communicate in some form or the other during every
single moment of our lives.
• Human beings are social animals and they need to
communicate to others to feel loved, secured and accepted.
• Communication is thus an important part of human
Is it easy?
• Communication is not just sending messages.
• It is much more detailed and complex.
The Sender and the Receiver
• The skill to communicate not only depends on the sender’s
skill to convey his ideas and thoughts but it is equally
important for the receiver to understand the received
message in the exact way that the sender desires.
• There are times when there have been arguments or
quarrels due to misunderstandings or miscommunication.
• Communication, thus, becomes an important part of our
lives and becomes an essential part for the smooth function
of human society.
It is a key…
• May it be at the personal level or professional,
communication is the key for a better understanding of any
relationship or any task.
• Communication can solve many issues that assumptions
Is it similar for all?
• Communication can be done in different ways for different
purposes and it has different objectives.
• Thus, the ways to communicate differ from person to person
and are situational.
Definitions of Communication:
The concept of
communication would
be clearer if we
carefully examine
some of the
definitions presented
by great authorities.
Peter Little:
• “Communication is the process by which information is
transmitted between the individuals and/or organizations
so that an understanding response results.”
Keith Devis:
• “Communication is the process of passing information and
understanding from one person to another.”
W.H.Newman & C.F. Summer Jr.:
• “Communication is an exchange of facts, ideas, opinions or
emotions by two or more persons.”
Chappel & Read:
• “Communication is any means by which thought is
transferred from one person to another person.”
• A careful analysis of above definitions helps us to conclude
that communication is an exchange of information, ideas
and emotions with the help of words, letters, symbols or
messages which bring about common understanding and