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Truth in History: Filipino Identity & Historical Revisionism

Pascual, Ma. Sofia Anehl M.
BSMT 1st Year – MED235
“The Truth in History”
I have always been a fan of history. Growing up, it never failed to pique my
interest – I was more attentive in listening to my history teacher than any other subject
back in elementary and high school. It just amazes me as a child to know what the past
was all about. I have watched almost all of the movies regarding our heroes’ lives, I am
more excited about going to historical places like the National Museum and Intramuros
during educational field trips rather than going to some factories, I have watched different
documentaries about certain events in the television while eating popcorn with my father,
I like reading different informational sources about the past, and I am interested in
hearing stories from my grandparents and from my uncles/aunties about how was to live
a life before. Some people find it weird to be this interested in history, but I realized the
reason behind that is my pure admiration as a Filipino. Hearing and learning all these
stories honed me as a person – how I think, and how I value my country.
It is important to tell and know the truth. One of the basic traits our parents teach
us is to always be honest no matter what. The truth depicts how we live our lives today,
the truth depicts how we are as Filipinos in general. We should not be biased in deciding
what the truth is and what is not – we need to investigate, research, fact check, and
critically think while knowing that truth. Especially in history wherein many individuals
are trying to alter, even our own government, we should stick to nothing but facts and
truth as it might forever alter the history, the people, and the knowledge we currently
have. Martial Law is one of the examples, the government is trying to alter the
dictatorship of Ferdinand Marcos and trying to replace the information in the books. The
authenticity of the information passed down to the next generation will be revised and
distorted. If it continues to happen, the revision and distortion of history, the essence of
being a Filipino in this country will be nothing but alteration. The future generation in
this country will suffer from confusion as they do not know their own roots. Therefore, to
prevent that from happening, every individual should know how to handle conflicts and
controversies. I learned that having more evidence and perspectives does not equate to
being accurate and true. We need to understand the context and conflict first, and we
need to know where the controversies are coming from before we conclude our
perspectives. It can be done through researching, and finding resources, especially
primary sources, we need to think and connect the events and ensure their authenticity.
Many people may still not know the significance of history in their lives, but for me, it is
Pascual, Ma. Sofia Anehl M.
BSMT 1st Year – MED235
important to study it so that I can understand our country’s present situation. Studying
history also made me strong and brave to fight for what I think is right – for the better of
my beloveds around me. To be a citizen in the Philippines, I have the right to know the
truth about the past as it can make me decide about my future decisions for my country. I
will apply these learnings and personal experiences whenever the time I can contribute.
In this upcoming barangay election, I will make sure to give importance to what I have
learned and vote for who I think will benefit the country’s current situation. I believe
every small decision of a man can make a big difference for all.
I think people should value history as an inspiration – it will teach us different
lessons that will hone us as an individual. It would inspire us to know what it would be
like to live in the past wherein there were times of peacefulness. The busy streets were
once a quiet neighborhood, where “Bayanihan” was always a thing. We should take
inspiration from how the freedom we have now is because of our known and unknown
heroes who sacrificed their lives and showed their dedication and brevity to attain the
equality and freedom that shaped modern society. We will all be part of history, and the
generation today will uphold the knowledge from the past and today – we should
preserve the culture and tradition that we can pass on to future generations to come.