Uploaded by Samuel Paquette

Atom Model Diorama Project: Instructions & Models

Atom Project
Due Date: Friday the 21st, 2022
Points: 20
Instructions: design and build a diorama of the five historical atomic models and bring it to class. It is
suggested that you use one of the following types of materials:
- Styrofoam balls and toothpicks
- Clay
- Legos
- Cupcakes with difference candies representing the nucleus, protons, neutrons, and electrons
- You may get permission to use another type of material, but you must ask your teacher for
permission to use any other materials. Projects which use illicit materials without permission will
receive no credit.
Be sure to include the following features for each model:
- Dalton’s model: Solid sphere
- Plum pudding: negatively charged electrons embedded in positively charged sphere
- Rutherford’s model: positive nucleus with positive charge in the center of the atom
- (Note: the discovery that the nucleus was made of neutrons and protons was in between
Rutherford and Bohr, so it can go in either)
- Bohr: electrons arranged in fixed orbits or shells
- Shrodinger: electron cloud instead of separate electron particles