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ISO 9001:2015 QMS Training: Implementation & Auditing

Course/Training Title:
Quality Management System – ISO 9001:2015 – Practical Implementation and Auditing
(Cracking the Standard’s Code)
For developing, implementing and auditing Quality Management System (QMS) in
organizations of varying size and scope of work, it is necessary for a professional to
comprehend, visualize and materialize the requirements mentioned in ISO 9001:2015
This is a thorough course on Quality Management System (QMS) ISO 9001:2015 standard
implementation and auditing, where all requirements of the standard are well elaborated and
clarified. This course provides practical experience-based, in-depth knowledge of the Quality
Management System implementation and auditing.
This course is designed with the “Basics-to-Advanced Level” approach, taking the attendees
from basic understanding of the concepts of the QMS standard document onto practical
implementation of the requirements given in the standard for documentation,
implementation, evaluation and internal/external auditing (including preparation for third
party certification audits).
This training is for you/your organization, if you intend to
 implement a robust QMS;
 efficiently manage and conduct effective internal audits;
 prepare for third-party certification audits, and/or
 sustain a QMS for international supplier’s/client’s requirement.
 become an independent consultant, trainer and/or external auditor.
Upon successful completion of this course, attendees will be able to thoroughly comprehend,
implement/audit the following:
 PDCA Cycle: Plan, Do, Check, Act
 Quality Management Principles
 Process-based approach: Supplier, Input, Process, Output, Customer
 Risk-based thinking: Risk Assessment, Risk Mitigation, Risk Treatment Plans
 Clause-wise requirements (Documentation) of ISO 9001:2015 standard
 Quality in Organizational Management Systems: Horizontally and Vertically
 Managing, conducting, reporting and following-up of QMS Audits
 Organizational performance analysis through KPIs
 Improving and optimizing existing organizational QMS
 Sustainable QMS Implementation
2 month (5 hours Sat+Sun) Total: 40 Hours
Intended Audience:
 Organizational Management
 Operations Directors / Managers
 Quality Professionals
 Quality Managers
 Quality Auditors
 QMS Consultants
 Quality Analysts
 QA & QC Specialists
 Junior Quality Professionals
 HR Professionals