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4 Week Training Program: Lean Muscle & Glute Building

TRAIN with V
Victoria Grimes Training Program
4 Week Lean Muscle Building
WEEKLY SPLIT: What muscle group you will target for each day
of the week
WEDNESDAY: Legs (Hamstring Focused)
FRIDAY: Shoulders
SATURDAY: Legs (Quad Focused)
General Information:
Aim to increase weight throughout rounds. Focus on reaching failure
within the rep range given. Do not just stop if you hit the number of
reps listed, keep going and adjust the next round accordingly
(increasing the weight).
The rest period listed is a guide, if you feel like you need to take more
rest do so within reason.
This program can be repeated and extended to an 8 week program
but ensure that you are utilizing progressive overload - either
increasing the weight at which you complete the reps at. Or
performing more reps at the weight you did previously.
SS. = Superset; meaning you complete both exercises, one after
another without taking rest in between. Once you have completed
both exercises then you take the rest.
BB= Barbell
DB= Dumbbell
Controlling the negative: Controlling the weight on the way down or
the “relaxed” part of the repetition. Do not let the weight control you.
This causes you to work the muscle the entire time.
Reps: Repetitions, which is the number of times you perform the
exercise for. Example if I say to do 12 reps of squats you will
complete the squat 12 times for a total of 12 reps.
Sets: The amount of time you will repeat that exercise for reps listed.
Example if you are doing 3 sets of 12 reps of squats you would do 12
squats, which would conclude 1 set. After you have completed the 12
squats for 1 set you would take rest before starting another set of 12
reps of squats.
Steady State Cardio= Low intensity cardio that is used to put the body
into the fat burning zone. Your heart rate should stay consistent but
not too high. You should be able to carry on a conversation;
therefore, breathing shouldn’t be too heavy.
Stretching: Make sure you are taking time to stretch or foam roll to
aid in the recovery process.
Exercise 1: I’s Y’s T’s *using resistance band
Sets/Reps/Rest: 5 sets | 5 reps | 30 seconds
Tips: Warm-up Focused
Exercise 2: Dumbbell Incline Press
Sets/Reps/Rest: 4 | 15,12,10,8 reps | 60-120 seconds
Tips: Increase weight each set – aim to fail at 8 reps. Stretch at the
bottom as you bring the DB’s towards your chest but do not allow them
to rest.
Exercise 3: Incline DB Flyes
Sets/Reps/Rest: 4 | 12-15 reps | 60-90 seconds
Tips: Increase weight each set. Slight bend in the elbows - do not lock
out. Focus on a nice controlled stretch of the chest before squeezing your
chest together as you drive the weights back up.
Exercise 4:Dumbbell Flat Press
Sets/Reps/Rest: 4 | 15,12,10,8 reps | 60-120 seconds
Tips: Increase weight each set – aim to fail at 8 reps
Exercise 5: Cable Flyes
Sets/Reps/Rest: 4 | 12-15 reps | 60-90 seconds
Tips: Same concept applies to this exercise as with the DB chest flyes focus on keeping chest up and open.
Exercise 1: Assisted Pull-ups
Sets/Reps/Rest: 5 | 20, 20, 5,12,10 reps | 60-120 seconds
Tips: First two sets are light and warm-up focused if you can perform sets
3-5 unassisted do so.
Exercise 2: Lat Pulldowns
Sets/Reps/Rest: 4 | 15, 12, 10, 10 reps | 60-90 seconds
Tips: Focus on pulling from your back vs. letting your arms initiate the
movement. Retract your shoulder blades and then pull down. Allow for a
full stretch at the top.
Exercise 3: DB Rows
Sets/Reps/Rest: 4 | 15, 12, 10, 10 reps | 60-90 seconds
Tips: Tension kept on your back vs. your arms leading the movement and
taking the workload. Allow for a full stretch of your lats as you bring the
weight down.
Exercise 4: Close Grip Reverse Pulldowns
Sets/Reps/Rest: 4 | 12-15 reps | 60-90 seconds
Tips: Alternate handles weekly (triangle handle or straight bar)
Exercise 5: Cable Rows
Sets/Reps/Rest: 4 | 12, 12, 10, 10 reps | 60-90 seconds
Tips: Allow for a full stretch on before you contract and pull the bar into
your body.
Exercise 6: Cable Rope Pulldowns
Sets/Reps/Rest: 3 | 12-15 reps | 60-90 seconds
Tips: Slight bend in your arms (don’t lock out). Stretch the lats before
pulling the rope or attachment into your body (really focusing on
contracting your lower lats). I like to perform this exercise with a slight
arch in my lower back to allow for a deeper contraction.
WEDNESDAY: Legs (Hamstring & Glute Focused)
Exercise 1: Wide Stance Back Squats (using smith machine or BB)
Sets/Reps/Rest: 6 | 20, 20, 15, 12, 10, 10 reps | 60-120 seconds
Tips: Sets 1 & 2 are warm up – choose a light weight and focus on form.
Make sure to drive through the heel of your foot and push knees
outwards as you drive up. If you notice your butt winking at the bottom
perform the exercise with less range of motion (do not squat down as
Exercise 2: Stiff Leg DL’s
Sets/Reps/Rest: 4 | 15, 12, 10, 10 reps | 60-90 seconds
Tips: Slight bend in the knees, keep your neck in neutral position and
keep your back straight. Focus on squeezing your Glute-ham tie in as you
drive down, squeeze and then drive up. If you feel any tension in your
lower back reevaluate form, go lighter or perform with less range of
Exercise 3: BB Hip Thrusters
Sets/Reps/Rest: 5 | 15, 12, 10, 8, 6 reps | 90-120 seconds
Tips: Place feet down firmly in a 90 degree angle with the floor. Your
back should be on the bench. As you thrust up, drive through the heel of
your foot and push knees out slightly. Squeeze glutes at the top with a
quick pause. Don’t hyperextend hips at the top - this will put tension on
your lower back.
Exercise 4: Sumo Deadlifts
Sets/Reps/Rest: 4 | 15, 12, 10, 6-8 reps | 90-120 seconds
Tips: Wide stance with feet pointed slightly outwards. Drive up with your
legs and keep your chest up and open to keep your back straight.
Squeeze/thrust forward at the top to keep tension on glutes throughout
the entire movement.
Exercise 5: Lying Leg Curls
Sets/Reps/Rest: 4 | 15, 12, 10, 8 reps | 60-120 seconds
Tips: Increase weight each set. Drive your hips into the cushion
throughout this exercise. DO NOT let your hips lift off the pad - If you
can’t perform the exercise without this happening lower the weight.
Exercise 6: Glute Kick-backs
Sets/Reps/Rest: 3 | 15-20 reps/leg | 60-90 seconds
Tips: Use cable or machine depending on what is available.
FRIDAY: Shoulders
Exercise 1: I’S, Y’s T’s SS. Field Goals
Sets/Reps/Rest: 5 | 5 reps | 60-120 seconds
Tips: Focus on warming up the shoulders
Exercise 2: Seated DB Shoulder Press. Alternate weekly with Military
Sets/Reps/Rest: 5 | 20 (light), 15, 12, 10, 8 reps | 90-120 seconds
Tips: Chest up, core engaged. Extend arms fully at the top but do not
lock out elbows. Control the negative portion of the exercise and do not
drop elbows too low.
Exercise 3: Lateral Raises
Sets/Reps/Rest: 4 | 15, 12, 10, 8 reps | 90-120 seconds
Tips: Chest up, shoulders rolled back. Focus on initiating the movement
with your deltoids. Choose the position of arms depending on where you
feel it the most. Only use momentum to get the reps up towards the last
1-3 reps reaching failure.
Exercise 4: Bent-Over Rear Delt Raises
Sets/Reps/Rest: 4 | 12-15 reps | 60-90 seconds
Tips: Lean over the edge of a bench allowing arms to relax and extend
while rounding your back. Lift arms outwards keeping your back round
the entire time to avoid tension going elsewhere.
Exercise 5: Frontal Raises
Sets/Reps/Rest: 4 | 15, 12, 10, 8 reps | 90-120 seconds
Tips: Standing upright, core engaged and keeping a slight bend in your
arms throughout the movement. Keep constant control and do not swing
until the last rep or two during the final set.
Exercise 6: Cable Upright Rows SS. Face Pulls
Sets/Reps/Rest: 4 | 12-15 reps | 90-120 seconds
Tips: Using a EZ bar attachment for the upright rows and a rope
attachment for the face pulls. Lead with your elbows for the rows while
keeping an upright posture. For face pulls pull towards your face while
pulling the rope away from each other. Never contract or squeeze your
back together - keep all the tension on your rear delts.
Exercise 7: Lateral Raise Pyramid
Sets/Reps/Rest: 1 | 8-10 heavy *using momentum, then drop weight and
do as many as you can until you drop down to 5lbs weights | 90-120
Tips: Same form as noted above.
SATURDAY: Legs (Quad Focused)
Exercise 1: Leg Extensions
Sets/Reps/Rest: 6 | 20, 20, 15, 12, 10, 8-10 reps | 60-120 seconds
Tips: First two sets are warm up, lighter weight hitting a higher rep
Exercise 2: Front or Back Squats
Sets/Reps/Rest: 5 | 15, 12, 10, 8, 6-8 reps | 120 seconds
Tips: Keep core engaged throughout the movement. Drive from the heel
of your foot and press knees outwards as you drive up. If you are having
a butt wink during your squats don’t squat as low. Do not lock out knees
at any point during the exercise. Do not thrust hips forward at the top of
the squat.
Exercise 3: Walking Lunges
Sets/Reps/Rest: 4 | 25 reps | 90-120 seconds
Tips: Increasing the weight each set while you aim to keep hitting the
same reps. Never let your knee go over your foot.
Exercise 4: Leg Press Pyramid
Sets/Reps/Rest: 1 | 25, 20, 15, 12, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25 reps | 90-120
Tips: Play around with foot positioning to find what feels best for you. Just
outside of shoulder width is ideal. Driving from the heel of your foot and
keeping knees outwards slightly (don’t let them buckle in). Select a
weight in which you can perform this pyramid.
Exercise 5: DB OR BB Step-up (body weight or weighted)
Sets/Reps/Rest: 4 | 10-12 reps/leg | 90-120 seconds
Tips: Keep core engaged to help with balance.
Exercise 1:Cable Rope Press-downs
Sets/Reps/Rest: 4 | 12-15 reps | 60-90 seconds
Tips: Keep Chest up/open. Full extension of the arm.
Exercise 2: Single Arm Underhand Grip Pulldowns. Alternate weekly with
overhand grip.
Sets/Reps/Rest: 3 | 12-15 reps | 60-90 seconds
Tips: Keep Chest up/open. Full extension of the arm.
Exercise 3: Skull Crushers
Sets/Reps/Rest: 3 | 12, 10, 10 reps | 60-90 seconds
Tips: Don’t flare elbows outwards - focus on keeping them in line while
performing the exercise.
Exercise 4: DB Bicep Alternating Curls
Sets/Reps/Rest: 3 | 10-12 reps | 60-90 seconds
Tips: Chest up, shoulders rolled back. Do not rest the DB’s at your side
and do not swing to bring the DB up into a curl. Keep constant control or
lower the weight.
Exercise 5:Preacher Curls *machine or cable
Sets/Reps/Rest: 3 | 12-15 reps | 60-90 seconds
Tips: Drive your elbows into the pad while keeping shoulders down.
Extend arms but do not lock out.
Exercise 6: DB Hammer Curls *alternate weekly with cable rope hammer
Sets/Reps/Rest: 3 | 10-12 reps | 60-90 seconds
Tips: Chest up, shoulders rolled back.
1. Side Plank Lifts 4 x 10-12 reps/side
2. Side Pike 4 x 8-10 reps/side
3. Crunch Hugs 4 x 10-12 reps
4. Bicycle Crunches 4 x 15-20 reps
5. Side Plank Crunch 4 x 10-12 reps
*Done as 1 big circuit - 4 rounds OR 4 sets individually
1. Straight Arm Crunches 4 x 15 reps
2. Oblique Crunch 4 x 15 reps/side
3. Reverse Crunch Leg Raises 4 x 10-12 reps
4. Ab Rollouts (use barbell if you don’t have a rollout) 4 x 10-12 reps
5. Plank Walkouts 4 x 8-10 reps
*Done as 1 big circuit - 4 rounds OR 4 sets individually
1. Side V-Ups
*alternative: side crunches
2. Bicycle Crunches
3. Reverse Crunch Hugs
*alternative: basic crunch
*keep back flat against the floor
4. Alternating Leg V-Ups x 12 reps
*alternative: single leg raises
*Done as 1 big circuit - 4 rounds - 10 reps/ exercise OR per side/leg
OR 4 sets individually
1. Single leg reverse crunches X 16 reps
2. Single leg reverse crunches using a resistance band X 16 reps
3. Plank with alternating out and in’s using the resistance band X 20 reps
4. Down down alternating knee tucks X 14 reps
*rest after all 4 exercises for 1-2 minutes
*complete entire circuit 3-5 times
Meal Plan Ideas/Suggestions
*There are a lot of factors that come into play with creating a meal plan
that is right for you. Due to this program not being personalized I am
going to provide an example meal plan/suggestions but it will be up to
you to gauge if you need to be eating more or less based on your body
type and other variables that come into play. Please remember that if
your goal is increase muscle mass, “toning” or improving strength you
need to be eating enough to aid in recovery. Try to get in 3 larger meals
a day and snack 1-2 times a day as needed.
Option 1 :
1/2 - 1Cup Egg Whites, 1 Whole Egg (salt + pepper) *fried in coconut
oil or spray
3/4 Cup Oatmeal
1⁄2 cup strawberries or blueberries
Option 2:
Smoothie: 1 scoop protein powder 1 Banana or 1 Apple + 1tbsp almond
butter + 1tbsp. Ground flax seed *blend all together (protein
recommendation - Alani Nu Confetti Cake OR Vegan protein of choice)
Option 3: 2 slices Ezekiel or sprouted bread, 4 slices of turkey bacon,
tomato, lettuce, salt, pepper and light mayo + 1/2 apple
Option 4 Veggie:
2 slice sprouted or Ezekiel bread + 1/2 avocado
1 Banana or Apple
OR: 3/4 cup oatmeal + Vegan protein + 1tbsp. Chia seeds + 1 tbsp.
Ground flax seed + 1/2 cup blueberries
*optional supplements to add to breakfast: Alani Nu Fish oil, Probiotic &
Multi-vitamin (shop through alaninu.com/Victoria to save on shipping not applicable for Canada)
Option 1 :
4 oz Chicken
1 Cup White Rice
Veggies sautéed in olive oil
Option 2: 4oz ground turkey salad: lettuce of choice, tomatoes,
cucumber, 2tbsp sunflower seeds, 1/2 cup quinoa, 2tbsp. Cranberries
OR 1/2 cup raspberries. Dressing: 1tsp. Olive oil + Balsamic Vinegar
Option 3: Veggie: 4oz. Tofu OR lettuce of choice, tomatoes,
cucumber, 2tbsp sunflower seeds, 1/2 cup quinoa, 2tbsp. Cranberries
OR 1/2 cup raspberries. Dressing: 1tsp. Olive oil + Balsamic Vinegar
Option 1: 1 Cup Greek Yogurt
1⁄2 cup crumbled granola
Option 2: Protein shake or bar
Option 3: 2 Rice cakes with almond butter and sugar free jam
Option 4: 15 almonds + 1 apple
Option 5: hummus with carrot sticks
Option 6 (best at night): 2-3 squares of 85-90% dark chocolate
Option 1: 5oz. Chicken Stir-fry: 1 cup white rice, veggies of choice
sautéed in olive oil or coconut oil add a little soya sauce or teriyaki
Option 2: Burrito Bowl: 5oz. Ground turkey (cooked in taco seasoning)
+ 1 cup white rice, 1/2 cup black beans, corn, tomato, lettuce, salsa and
fat free sour cream
Option 3: 5oz. Lean ground beef or sirloin steak + 1 large sweet
potato + veggies of choice
Option 4: 5oz. Salmon + 3/4 cup quinoa + veggies of choice
Option 5: Veggie 1/2 cup Brown rice pasta (uncooked) + 4-5 Bean
meatballs + tomato sauce
With anything in life it’s important to track your progress, to ensure you
are progressing in a direction you want to. I know when you think of
fitness guides the first thing you think of is “oh I should weigh myself” I
really don’t encourage the scale to monitor progress as it doesn’t show
the whole picture.
I’d suggest the following for monitoring progress:
- Take progress photos - visually you will see changes that won’t be
shown by weighing
- Record how much weight you are lifting (write it down in a notebook) aim to be increasing weight or increasing the reps at which you
perform that weight. This will allow you to visually see your strength
going up.
I hope you enjoy the program and get the results you strive for
out of it. Please tag me in all your photos so I can also be apart
of this experience and see your hard work!