Vcb vs ctg 6M2022 mil VND VCB CTG 7.67% 6.07% Equity ratios Owner’s equity/ total assets Equity’s growth 12.7%(comes from a 10,000,000 9.75%(due to RE) (compared to last increase charter capital) year final numbers) Financial leverage Assets Quality NPL 0.61% 1.35% Assets focused on customers Compared to VCB, CTG lending and ready for trade lending portfolio seems to stocks have a priority for short term lending (60%vs 50%) and less focused on long term. Liquidity Acid ratio (CAinven/CL) Loans/Deposits Size Number of employees Number of shares Profitability ROE ROA Net income Efficiency ratio Cost to income ratio (expense/reven) Cost of funds ABC 20X3 Equity ratios Owner’s equity/ total assets Equity’s growth (compared to last year final numbers) Financial leverage Assets Quality NPL Liquidity Acid ratio (CAinven/CL) Loans/Deposits Liquidity coverage ratio Size Number of employees Number of shares 20X4 Profitability ROE ROA ROCE Efficiency ratio Cost to income ratio (expense/reven) Cost of funds Net income/no of employees EVA RAROC (Risk adjusted earnings/capital employed) Ratios serve to inform investors, and depositors which bank is safe/ good. Some requirements: bank is liquid, leverage ratio, degree of risk Depositors looking to deposits can look to ROE and ROA to find if bank is performing better this or last year. ROA determines how well assets are utilized by manager of the bank. If this is lower it raise question why?-> what kind of people is in the bank. Management of the bank(people involved in operation; BOM) is interested in how bank perform in last year? 1. Put a target for 2023 2. Finding weak points, strong points with variance analysis (achievement vs target). 2 outcome - adverse - favor From then, you know where you are among competitors in the industry. Ultimate goal is to determine and design business strategy. ROE and ROA does not include the degree of risk in their calculation so investors looking at high number of returns can be misleading. There is another ratio called RAROA, risk-adjusted return on asset and RAROE, risk-adjusted return on equity.