Uploaded by Angelica Villareal

Mental Health of Young Adults in the Philippines

The Philippines is the country with the third highest rate of mental health problems in the
Western Pacific Region. In the year 2020, the Department of Health revealed that there are ≥3.6
million Filipinos suffering from at least one kind of mental, neurological, or substance use
disorder. Moreover, in a study conducted by Puyat, J. et.al in the year 2021, up to 8.9% of young
Filipino adults were found to be experiencing moderate to severe depressive symptoms and the
prevalence is higher in females (10.2%) than males (7.6%).
Young adulthood is a developmental period occurring in ages 20 - 25 wherein a person is
considered to be in the novice phase of being an adult. In this stage of life, a person may have a
mix of emotions between finally saying goodbye to the adolescent phase and facing freedom
together with the responsibilities of being an emancipated adult. Significant and dramatic life
changes and challenges happen at this stage wherein a person goes through the development of
critical thinking skills, self-exploration, forming of relationships, identity formation, and risktaking behaviors. Due to their increased likelihood of risk-taking behavior and related poor health
outcomes, young adults are in a vulnerable state. Not all young adults may be able to cope with all
the changes happening to them and the expectations they are getting from society, their friends,
and family. Furthermore, the occurrence of the expected changes that a young adult must have at
their age can be delayed or limited due to individual differences that may include trauma,
deprivation, violence, addiction to vices, mental health illness, and other concerns.