INDEX NUMBER:................................................. . ;, "; I SIGNATURE: ................................................... . . 1: , ~ '5j' -< ~'8"._ ;;:;".Cf} liij'l~~""" UNIVERSITY OF GHANA (All rights reserved) B.AIB.Sc. SECOND SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS: 2014/2015 UGBS 108: PSYCHOLOGY FOR EVERYDAY LIVING (3 CREDITS) (THIS PAPER IS TO BE TAKEN BY STUDENTS FROM BOTH LEGON CAMPUS AND ACCRA CITY CAMPUS) INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS IN SECTION A AND ANY TWO QUESTIONS FROM SECTION B ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS ON THE QUESTION PAPER. TIME ALLOWED: TWO AND HALF (2112) HOURS SECTION A ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS BY INDICATING THE LETTER THAT CORRESPONDS TO THE CORRECT ANSWER 1. Unilever Ghana Ltd is interested in hiring a psychologist to restructure how executives deal with absenteeism, promotion and job satisfaction assessments among employees. IT Brothers Ltd, on the other hand, is interested in hiring a psychologist to help design their offices in the most optimal fashion. Who should these companies hire? A. Unilever Ghana Ltd should hire a social psychologist and IT Brothers Ltd should hire an industrial organizational psychologist. B. Unilever Ghana Ltd should hire an environmental psychologist and TT Brothers Ltd should hire an industrial organizational psychologist. C. Unilever Ghana Ltd should hire an industrial organizational psychologist and TT Brothers Ltd should hire an environmental psychologist. D. Unilever Ghana Ltd should hire an industrial organizational psychologist and IT Brothers Ltd should hire a community psychologist. Page 1 of 13 Examiner: Dr. Paul Narh Doku INDEX NUMBER: ................................................. . 2. A. B. C. D. SIGNATURE: ..... a.: s. . . . .... . ........ . ...... . Psychodynamic psychology differs from other approaches because it is based on .. ... .. . animal rather than human models. thoughts and impulses outside of conscious experience. introspection by trained subjects. laboratory studies in controlled settings. 3. Bill's friends and fanlily believe that he has a drinking problem. When Bill is confronted by his loved ones, he claims that his drinking is not problematic. What type of defense mechanism is Bill's response? A. B. C. D. Repression Rationalization Denial Displacement 4. Forcing thoughts to remain unconscious in order to avoid the anxiety that would result if they were conscious is the definition of which Freudian defense mechanism? A. denial B. isolation C. regression D. repressIOn 5. Mary has an argument with her boss, but remains calm while at work. When she gets home that evening, she yells at her spouse and children. Which defense mechanism is Mary displaying? A. B. C. D. Rationalization Denial Reaction Formation Displacement 6. A. B. C. D. In Pavlov's experiments with dogs, the bell (prior to conditioning) was the neutral stimulus. unconditioned stimulus. conditioned stimulus. unconditioned response. 7. A. B. C. D. Albert Bandura's social cognitive theory stresses the importance of learning by increasing stimulus control. by developing cognitive maps. by observing a model. by demonstrating fixed-action patterns I 8. Kalliyan has taken the same route home from work for years, but today the road is closed due to an accident. Kalliyan has an important work presentation that she can't miss, so she takes a back road that she knows is there but has never used. She is displaying I A. latent learning. B. shaping. C. instinctive drift. D. preparedness. Page 2 of 13 Examiner: Dr. Paul Narh Doku INDEX NUMBER:.................................................. 9. A. B. C. D. d"6NATURE: .................................................... . According to John B. Watson, psychology is the study of the mind. conscious experience. mental states. behavior. 10. The humanistic viewpoint emphasizes A. free will, self-image, and self-actualization. B. determinism, the unconscious, and biological drives. C. natural selection and practical skills. D. the idea that lithe environment is the key causal matrix. 11 11. Jess often experiences intense feelings of anger and frustration. In order to cope with these feeling, he enrolls in a kickboxing class as an outlet for his emotions. Jess's actions are an example of which type of defense mechanism? A. B. C. D. Sublimation Projection Displacement Repression 12. The presentation of an aversive stimulus or the removal of a positive stimulus are both examples of A. negative reinforcement. B. punishment. C. positive reinforcement. D. positive punishment 13. A child has leamed to avoid a furry, black cat. However, she still plays with her grandmother's short-haired tabby. Her response demonstrates A. negative transfer. B. extinction. C. discrimination. D. successive approximation. 14. Ivan Pavlov has been credited with the initial discovery of A. operant conditioning. B. reinforcement. C. classical conditioning. D. vicarious conditioning. 15. occurs when making a response removes an unpleasant event. A. Positive reinforcement B. Negative reinforcement C. Extinction D. Punishment 16. The schedule of reinforcement in which a set number of responses must be made for each reward is called A. fixed ratio. Page 3 of 13 Examiner: Dr. Paul Narh Doku INDEX NUMBER: ................................................. . SIG·NATURE: ......... ............ ................................ . B. fixed interval. C. variable ratio. D. variable interval. 17. To teach a child to eat spaghetti, you would reinforce initial responses, such as holding the fork, and then increasingly closer approximations to the final response, a procedure known as A. counter conditioning. B. secondary conditioning. C. desensitization. D. shaping. 18. The process through which a response is taught by rewarding successive approximations to the fmal desired response is A. extinction. B. fading. C. shaping. D. secondary reinforcement. 19. A child who occasionally gets rewarded with candy after asking her grandmother for a "treat" is A. B. C. D. being rewarded on a fixed ratio variable ratio fixed interval partial interval schedule. 20. After weeks of successful extinction trials, your pet dachshund suddenly resumes burying bones in the front yard. Your pet therapist advises you that the dog's behaviour is an example of .A. token reinforcement. B. stimulus generalization. C. spontaneous recovery. D. satiation. 21. Twenty years after graduating, a subject is able to correctly identify photographs of students she A. B. C. D. attended high school with from a larger group of strangers. To do so she has used recall. recognition. eidetic imagery. remmlscence. 22. Cue-dependent (or context dependent) theories of memory suggest that you would do best on your chemistry test if you could be tested A. in the room where you studied. B. in a chemistry laboratory. C. with a large group of chemistry majors. D. with students who share your interests. 23. Memories of historical facts are to _ _ _ _ _ memory, as memories of your breakfast this morning are to _ _ _ _ _ memory. A. episodic; procedural Page 4 of 13 Examiner: Dr. Paul Narh Daku = . . . . -..-.. I NDEX NUMBER: ........................... B. procedural; semantic C. semantic; episodic D. long-term; short-term ==... . . ........ . .... . . --=S=-: IGNATURE: .......... ~g 24. determines what information moves from sensory memory to short-term memory. A. Encoding failure B. Selective attention C. Repression D. Eidetic encoding 25. When students who go to graduate school have to brush up on a foreign language they learned before, they find it easier the second time around. This illustrates A. rehearsal. B. recall. C. redintegration. D. relearning. 26. The kind of memory that lasts for only a second or two is A. long-term memory. B. short-term memory. C. eidetic memory. D. sensory memory. 27. The inability to recall events preceding an accident involving injuries to the head is called A. retrograde amnesia. B. prograde amnesia. C. motivated forgetting. D. cognitive blockage. 28. A. B. C. D. Consciously forcing painful or anxiety-producing thoughts from memory is called proactive inhibition. repression. suppression. continued avoidance. 29. A brain-injured patient who can still execute a perfect golf swing or a high dive but is unable to recall or relearn even the broad outlines of American history is superior in A. procedural memory. B. semantic memory. C. episodic memory. D. fact memory. 30. A multiple choice question (like this one) makes greatest use of which type of memory? A. recall B. recognition C. relearning D. redintegration Page 5 of 13 Examiner: Dr. Paul Narh Doku INDEX NUMBER:.................................................. SIGNATURE: ............ :;z1. . . . ... ..... . . . . . . 31. After a movie has ended, an elderly man falls when walking down the steps of the crowded theatre. There is an extremely long pause before anyone moves to help the man. This is an example of A. aggression. B. egOIsm. C. altruism. D. the bystander effects. 32. Kim was offered a job and wanted to get a salary of $35,000 per year. When her soon-to-be employer asked her what salary she expected, she said $40,000. She was confident that she would not get that high of a salary but rather expected her employer to reject that figure for a figure closer to $35,000. What strategy is Kim using? A. cognitive dissonance strategy B. foot-in-the-door strategy C. elaboration-likelihood strategy D. door-in-the-face strategy 33. Members of some hate groups cover their faces and sometimes their entire bodies while they mistreat their targeted group. This can also happen if the hate group is extremely large or a "mob mentality" forms. In these situations, people find it easier to participate in crimes they would not normally commit due to A. lowballing. B. equal status contact. C. deindividuation. D. the self-fulfilling prophecy. 34. A. B. C. D. When we perform well, we typically attribute our success to _ _ _ __ internal characteristics our group of colleagues external circumstances our personality type 35. According to the theory of cognitive dissonance, attitudes are changed because A. emotionally persuasive arguments unfreeze beliefs. B. logical arguments alter the belief component of an attitude. C. clashing thoughts cause discomfort. D. acting contrary to one's beliefs for a large reward causes dissonance. 36. A. B. C. D. When subjects in Milgram's obedience experiments received their orders over the phone, they conformed more completely due to the formality of the telephoned instructions. completely refused to participate. were only slightl.' more obedient than they were in face-to-face conditions. were far less obedient. 37. Attribution theory concerns our tendency to explain our behaviour and that of others A. by external causes rather than internal causes. B. by inferring causes on the basis of internal or external factors. C. by internal rather than external causes. D. based on personality factors. Page 6 of 13 Examiner: Dr. Paul Narh Doku INDEX NUMBER: ................................................. . SIGNATURE:········· ~O ··· ··· ··· ······················ . 38. You are asked by a close friend to outline a complete text to aid her studying for a final exam. You refuse to help. Later, your friend asks if you would at least outline two chapters. Feeling guilty, you now agree to help. Your behaviour is predicted by the A. foot-in-the-face technique. B. high-ball effect. C. low-ball technique. D. door-in-the-face effect. 39. When a person with little or no authority makes a direct request to another person, the situation involves A. compliance. B. obedience. C. coercion. D. conformity. 40. Cognitive dissonance theory is based on the human need for A. self-actualization. B. gain-loss. C. cognitive dissonance. D. consistency. 41. Duringresearch in a simulated prison situation A. three prisoners were so severely beaten they had to be hospitalized. B. guards did not take their roles seriously. C. prisoners quickly became passive and were dehumanized. D. the prisoners and the guards quickly became friendly towards one another. 42. A. B. C. D. How individuals are affected by the presence of others is the focus of study in the field of Sociology. Social psychology. Experimental psychology. Sociobiology 43. After pairing the CS and US in a series of conditioning trials, the organism learns to respond to the CS alone. This response is then called A. unconditioned stimulus. B. conditioned stimulus. C. unconditioned response. D. conditioned response. 44. A child is conditioned to fear a furry, black cat. Soon she becomes fearful of any black, furry object. Her new response demonstrates A. spontaneous recovery. B. negative transfer. C. stimulus generalization. D. operant conditioning. 45. Acquiring a fear of a light because you saw someone else getting shocked when the light came on is an example of A. vicarious conditioning. Page 7 of 13 Examiner: Dr. Paul Narh Doku INDEX NUMBER: ................................................. . SIGNATURE: ......... B. instrumental conditioning. C. classical extinction. D. vicarious withdrawal. ==. . . . . .... . ......... 31 46. By a continuous reinforcement schedule, we mean that A. reinforcements occur continuously regardless of the subject's behaviour. B. responding without pausing is the requirement for reinforcement. C. each response is reinforced. D. reinforcement continues even when errors are made. 47. Your handsome successful boyfri end winks at you each time before he tells you "I love you." Your expectation when he winks is a(an) A. unconditional stimulus. B. conditioned response. C. conditioned stimulus. D. unconditional response. 48. Learning is best defined as A. any change in behaviour. B. a relatively permanent change in behaviour due to past experience. C. a permanent change in behaviour due to physical development. D. any change in behaviour caused by punishment. 49. A. B. C. D. The tendency for prior learning to inhibit recall of later learning is called encoding failure. repression. retroactive interference. proactive interference. 50. Memories outside of conscious awareness are called A. proactive memories. B. reactive memories. C. explicit memories. D. implicit memories. 51. A. B. C. D. Essay questions tend to be more difficult than multiple choice because with an essay question, there are more cues to stimulate memory. recall is required rather than recognition. there is more proactive inhibition. there is more interference possible. 52. A. B. C. D. An intelligence test for adults frequently has a general knowledge section which tests for episodic memory. echoic memory. procedural memory. semantic memory. 53. A mail clerk has to rearrange mailboxes in a student dormitory and for a few days has difficulty sorting the mail. This illustrates A. retroactive interference. Page 8 of 13 Examiner: Dr. Paul Narh Doku INDEX NUMBER: ................................................. . B. proactive interference. C. relearning. D. memory decay. SIGNATURE: .................................................... . 3!l 54. Remembering the first and last items of a list better than items in the middle is due to A. the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon. B. redintegration. C. the serial position effect. D. the pseudo-memory effect. 55. According to the interference theory of forgetting, A. memory capacity is limited so that when new information is brought in, older memories must be removed. B. new learning can inhibit the retrieval of stored memory, and vice-versa. C. forgetting is directly related to the complexity and meaningfulness of the incoming information. D. cues present at the time oflearning interfere with memory retrieval. 56. When new learning disrupts the ability to recall past, stored information, _____ has been said to occur. A. proactive interference B. disinhibition C. retrograde amnesia D. retroactive interference 57. An area of the brain of particular importance for memory storage is the A. hippocampus. B. parietal lobe. C. thalamus. D. medulla. 58. If you witnessed a crime and were asked to pick out the criminal from a lineup, you would be doing what kind of memory task? A. eidetic imagery B. relearning C. recall D. recognition 59. Tyrone is supportive of same-sex marriage. However, the political candidate for whom he plans to vote opposes same-sex marriage. Tyrone is likely experiencing A. cognitive dissonance. B. the self-fulfilling prophecy. C. the bystander effect. D. conformity. 60. Jim believes think that capital punishment is wrong. After speaking with some like-minded coworkers, he feels even more convinced that his opinion is . This is an example of A. discrimination. B. self-serving bias. C. group polarization. D. groupthink. I Page 9 of 13 Examiner: Dr. Paul Narh Doku INDEX NUMBER: ........................................ _....... . SIGNATURE: .........._........................... _........... . .:33 61. A soldier who commits acts of violence against others because his €lJ her superior instructed hlm OJ her to do so is an example of A. obedience. B. conformity. C. cognitive dissonance. D. groupthink. 62. _____ is best known for his research on conformity. A. Asch B. Rubin C. Schachter D. Zimbardo 63. During the Stanford Prison study, A. guards did not take their roles seriously. B. guards readily assumed their roles as agents of force. C. the prisoners and the guards quickly became friendly towards one another D. three prisoners were so severely beaten they had to be hospitalized. 64. Solomon Asch's classic experiment (in which subjects judged a standard line and comparison lines) was arranged to test the limits of A. social perception. B. indoctrination. C. coerCIve power. D. conformity. 65. The person who agrees to a small request initially is more likely later to comply with a larger demand. This describes the A. door-in-the-face-effect. B. foot-in-the-door effect. C. low-ball technique. D. high-ball technique. 66. A. B. C. D. The process of changing your behaviour to match that of others in a groUip is norming. forming a social contract. conformity. standardization 67. A. B. C. D. When you have "clashing thoughts," you are experiencing conformity pressure. obedience pressure. cognitive dissonance. open-ended role conflict. 68. Which of the following was a factor in determining the degree of obedience in Milgram's series of experiments? A. whether the experimenter was male or female B. distance between the teacher and the learner C. amount of complaining, shouting, and crying by the learner Page 10 of 13 Examiner: Dr. Paul Narh DONa INDEX NUMBER: ................................................. . SIGNATURE: .................................................... . D. the tone of voice used by the experimenter ~I..'f 69. Stanley Milgram's experiment in which a "teacher" gave shocks to a "learner" was designed to test the limits of A. expert power. B. coerCive power. C. obedience. D. conformity to a majority. 70. Milgram's shock study showed people to be surprisingly A. rebellious. B. intelligent. C. sexist. D. obedient. SECTIONB ANSWER ANY TWO QUESTIONS FROM THIS SECTION. KINDLY USE THE SPACE PROVIDED BELOW IN ANSWERING THE QUESTIONS 72. Explain five (5) applications of learning principles of Operant Conditioning in organizations, marketing and advertising. . 73. Explain five (5) reasons why forgetting occurs 74. Discuss 5 factors that determines building a relationship with one person over another 75. Explain the following terms in social psychology: A. Group Think B. Deindividuation C. Bystander Effect D. Obedience E. Social facilitation Page 11 of 13 Examiner: Dr. Paul Narh Doku INDEX NUMBER: .................. ................................ SIGNATURE: .................................................... . QUESTION NO: ......... . .. . .... ... ................................................ .......... . ................................. ........ .............. ..... . Page 12 of 13 Examiner: Dr. Paul Narh Doku