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Pandemic Impact on Special Needs Parents: Adaptation Stages

How The Pandemic Affects Parents of Special Needs Children
ECC 224
Caleb Vondran
October 19, 2021
After reading the article, the pandemic has really affected children and families in so many
ways that some parents think there is no way out, everything the have done is gone, and
things will never be the same as before.
I think the stages of adaptation parents are going through are,
Each parent describes different situations they never thought could happen and the challenges
they are facing.
The need for support that was easy to access before the pandemic, busier than ever, months
without services, etc.
Seeking answers for new information and answers. Challenging the government to step up
and provide help. Trying to create new ways to create a learning environment at home the
child usually got at school.
Having Zoom classes, online workshops, focusing of children’s needs, and lean on other
community members and family to take care of the child.