Uploaded by Ahmed Eid

Electronics Lab Report: Circuit Analysis & Waveforms

Introduction to Electronics
 Lab report 3
Name: Ahmed Eid Ramadan
Code : (A) 0.8
Section : 1
ID: 2000115
The circuit will be as shown
 Apply Vin = X sin (2π (10KH) t) and get a
snapshot displaying Vin and Vout
Assume X=0.8 v
Turne the circuit till VCE ~ VCC/2. Report the DC
value of VCE through a snapshot.
Vcc/2 =6 v
We find that Vce close to 6 v at R2 close to 10.5 K ohm
Input & output voltage wave.
Calculate the analytical gain of this circuit then
compare it with the simulation results in (4)