Uploaded by ireanm6

Workout Program: Upper & Lower Body Exercises

Until you get TRX, do this program one day on one day off. If you are getting and back flare
ups from any of these let me know.
Upper Body
Reverse fly 6 - 8 reps 3 sets ( Video min 5 )
Frog or super woman 10 reps 3 sets ( Video min 10)
Negative pull-up until failure 3 sets ( Video min 15) [If you can’t hold a proper
negative, have a chair under you and keep one foot on it to help yourself]
Single arm bent over row 10 reps 3 sets ( Video min 5) [use any kind of weight and
you don’t have to stand on a chair. Breath in and hold your breath to brace then
bend over and row]
Push-ups 6-8 reps 3sets (Video)
Side Lateral raises 10 reps 3 sets ( Video min 16)
Shoulder Press 6-8 reps 3 sets ( Video min 1)
Lower Body
Bodyweight squats: Until failure 3 sets (Video min 1)
Glute Bridges until failure 3 sets ( Video) [Let me know if you cant do it. This will help
you a lot with your back pain]
Up and over reverse lifts until failure 3 sets (Video min 28)
High Jumps 6 reps 3 sets (Video)
Pendulum reach out plank Until Failure 3 sets (Video min 3)