ACTIVE LEARNING TEMPLATE: System Disorder Bea Bedonia STUDENT NAME______________________________________ Postpartum Hemorrhage DISORDER/DISEASE PROCESS___________________________________________________________ Alterations in Health (Diagnosis) -massive bleeding and hypovolemia Pathophysiology Related to Client Problem Blood loss>1000mL after c/s and >500mL for vaginal delivery. REVIEW MODULE CHAPTER____________ Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Postpartum meds and bladder empyting ASSESSMENT SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS Risk Factors Expected Findings Uterine atony, overdistended uterus, multiparity, mag sulf therapy, lacerations and episotomy, uterus inversion Laboratory Tests Change in lochia (more clots), inc HR, dec BP, pallor, saturated pad in 15 mins or less. Diagnostic Procedures H/H, coags, Blood type, CBC, CMP EBL by weighing saturapted puds, chux and free blood. PATIENT-CENTERED CARE Nursing Care Hemorrhage Firmly massage the uterine fundus, closely monitor VS and bleeding Therapeutic Procedures IVF, Oxygen support ACTIVE LEARNING TEMPLATES -Weigh pads and chux precisely -Fundal assessment and massage -Assess for bladder distention -Insert FC and monitor I/O Complications Medications LR or NS for IVF; Blood products; albuminl; oxytocin; methergine; tranexamic acid Client Education -Receive counselling if needed, know s/sx of excessive bleeding and notify MD Hypovolemic shock, anemia, DIC, organ damage, emergency hysterectomy, death Interprofessional Care OBGYN, Anesthesia, Hematologist; PCP; Crit Care Therapeutic Procedure A11