SECTION B 1. Describe the circular flow of the economy by discussing the two markets where households and firms meet. ANSWER a. b. c. d. Define Circular flow Describe the two markets – Goods market & Factors markets Name the two primary agents – Household & Firm Function of each agent – a. Who supply/demand in each market e. Real flow and money flow Measuring GDP 2. Using the above table calculate GNP, NNP, National Income, Personal Income and Disposable income. ANSWER: GDP Receipt of factor inc Payment of factor inc GNP Depreciation NNP Indirect taxes & Sub. National Income Corporate profit-div Social Insurance Pymt Interest Recieved Transfer pymt Personal Income Personal Taxes Disposable Income 8,000 250 - 300 ‘ 7,950 - 900 ’ 7,050 - 500 ‘ 6,550 - 500 - 700 +300 + 1,100 ‘ 6,750 - 1,000 ‘ 5,750