DNF SQUAD @DARIHANANOVAFITNESS For this program you will need gym access as it is a gym based program. You will also need glute bands! You can get some our amazing bands by clicking here darihananova.com Please join our private facebook group by clicking here: DNF SQUAD ! You’ll be joining a group of over 18k women all on a similar journey. If you need inspo, here you will find it! Videos on this pdf are found on our Vimeo account. This account has everything you may need to successfully complete this program. To follow it / view it click here: https://vimeo.com/ darihananovafitness or you can click the added links to view all demos per each day. I know the scale can be VERY deceiving, for that reason I would recommend to always track progress taking photos! Once a week take photos and use a layout app to compare them! Try to use similar lighting and same posing and you’ll be shocked at the changes you’ll make! Although you may think I inspire you, YOU inspire me even more! For this reason I ask that you share your journey with me. You can tag me on instagram, send me an email at info@darihananova.com and share your results with me! Carbohydrates are comprised of small chains of sugar which the digestive body breaks down into glucose. Glucose is then used by the body as a primary source of energy. So what do they do? Carbs are essential to give you energy. Once you digest carbohydrates your body will convert them into glycogen. Glycogen is what your muscles use as a form of energy to perform. Protein is essential for repairing and regenerating body tissues and cells, a healthy functioning immune system and manufacturing hormones. Protein is essential for muscle tissue growth and repair. Under “stress” (exercise) your muscles tear and thus you need to intake high protein meals after your workouts to help with new tissue growth and to repair the “damaged” muscles. Fats are an essential part of a healthy diet. They improve brain development, overall cell functioning, protect the body’s organs and help you absorb vitamins. Fats help with brain development and normal hormone function. For women, we need to keep a stable fat intake because our body fat composition determines our monthly cycle, fertility, skin issues and overall hormones. Alcohol is considered a “non”essential macro. However, it still contains calories thus it should be tracked into your calorie intake even if it is an occasional drink or two. The first step towards calculating your macros would be figuring out your goals. Finding out your body mass index or BMI would be a good way to guide your calorie or macro goals. A BMI of 25-29.99% is considered to be overweight, or 25-30 pounds above the recommended weight for ones height. A BMI higher than 30 % would classify a person as obese, or more than 30 pounds above the recommended weight for their height. The the healthy BMI range is 18.5 to 24.9%. Health is MORE than looks, and having a high body mass index can put you at many risks for diseases. Knowing your BMI can better help guide your macro calculation. So let’s figure it out! Based on your answer here are your appropriate approaches: BMI LOWER THAN 25 = SURPLUS BMI BETWEEN 25-30 = MAINTENANCE BMI HIGHER THAN 30 = DEFICIT To determine your current “maintenance” intake you should take your current weight in pounds and multiply it by your current activity level. Example: 167 lbs x 13 = 2119 CALS This is my personal “maintenance” intake. During a maintenance phase, you won’t gain or lose weight, but you can gain strength and lose fat with using progressive overload (the gradual increase of weights used for your workouts over time). If your goal is to gain strength, muscle mass and fat you will opt for calculating your macros for weight gain (SURPLUS CALORIE INTAKE). This would be recommended for someone who is thin and wants to gain weight overall. If you want to lose fat while gaining muscle definition (not muscle size) and lift/make your booty rounder not necessarily bigger and tone your legs/overall body, you will calculate your macros for maintenance. If you want to weight (mostly fat and some muscle) and tone your legs/overall body, you will calculate your macros for maintenance. If you want to gain weight add 300 calories to your “maintenance” calorie amount. Eventually as weeks pass by (2 weeks) you can add 100 extra calories every 2 weeks. I recommend this so that you don’t overwhelm yourself with food and so that you don’t gain a lot of fat while trying to gain muscle. EXAMPLE: If I wanted to gain… 2,100 + 300 = 2,400 would be my calorie intake daily. To determine your current “maintenance” intake you should take your current weight in pounds and multiply it by your current activity level. Example: 167 lbs x 13 = 2119 CALS This is my personal “maintenance” intake. Curing a maintenance phase, you won’t gain or lose weight, but you can gain strength and lose fat with If you want to lose weight drop your calorie intake by 300 calories for steady weight loss. For a more aggressive approach you’d drop it by 500 calories. You can also pick a number in between and decrease it by that amount. (I don’t recommend less than 1,600 calories per day!) EXAMPLE: If I wanted to lose… 2,100 - 300 = 1,800 would be my calorie intake daily. Studies show that women who are lifting weights should take on “average” 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. If you are a person who weighs over 180 pounds doing this may not work since consuming a lot of protein can lead to fat gain and it may be too much for your body to breakdown. So if this is your case you can opt for 0.75 to 0.85 grams of protein per pound of body weight. In my case I would consume 150 grams of protein since I weigh 150 pounds. So how many calories of protein would I consume? Remember 1 gram of protein equals 4 calories. So 150 grams x 4 calories is 600 calories. EXAMPLE FORMULA: Your body weight in lbs x 1 gram (if you’re under 180 lbs) = protein intake The recommended fat intake for women ranges between 25-35 % of their daily calorie intake. I recommend opting for 25% of your calorie intake to come from fats. Fats help regulate hormones and brain function so it is essential in your diet, and no consuming fat wont make you “fat” when consumed moderately. In my case I am supposed to consume 2,100 calories daily, so to figure out how many grams/ calories of fats to eat I would multiply 2,100 by .25 (represents %.) and the amount this equals to is the amount of calories I should intake from fats. 2,100 calories x .25 = 525 calories EXAMPLE FORMULA: Your daily calorie intake x .25 = Fat calorie intake Then you would move onto determine how many grams of fat to consume by dividing the calorie amount (525 for me) by 9, since 1 gram of fat = 9 calories. Example: 525 calories / 9 calories = 58.33 grams (round to nearest whole number) so 58 g of fat is what I would consume daily. FINAL FORMULA: Your cal intake x .25 = Fat calorie intake / 9 cals = Fat intake in grams Carbs are essential in your diet. Low carb diets will slow down your progress when gaining muscle is a priority, so consuming carbs moderately is the best option in my opinion. To determine your carb intake you will subtract from your original calorie intake goal the calories consumed from fats and protein, the amount of calories remaining is the amount of carbs you should intake. In my case that would be 2,100 goal cals - 600 cals (protein ) - 525 cals (fat) = 975 calories worth of carbs would be my carb intake and to determine the amount in grams I would divide 975 calories / 4 calories (since 1 gram of carbs = 4 cals). Leaving me with 975 / 4 = 244 grams of carbs when rounded. So remember: To calculate your carb intake you need to figure out the amount of fats and protein you are consuming first, the remainder is carbs. Final Formula: Entire cal intake - (FAT CALS) - (PROTEIN CALS) = CARB cals / 4 cals = CARBS in grams WHICH CALORIE CALCULATION DO I USE TO DO MY MACROS? If your goal is maintenance, you would use maintenance calories. If you’re doing a surplus or a deficit you would take the deficit or surplus amount to calculate your macros. How often should I adjust MY MACROS? Every two weeks. Do I have to meet my macros all the time? No, what is important is meeting your overall calories. How do you count macros? Weighing the food you eat! Any food scale measuring in grams/ounces will work. I get mines from amazon. Do you weigh food in grams or ounces? WHICHEVER! Solids are usually measured in grams while liquids are measured in ounces. Is your food weighed dry or cooked? DRY! Unless its pre-packaged and precooked and all the nutritional info is available! Where can I get a food scale? Almost anywhere! You can get your local super market or online stores like amazon. How often should I have cheat meals? Twice a week, but fit them into your macros! Yes, ice-cream can fit into your macros, just work your meals around your “cheat meal”. Do I count macros in gram or calories? EITHER OR BOTH! WHATEVER MAKES YOU COMFORTABLE. Where can I find nutritional information? Nutrition labels, myfitnesspal or internet. Do I have to meet my macros exactly? No, try your best to get as close to them as possible but don’t sweat missing/going over by a few numbers. What app do I recommend to track macros? MYFITNESSPAL. Whats the easiest way to count macros? Meal prepping! If you prep your meals ahead, it’ll be easier to track since you wont have to think about every meal daily. What if I cant meet my protein intake? My suggestion is always to try to get your protein from whole foods, however if this is not possible for you opt for a protein shake after your workouts. Look for low sodium, low fat and low in added sugars. How often do I updated my macros? Every two weeks. What if you do not have access to cooking, can’t cook or don’t have enough time to meal prep.? There is still a way to track your meals and stay accountable using the following method to determine how your meals should look like/be set up. Your hand is proportionate to your body, its size never changes, and it is always with you, making it the perfect tool for measuring food and nutrients - minimal counting required. Your meals should include these ratios of fats, carbs, veggies and protein: A serving of fats = 1 thumb A serving of veggies = 1 fist A serving of PROTEIN = 1 PALM A serving of CARBS = 1 CUPPED HAND DO WAIST TRAINERS HELP WITH FAT LOSS? FALSE. THEY DO NOT HELP WITH FAT LOSS, ONLY A CALORIE DEFICIT WILL. DOES IT MATTER WHEN I EAT? FALSE. WHAT MATTERS IS YOUR CALORIE INTAKE, NOT THE TIME YOU CONSUME YOUR MEALS. DOES IT MATTER HOW MANY MEALS I EAT A DAY? FALSE. WHAT MATTERS IS YOUR CALORIE INTAKE, NOT HOW MANY MEALS YOU CONSUME YOUR MEALS. DOES FASTED CARDIO LEAD TO MORE FAT LOSS? FALSE. WHAT MATTERS IS YOUR CALORIE INTAKE, NOT THE TIME YOU DO CARDIO. DO I NEED CARDIO FOR FATLOSS? FALSE. WHAT MATTERS IS YOUR CALORIE INTAKE. IF YOU’RE IN A DEFICIT YOU CAN LOSE FAT WITH WEIGHT TRAINING ALONE. CAN I PICK AND CHOSE WHERE I LOSE FAT? FALSE, GENETICS DETERMINE WHERE YOU LOSE FAT FIRST. CAN I ONLY GAIN WEIGHT IN ONE AREA? FALSE, ON A CALORIE SURPLUS YOU WILL GAIN WEIGHT EVERYWHERE, PARTICULARLY WHERE YOUR GENETICS DEEM YOU TO. ๏ DRINK HALF OF YOUR BODY WEIGHT IN OUNCES DAILY. IF YOU DON’T LIKE DRINKING WATER ADD LIME OR FRUITS TO MAKE IT MORE EXCITING. ๏ YOU CAN REPLACE SODAS WITH SPARKLING WATER, POINT IS YOU SHOULD NOT BE CONSUMING SODAS/ JUICES! ๏ CHANGE YOUR COOKING OILS TO A SPRAY ON OIL WITH ZERO CALORIES. ANY BRAND WORKS, ๏ WEIGH YOUR FOOD! YOU CAN FIND REALLY AFFORDABLE SCALES ON AMAZON. ๏ YOU CAN HAVE COFFEE, BUT MAKE IT ALL BLACK (NO ADDED CREAMERS/MILK) AND IF YOU DO ADD THEM, MAKE SURE TO TRACK THEM! ๏ TRY YOUR BEST TO EAT HOME COOKED MEALS. ๏ EVERY MEAL SHOULD CONTAIN PROTEIN, THIS WILL ENSURE YOU MEET YOUR PROTEIN INTAKE GOALS FOR THE DAY. ๏ NO JUNK FOOD/TAKEOUT. MEAL PREP! ๏ DON’T “DIRTY BULK” OR EAT EVERYTHING IN SIGHT JUST TO GAIN WEIGHT. ๏ INCREASE YOUR CALORIES SLOWLY; EVERY 2 WEEKS ADD 100-200 CALORIES TO YOUR MACROS OR VICE VERSA IF YOUR GOALS ARE FAT LOSS. ๏ DO INCORPORATE SOME CARDIO INTO YOUR ROUTINE; ONCE OR TWICE A WEEK. ๏ SAY AWAY FROM HIGH FATTY/PROCESSED FOODS AS MUCH AS YOU CAN, A CHEAT MEAL HERE AND THERE IS FINE BUT DON’T OVER DO IT. ๏ INCREASE THE WEIGHT YOU USE WHILE WORKING OUT WEEKLY! IN ORDER FOR MUSCLES TO GROW YOU NEED TO CHALLENGE THEM. ๏ FOCUS ON SMALL PORTIONS DURING THE DAY; THIS WILL ALLOW YOU TO NOT FEEL EXTREMELY FULL/BLOATED AND ENCOURAGE APPETITE GROWTH. ๏ FOR SORENESS FOAM ROLLING, GETTING ENOUGH SLEEP AND DRINKING BCAA’S IS A MUST FOR ME! TO SHOP MY BCAAS CLICK HERE: ZOISUPPLEMENTS.COM PRE WORKOUT ROUTINE WEIGHT SETS REPS REST COMMENTS / INSTRUCTIONS NONE 2 10 IN EACH NONE DO 10 REPS IN EACH MOVEMENT AS A CIRCUIT. REPEAT CIRCUIT TWO TIMES. CLICK VIDEOS TO SEE DEMOS BELOW. FOLLOW IN THE ORDER SPECIFIED. BOOTY ACTIVATION - CLICK HERE (THIS IS DONE EVERY LOWER BODY DAY) WEIGHT SETS REPS REST COMMENTS / INSTRUCTIONS USE BANDS INSTEAD OF WEIGHT 2 10 IN EACH NONE DO 10 REPS IN EACH MOVEMENT AS A CIRCUIT. REPEAT CIRCUIT TWO TIMES. CLICK HERE TO SEE DEMOS. FOLLOW IN THE ORDER SPECIFIED IN VIDEO. LOWER BODY WITH QUAD FOCUS FOR WEEKS 1-4 EACH MONDAY. FOCUS WILL BE ADDING MORE WEIGHT FOR ALL MOVEMENTS AS WEEKS PASS BY. VIDEO DEMOS ARE FOUND BY CLICKING THE VIDEO BOX NEXT TO EACH EXERCISE OR CLICK HERE FOR [PASSWORD STCG3] A1 BARBELL SUMO SQUAT 1 & 1/4 REPS WEIGHT SETS REPS REST COMMENTS / INSTRUCTIONS LIGHT WEIGHT 4 10 45 SEC YOU’LL DO 1 REP BENDING PAST KNEES AND THEN A SECOND 1/4 REP BENDING RIGHT AT THE MIDDLE OF YOUR THIGH. THESE COUNT AS 1 REP. BOTH REPS COUNT AS 1 REP B1 BARBELL SPLIT SQUAT WEIGHT SETS REPS REST COMMENTS / INSTRUCTIONS LIGHT WEIGHT 4 12 PER LEG 30 SEC USING A FOWARD LEAN AND WIDE STANCE YOU’LL DO 1 REP BENDING PAST KNEES AND THEN A SECOND 1/4 REP BENDING RIGHT AT THE MIDDLE OF YOUR THIGH. BOTH REPS COUNT AS 1 REP C1 NARROW (SHOULDER TANCE) LEG PRESS WEIGHT SETS REPS REST COMMENTS / INSTRUCTIONS HEAVY WEIGHT 4 5-8 45 SEC DECEND SLOWLY IN ABOUT 3 SECONDS AND LET KNEES TOUCH CHEST THEN SHOOT UP IN 1 SECOND. FOCUS ON PRESSING THRU YOUR HEELS AT ALL TIMES. DO NOT LOCK KNEES AT TOP. D1 SUMO STANCE LEG PRESS WEIGHT SETS REPS REST COMMENTS / INSTRUCTIONS LIGHT WEIGHT 4 20 30 SEC DECEND SLOWLY IN ABOUT 3 SECONDS AND LET KNEES TOUCH CHEST THEN SHOOT UP IN 1 SECOND. FOCUS ON PRESSING THRU YOUR HEELS AT ALL TIMES. DO NOT LOCK KNEES AT TOP. THIS WORKOUT IS CONTINUED IN NEXT PAGE. LOWER BODY WITH QUAD FOCUS TO BE FOLLOWED FOR WEEKS 1-4 EACH MONDAY. FOCUS WILL BE ADDING MORE WEIGHT FOR ALL MOVEMENTS AS WEEKS PASS BY. VIDEO DEMOS ARE FOUND BY CLICKING THE VIDEO BOX NEXT TO EACH WORKOUT OR CLICK HERE FOR ALBUM. E1 LEG EXTENSIONS WEIGHT SETS REPS REST COMMENTS / INSTRUCTIONS LIGHT WEIGHT 4 20 30 SEC DECEND SLOWLY IN ABOUT 3 SECONDS AND SHOOT UP IN 1 SECOND TO THEN HOLD AT TOP FOR 2 SECONDS. REALLY FOCUS ON THE SQUEEZE AT THE TOP OF THE MOVEMENT. F1 DUMBBELL CURSTY LUNGE WEIGHT SETS REPS REST COMMENTS / INSTRUCTIONS LIGHT WEIGHT 4 12 PER LEG 30 SEC DECEND SLOWLY IN ABOUT 3 SECONDS AND SHOOT UP IN 1 SECONDS. FOCUS ON PRESSING THRU HEELS. KEEP FRONT KNEE IN ALIGNMENT WITH TOES. BURNOUT GLUTE FOCUSED WORKOUT TO DO POST LIFTS: A1 BANDED REVERSE LUNGE KICKBACKS WEIGHT SETS REPS REST COMMENTS / INSTRUCTIONS BANDED 2 20 30 SEC DO 20 REPS PER LEG AS A BURNOUT FOR 2 SETS B2 BANDED SQUATS WEIGHT SETS REPS REST COMMENTS / INSTRUCTIONS BANDED 2 20 30 SEC DO 20 REPS PER LEG AS A BURNOUT FOR 2 SETS BACK & BIS FOR WEEKS 1-4 EACH TUESDAY. FOCUS WILL BE ADDING MORE WEIGHT FOR ALL MOVEMENTS AS WEEKS PASS BY. VIDEO DEMOS ARE FOUND BY CLICKING THE VIDEO BOX NEXT TO EACH EXERCISE OR CLICK HERE FOR FULL VIDEO [PASSWORD STCG3] A1 ASSISTED NEUTRAL GRIP PULL UPS WEIGHT SETS REPS REST COMMENTS / INSTRUCTIONS HEAVY BODY WEIGHT 4 5-8 60 SEC DECEND SLOWLY IN ABOUT 4 SECONDS AND SHOOT UP IN 1 SECOND TO THEN HOLD AT TOP FOR 2 SECONDS. REALLY FOCUS ON THE SQUEEZE AT THE TOP OF THE MOVEMENT. B1 LANDMINE ROWS WEIGHT SETS REPS REST COMMENTS / INSTRUCTIONS MEDIUM WEIGHT 4 8-12 60 SEC DECEND SLOWLY IN ABOUT 4 SECONDS AND SHOOT UP IN 1 SECOND TO THEN HOLD AT TOP FOR 2 SECONDS. REALLY FOCUS ON THE SQUEEZE AT THE TOP OF THE MOVEMENT. C1 WIDE GRIP LAT PULLDOWNS WEIGHT SETS REPS REST COMMENTS / INSTRUCTIONS LIGHT WEIGHT 4 12-15 30 SEC GO UP SLOWLY IN ABOUT 4 SECONDS AND SHOOT DOWN IN 1 SECOND TO THEN HOLD AT BOTTOM FOR 2 SECONDS. REALLY FOCUS ON THE SQUEEZE AT THE BOTTOM OF THE MOVEMENT. D1 UNDERHAND LAT PULL-DOWNS WEIGHT SETS REPS REST COMMENTS / INSTRUCTIONS MEDIUM WEIGHT 4 8-12 30 SEC GO UP SLOWLY IN ABOUT 4 SECONDS AND SHOOT DOWN IN 1 SECOND TO THEN HOLD AT BOTTOM FOR 2 SECONDS. REALLY FOCUS ON THE SQUEEZE AT THE BOTTOM OF THE MOVEMENT. THIS WORKOUT IS CONTINUED IN NEXT PAGE. BACK & BIS FOR WEEKS 1-4 EACH TUESDAY. FOCUS WILL BE ADDING MORE WEIGHT FOR ALL MOVEMENTS AS WEEKS PASS BY. VIDEO DEMOS ARE FOUND BY CLICKING THE VIDEO BOX NEXT TO EACH EXERCISE OR CLICK HERE FOR FULL VIDEO [PASSWORD STCG3] E1 DUMBBELL HAMMER CURLS WEIGHT SETS REPS REST COMMENTS / INSTRUCTIONS LIGHT 4 30 30 SEC DECEND SLOWLY IN ABOUT 2 SECONDS AND SHOOT UP IN 1 SECOND TO THEN HOLD AT BOTTOM FOR 2 SECONDS. REALLY FOCUS ON THE SQUEEZE AT THE TOP OF THE MOVEMENT. F1 DUMBBELL HAMMER CURLS WEIGHT SETS REPS REST COMMENTS / INSTRUCTIONS LIGHT 4 30 30 SEC DECEND SLOWLY IN ABOUT 2 SECONDS AND SHOOT UP IN 1 SECOND TO THEN HOLD AT BOTTOM FOR 2 SECONDS. REALLY FOCUS ON THE SQUEEZE AT THE TOP OF THE MOVEMENT. LOWER BODY WITH GLUTE FOCUS FOR WEEKS 1-4 EACH WEDNESDAY. FOCUS WILL BE ADDING MORE WEIGHT FOR ALL MOVEMENTS AS WEEKS PASS BY. VIDEO DEMOS ARE FOUND BY CLICKING THE VIDEO BOX NEXT TO EACH EXERCISE OR CLICK HERE FOR [PASSWORD STCG3] A1 BARBELL GLUTE BRIDGES WEIGHT SETS REPS REST COMMENTS / INSTRUCTIONS HEAVY 4 10 45 SEC DECEND SLOWLY IN ABOUT 3 SECONDS THEN SHOOT UP IN 1 SECOND. FOCUS ON PRESSING THRU YOUR HEELS AT ALL TIMES. SQUEEZE GLUTES AT TOP. B1 BARBELL HIP THRUST WEIGHT SETS REPS REST COMMENTS / INSTRUCTIONS LIGHT WEIGHT 4 12 30 SEC YOU’LL DO 1 REP WITH FULL RANGE OF MOTION AND THEN A SECOND REP USING ONLY 1/4 RANGE OF MOTION. BOTH REPS COUNT AS 1. C1 DUMBBELL SPLIT SQUAT WEIGHT SETS REPS REST COMMENTS / INSTRUCTIONS HEAVY WEIGHT 4 5-8 PER LEG 45 SEC DECEND SLOWLY IN ABOUT 3 SECONDS AND LET KNEES TOUCH CHEST THEN SHOOT UP IN 1 SECOND. FOCUS ON PRESSING THRU YOUR HEELS AT ALL TIMES. DO NOT LOCK KNEES AT TOP. D1 ABDUCTIONS WEIGHT SETS REPS REST COMMENTS / INSTRUCTIONS DROPSET CHECK COMMENTS 4 30 30 SEC FIRST 10 REPS HEAVY WEIGHT ; REPS 10-20 MEDIUM WEIGHT ; REPS 20-30 LIGHT WEIGHT. HOLD/SQUEEZE AT TOP 2 SECONDS. THIS WORKOUT IS CONTINUED IN NEXT PAGE. LOWER BODY WITH GLUTE FOCUS FOR WEEKS 1-4 EACH WEDNESDAY. FOCUS WILL BE ADDING MORE WEIGHT FOR ALL MOVEMENTS AS WEEKS PASS BY. VIDEO DEMOS ARE FOUND BY CLICKING THE VIDEO BOX NEXT TO EACH EXERCISE OR CLICK HERE FOR [PASSWORD STCG3] E1 CABLE GLUTE KICKBACKS WEIGHT SETS REPS REST COMMENTS / INSTRUCTIONS LIGHT WEIGHT 4 12 REPS PER LEG 30 SEC DECEND SLOWLY IN ABOUT 3 SECONDS AND SHOOT UP IN 1 SECOND TO THEN HOLD AT TOP FOR 2 SECONDS. REALLY FOCUS ON THE SQUEEZE AT THE TOP OF THE MOVEMENT. F1 CABLE DONKEY KICKS WEIGHT SETS REPS REST COMMENTS / INSTRUCTIONS LIGHT WEIGHT 4 12 REPS PER LEG 30 SEC DECEND SLOWLY IN ABOUT 3 SECONDS AND SHOOT UP IN 1 SECOND TO THEN HOLD AT TOP FOR 2 SECONDS. REALLY FOCUS ON THE SQUEEZE AT THE TOP OF THE MOVEMENT. BURNOUT CIRCUIT TO DO POST LIFTS: A1 BANDED FROG PUMPS WEIGHT SETS REPS REST COMMENTS / INSTRUCTIONS BANDED 2 20 30 SEC DO 20 REPS AS A BURNOUT FOR 2 SETS B2 BANDED GLUTE BRIDGE WEIGHT SETS REPS REST COMMENTS / INSTRUCTIONS BANDED 2 20 30 SEC DO 20 REPS AS A BURNOUT FOR 2 SETS SHOULDERS & TRIS FOR WEEKS 1-4 EACH THURSDAY. FOCUS WILL BE ADDING MORE WEIGHT FOR ALL MOVEMENTS AS WEEKS PASS BY. VIDEO DEMOS ARE FOUND BY CLICKING THE VIDEO BOX NEXT TO EACH EXERCISE OR CLICK HERE FOR FULL VIDEO [PASSWORD STCG3] A1 DUMBBELL SHOULDER PRESS WEIGHT SETS REPS REST COMMENTS / INSTRUCTIONS HEAVY WEIGHT 4 5-8 45 SEC DECEND SLOWLY IN ABOUT 4 SECONDS AND SHOOT UP IN 1 SECOND YOUR ELBOWS YOUR COME A SLIGHT BIT BELOW 90 DEGREES AT BOTTOM. B1 DUMBBELL ARNOLD PRESS WEIGHT SETS REPS REST COMMENTS / INSTRUCTIONS MEDIUM WEIGHT 4 8-12 30 SEC DECEND SLOWLY IN ABOUT 4 SECONDS AND SHOOT UP IN 1 SECOND YOUR ELBOWS YOUR COME A SLIGHT BIT BELOW 90 DEGREES AT BOTTOM. C1 DUMBBELL REVERSE FLYS WEIGHT SETS REPS REST COMMENTS / INSTRUCTIONS LIGHT WEIGHT 4 12-15 30 SEC DECEND SLOWLY IN ABOUT 4 SECONDS AND SHOOT UP IN 1 SECOND TO THEN HOLD AT BOTTOM FOR 2 SECONDS. REALLY FOCUS ON THE SQUEEZE AT THE TOP OF THE MOVEMENT. D1 BODY WEIGHT DIPS WEIGHT SETS REPS REST COMMENTS / INSTRUCTIONS BODY WEIGHT 4 8-12 30 SEC DECEND SLOWLY IN ABOUT 4 SECONDS AND SHOOT UP IN 1 SECOND TO THEN HOLD AT TOP FOR 2 SECONDS. REALLY FOCUS ON THE SQUEEZE AT THE TOP OF THE MOVEMENT. THIS WORKOUT IS CONTINUED IN NEXT PAGE. SHOULDERS & TRIS FOR WEEKS 1-4 EACH THURSDAY. FOCUS WILL BE ADDING MORE WEIGHT FOR ALL MOVEMENTS AS WEEKS PASS BY. VIDEO DEMOS ARE FOUND BY CLICKING THE VIDEO BOX NEXT TO EACH EXERCISE OR CLICK HERE FOR FULL VIDEO [PASSWORD STCG3] E1 DUMBBELL TRICEP KICKBACK WEIGHT SETS REPS REST COMMENTS / INSTRUCTIONS LIGHT 4 12-15 30 SEC DECEND SLOWLY IN ABOUT 4 SECONDS AND SHOOT UP IN 1 SECOND TO THEN HOLD AT TOP FOR 2 SECONDS. REALLY FOCUS ON THE SQUEEZE AT THE TOP OF THE MOVEMENT. F1 DUMBBELL SKULL CRUSHERS WEIGHT SETS REPS REST COMMENTS / INSTRUCTIONS LIGHT 4 12-15 30 SEC DECEND SLOWLY IN ABOUT 4 SECONDS AND SHOOT UP IN 1 SECOND TO THEN HOLD AT TOP FOR 2 SECONDS. REALLY FOCUS ON THE SQUEEZE AT THE TOP OF THE MOVEMENT. LOWER BODY WITH HAM FOCUS FOR WEEKS 1-4 EACH FRIDAY. FOCUS WILL BE ADDING MORE WEIGHT FOR ALL MOVEMENTS AS WEEKS PASS BY. VIDEO DEMOS ARE FOUND BY CLICKING THE VIDEO BOX NEXT TO EACH EXERCISE OR CLICK HERE FOR [PASSWORD STCG3] A1 BARBELL GOODMORNINGS WEIGHT SETS REPS REST COMMENTS / INSTRUCTIONS LIGHT 4 10 45 SEC DECEND SLOWLY IN ABOUT 3 SECONDS THEN SHOOT UP IN 1 SECOND. FOCUS ON PRESSING THRU YOUR HEELS AT ALL TIMES. B1 BARBELL SUMO DEADLIFT WEIGHT SETS REPS REST COMMENTS / INSTRUCTIONS HEAVY 4 5-8 60 SEC DECEND SLOWLY IN ABOUT 3 SECONDS THEN SHOOT UP IN 1 SECOND. FOCUS ON PRESSING THRU YOUR HEELS AT ALL TIMES. SQUEEZE GLUTES AT TOP. C1 BARBELL HIP THRUST WEIGHT SETS REPS REST COMMENTS / INSTRUCTIONS HEAVY WEIGHT 4 5-8 45 SEC DECEND SLOWLY IN ABOUT 3 SECONDS THEN SHOOT UP IN 1 SECOND. FOCUS ON PRESSING THRU YOUR HEELS AT ALL TIMES. SQUEEZE GLUTES AT TOP. D1 BARBELL GLUTE BRIDGES WEIGHT SETS REPS REST COMMENTS / INSTRUCTIONS DROPSET CHECK COMMENTS 4 30 30 SEC FIRST 10 REPS HEAVY WEIGHT ; REPS 10-20 MEDIUM WEIGHT ; REPS 20-30 LIGHT WEIGHT. HOLD/SQUEEZE AT TOP 2 SECONDS. THIS WORKOUT IS CONTINUED IN NEXT PAGE. LOWER BODY WITH HAM FOCUS FOR WEEKS 1-4 EACH FRIDAY. FOCUS WILL BE ADDING MORE WEIGHT FOR ALL MOVEMENTS AS WEEKS PASS BY. VIDEO DEMOS ARE FOUND BY CLICKING THE VIDEO BOX NEXT TO EACH EXERCISE OR CLICK HERE FOR [PASSWORD STCG3] E1 LEG CURLS WEIGHT SETS REPS REST COMMENTS / INSTRUCTIONS LIGHT WEIGHT 4 15 REPS 30 SEC DECEND SLOWLY IN ABOUT 3 SECONDS AND SHOOT UP IN 1 SECOND TO THEN HOLD AT TOP FOR 2 SECONDS. REALLY FOCUS ON THE SQUEEZE AT THE TOP OF THE MOVEMENT. F1 DUMBBELL ROMANIAN DL WEIGHT SETS REPS REST COMMENTS / INSTRUCTIONS LIGHT WEIGHT 4 15 REPS 30 SEC DECEND SLOWLY IN ABOUT 3 SECONDS AND SHOOT UP IN 1 SECOND. BURNOUT CIRCUIT TO DO POST LIFTS: A1 BANDED FIRE HYDRANTS WEIGHT SETS REPS REST COMMENTS / INSTRUCTIONS BANDED 2 20 EACH LEG 30 SEC DO 20 REPS PER LEG AS A BURNOUT FOR 2 SETS B1 BANDED FIRE DONKEY KICKS WEIGHT SETS REPS REST COMMENTS / INSTRUCTIONS BANDED 2 20 EACH LEG 30 SEC DO 20 REPS PER LEG AS A BURNOUT FOR 2 SETS