Trachea Larynx Respiratory System Nasal Cavity Pharynx cavity with membrane and muscles that connects the mouth and nose to the esophagus. tube that allows air through pharynx and larynx to the lungs spaces behind the nose filled with air leads to trachea the upper part of the trachea that contains the vocal cords organs that allows a person to breathe and exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide Diaphragm Alveoli Bronchioles Bronchi Lungs pair of breathing organs in chest that remove carbon dioxide and bring oxygen to blood muscle between your lungs and your stomach used to pull in air when you breathe alveoli are tiny air sacs at end of bronchioles, where your blood picks up oxygen smaller tubes that branch large air tube that off from the bronchi and begins at the end of the end in tiny air sacs trachea and branches into the lungs