The Greek World 500- 440BC Syllabus Point Notes Sources geographical context of ancient Greece Ancient times Primary source - Crops of wheat, barley, oliva, figs and grapes were produced - Anima- Sheep (wool famous), cattle, pig and gats - Soprata a combined of five secreted village - Remains of sculpture, pottery, plays, songs, literature and the arts in general. Persian Wars Notes Persian imperialism Ancient times Ionian Revolt Ancient times - Battle of Period - West of the Eurotes rivers between Mt Parnon and Mt Taygetusl Mt Taygetusl provide fuel and seasonal game Iron mined for the production of bronze Hot dry summers and mild winters but for flooding of the rivers Sources Darius l decided to dived the empire into 20 satrap Local governors -> satrap -> Mitraily commandments -> King Darius l want to extant the Persian empire Greeks and Persian were friendly Ionian under Persian control could continue to trade but suffer the burden of Tranny Aristagoras, (Tyrant of Miletus) fearing punishment began a full rebellion against the empire Aristagoras got helped from Sarius brother Aristagoras of 200 fleet and soldiers Geral Megabates then betrayed Aristagoras Sparta and the Peloponnesian League had no committed Only Athens (sent 20 ships) and Eretria (sent 5 ships) offered helped to the Ionian rebels Notes Primary source - Herodotus blames the Ionian Revolt on Aristagoras the tyrant of Miletus. - Herodotus saw the conflict as one between two incompatible civilisations - tyranny and democracy - Peac setemenst with Ionia consatined with new domestic goverment Sources Marathon Start of battle Ancient times - Athlian army of 10000 sercue landsacpe of Marthon for there advantage - Plaeto sent 600 to 1000 men to help Athelian Primary source - Report infom Eretria fell and Persian are coming to attack Athlian army Role of Miltiades Ancient times Primary source - Herodus reports 6400 Persian died while only 142 Athelian deied Wepons - Persian- Bows/Awroor and Sheiled - Greeks- Helmets, Spear, Swords, Sheield - Inter-war period Wars Worked under Drius friest but rebel in the iron revlot Was elected general before Marathon campaign and had knowledge on Persian Tacticus Tactics of attacking the Persian head on so they dofd not shoot arows Marched army back to AThena in case of Persian attack Persian Ancient times - Darius l son Xerxes had to put down the reblians in Egypt and Babylon - Xerxes sacred trade routes and mineral resources of the Black sea - Xerxes planed a joint of land and sea following Mardonius - Undertook a massive preparations program to have a successful invasion into Greece - Placed supy depots of food and other provocions along the Thracian and Macedoinon coastline Primary source - With 10000 men and 800 Ships Xexes sart his attack on Greece - Raised 200 000 men at Sardis from all over the empire, 5 million is an exaggeration (Herodotus) Greek Ancient times - Power of ten gernals control the city voted by the society - Ostracised banned of citizens uszed first time in 487 BCE - Thermopylae made Atehens strongest sea power in greece - Mitradied leader attack Paros loss battle - Athens and Aegina keept on fighting between each other - Hellenic congress called where all sattes worked together to beat Persian army - King Leonadries of Sprata had control of this army to fight Persia Primary source - Mitradied Accused of takin birbe but was woned and died - Ostracised recalled men off abllit to fight - Oracl at Dephil was against this figting Notes Sources Thermopylae Ancient times - Fought between an alliance of Greek city-states, led by King Leonidas and 300 Sprtan men - Developed a sense of nationalism and a united Greece. - Spartans sacrificing themselves for their brothers, began to break the will of the Persian Primary source - Greek traitor Elphiatles led the Persian surrounded Greek force = 4000 Greeks dead and 20000 Persians dead Artemisium Ancient times - 271 Greek ships under command of Eurybiades - An inconclusive naval battle that was fought on the same three days as the Battle of Thermopylae, - The Persians marched into Attica and destroying Athens Primary source - According to Herodotus Athens was evacuated because of the Greeks defeat at Artemisium and Thermopylae Salamis Ancient times - Athenians were safely in Salamis the navy waited in the Bay of Eleusis - Themistocols trick Persian by trapping them between Salmins and the mainland - Greeks regained crontroll of the Aegean Sea and Xerxess supply and community chain was in danger Primary source - Thermointes threatened that Athens will withdraw - Some Persian stay in Greece but the Iroina Greek revolt against them once more - Aeschlus’s play = The Persians still to this day Plataea Ancient times - Mardonius stay in command of the Persian army in Grreece - Atehns and Sprta once aginfought between each other Athen thranetd to withdraw the army - Greeks victory when took to higer ground to escape and Persian fell for it - Plataea put an end to the invasion of mainland Greece and from this point, the Greeks took the offensive. Primary source Ancient times - Greek fleet had crossed the Aegean to Mycale where it destroyed the remaining Persian fleet - Mycale was both a land and sea battle: could have taken place on the same day as Plataea - The battle of Himera on the northern coast of Sicily decided the Greek victory Primary source - Mycale Secondary source - Greeks army 40,000 but modern historians say 100000-80000 army Role and contribution Notes Sources Themistocles Ancient times - Interpections of the Delphic Orcal;s “Woodern Wall” speech secrues Athens victory - Understood the Persian navy thus need to reduce the effectivness Primary source - Dcree of Themistovoles - Record Trozen imscriptionsuported by Herpdutcus accun Leonidas Ancient times - King of Sparta 490 - 480 BC died at Thermopylae - Lured persina in a narrow path which made the Greeks kill most of them off - Saved troops by sending them away once he realised all was lost, delayed Persians roughly for days Primary source - Orcal at Dephi pedrcied his death - Herodutus quotes when Leonidas knew they were losing he sent the Greek away just level the 300 Sprtan left - Becmae a legend and Greeks need for moral boast Pausanias Ancient times - Sprtan King lead forces in the Battle of Platea - Tacticus of using archcres to take out the Persian resulting in Greek wining Primary source - Herodutus quotes “the fines victory in all history” Eurybiades Ancient times - Peloponnesian allies refused to Athenian commander so Eurybiades put in charge - Spartan commander in chef of Greek Navy = Artemisium + Salamis - Refused to chase Xerxes and destroyed the Hellspoint bridge to proctor Grrece - Awwared an oliva weath a prive fo valour on return to Spartan Primary source - Herodutus quotes Eurybiades and Themistocles work well togather Reasons Greek victory Ancient times Persian defeat - Persians were not a particularly coherent force - Hoplities were superior to the Persian army as they fought as a united people Greek leadership under Themistocles Leonidas Pausanias Eurybiades develop defence and battle tacticud Greeks fough for their homeland Development / Conrtobition Athens to Athenian Empire Delian League - Weather were even aginst the Persian - Storm damage some ships Notes - Sources Athens was well qualified for the leadership of the Athenian alliance Orgins = Grew out of the Hellenic League formed in 481 BC Aims - Offensive and Defensive Liberate the Greeks of Asia Minor Maintaining freedom Provide further security from Persian attack Primary source Primary source Organisation - Mebership- When ally join it would be permit - Finces - Payment of 460 tablet annually - Headquarters- Delian League - Voting- All sattes independent and allow their own goverment the Battle of Eurymedon Ancient times - The Battle of the Eurymedon was a double battle, taking place both on water and land - Between the Delian League of Athens and her Allies, and the Persian Empire of Xerxes I. Primary source - “Naxos left the league and the Athenians made war on the place. After a siege, Naxos was forced back to allegiance.” – Thucydides Role of Cimon Ancient times - The son of Miltiades, the hero of Marathon had a military skill - Commander who led the Greeks to the final victory over the Persians at Eurymedon and thus saw the aims of the League fulfilled He was fair and clever, helping Athens to grow and develop into a great city, and eventually, an empire Primary source Role Aristides the Just Ancient times - Aristides was an Athenian aristocrat, statesman, and general. - Ensure a smooth organisation of the Delian league - He led the Athenian troops to victory over the formidable Persians Primary source Delian League into the Athenian Empire Delian League Security from Persian army Need for Greek fleet Rule over the sates Atehlian hegemony Growth of Athenian wealthy Growth of Athenian Fleet Subjugation and compulsion Atehlian Empire Anual contribution to Athans Nature of Athenian imperialism with allies Ancient times - Spartan and other city feared the power Athelian was gaining - Primary source - Imperial policy of Cimon helped relationship with Spartan Athens dominate by Percials bring wealth and prestige to Athens Thetes- Lowest free class that worked in Athenian army Primary source - Ostracism- Cimon Ostracism- Kicking somebody out of town not allowed back in Citizenship law- Only allowed for people who parents were both citizens. Improved women states in society by making men mary from their class Impact of Persian Wars Notes Sources Athens and Sparta Ancient times - Rively between the two city-states still continued after the Persian invasion Primary source - Common language and religious belief Peloponnesian League Spartan responses to Athenian Imperialism Nature - Corinth.Elis and Tegea with Sparta Composition- Provide protection and security Ancient times - Sparta did not provide support for their ally Aegina (459-458 BCE) - Cimon returned from exile which bough the peace between both nations Primary source - Member sear an oath and had to have the same Emmys as Sparta - Thao's revolt and had Sprtran support Primary source - Spartan reclaimed there martian empire