Uploaded by Štěpán Brabenec

Artificial Intelligence Types and Applications

Artificial intelligence (AI)
Animals, including us, humans, display what is called natural intelligence. Machines, on the other hand,
demonstrate artificial intelligence. There are 4 different types of AI. First are reactive machines, which
are purely reactive and the simplest type of AI. Second are machines which use limited memory. These
machines learn every day, can look into the past and improve. Third type of AI is already an AI from the
future, and these are machines that form representations about the world and also about other entities
in the world. The fourth and last type of AI are machines with self-awereness, and this is where it gets
sci-fi. These machines can think, feel and exist in the same way as us, humans, which includes them
having their own opinions and needs. Some AI applications are advanced web search engines such as
Google, recommendation systems like Youtube and assistants such as Apple Siri. One of the most
advanced AI systems are self-driving cars, which are used by the electric car company called Tesla. This
form of AI is already really impressive, because it is learning every single day to improve and better
itself. It still remains a question, if or when we will develop the last type of AI. I think the scientists
should be really careful, because creating something with its own mind can be really dangerous for our
society and the human race itself.