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Everglades DOK Quiz: Lesson Plan Analysis

Everglades DoK Quiz
INED 3300/3304/6400
Everglades DoK Quiz
1. What DOK levels can you identify in the Everglades lesson?
Explicit instruction helps teachers teach in a direct and structured way. This is also more
helpful to students because it makes learning clear and easy. Kids taught through explicit
instruction can practice their skills and get feedback for improvement. Kids with special
needs even appreciate explicit instruction more because their learning and thinking may
be different from others. Steps in explicit instructions are so clear that students can begin
a task and successfully complete it with feedback in between to help make changes where
There exist four levels of knowledge useful in content analysis. Level one is simple and
requires students to receive or recite facts as earlier established. Level two engages
mental processes, a bit more advanced from the receiving and reciting. Level three
focuses on deep knowledge while level four involves higher order thinking. There are
different levels of DOK present in the Everglades lesson plan. First, there is level 1 which
involves recall, comprehension and reproduction of words previously seen. The teacher
has it in the plan to ask students to mention the vocabulary learnt in the previous lesson.
This means that the lesson intends to test the ability of the students to recall and
reproduce the words learnt in a previous lesson. The teacher will then know how much
they have learnt based on their ability to recall the words.
Level 2 is also exhibited in the lesson plan. This level of DOK requires mental processing
and comprehension beyond just recalling of words. In the lesson plan, the teacher intends
to use the definition of terms to remind the students should they forget some vocabulary.
Everglades DoK Quiz
INED 3300/3304/6400
This means that the students must engage their brains to understand the meaning of words
in order to relate the two. This means that the students will be using context cues to help
them remember words previously learnt. Level 3 is also slightly exhibited in the lesson
plan. Here, students need to explain, generalize, or connect ideas. The teacher wants the
students to think about the Everglades and describe what they see. It means these students
have to connect their imagination to actual vocabulary learnt in the previous lesson. They
will use this vocabulary to give their definition of what they think of the Everglades and
this requires deep knowledge and understanding. Thus, overall, the lesson plan attached
intends to test three levels of DOK and hopefully help the students learn better.
2. How does the Everglades lesson support student engagement and mastery in an
explicit instruction framework?
The everglades lesson plan supports student learning in an explicit instruction framework.
This is achievable through the interactive sessions the teacher intends to have with the
students. In explicit instruction, the teacher clearly shows the students what to do and
how to do it by using clear physical demonstrations. In the lesson plan, the teacher has
clearly outlined what the teacher will tell the students to do and how to guide them
towards achieving the goal of the lesson. For example, the teacher intends to have the
students close their eyes, imagine the Everglade, then describe it. The intention is to have
the students give a description of the Everglade, but the teacher will take them through it
step by step until they can clearly describe and explain vocabulary used. This way, the
Everglades DoK Quiz
INED 3300/3304/6400
instructions are clear and the steps well laid out to help the students arrive at their
learning goal.
3. Write at least one Level 3 or 4 DOK question/task that could be included in the
Everglades lesson. Reflect on what this question/task contributes to the lesson.
Level 4 question and task; what children’s’ story that you have read or heard before
relates to the Everglade? I want you to think of stories like the three little pigs,
Cinderella, snow white and the seven dwarfs and try put them in the place of the
Everglade. Which one would perfectly fit in the environment described by the
Everglade? Once you pick out your story, I will expect you to narrate it to the rest of the
class and let them decide the setup of the story then see if it relates to the Everglade.
This task allows the students to gather information from different sources, analyze, and
synthesize into the lesson of the day. Through telling of previous fairy tales, the students
will be able to get an idea of the setting which then helps them decide if it resembles the
one taught in the classroom. This mean that they will analyze external sources and try and
relate them to the course work to further build their vocabulary and class work.
4. Review your learning goal for the Differentiated Lesson Plan and brainstorm five
questions/prompts/tasks to check students understanding throughout the lesson.
Ensure a clear link between questions and content, variety in how students are
asked to engage with content and at what DOK level, and questions that promote
Everglades DoK Quiz
INED 3300/3304/6400
higher level thinking. This is just an initial brainstorm. You will solidify these in the
M7 A3 Differentiated Lesson Plan Part 2 submission.
The five questions, prompts, or tasks that would be used to analyze how much students
have been able to understand throughout the lesson:
1: One on one discussion:
This will be used to make a discussion between the students in small groups with two to
three students, so that they would be able individually to present their understanding
related to the lesson. The discussion must be short and relevant to keep the interest of the
students. This activity will be of the level three nature of the DOK levels.
2: Having a presentation
Students will be allowed to choose whether they want to create a visual presentation of
the lesson and present it before the other students or make it into speaking notes and give
their presentation verbally. With the help of the presentation, they will achieve level two
of the DOK levels
3: Constructing a model:
The students would be asked to construct a model of the concept of the lesson of their
choice. This will help them to demonstrate their learning with the help of different types
of material. From DOK levels, they will be able to achieve a level two learning
4: Creating a new product:
For the understanding that students have created, they will be asked to create a new
product with the same nature. In this way, students will be able to present their in-depth
learning about the usage of the concept. With the final product, a level four of DOK
levels will be achieved as they have incorporated the knowledge in the real world.
Everglades DoK Quiz
INED 3300/3304/6400
5: Reflection journal:
Writing a short and personal reflection journal will help the students to pen down their
concepts in words explaining their deep concepts. Presenting the concepts in the written
form will achieve a level one from the DOK levels.