Uploaded by Harrison Cobham

IOPCAM Source Analysis & Treaty of Versailles Lesson Plan

Curriculum area
Lesson title
Introduction to IOPCAM source
Year level
analysis and introduction to World
War Two.
Lesson duration 60-70 minutes
Creation date 29/08/2023
Curriculum content and learning context
The key Curriculum content that will be covered this lesson is the source analysis technique of
IOPCAM, which will be a significant skill used through to grade 12, as well as the concept of the interwar years, with an emphasis on the Treaty of Versailles.
ACARA content descriptors / QCAA outcomes
Learning goals for the lesson
- Students will be familiarised with
the IOPCAM source analysis
the causes, outbreak and course of the Second World War
and the significance of Australian involvement
- Students will become familiar with
the inter-war years between WW1
and WW2
identify the origin and content of sources, and explain the
- Students will become familiar with
purpose and context of primary and secondary sources
the Treaty of Versailles
- Students will practice writing an
IOPCAM source analysis with a
explain the usefulness of primary and secondary sources,
source related to the Treaty of
and the reliability of the information as evidence
Differentiation Connections to prior
- Key content taught at the start of lesson.
- Connection to World War One
from prior unit.
- Digital PowerPoints sent to students.
- Homework task provided for students to
demonstrate understanding.
- Whole class-based activities to encourage
participation and collaboration.
Assessment opportunities
IOPCAM source analysis will be a significant skill that
Student resources required:
students will need to develop for History assessment
Workbook, glue stick, scissors, pencil/pen
through to year 12, and the Treaty of Versailles is a
Teacher resources required:
significant event that will likely be referred to within the Whiteboard markers, handout of IOPCAM
assessment for the unit.
format and source for analysis and access
to PowerPoint.
1. Lesson Introduction:
(15 minutes)
- Begin the lesson by welcoming the students and providing an overview of
what they will learn.
- Explain that the lesson will focus on the IOPCAM source analysis technique to
understand historical events, particularly the Treaty of Versailles and the
inter-war years.
2. IOPCAM Format Overview:
- Introduce the IOPCAM acronym and explain its components: Information,
Origin, Perspective, Context, Audience, and Motive.
- Provide brief descriptions of each component and emphasize how they
contribute to a comprehensive analysis of historical sources.
Main body
3. Examples of IOPCAM Analysis:
(35-45 minutes)
(10 minutes)
Areas for
Feedback from
Show students examples of historical sources accompanied by completed
IOPCAM analyses.
- Discuss each example and how the different components of IOPCAM analysis
are applied to enhance understanding.
4. Identifying IOPCAM Analysis:
- Distribute a few different historical sources to the students.
- In pairs or small groups, have students identify and discuss the components
of IOPCAM analysis present in each source.
- Encourage them to consider how each component contributes to their
understanding of the source.
5. Exploring the Inter-War Years:
- Provide an overview of the inter-war years between World War I and World
War II.
- Highlight key events, social changes, and political shifts that characterized
this period.
- Discuss the impact of World War I on global dynamics and the emergence of
new ideologies.
6. Treaty of Versailles Discussion:
- Introduce the Treaty of Versailles and its role in ending World War I.
- Discuss the terms of the treaty, including territorial adjustments,
disarmament, and reparations.
- Lead a class discussion on the treaty's impact on Germany and its role in
shaping the inter-war years.
7. Applying IOPCAM to Treaty of Versailles:
- Provide students with a historical excerpt related to the Treaty of Versailles.
- Instruct students to individually write an IOPCAM analysis of the excerpt,
focusing on each component.
- Emphasize the importance of considering the historical context when
analysing the source.
8. Sharing and Discussion:
- Have students share their IOPCAM analyses in pairs or small groups.
- Facilitate a class discussion about the insights gained from analysing the
Treaty of Versailles using the IOPCAM technique.
9. Lesson Reflection:
- Conclude the lesson by asking students to reflect on what they have learned
about IOPCAM analysis and the inter-war years.
- Encourage them to consider how analysing historical sources can deepen
their understanding of significant events.
Strengths and reasons:
Weaknesses and reasons: