A N I E Z I S MASS N I A G D E Y Z E L I N D U S T R I E S E S O H T E I R O L A C SERI OUS S E L C S U M S U L P R U S GAI N W O R G NOEL'S 8 WEEK HYPERMASS A GOAL A P L AN WI T HOUT I S J US T A DRE AM. LETS GET YOU STARTED Using this plan alongside being in a calorie surplus allows you to gain some serious mass and strength. You may even lean out a bit if you’re new. You’re going to need to fuel your body correctly to ensure that you reach optimal recovery, so if you haven’t worked out your macros and aren’t following a meal plan, you should do so! But general rule of thumb is to eat 5-6 meals a day, each consisting of a lean protein, a good wholesome carbohydrate and small amounts of healthy fats! There's a few things you’re going to need to know before you start your plan HOW DO I WARM UP? I warm up using the following technique: I do 4x sets of a compound movement for the muscle group, for example chest, I will do a flat bench press. in between each warm up set I will do active stretches. Each warm up set will generally consist of 20-30 reps. The goal is to get blood into your muscles, get your tendons and ligaments warm! Only start the workout if you feel ready! LEG DAY WARM UP For legs I will cycle on the stationary bike for 5 minutes with the last minute on a higher resistance. From there I will go onto a few active stretches for my hips, ankles, back, hamstrings, glutes and quads! My warm up for legs generally takes 15 minutes in total. It’s good to take your time getting totally warm with legs. It’ll not only prevent injury but it’ll get your nervous system ready to train! T E MP OS NOEL! WHAT DO THE NUMBERS MEAN? The numbers next to each exercise e.g. (4:0:1:0) are tempos! These numbers dictate how long each portion of the repetition is. While this concept can be a little confusing it is extremely important for you to grasp! 4 = (first number) how long the negative portion of the rep takes. (lowering the weight) 0 = (second number) how long you pause with the weight lowered 1 = (third number) how long it takes to lift the weight (positive) 0 = (fourth number) how long you pause with the weight lifted Let’s use a lat pull down for example: (3:1:0:2) 3 = 3 seconds lowering the weight. (Bar moving upwards) 1 = 1 second with the weight lowered (Bar stationary at the top) 0 = 0 seconds lifting the weight (Bar being pulled down) 2 = 2 seconds holding the weight under the contraction (bar being held at the bottom of the movement) The tempo mentioned above (3:1:0:2) will take you 6 seconds to complete. Comparing that to if you lifted as fast as you can (0:0:0:0) that's a lot of time wasted not exerting the muscle. One rep will take 1 -2 seconds to complete! So now you can see why tempos are important! If no tempo is mentioned next to a workout follow (1:1:1:1) Tempos are used to develop mind muscle connection and to exert the muscles further. It'll take some time for you to grasp, but once you're used to it, you wont be able to train without being conscious of it! T I M E T O G E T W O R K I N G ! LETS GET INTO IT! THE SPLIT MONDAY - BACK & BICEPS TUESDAY - CHEST & CALVES WEDNESDAY - ACTIVE REST THURSDAY - HAMSTRINGS & GLUTES FRIDAY - SHOULDERS & TRICEPS SATURDAY - ACTIVE REST SUNDAY - QUADS & GLUTES ACTIVE REST DAYS HAVE OPTIONAL CALVES/ARMS/ABS WORKOUTS IF YOU FEEL YOU NEED TO DO MORE! MONDAY - BACK & BICEPS START WITH WARM UP PROTOCOL BACK! Super Set 1: Lat pulldown 20 Reps x 4 sets On every 5th rep, hold the bar on contraction for 5 seconds. The bar should be held just wider than shoulder width and torso should be at a 75 Degree angle. Super set with: Seated cable row 10-15 reps x 4 sets (0:1:0:2) Every rep needs to have a pause on contraction for 2 seconds, Make sure the bar you use is one that your palms face each other. With each set, make sure you do not rock forward or rock backwards too much the movement should mostly be with your arms. Try imagine you are holding a pencil between the muscles of your back under contraction Set 2: Barbell Deadlift 10 reps x 4 sets (4:0:0:1) You can do a leg/glute warm up before this set. Make sure you nail your form on this one, we don’t want any injuries. Keep the weight at something comfortable, but still enough to push yourself. The 4 second negative is super important. Focus on that negative! Set 3: Seated cable row (lat pulldown bar) OR Barbell row 10 reps x 6 sets 15 SECOND REST This is an intense set, keep conscious of the weight you use and adjust the weight as needed, you may need a friend to adjust the weight if you’re strapping up. Grip wide, stick your thumbs out against the bar and try to bend the bar to get the ultimate contraction. The rest periods are super important here, keep them to 15 seconds to allow for blood flow, then bang the set again. This entire 6 sets should take around 2-3 minutes. Set 4 Cable lat pull over 20 reps x 4 sets (1:0:0:2) You're really going to need to focus on the 2 second hold on contraction with this movement. Get into a comfortable stance and experiment with different torso angles. BICEPS Set 1 Rope cable hammer curls 12 reps x 4 sets (1:0:1:3) At the bottom of the movement keep your hands together and at the top (contraction) widen your hands outwards and pause for 3 seconds. Make sure you really get a solid squeeze under your contraction Set 2: Medium/Close grip barbell curls (strict) 10 reps x 6 sets 15 SECOND REST (1:1:1:1) This set is the same structure as the 15 second rest set as before, but this time with a (1:1:1:1) tempo. With a set like this I’ll often do half the set as close grip, then widen my hands for the second half. This set should really burn, do your best to stick to the 15 seconds rest times. Set 3 Dumbbell bicep curls 15 reps x 4 sets (2:1:1:2) Go moderatly heavy with this one and focus on the tempo (2:1:1:2). The movement should look a little bit robotic. Get the blood there and if you can do more than 15 do more! FINISH THOSE BICEPS OFF! TUESDAY - CHEST & CALVES START WITH WARM UP PROTOCOL CHEST! Set 1: Dumbbell bench press drop set 12 reps, drop to 20 reps x 4 sets With a drop set you’re going to need to do 12 reps, then immediately lower the weight (no rest) and do 20 more reps. This is one set. I usually get both weights ready and nearby so the transition from first set to second takes maximum 10-15 seconds. Set 2: Alternating chest cable crossover 12-16 reps x 5 sets (1:0:1:3) With each rep your arms need to cross over each other slightly, so with the first rep left hand on top, second rep right hand on top and so on. Your torso should be vertical with a slight bend over forward. On the contraction your hands should be in line with your solar plexus. Set 3: Incline Barbell bench press 30 reps x 3 sets (slow negative every second 5 reps) The first 5 reps should be done at (1:1:1:1) and the second 5 reps at (4:1:1:1) and the third 5 reps done again at (1:1:1:1) all the way until you reach 30 reps in total. This is one set. Choose a comfortable weight and really focus on your negatives with this set. HAVE A SPOTTER! Set 4: Machine chest press. 8-12 reps x 4 sets (4:1:1:1) Go nice and heavy on this one, get the full range of motion and focus on squeezing your chest on the contraction. Really focus on that mind muscle connection throughout the movement Set 5: Incline bodyweight push-up As many reps as possible/failure x 2 sets Set up a bench, or a box or whatever surface you find and pump out as many reps as you can, even if you need to take a 10-15 second break in-between reps, but this should be to absolutely finish off your chest. Get the blood there! Calves! Set 1: Standing machine calf raise 30 reps x 4 sets x 30 second rest (2:2:0:2) Bend your knees ever so slightly, this may help your mind muscle connection, squeeze your calves on contraction. With the 30 second rest, really do your best to stick to it! Super set 2: Seated calf raise 15 reps x 4 sets (no rest) (2:2:0:2) Have your toes pointed outwards with this set, focus on the stretch and negative! As soon as you're finished with the first set, go directly to the second set with no rest! Super set with Standing body weight calf raise Failure x 4 sets (no rest) (0:0:0:0) Make sure that you follow the full range of motion (ROM) with this one! Get those calves to burn and move back onto the seated calf raise. WEDNESDAY - ACTIVE REST THIS WORKOUT IS ENTIRELY OPTIONAL, ONLY DO THE ACTIVE WORKOUT DAYS IF YOU WANT MORE! LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. ARMS & ACCESSORIES! Start with warm up protocol Super Set 1: Alternating dumbbell curls 20 reps x 4 sets (2:1:0:3) Do 10 reps each arm or 20 reps in total, you can either do these seated or standing. It's going to be tough towards the end of the set, but do your best to hold the contraction at a point where you feel good tension. Super set with: Tricep Skull Crusher 12 reps x 4 sets (3:0:1:3) The entire time doing this set, try keep your elbows parallel to each other and keep your wrists straight. Try drive with the meaty outer edge of your outer palms to get ultimate contraction Set 2: Dumbbell bicep curl quad drop set 12 reps x 4 drop sets (1 set) This is a singular set consisting of 4 drop sets. I do these down the rack of dumbbells when the gym is empty. Start on a good weight, hit your 12 reps, move over to the next set of dumbbells right away and hit another 12 reps with no rest and so on. The entire set should consist of 48 reps. With these sets PUSH YOURSELF. Set 3: Tricep cable pushdown quad drop 12 reps x 4 drop sets (1 set) Same thing as the previous quad drop set, 48 total reps for the entire set. No rest with this set, nail one set after the next till you've completed all 4 drop sets. Set 4: Rear delt dumbbell fly 12 reps drop to 20 reps x 4 sets On the drop set of 20 reps do the tempo of (2:0:0:1), keep the time in-between the drop at a minimal. Get the blood pooling there. This set can be done as bent over or seated, The choice is yours Set 5: Barbell Shrugs 10 reps x 4 sets (2:0:0:3) Grab the just wider than shoulder width. Try keep your arms straight and not bend the elbows at all, focus on the contraction, visualize your muscles contracting! Stretching: After your workout or alternatively if you take the day off you can do some active/static stretching to improve your mobility. I generally do 30-60 seconds holding per movement with 2-4 movements per muscle group. I generally do a full body stretch session. Full stretch videos will be available on my site soon! THURSDAY - HAMSTRINGS & GLUTES Start with leg day warm up protocol Set 1: Barbell back squat 20 reps x 4 sets (2:0:1;1) When doing this set have a slightly wider stance than shoulder width, toes pointing slightly outwards find a comfortable stance. When driving and contracting do your best to drive with the heels of your feet. On the contraction at the top, squeeze the glutes in ever so slightly. This movement needs to test your mind muscle connection as the entire time you should be focusing mentally on your hamstrings and glutes! Set 2: Lying hamstring curls 12 reps drop set to 30 reps x 3 sets For the first 12 reps of your first set of the drop, do the tempo (4:0:0:2). and then for the drop set do a tempo of (0:0:0:0). I personally do 5/6th of the movement and do not lock out on the second drop set. This will get a ton of blood into your legs. it'll burn but push through! Set 3: Walking lunges (weighted) 20 reps x 4 sets (30 seconds rest) Grab 2 dumbbells or barbell (personal preference) and do walking lunges with no pause at the middle of the movement (where both feet meet). The entire set aim to keep driving with the heels of your feet and drive that tension straight through your glutes and hamstrings. Set 4: Barbell (or machine) hip thruster 12 reps x 4 sets (2:0:0:6) You can have you legs raised on a platform if you do not have access to a hip thruster machine. Keep driving through those heels. On the pause on contraction, hold it tight and try keep it up with your best efforts! The contraction should be explosive! Set 5: Stiff leg barbell deadlift 15 reps x 3 sets (3:0:1:2) Keep your knees ever so slightly bent. You don't need to hyper-extend yourself, but make sure that you're getting a sufficient stretch on your movement. Really focus on your form and back with this movement! Set 6: Seated hamstring curls 25 reps x 3 sets (2:0:1:0) The main goal for this set is to get those hams to burn like a M.F. If you can do more than 25 reps with the weight you chose, DO MORE! Same as before you can do 5/6th of the full range of motion to keep the tension there and to get the blood pumping. Set 7: Glute cable kick-backs 12 reps x 4 sets (4:0:2:0) 99% of the time girls are seen doing this exercise, but at the same time 99% of IFBB Pro's do this exercise too! focus on your contraction and negative and build those glutes! FRIDAY - SHOULDERS & TRICEPS Start with warm up protocol Set 1: Dumbbell side lateral 10 reps x 10 sets (10 seconds rest) (1:1:1:1) This is going to be a killer right off the bat. I like to do this set with my phone timer nearby, I just let it run and monitor my 10 seconds rest. You're going to get a mad pump with this one! Set 2: Barbell overhead military press 8- 12 reps x 4 sets This set can be done either standing or or seated. If you do it standing make sure you keep a good stance that is comfortable and conscious of your lower back position. Grab the bar just past shoulder width and bring the bar down to your chest & not behind the head Set 3: Rear delt rope pull 10 reps x 4 sets (1:0:0:3) Grab the rope with your palms facing downwards, and hands together. When pulling, pull towards your nose and open the rope out. Pause on contraction and get those shoulders to burn. Rear delts give your shoulders a nice 3D roundness to them! Set 4: Dumbbell Shoulder press 10 reps drop to 15 reps drop to 30 reps x 4 sets With this triple drop set, you're going to need to keep 3 sets of dumbbells near by you so that your rest times between each drop doesn't take too long. Aim for 1015 seconds between your drop sets Set 5: Rear Delt Dumbbell fly 20 reps x 4 sets (2:0:1:1) This set can be done either seated or standing (bent over), focus on that negative and get the blood pumping for this finisher set. If you can do more than 20, go for more! Triceps! Set 1: EZ Bar Skull Crusher 12 reps x 4 sets (2:0:0:1) Grab the bar on the inside with your hands facing 45 degrees upwards, Don't lock your elbows and lose the tension. Don't go too far down as well. Find a good range of motion for yourself and try keep the tension there throughout the set. Set 2: Straight bar cable push down 12 reps drop to 15 reps x 4 sets With this drop set aim to get some burn there, try push the bar with the outer edges of your palms (closer to smallest finger) This is going to help with contraction. Keep the the time between the drop short and minimal Set 3: Machine or Bodyweight Bench Dips 25 reps x 3 sets (1:1:1:1) Aim to start finishing off your triceps here. Get those puppies to burn like mad! I need a robotic movement from you here. Push it! Depending on your machine you may need to bend over a bit more to get full contraction. Set 4: Close grip bench press 12 reps x 4 sets (4:1:0:1) I prefer not to lock my elbows out with this movement. Throughout the bottom portion of the movement (negative) you should focus on keeping your elbows inwards SATURDAY - ACTIVE REST THIS WORKOUT IS ENTIRELY OPTIONAL, ONLY DO THE ACTIVE WORKOUT DAYS IF YOU WANT MORE! LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. CALVES, ABS & ACCESSORIES! Start with warm up protocol Set 1: Seated Calf Raise 8-12 reps Drop to 15 reps x 4 sets For the first set in the drop follow the tempo (3:1:1:2) and for the second part of the drop follow (0:0:0:0). Make sure you are engaging in a full range of motion and stretch. Set 2: Machine calf raise 10 reps x 4 sets (8:0:0:1) With this set go nice and heavy, focus on the negative throughout. Keep your rest times to a minimum of 1 minute between sets Set 3: Leg Raise Failure x 4 sets (2:0:1:2) You can do this set weighted or using your bodyweight, aim for about 15-20 reps, so determine if you need to use weight or if you'll do it with only your bodyweight. The negative might be a bit tough towards the end but do not compromise on it. Set 4: Bodyweight Plank 1 minute - 2 minutes x 4 sets If you can go for the two minutes push for it! The aim is to go for 2 mins, if you can go more, do more. This exercise is different for everyone so make sure that you are pushing your limits with this one! KEEP YOUR PELVIS IN THE SAME POSITION THROUGHOUT THE EXERCISE Set 5: Dumbbell pull-over 12 reps x 4 sets (3:3:0:1) Set yourself up on a bench and get into position before grabbing the dumbbell, on the negative portion of the rep take a deep breath in and focus on breathing in using your chest and expand your chest with the air. While you're breathing in bring your pelvis down lower to the floor, exactly like you would on a hip thruster. On the positive portion of the movement, exhale all your air out and bring your pelvis upwards, just like the positive portion of a hip thruster. The whole point of this exercise is to expand and stretch out your ribs/chest. This is a little secret of mine that I use to get a fuller, rounder looking chest. Set 6: Forearm barbell bench curl 12 reps x 4 sets (3:1:0:3) Choose a moderate weight. With any forearms exercise you do not want to go too heavy and put unnecessary pressure too soon on your wrists On the positive portion of your movement you want to grip the bar with your hands closed like a fist, when doing the negative portion you want to roll the bar down and partially opening your hands so that the weight is supported by your fingers. Stretching: After your workout or alternatively if you take the day off you can do some active/static stretching to improve your mobility. I generally do 30-60 seconds holding per movement with 2-4 movements per muscle group. I generally do a full body stretch session. Full stretch videos will be available on my site soon! SUNDAY - QUADS & GLUTES Start with leg day warm up protocol Set 1 Leg extension triple drop 12 reps drop to 15 reps drop to 20 seconds hold x 4 sets For the first 12 reps follow the tempo (2:0:1:2) and for the next 15 reps follow the tempo (0:0:0:0). I want you to pump the blood there with the 15 reps, so do the reps quickly but do not jerk your body. With the 20 second hold, lift the weight and hold the weight up for the full 20 seconds. I usually count this in my head Set 2 Barbell back squat 8 reps drop to 12 reps x 5 sets Follow the tempo (2:0:1:1) for the first 8 reps then follow the tempo (1:1:1:1) for the next 12 reps. This set is BRUTAL, but push through and take yourself more rest time. Focus on the tempos and push yourself! Stay hydrated! Set 3 Close stance leg press 25 reps x 4 sets (2:1:1:1) Find a position that is comfortable with this press, have a few inches between your feet and you can angle your toes outwards if you feel more comfortable doing the reps that way. Push onto the leg press pad and drive using the front ball of your foot and toes. That way the set is more focused on your quads. Super set 4 Hack squat super set 12 reps x 4 sets (1:2:1:0) If you do not have access to a hack squat machine use a barbell in a pivot, load the plates on and squat like you would using a hack squat. Keep a shoulder width stance and try driving with the balls of your feet and toes, towards the end of the movement contract your glutes inwards Superset with Bodyweight kneeling leg extension 20 reps x 4 sets (3:0:0:0) The trick to really feel this exercise is to not get all the way up to the point where your legs and torso are at 90 degrees. Stop at around 45-50 degrees to ensure the tension stays in your legs. Your kneeling position should be in a slight v shape. Try to do these as soon after the hack squats as possible. (if you have any history of knee injuries please do these with caution) Set 5 Wall squat 1 minute x 4 sets Try put the tension on the balls of your feet and time yourself using your phone. Create a 90 degree angle with your body and push through with the whole minute. Set 6 Bodyweight walking lunges 2 minutes x 3 sets I want you to time yourself with these sets. Keep the movement going. You’re going to need to dig deep with this set. In the middle of the movement squeeze your glutes. ALL YOUR DREAMS CAN COME TRUE IF YOU HAVE THE COURAGE TO PERSUE THEM DISCLAIMER NOEL DEYZEL IS NOT A MEDICAL DOCTOR, LICENSED NUTRITIONIST, CERTIFIED PERSONAL TRAINER OR REGISTERED DIETICIAN AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN SHOULD NOT BE TAKEN AS MEDICAL ADVICE. THESE ARE ONLY RECOMMENDATIONS. THESE RECOMMENDATIONS SHOULD NOT BE TAKEN AS MEDICAL ADVICE, NOR ARE THEY INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE OR PREVENT ANY HEALTH PROBLEM. RECOMMENDATIONS BY NOEL DEYZEL ARE NOT INTENDED TO REPLACE THE ADVICE OF A PHYSICIAN OR HEALTH PROFESSIONAL. PLEASE CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN OR A HEALTH PROFESSIONAL BEFORE BEGINNING ANY DIET OR EXERCISE PROGRAM. NOTE: THIS PROGRAM IS THE PROPERTY OF NOEL DEYZEL. ANY COPYING OR POSTING OF THIS PROGRAM ON A PUBLIC FORUM OR DOWNLOAD SITE IS FORBIDDEN. THE POSTING OR SHARING OF THIS PROGRAM IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN AT ALL TIMES. NOEL DEYZEL’S PROGRAMS ARE NON REFUNDABLE AND NON TRANSFERABLE. MY RECCOMENDATION TRACK YOUR PROGRESS WHILEST DOING THIS PLAN. TAKE PICTURES OF YOURSELF ONCE A WEEK IN THE SAME POSITION AND PLACE. BY DOING THIS YOU CAN SEE THE PROGRESS YOU MAKE AND WEEK BY WEEK AND YOU CAN SEE THE FRUITS OF YOUR OWN LABOR IF YOU FOLLOW A CALORIE SURPLUS AND PUSH YOURSELF THROUGH THESE SESSIONS YOU WILL SEE RESULTS. AFTER THE 8 WEEKS, IF YOU'D LIKE TO SHARE YOUR TRANSFORMATION WITH ME, PLEASE DO. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ASK QUESTIONS ABOUT THE PLAN, PLEASE EMAIL ME AT DEYZELINDUSTRIES@GMAIL.COM LETS GO OUT & GET THESE GAINS NOEL DEYZEL COMING SOON! DAILY MUSCLE: RECIEVE A NEW WORKOUT EVERY DAY 24/7 - 365 TRAIN WHAT I TRAIN EVERDAY GET ACCESS TO A LIBRARY OF HUNDREDS OF PRIVATE VIDEOS AND WRITTEN TUTORIALS FOR ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING FITNESS/BODYBUILDING RELATED ONE SMALL MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION CONTENT UPDATED DAILY COMING FEB 2021