Uploaded by dhanya.ambadi.dhani

4 Week Workout Plan

Week 1················································································································································································· 1
Week 2················································································································································································· 6
Week 3··············································································································································································· 12
Week 4··············································································································································································· 17
1st Giant Set (Biceps) - 4 SETS
● Spider Curls "Keep elbows forward": 20 Reps
● Incline DB Curls "Extreme angle, 45*": 20 Reps
● EZ Bar Curls "Elbows on stomach Poor mans preacher": 20 Reps
● EZ Bar Drag Curls: 20 Reps
*Rest 1-3 Minutes between rounds (Giant Sets)*
2nd Giant Set (Triceps) - 4 SETS
● Reverse Grip Pushups "Hips low and lean back on the way up": 20 Reps
● Reverse Skull Crushers "Kneeling": 20 Reps
● Dead Skulls: 20 Reps
● Bench Dips "Lean back on the way up": Failure
Giant Set # 1 (4 Rounds)
● Reverse Grip Shoulder Press: 20 Reps
● Seated “Slightly Back” Side Laterals: 20 Reps
● Bent Over Rear Delts: 20 Partial / 20 Full Reps
● Bus Drivers “Super Slow”: 20 Reps Each Side
1-3 Minute Rest Between Sets (Rounds)
Giant Set # 2 (3 Rounds)
● Modified Arnold Press: 15-20 Reps
● Around The Worlds: 15-20 Reps
● Seated Shrugs “Supinated Grip”: 20 Reps
● Standing Shrug “2 Count Hold at Top”: 20 Reps
Giant Set #1 - Upper Back + Lats (3 Rounds)
- Dumbbell Pullovers "Make sure you don't come up too high, keep tension on
those lats": 20 Reps
- 2 Part High Elbow Row "Flex rhomboids first then start the row": 20 Reps
- Reverse Grip Pull-ups: Failure
- Assisted Wide Grip Pull-ups: Failure
Giant Set #2 - Mid + Low Back (3 Rounds)
- Bent Over Rows "Hold a 2 count at the top": 20 Reps
- Bent Over Dumbbell Rows "Wrap elbows around your body": 20 Reps
- Partial Deadlift "Right below the knee to fully flexed back / no rest at the top": 20
- Modified Reverse Hyper: 20 Reps
To be clear the total workouts is 3x through giant set #1 (you can rest
between each set, not exercise) then 3x through giant set #2
Giant Set # 1 Chest (3 Rounds)
- Incline Barbell Press: 20 Reps
- Coffin Press: 20 Reps
- Barrel Press: 20 Full Reps
- Dumbbell Fly “Partials at the bottom”: 20 Reps Each Side
- Bench Dips “Feet elevated”: Failure
- Dumbbell Push-ups w/ twist “Arch your back to mimic decline”: Failure
1-3 Minute Rest Between Sets (Rounds)
Giant Set # 2 ABS (3 Rounds)
- Partial V-Ups “Dumbbell in hands & feet”: 15-20 Reps
- V-Ups “Dumbbell between feet only: 15-20 Reps
- V-Ups “No weight”: 15-20 Reps
- Seated Bicycles: 20 Reps per side
This will suck by round 2 so start pushing yourself to failure on each since you
probably won’t be able to get even 15.
Giant Set #1 - Quads (3 Rounds/Sets)
● Static Lunges “Only come up 3/4 and lean forward”: 15 reps Each
● Dumbbell Front Squat “3/4, pressure on your heels”: 20 reps
● Walking Lunges “Monster walk or regular w/ forward lean”: 20 steps per
● Split Squat “Use weight if it doesn’t kill you”: 15 reps Each
Giant Set #2 - Hams + Glutes (3 Rounds/Sets)
● RDL’s: 20 reps
● Sumo’s “either straight up and down or hinge over your hips”: 20 reps
● Reverse Lunges: 15 reps Each
● Wide Sumo Squat w/ Dumbbell as Counterweight “1/4 reps”: 20 reps
Giant Set #3 - Calves
● Plate Calf Raises (toes straight, turned out, turned in): 30/30/30
● Tib Raises: 30
The Unfortunate #15 “ascending and descending drop set w/ mechanical
3 sets (1 set = ascending + descending)
15 reps (on the drops you’re not going to get 15)
TRI-FUCTA “seated French press, skull crushers & slow close grip bench”:
3 sets
20, 20, failure
Incline DB Curl “5 count positive, 5 count negative, 5 count hold at the
3 sets
15 reps
Slight Incline DB Kickbacks w/ Drop Set “hold for 5 count at the top”:
3 sets
(1 set = initial set + 2 drops) / 15 reps (on the first set then good luck)
Bodyweight French Press SS Straight Bar Curls “NO REST BETWEEN
3 sets
french press “failure” - curls 20 reps
3 Sets
20 reps / 30 reps / 60 seconds or as long as you can
3 Sets
20 reps / 20 reps
PARTIAL REAR DELTS "Arms Close To Your Body - Stay At The Top" SS LYING
3 Sets
20 reps / 20 reps
" PLATE" - BUS DRIVER "Slow" + Front Raise "Grab Low & Tilt Plate Forward" +
SHOULDER PRESS "Slow + Hold at The Top":
3 Sets
20 reps each side / 20 reps / 20 reps
** If you don't have a plate you can use a dumbbell, just hold each end.**
1 ARM ROW - 10 sets back to back w/ no rest "1 set = Right arm + Left
10 Sets (1 long ass set)
200 reps total
BENT OVER ROW "Rest Pause":
3 Sets
20 reps (rest 3 breaths), again, again
2 Sets
30 reps
Dumbbell Shrugs "Don't Set Down The Dumbbells - Century Set":
1 Set
100 reps
INCLINE DB PRESS "Super slow":
4 Sets
10-20 reps "the speed of the rep is more important than the number"
3 Sets
20 reps / Failure
3 Sets
1 Set
60 Seconds - As many as you can do
3 Sets
20 reps
Squats “1.5’s”
3 Sets
20 Reps (1 rep = all the way down, half way up, back down and then all the
way up)
Reverse Lunges From Hell “no rest in-between sets”:
5 Sets
20 Reps per leg first set then good luck…
Sumo Deadlift Drop Set:
3 Sets
30 Reps + 2 Drops (each 30 reps)
RDL’s “toes on weight + feet close”:
3 Sets
30 Reps
Walking Lunges:
180 Steps Total
Seated “on your hamstrings” calf raises:
5 Sets
Failure / I give up
Wall DB Curls "Shorten the ROM to 1/4 reps":
3 Sets
20 reps + 3 Drops (4 sets = 1 drop set)
DB Skull Crushers "Choose the angle you connect best with
45/90/press variation":
3 Sets
20 reps + 3 Drops (4 sets = 1 drop set)
DB Hammer Curl "Elbows tucked / Lean slightly forward":
3 Sets
20 reps + 3 Drops (4 sets = 1 drop set)
DB French Press "Use two dumbbells & lean against a bench to get
equal ROM":
3 Sets
20 reps + 3 Drops (4 sets = 1 drop set)
Don't Know What To Call It / Weird Angle Drag Curl:
3 Sets
20 reps + 3 Drops (4 sets = 1 drop set)
3 Way Tricep DB Push-ups:
3 Sets
Failure / Failure / Failure
DB Side Laterals "Straight arm + 3 count negative & positive":
3 Sets
10-15 on the first + 3 Drops
Lying Rear Delt Flys "Pronated grip":
3 Sets
20 reps + 3 Drops
Dumbbell Front Raise "Use two dumbbells and press together - lean
3 Sets
15 reps + 3 Drops
Dumbbell Incline High Row "Keep arms close then pull shoulders
back at the top to fire those rear delts":
3 Sets
15-20 reps + 3 Drops
Rotations of Arnold Presses:
3 Sets
15-20 reps + 3 Drops
Bent Over Dumbbell Rows:
3 Sets
15-20 Reps + 3 Drops
Dumbbell Pullovers "push the DB's together & don't come up too
3 Sets
20 Reps + 3 Drops
High Elbow Dumbbell Row "Wall":
3 Sets
15 Reps + 3 Drops
3 Sets
10 Reps + 2 Drops
Slight Incline Dumbbell Press:
3 Sets
20 Reps + As many as possible drops
Dumbbell Fly's "take the top out"
3 Sets
20 Reps + 3 Drops
High School Dips:
4 Sets
Failure + 2 Drops
Wide Grip Push-ups "one hand on dumbbell" w/ Twist:
1 Long "Drop" Set
10 right, 10 left, 9 right, 9 left, 8 right, ... you get it.
Seated Knee Raises:
3 Sets
15-20 Reps + 3 Drops
Weighted Crunch "extend up at the top":
3 Sets
15-20 Reps + 3 Drops
Squats "try to get more reps with each drop":
3 Sets
15 on the first push, 15+, 20+, then less than 10 for the slow motion bar
only squats (15,15+,20+,<10)
Stiff Legs "push those dumbbells out in front":
3 Sets
15-20 Reps + keep dropping until you're out of weight
Reverse Lunges "on foot on plate, hold onto something, dumbbell in
opposite hand":
3 Sets
15 reps + 2 drops and then switch and do the same other leg (that's one
Step Ups:
2 Sets
15 Reps each leg + 3 Drops
Dumbbell Split Squat:
2 Sets
15 Reps + 2 Drops then switch and do the same other leg (that's one set)
Single Dumbbell Donkey Calf Raise:
4 Sets
15+ Reps + 3 Drops and then switch and do the same other leg (that's one
Pre Exhaust DB Partials -> Incline DB Curls -> Standing Strict DB Curls
w/ Lean:
3 Sets
30 Reps Pre / 15-20 Reps Incline / 15 - 20 Reps Strict
4 Way Dumbbell Giant (Curls Shoulders Open "Short head" / Curls
Shoulders Closed "Long head" / Hammer Curls / Alternating Curls):
3 Sets
15 Reps / 15 Reps / 15 Reps / Failure
Reverse Grip Straight Bar Curl + Drag Curl + Bicep Burnout:
4 Sets
15-20 Reps / 15 - 20 Reps / Failure
Skullcrusher Trifucta "Reverse Grip / Neutral / Neutral + Pronation":
3 Sets
20 Reps / 20 Reps / 20 Reps
Bar Dips + Bench Dips:
4 Sets
Failure / Failure
3 Way Tricep Pushups "Slight Supination / Neutral / Slight Pronation":
3 Sets
20 Reps / 20 Reps / 20 Reps
Partial Side Laterals "TOP":
3 Sets "only 30 seconds rest"
30 Reps
Slow Motion Incline Side Laterals "Thumbs Up":
3 Sets
15 Reps
Side Lateral Buffet "Partials at Bottom / Full Sides / Partials at Top":
4 Sets
20 Reps Each
Rear Delt Fly Buffet "Partials at Bottom / Full Sides / Partials at Top":
4 Sets
20 Reps Each
Incline Bus Drivers + Incline Front Raise:
3 Sets
20 Reps / 20 Reps
3 Way Incline Dumbbell Row "elbows 90º / elbows 45º / tucked to your
4 Sets
15 Reps / Failure / Failure
Wide Grip Bench Assisted Pull-ups + Reverse Grip Bench Assisted
3 Sets
Failure / Failure
Barbell Pullovers + High Elbow Row "Back parallel to the floor":
3 Sets
20 Reps / Failure
Pause Deadlifts "5 count pause 2 inches below your knees":
3 Sets
15-20 Reps
Shrug Drop Sets w/ 60 Second Hold:
3 Sets
15-20 Reps / Failure / Failure
Coffin Press + Incline Fly + Floor Press:
4 Sets
20 Reps / Failure / Failure
Dumbbell Push-ups + Flat Dumbbell Press w/ Slight Rotation:
3 Sets
Failure / 15-20 but really... failure
GIANT SET - Low Dumbbell Fly on Incline Bench + Dips w/ 2 sec Hold at
Bottom + Fly Push-ups + Regular Push-ups:
3 Sets
20 / Failure / Failure / Failure
Hanging Leg Raise or V-Ups:
2 Sets
50 "hang there for a second on leg raises or take two deep breaths on
Squatted Calf Raise w/ Dumbbell:
4 Sets
Hip Thrusts + Sumo Deadlifts:
3 Sets
50 Reps / 20 Reps
GIANT SET - Slow High Bar Squat "feet close" + Dumbbell Sissy Squat
"lean back on the way up" + Modified Pistol Squat + Extreme Sissy
3 Sets
30 Reps / 20 Reps / 20 Reps Each / Failure
Century Squats "100 Reps"
2 Sets
180 Continuous Walking Lunges "Long Stride / Drag Back Leg"
1 Set