CL4-DEVELOPMENT OF RESPIRATORY SYSTEM LARYNX • LUNGS Maturation of the lungs cartilages and muscles originate from mesenchyme of the 4th and 6th pharyngeal arches As a result of rapid proliferation • By the end of 7 months • Maturation of the Lungs is divided into four stages: 1. Pseudoglandular period 2. Canalicular period 3. Terminal sac period of this 4. Alveolar period mesenchyme, the laryngeal orifice changes in appearance from a sagittal slit to a Tshaped opening 4 weeks old→ respiratory diverticulum (lung bud) appears as an outgrowth from the ventral wall of the foregut Subsequently, when mesenchyme of the two arches The spaces for the lungs, the pericardioperitoneal transforms into the thyroid, cricoid, and arytenoid canals, are narrow cartilages, the characteristic adult shape of the laryngeal orifice can be recognized They lie on each side of the foregut and are gradually filled by the expanding growth of the lungs At about the time that the cartilages are formed, the laryngeal epithelium also proliferates rapidly, resulting in a temporary occlusion of the lumen pericardioperitoneal canals Subsequently, vacuolization and recanalization produce a Pleuropericardial fold pair of lateral recesses, the laryngeal ventricles Endoderm cartilaginous, muscular, and the lungs and lungs Pericardial connective tissue components of the trachea These recesses are bounded by folds of tissue that differentiate into the false and true vocal cords When the diverticulum expands caudally two longitudinal these ridges fuse to form the tracheoesophageal septum the remaining spaces after the formation of pericardial & peritoneal cavities form the primitive pleural cavities • Mesoderm→ covers outside of the lung→ into the visceral pleura. • somatic mesoderm layer→cover body wall from the inside→ parietal pleura mesenchyme of the 4th and 6th pharyngeal arches, While all of these new subdivisions are occurring and all laryngeal muscles are innervated by branches of the bronchial tree is developing, the lungs assume a the 10th cranial nerve, the vagus nerve more caudal position, so that by the time of birth, Superior laryngeal nerve→ derivatives of 4th pharyngeal arch then the foregut is divided into Terminal sac period Alveolar period •many more Terminal sacs form and cells lining the sacs, known as type I alveolar epithelial cells, become thin •Capillaries begin to bulge into the sacs (developing alveoli) and establish close contact with them •Scattered among type I cells, type II alveolar epithelial cells develops at the end of the 6th month. These cells produce surfactant, a phospholipid-rich fluid capable of lowering surface tension •thus premature infant after 7 month is able to survive because sufficient numbers of capillaries are present to guarantee adequate gas exchange •Mature alveoli have well-developed epithelial endothelial (capillary) contacts •At birth, only about 1/6th of the adult number of alveoli are present •The remaining alveoli (approx. 95%) are formed during the first 10 years of postnatal life through the continuous formation of new primitive alveoli the bifurcation of the trachea is opposite the fourth thoracic vertebra Recurrent laryngeal nerve→ derivatives of 6th Signals for branching, which emit from the pharyngeal nerve mesoderm, involve members of the fibroblast growth factor family a ventral portion→ trachea + lung buds TRACHEA • During its separation from the foregut, the lung bud forms the trachea and two lateral outpocketings, the primary bronchial buds BRONCHI At the beginning of the fifth week, each of these buds enlarges to form right and left primary bronchi • The respiratory primordium maintains its communication with the pharynx through the laryngeal orifice • Because musculature of the larynx is derived from ridges, the tracheoesophageal ridges, separate it from the foregut •Enlargement of lumen of bronchi and terminal bronchiole, and the lung tissue becomes highly vascular •Each terminal bronchiole divides into respiratory bronchioles, which in turn divide alveolar ducts •Development of some thin-walled terminal sacs (primitive alveoli) at the ends of the respiratory bronchioles in the end of canalicular stage so respiration is possible •Although a fetus born toward the end of this period may survive if given intensive care, it often dies because its respiratory and other systems are still relatively immature Peritoneal cavity cavity Initially, the lung bud is in open communication with the foregut dorsal portion→ esophagus Pleuroperitoneal Canalicular period fold Mesoderm→ splanchnopleuric epithelium of the internal lining of the larynx, trachea, and bronchi, as well as that of Pseudoglandular period •Continuous branching forming terminal bronchiole •By 16 weeks, formation of all major elements of the lung except those involved with gas exchange (respiratory bronchioles or alveoli are not present) •Respiration is not possible; hence, fetuses born during this period are unable to survive • The right then forms three 2° bronchi, and the left, two thus foreshadowing the three lobes of the lung on the right side and two on the left With subsequent growth in caudal and lateral directions, the lungs expand into the body cavity (A). Branching is regulated by epithelial-mesenchymal interactions between the endoderm of the lung buds and visceral mesoderm that surrounds them Before the bronchial tree reaches its final shape→ an additional 6 divisions form during postnatal life By the end of the 6th month, approximately 17 generations of subdivisions have formed creating the bronchopulmonary segments of the adult lung During further development, secondary bronchi divide repeatedly in a dichotomous fashion, forming; • 10 tertiary (segmental) bronchi in the right lung • 8 tertiary bronchi in the left lung Canalicular period Terminal sac period Alveolar period