PA R T 1 INTRODUCTION TO MANAGERIAL FINANCE CHAPTERS IN THIS PART 1 The Role and Environment of Managerial Finance 2 Financial Statements and Analysis 3 Cash Flow and Financial Planning Integrative Case I: Track Software, Inc. 1 CHAPTER 1 THE ROLE AND ENVIRONMENT OF MANAGERIAL FINANCE L E A R N I N G LG1 LG2 LG3 Define finance, the major areas of finance and the career opportunities available in this field, and the legal forms of business organization. Describe the managerial finance function and its relationship to economics and accounting. Identify the primary activities of the financial manager within the firm. LG4 LG5 LG6 G O A L S Explain why wealth maximization, rather than profit maximization, is the firm’s goal and how the agency issue is related to it. Understand the relationship between financial institutions and markets, and the role and operations of the money and capital markets. Discuss the fundamentals of business taxation of ordinary income and capital gains, and explain the treatment of tax losses. Across the Disciplines WHY THIS CHAPTER MATTERS TO YO U Accounting: You need to understand the relationships between the firm’s accounting and finance functions; how the financial statements you prepare will be used for making investment and financing decisions; ethical behavior by those responsible for a firm’s funds; what agency costs are and why the firm must bear them; and how to calculate the tax effects of proposed transactions. Information systems: You need to understand the organization of the firm; why finance personnel require both historical and projected data to support investment and financing decisions; and what data are necessary for determining the firm’s tax liability. Management: You need to understand the legal forms of business organization; the tasks that will be performed by finance 2 personnel; the goal of the firm; the issue of management compensation; the role of ethics in the firm; the agency problem; and the firm’s relationship to various financial institutions and markets. Marketing: You need to understand how the activities you pursue will be affected by the finance function, such as the firm’s cash and credit management policies; the role of ethics in promoting a sound corporate image; and the role the financial markets play in the firm’s ability to raise capital for new projects. Operations: You need to understand the organization of the firm and of the finance function in particular; why maximizing profit is not the main goal of the firm; the role of financial institutions and markets in providing funds for the firm’s production capacity; and the agency problem and the role of ethics. STARBUCKS KEEPING STARBUCKS HOT AND STRONG ometimes it seems that there’s a Starbucks on every corner—and now in supermarkets and hospitals, too. The company that revolutionized the way we think about coffee now has over 4,800 retail locations worldwide and 15 million customers lining up for lattes and other concoctions each week. The chain’s success is tied to somewhat unusual business strategies. Its mission statement emphasizes creating a better work environment for employees first, then satisfying customers and promoting good corporate citizenship within its communities. For example, Starbucks was one of the first companies to offer part-time employees health benefits and equity (ownership). The goal is to create an experience that builds trust with the customer. Profits are among the last of the company’s guiding principles. Starbucks’ bond with employees and customers has translated into sales and earnings as strong as its coffee. Annual sales growth from 1997 to 2000 ranged from 28 to almost 40 percent, and annual growth in earnings per share ranged from about 12 to 81 percent. A share of Starbucks’ stock purchased in November 1996 increased in value by 17 percent over the five years ended November 2001. That compares favorably with the 15 percent gain realized by its industry peers and the 7 percent gain for companies in the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index. Despite the U.S. economic slowdown in 2001, the company expects to keep its growth perking over the next five years. Although some fear that Starbucks has saturated the domestic market, same-store sales keep rising as the company introduces new products. Starbucks has even become quite successful in unexpected markets, such as Japan. Accomplishing its business objectives while building shareholder value requires sound financial management—raising funds to open new stores and build more roasting plants, deciding when and where to put them, managing cash collections, reducing purchasing costs, and dealing with fluctuations in the value of foreign currency and with other risks as it buys coffee beans and expands overseas. To finance its growth, Starbucks went public (sold common stock) in 1992, and its stock trades on the Nasdaq national market. Its next securities offering was the sale of convertible bonds, debt securities that could be converted into common stock at a specified price. Those bonds were successfully converted into common stock by 1996, and today the company has almost no long-term debt. Like Starbucks, every company must deal with many different issues to keep its financial condition solid. Chapter 1 introduces managerial finance and its key role in helping an organization meet its financial and business objectives. S 3 4 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance LG1 1.1 Finance and Business The field of finance is broad and dynamic. It directly affects the lives of every person and every organization. There are many areas and career opportunities in the field of finance. Basic principles of finance, such as those you will learn in this textbook, can be universally applied in business organizations of different types. What Is Finance? finance The art and science of managing money. Finance can be defined as the art and science of managing money. Virtually all individuals and organizations earn or raise money and spend or invest money. Finance is concerned with the process, institutions, markets, and instruments involved in the transfer of money among individuals, businesses, and governments. Most adults will benefit from an understanding of finance, which will enable them to make better personal financial decisions. Those who work in financial jobs will benefit by being able to interface effectively with the firm’s financial personnel, processes, and procedures. Major Areas and Opportunities in Finance The major areas of finance can be summarized by reviewing the career opportunities in finance. These opportunities can, for convenience, be divided into two broad parts: financial services and managerial finance. Financial Services financial services The part of finance concerned with the design and delivery of advice and financial products to individuals, business, and WW government. W Financial services is the area of finance concerned with the design and delivery of advice and financial products to individuals, business, and government. It involves a variety of interesting career opportunities within the areas of banking and related institutions, personal financial planning, investments, real estate, and insurance. Career opportunities available in each of these areas are described at this textbook’s Web site at Managerial Finance managerial finance Concerns the duties of the financial manager in the business firm. financial manager Actively manages the financial affairs of any type of business, whether financial or nonfinancial, private or public, large or small, profit-seeking or not-forprofit. Managerial finance is concerned with the duties of the financial manager in the business firm. Financial managers actively manage the financial affairs of any type of businesses—financial and nonfinancial, private and public, large and small, profit-seeking and not-for-profit. They perform such varied financial tasks as planning, extending credit to customers, evaluating proposed large expenditures, and raising money to fund the firm’s operations. In recent years, the changing economic and regulatory environments have increased the importance and complexity of the financial manager’s duties. As a result, many top executives have come from the finance area. Another important recent trend has been the globalization of business activity. U.S. corporations have dramatically increased their sales, purchases, investments, and fund raising in other countries, and foreign corporations have likewise CHAPTER 1 The Role and Environment of Managerial Finance 5 increased these activities in the United States. These changes have created a need for financial managers who can help a firm to manage cash flows in different currencies and protect against the risks that naturally arise from international transactions. Although these changes make the managerial finance function more complex, they can also lead to a more rewarding and fulfilling career. Legal Forms of Business Organization The three most common legal forms of business organization are the sole proprietorship, the partnership, and the corporation. Other specialized forms of business organization also exist. Sole proprietorships are the most numerous. However, corporations are overwhelmingly dominant with respect to receipts and net profits. Corporations are given primary emphasis in this textbook. Sole Proprietorships sole proprietorship A business owned by one person and operated for his or her own profit. unlimited liability The condition of a sole proprietorship (or general partnership) allowing the owner’s total wealth to be taken to satisfy creditors. A sole proprietorship is a business owned by one person who operates it for his or her own profit. About 75 percent of all business firms are sole proprietorships. The typical sole proprietorship is a small business, such as a bike shop, personal trainer, or plumber. The majority of sole proprietorships are found in the wholesale, retail, service, and construction industries. Typically, the proprietor, along with a few employees, operates the proprietorship. He or she normally raises capital from personal resources or by borrowing and is responsible for all business decisions. The sole proprietor has unlimited liability; his or her total wealth, not merely the amount originally invested, can be taken to satisfy creditors. The key strengths and weaknesses of sole proprietorships are summarized in Table 1.1. Partnerships partnership A business owned by two or more people and operated for profit. articles of partnership The written contract used to formally establish a business partnership. corporation An artificial being created by law (often called a “legal entity”). Hint For many small corporations, as well as small proprietorships and partnerships, there is no access to financial markets. In addition, whenever the owners take out a loan, they usually must personally cosign the loan. A partnership consists of two or more owners doing business together for profit. Partnerships account for about 10 percent of all businesses, and they are typically larger than sole proprietorships. Finance, insurance, and real estate firms are the most common types of partnership. Public accounting and stock brokerage partnerships often have large numbers of partners. Most partnerships are established by a written contract known as articles of partnership. In a general (or regular) partnership, all partners have unlimited liability, and each partner is legally liable for all of the debts of the partnership. Strengths and weaknesses of partnerships are summarized in Table 1.1. Corporations A corporation is an artificial being created by law. Often called a “legal entity,” a corporation has the powers of an individual in that it can sue and be sued, make and be party to contracts, and acquire property in its own name. Although only about 15 percent of all businesses are incorporated, the corporation is the dominant form of business organization in terms of receipts and profits. It accounts for nearly 90 percent of business receipts and 80 percent of net profits. Although 6 PART 1 TABLE 1.1 Introduction to Managerial Finance Strengths and Weaknesses of the Common Legal Forms of Business Organization Sole proprietorship Partnership Corporation Strengths • Owner receives all profits (and sustains all losses) • Low organizational costs • Income included and taxed on proprietor’s personal tax return • Independence • Secrecy • Ease of dissolution • Can raise more funds than sole proprietorships • Borrowing power enhanced by more owners • More available brain power and managerial skill • Income included and taxed on partner’s tax return • Owners have limited liability, which guarantees that they cannot lose more than they invested • Can achieve large size via sale of stock • Ownership (stock) is readily transferable • Long life of firm • Can hire professional managers • Has better access to financing • Receives certain tax advantages Weaknesses • Owner has unlimited liability— total wealth can be taken to satisfy debts • Limited fund-raising power tends to inhibit growth • Proprietor must be jack-of-alltrades • Difficult to give employees longrun career opportunities • Lacks continuity when proprietor dies • Owners have unlimited liability and may have to cover debts of other partners • Partnership is dissolved when a partner dies • Difficult to liquidate or transfer partnership • Taxes generally higher, because corporate income is taxed, and dividends paid to owners are also taxed • More expensive to organize than other business forms • Subject to greater government regulation • Lacks secrecy, because stockholders must receive financial reports stockholders The owners of a corporation, whose ownership, or equity, is evidenced by either common stock or preferred stock. common stock The purest and most basic form of corporate ownership. dividends Periodic distributions of earnings to the stockholders of a firm. board of directors Group elected by the firm’s stockholders and having ultimate authority to guide corporate affairs and make general policy. corporations are involved in all types of businesses, manufacturing corporations account for the largest portion of corporate business receipts and net profits. The key strengths and weaknesses of large corporations are summarized in Table 1.1. The owners of a corporation are its stockholders, whose ownership, or equity, is evidenced by either common stock or preferred stock.1 These forms of ownership are defined and discussed in Chapter 7; at this point suffice it to say that common stock is the purest and most basic form of corporate ownership. Stockholders expect to earn a return by receiving dividends—periodic distributions of earnings—or by realizing gains through increases in share price. As noted in the upper portion of Figure 1.1, the stockholders vote periodically to elect the members of the board of directors and to amend the firm’s corporate charter. The board of directors has the ultimate authority in guiding corporate affairs and in making general policy. The directors include key corporate personnel as well as outside individuals who typically are successful businesspeople and executives of other major organizations. Outside directors for major corporations are generally paid an annual fee of $10,000 to $20,000 or more. Also, they are 1. Some corporations do not have stockholders but rather have “members” who often have rights similar to those of stockholders—that is, they are entitled to vote and receive dividends. Examples include mutual savings banks, credit unions, mutual insurance companies, and a whole host of charitable organizations. CHAPTER 1 FIGURE 1.1 The Role and Environment of Managerial Finance 7 Corporate Organization The general organization of a corporation and the finance function (which is shown in yellow) Stockholders elect Board of Directors Owners hires President (CEO) Vice President Human Resources Vice President Manufacturing Vice President Finance (CFO) Managers Vice President Marketing Treasurer Capital Expenditure Manager Financial Planning and Fund-Raising Manager Credit Manager Cash Manager president or chief executive officer (CEO) Corporate official responsible for managing the firm’s day-to-day operations and carrying out the policies established by the board of directors. Vice President Information Resources Controller Foreign Exchange Manager Pension Fund Manager Tax Manager Corporate Accounting Manager Cost Accounting Manager Financial Accounting Manager frequently granted options to buy a specified number of shares of the firm’s stock at a stated—and often attractive—price. The president or chief executive officer (CEO) is responsible for managing day-to-day operations and carrying out the policies established by the board. The CEO is required to report periodically to the firm’s directors. It is important to note the division between owners and managers in a large corporation, as shown by the dashed horizontal line in Figure 1.1. This separation and some of the issues surrounding it will be addressed in the discussion of the agency issue later in this chapter. 8 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance Other Limited Liability Organizations limited partnership (LP) S corporation (S corp) limited liability corporation (LLC) limited liability partnership (LLP) See Table 1.2. A number of other organizational forms provide owners with limited liability. The most popular are limited partnerships (LPs), S corporations (S corps), limited liability corporations (LLCs), and limited liability partnerships (LLPs). Each represents a specialized form or blending of the characteristics of the organizational forms described before. What they have in common is that their owners enjoy limited liability, and they typically have fewer than 100 owners. Each of these limited liability organizations is briefly described in Table 1.2. The Study of Managerial Finance An understanding of the theories, concepts, techniques, and practices presented throughout this text will fully acquaint you with the financial manager’s activities and decisions. Because most business decisions are measured in financial terms, the financial manager plays a key role in the operation of the firm. People in all areas of responsibility—accounting, information systems, management, marketing, operations, and so forth—need a basic understanding of the managerial finance function. All managers in the firm, regardless of their job descriptions, work with financial personnel to justify laborpower requirements, negotiate operating budgets, deal with financial performance appraisals, and sell proposals at least partly on the basis of their financial merits. Clearly, those managers who understand the finan- TABLE 1.2 Other Limited Liability Organizations Organization Description Limited partnership (LP) A partnership in which one or more partners have limited liability as long as at least one partner (the general partner) has unlimited liability. The limited partners cannot take an active role in the firm’s management; they are passive investors. S corporation (S corp) A tax-reporting entity that (under Subchapter S of the Internal Revenue Code) allows certain corporations with 75 or fewer stockholders to choose to be taxed as partnerships. Its stockholders receive the organizational benefits of a corporation and the tax advantages of a partnership. But S corps lose certain tax advantages related to pension plans. Limited liability corporation (LLC) Permitted in most states, the LLC gives its owners, like those of S corps, limited liability and taxation as a partnership. But unlike an S corp, the LLC can own more than 80% of another corporation, and corporations, partnerships, or non-U.S. residents can own LLC shares. LLCs work well for corporate joint ventures or projects developed through a subsidiary. Limited liability partnership (LLP)a A partnership permitted in many states; governing statutes vary by state. All LLP partners have limited liability. They are liable for their own acts of malpractice, not for those of other partners. The LLP is taxed as a partnership. LLPs are frequently used by legal and accounting professionals. aIn recent years this organizational form has begun to replace professional corporations or associations—corporations formed by groups of professionals such as attorneys and accountants that provide limited liability except for that related to malpractice—because of the tax advantages it offers. CHAPTER 1 TABLE 1.3 The Role and Environment of Managerial Finance 9 Career Opportunities in Managerial Finance Position Description Financial analyst Primarily prepares the firm’s financial plans and budgets. Other duties include financial forecasting, performing financial comparisons, and working closely with accounting. Capital expenditures manager Evaluates and recommends proposed asset investments. May be involved in the financial aspects of implementing approved investments. Project finance manager In large firms, arranges financing for approved asset investments. Coordinates consultants, investment bankers, and legal counsel. Cash manager Maintains and controls the firm’s daily cash balances. Frequently manages the firm’s cash collection and disbursement activities and short-term investments; coordinates short-term borrowing and banking relationships. Credit analyst/manager Administers the firm’s credit policy by evaluating credit applications, extending credit, and monitoring and collecting accounts receivable. Pension fund manager In large companies, oversees or manages the assets and liabilities of the employees’ pension fund. Foreign exchange manager Manages specific foreign operations and the firm’s exposure to fluctuations in exchange rates. cial decision-making process will be better able to address financial concerns and will therefore more often get the resources they need to attain their own goals. The “Across the Disciplines” element that appears on each chapter-opening page should help you understand some of the many interactions between managerial finance and other business careers. As you study this text, you will learn about the career opportunities in managerial finance, which are briefly described in Table 1.3. Although this text focuses on publicly held profit-seeking firms, the principles presented here are equally applicable to private and not-for-profit organizations. The decision-making principles developed in this text can also be applied to personal financial decisions. I hope that this first exposure to the exciting field of finance will provide the foundation and initiative for further study and possibly even a future career. Review Questions 1–1 1–2 1–3 1–4 1–5 1–6 What is finance? Explain how this field affects the lives of everyone and every organization. What is the financial services area of finance? Describe the field of managerial finance. Which legal form of business organization is most common? Which form is dominant in terms of business receipts and net profits? Describe the roles and the basic relationship among the major parties in a corporation—stockholders, board of directors, and president. How are corporate owners compensated? Briefly name and describe some organizational forms other than corporations that provide owners with limited liability. Why is the study of managerial finance important regardless of the specific area of responsibility one has within the business firm? 10 PART 1 LG2 Introduction to Managerial Finance LG3 1.2 The Managerial Finance Function People in all areas of responsibility within the firm must interact with finance personnel and procedures to get their jobs done. For financial personnel to make useful forecasts and decisions, they must be willing and able to talk to individuals in other areas of the firm. The managerial finance function can be broadly described by considering its role within the organization, its relationship to economics and accounting, and the primary activities of the financial manager. treasurer The firm’s chief financial manager, who is responsible for the firm’s financial activities, such as financial planning and fund raising, making capital expenditure decisions, and managing cash, credit, the pension fund, and foreign exchange. controller The firm’s chief accountant, who is responsible for the firm’s accounting activities, such as corporate accounting, tax management, financial accounting, and cost accounting. Hint A controller is sometimes referred to as a comptroller. Not-for-profit and governmental organizations frequently use the title of comptroller. foreign exchange manager The manager responsible for monitoring and managing the firm’s exposure to loss from currency fluctuations. Organization of the Finance Function The size and importance of the managerial finance function depend on the size of the firm. In small firms, the finance function is generally performed by the accounting department. As a firm grows, the finance function typically evolves into a separate department linked directly to the company president or CEO through the chief financial officer (CFO). The lower portion of the organizational chart in Figure 1.1 (on page 7) shows the structure of the finance function in a typical medium-to-large-size firm. Reporting to the CFO are the treasurer and the controller. The treasurer (the chief financial manager) is commonly responsible for handling financial activities, such as financial planning and fund raising, making capital expenditure decisions, managing cash, managing credit activities, managing the pension fund, and managing foreign exchange. The controller (the chief accountant) typically handles the accounting activities, such as corporate accounting, tax management, financial accounting, and cost accounting. The treasurer’s focus tends to be more external, the controller’s focus more internal. The activities of the treasurer, or financial manager, are the primary concern of this text. If international sales or purchases are important to a firm, it may well employ one or more finance professionals whose job is to monitor and manage the firm’s exposure to loss from currency fluctuations. A trained financial manager can “hedge,” or protect against such a loss, at reasonable cost by using a variety of financial instruments. These foreign exchange managers typically report to the firm’s treasurer. Relationship to Economics marginal analysis Economic principle that states that financial decisions should be made and actions taken only when the added benefits exceed the added costs. The field of finance is closely related to economics. Financial managers must understand the economic framework and be alert to the consequences of varying levels of economic activity and changes in economic policy. They must also be able to use economic theories as guidelines for efficient business operation. Examples include supply-and-demand analysis, profit-maximizing strategies, and price theory. The primary economic principle used in managerial finance is marginal analysis, the principle that financial decisions should be made and actions taken only when the added benefits exceed the added costs. Nearly all financial decisions ultimately come down to an assessment of their marginal benefits and marginal costs. CHAPTER 1 EXAMPLE The Role and Environment of Managerial Finance 11 Jamie Teng is a financial manager for Nord Department Stores, a large chain of upscale department stores operating primarily in the western United States. She is currently trying to decide whether to replace one of the firm’s online computers with a new, more sophisticated one that would both speed processing and handle a larger volume of transactions. The new computer would require a cash outlay of $80,000, and the old computer could be sold to net $28,000. The total benefits from the new computer (measured in today’s dollars) would be $100,000. The benefits over a similar time period from the old computer (measured in today’s dollars) would be $35,000. Applying marginal analysis, Jamie organizes the data as follows: Benefits with new computer $100,000 Less: Benefits with old computer 35,000 (1) Marginal (added) benefits Cost of new computer $ 80,000 Less: Proceeds from sale of old computer 28,000 (2) Marginal (added) costs Net benefit [(1) (2)] $65,000 52,000 $13,000 Because the marginal (added) benefits of $65,000 exceed the marginal (added) costs of $52,000, Jamie recommends that the firm purchase the new computer to replace the old one. The firm will experience a net benefit of $13,000 as a result of this action. Relationship to Accounting The firm’s finance (treasurer) and accounting (controller) activities are closely related and generally overlap. Indeed, managerial finance and accounting are not often easily distinguishable. In small firms the controller often carries out the finance function, and in large firms many accountants are closely involved in various finance activities. However, there are two basic differences between finance and accounting; one is related to the emphasis on cash flows and the other to decision making. Emphasis on Cash Flows accrual basis In preparation of financial statements, recognizes revenue at the time of sale and recognizes expenses when they are incurred. cash basis Recognizes revenues and expenses only with respect to actual inflows and outflows of cash. The accountant’s primary function is to develop and report data for measuring the performance of the firm, assessing its financial position, and paying taxes. Using certain standardized and generally accepted principles, the accountant prepares financial statements that recognize revenue at the time of sale (whether payment has been received or not) and recognize expenses when they are incurred. This approach is referred to as the accrual basis. The financial manager, on the other hand, places primary emphasis on cash flows, the intake and outgo of cash. He or she maintains the firm’s solvency by planning the cash flows necessary to satisfy its obligations and to acquire assets needed to achieve the firm’s goals. The financial manager uses this cash basis to recognize the revenues and expenses only with respect to actual inflows and outflows of cash. 12 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance Regardless of its profit or loss, a firm must have a sufficient flow of cash to meet its obligations as they come due. EXAMPLE Nassau Corporation, a small yacht dealer, sold one yacht for $100,000 in the calendar year just ended. The yacht was purchased during the year at a total cost of $80,000. Although the firm paid in full for the yacht during the year, at year-end it has yet to collect the $100,000 from the customer. The accounting view and the financial view of the firm’s performance during the year are given by the following income and cash flow statements, respectively. Accounting View (accrual basis) Financial View (cash basis) Nassau Corporation Income Statement for the Year Ended 12/31 Nassau Corporation Cash Flow Statement for the Year Ended 12/31 Sales revenue $100,000 Cash inflow $ Less: Costs 80,000 $ 20,000 Less: Cash outflow 80,000 ($80,000) Net profit Net cash flow 0 In an accounting sense Nassau Corporation is profitable, but in terms of actual cash flow it is a financial failure. Its lack of cash flow resulted from the uncollected account receivable of $100,000. Without adequate cash inflows to meet its obligations, the firm will not survive, regardless of its level of profits. Hint The primary emphasis of accounting is on accrual methods; the primary emphasis of financial management is on cash flow methods. As the example shows, accrual accounting data do not fully describe the circumstances of a firm. Thus the financial manager must look beyond financial statements to obtain insight into existing or developing problems. Of course, accountants are well aware of the importance of cash flows, and financial managers use and understand accrual-based financial statements. Nevertheless, the financial manager, by concentrating on cash flows, should be able to avoid insolvency and achieve the firm’s financial goals. Decision Making The second major difference between finance and accounting has to do with decision making. Accountants devote most of their attention to the collection and presentation of financial data. Financial managers evaluate the accounting statements, develop additional data, and make decisions on the basis of their assessment of the associated returns and risks. Of course, this does not mean that accountants never make decisions or that financial managers never gather data. Rather, the primary focuses of accounting and finance are distinctly different. Primary Activities of the Financial Manager In addition to ongoing involvement in financial analysis and planning, the financial manager’s primary activities are making investment decisions and making financing decisions. Investment decisions determine both the mix and the type of CHAPTER 1 The Role and Environment of Managerial Finance FIGURE 1.2 13 Balance Sheet Financial Activities Primary activities of the financial manager Making Investment Decisions Current Assets Current Liabilities Fixed Assets Long-Term Funds Making Financing Decisions assets held by the firm. Financing decisions determine both the mix and the type of financing used by the firm. These sorts of decisions can be conveniently viewed in terms of the firm’s balance sheet, as shown in Figure 1.2. However, the decisions are actually made on the basis of their cash flow effects on the overall value of the firm. Review Questions 1–7 What financial activities is the treasurer, or financial manager, responsible for handling in the mature firm? 1–8 What is the primary economic principle used in managerial finance? 1–9 What are the major differences between accounting and finance with respect to emphasis on cash flows and decision making? 1–10 What are the two primary activities of the financial manager that are related to the firm’s balance sheet? LG4 1.3 Goal of the Firm As noted earlier, the owners of a corporation are normally distinct from its managers. Actions of the financial manager should be taken to achieve the objectives of the firm’s owners, its stockholders. In most cases, if financial managers are successful in this endeavor, they will also achieve their own financial and professional objectives. Thus financial managers need to know what the objectives of the firm’s owners are. Maximize Profit? earnings per share (EPS) The amount earned during the period on behalf of each outstanding share of common stock, calculated by dividing the period’s total earnings available for the firm’s common stockholders by the number of shares of common stock outstanding. Some people believe that the firm’s objective is always to maximize profit. To achieve this goal, the financial manager would take only those actions that were expected to make a major contribution to the firm’s overall profits. For each alternative being considered, the financial manager would select the one that is expected to result in the highest monetary return. Corporations commonly measure profits in terms of earnings per share (EPS), which represent the amount earned during the period on behalf of each outstanding share of common stock. EPS are calculated by dividing the period’s total earnings available for the firm’s common stockholders by the number of shares of common stock outstanding. 14 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance EXAMPLE Nick Dukakis, the financial manager of Neptune Manufacturing, a producer of marine engine components, is choosing between two investments, Rotor and Valve. The following table shows the EPS that each investment is expected to have over its 3-year life. Earnings per share (EPS) Investment Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total for years 1, 2, and 3 Rotor $1.40 $1.00 $0.40 $2.80 Valve 0.60 1.00 1.40 3.00 In terms of the profit maximization goal, Valve would be preferred over Rotor, because it results in higher total earnings per share over the 3-year period ($3.00 EPS compared with $2.80 EPS). But is profit maximization a reasonable goal? No. It fails for a number of reasons: It ignores (1) the timing of returns, (2) cash flows available to stockholders, and (3) risk.2 Timing Because the firm can earn a return on funds it receives, the receipt of funds sooner rather than later is preferred. In our example, in spite of the fact that the total earnings from Rotor are smaller than those from Valve, Rotor provides much greater earnings per share in the first year. The larger returns in year 1 could be reinvested to provide greater future earnings. Cash Flows Profits do not necessarily result in cash flows available to the stockholders. Owners receive cash flow in the form of either cash dividends paid them or the proceeds from selling their shares for a higher price than initially paid. Greater EPS do not necessarily mean that a firm’s board of directors will vote to increase dividend payments. Furthermore, higher EPS do not necessarily translate into a higher stock price. Firms sometimes experience earnings increases without any correspondingly favorable change in stock price. Only when earnings increases are accompanied by increased future cash flows would a higher stock price be expected. For example, a firm in a highly competitive technology-driven business could increase its earnings by significantly reducing its research and development expenditures. As a result the firm’s expenses would be reduced, thereby increasing its profits. But because of its impaired competitive position, the firm’s stock price would drop, as many well-informed investors sell the stock in recognition of lower future cash flows. In this case, the earnings increase was accompanied by lower future cash flows and therefore a lower stock price. 2. Another criticism of profit maximization is the potential for profit manipulation through the creative use of elective accounting practices. CHAPTER 1 The Role and Environment of Managerial Finance 15 Risk risk The chance that actual outcomes may differ from those expected. Hint This is one of the most important concepts in the book. Investors who seek to avoid risk will always require a bigger reward for taking bigger risks. risk-averse Seeking to avoid risk. Profit maximization also disregards risk—the chance that actual outcomes may differ from those expected. A basic premise in managerial finance is that a tradeoff exists between return (cash flow) and risk. Return and risk are in fact the key determinants of share price, which represents the wealth of the owners in the firm. Cash flow and risk affect share price differently: Higher cash flow is generally associated with a higher share price. Higher risk tends to result in a lower share price because the stockholder must be compensated for the greater risk. For example, if a lawsuit claiming significant damages is filed against a company, its share price typically will drop immediately. This occurs not because of any nearterm cash flow reduction but in response to the firm’s increased risk—there’s a chance that the firm will have to pay out a large amount of cash some time in the future to eliminate or fully satisfy the claim. Simply put, the increased risk reduces the firm’s share price. In general, stockholders are risk-averse—that is, they want to avoid risk. When risk is involved, stockholders expect to earn higher rates of return on investments of higher risk and lower rates on lower-risk investments. The key point, which will be fully developed in Chapter 5, is that differences in risk can significantly affect the value of an investment. Because profit maximization does not achieve the objectives of the firm’s owners, it should not be the goal of the financial manager. Maximize Shareholder Wealth The goal of the firm, and therefore of all managers and employees, is to maximize the wealth of the owners for whom it is being operated. The wealth of corporate owners is measured by the share price of the stock, which in turn is based on the timing of returns (cash flows), their magnitude, and their risk. When considering each financial decision alternative or possible action in terms of its impact on the share price of the firm’s stock, financial managers should accept only those actions that are expected to increase share price. Figure 1.3 depicts this process. Because share price represents the owners’ wealth in the firm, maximizing share price will maximize owner wealth. Note that return (cash flows) and risk are the key decision variables in maximizing owner wealth. It is important to recognize that earnings per share (EPS), because they are viewed as an indicator of the FIGURE 1.3 Share Price Maximization Financial decisions and share price Financial Manager Financial Decision Alternative or Action Return? Risk? Increase Share Price? No Reject Yes Accept 16 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance FOCUS ON PRACTICE Creating Shareholder Value and WaMu Once a small Northwest thrift, Washington Mutual (WaMu) is now the nation’s largest savings institution and the seventh largest U.S. bank. Its financial performance has been as exceptional as its rapid growth. Under the financial leadership of CFO William Longbrake, its assets grew 10-fold (to $220 billion) in a recent 5-year period, earnings rose an average of 18.6 percent per year, and the stock price nearly tripled. How has WaMu’s management team increased shareholder value so much? Four major acquisitions played an important role in adding branch networks. Greater penetration in existing markets has also been a driver. Another differentiating factor is the “pay for performance” plan that Longbrake introduced. The compensation plan encourages all employees, from managers to tellers, to cross- sell products and to give customers the highest level of service possible. As a result, the number of customers and the profits per customer have soared, helped along by a clever advertising campaign that emphasizes WaMu’s personal service. But it’s not enough to grow revenues if expenses aren’t under control. At the same time as its revenues grew, the bank’s operating efficiency improved significantly, the best among WaMu’s major competitors. Longbrake and his financial managers continually look for ways to boost revenues and improve earnings. A successful campaign to increase noninterest income from depositor and other retail banking fees, which are not subject to interest-rate movements, lessened the effect on earnings of changes in interest In Practice rates. Another strategy was to sell off all but the most profitable single-family mortgages in the bank’s loan portfolio. In spite of interest-rate fluctuations in 2000, WaMu earned $1.9 billion—its most profitable year ever. The bank continued to post record results in 2001, as interest rates fell, by increasing mortgage origination and refinancing activities. As a result, the firm even increased cash dividends at a time when many companies were cutting them. Clearly, Longbrake and his managers’ actions were effective in creating value for WaMu’s shareholders. Sources: Adapted from Stephen Barr, “The Revenue Revolution at Washington Mutual,” CFO, October 2001, downloaded from; “Washington Mutual Profits Rise 84 Percent,” October 16, 2001, Reuters Business Report, downloaded from eLibrary,; Washington Mutual Web site, firm’s future returns (cash flows), often appear to affect share price. Two important issues related to maximizing share price are economic value added (EVA®) and the focus on stakeholders. Economic Value Added (EVA®) economic value added (EVA®) A popular measure used by many firms to determine whether an investment contributes positively to the owners’ wealth; calculated by subtracting the cost of funds used to finance an investment from its after-tax operating profits. Economic value added (EVA®) is a popular measure used by many firms to determine whether an investment—proposed or existing—contributes positively to the owners’ wealth.3 EVA® is calculated by subtracting the cost of funds used to finance an investment from its after-tax operating profits. Investments with positive EVA®s increase shareholder value and those with negative EVA®s reduce shareholder value. Clearly, only those investments with positive EVA®s are desirable. For example, the EVA® of an investment with after-tax operating profits of $410,000 and associated financing costs of $375,000 would be $35,000 (i.e., $410,000 $375,000). Because this EVA® is positive, the investment is expected to increase owner wealth and is therefore acceptable. (EVA®-type models are discussed in greater detail as part of the coverage of stock valuation in Chapter 7.) 3. For a good summary of economic value added (EVA®), see Shaun Tully, “The Real Key to Creating Wealth,” Fortune (September 20, 1993), pp. 38–49. CHAPTER 1 The Role and Environment of Managerial Finance 17 What About Stakeholders? stakeholders Groups such as employees, customers, suppliers, creditors, owners, and others who have a direct economic link to the firm. Although maximization of shareholder wealth is the primary goal, many firms broaden their focus to include the interests of stakeholders as well as shareholders. Stakeholders are groups such as employees, customers, suppliers, creditors, owners, and others who have a direct economic link to the firm. A firm with a stakeholder focus consciously avoids actions that would prove detrimental to stakeholders. The goal is not to maximize stakeholder well-being but to preserve it. The stakeholder view does not alter the goal of maximizing shareholder wealth. Such a view is often considered part of the firm’s “social responsibility.” It is expected to provide long-run benefit to shareholders by maintaining positive stakeholder relationships. Such relationships should minimize stakeholder turnover, conflicts, and litigation. Clearly, the firm can better achieve its goal of shareholder wealth maximization by fostering cooperation with its other stakeholders, rather than conflict with them. The Role of Ethics ethics Standards of conduct or moral judgment. In recent years, the ethics of actions taken by certain businesses have received major media attention. Examples include an agreement by American Express Co. in early 2002 to pay $31 million to settle a sex- and age-discrimination lawsuit filed on behalf of more than 4,000 women who said they were denied equal pay and promotions; Enron Corp.’s key executives indicating to employee-shareholders in mid2001 that the firm’s then-depressed stock price would soon recover while, at the same time, selling their own shares and, not long after, taking the firm into bankruptcy; and Liggett & Meyers’ early 1999 agreement to fund the payment of more than $1 billion in smoking-related health claims. Clearly, these and similar actions have raised the question of ethics—standards of conduct or moral judgment. Today, the business community in general and the financial community in particular are developing and enforcing ethical standards. The goal of these ethical standards is to motivate business and market participants to adhere to both the letter and the spirit of laws and regulations concerned with business and professional practice. Most business leaders believe businesses actually strengthen their competitive positions by maintaining high ethical standards. Considering Ethics Robert A. Cooke, a noted ethicist, suggests that the following questions be used to assess the ethical viability of a proposed action.4 1. Is the action arbitrary or capricious? Does it unfairly single out an individual or group? 2. Does the action violate the moral or legal rights of any individual or group? 3. Does the action conform to accepted moral standards? 4. Are there alternative courses of action that are less likely to cause actual or potential harm? 4. Robert A. Cooke, “Business Ethics: A Perspective,” in Arthur Andersen Cases on Business Ethics (Chicago: Arthur Andersen, September 1991), pp. 2 and 5. 18 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance FOCUS ON ETHICS In Practice “Doing Well by Doing Good” Hewlett-Packard (H-P) was founded in 1939 by Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard on the basis of principles of fair dealing and respect—long before anyone coined the expression “corporate social responsibility.” H-P credits its ongoing commitment to “doing well by doing good” as a major reason why employees, suppliers, customers, and shareholders seek it out. H-P is clear on its obligation to increase the market value of its common stock, yet it strives to maintain the integrity of each employee in every country in which it does business. Its “Standards of Business Conduct” include a provision that triggers immediate dismissal of any employee who is found to have told a lie. Its internal auditors are expected to adhere to all of these standards, which set forth the “highest principles of business ethics and conduct,” according to H-P’s 2000 annual report. Maximizing shareholder wealth is what some call a “moral imperative,” in that stockholders are owners with property rights, and in that managers as stewards are obliged to look out for owners’ interests. Many times, doing what is right is consistent with maximizing the stock price, but what if integrity causes a company to lose a contract or causes analysts to reduce the rating of the stock from “buy” to “sell”? The objective to maximize shareholder wealth holds, but company officers must do so within ethical constraints. Those constraints occasionally limit the alternative actions from which managers may choose. Some critics have mistakenly assumed that the objective of maximizing shareholder wealth is somehow the cause of unethical behavior, ignoring the fact that any business goal might be cited as a factor pressuring individuals to be unethical. U.S. business professionals have tended to operate from within a strong moral framework based on early-childhood moral development that takes place in families and religious institutions. This does not prevent all ethical lapses, obviously. But it is not surprising that chief financial officers declare that the number-1 personal attribute that finance grads need is ethics—which they rank above interpersonal skills, communication skills, decision-making ability, and computer skills. H-P is aware of this need and has institutionalized it in the company’s culture and policies. Clearly, considering such questions before taking an action can help to ensure its ethical viability. Specifically, Cooke suggests that the impact of a proposed decision should be evaluated from a number of perspectives before it is finalized: 1. Are the rights of any stakeholder being violated? 2. Does the firm have any overriding duties to any stakeholder? 3. Will the decision benefit any stakeholder to the detriment of another stakeholder? 4. If there is detriment to any stakeholder, how should this be remedied, if at all? 5. What is the relationship between stockholders and other stakeholders? Today, more and more firms are directly addressing the issue of ethics by establishing corporate ethics policies and requiring employee compliance with them. Frequently, employees are required to sign a formal pledge to uphold the firm’s ethics policies. Such policies typically apply to employee actions in dealing with all corporate stakeholders, including the public. Many companies also require employees to participate in ethics seminars and training programs. To provide further insight into the ethical dilemmas and issues sometimes facing the CHAPTER 1 The Role and Environment of Managerial Finance 19 financial manager, a number of the In Practice boxes appearing throughout this book are labeled to note their focus on ethics. Ethics and Share Price An effective ethics program is believed to enhance corporate value. An ethics program can produce a number of positive benefits. It can reduce potential litigation and judgment costs; maintain a positive corporate image; build shareholder confidence; and gain the loyalty, commitment, and respect of the firm’s stakeholders. Such actions, by maintaining and enhancing cash flow and reducing perceived risk, can positively affect the firm’s share price. Ethical behavior is therefore viewed as necessary for achieving the firm’s goal of owner wealth maximization.5 The Agency Issue Hint A stockbroker confronts the same issue. If she gets you to buy and sell more stock, it’s good for her, but it may not be good for you. We have seen that the goal of the financial manager should be to maximize the wealth of the firm’s owners. Thus managers can be viewed as agents of the owners who have hired them and given them decision-making authority to manage the firm. Technically, any manager who owns less than 100 percent of the firm is to some degree an agent of the other owners. This separation of owners and managers is shown by the dashed horizontal line in Figure 1.1 on page 7. In theory, most financial managers would agree with the goal of owner wealth maximization. In practice, however, managers are also concerned with their personal wealth, job security, and fringe benefits. Such concerns may make managers reluctant or unwilling to take more than moderate risk if they perceive that taking too much risk might jeopardize their jobs or reduce their personal wealth. The result is a less-than-maximum return and a potential loss of wealth for the owners. The Agency Problem agency problem The likelihood that managers may place personal goals ahead of corporate goals. From this conflict of owner and personal goals arises what has been called the agency problem, the likelihood that managers may place personal goals ahead of corporate goals.6 Two factors—market forces and agency costs—serve to prevent or minimize agency problems. Market Forces One market force is major shareholders, particularly large institutional investors such as mutual funds, life insurance companies, and pension funds. These holders of large blocks of a firm’s stock exert pressure on management to perform. When necessary, they exercise their voting rights as stockholders to replace underperforming management. 5. For an excellent discussion of this and related issues by a number of finance academics and practitioners who have given a lot of thought to financial ethics, see James S. Ang, “On Financial Ethics,” Financial Management (Autumn 1993), pp. 32–59. 6. The agency problem and related issues were first addressed by Michael C. Jensen and William H. Meckling, “Theory of the Firm: Managerial Behavior, Agency Costs and Ownership Structure,” Journal of Financial Economics 3 (October 1976), pp. 305–306. For an excellent discussion of Jensen and Meckling and subsequent research on the agency problem, see William L. Megginson, Corporate Finance Theory (Boston, MA: Addison Wesley, 1997), Chapter 2. 20 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance agency costs The costs borne by stockholders to minimize agency problems. incentive plans Management compensation plans that tend to tie management compensation to share price; most popular incentive plan involves the grant of stock options. stock options An incentive allowing managers to purchase stock at the market price set at the time of the grant. performance plans Plans that tie management compensation to measures such as EPS, growth in EPS, and other ratios of return. Performance shares and/or cash bonuses are used as compensation under these plans. performance shares Shares of stock given to management for meeting stated performance goals. cash bonuses Cash paid to management for achieving certain performance goals. Another market force is the threat of takeover by another firm that believes it can enhance the target firm’s value to restructuring its management, operations, and financing.7 The constant threat of a takeover tends to motivate management to act in the best interests of the firm’s owners. Agency Costs To minimize agency problems and contribute to the maximization of owners’ wealth, stockholders incur agency costs. These are the costs of monitoring management behavior, ensuring against dishonest acts of management, and giving managers the financial incentive to maximize share price. The most popular, powerful, and expensive approach is to structure management compensation to correspond with share price maximization. The objective is to give managers incentives to act in the best interests of the owners. In addition, the resulting compensation packages allow firms to compete for and hire the best managers available. The two key types of compensation plans are incentive plans and performance plans. Incentive plans tend to tie management compensation to share price. The most popular incentive plan is the granting of stock options to management. These options allow managers to purchase stock at the market price set at the time of the grant. If the market price rises, managers will be rewarded by being able to resell the shares at the higher market price. Many firms also offer performance plans, which tie management compensation to measures such as earnings per share (EPS), growth in EPS, and other ratios of return. Performance shares, shares of stock given to management as a result of meeting the stated performance goals, are often used in these plans. Another form of performance-based compensation is cash bonuses, cash payments tied to the achievement of certain performance goals. The Current View of Management Compensation The execution of many compensation plans has been closely scrutinized in recent years. Both individuals and institutional stockholders, as well as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), have publicly questioned the appropriateness of the multimillion-dollar compensation packages that many corporate executives receive. For example, the three highest-paid CEOs in 2001 were (1) Lawrence Ellison, of Oracle, who earned $706.1 million; (2) Jozef Straus, of JDS Uniphase, who earned $150.8 million; and (3) Howard Solomon, of Forest Laboratories, who earned $148.5 million. Tenth on the same list was Timothy Koogle, of Yahoo!, who earned $64.6 million. During 2001, the compensation of the average CEO of a major U.S. corporation declined by about 16 percent from 2000. CEOs of 365 of the largest U.S. companies surveyed by Business Week, using data from Standard & Poor’s EXECUCOMP, earned an average of $11 million in total compensation; the average for the 20 highest paid CEOs was $112.5 million. Recent studies have failed to find a strong relationship between CEO compensation and share price. Publicity surrounding these large compensation packages (without corresponding share price performance) is expected to drive down 7. Detailed discussion of the important aspects of corporate takeovers is included in Chapter 17, “Mergers, LBOs, Divestitures, and Business Failure.” CHAPTER 1 The Role and Environment of Managerial Finance 21 executive compensation in the future. Contributing to this publicity is the SEC requirement that publicly traded companies disclose to shareholders and others both the amount of compensation to their highest paid executives and the method used to determine it. At the same time, new compensation plans that better link managers’ performance with regard to shareholder wealth to their compensation are expected to be developed and implemented. Unconstrained, managers may have other goals in addition to share price maximization, but much of the evidence suggests that share price maximization—the focus of this book—is the primary goal of most firms. Review Questions 1–11 For what three basic reasons is profit maximization inconsistent with wealth maximization? 1–12 What is risk? Why must risk as well as return be considered by the financial manager who is evaluating a decision alternative or action? 1–13 What is the goal of the firm and therefore of all managers and employees? Discuss how one measures achievement of this goal. 1–14 What is economic value added (EVA®)? How is it used? 1–15 Describe the role of corporate ethics policies and guidelines, and discuss the relationship that is believed to exist between ethics and share price. 1–16 How do market forces, both shareholder activism and the threat of takeover, act to prevent or minimize the agency problem? 1–17 Define agency costs, and explain why firms incur them. How can management structure management compensation to minimize agency problems? What is the current view with regard to the execution of many compensation plans? LG5 1.4 Financial Institutions and Markets financial institution An intermediary that channels the savings of individuals, businesses, and governments into loans or investments. Hint Think about how inefficient it would be if each individual saver had to negotiate with each potential user of savings. Institutions make the process very efficient by becoming intermediaries between savers and users. Most successful firms have ongoing needs for funds. They can obtain funds from external sources in three ways. One is through a financial institution that accepts savings and transfers them to those that need funds. Another is through financial markets, organized forums in which the suppliers and demanders of various types of funds can make transactions. A third is through private placement. Because of the unstructured nature of private placements, here we focus primarily on financial institutions and financial markets. Financial Institutions Financial institutions serve as intermediaries by channeling the savings of individuals, businesses, and governments into loans or investments. Many financial institutions directly or indirectly pay savers interest on deposited funds; others provide services for a fee (for example, checking accounts for which customers pay service charges). Some financial institutions accept customers’ savings deposits and lend this money to other customers or to firms; others invest 22 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance customers’ savings in earning assets such as real estate or stocks and bonds; and some do both. Financial institutions are required by the government to operate within established regulatory guidelines. Key Customers of Financial Institutions The key suppliers of funds to financial institutions and the key demanders of funds from financial institutions are individuals, businesses, and governments. The savings that individual consumers place in financial institutions provide these institutions with a large portion of their funds. Individuals not only supply funds to financial institutions but also demand funds from them in the form of loans. However, individuals as a group are the net suppliers for financial institutions: They save more money than they borrow. Business firms also deposit some of their funds in financial institutions, primarily in checking accounts with various commercial banks. Like individuals, firms also borrow funds from these institutions, but firms are net demanders of funds. They borrow more money than they save. Governments maintain deposits of temporarily idle funds, certain tax payments, and Social Security payments in commercial banks. They do not borrow funds directly from financial institutions, although by selling their debt securities to various institutions, governments indirectly borrow from them. The government, like business firms, is typically a net demander of funds. It typically borrows more than it saves. We’ve all heard about the federal budget deficit. Major Financial Institutions WW W The major financial institutions in the U.S. economy are commercial banks, savings and loans, credit unions, savings banks, insurance companies, pension funds, and mutual funds. These institutions attract funds from individuals, businesses, and governments, combine them, and make loans available to individuals and businesses. Descriptions of the major financial institutions are found at the textbook’s Web site at Financial Markets financial markets Forums in which suppliers of funds and demanders of funds can transact business directly. private placement The sale of a new security issue, typically bonds or preferred stock, directly to an investor or group of investors. public offering The nonexclusive sale of either bonds or stocks to the general public. Financial markets are forums in which suppliers of funds and demanders of funds can transact business directly. Whereas the loans and investments of institutions are made without the direct knowledge of the suppliers of funds (savers), suppliers in the financial markets know where their funds are being lent or invested. The two key financial markets are the money market and the capital market. Transactions in short-term debt instruments, or marketable securities, take place in the money market. Long-term securities—bonds and stocks—are traded in the capital market. To raise money, firms can use either private placements or public offerings. Private placement involves the sale of a new security issue, typically bonds or preferred stock, directly to an investor or group of investors, such as an insurance company or pension fund. Most firms, however, raise money through a public offering of securities, which is the nonexclusive sale of either bonds or stocks to the general public. CHAPTER 1 primary market Financial market in which securities are initially issued; the only market in which the issuer is directly involved in the transaction. secondary market Financial market in which preowned securities (those that are not new issues) are traded. The Role and Environment of Managerial Finance 23 All securities are initially issued in the primary market. This is the only market in which the corporate or government issuer is directly involved in the transaction and receives direct benefit from the issue. That is, the company actually receives the proceeds from the sale of securities. Once the securities begin to trade between savers and investors, they become part of the secondary market. The primary market is the one in which “new” securities are sold. The secondary market can be viewed as a “preowned” securities market. The Relationship Between Institutions and Markets Financial institutions actively participate in the financial markets as both suppliers and demanders of funds. Figure 1.4 depicts the general flow of funds through and between financial institutions and financial markets; private placement transactions are also shown. The individuals, businesses, and governments that supply and demand funds may be domestic or foreign. We next briefly discuss the money market, including its international equivalent—the Eurocurrency market. We then end this section with a discussion of the capital market, which is of key importance to the firm. The Money Market FIGURE 1.4 Flow of Funds Flow of funds for financial institutions and markets Funds Funds Financial Institutions Deposits/Shares Loans Suppliers of Funds Securities Funds Private Placement Demanders of Funds Securities marketable securities Short-term debt instruments, such as U.S. Treasury bills, commercial paper, and negotiable certificates of deposit issued by government, business, and financial institutions, respectively. The money market is created by a financial relationship between suppliers and demanders of short-term funds (funds with maturities of one year or less). The money market exists because some individuals, businesses, governments, and financial institutions have temporarily idle funds that they wish to put to some interest-earning use. At the same time, other individuals, businesses, governments, and financial institutions find themselves in need of seasonal or temporary financing. The money market brings together these suppliers and demanders of short-term funds. Most money market transactions are made in marketable securities—shortterm debt instruments, such as U.S. Treasury bills, commercial paper, and Funds money market A financial relationship created between suppliers and demanders of short-term funds. Funds Securities Financial Markets Funds Securities 24 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance negotiable certificates of deposit issued by government, business, and financial institutions, respectively. (Marketable securities are described in Chapter 14.) The Operation of the Money Market federal funds Loan transactions between commercial banks in which the Federal Reserve banks become involved. Hint Remember that the money market is for short-term fund raising and is represented by current liabilities on the balance sheet. The capital market is for long-term fund raising and is reflected by longterm debt and equity on the balance sheet. The money market is not an actual organization housed in some central location. How, then, are suppliers and demanders of short-term funds brought together? Typically, they are matched through the facilities of large New York banks and through government securities dealers. A number of stock brokerage firms purchase money market instruments for resale to customers. Also, financial institutions purchase money market instruments for their portfolios in order to provide attractive returns on their customers’ deposits and share purchases. Additionally, the Federal Reserve banks become involved in loans from one commercial bank to another; these loans are referred to as transactions in federal funds. In the money market, businesses and governments demand short-term funds (borrow) by issuing a money market instrument. Parties who supply short-term funds (invest) purchase the money market instruments. To issue or purchase a money market instrument, one party must go directly to another party or use an intermediary, such as a bank or brokerage firm, to make the transaction. The secondary (resale) market for marketable securities is no different from the primary (initial issue) market with respect to the basic transactions that are made. Individuals also participate in the money market as purchasers and sellers of money market instruments. Although individuals do not issue marketable securities, they may sell them in the money market to liquidate them prior to maturity. The Eurocurrency Market Eurocurrency market International equivalent of the domestic money market. London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) The base rate that is used to price all Eurocurrency loans. The international equivalent of the domestic money market is called the Eurocurrency market. This is a market for short-term bank deposits denominated in U.S. dollars or other easily convertible currencies. Historically, the Eurocurrency market has been centered in London, but it has evolved into a truly global market. Eurocurrency deposits arise when a corporation or individual makes a bank deposit in a currency other than the local currency of the country where the bank is located. If, for example, a multinational corporation were to deposit U.S. dollars in a London bank, this would create a Eurodollar deposit (a dollar deposit at a bank in Europe). Nearly all Eurodollar deposits are time deposits. This means that the bank would promise to repay the deposit, with interest, at a fixed date in the future—say, in 6 months. During the interim, the bank is free to lend this dollar deposit to creditworthy corporate or government borrowers. If the bank cannot find a borrower on its own, it may lend the deposit to another international bank. The rate charged on these “interbank loans” is called the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), and this is the base rate that is used to price all Eurocurrency loans. The Eurocurrency market has grown rapidly, primarily because it is an unregulated, wholesale, and global market that fills the needs of both borrowers and lenders. Investors with excess cash to lend are able to make large, short-term, and safe deposits at attractive interest rates. Likewise, borrowers are able to arrange large loans, quickly and confidentially, also at attractive interest rates. CHAPTER 1 The Role and Environment of Managerial Finance 25 The Capital Market capital market A market that enables suppliers and demanders of long-term funds to make transactions. The capital market is a market that enables suppliers and demanders of long-term funds to make transactions. Included are securities issues of business and government. The backbone of the capital market is formed by the various securities exchanges that provide a forum for bond and stock transactions. Key Securities Traded: Bonds and Stocks bond Long-term debt instrument used by business and government to raise large sums of money, generally from a diverse group of lenders. EXAMPLE preferred stock A special form of ownership having a fixed periodic dividend that must be paid prior to payment of any common stock dividends. The key capital market securities are bonds (long-term debt) and both common and preferred stock (equity, or ownership). Bonds are long-term debt instruments used by business and government to raise large sums of money, generally from a diverse group of lenders. Corporate bonds typically pay interest semiannually (every 6 months) at a stated coupon interest rate. They have an initial maturity of from 10 to 30 years, and a par, or face, value of $l,000 that must be repaid at maturity. Bonds are described in detail in Chapter 6. Lakeview Industries, a major microprocessor manufacturer, has issued a 9 percent coupon interest rate, 20-year bond with a $1,000 par value that pays interest semiannually. Investors who buy this bond receive the contractual right to $90 annual interest (9% coupon interest rate $1,000 par value) distributed as $45 at the end of each 6 months (1/2 $90) for 20 years, plus the $1,000 par value at the end of year 20. As noted earlier, shares of common stock are units of ownership, or equity, in a corporation. Common stockholders earn a return by receiving dividends— periodic distributions of earnings—or by realizing increases in share price. Preferred stock is a special form of ownership that has features of both a bond and common stock. Preferred stockholders are promised a fixed periodic dividend that must be paid prior to payment of any dividends to common stockholders. In other words, preferred stock has “preference” over common stock. Preferred and common stock are described in detail in Chapter 7. Major Securities Exchanges securities exchanges Organizations that provide the marketplace in which firms can raise funds through the sale of new securities and purchasers can resell securities. Securities exchanges provide the marketplace in which firms can raise funds through the sale of new securities and purchasers of securities can easily resell them when necessary. Many people call securities exchanges “stock markets,” but this label is misleading because bonds, common stock, preferred stock, and a variety of other investment vehicles are all traded on these exchanges. The two key types of securities exchanges are the organized exchange and the over-thecounter exchange. In addition, important markets exist outside the United States. organized securities exchanges Tangible organizations that act as secondary markets where outstanding securities are resold. Organized Securities Exchanges Organized securities exchanges are tangible organizations that act as secondary markets where outstanding securities are resold. Organized exchanges account for about 46 percent of the total dollar volume of domestic shares traded. The best-known organized exchanges are the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the American Stock Exchange (AMEX), 26 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance both headquartered in New York City. There are also regional exchanges, such as the Chicago Stock Exchange and the Pacific Stock Exchange. Most exchanges are modeled after the New York Stock Exchange, which accounts for about 93 percent of the total annual dollar volume of shares traded on organized U.S. exchanges. In order for a firm’s securities to be listed for trading on an organized exchange, a firm must file an application for listing and meet a number of requirements. For example, to be eligible for listing on the NYSE, a firm must have at least 2,000 stockholders owning 100 or more shares; a minimum of 1.1 million shares of publicly held stock; pretax earnings of at least $6.5 million over the previous 3 years, with no loss in the previous 2 years; and a minimum of $100 million in stockholders’ equity. Clearly, only large, widely held firms are candidates for NYSE listing. To make transactions on the “floor” of the New York Stock Exchange, an individual or firm must own a “seat” on the exchange. There are a total of 1,366 seats on the NYSE, most of which are owned by brokerage firms. Trading is carried out on the floor of the exchange through an auction process. The goal of trading is to fill buy orders at the lowest price and to fill sell orders at the highest price, thereby giving both purchasers and sellers the best possible deal. Once placed, an order to buy or sell can be executed in minutes, thanks to sophisticated telecommunication devices. New Internet-based brokerage systems enable investors to place their buy and sell orders electronically. Information on publicly traded securities is reported in various media, both print, such as the Wall Street Journal, and electronic, such as MSN Money Central Investor (www. over-the-counter (OTC) exchange An intangible market for the purchase and sale of securities not listed by the organized exchanges. Eurobond market The market in which corporations and governments typically issue bonds denominated in dollars and sell them to investors located outside the United States. The Over-the-Counter Exchange The over-the-counter (OTC) exchange is an intangible market for the purchase and sale of securities not listed by the organized exchanges. OTC traders, known as dealers, are linked with the purchasers and sellers of securities through the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation (Nasdaq) system. This sophisticated telecommunications network provides current bid and ask prices on thousands of actively traded OTC securities. The bid price is the highest price offered by a dealer to purchase a given security, and the ask price is the lowest price at which the dealer is willing to sell the security. The dealer in effect adds securities to his or her inventory by purchasing them at the bid price and sells securities from the inventory at the ask price. The dealer expects to profit from the spread between the bid and ask prices. Unlike the auction process on the organized securities exchanges, the prices at which securities are traded in the OTC market result from both competitive bids and negotiation. Unlike the organized exchanges, the OTC handles both outstanding securities and new public issues, making it both a secondary and a primary market. The OTC accounts for about 54 percent of the total dollar volume of domestic shares traded. International Capital Markets Although U.S. capital markets are by far the world’s largest, there are important debt and equity markets outside the United States. In the Eurobond market, corporations and governments typically issue bonds denominated in dollars and sell them to investors located outside the United States. A U.S. corporation might, for example, issue dollar-denominated CHAPTER 1 foreign bond Bond that is issued by a foreign corporation or government and is denominated in the investor’s home currency and sold in the investor’s home market. international equity market A market that allows corporations to sell blocks of shares to investors in a number of different countries simultaneously. 27 The Role and Environment of Managerial Finance bonds that would be purchased by investors in Belgium, Germany, or Switzerland. Through the Eurobond market, issuing firms and governments can tap a much larger pool of investors than would be generally available in the local market. The foreign bond market is another international market for long-term debt securities. A foreign bond is a bond issued by a foreign corporation or government that is denominated in the investor’s home currency and sold in the investor’s home market. A bond issued by a U.S. company that is denominated in Swiss francs and sold in Switzerland is an example of a foreign bond. Although the foreign bond market is much smaller than the Eurobond market, many issuers have found this to be an attractive way of tapping debt markets in Germany, Japan, Switzerland, and the United States. Finally, the international equity market allows corporations to sell blocks of shares to investors in a number of different countries simultaneously. This market enables corporations to raise far larger amounts of capital than they could raise in any single national market. International equity sales have also proven to be indispensable to governments that have sold state-owned companies to private investors during recent years. The Role of Securities Exchanges Securities exchanges create continuous liquid markets in which firms can obtain needed financing. They also create efficient markets that allocate funds to their most productive uses. This is especially true for securities that are actively traded on major exchanges, where the competition among wealth-maximizing investors determines and publicizes prices that are believed to be close to their true value. The price of an individual security is determined by the demand for and supply of the security. Figure 1.5 depicts the interaction of the forces of demand (represented by line D0) and supply (represented by line S) for a given security currently selling at an equilibrium price P0. At that price, Q0 shares of the stock are traded. Changing evaluations of a firm’s prospects cause changes in the demand for and supply of its securities and ultimately result in a new price for the securities. FIGURE 1.5 Supply and Demand Supply and demand for a security D0 Share Price efficient market A market that allocates funds to their most productive uses as a result of competition among wealth-maximizing investors that determines and publicizes prices that are believed to be close to their true value. D1 S P1 P0 S D0 D1 Q0 Q1 Number of Shares Traded 28 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance Suppose, for example, that the firm shown in Figure 1.5 announces a favorable discovery. Investors expect rewarding results from the discovery, so they increase their valuations of the firm’s shares. The changing evaluation results in a shift in demand from D0 to D1. At that new level of demand, Q1 shares will be traded, and a new, higher equilibrium price of P1 will result. The competitive market created by the major securities exchanges provides a forum in which share price is continuously adjusted to changing demand and supply. Review Questions 1–18 Who are the key participants in the transactions of financial institutions? Who are net suppliers and who are net demanders? 1–19 What role do financial markets play in our economy? What are primary and secondary markets? What relationship exists between financial institutions and financial markets? 1–20 What is the money market? How does it work? 1–21 What is the Eurocurrency market? What is the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) and how is it used in this market? 1–22 What is the capital market? What are the primary securities traded in it? 1–23 What role do securities exchanges play in the capital market? How does the over-the-counter exchange operate? How does it differ from the organized securities exchanges? 1–24 Briefly describe the international capital markets, particularly the Eurobond market and the international equity market. 1–25 What are efficient markets? What determines the price of an individual security in such a market? LG6 1.5 Business Taxes Taxes are a fact of life, and businesses, like individuals, must pay taxes on income. The income of sole proprietorships and partnerships is taxed as the income of the individual owners; corporate income is subject to corporate taxes. Regardless of their legal form, all businesses can earn two types of income: ordinary and capital gains. Under current law, these two types of income are treated differently in the taxation of individuals; they are not treated differently for entities subject to corporate taxes. Frequent amendments in the tax code, such as the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 (reflected in the following discussions), make it likely that these rates will change before the next edition of this text is published. Emphasis here is given to corporate taxation. Ordinary Income ordinary income Income earned through the sale of a firm’s goods or services. The ordinary income of a corporation is income earned through the sale of goods or services. Ordinary income is currently taxed subject to the rates depicted in the corporate tax rate schedule in Table 1.4. CHAPTER 1 TABLE 1.4 The Role and Environment of Managerial Finance 29 Corporate Tax Rate Schedule Tax calculation (Marginal rate amount over base bracket) 0 7,500 13,750 (15% amount over $ (25 amount over (34 amount over 22,250 113,900 3,400,000 (39 (34 (35 Range of taxable income $ 0 50,000 75,000 100,000 to $ to to to 50,000 75,000 100,000 335,000a 335,000 to 10,000,000 Over $10,000,000 Base tax $ 0) 50,000) 75,000) amount over 100,000) amount over 335,000) amount over 10,000,000) aBecause corporations with taxable income in excess of $100,000 must increase their tax by the lesser of $11,750 or 5% of the taxable income in excess of $100,000, they will end up paying a 39% tax on taxable income between $100,000 and $335,000. The 5% surtax that raises the tax rate from 34% to 39% causes all corporations with taxable income between $335,000 and $10,000,000 to have an average tax rate of 34%. EXAMPLE Webster Manufacturing, Inc., a small manufacturer of kitchen knives, has beforetax earnings of $250,000. The tax on these earnings can be found by using the tax rate schedule in Table 1.4: Total taxes due $22,250 [0.39 ($250,000 $100,000)] $22,250 (0.39 $150,000) $22,250 $58,500 $80,750 From a financial point of view, it is important to understand the difference between average and marginal tax rates, the treatment of interest and dividend income, and the effects of tax deductibility. Average Versus Marginal Tax Rates average tax rate A firm’s taxes divided by its taxable income. marginal tax rate The rate at which additional income is taxed. The average tax rate paid on the firm’s ordinary income can be calculated by dividing its taxes by its taxable income. For firms with taxable income of $10,000,000 or less, the average tax rate ranges from 15 to 34 percent, reaching 34 percent when taxable income equals or exceeds $335,000. For firms with taxable income in excess of $10,000,000, the average tax rate ranges between 34 and 35 percent. The average tax rate paid by Webster Manufacturing, Inc., in the preceding example was 32.3 percent ($80,750 $250,000). As a corporation’s taxable income increases, its average tax rate approaches and finally reaches 34 percent. It remains at that level up to $10,000,000 of taxable income, beyond which it rises toward but never reaches 35 percent. The marginal tax rate represents the rate at which additional income is taxed. In the current corporate tax structure, the marginal tax rate on income up to $50,000 is 15 percent; from $50,000 to $75,000 it is 25 percent; and so on, as shown in Table 1.4. Webster Manufacturing’s marginal tax rate is currently 39 percent because its next dollar of taxable income (bringing its before-tax earnings to $250,001) would be taxed at that rate. To simplify calculations in the text, a fixed 40 percent tax rate is assumed to be applicable to ordinary corporate income. Given our focus on financial decision making, this rate is assumed to represent the firm’s marginal tax rate. 30 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance Interest and Dividend Income double taxation Occurs when the already oncetaxed earnings of a corporation are distributed as cash dividends to stockholders, who must pay taxes on them. intercorporate dividends Dividends received by one corporation on common and preferred stock held in other corporations. EXAMPLE In the process of determining taxable income, any interest received by the corporation is included as ordinary income. Dividends, on the other hand, are treated differently. This different treatment moderates the effect of double taxation, which occurs when the already once-taxed earnings of a corporation are distributed as cash dividends to stockholders, who must pay taxes on them. Therefore, dividends that the firm receives on common and preferred stock held in other corporations, and representing less than 20 percent ownership in them, are subject to a 70 percent exclusion for tax purposes.8 Because of the dividend exclusion, only 30 percent of these intercorporate dividends are included as ordinary income. The tax law provides this exclusion to avoid triple taxation. Triple taxation would occur if the first and second corporations were taxed on income before the second corporation paid dividends to its shareholders, who must then include the dividends in their taxable incomes. The dividend exclusion in effect eliminates most of the potential tax liability from the dividends received by the second and any subsequent corporations. Charnes Industries, a large foundry that makes custom castings for the automobile industry, during the year just ended received $100,000 in interest on bonds it held and $100,000 in dividends on common stock it owned in other corporations. The firm is subject to a 40% marginal tax rate and is eligible for a 70% exclusion on its intercorporate dividend receipts. The after-tax income realized by Charnes from each of these sources of investment income is found as follows: Interest income (1) Before-tax amount $100,000 Less: Applicable exclusion 0 $100,000 Taxable amount (2) Tax (40%) After-tax amount [(1) (2)] 40,000 $ 60,000 Dividend income $100,000 (0.70 $100,000) 70,000 $ 30,000 12,000 $ 88,000 As a result of the 70% dividend exclusion, the after-tax amount is greater for the dividend income than for the interest income. Clearly, the dividend exclusion enhances the attractiveness of stock investments relative to bond investments made by one corporation in another. Tax-Deductible Expenses In calculating their taxes, corporations are allowed to deduct operating expenses, as well as interest expense. The tax deductibility of these expenses reduces their after-tax cost. The following example illustrates the benefit of tax deductibility. 8. The exclusion is 80% if the corporation owns between 20 and 80% of the stock in the corporation paying it dividends; 100% of the dividends received are excluded if it owns more than 80% of the corporation paying it dividends. For convenience, we are assuming here that the ownership interest in the dividend-paying corporation is less than 20%. CHAPTER 1 EXAMPLE The Role and Environment of Managerial Finance 31 Two companies, Debt Co. and No Debt Co., both expect in the coming year to have earnings before interest and taxes of $200,000. Debt Co. during the year will have to pay $30,000 in interest. No Debt Co. has no debt and therefore will have no interest expense. Calculation of the earnings after taxes for these two firms is as follows: Debt Co. No Debt Co. Earnings before interest and taxes $200,000 $200,000 Less: Interest expense 30,000 $170,000 0 $200,000 68,000 $102,000 80,000 $120,000 Earnings before taxes Less: Taxes (40%) Earnings after taxes Difference in earnings after taxes $18,000 Whereas Debt Co. had $30,000 more interest expense than No Debt Co., Debt Co.’s earnings after taxes are only $18,000 less than those of No Debt Co. ($102,000 for Debt Co. versus $120,000 for No Debt Co.). This difference is attributable to the fact that Debt Co.’s $30,000 interest expense deduction provided a tax savings of $12,000 ($68,000 for Debt Co. versus $80,000 for No Debt Co.). This amount can be calculated directly by multiplying the tax rate by the amount of interest expense (0.40 $30,000 $12,000). Similarly, the $18,000 after-tax cost of the interest expense can be calculated directly by multiplying one minus the tax rate by the amount of interest expense [(1 0.40) $30,000 $18,000]. The tax deductibility of certain expenses reduces their actual (after-tax) cost to the profitable firm. Note that both for accounting and tax purposes interest is a tax-deductible expense, whereas dividends are not. Because dividends are not tax deductible, their after-tax cost is equal to the amount of the dividend. Thus a $30,000 cash dividend has an after-tax cost of $30,000. Capital Gains capital gain The amount by which the sale price of an asset exceeds the asset’s initial purchase price. If a firm sells a capital asset (such as stock held as an investment) for more than its initial purchase price, the difference between the sale price and the purchase price is called a capital gain. For corporations, capital gains are added to ordinary corporate income and taxed at the regular corporate rates, with a maximum marginal tax rate of 39 percent.9 To simplify the computations presented in the text, as for ordinary income, a fixed 40 percent tax rate is assumed to be applicable to corporate capital gains. 9. The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 included a provision that allows the capital gains tax to be halved on gains resulting from investments made after January 1, 1993, in startup firms with a value of less than $50 million that have been held for at least 5 years. This special provision, which is intended to help startup firms, is ignored throughout this text. 32 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance EXAMPLE Ross Company, a manufacturer of pharmaceuticals, has pretax operating earnings of $500,000 and has just sold for $40,000 an asset that was purchased 2 years ago for $36,000. Because the asset was sold for more than its initial purchase price, there is a capital gain of $4,000 ($40,000 sale price $36,000 initial purchase price). The corporation’s taxable income will total $504,000 ($500,000 ordinary income plus $4,000 capital gain). Because this total is above $335,000, the capital gain will be taxed at the 34% rate (see Table 1.4), resulting in a tax of $1,360 (0.34 $4,000). Tax Loss Carrybacks and Carryforwards tax loss carryback/carryforward A tax benefit that allows corporations experiencing operating losses to carry tax losses back up to 2 years and forward for as many as 20 years. WW W Corporations that are experiencing operating losses may obtain tax relief by using a tax loss carryback/carryforward. The tax laws allow corporations to carry tax losses back up to 2 years and forward for as many as 20 years. This feature is especially attractive for firms in cyclic businesses such as durable goods manufacturing and construction. It effectively allows them to average out their taxes over the good and bad years. The law requires the net amount of losses to first be carried back, applying them to the earliest year allowable, and progressively moving forward until the loss has been fully recovered or the carryforward period has passed. Because tax losses can be carried back and applied to previous pretax earnings as soon as they are realized, the firm can apply for an immediate tax refund on its carrybacks. A carryforward, if any, can be used to reduce future income, thereby reducing future tax payments. See the book’s Web site at for an example of how tax loss carrybacks/carryforwards work. Review Questions 1–26 Describe the tax treatment of ordinary income and that of capital gains. What is the difference between the average tax rate and the marginal tax rate? 1–27 Why might the intercorporate dividend exclusion make corporate stock investments by one corporation in another more attractive than bond investments? 1–28 What benefit results from the tax deductibility of certain corporate expenses? 1–29 How is the tax loss carryback/carryforward used when a firm experiences an operating loss in a given year? 1.6 Using This Text The organization of this textbook links the firm’s activities to its value, as determined in the securities markets. The activities of the financial manager are described in the six parts of the book. Each major decision area is presented in terms of both return and risk factors and their potential impact on owners’ wealth. Coverage of international events and topics is integrated into the chapter discussions, and a separate chapter on international managerial finance is also included. The text has been developed around a group of learning goals—six per chapter. Mastery of these goals results in a broad understanding of managerial finance. These goals have been carefully integrated into a learning system. Each CHAPTER 1 The Role and Environment of Managerial Finance 33 chapter begins with a numbered list of learning goals. Next to each major text heading is a “toolbox,” which notes by number the specific learning goal(s) addressed in that section. At the end of each section of the chapter (positioned before the next major heading) are review questions that test your understanding of the material in that section. At the end of each chapter, the chapter summaries, self-test problems, and problems are also keyed by number to each chapter’s learning goals. By linking all elements to the learning goals, the integrated learning system facilitates your mastery of the goals. Also keyed to various parts of the text is the PMF CD-ROM Software, a disk for use with IBM PCs and compatible microcomputers. The disk contains three different sets of routines: 1. The PMF Tutor is a user-friendly program that extends self-testing opportunities in the more quantitative chapters beyond those included in the end-ofchapter materials. It gives immediate feedback with detailed solutions and provides tutorial assistance (including text references). Text discussions and end-of-chapter problems with which the PMF Tutor can be used are marked with a . 2. The PMF Problem-Solver can be used as an aid in performing many of the routine financial calculations presented in the book. A disk symbol, , identifies those text discussions and end-of-chapter problems that can be solved with the PMF Problem-Solver. 3. The PMF Excel Spreadsheet Templates can be used with Microsoft Excel to input data and carry out “what-if” types of analyses in selected chapters. These problems are marked by the symbol . A detailed discussion of how to use the PMF CD-ROM Software—the Tutor, the Problem-Solver, and the Excel Spreadsheet Templates—is included in Appendix D at the back of this book. Each chapter ends with a case that integrates the chapter materials, and each part ends with an integrative case that ties together the key topical material covered in the chapters within that part. Where applicable, the symbols for the PMF Problem-Solver and/or the PMF Tutor identify case questions that can be solved with the aid of these programs. Both the chapter-end and the part-end cases can be used to synthesize and apply related concepts and techniques. S U M M A RY FOCUS ON VALUE Chapter 1 established the primary goal of the firm—to maximize the wealth of the owners for whom the firm is being operated. For public companies, which are the focus of this text, value at any time is reflected in the stock price. Therefore, management should act only on those alternatives or opportunities that are expected to create value for owners by increasing the stock price. Doing this requires management to consider the returns (magnitude and timing of cash flows) and the risk of each proposed action and their combined impact on value. 34 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance REVIEW OF LEARNING GOALS Define finance, the major areas of finance and the career opportunities available in this field and the legal forms of business organization. Finance, the art and science of managing money, affects the lives of every person and every organization. Major opportunities in financial services exist within banking and related institutions, personal financial planning, investments, real estate, and insurance. Managerial finance is concerned with the duties of the financial manager in the business firm. It offers numerous career opportunities, as shown in Table 1.3. The recent trend toward globalization of business activity has created new demands and opportunities in managerial finance. The legal forms of business organization are the sole proprietorship, the partnership, and the corporation. The corporation is dominant in terms of business receipts and profits, and its owners are its common and preferred stockholders. Stockholders expect to earn a return by receiving dividends or by realizing gains through increases in share price. The key strengths and weaknesses of the common legal forms of business organization are summarized in Table 1.1. Other limited liability organizations are listed and described in Table 1.2. LG1 Describe the managerial finance function and its relationship to economics and accounting. All areas of responsibility within a firm interact with finance personnel and procedures. In large firms, the managerial finance function might be handled by a separate department headed by the vice president of finance (CFO), to whom the treasurer and controller report. The financial manager must understand the economic environment and relies heavily on the economic principle of marginal analysis to make financial decisions. Financial managers use accounting but concentrate on cash flows and decision making. LG2 Identify the primary activities of the financial manager within the firm. The primary activities of the financial manager, in addition to ongoing involvement in financial analysis and planning, are making investment decisions and making financing decisions. LG3 LG4 Explain why wealth maximization, rather than profit maximization, is the firm’s goal and how the agency issue is related to it. The goal of the financial manager is to maximize the owners’ wealth, as evidenced by stock price. Profit maximization ignores the timing of returns, does not directly consider cash flows, and ignores risk, so it is an inappropriate goal. Both return and risk must be assessed by the financial manager who is evaluating decision alternatives. The wealth-maximizing actions of financial managers should also reflect the interests of stakeholders, groups who have a direct economic link to the firm. Positive ethical practices help the firm and its managers to achieve the firm’s goal of owner wealth maximization. An agency problem results when managers, as agents for owners, place personal goals ahead of corporate goals. Market forces, in the firm of shareholder activism and the threat of takeover, tend to prevent or minimize agency problems. Firms incur agency costs to monitor managers’ actions and provide incentives for them to act in the best interests of owners. Stock options and performance plans are examples of such agency costs. Understand the relationship between financial institutions and markets, and the role and operations of the money and capital markets. Financial institutions serve as intermediaries by channeling into loans or investments the savings of individuals, businesses, and governments. The financial markets are forums in which suppliers and demanders of funds can transact business directly. Financial institutions actively participate in the financial markets as both suppliers and demanders of funds. In the money market, marketable securities (short-term debt instruments) are traded, typically through large New York banks and government securities dealers. The Eurocurrency market is the international equivalent of the domestic money market. In the capital market, transactions in long-term debt (bonds) and equity (common and preferred stock) are made. The organized securities exchanges provide secondary markets for securities. The overthe-counter exchange, a telecommunications network, offers a secondary market for securities and is a primary market in which new public issues are sold. Important debt and equity markets—the Eurobond market and the international equity marLG5 CHAPTER 1 ket—exist outside of the United States. The securities exchanges create continuous liquid markets for needed financing and allocate funds to their most productive uses. Discuss the fundamentals of business taxation of ordinary income and capital gains, and explain the treatment of tax losses. Corporate income is subject to corporate taxes. Corporate tax rates LG6 SELF-TEST PROBLEMS LG6 The Role and Environment of Managerial Finance 35 are applicable to both ordinary income (after deduction of allowable expenses) and capital gains. The average tax rate paid by a corporation ranges from 15 to nearly 35 percent. (For convenience, we assume a 40 percent marginal tax rate in this book.) Corporate taxpayers can reduce their taxes through certain provisions in the tax code: intercorporate dividend exclusions, tax-deductible expenses, and tax loss carrybacks and carryforwards. (Solutions in Appendix B) ST 1–1 Corporate taxes Montgomery Enterprises, Inc., had operating earnings of $280,000 for the year just ended. During the year the firm sold stock that it held in another company for $180,000, which was $30,000 above its original purchase price of $150,000, paid 1 year earlier. a. What is the amount, if any, of capital gains realized during the year? b. How much total taxable income did the firm earn during the year? c. Use the corporate tax rate schedule given in Table 1.4 to calculate the firm’s total taxes due. d. Calculate both the average tax rate and the marginal tax rate on the basis of your findings. LG1 1–1 Liability comparisons Merideth Harper has invested $25,000 in Southwest Development Company. The firm has recently declared bankruptcy and has $60,000 in unpaid debts. Explain the nature of payments, if any, by Ms. Harper in each of the following situations. a. Southwest Development Company is a sole proprietorship owned by Ms. Harper. b. Southwest Development Company is a 50–50 partnership of Ms. Harper and Christopher Black. c. Southwest Development Company is a corporation. LG4 1–2 Marginal analysis and the goal of the firm Ken Allen, capital budgeting analyst for Bally Gears, Inc., has been asked to evaluate a proposal. The manager of the automotive division believes that replacing the robotics used on the heavy truck gear line will produce total benefits of $560,000 (in today’s dollars) over the next 5 years. The existing robotics would produce benefits of $400,000 (also in today’s dollars) over that same time period. An initial cash investment of $220,000 would be required to install the new equipment. The manager estimates that the existing robotics can be sold for $70,000. Show how Ken will apply marginal analysis techniques to determine the following: a. The marginal (added) benefits of the proposed new robotics. b. The marginal (added) cost of the proposed new robotics. c. The net benefit of the proposed new robotics. d. What should Ken Allen recommend that the company do? Why? e. What factors besides the costs and benefits should be considered before the final decision is made? PROBLEMS LG2 36 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance LG2 1–3 Accrual income versus cash flow for a period Thomas Book Sales, Inc., supplies textbooks to college and university bookstores. The books are shipped with a proviso that they must be paid for within 30 days but can be returned for a full refund credit within 90 days. In 2003, Thomas shipped and billed book titles totaling $760,000. Collections, net of return credits, during the year totaled $690,000. The company spent $300,000 acquiring the books that it shipped. a. Using accrual accounting and the preceding values, show the firm’s net profit for the past year. b. Using cash accounting and the preceding values, show the firm’s net cash flow for the past year. c. Which of these statements is more useful to the financial manager? Why? LG4 1–4 Identifying agency problems, costs, and resolutions Explain why each of the following situations is an agency problem and what costs to the firm might result from it. Suggest how the problem might be dealt with short of firing the individual(s) involved. a. The front desk receptionist routinely takes an extra 20 minutes of lunch to run personal errands. b. Division managers are padding cost estimates in order to show short-term efficiency gains when the costs come in lower than the estimates. c. The firm’s chief executive officer has secret talks with a competitor about the possibility of a merger in which (s)he would become the CEO of the combined firms. d. A branch manager lays off experienced full-time employees and staffs customer service positions with part-time or temporary workers to lower employment costs and raise this year’s branch profit. The manager’s bonus is based on profitability. LG6 1–5 Corporate taxes Tantor Supply, Inc., is a small corporation acting as the exclusive distributor of a major line of sporting goods. During 2003 the firm earned $92,500 before taxes. a. Calculate the firm’s tax liability using the corporate tax rate schedule given in Table 1.4. b. How much are Tantor Supply’s 2003 after-tax earnings? c. What was the firm’s average tax rate, based on your findings in part a? d. What is the firm’s marginal tax rate, based on your findings in part a? LG6 1–6 Average corporate tax rates Using the corporate tax rate schedule given in Table 1.4, perform the following: a. Calculate the tax liability, after-tax earnings, and average tax rates for the following levels of corporate earnings before taxes: $10,000; $80,000; $300,000; $500,000; $1.5 million; $10 million; and $15 million. b. Plot the average tax rates (measured on the y axis) against the pretax income levels (measured on the x axis). What generalization can be made concerning the relationship between these variables? LG6 1–7 Marginal corporate tax rates Using the corporate tax rate schedule given in Table 1.4, perform the following: a. Find the marginal tax rate for the following levels of corporate earnings before taxes: $15,000; $60,000; $90,000; $200,000; $400,000; $1 million; and $20 million. CHAPTER 1 The Role and Environment of Managerial Finance 37 b. Plot the marginal tax rates (measured on the y axis) against the pretax income levels (measured on the x axis). Explain the relationship between these variables. LG6 1–8 Interest versus dividend income During the year just ended, Shering Distributors, Inc., had pretax earnings from operations of $490,000. In addition, during the year it received $20,000 in income from interest on bonds it held in Zig Manufacturing and received $20,000 in income from dividends on its 5% common stock holding in Tank Industries, Inc. Shering is in the 40% tax bracket and is eligible for a 70% dividend exclusion on its Tank Industries stock. a. Calculate the firm’s tax on its operating earnings only. b. Find the tax and the after-tax amount attributable to the interest income from Zig Manufacturing bonds. c. Find the tax and the after-tax amount attributable to the dividend income from the Tank Industries, Inc., common stock. d. Compare, contrast, and discuss the after-tax amounts resulting from the interest income and dividend income calculated in parts b and c. e. What is the firm’s total tax liability for the year? LG6 1–9 Interest versus dividend expense Michaels Corporation expects earnings before interest and taxes to be $40,000 for this period. Assuming an ordinary tax rate of 40%, compute the firm’s earnings after taxes and earnings available for common stockholders (earnings after taxes and preferred stock dividends, if any) under the following conditions: a. The firm pays $10,000 in interest. b. The firm pays $10,000 in preferred stock dividends. LG6 1–10 Capital gains taxes Perkins Manufacturing is considering the sale of two nondepreciable assets, X and Y. Asset X was purchased for $2,000 and will be sold today for $2,250. Asset Y was purchased for $30,000 and will be sold today for $35,000. The firm is subject to a 40% tax rate on capital gains. a. Calculate the amount of capital gain, if any, realized on each of the assets. b. Calculate the tax on the sale of each asset. LG6 1–11 Capital gains taxes The following table contains purchase and sale prices for the nondepreciable capital assets of a major corporation. The firm paid taxes of 40% on capital gains. Asset Purchase price Sale price A $ 3,000 $ 3,400 B 12,000 12,000 C 62,000 80,000 D 41,000 45,000 E 16,500 18,000 a. Determine the amount of capital gain realized on each of the five assets. b. Calculate the amount of tax paid on each of the assets. 38 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance CHAPTER 1 CASE Assessing the Goal of Sports Products, Inc. L oren Seguara and Dale Johnson both work for Sports Products, Inc., a major producer of boating equipment and accessories. Loren works as a clerical assistant in the Accounting Department, and Dale works as a packager in the Shipping Department. During their lunch break one day, they began talking about the company. Dale complained that he had always worked hard trying not to waste packing materials and efficiently and cost-effectively performing his job. In spite of his efforts and those of his co-workers in the department, the firm’s stock price had declined nearly $2 per share over the past 9 months. Loren indicated that she shared Dale’s frustration, particularly because the firm’s profits had been rising. Neither could understand why the firm’s stock price was falling as profits rose. Loren indicated that she had seen documents describing the firm’s profitsharing plan under which all managers were partially compensated on the basis of the firm’s profits. She suggested that maybe it was profit that was important to management, because it directly affected their pay. Dale said, “That doesn’t make sense, because the stockholders own the firm. Shouldn’t management do what’s best for stockholders? Something’s wrong!” Loren responded, “Well, maybe that explains why the company hasn’t concerned itself with the stock price. Look, the only profits that stockholders receive are in the form of cash dividends, and this firm has never paid dividends during its 20-year history. We as stockholders therefore don’t directly benefit from profits. The only way we benefit is for the stock price to rise.” Dale chimed in, “That probably explains why the firm is being sued by state and federal environmental officials for dumping pollutants in the adjacent stream. Why spend money for pollution control? It increases costs, lowers profits, and therefore lowers management’s earnings!” Loren and Dale realized that the lunch break had ended and they must quickly return to work. Before leaving, they decided to meet the next day to continue their discussion. Required a. What should the management of Sports Products, Inc., pursue as its overriding goal? Why? b. Does the firm appear to have an agency problem? Explain. c. Evaluate the firm’s approach to pollution control. Does it seem to be ethical? Why might incurring the expense to control pollution be in the best interests of the firm’s owners in spite of its negative impact on profits? d. On the basis of the information provided, what specific recommendations would you offer the firm? WEB EXERCISE WW W At the Careers in Finance Web site,, you will find information on career opportunities in seven different areas of finance. First click on Corporate Finance in the Areas to Explore section and use the various subsections to answer the following questions: 1. What are the primary responsibilities of the financial manager? 2. Summarize the types of skills a financial manager needs. CHAPTER 1 The Role and Environment of Managerial Finance 39 3. Describe the key job areas in corporate finance. 4. What are the salary ranges for the following positions in corporate finance: rookie financial analyst, credit manager, chief financial officer? How do these compare to salaries at General Motors or PepsiCo? Now return to the home page and click on either Commercial Banking or Investment Banking. 5. How do careers in the area you chose (commercial banking or investment banking) compare to careers in corporate finance in terms of skills required, responsibilities, and salaries? Remember to check the book’s Web site at for additional resources, including additional Web exercises. CHAPTER 2 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND ANALYSIS L E A R N I N G LG1 Review the contents of the stockholders’ report and the procedures for consolidating international financial statements. LG2 Understand who uses financial ratios, and how. LG3 Use ratios to analyze a firm’s liquidity and activity. LG4 LG5 LG6 G O A L S Use ratios to analyze a firm’s profitability and its market value. Use a summary of financial ratios and the DuPont system of analysis to perform a complete ratio analysis. Discuss the relationship between debt and financial leverage and the ratios used to analyze a firm’s debt. Across the Disciplines WHY THIS CHAPTER MATTERS TO YO U Accounting: You need to understand the stockholders’ report and preparation of the four key financial statements; how firms consolidate international financial statements; and how to calculate and interpret financial ratios for decision making. Information systems: You need to understand what data are included in the firm’s financial statements in order to design systems that will supply such data to those who prepare the statements and to those in the firm who use the data for ratio calculations. Management: You need to understand what parties are interested in the annual report and why; how the financial statements will be analyzed by those both inside and outside the firm to assess various aspects of performance; the caution that 40 should be exercised in using financial ratio analysis; and how the financial statements affect the value of the firm. Marketing: You need to understand the effects your decisions will have on the financial statements, particularly the income statement and the statement of cash flows, and how analysis of ratios, especially those involving sales figures, will affect the firm’s decisions about levels of inventory, credit policies, and pricing decisions. Operations: You need to understand how the costs of operations are reflected in the firm’s financial statements and how analysis of ratios, particularly those involving assets, cost of goods sold, or inventory, may affect requests for new equipment or facilities. HOME DEPOT BUILDING STRONG FINANCIALS inancial reporting is no longer the primary responsibility of the chief financial officer (CFO). The role of today’s CFO, a key member of the executive team, has broadened to include strategic planning and, at many companies, information management. Managing a company’s financial operations takes many different skills. Financial planning, operations, and analysis; treasury operations (raising funds and managing cash); business acquisition and valuation; tax planning; and investor relations are also under his or her control. Home Depot CFO and treasurer Carol Tomé reports directly to chief executive officer Robert L. Nardelli. She works closely with him and with Dennis J. Carey, an executive vice president and the chief strategy officer, to guide the giant home improvement retailer’s future growth. Along with her strategic responsibilities, Tomé chooses the key financial measurements on which she wants managers to focus. These are tied to the economic climate. When the economy was strong, her objective was improving the company’s return on investment (ROI). By late 2001, Home Depot’s ROI was 16.0 percent, compared to 14.7 percent for the home improvement retail industry, 6.7 percent for the services sector, and 10.2 percent for the S&P 500. In 2001’s slower economy, the emphasis shifted to activity ratios that measure how quickly accounts are converted into cash. Particularly important to a retail chain are inventory turnover, receivables collection period, and accounts payable periods. Home Depot hired consultants to benchmark its financial operations with other best-in-class companies. “We’re looking for processing efficiencies,” Tomé says. Improved new-store productivity and lower pre-opening costs per store, together with attention to cost control, are boosting margins. In the third quarter of 2001, when many companies reported earnings drops, Home Depot’s net income and earnings per share rose over the same period in 2000. The company’s measures of debt also indicate a strong financial position. Its ratio of debt to total capital indicates that only about 10 percent of its total long-term financing is debt, a very low degree of indebtedness. This strong position gives Home Depot more flexibility to pursue new projects, such as its new high-end line of stores called Expo, and more opportunities to raise funds from banks, which use ratio analysis to assess creditworthiness. In this chapter you will learn how to analyze financial statements using financial ratios. F 41 42 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance LG1 2.1 The Stockholders’ Report generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) The practice and procedure guidelines used to prepare and maintain financial records and reports; authorized by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) The accounting profession’s rule-setting body, which authorizes generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) The federal regulatory body that governs the sale and listing of securities. Every corporation has many and varied uses for the standardized records and reports of its financial activities. Periodically, reports must be prepared for regulators, creditors (lenders), owners, and management. The guidelines used to prepare and maintain financial records and reports are known as generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). These accounting practices and procedures are authorized by the accounting profession’s rule-setting body, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). Publicly owned corporations with more than $5 million in assets and 500 or more stockholders1 are required by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)—the federal regulatory body that governs the sale and listing of securities—to provide their stockholders with an annual stockholders’ report. The annual report summarizes and documents the firm’s financial activities during the past year. It begins with a letter to the stockholders from the firm’s president and/or chairman of the board. The Letter to Stockholders stockholders’ report Annual report that publicly owned corporations must provide to stockholders; it summarizes and documents the firm’s financial activities during the past year. WW W The letter to stockholders is the primary communication from management. It describes the events that are considered to have had the greatest impact on the firm during the year. It also generally discusses management philosophy, strategies, and actions, as well as plans for the coming year. Links at this book’s Web site ( will take you to some representative letters to stockholders. letter to stockholders Typically, the first element of the annual stockholders’ report and the primary communication from management. The Four Key Financial Statements The four key financial statements required by the SEC for reporting to shareholders are (1) the income statement, (2) the balance sheet, (3) the statement of retained earnings, and (4) the statement of cash flows.2 The financial statements from the 2003 stockholders’ report of Bartlett Company, a manufacturer of metal fasteners, are presented and briefly discussed. Income Statement income statement Provides a financial summary of the firm’s operating results during a specified period. The income statement provides a financial summary of the firm’s operating results during a specified period. Most common are income statements covering a 1-year period ending at a specified date, ordinarily December 31 of the calendar year. 1. Although the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) does not have an official definition of publicly owned, these financial measures mark the cutoff point it uses to require informational reporting, regardless of whether the firm publicly sells its securities. Firms that do not meet these requirements are commonly called “closely owned” firms. 2. Whereas these statement titles are consistently used throughout this text, it is important to recognize that in practice, companies frequently use different titles. For example, General Electric uses “Statement of Earnings” rather than “Income Statement” and “Statement of Financial Position” rather than “Balance Sheet.” Bristol Myers Squibb uses “Statement of Earnings and Retained Earnings” rather than “Income Statement.” Pfizer uses “Statement of Shareholders’ Equity” rather than “Statement of Retained Earnings.” CHAPTER 2 Hint Some firms, such as retailers and agricultural firms, end their fiscal year at the end of their operating cycle rather than at the end of the calendar year—for example, retailers at the end of January and agricultural firms at the end of September. Financial Statements and Analysis 43 Many large firms, however, operate on a 12-month financial cycle, or fiscal year, that ends at a time other than December 31. In addition, monthly income statements are typically prepared for use by management, and quarterly statements must be made available to the stockholders of publicly owned corporations. Table 2.1 presents Bartlett Company’s income statements for the years ended December 31, 2003 and 2002. The 2003 statement begins with sales revenue— the total dollar amount of sales during the period—from which the cost of goods sold is deducted. The resulting gross profits of $986,000 represent the amount remaining to satisfy operating, financial, and tax costs. Next, operating expenses, which include selling expense, general and administrative expense, lease expense, TABLE 2.1 Bartlett Company Income Statements ($000) For the years ended December 31 2003 2002 Sales revenue $3,074 $2,567 Less: Cost of goods sold 2 ,0 8 8 $ 986 1 ,7 1 1 $ 856 $ 100 $ 108 194 187 Gross profits Less: Operating expenses Selling expense General and administrative expenses Lease expensea 35 35 2 3 9 $ 568 $ 418 2 2 3 $ 553 $ 303 9 3 $ 325 9 1 $ 212 9 4 $ 231 6 4 $ 148 Earnings available for common stockholders 1 0 $ 2 2 1 1 0 $ 1 3 8 Earnings per share (EPS)c $ 2.90 $ 1.81 Dividend per share (DPS)d $ 1.29 $ 0.75 Depreciation expense Total operating expense Operating profits Less: Interest expense Net profits before taxes Less: Taxes (rate 29%)b Net profits after taxes Less: Preferred stock dividends aLease expense is shown here as a separate item rather than being included as part of interest expense, as specified by the FASB for financial-reporting purposes. The approach used here is consistent with tax-reporting rather than financial-reporting procedures. bThe 29% tax rate for 2003 results because the firm has certain special tax write-offs that do not show up directly on its income statement. cCalculated by dividing the earnings available for common stockholders by the number of shares of common stock outstanding—76,262 in 2003 and 76,244 in 2002. Earnings per share in 2003: $221,000 76,262 $2.90; in 2002: $138,000 76,244 $1.81. dCalculated by dividing the dollar amount of dividends paid to common stockholders by the number of shares of common stock outstanding. Dividends per share in 2003: $98,000 76,262 $1.29; in 2002: $57,183 76,244 $0.75. 44 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance dividend per share (DPS) The dollar amount of cash distributed during the period on behalf of each outstanding share of common stock. and depreciation expense, are deducted from gross profits.3 The resulting operating profits of $418,000 represent the profits earned from producing and selling products; this amount does not consider financial and tax costs. (Operating profit is often called earnings before interest and taxes, or EBIT.) Next, the financial cost—interest expense—is subtracted from operating profits to find net profits (or earnings) before taxes. After subtracting $93,000 in 2003 interest, Bartlett Company had $325,000 of net profits before taxes. Next, taxes are calculated at the appropriate tax rates and deducted to determine net profits (or earnings) after taxes. Bartlett Company’s net profits after taxes for 2003 were $231,000. Any preferred stock dividends must be subtracted from net profits after taxes to arrive at earnings available for common stockholders. This is the amount earned by the firm on behalf of the common stockholders during the period. Dividing earnings available for common stockholders by the number of shares of common stock outstanding results in earnings per share (EPS). EPS represents the number of dollars earned during the period on behalf of each outstanding share of common stock. In 2003, Bartlett Company earned $221,000 for its common stockholders, which represents $2.90 for each outstanding share. The actual cash dividend per share (DPS), which is the dollar amount of cash distributed during the period on behalf of each outstanding share of common stock, paid in 2003 was $1.29. Balance Sheet balance sheet Summary statement of the firm’s financial position at a given point in time. current assets Short-term assets, expected to be converted into cash within 1 year or less. current liabilities Short-term liabilities, expected to be paid within 1 year or less. The balance sheet presents a summary statement of the firm’s financial position at a given point in time. The statement balances the firm’s assets (what it owns) against its financing, which can be either debt (what it owes) or equity (what was provided by owners). Bartlett Company’s balance sheets as of December 31 of 2003 and 2002 are presented in Table 2.2. They show a variety of asset, liability (debt), and equity accounts. An important distinction is made between short-term and long-term assets and liabilities. The current assets and current liabilities are short-term assets and liabilities. This means that they are expected to be converted into cash (current assets) or paid (current liabilities) within 1 year or less. All other assets and liabilities, along with stockholders’ equity, which is assumed to have an infinite life, are considered long-term, or fixed, because they are expected to remain on the firm’s books for more than 1 year. As is customary, the assets are listed from the most liquid—cash—down to the least liquid. Marketable securities are very liquid short-term investments, such as U.S. Treasury bills or certificates of deposit, held by the firm. Because they are highly liquid, marketable securities are viewed as a form of cash (“near cash”). Accounts receivable represent the total monies owed the firm by its customers on credit sales made to them. Inventories include raw materials, work in process (partially finished goods), and finished goods held by the firm. The entry for gross fixed assets is the original cost of all fixed (long-term) assets owned by the 3. Depreciation expense can be, and frequently is, included in manufacturing costs—cost of goods sold—to calculate gross profits. Depreciation is shown as an expense in this text to isolate its impact on cash flows. CHAPTER 2 TABLE 2.2 Financial Statements and Analysis Bartlett Company Balance Sheets ($000) December 31 Assets 2003 2002 $ 363 $ 288 68 51 Current assets Cash Marketable securities Accounts receivable Inventories Total current assets Gross fixed assets (at cost)a Land and buildings Machinery and equipment 503 365 289 $1,223 300 $1,004 $2,072 $1,903 1,866 1,693 Furniture and fixtures 358 316 Vehicles 275 314 98 $4,669 96 $4,322 2,295 $2,374 $3,597 2,056 $2,266 $3,270 $ 382 $ 270 79 99 1 5 9 $ 6 2 0 $ 1 ,0 2 3 1 1 4 $ 4 8 3 $ 9 6 7 $1,643 $1,450 $ 200 $ 200 Other (includes financial leases) Total gross fixed assets (at cost) Less: Accumulated depreciation Net fixed assets Total assets Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity Current liabilities Accounts payable Notes payable Accruals Total current liabilities Long-term debt (includes financial leases)b Total liabilities Stockholders’ equity Preferred stock—cumulative 5%, $100 par, 2,000 shares authorized and issuedc Common stock—$2.50 par, 100,000 shares authorized, shares issued and outstanding in 2003: 76,262; in 2002: 76,244 191 190 Paid-in capital in excess of par on common stock 428 418 1,135 $1,954 $3,597 1,012 $1,820 $3,270 Retained earnings Total stockholders’ equity Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity aIn 2003, the firm has a 6-year financial lease requiring annual beginning-of-year payments of $35,000. Four years of the lease have yet to run. bAnnual principal repayments on a portion of the firm’s total outstanding debt amount to $71,000. cThe annual preferred stock dividend would be $5 per share (5% $100 par), or a total of $10,000 annually ($5 per share 2,000 shares). 45 46 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance FOCUS ON PRACTICE Extraordinary? Not to the FASB! To most of us, the events of September 11, 2001, would certainly qualify as extraordinary. The plane crashes that took thousands of lives, destroyed the World Trade Center Towers, and damaged part of the Pentagon were circumstances well outside what we consider “ordinary.” Yet, several weeks after the tragedy the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) announced that the terrorist attack did not constitute an extraordinary event—at least not in accounting terms. As a result, companies will not be able to separate costs and expenses related to the disaster as extraordinary on their financial statements. Those expenses will show up as normal operating costs in the continuing operations section of the income statement. Hint Another interpretation of the balance sheet is that on one side are the assets that have been purchased to be used to increase the profit of the firm. The other side indicates how these assets were acquired, either by borrowing or by investing the owner’s money. long-term debt Debts for which payment is not due in the current year. paid-in capital in excess of par The amount of proceeds in excess of the par value received from the original sale of common stock. Explained Tim Lucas, chair of the FASB Emerging Issues Task Force, “The task force understood that this was an extraordinary event in the English-language sense of the word. But in the final analysis, we decided it wasn’t going to improve the financial reporting system to show it [separately].” The FASB task force had prepared a draft document with guidelines on accounting for disaster-related costs as extraordinary. As they considered how to apply these recommendations, they realized that the impact of the attack was so far-ranging that it was almost impossible to divide direct financial and economic effects from the weakening economic conditions prior to September 11. Nor was it possible to develop one set of guidelines In Practice appropriate for all industries. FASB members were concerned that companies would blame negative financial performance on the attacks when in fact the costs were unrelated. As one member pointed out, almost every company was affected in some way. Because the whole business climate changed, “it almost made it ordinary.” Companies will, however, be able to separate costs they believe to be attributable to September 11 in the footnotes to financial statements and in management’s discussion of financial results. Sources: Jennifer Davies, “Will Attacks Cover Up Weak Earnings?” San Diego Union-Tribune (October 14, 2001), pp. H1, H6; Steve Liesman, “Accountants, in a Reversal, Say Costs from the Attack Aren’t ‘Extraordinary,’” Wall Street Journal (October 1, 2001), pp. C1-2; Keith Naughton, “Out of the Ordinary,” Newsweek (October 15, 2001), p. 9. firm.4 Net fixed assets represent the difference between gross fixed assets and accumulated depreciation—the total expense recorded for the depreciation of fixed assets. (The net value of fixed assets is called their book value.) Like assets, the liabilities and equity accounts are listed from short-term to long-term. Current liabilities include accounts payable, amounts owed for credit purchases by the firm; notes payable, outstanding short-term loans, typically from commercial banks; and accruals, amounts owed for services for which a bill may not or will not be received. (Examples of accruals include taxes due the government and wages due employees.) Long-term debt represents debt for which payment is not due in the current year. Stockholders’ equity represents the owners’ claims on the firm. The preferred stock entry shows the historical proceeds from the sale of preferred stock ($200,000 for Bartlett Company). Next, the amount paid by the original purchasers of common stock is shown by two entries: common stock and paid-in capital in excess of par on common stock. The common stock entry is the par value of common stock. Paid-in capital in excess of par represents the amount of proceeds in excess of the par value received from the original sale of common stock. The sum of the common stock 4. For convenience the term fixed assets is used throughout this text to refer to what, in a strict accounting sense, is captioned “property, plant, and equipment.” This simplification of terminology permits certain financial concepts to be more easily developed. CHAPTER 2 retained earnings The cumulative total of all earnings, net of dividends, that have been retained and reinvested in the firm since its inception. Financial Statements and Analysis 47 and paid-in capital accounts divided by the number of shares outstanding represents the original price per share received by the firm on a single issue of common stock. Bartlett Company therefore received about $8.12 per share [($191,000 par $428,000 paid-in capital in excess of par) 76,262 shares] from the sale of its common stock. Finally, retained earnings represent the cumulative total of all earnings, net of dividends, that have been retained and reinvested in the firm since its inception. It is important to recognize that retained earnings are not cash but rather have been utilized to finance the firm’s assets. Bartlett Company’s balance sheets in Table 2.2 show that the firm’s total assets increased from $3,270,000 in 2002 to $3,597,000 in 2003. The $327,000 increase was due primarily to the $219,000 increase in current assets. The asset increase in turn appears to have been financed primarily by an increase of $193,000 in total liabilities. Better insight into these changes can be derived from the statement of cash flows, which we will discuss shortly. Statement of Retained Earnings statement of retained earnings Reconciles the net income earned during a given year, and any cash dividends paid, with the change in retained earnings between the start and the end of that year. The statement of retained earnings reconciles the net income earned during a given year, and any cash dividends paid, with the change in retained earnings between the start and the end of that year. Table 2.3 presents this statement for Bartlett Company for the year ended December 31, 2003. The statement shows that the company began the year with $1,012,000 in retained earnings and had net profits after taxes of $231,000, from which it paid a total of $108,000 in dividends, resulting in year-end retained earnings of $1,135,000. Thus the net increase for Bartlett Company was $123,000 ($231,000 net profits after taxes minus $108,000 in dividends) during 2003. Statement of Cash Flows statement of cash flows Provides a summary of the firm’s operating, investment, and financing cash flows and reconciles them with changes in its cash and marketable securities during the period. The statement of cash flows is a summary of the cash flows over the period of concern. The statement provides insight into the firm’s operating, investment, and financing cash flows and reconciles them with changes in its cash and marketable securities during the period. Bartlett Company’s statement of cash flows for the year ended December 31, 2003, is presented in Table 2.4. Further insight into this statement is included in the discussion of cash flow of in Chapter 3. TABLE 2.3 Bartlett Company Statement of Retained Earnings ($000) for the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Retained earnings balance (January 1, 2003) $1,012 Plus: Net profits after taxes (for 2003) 231 Less: Cash dividends (paid during 2003) Preferred stock ($10) Common stock ( 98) Total dividends paid Retained earnings balance (December 31, 2003) ( 108) $1,135 48 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance TABLE 2.4 Bartlett Company Statement of Cash Flows ($000) for the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Cash Flow from Operating Activities Net profits after taxes $231 Depreciation 239 Increase in accounts receivable Decrease in inventories ( 138)a 11 Increase in accounts payable Increase in accruals Cash provided by operating activities 112 45 $500 Cash Flow from Investment Activities Increase in gross fixed assets ($347) Change in business interests 0 Cash provided by investment activities ( 347) Cash Flow from Financing Activities Decrease in notes payable Increase in long-term debts Changes in stockholders’ equityb Dividends paid Cash provided by financing activities ($ 20) 56 11 ( 108) Net increase in cash and marketable securities ( 61) $ 92 aAs is customary, parentheses are used to denote a negative number, which in this case is a cash outflow. bRetained earnings are excluded here, because their change is actually reflected in the combination of the “net profits after taxes” and “dividends paid” entries. Notes to the Financial Statements notes to the financial statements Footnotes detailing information on the accounting policies, procedures, calculations, and transactions underlying entries in the financial statements. Included with published financial statements are explanatory notes keyed to the relevant accounts in the statements. These notes to the financial statements provide detailed information on the accounting policies, procedures, calculations, and transactions underlying entries in the financial statements. Common issues addressed by these notes include revenue recognition, income taxes, breakdowns of fixed asset accounts, debt and lease terms, and contingencies. Professional securities analysts use the data in the statements and notes to develop estimates of the value of securities that the firm issues, and these estimates influence the actions of investors and therefore the firm’s share value. Consolidating International Financial Statements So far, we’ve discussed financial statements involving only one currency, the U.S. dollar. The issue of how to consolidate a company’s foreign and domestic financial statements has bedeviled the accounting profession for many years. The cur- CHAPTER 2 Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Standard No. 52 Mandates that U.S.-based companies translate their foreign-currency-denominated assets and liabilities into dollars, for consolidation with the parent company’s financial statements. This is done by using the current rate (translation) method. WW W current rate (translation) method Technique used by U.S.-based companies to translate their foreign-currency-denominated assets and liabilities into dollars, for consolidation with the parent company’s financial statements, using the exchange rate prevailing at the fiscal year ending date (the current rate). LG2 Financial Statements and Analysis 49 rent policy is described in Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Standard No. 52, which mandates that U.S.-based companies translate their foreigncurrency-denominated assets and liabilities into dollars, for consolidation with the parent company’s financial statements. This is done by using a technique called the current rate (translation) method, under which all of a U.S. parent company’s foreign-currency-denominated assets and liabilities are converted into dollar values using the exchange rate prevailing at the fiscal year ending date (the current rate). Income statement items are treated similarly. Equity accounts, on the other hand, are translated into dollars by using the exchange rate that prevailed when the parent’s equity investment was made (the historical rate). Retained earnings are adjusted to reflect each year’s operating profits or losses. Further details on this procedure can be found at the book’s Web site at or in an intermediate accounting text. Review Questions 2–1 2–2 2–3 Describe the purpose of each of the four major financial statements. Why are the notes to the financial statements important to professional securities analysts? How is the current rate (translation) method used to consolidate a firm’s foreign and domestic financial statements? 2.2 Using Financial Ratios ratio analysis Involves methods of calculating and interpreting financial ratios to analyze and monitor the firm’s performance. The information contained in the four basic financial statements is of major significance to various interested parties who regularly need to have relative measures of the company’s operating efficiency. Relative is the key word here, because the analysis of financial statements is based on the use of ratios or relative values. Ratio analysis involves methods of calculating and interpreting financial ratios to analyze and monitor the firm’s performance. The basic inputs to ratio analysis are the firm’s income statement and balance sheet. Interested Parties Hint Management should be the most interested party of this group. Managers not only have to worry abut the financial situation of the firm, but they are also critically interested in what the other parties think about the firm. Ratio analysis of a firm’s financial statements is of interest to shareholders, creditors, and the firm’s own management. Both present and prospective shareholders are interested in the firm’s current and future level of risk and return, which directly affect share price. The firm’s creditors are interested primarily in the short-term liquidity of the company and its ability to make interest and principal payments. A secondary concern of creditors is the firm’s profitability; they want assurance that the business is healthy. Management, like stockholders, is concerned with all aspects of the firm’s financial situation, and it attempts to produce financial ratios that will be considered favorable by both owners and creditors. In addition, management uses ratios to monitor the firm’s performance from period to period. 50 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance Types of Ratio Comparisons Ratio analysis is not merely the calculation of a given ratio. More important is the interpretation of the ratio value. A meaningful basis for comparison is needed to answer such questions as “Is it too high or too low?” and “Is it good or bad?” Two types of ratio comparisons can be made: cross-sectional and time-series. Cross-Sectional Analysis cross-sectional analysis Comparison of different firms’ financial ratios at the same point in time; involves comparing the firm’s ratios to those of other firms in its industry or to industry averages. benchmarking A type of cross-sectional analysis in which the firm’s ratio values are compared to those of a key competitor or group of competitors that it wishes to emulate. Hint Industry averages are not particularly useful for analyzing firms with multiproduct lines. In the case of multiproduct firms, it is difficult to select the appropriate benchmark industry. EXAMPLE Cross-sectional analysis involves the comparison of different firms’ financial ratios at the same point in time. Analysts are often interested in how well a firm has performed in relation to other firms in its industry. Frequently, a firm will compare its ratio values to those of a key competitor or group of competitors that it wishes to emulate. This type of cross-sectional analysis, called benchmarking, has become very popular. Comparison to industry averages is also popular. These figures can be found in the Almanac of Business and Industrial Financial Ratios, Dun & Bradstreet’s Industry Norms and Key Business Ratios, Business Month, FTC Quarterly Reports, Robert Morris Associates Statement Studies, Value Line, and industry sources.5 A sample from one available source of industry averages is given in Table 2.5. Many people mistakenly believe that as long as the firm being analyzed has a value “better than” the industry average, it can be viewed favorably. However, this “better than average” viewpoint can be misleading. Quite often a ratio value that is far better than the norm can indicate problems that, on more careful analysis, may be more severe than had the ratio been worse than the industry average. It is therefore important to investigate significant deviations to either side of the industry standard. In early 2004, Mary Boyle, the chief financial analyst at Caldwell Manufacturing, a producer of heat exchangers, gathered data on the firm’s financial performance during 2003, the year just ended. She calculated a variety of ratios and obtained industry averages. She was especially interested in inventory turnover, which reflects the speed with which the firm moves its inventory from raw materials through production into finished goods and to the customer as a completed sale. Generally, higher values of this ratio are preferred, because they indicate a quicker turnover of inventory. Caldwell Manufacturing’s calculated inventory turnover for 2003 and the industry average inventory turnover were as follows: Inventory turnover, 2003 Caldwell Manufacturing Industry average 14.8 9.7 5. Cross-sectional comparisons of firms operating in several lines of business are difficult to perform. The use of weighted-average industry average ratios based on the firm’s product-line mix or, if data are available, analysis of the firm on a product-line basis can be performed to evaluate a multiproduct firm. CHAPTER 2 TABLE 2.5 Line of business (number of concerns reporting)b 51 Financial Statements and Analysis Industry Average Ratios (2001) for Selected Lines of Businessa Total liabilities to net worth (%) Current ratio (X) Quick ratio (X) Sales to inventory (X) Collection period (days) Total assets to sales (%) Return on total assets (%) Return on net worth (%) Department 6.2 1.9 6.0 2.9 34.3 19.7 stores 3.0 0.8 4.7 8.0 50.9 62.0 4.0 8.5 14.6 1.8 3.3 (167) 1.9 0.3 3.3 34.7 68.2 164.9 6.5 0.6 0.9 2.0 Electronic 3.6 1.8 19.0 34.7 36.4 computers 1.8 1.0 9.1 55.9 59.7 121.4 7.1 11.7 23.9 230.4 1.8 3.5 (91) 1.3 0.6 5.3 85.4 102.3 9.8 428.4 (0.8) (3.1) 2.0 Grocery 2.5 0.9 31.0 1.1 stores 1.5 0.4 19.7 2.9 14.4 46.2 2.2 9.9 24.3 20.3 128.4 0.8 3.9 (541) 1.0 0.2 14.0 11.1 5.8 31.3 294.2 0.3 1.0 3.8 Motor 2.0 1.0 vehicles 1.5 0.7 11.2 18.5 27.9 95.9 3.7 9.7 24.1 8.7 26.7 39.0 174.3 1.9 3.7 (38) 1.2 0.3 15.6 5.8 47.5 59.2 393.9 0.6 1.4 3.4 Return on sales (%) aThese values are given for each ratio for each line of business. The center value is the median, and the values immediately above and below it are the upper and lower quartiles, respectively. bStandard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes for the lines of business shown are, respectively: SIC #5311, SIC #3571, SIC #5411, SIC #3711. Source: “Industry Norms and Key Business Ratios,” Copyright © 2001 Dun & Bradstreet, Inc. Reprinted with permission. Mary’s initial reaction to these data was that the firm had managed its inventory significantly better than the average firm in the industry. The turnover was nearly 53% faster than the industry average. Upon reflection, however, she realized that a very high inventory turnover could also mean very low levels of inventory. The consequence of low inventory could be excessive stockouts (insufficient inventory). Discussions with people in the manufacturing and marketing departments did in fact uncover such a problem: Inventories during the year were extremely low, the result of numerous production delays that hindered the firm’s ability to meet demand and resulted in lost sales. What had initially appeared to reflect extremely efficient inventory management was actually the symptom of a major problem. Time-Series Analysis time-series analysis Evaluation of the firm’s financial performance over time using financial ratio analysis. Time-series analysis evaluates performance over time. Comparison of current to past performance, using ratios, enables analysts to assess the firm’s progress. Developing trends can be seen by using multiyear comparisons. As in crosssectional analysis, any significant year-to-year changes may be symptomatic of a major problem. 52 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance Combined Analysis The most informative approach to ratio analysis combines cross-sectional and time-series analyses. A combined view makes it possible to assess the trend in the behavior of the ratio in relation to the trend for the industry. Figure 2.1 depicts this type of approach using the average collection period ratio of Bartlett Company, over the years 2000–2003. This ratio reflects the average amount of time it takes the firm to collect bills, and lower values of this ratio generally are preferred. The figure quickly discloses that (1) Bartlett’s effectiveness in collecting its receivables is poor in comparison to the industry, and (2) Bartlett’s trend is toward longer collection periods. Clearly, Bartlett needs to shorten its collection period. Cautions About Using Ratio Analysis Before discussing specific ratios, we should consider the following cautions about their use: FIGURE 2.1 Combined Analysis Combined cross-sectional and time-series view of Bartlett Company’s average collection period, 2000–2003 Average Collection Period (days) 1. Ratios with large deviations from the norm only indicate symptoms of a problem. Additional analysis is typically needed to isolate the causes of the problem. The fundamental point is this: Ratio analysis merely directs attention to potential areas of concern; it does not provide conclusive evidence as to the existence of a problem. 2. A single ratio does not generally provide sufficient information from which to judge the overall performance of the firm. Only when a group of ratios is used can reasonable judgments be made. However, if an analysis is concerned only with certain specific aspects of a firm’s financial position, one or two ratios may be sufficient. 3. The ratios being compared should be calculated using financial statements dated at the same point in time during the year. If they are not, the effects of 70 60 Bartlett 50 Industry 40 30 2000 2001 2002 Year 2003 CHAPTER 2 Financial Statements and Analysis 53 seasonality may produce erroneous conclusions and decisions. For example, comparison of the inventory turnover of a toy manufacturer at the end of June with its end-of-December value can be misleading. Clearly, the seasonal impact of the December holiday selling season would skew any comparison of the firm’s inventory management. 4. It is preferable to use audited financial statements for ratio analysis. If the statements have not been audited, the data contained in them may not reflect the firm’s true financial condition. 5. The financial data being compared should have been developed in the same way. The use of differing accounting treatments—especially relative to inventory and depreciation—can distort the results of ratio analysis, regardless of whether cross-sectional or time-series analysis is used. 6. Results can be distorted by inflation, which can cause the book values of inventory and depreciable assets to differ greatly from their true (replacement) values. Additionally, inventory costs and depreciation write-offs can differ from their true values, thereby distorting profits. Without adjustment, inflation tends to cause older firms (older assets) to appear more efficient and profitable than newer firms (newer assets). Clearly, in using ratios, care must be taken to compare older to newer firms or a firm to itself over a long period of time. Categories of Financial Ratios Financial ratios can be divided for convenience into five basic categories: liquidity, activity, debt, profitability, and market ratios. Liquidity, activity, and debt ratios primarily measure risk. Profitability ratios measure return. Market ratios capture both risk and return. As a rule, the inputs necessary to an effective financial analysis include, at a minimum, the income statement and the balance sheet. We will use the 2003 and 2002 income statements and balance sheets for Bartlett Company, presented earlier in Tables 2.1 and 2.2, to demonstrate ratio calculations. Note, however, that the ratios presented in the remainder of this chapter can be applied to almost any company. Of course, many companies in different industries use ratios that focus on aspects peculiar to their industry. Review Questions 2–4 2–5 2–6 2–7 With regard to financial ratio analysis, how do the viewpoints held by the firm’s present and prospective shareholders, creditors, and management differ? What is the difference between cross-sectional and time-series ratio analysis? What is benchmarking? What types of deviations from the norm should the analyst pay primary attention to when performing cross-sectional ratio analysis? Why? Why is it preferable to compare ratios calculated using financial statements that are dated at the same point in time during the year? 54 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance LG3 2.3 Liquidity Ratios liquidity A firm’s ability to satisfy its short-term obligations as they come due. The liquidity of a firm is measured by its ability to satisfy its short-term obligations as they come due. Liquidity refers to the solvency of the firm’s overall financial position—the ease with which it can pay its bills. Because a common precursor to financial distress and bankruptcy is low or declining liquidity, these ratios are viewed as good leading indicators of cash flow problems. The two basic measures of liquidity are the current ratio and the quick (acid-test) ratio. Current Ratio current ratio A measure of liquidity calculated by dividing the firm’s current assets by its current liabilities. The current ratio, one of the most commonly cited financial ratios, measures the firm’s ability to meet its short-term obligations. It is expressed as follows: Current assets Current ratio Current liabilities The current ratio for Bartlett Company in 2003 is $1,223,000 1.97 $620,000 Generally, the higher the current ratio, the more liquid the firm is considered to be. A current ratio of 2.0 is occasionally cited as acceptable, but a value’s acceptability depends on the industry in which the firm operates. For example, a current ratio of 1.0 would be considered acceptable for a public utility but might be unacceptable for a manufacturing firm. The more predictable a firm’s cash flows, the lower the acceptable current ratio. Because Bartlett Company is in a business with a relatively predictable annual cash flow, its current ratio of 1.97 should be quite acceptable. Quick (Acid-Test) Ratio quick (acid-test) ratio A measure of liquidity calculated by dividing the firm’s current assets minus inventory by its current liabilities. The quick (acid-test) ratio is similar to the current ratio except that it excludes inventory, which is generally the least liquid current asset. The generally low liquidity of inventory results from two primary factors: (1) many types of inventory cannot be easily sold because they are partially completed items, special-purpose items, and the like; and (2) inventory is typically sold on credit, which means that it becomes an account receivable before being converted into cash. The quick ratio is calculated as follows:6 Current assets Inventory Quick ratio Current liabilities The quick ratio for Bartlett Company in 2003 is $1,223,000 $289,000 $934,000 1.51 $620,000 $620,000 6. Sometimes the quick ratio is defined as (cash marketable securities accounts receivable) current liabilities. If a firm were to show as current assets items other than cash, marketable securities, accounts receivable, and inventories, its quick ratio might vary, depending on the method of calculation. CHAPTER 2 Financial Statements and Analysis 55 A quick ratio of 1.0 or greater is occasionally recommended, but as with the current ratio, what value is acceptable depends largely on the industry. The quick ratio provides a better measure of overall liquidity only when a firm’s inventory cannot be easily converted into cash. If inventory is liquid, the current ratio is a preferred measure of overall liquidity. Review Question 2–8 LG3 Under what circumstances would the current ratio be the preferred measure of overall firm liquidity? Under what circumstances would the quick ratio be preferred? 2.4 Activity Ratios activity ratios Measure the speed with which various accounts are converted into sales or cash—inflows or outflows. Activity ratios measure the speed with which various accounts are converted into sales or cash—inflows or outflows. With regard to current accounts, measures of liquidity are generally inadequate because differences in the composition of a firm’s current assets and current liabilities can significantly affect its “true” liquidity. It is therefore important to look beyond measures of overall liquidity and to assess the activity (liquidity) of specific current accounts. A number of ratios are available for measuring the activity of the most important current accounts, which include inventory, accounts receivable, and accounts payable.7 The efficiency with which total assets are used can also be assessed. Inventory Turnover inventory turnover Measures the activity, or liquidity, of a firm’s inventory. Inventory turnover commonly measures the activity, or liquidity, of a firm’s inventory. It is calculated as follows: Cost of goods sold Inventory turnover Inventory Applying this relationship to Bartlett Company in 2003 yields $2,088,000 Inventory turnover 7.2 $289,000 The resulting turnover is meaningful only when it is compared with that of other firms in the same industry or to the firm’s past inventory turnover. An inventory 7. For convenience, the activity ratios involving these current accounts assume that their end-of-period values are good approximations of the average account balance during the period—typically 1 year. Technically, when the month-end balances of inventory, accounts receivable, or accounts payable vary during the year, the average balance, calculated by summing the 12 month-end account balances and dividing the total by 12, should be used instead of the year-end value. If month-end balances are unavailable, the average can be approximated by dividing the sum of the beginning-of-year and end-of-year balances by 2. These approaches ensure a ratio that on the average better reflects the firm’s circumstances. Because the data needed to find averages are generally unavailable to the external analyst, year-end values are frequently used to calculate activity ratios for current accounts. 56 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance average age of inventory Average number of days’ sales in inventory. turnover of 20.0 would not be unusual for a grocery store, whereas a common inventory turnover for an aircraft manufacturer is 4.0. Inventory turnover can be easily converted into an average age of inventory by dividing it into 360—the assumed number of days in a year.8 For Bartlett Company, the average age of inventory in 2003 is 50.0 days (360 7.2). This value can also be viewed as the average number of days’ sales in inventory. Average Collection Period average collection period The average amount of time needed to collect accounts receivable. The average collection period, or average age of accounts receivable, is useful in evaluating credit and collection policies.9 It is arrived at by dividing the average daily sales10 into the accounts receivable balance: Accounts receivable Average collection period Average sales per day Accounts receivable Annual sales 360 The average collection period for Bartlett Company in 2003 is $503,000 $503,000 58.9 days $3,074,000 $8,539 360 On the average, it takes the firm 58.9 days to collect an account receivable. The average collection period is meaningful only in relation to the firm’s credit terms. If Bartlett Company extends 30-day credit terms to customers, an average collection period of 58.9 days may indicate a poorly managed credit or collection department, or both. It is also possible that the lengthened collection period resulted from an intentional relaxation of credit-term enforcement in response to competitive pressures. If the firm had extended 60-day credit terms, the 58.9-day average collection period would be quite acceptable. Clearly, additional information is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of the firm’s credit and collection policies. Average Payment Period average payment period The average amount of time needed to pay accounts payable. The average payment period, or average age of accounts payable, is calculated in the same manner as the average collection period: Accounts payable Average payment period Average purchases per day 8. Unless otherwise specified, a 360-day year consisting of twelve 30-day months is assumed throughout this textbook. This assumption simplifies the calculations used to illustrate key concepts. 9. The average collection period is sometimes called the days’ sales outstanding (DSO). A discussion of the evaluation and establishment of credit and collection policies is presented in Chapter 14. 10. The formula as presented assumes, for simplicity, that all sales are made on a credit basis. If this is not the case, average credit sales per day should be substituted for average sales per day. CHAPTER 2 Financial Statements and Analysis 57 Accounts payable Annual purchases 360 The difficulty in calculating this ratio stems from the need to find annual purchases,11 a value not available in published financial statements. Ordinarily, purchases are estimated as a given percentage of cost of goods sold. If we assume that Bartlett Company’s purchases equaled 70 percent of its cost of goods sold in 2003, its average payment period is $382,000 $382,000 94.1 days $4,060 0.70 $2,088,000 360 This figure is meaningful only in relation to the average credit terms extended to the firm. If Bartlett Company’s suppliers have extended, on average, 30-day credit terms, an analyst would give Bartlett a low credit rating. Prospective lenders and suppliers of trade credit are most interested in the average payment period because it provides insight into the firm’s bill-paying patterns. Total Asset Turnover total asset turnover Indicates the efficiency with which the firm uses its assets to generate sales. The total asset turnover indicates the efficiency with which the firm uses its assets to generate sales. Total asset turnover is calculated as follows: Sales Total asset turnover Total assets The value of Bartlett Company’s total asset turnover in 2003 is $3,074,000 0.85 $3,597,000 Hint The higher the cost of the new assets, the larger the denominator and thus the smaller the ratio. Therefore, because of inflation and the use of historical costs, firms with newer assets will tend to have lower turnovers than those with older assets. This means the company turns over its assets 0.85 times a year. Generally, the higher a firm’s total asset turnover, the more efficiently its assets have been used. This measure is probably of greatest interest to management, because it indicates whether the firm’s operations have been financially efficient. Review Question 2–9 To assess the firm’s average collection period and average payment period ratios, what additional information is needed, and why? 11. Technically, annual credit purchases—rather than annual purchases—should be used in calculating this ratio. For simplicity, this refinement is ignored here. 58 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance LG4 2.5 Debt Ratios financial leverage The magnification of risk and return introduced through the use of fixed-cost financing, such as debt and preferred stock. EXAMPLE degree of indebtedness Measures the amount of debt relative to other significant balance sheet amounts. ability to service debts The ability of a firm to make the payments required on a scheduled basis over the life of a debt. coverage ratios Ratios that measure the firm’s ability to pay certain fixed charges. The debt position of a firm indicates the amount of other people’s money being used to generate profits. In general, the financial analyst is most concerned with long-term debts, because these commit the firm to a stream of payments over the long run. Because creditors’ claims must be satisfied before the earnings can be distributed to shareholders, present and prospective shareholders pay close attention to the firm’s ability to repay debts. Lenders are also concerned about the firm’s indebtedness. Management obviously must be concerned with indebtedness. In general, the more debt a firm uses in relation to its total assets, the greater its financial leverage. Financial leverage is the magnification of risk and return introduced through the use of fixed-cost financing, such as debt and preferred stock. The more fixed-cost debt a firm uses, the greater will be its expected risk and return. Patty Akers is in the process of incorporating her new business. After much analysis she determined that an initial investment of $50,000—$20,000 in current assets and $30,000 in fixed assets—is necessary. These funds can be obtained in either of two ways. The first is the no-debt plan, under which she would invest the full $50,000 without borrowing. The other alternative, the debt plan, involves investing $25,000 and borrowing the balance of $25,000 at 12% annual interest. Regardless of which alternative she chooses, Patty expects sales to average $30,000, costs and operating expenses to average $18,000, and earnings to be taxed at a 40% rate. Projected balance sheets and income statements associated with the two plans are summarized in Table 2.6. The no-debt plan results in after-tax profits of $7,200, which represent a 14.4% rate of return on Patty’s $50,000 investment. The debt plan results in $5,400 of after-tax profits, which represent a 21.6% rate of return on Patty’s investment of $25,000. The debt plan provides Patty with a higher rate of return, but the risk of this plan is also greater, because the annual $3,000 of interest must be paid before receipt of earnings. The example demonstrates that with increased debt comes greater risk as well as higher potential return. Therefore, the greater the financial leverage, the greater the potential risk and return. A detailed discussion of the impact of debt on the firm’s risk, return, and value is included in Chapter 12. Here, we emphasize the use of financial debt ratios to assess externally a firm’s debt position. There are two general types of debt measures: measures of the degree of indebtedness and measures of the ability to service debts. The degree of indebtedness measures the amount of debt relative to other significant balance sheet amounts. A popular measure of the degree of indebtedness is the debt ratio. The second type of debt measure, the ability to service debts, reflects a firm’s ability to make the payments required on a scheduled basis over the life of a debt.12 The firm’s ability to pay certain fixed charges is measured using coverage ratios. Typically, higher coverage ratios are preferred, but too high a ratio (above 12. The term service refers to the payment of interest and repayment of principal associated with a firm’s debt obligations. When a firm services its debts, it pays—or fulfills—these obligations. CHAPTER 2 TABLE 2.6 Financial Statements and Analysis 59 Financial Statements Associated with Patty’s Alternatives No-debt plan Debt plan Current assets $20,000 $20,000 Fixed assets 30,000 $50,000 $ 0 30,000 $50,000 $25,000 50,000 $50,000 25,000 $50,000 $30,000 $30,000 18,000 $12,000 18,000 $12,000 Balance Sheets Total assets Debt (12% interest) (1) Equity Total liabilities and equity Income Statements Sales Less: Costs and operating expenses Operating profits Less: Interest expense Net profit before taxes Less: Taxes (rate = 40%) 0 $12,000 0.12 $25,000 = 3,000 $ 9,000 (2) Net profit after taxes 4,800 $ 7,200 3,600 $ 5,400 Return on equity [(2) (1)] $7,200 14.4% $50,000 $5,400 21.6% $25,000 industry norms) may result in unnecessarily low risk and return. In general, the lower the firm’s coverage ratios, the less certain it is to be able to pay fixed obligations. If a firm is unable to pay these obligations, its creditors may seek immediate repayment, which in most instances would force a firm into bankruptcy. Two popular coverage ratios are the times interest earned ratio and the fixedpayment coverage ratio.13 Debt Ratio debt ratio Measures the proportion of total assets financed by the firm’s creditors. The debt ratio measures the proportion of total assets financed by the firm’s creditors. The higher this ratio, the greater the amount of other people’s money being used to generate profits. The ratio is calculated as follows: Total liabilities Debt ratio Total assets 13. Coverage ratios use data that are derived on an accrual basis (discussed in Chapter 1) to measure what in a strict sense should be measured on a cash basis. This occurs because debts are serviced by using cash flows, not the accounting values shown on the firm’s financial statements. But because it is difficult to determine cash flows available for debt service from the firm’s financial statements, the calculation of coverage ratios as presented here is quite common thanks to the ready availability of financial statement data. 60 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance The debt ratio for Bartlett Company in 2003 is $1,643,000 0.457 45.7% $3,597,000 This value indicates that the company has financed close to half of its assets with debt. The higher this ratio, the greater the firm’s degree of indebtedness and the more financial leverage it has. Times Interest Earned Ratio times interest earned ratio Measures the firm’s ability to make contractual interest payments; sometimes called the interest coverage ratio. The times interest earned ratio, sometimes called the interest coverage ratio, measures the firm’s ability to make contractual interest payments. The higher its value, the better able the firm is to fulfill its interest obligations. The times interest earned ratio is calculated as follows: Earnings before interest and taxes Times interest earned ratio Interest The figure for earnings before interest and taxes is the same as that for operating profits shown in the income statement. Applying this ratio to Bartlett Company yields the following 2003 value: $418,000 Times interest earned ratio 4.5 $93,000 The times interest earned ratio for Bartlett Company seems acceptable. A value of at least 3.0—and preferably closer to 5.0—is often suggested. The firm’s earnings before interest and taxes could shrink by as much as 78 percent [(4.5 1.0) 4.5], and the firm would still be able to pay the $93,000 in interest it owes. Thus it has a good margin of safety. Fixed-Payment Coverage Ratio fixed-payment coverage ratio Measures the firm’s ability to meet all fixed-payment obligations. The fixed-payment coverage ratio measures the firm’s ability to meet all fixedpayment obligations, such as loan interest and principal, lease payments, and preferred stock dividends.14 As is true of the times interest earned ratio, the higher this value, the better. The formula for the fixed-payment coverage ratio is FixedEarnings before interest and taxes Lease payments payment Interest Lease payments coverage {(Principal payments Preferred stock dividends) [1/(1 T)]} ratio where T is the corporate tax rate applicable to the firm’s income. The term 1/(1 T) is included to adjust the after-tax principal and preferred stock dividend payments back to a before-tax equivalent that is consistent with the before- 14. Although preferred stock dividends, which are stated at the time of issue, can be “passed” (not paid) at the option of the firm’s directors, it is generally believed that the payment of such dividends is necessary. This text therefore treats the preferred stock dividend as a contractual obligation, to be paid as a fixed amount, as scheduled. CHAPTER 2 Financial Statements and Analysis 61 tax values of all other terms. Applying the formula to Bartlett Company’s 2003 data yields $418,000 $35,000 Fixed-payment coverage ratio $93,000 $35,000 {($71,000 $10,000) [1/(1 0.29)]} $453,000 1.9 $242,000 Because the earnings available are nearly twice as large as its fixed-payment obligations, the firm appears safely able to meet the latter. Like the times interest earned ratio, the fixed-payment coverage ratio measures risk. The lower the ratio, the greater the risk to both lenders and owners; the greater the ratio, the lower the risk. This ratio allows interested parties to assess the firm’s ability to meet additional fixed-payment obligations without being driven into bankruptcy. Review Questions 2–10 What is financial leverage? 2–11 What ratio measures the firm’s degree of indebtedness? What ratios assess the firm’s ability to service debts? LG5 2.6 Profitability Ratios There are many measures of profitability. As a group, these measures enable the analyst to evaluate the firm’s profits with respect to a given level of sales, a certain level of assets, or the owners’ investment. Without profits, a firm could not attract outside capital. Owners, creditors, and management pay close attention to boosting profits because of the great importance placed on earnings in the marketplace. Common-Size Income Statements common-size income statement An income statement in which each item is expressed as a percentage of sales. A popular tool for evaluating profitability in relation to sales is the common-size income statement.15 Each item on this statement is expressed as a percentage of sales. Common-size income statements are especially useful in comparing performance across years. Three frequently cited ratios of profitability that can be read directly from the common-size income statement are (1) the gross profit margin, (2) the operating profit margin, and (3) the net profit margin. Common-size income statements for 2003 and 2002 for Bartlett Company are presented and evaluated in Table 2.7. These statements reveal that the firm’s 15. This statement is sometimes called a percent income statement. The same treatment is often applied to the firm’s balance sheet to make it easier to evaluate changes in the asset and financial structures of the firm. In addition to measuring profitability, these statements in effect can be used as an alternative or supplement to liquidity, activity, and debt-ratio analysis. 62 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance TABLE 2.7 Bartlett Company Common-Size Income Statements For the years ended December 31 Evaluationa 2003 2002 2002–2003 Sales revenue 100.0% 100.0% same Less: Cost of goods sold 6 7 .9 3 2 .1 % 6 6 .7 3 3 .3 % worse worse Selling expense 3.3% 4.2% better General and administrative expenses 6.8 6.7 better Lease expense 1.1 1.3 better 7 .3 18.5% 13.6% 9 .3 21.5% 11.8% better better 3 .0 10.6% 3 .5 8.3% better 3 .1 7.5% 2 .5 5.8% better 0.3 7 .2 % 0.4 5 .4 % (1) Gross profit margin Less: Operating expenses Depreciation expense Total operating expense (2) Operating profit margin Less: Interest expense Net profits before taxes Less: Taxes Net profits after taxes Less: Preferred stock dividends (3) Net profit margin better better worseb better better aSubjective assessments based on data provided. as a percent of sales increased noticeably between 2002 and 2003 because of differing costs and expenses, whereas the average tax rates (taxes net profits before taxes) for 2002 and 2003 remained about the same—30% and 29%, respectively. bTaxes cost of goods sold increased from 66.7 percent of sales in 2002 to 67.9 percent in 2003, resulting in a worsening gross profit margin. However, thanks to a decrease in total operating expenses, the firm’s net profit margin rose from 5.4 percent of sales in 2002 to 7.2 percent in 2003. The decrease in expenses more than compensated for the increase in the cost of goods sold. A decrease in the firm’s 2003 interest expense (3.0 percent of sales versus 3.5 percent in 2002) added to the increase in 2003 profits. Gross Profit Margin gross profit margin Measures the percentage of each sales dollar remaining after the firm has paid for its goods. The gross profit margin measures the percentage of each sales dollar remaining after the firm has paid for its goods. The higher the gross profit margin, the better (that is, the lower the relative cost of merchandise sold). The gross profit margin is calculated as follows: Gross profits Sales Cost of goods sold Gross profit margin Sales Sales CHAPTER 2 FOCUS ON e-FINANCE margin, when sales numbers were down, the ShopKo’s gross profit margin also suffered. Software from Spotlight Solutions, a Cincinnati company, applied information technology to ShopKo’s decisions about markdowns. Company research indicated that multiple markdowns are not so profitable as properly timed single markdowns. It developed a program (Markdown Optimizer) to automate optimal price change actions so that retailers can achieve higher sales and margins from existing merchandise inventories. The program analyzes several years of sales figures on similar products and develops a demand pattern, taking into account the sensitivity of customer demand to price changes (price elasticity). The software is dynamic—that is, it “learns” retail customers’ preferences and incorporates that information into its models. 63 In Practice ShopKo’s Software Solution Specialized financial analysis tools can help companies achieve significant improvements in ratio measures of performance. With assistance from sophisticated new software programs, for example, companies can convert masses of historical sales data into useful information that guides pricing strategy and improves operating efficiency. Like many of its rivals, ShopKo Stores, a Fortune 500 discount chain based in Green Bay, Wisconsin, had no underlying strategy to sell slow-moving items. It used “guesstimates” to reduce prices a bit at a time, until eventually the merchandise sold. However, total sales suffered from the company’s having no way to determine the maximum price at which goods would sell. Because the dollar volume of sales enters into both the numerator and the denominator in the gross profit Hint This is a very significant ratio for small retailers, especially during times of inflationary prices. If the owner of the firm does not raise prices when the cost of sales is rising, the gross profit margin will erode. Financial Statements and Analysis During a six-month pilot project, ShopKo provided three years of sales data on 300 apparel, home, and other products. Markdown Optimizer ran through a series of mathematical models to arrive at optimal timing for and amount of price cuts. ShopKo tracked and compared sales for these clearance items using the recommended markdowns. Sales on those products were 14 percent higher than the prior year. The company’s gross profit margin rose 24 percent, despite flat samestore sales in one quarter. ShopKo now uses Markdown Optimizer for all products. Sources: Amy Merrick, “Retailers Try to Get Leg Up on Markdowns with New Software,” Wall Street Journal (August 7, 2001), pp. A1, A6; “ShopKo Uses Spotlight Solutions Price Optimization Software,” downloaded from Spotlight Solutions Web site, www., November 6, 2001. Bartlett Company’s gross profit margin for 2003 is $986,000 $3,074,000 $2,088,000 32.1% $3,074,000 $3,074,000 This value is labeled (1) on the common-size income statement in Table 2.7. Operating Profit Margin operating profit margin Measures the percentage of each sales dollar remaining after all costs and expenses other than interest, taxes, and preferred stock dividends are deducted; the “pure profits” earned on each sales dollar. The operating profit margin measures the percentage of each sales dollar remaining after all costs and expenses other than interest, taxes, and preferred stock dividends are deducted. It represents the “pure profits” earned on each sales dollar. Operating profits are “pure” because they measure only the profits earned on operations and ignore interest, taxes, and preferred stock dividends. A high operating profit margin is preferred. The operating profit margin is calculated as follows: Operating profits Operating profit margin Sales 64 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance Bartlett Company’s operating profit margin for 2003 is $418,000 13.6% $3,074,000 This value is labeled (2) on the common-size income statement in Table 2.7. Net Profit Margin net profit margin Measures the percentage of each sales dollar remaining after all costs and expenses, including interest, taxes, and preferred stock dividends, have been deducted. The net profit margin measures the percentage of each sales dollar remaining after all costs and expenses, including interest, taxes, and preferred stock dividends, have been deducted. The higher the firm’s net profit margin, the better. The net profit margin is calculated as follows: Earnings available for common stockholders Net profit margin Sales Bartlett Company’s net profit margin for 2003 is $221,000 7.2% $3,074,000 This value is labeled (3) on the common-size income statement in Table 2.7. The net profit margin is a commonly cited measure of the firm’s success with respect to earnings on sales. “Good” net profit margins differ considerably across industries. A net profit margin of 1 percent or less would not be unusual for a grocery store, whereas a net profit margin of 10 percent would be low for a retail jewelry store. Earnings per Share (EPS) Hint EPS represents the dollar amount earned on behalf of each share—not the amount of earnings actually distributed to shareholders. The firm’s earnings per share (EPS) is generally of interest to present or prospective stockholders and management. As we noted earlier, EPS represents the number of dollars earned during the period on behalf of each outstanding share of common stock. Earnings per share is calculated as follows: Earnings available for common stockholders Earnings per share Number of shares of common stock outstanding Bartlett Company’s earnings per share in 2003 is $221,000 $2.90 76,262 This figure represents the dollar amount earned on behalf of each share. The dollar amount of cash actually distributed to each shareholder is the dividend per share (DPS), which, as noted in Bartlett Company’s income statement (Table 2.1), rose to $1.29 in 2003 from $0.75 in 2002. EPS is closely watched by the investing public and is considered an important indicator of corporate success. CHAPTER 2 Financial Statements and Analysis 65 Return on Total Assets (ROA) return on total assets (ROA) Measures the overall effectiveness of management in generating profits with its available assets; also called the return on investment (ROI). The return on total assets (ROA), often called the return on investment (ROI), measures the overall effectiveness of management in generating profits with its available assets. The higher the firm’s return on total assets, the better. The return on total assets is calculated as follows: Earnings available for common stockholders Return on total assets Total assets Bartlett Company’s return on total assets in 2003 is $221,000 6.1% $3,597,000 This value indicates that the firm earned 6.1 cents on each dollar of asset investment. Return on Common Equity (ROE) return on common equity (ROE) Measures the return earned on the common stockholders’ investment in the firm. The return on common equity (ROE) measures the return earned on the common stockholders’ investment in the firm. Generally, the higher this return, the better off are the owners. Return on common equity is calculated as follows: Earnings available for common stockholders Return on common equity Common stock equity This ratio for Bartlett Company in 2003 is $221,000 12.6% $1,754,000 Note that the value for common stock equity ($1,754,000) was found by subtracting the $200,000 of preferred stock equity from the total stockholders’ equity of $1,954,000 (see Bartlett Company’s 2003 balance sheet in Table 2.2). The calculated ROE of 12.6 percent indicates that during 2003 Bartlett earned 12.6 cents on each dollar of common stock equity. Review Questions 2–12 What three ratios of profitability are found on a common-size income statement? 2–13 What would explain a firm’s having a high gross profit margin and a low net profit margin? 2–14 Which measure of profitability is probably of greatest interest to the investing public? Why? 66 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance LG5 2.7 Market Ratios market ratios Relate a firm’s market value, as measured by its current share price, to certain accounting values. Market ratios relate the firm’s market value, as measured by its current share price, to certain accounting values. These ratios give insight into how well investors in the marketplace feel the firm is doing in terms of risk and return. They tend to reflect, on a relative basis, the common stockholders’ assessment of all aspects of the firm’s past and expected future performance. Here we consider two popular market ratios, one that focuses on earnings and another that considers book value. Price/Earnings (P/E) Ratio price/earnings (P/E) ratio Measures the amount that investors are willing to pay for each dollar of a firm’s earnings; the higher the P/E ratio, the greater is investor confidence. The price/earnings (P/E) ratio is commonly used to assess the owners’ appraisal of share value.16 The P/E ratio measures the amount that investors are willing to pay for each dollar of a firm’s earnings. The level of the price/earnings ratio indicates the degree of confidence that investors have in the firm’s future performance. The higher the P/E ratio, the greater is investor confidence. The P/E ratio is calculated as follows: Market price per share of common stock Price/earnings (P/E) ratio Earnings per share If Bartlett Company’s common stock at the end of 2003 was selling at $32.25, using the EPS of $2.90, the P/E ratio at year-end 2003 is $32.25 11.1 $2.90 This figure indicates that investors were paying $11.10 for each $1.00 of earnings. The P/E ratio is most informative when applied in cross-sectional analysis using an industry average P/E ratio or the P/E ratio of a benchmark firm. Market/Book (M/B) Ratio market/book (M/B) ratio Provides an assessment of how investors view the firm’s performance. Firms expected to earn high returns relative to their risk typically sell at higher M/B multiples. The market/book (M/B) ratio provides an assessment of how investors view the firm’s performance. It relates the market value of the firm’s shares to their book—strict accounting—value. To calculate the firm’s M/B ratio, we first need to find the book value per share of common stock: Common stock equity Book value per share of common stock Number of shares of common stock outstanding Substituting the appropriate values for Bartlett Company from its 2003 balance sheet, we get $1,754,000 Book value per share of common stock $23.00 76,262 16. Use of the price/earnings ratio to estimate the value of the firm is part of the discussion of “Other approaches to common stock valuation” in Chapter 7. CHAPTER 2 Financial Statements and Analysis 67 The formula for the market/book ratio is Market price per share of common stock Market/book (M/B) ratio Book value per share of common stock Substituting Bartlett Company’s end of 2003 common stock price of $32.25 and its $23.00 book value per share of common stock (calculated above) into the M/B ratio formula, we get $32.25 Market/book (M/B) ratio 1.40 $23.00 This M/B ratio means that investors are currently paying $1.40 for each $1.00 of book value of Bartlett Company’s stock. The stocks of firms that are expected to perform well—improve profits, increase their market share, or launch successful products—typically sell at higher M/B ratios than the stocks of firms with less attractive outlooks. Simply stated, firms expected to earn high returns relative to their risk typically sell at higher M/B multiples. Clearly, Bartlett’s future prospects are being viewed favorably by investors, who are willing to pay more than its book value for the firm’s shares. Like P/E ratios, M/B ratios are typically assessed cross-sectionally, to get a feel for the firm’s risk and return compared to peer firms. Review Question 2–15 How do the price/earnings (P/E) ratio and the market/book (M/B) ratio provide a feel for the firm’s risk and return? LG6 2.8 A Complete Ratio Analysis Analysts frequently wish to take an overall look at the firm’s financial performance and status. Here we consider two popular approaches to a complete ratio analysis: (1) summarizing all ratios and (2) the DuPont system of analysis. The summary analysis approach tends to view all aspects of the firm’s financial activities to isolate key areas of responsibility. The DuPont system acts as a search technique aimed at finding the key areas responsible for the firm’s financial condition. Summarizing All Ratios We can use Bartlett Company’s ratios to perform a complete ratio analysis using both cross-sectional and time-series analysis approaches. The 2003 ratio values calculated earlier and the ratio values calculated for 2001 and 2002 for Bartlett Company, along with the industry average ratios for 2003, are summarized in Table 2.8, which also shows the formula used to calculate each ratio. Using these data, we can discuss the five key aspects of Bartlett’s performance—liquidity, activity, debt, profitability, and market. 68 5.1 5.7 1.32 good 2.08 2002b Earnings before interest and taxes Interest 1.5 good Times interest earned ratio 1.9 OK 3.3 44.3% 0.94 81.2 days 4.5 45.7% 0.79 94.1 days 51.2 days 7.2 1.46 1.97 2003b 4.3 40.0% 0.85 66.5 days 58.9 days 6.6 1.51 2.05 Industry average 2003c good OK 0.75 poor 44.3 days good 1.43 OK Crosssectional 2003 Earnings before interest and taxes Lease payments Fixed-payment coverage ratio Int. Lease pay. {(Prin. Pref. div.) [1/(1 T)]} good 5.6 36.8% OK 75.8 days Sales Total asset turnover Total assets Total liabilities Total assets Accounts payable Average purchases per day Accounts receivable Average collection period 43.9 days Average sales per day Debt ratio Debt Average payment period poor 2.04 2001a Current assets Inventory Quick (acid-test) ratio Current liabilities Cost of goods sold Inventory Current assets Current liabilities Formula Year Summary of Bartlett Company Ratios (2001–2003, Including 2003 Industry Averages) Inventory turnover Activity Current ratio Liquidity Ratio TABLE 2.8 2.4 OK OK OK poor poor good OK OK Timeseries 2001–2003 Evaluationd 1.4 OK OK OK poor poor good good OK Overall 69 $2.26 good Earnings available for common stockholders Total assets OK $2.90 OK Return on total assets (ROA) Return on common equity (ROE) good good bCalculated from data not included in the chapter. by using the financial statements presented in Tables 2.1 and 2.2. 1.30 OK 1.40 OK aCalculated Market price per share of common stock Earnings per share Price/earnings (P/E) ratio Market Earnings available for common stockholders Sales Net profit margin Operating profit margin 5.4% 14.6% 33.3% 2002b 7.2% 11.8% 32.1% 2003b 6.2% 13.6% 30.0% Industry average 2003c good 11.0% OK Crosssectional 2003 OK good OK Timeseries 2001–2003 4.2% 6.1% 10.0e 11.1 12.5 13.7% 4.6% OK 8.5% good Market price per share of common stock Market/book (M/B) ratio Book value per share of common stock OK 10.5 Earnings available for common stockholders Common stock equity 7.8% 1.25 OK 12.6% OK Earnings available for common stockholders Earnings per share (EPS) $3.26 Number of shares of common stock outstanding good 8.2% good 31.4% 2001a Operating profits Sales Gross profits Sales Formula Gross profit margin Profitability Ratio Year Evaluationd 0.85e OK 8.5% good $1.81 good OK OK Overall 70 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance Liquidity The overall liquidity of the firm seems to exhibit a reasonably stable trend, having been maintained at a level that is relatively consistent with the industry average in 2003. The firm’s liquidity seems to be good. Activity Bartlett Company’s inventory appears to be in good shape. Its inventory management seems to have improved, and in 2003 it performed at a level above that of the industry. The firm may be experiencing some problems with accounts receivable. The average collection period seems to have crept up above that of the industry. Bartlett also appears to be slow in paying its bills; it pays nearly 30 days slower than the industry average. This could adversely affect the firm’s credit standing. Although overall liquidity appears to be good, the management of receivables and payables should be examined. Bartlett’s total asset turnover reflects a decline in the efficiency of total asset utilization between 2001 and 2002. Although in 2003 it rose to a level considerably above the industry average, it appears that the pre-2002 level of efficiency has not yet been achieved. Debt Bartlett Company’s indebtedness increased over the 2001–2003 period and is currently above the industry average. Although this increase in the debt ratio could be cause for alarm, the firm’s ability to meet interest and fixed-payment obligations improved, from 2002 to 2003, to a level that outperforms the industry. The firm’s increased indebtedness in 2002 apparently caused a deterioration in its ability to pay debt adequately. However, Bartlett has evidently improved its income in 2003 so that it is able to meet its interest and fixed-payment obligations at a level consistent with the average in the industry. In summary, it appears that although 2002 was an off year, the company’s ability to pay debts in 2003 compensates for its increased degree of indebtedness. Profitability Bartlett’s profitability relative to sales in 2003 was better than the average company in the industry, although it did not match the firm’s 2001 performance. Although the gross profit margin was better in 2002 and 2003 than in 2001, higher levels of operating and interest expenses in 2002 and 2003 appear to have caused the 2003 net profit margin to fall below that of 2001. However, Bartlett Company’s 2003 net profit margin is quite favorable when compared to the industry average. The firm’s earnings per share, return on total assets, and return on common equity behaved much as its net profit margin did over the 2001–2003 period. Bartlett appears to have experienced either a sizable drop in sales between 2001 and 2002 or a rapid expansion in assets during that period. The exceptionally high 2003 level of return on common equity suggests that the firm is performing quite well. The firm’s above-average returns—net profit margin, EPS, ROA, and ROE—may be attributable to the fact that it is more risky than average. A look at market ratios is helpful in assessing risk. CHAPTER 2 Financial Statements and Analysis 71 Market Investors have greater confidence in the firm in 2003 than in the prior two years, as reflected in the price/earnings (P/E) ratio of 11.1. However, this ratio is below the industry average. The P/E ratio suggests that the firm’s risk has declined but remains above that of the average firm in its industry. The firm’s market/book (M/B) ratio has increased over the 2001–2003 period, and in 2003 it exceeds the industry average. This implies that investors are optimistic about the firm’s future performance. The P/E and M/B ratios reflect the firm’s increased profitability over the 2001–2003 period: Investors expect to earn high future returns as compensation for the firm’s above-average risk. In summary, the firm appears to be growing and has recently undergone an expansion in assets, financed primarily through the use of debt. The 2002–2003 period seems to reflect a phase of adjustment and recovery from the rapid growth in assets. Bartlett’s sales, profits, and other performance factors seem to be growing with the increase in the size of the operation. In addition, the market response to these accomplishments appears to have been positive. In short, the firm seems to have done well in 2003. DuPont System of Analysis DuPont system of analysis System used to dissect the firm’s financial statements and to assess its financial condition. DuPont formula Multiplies the firm’s net profit margin by its total asset turnover to calculate the firm’s return on total assets (ROA). The DuPont system of analysis is used to dissect the firm’s financial statements and to assess its financial condition. It merges the income statement and balance sheet into two summary measures of profitability: return on total assets (ROA) and return on common equity (ROE). Figure 2.2 depicts the basic DuPont system with Bartlett Company’s 2003 monetary and ratio values. The upper portion of the chart summarizes the income statement activities; the lower portion summarizes the balance sheet activities. The DuPont system first brings together the net profit margin, which measures the firm’s profitability on sales, with its total asset turnover, which indicates how efficiently the firm has used its assets to generate sales. In the DuPont formula, the product of these two ratios results in the return on total assets (ROA): ROA Net profit margin Total asset turnover Substituting the appropriate formulas into the equation and simplifying results in the formula given earlier, Earnings available for Earnings available for common stockholders Sales common stockholders ROA Sales Total assets Total assets When the 2003 values of the net profit margin and total asset turnover for Bartlett Company, calculated earlier, are substituted into the DuPont formula, the result is ROA 7.2% 0.85 6.1% This value is the same as that calculated directly in an earlier section (page 65). The DuPont formula enables the firm to break down its return into profit-onsales and efficiency-of-asset-use components. Typically, a firm with a low net profit margin has a high total asset turnover, which results in a reasonably good return on total assets. Often, the opposite situation exists. PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance FIGURE 2.2 DuPont System of Analysis The DuPont system of analysis with application to Bartlett Company (2003) Sales $3,074,000 minus Income Statement Cost of Goods Sold $2,088,000 minus Operating Expenses $568,000 minus Earnings Available for Common Stockholders $221,000 divided by Net Profit Margin 7.2% Sales $3,074,000 Interest Expense $93,000 minus Taxes $94,000 multiplied by minus Return on Total Assets (ROA) 6.1% Preferred Stock Dividends $10,000 Sales $3,074,000 Balance Sheet 72 Current Assets $1,223,000 divided by plus Total Assets $3,597,000 Total Asset Turnover 0.85 multiplied by Net Fixed Assets $2,374,000 Current Liabilities $620,000 plus Long-Term Debt $1,023,000 Total Liabilities $1,643,000 plus Stockholders’ Equity $1,954,000 Total Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity = Total Assets $3,597,000 divided by Common Stock Equity $1,754,000 Financial Leverage Multiplier (FLM) 2.06 Return on Common Equity (ROE) 12.6% CHAPTER 2 Financial Statements and Analysis 73 modified DuPont formula Relates the firm’s return on total assets (ROA) to its return on common equity (ROE) using the financial leverage multiplier (FLM). The second step in the DuPont system employs the modified DuPont formula. This formula relates the firm’s return on total assets (ROA) to its return on common equity (ROE). The latter is calculated by multiplying the return on total assets (ROA) by the financial leverage multiplier (FLM), which is the ratio of total assets to common stock equity: financial leverage multiplier (FLM) The ratio of the firm’s total assets to its common stock equity. ROE ROA FLM Substituting the appropriate formulas into the equation and simplifying results in the formula given earlier, Earnings available for Earnings available for common stockholders common stockholders Total assets ROE Total assets Common stock Common stock equity equity Use of the financial leverage multiplier (FLM) to convert the ROA into the ROE reflects the impact of financial leverage on owners’ return. Substituting the values for Bartlett Company’s ROA of 6.1 percent, calculated earlier, and Bartlett’s FLM of 2.06 ($3,597,000 total assets $1,754,000 common stock equity) into the modified DuPont formula yields ROE 6.1% 2.06 12.6% The 12.6 percent ROE calculated by using the modified DuPont formula is the same as that calculated directly (page 65). The advantage of the DuPont system is that it allows the firm to break its return on equity into a profit-on-sales component (net profit margin), an efficiency-ofasset-use component (total asset turnover), and a use-of-financial-leverage component (financial leverage multiplier). The total return to owners therefore can be analyzed in these important dimensions. The use of the DuPont system of analysis as a diagnostic tool is best explained using Figure 2.2. Beginning with the rightmost value—the ROE—the financial analyst moves to the left, dissecting and analyzing the inputs to the formula in order to isolate the probable cause of the resulting above-average (or below-average) value. For the sake of discussion, let’s assume that Bartlett’s ROE of 12.6 percent is actually below the industry average. Moving to the left, we would examine the inputs to the ROE—the ROA and the FLM—relative to the industry averages. Let’s assume that the FLM is in line with the industry average, but the ROA is below the industry average. Moving farther to the left, we examine the two inputs to the ROA—the net profit margin and total asset turnover. Assume that the net profit margin is in line with the industry average, but the total asset turnover is below the industry average. Moving still farther to the left, we find that whereas the firm’s sales are consistent with the industry value, Bartlett’s total assets have grown significantly during the past year. Looking farther to the left, we would review the firm’s activity ratios for current assets. Let’s say that whereas the firm’s inventory turnover is in line with the industry average, its average collection period is well above the industry average. Clearly, we can trace the possible problem back to its cause: Bartlett’s low ROE is primarily the consequence of slow collections of accounts receivable, which resulted in high levels of receivables and therefore high levels of total assets. The high total assets slowed Bartlett’s total asset turnover, driving down its ROA, which then drove down its ROE. By using the DuPont system of analysis 74 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance to dissect Bartlett’s overall returns as measured by its ROE, we found that slow collections of receivables caused the below-industry-average ROE. Clearly, the firm needs to manage its credit operations better. Review Questions 2–16 Financial ratio analysis is often divided into five areas: liquidity, activity, debt, profitability, and market ratios. Differentiate each of these areas of analysis from the others. Which is of the greatest concern to creditors? 2–17 Describe how you would use a large number of ratios to perform a complete ratio analysis of the firm. 2–18 What three areas of analysis are combined in the modified DuPont formula? Explain how the DuPont system of analysis is used to dissect the firm’s results and isolate their causes. S U M M A RY FOCUS ON VALUE Financial managers review and analyze the firm’s financial statements periodically, both to uncover developing problems and to assess the firm’s progress toward achieving its goals. These actions are aimed at preserving and creating value for the firm’s owners. Financial ratios enable financial managers to monitor the pulse of the firm and its progress toward its strategic goals. Although financial statements and financial ratios rely on accrual concepts, they can provide useful insights into important aspects of risk and return (cash flow) that affect share price, which management is attempting to maximize. REVIEW OF LEARNING GOALS Review the contents of the stockholders’ report and the procedures for consolidating international financial statements. The annual stockholders’ report, which publicly owned corporations are required to provide to stockholders, documents the firm’s financial activities during the past year. It includes the letter to stockholders and various subjective and factual information, as well as four key financial statements: the income statement, the balance sheet, the statement of retained earnings, and the statement of cash flows. Notes describing the technical aspects of the financial statements follow them. Financial statements of companies that have operations whose cash flows are denominated in one or more foreign currencies must be transLG1 lated into dollars in accordance with FASB Standard No. 52. Understand who uses financial ratios, and how. Ratio analysis enables present and prospective stockholders and lenders and the firm’s management to evaluate the firm’s financial performance. It can be performed on a cross-sectional or a timeseries basis. Benchmarking is a popular type of cross-sectional analysis. Key cautions for applying financial ratios are: (1) Ratios with large deviations from the norm only indicate symptoms of a problem. (2) A single ratio does not generally provide sufficient information. (3) The ratios being compared should be calculated using financial stateLG2 CHAPTER 2 ments dated at the same point in time during the year. (4) Audited financial statements should be used. (5) Data should be checked for consistency of accounting treatment. (6) Inflation and different asset ages can distort ratio comparisons. Use ratios to analyze a firm’s liquidity and activity. Liquidity, or ability of the firm to pay its bills as they come due, can be measured by the current ratio and the quick (acid-test) ratio. Activity ratios measure the speed with which accounts are converted into sales or cash—inflows or outflows. The activity of inventory can be measured by its turnover, that of accounts receivable by the average collection period, and that of accounts payable by the average payment period. Total asset turnover measures the efficiency with which the firm uses its assets to generate sales. Formulas for these liquidity and activity ratios are summarized in Table 2.8. LG3 Discuss the relationship between debt and financial leverage and the ratios used to analyze a firm’s debt. The more debt a firm uses, the greater its financial leverage, which magnifies both risk and return. Financial debt ratios measure both the degree of indebtedness and the ability to service debts. A common measure of indebtedness is the debt ratio. The ability to pay fixed charges can be measured by times interest earned and fixed-payment LG4 SELF-TEST PROBLEMS LG3 LG4 LG5 ST 2–1 Financial Statements and Analysis 75 coverage ratios. Formulas for these debt ratios are summarized in Table 2.8. Use ratios to analyze a firm’s profitability and its market value. The common-size income statement, which shows all items as a percentage of sales, can be used to determine gross profit margin, operating profit margin, and net profit margin. Other measures of profitability include earnings per share, return on total assets, and return on common equity. Market ratios include the price/earnings ratio and the market/book ratio. Formulas for these profitability and market ratios are summarized in Table 2.8. LG5 Use a summary of financial ratios and the DuPont system of analysis to perform a complete ratio analysis. A summary of all ratios—liquidity, activity, debt, profitability, and market—as shown in Table 2.8 can be used to perform a complete ratio analysis using cross-sectional and timeseries analysis approaches. The DuPont system of analysis, summarized in Figure 2.2, is a diagnostic tool used to find the key areas responsible for the firm’s financial performance. It enables the firm to break the return on common equity into three components: profit on sales, efficiency of asset use, and use of leverage. The DuPont system of analysis makes it possible to assess all aspects of the firm’s activities in order to isolate key areas of responsibility. LG6 (Solutions in Appendix B) Ratio formulas and interpretations Without referring to the text, indicate for each of the following ratios the formula for calculating it and the kinds of problems, if any, the firm is likely to have if that ratio is too high relative to the industry average. What if the ratio is too low relative to the industry? Create a table similar to the one that follows and fill in the empty blocks. Ratio Current ratio Inventory turnover Times interest earned Gross profit margin Return on total assets Too high Too low 76 PART 1 LG3 LG4 LG5 Introduction to Managerial Finance ST 2–2 Balance sheet completion using ratios Complete the 2003 balance sheet for O’Keefe Industries using the information that follows it. O’Keefe Industries Balance Sheet December 31, 2003 Assets Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity Cash Marketable securities Accounts receivable Inventories Total current assets Net fixed assets Total assets $30,000 25,000 $ Accounts payable Notes payable Accruals Total current liabilities Long-term debt Stockholders’ equity Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity $120,000 20,000 $600,000 $ The following financial data for 2003 are also available: (1) Sales totaled $1,800,000. (6) The current ratio was 1.60. (2) The gross profit margin was 25%. (7) The total asset turnover ratio (3) Inventory turnover was 6.0. was 1.20. (4) There are 360 days in the year. (8) The debt ratio was 60%. (5) The average collection period was 40 days. PROBLEMS LG1 2–1 Reviewing basic financial statements The income statement for the year ended December 31, 2003, the balance sheets for December 31, 2003 and 2002, and the statement of retained earnings for the year ended December 31, 2003, for Technica, Inc., are given here. Briefly discuss the form and informational content of each of these statements. Technica, Inc. Income Statement for the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Sales revenue Less: Cost of goods sold Gross profits Less: Operating expenses General and administrative expense Depreciation expense Total operating expense Operating profits Less: Interest expense Net profits before taxes Less: Taxes Earnings available for common stockholders Earnings per share (EPS) $600,000 460,000 $140,000 $30,000 30,000 60,000 $ 80,000 10,000 $ 70,000 27,100 $ 42,900 $2.15 CHAPTER 2 Financial Statements and Analysis 77 Technica, Inc. Balance Sheets December 31 Assets 2003 2002 Cash $ 15,000 $ 16,000 7,200 8,000 Marketable securities Accounts receivable Inventories Total current assets Land and buildings 34,100 42,200 82,000 $138,300 $150,000 50,000 $116,200 $150,000 200,000 190,000 Machinery and equipment Furniture and fixtures Other Total gross fixed assets Less: Accumulated depreciation Net fixed assets Total assets 54,000 50,000 11,000 $415,000 10,000 $400,000 145,000 $270,000 $408,300 115,000 $285,000 $401,200 $ 57,000 $ 49,000 13,000 16,000 5,000 $ 75,000 $150,000 6,000 $ 71,000 $160,000 $110,200 $120,000 73,100 $183,300 $408,300 50,200 $170,200 $401,200 Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity Accounts payable Notes payable Accruals Total current liabilities Long-term debt Stockholders’ equity Common stock equity (shares outstanding: 19,500 in 2003 and 20,000 in 2002) Retained earnings Total stockholders’ equity Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity Technica, Inc. Statement of Retained Earnings for the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Retained earnings balance (January 1, 2003) Plus: Net profits after taxes (for 2003) Less: Cash dividends (paid during 2003) Retained earnings balance (December 31, 2003) LG1 2–2 $50,200 42,900 ( 20,000) $73,100 Financial statement account identification Mark each of the accounts listed in the following table as follows: a. In column (1), indicate in which statement—income statement (IS) or balance sheet (BS)—the account belongs. 78 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance b. In column (2), indicate whether the account is a current asset (CA), current liability (CL), expense (E), fixed asset (FA), long-term debt (LTD), revenue (R), or stockholders’ equity (SE). Account name Accounts payable Accounts receivable Accruals Accumulated depreciation Administrative expense Buildings Cash Common stock (at par) Cost of goods sold Depreciation Equipment General expense Interest expense Inventories Land Long-term debts Machinery Marketable securities Notes payable Operating expense Paid-in capital in excess of par Preferred stock Preferred stock dividends Retained earnings Sales revenue Selling expense Taxes Vehicles LG1 2–3 (1) Statement (2) Type of account Income statement preparation On December 31, 2003, Cathy Chen, a selfemployed certified public accountant (CPA), completed her first full year in business. During the year, she billed $180,000 for her accounting services. She had two employees: a bookkeeper and a clerical assistant. In addition to her monthly salary of $4,000, Ms. Chen paid annual salaries of $24,000 and $18,000 to the bookkeeper and the clerical assistant, respectively. Employment taxes and benefit costs for Ms. Chen and her employees totaled $17,300 for the year. Expenses for office supplies, including postage, totaled $5,200 for the year. In addition, Ms. Chen spent $8,500 during the year on tax-deductible travel and entertainment associated with client visits and new business development. Lease payments for CHAPTER 2 Financial Statements and Analysis 79 the office space rented (a tax-deductible expense) were $1,350 per month. Depreciation expense on the office furniture and fixtures was $7,800 for the year. During the year, Ms. Chen paid interest of $7,500 on the $60,000 borrowed to start the business. She paid an average tax rate of 30 percent during 2003. a. Prepare an income statement for Cathy Chen, CPA, for the year ended December 31, 2003. b. Evaluate her 2003 financial performance. LG1 2–4 Calculation of EPS and retained earnings Philagem, Inc., ended 2003 with net profit before taxes of $218,000. The company is subject to a 40% tax rate and must pay $32,000 in preferred stock dividends before distributing any earnings on the 85,000 shares of common stock currently outstanding. a. Calculate Philagem’s 2003 earnings per share (EPS). b. If the firm paid common stock dividends of $0.80 per share, how many dollars would go to retained earnings? LG1 2–5 Balance sheet preparation Use the appropriate items from the following list to prepare in good form Owen Davis Company’s balance sheet at December 31, 2003. Item Accounts payable Accounts receivable Accruals Value ($000) at December 31, 2003 $ 220 450 55 Accumulated depreciation 265 Buildings 225 Cash 215 Common stock (at par) Cost of goods sold Depreciation expense Equipment 90 2,500 45 140 Furniture and fixtures 170 General expense 320 Inventories 375 Land 100 Long-term debts 420 Machinery 420 Marketable securities Notes payable 75 475 Paid-in capital in excess of par 360 Preferred stock 100 Retained earnings Sales revenue Vehicles 210 3,600 25 80 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance LG1 2–6 Impact of net income on a firm’s balance sheet Conrad Air, Inc., reported net income of $1,365,000 for the year ended December 31, 2003. Show the effect of these funds on the firm’s balance sheet for the previous year (below) in each of the scenarios following the balance sheet. Conrad Air, Inc. Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2003 Assets Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity Cash $ 120,000 Marketable securities 35,000 Accounts receivable 45,000 Inventories Current assets Equipment Buildings Fixed assets Total assets 130,000 $ 330,000 $2,970,000 1,600,000 $4,570,000 $4,900,000 Accounts payable $ Short-term notes 55,000 $ 125,000 Current liabilities Long-term debt 70,000 $2,700,000 $2,825,000 $ 500,000 Total liabilities Common stock Retained earnings Stockholders’ equity Total liabilities and equity 1,575,000 $2,075,000 $4,900,000 a. Conrad paid no dividends during the year and invested the funds in marketable securities. b. Conrad paid dividends totaling $500,000 and used the balance of the net income to retire (pay off) long-term debt. c. Conrad paid dividends totaling $500,000 and invested the balance of the net income in building a new hangar. d. Conrad paid out all $1,365,000 as dividends to its stockholders. LG1 2–7 Initial sale price of common stock Beck Corporation has one issue of preferred stock and one issue of common stock outstanding. Given Beck’s stockholders’ equity account that follows, determine the original price per share at which the firm sold its single issue of common stock. Stockholders’ Equity ($000) Preferred stock Common stock ($0.75 par, 300,000 shares outstanding) Paid-in capital in excess of par on common stock Retained earnings Total stockholders’ equity LG1 2–8 $ 125 225 2,625 900 $3,875 Statement of retained earnings Hayes Enterprises began 2003 with a retained earnings balance of $928,000. During 2003, the firm earned $377,000 after taxes. From this amount, preferred stockholders were paid $47,000 in dividends. At year-end 2003, the firm’s retained earnings totaled $1,048,000. The firm had 140,000 shares of common stock outstanding during 2003. CHAPTER 2 Financial Statements and Analysis 81 a. Prepare a statement of retained earnings for the year ended December 31, 2003, for Hayes Enterprises. (Note: Be sure to calculate and include the amount of cash dividends paid in 2003.) b. Calculate the firm’s 2003 earnings per share (EPS). c. How large a per-share cash dividend did the firm pay on common stock during 2003? LG1 2–9 Changes in stockholders’ equity Listed are the equity sections of balance sheets for years 2002 and 2003 as reported by Mountain Air Ski Resorts, Inc. The overall value of stockholders’ equity has risen from $2,000,000 to $7,500,000. Use the statements to discover how and why this happened. Mountain Air Ski Resorts, Inc. Balance Sheets (partial) Stockholders’ Equity 2002 2003 Common stock ($1.00 par) Authorized—5,000,000 shares Outstanding— 1,500,000 shares 2003 — 500,000 shares 2002 $1,500,000 $ 500,000 Paid-in capital in excess of par Retained earnings Total stockholders’ equity 500,000 4,500,000 1,000,000 $2,000,000 1,500,000 $7,500,000 The company paid total dividends of $200,000 during fiscal 2003. a. What was Mountain Air’s net income for fiscal 2003? b. How many new shares did the corporation issue and sell during the year? c. At what average price per share did the new stock sold during 2003 sell? d. At what price per share did Mountain Air’s original 500,000 shares sell? LG2 LG3 LG4 LG5 2–10 Ratio comparisons Robert Arias recently inherited a stock portfolio from his uncle. Wishing to learn more about the companies that he is now invested in, Robert performs a ratio analysis on each one and decides to compare them to each other. Some of his ratios are listed below. Island Electric Utility Burger Heaven Fink Software Roland Motors Current ratio 1.10 1.3 6.8 4.5 Quick ratio 0.90 0.82 5.2 3.7 Debt ratio 0.68 0.46 0 Net profit margin 6.2% 14.3% Ratio 28.5% 0.35 8.4% Assuming that his uncle was a wise investor who assembled the portfolio with care, Robert finds the wide differences in these ratios confusing. Help him out. 82 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance a. What problems might Robert encounter in comparing these companies to one another on the basis of their ratios? b. Why might the current and quick ratios for the electric utility and the fast-food stock be so much lower than the same ratios for the other companies? c. Why might it be all right for the electric utility to carry a large amount of debt, but not the software company? d. Why wouldn’t investors invest all of their money in software companies instead of in less profitable companies? (Focus on risk and return.) LG3 2–11 Liquidity management Bauman Company’s total current assets, total current liabilities, and inventory for each of the past 4 years follow: Item Total current assets 2000 2001 2002 2003 $16,950 $21,900 $22,500 $27,000 Total current liabilities 9,000 12,600 12,600 17,400 Inventory 6,000 6,900 6,900 7,200 a. Calculate the firm’s current and quick ratios for each year. Compare the resulting time series for these measures of liquidity. b. Comment on the firm’s liquidity over the 2000–2003 period. c. If you were told that Bauman Company’s inventory turnover for each year in the 2000–2003 period and the industry averages were as follows, would this information support or conflict with your evaluation in part b? Why? Inventory turnover 2000 Bauman Company Industry average LG3 2–12 2001 2002 2003 6.3 6.8 7.0 6.4 10.6 11.2 10.8 11.0 Inventory management Wilkins Manufacturing has sales of $4 million and a gross profit margin of 40%. Its end-of-quarter inventories are Quarter Inventory 1 $ 400,000 2 800,000 3 1,200,000 4 200,000 a. Find the average quarterly inventory and use it to calculate the firm’s inventory turnover and the average age of inventory. b. Assuming that the company is in an industry with an average inventory turnover of 2.0, how would you evaluate the activity of Wilkins’ inventory? CHAPTER 2 LG3 2–13 Financial Statements and Analysis 83 Accounts receivable management An evaluation of the books of Blair Supply, which follows, gives the end-of-year accounts receivable balance, which is believed to consist of amounts originating in the months indicated. The company had annual sales of $2.4 million. The firm extends 30-day credit terms. Month of origin Amounts receivable July $ 3,875 August 2,000 September 34,025 October 15,100 November 52,000 December 193,000 $300,000 Year-end accounts receivable a. Use the year-end total to evaluate the firm’s collection system. b. If 70% of the firm’s sales occur between July and December, would this affect the validity of your conclusion in part a? Explain. LG3 2–14 Interpreting liquidity and activity ratios The new owners of Bluegrass Natural Foods, Inc., have hired you to help them diagnose and cure problems that the company has had in maintaining adequate liquidity. As a first step, you perform a liquidity analysis. You then do an analysis of the company’s short-term activity ratios. Your calculations and appropriate industry norms are listed. Ratio Bluegrass Industry norm Current ratio 4.5 4.0 Quick ratio 2.0 3.1 Inventory turnover 6.0 10.4 Average collection period 73 days 52 days Average payment period 31 days 40 days a. What recommendations relative to the amount and the handling of inventory could you make to the new owners? b. What recommendations relative to amount and handling of accounts receivable could you make to the new owners? c. What recommendations relative to amount and handling of accounts payable could you make to the new owners? d. What results, overall, would you hope your recommendations would achieve? Why might your recommendations not be effective? LG4 2–15 Debt analysis Springfield Bank is evaluating Creek Enterprises, which has requested a $4,000,000 loan, to assess the firm’s financial leverage and financial risk. On the basis of the debt ratios for Creek, along with the industry averages and Creek’s recent financial statements (which follow), evaluate and recommend appropriate action on the loan request. 84 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance Creek Enterprises Income Statement for the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Sales revenue $30,000,000 Less: Cost of goods sold 21,000,000 $ 9,000,000 Gross profits Less: Operating expenses Selling expense $3,000,000 General and administrative expenses Lease expense 1,800,000 200,000 Depreciation expense 1,000,000 Total operating expense Operating profits Less: Interest expense 6,000,000 $ 3,000,000 1,000,000 $ 2,000,000 Net profits before taxes 800,000 $ 1,200,000 Less: Taxes (rate = 40%) Net profits after taxes Less: Preferred stock dividends Earnings available for common stockholders 100,000 $ 1,100,000 Creek Enterprises Balance Sheet December 31, 2003 Assets Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity Current assets Cash Marketable securities Accounts receivable Inventories Total current assets Gross fixed assets (at cost)a Land and buildings Machinery and equipment Furniture and fixtures Gross fixed assets Less: Accumulated depreciation Net fixed assets Total assets aThe Current liabilities $ 1,000,000 3,000,000 12,000,000 7,500,000 $23,500,000 $11,000,000 20,500,000 Accounts payable $ 8,000,000 Notes payable Accruals Total current liabilities Long-term debt (includes financial leases)b Stockholders’ equity 8,000,000 500,000 $16,500,000 $20,000,000 Preferred stock (25,000 shares, $4 dividend) $ 2,500,000 8,000,000 $39,500,000 Common stock (1 million shares at $5 par) 5,000,000 Paid-in capital in excess of par value 4,000,000 13,000,000 $26,500,000 $50,000,000 Retained earnings Total stockholders’ equity Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity 2,000,000 $13,500,000 $50,000,000 firm has a 4-year financial lease requiring annual beginning-of-year payments of $200,000. Three years of the lease have yet to run. annual principal payments are $800,000. bRequired Note: Industry averages appear at the top of the following page. CHAPTER 2 Financial Statements and Analysis 85 Industry averages LG5 2–16 Debt ratio 0.51 Times interest earned ratio 7.30 Fixed-payment coverage ratio 1.85 Common-size statement analysis A common-size income statement for Creek Enterprises’ 2002 operations follows. Using the firm’s 2003 income statement presented in Problem 2–15, develop the 2003 common-size income statement and compare it to the 2002 statement. Which areas require further analysis and investigation? Creek Enterprises Common-size Income Statement for the Year Ended December 31, 2002 Sales revenue ($35,000,000) 100.0% Less: Cost of goods sold 65.9 34.1% Gross profits Less: Operating expenses Selling expense 12.7% General and administrative expenses 6.3 Lease expense 0.6 Depreciation expense 3 .6 Total operating expense Operating profits Less: Interest expense 1.5 9.4% Net profits before taxes Less: Taxes (rate 40%) 3.8 5.6% Net profits after taxes Less: Preferred stock dividends Earnings available for common stockholders LG4 LG5 2–17 23.2 10.9% 0.1 5.5% The relationship between financial leverage and profitability Pelican Paper, Inc., and Timberland Forest, Inc., are rivals in the manufacture of craft papers. Some financial statement values for each company follow. Use them in a ratio analysis that compares their financial leverage and profitability. Item Total assets Pelican Paper, Inc. Timberland Forest, Inc. $10,000,000 $10,000,000 Total equity (all common) 9,000,000 5,000,000 Total debt 1,000,000 5,000,000 100,000 500,000 Annual interest Total sales $25,000,000 $25,000,000 EBIT 6,250,000 6,250,000 Net income 3,690,000 3,450,000 86 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance a. Calculate the following debt and coverage ratios for the two companies. Discuss their financial risk and ability to cover the costs in relation to each other. (1) Debt ratio (2) Times interest earned ratio b. Calculate the following profitability ratios for the two companies. Discuss their profitability relative to each other. (1) Operating profit margin (2) Net profit margin (3) Return on total assets (4) Return on common equity c. In what way has the larger debt of Timberland Forest made it more profitable than Pelican Paper? What are the risks that Timberland’s investors undertake when they choose to purchase its stock instead of Pelican’s? LG6 2–18 Ratio proficiency McDougal Printing, Inc., had sales totaling $40,000,000 in fiscal year 2003. Some ratios for the company are listed below. Use this information to determine the dollar values of various income statement and balance sheet accounts as requested. McDougal Printing, Inc. Year Ended December 31, 2003 Sales $40,000,000 Gross profit margin 80% Operating profit margin 35% Net profit margin 8% Return on total assets 16% Return on common equity 20% Total asset turnover Average collection period 2 62.2 days Calculate values for the following: a. Gross profits b. Cost of goods sold c. Operating profits d. Operating expenses e. Earnings available for common stockholders f. Total assets g. Total common stock equity h. Accounts receivable LG6 2–19 Cross-sectional ratio analysis Use the following financial statements for Fox Manufacturing Company for the year ended December 31, 2003, along with the industry average ratios also given in what follows, to: a. Prepare and interpret a complete ratio analysis of the firm’s 2003 operations. b. Summarize your findings and make recommendations. CHAPTER 2 Financial Statements and Analysis Fox Manufacturing Company Income Statement for the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Sales revenue $600,000 Less: Cost of goods sold 460,000 $140,000 Gross profits Less: Operating expenses General and administrative expenses $30,000 Depreciation expense 30,000 Total operating expense Operating profits Less: Interest expense Net profits before taxes Less: Taxes Net profits after taxes (earnings available for common stockholders) Earnings per share (EPS) 60,000 $ 80,000 10,000 $ 70,000 27,100 $ 42,900 $2.15 Fox Manufacturing Company Balance Sheet December 31, 2003 Assets Cash Marketable securities Accounts receivable Inventories Total current assets Net fixed assets Total assets $ 15,000 7,200 34,100 82,000 $138,300 $270,000 $408,300 Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity Accounts payable Notes payable Accruals Total current liabilities Long-term debt Stockholders’ equity $ 57,000 13,000 5,000 $ 75,000 $150,000 Common stock equity (20,000 shares outstanding) $110,200 Retained earnings 73,100 $183,300 $408,300 Total stockholders’ equity Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity Note: Industry averages appear at the top of the following page. 87 88 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance Ratio Industry average, 2003 Current ratio Quick ratio Inventory turnover a Average collection perioda Total asset turnover Debt ratio Times interest earned ratio Gross profit margin Operating profit margin Net profit margin Return on total assets (ROA) Return on common equity (ROE) Earnings per share (EPS) aBased LG6 2–20 2.35 0.87 4.55 35.3 days 1.09 0.300 12.3 0.202 0.135 0.091 0.099 0.167 $3.10 on a 360-day year and on end-of-year figures. Financial statement analysis The financial statements of Zach Industries for the year ended December 31, 2003, follow. Zach Industries Income Statement for the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Zach Industries Balance Sheet December 31, 2003 Sales revenue $160,000 Less: Cost of goods sold 106,000 $ 54,000 Gross profits Less: Operating expenses Selling expense General and administrative expenses Lease expense Depreciation expense Total operating expense Operating profits Less: Interest expense Net profits before taxes Less: Taxes Net profits after taxes $ 16,000 10,000 1,000 10,000 $ 37,000 $ 17,000 6,100 $ 10,900 4,360 $ 6,540 Assets Cash Marketable securities Accounts receivable Inventories Total current assets Land Buildings and equipment Less: Accumulated depreciation Net fixed assets Total assets $ 500 1,000 25,000 45,500 $ 72,000 $ 26,000 90,000 38,000 $ 78,000 $150,000 Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity Accounts payable $ 22,000 Notes payable Long-term debt 47,000 $ 69,000 $ 22,950 Common stocka $ 31,500 Retained earnings $ 26,550 $150,000 Total current liabilities Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity aThe firm’s 3,000 outstanding shares of common stock closed 2003 at a price of $25 per share. CHAPTER 2 Financial Statements and Analysis 89 a. Use the preceding financial statements to complete the following table. Assume that the industry averages given in the table are applicable for both 2002 and 2003. Ratio Industry average Actual 2002 Actual 2003 Current ratio Quick ratio Inventory turnovera Average collection perioda Debt ratio Times interest earned ratio Gross profit margin Net profit margin Return on total assets Return on common equity Market/book ratio 1.80 0.70 2.50 37 days 65% 3.8 38% 3.5% 4.0% 9.5% 1.1 1.84 0.78 2.59 36 days 67% 4.0 40% 3.6% 4.0% 8.0% 1.2 aBased on a 360-day year and on end-of-year figures. b. Analyze Zach Industries’ financial condition as it is related to (1) liquidity, (2) activity, (3) debt, (4) profitability, and (5) market. Summarize the company’s overall financial condition. LG6 2–21 Integrative—Complete ratio analysis Given the following financial statements, historical ratios, and industry averages, calculate Sterling Company’s financial ratios for the most recent year. Analyze its overall financial situation from both a cross-sectional and a time-series viewpoint. Break your analysis into evaluations of the firm’s liquidity, activity, debt, profitability, and market. Sterling Company Income Statement for the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Sales revenue Less: Cost of goods sold Gross profits Less: Operating expenses Selling expense General and administrative expenses Lease expense Depreciation expense Total operating expense Operating profits Less: Interest expense Net profits before taxes Less: Taxes (rate = 40%) Net profits after taxes Less: Preferred stock dividends Earnings available for common stockholders Earnings per share (EPS) $10,000,000 7,500,000 $ 2,500,000 $300,000 650,000 50,000 200,000 1,200,000 $ 1,300,000 200,000 $ 1,100,000 440,000 $ 660,000 50,000 $ 610,000 $3.05 90 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance Sterling Company Balance Sheet December 31, 2003 Assets Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity Current assets Current liabilities Cash $ 200,000 Marketable securities 50,000 Accounts receivable 800,000 Inventories 950,000 $ 2,000,000 Total current assets Gross fixed assets (at cost)a $12,000,000 Less: Accumulated depreciation 3,000,000 Net fixed assets Other assets Total assets Accounts payableb $ 900,000 Notes payable 200,000 Accruals 100,000 $ 1,200,000 $ 3,000,000 Total current liabilities Long-term debt (includes financial leases)c Stockholders’ equity Preferred stock (25,000 shares, $2 dividend) $ 9,000,000 Common stock (200,000 shares at $3 par)d $ 1,000,000 $12,000,000 Paid-in capital in excess of par value $ 1,000,000 600,000 5,200,000 Retained earnings 1,000,000 $ 7,800,000 $12,000,000 Total stockholders’ equity Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity aThe firm has an 8-year financial lease requiring annual beginning-of-year payments of $50,000. Five years of the lease have yet to run. credit purchases of $6,200,000 were made during the year. cThe annual principal payment on the long-term debt is $100,000. dOn December 31, 2003, the firm’s common stock closed at $39.50 per share. bAnnual Historical and Industry Average Ratios for Sterling Company Ratio Actual 2001 Actual 2002 Industry average, 2003 Current ratio 1.40 1.55 1.85 Quick ratio 1.00 0.92 1.05 Inventory turnover 9.52 9.21 8.60 Average collection period 45.0 days 36.4 days 35.0 days Average payment period 58.5 days 60.8 days 45.8 days Total asset turnover 0.74 0.80 0.74 Debt ratio 0.20 0.20 0.30 Times interest earned ratio 8.2 7.3 8.0 Fixed-payment coverage ratio 4.5 4.2 4.2 Gross profit margin 0.30 0.27 0.25 Operating profit margin 0.12 0.12 0.10 Net profit margin 0.062 0.062 0.053 Return on total assets (ROA) 0.045 0.050 0.040 Return on common equity (ROE) 0.061 0.067 0.066 Earnings per share (EPS) $1.75 $2.20 $1.50 Price/earnings (P/E) ratio 12.0 10.5 11.2 Market/book (M/B) ratio 1.20 1.05 1.10 CHAPTER 2 LG6 2–22 Financial Statements and Analysis 91 Dupont system of analysis Use the following ratio information for Johnson International and the industry averages for Johnson’s line of business to: a. Construct the DuPont system of analysis for both Johnson and the industry. b. Evaluate Johnson (and the industry) over the 3-year period. c. Indicate in which areas Johnson requires further analysis. Why? 2001 2002 2003 Financial leverage multiplier 1.75 1.75 1.85 Net profit margin 0.059 0.058 0.049 Total asset turnover 2.11 2.18 2.34 Financial leverage multiplier 1.67 1.69 1.64 Net profit margin 0.054 0.047 0.041 Total asset turnover 2.05 2.13 2.15 Johnson Industry Averages LG6 2–23 Complete ratio analysis, recognizing significant differences Home Health, Inc., has come to Jane Ross for a yearly financial checkup. As a first step, Jane has prepared a complete set of ratios for fiscal years 2002 and 2003. She will use them to look for significant changes in the company’s situation from one year to the next. Home Health, Inc. Financial Ratios Ratio 2002 2003 Current ratio 3.25 3.00 Quick ratio 2.50 2.20 Inventory turnover 12.80 10.30 Average collection period 42 days 31 days Total asset turnover 1.40 2.00 Debt ratio 0.45 0.62 Times interest earned ratio 4.00 3.85 Gross profit margin 68% 65% Operating profit margin 14% 16% Net profit margin 8.3% 8.1% Return on total assets 11.6% 16.2% Return on common equity 21.1% 42.6% Price/earnings ratio 10.7 Market/book ratio 1.40 9.8 1.25 92 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance a. In order to focus on the degree of change, calculate the year-to-year proportional change by subtracting the year 2002 ratio from the year 2003 ratio, then dividing the difference by the year 2002 ratio. Multiply the result by 100. Preserve the positive or negative sign. The result is the percentage change in the ratio from 2002 to 2003. Calculate the proportional change for the ratios shown here. b. For any ratio that shows a year-to-year difference of 10% or more, state whether the difference is in the company’s favor or not. c. For the most significant changes (25% or more), look at the other ratios and cite at least one other change that may have contributed to the change in the ratio that you are discussing. CHAPTER 2 CASE Assessing Martin Manufacturing’s Current Financial Position T erri Spiro, an experienced budget analyst at Martin Manufacturing Company, has been charged with assessing the firm’s financial performance during 2003 and its financial position at year-end 2003. To complete this assignment, she gathered the firm’s 2003 financial statements, which follow. In addition, Terri obtained the firm’s ratio values for 2001 and 2002, along with the 2003 industry average ratios (also applicable to 2001 and 2002). These are presented in the table on page 94. Martin Manufacturing Company Income Statement for the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Sales revenue $5,075,000 Less: Cost of goods sold 3,704,000 $1,371,000 Gross profits Less: Operating expenses Selling expense General and administrative expenses Depreciation expense Total operating expense Operating profits Less: Interest expense Net profits before taxes Less: Taxes (rate 40%) Net profits after taxes Less: Preferred stock dividends Earnings available for common stockholders Earnings per share (EPS) $650,000 416,000 152,000 1,218,000 $ 153,000 93,000 $ 60,000 24,000 $ 36,000 3,000 $ 33,000 $0.33 CHAPTER 2 Financial Statements and Analysis Martin Manufacturing Company Balance Sheets December 31 Assets 2003 2002 Current assets Cash $ Accounts receivable Inventories Total current assets Gross fixed assets (at cost) Less: Accumulated depreciation Net fixed assets Total assets 25,000 $ 24,100 805,556 763,900 700,625 $1,531,181 $2,093,819 763,445 $1,551,445 $1,691,707 500,000 $1,593,819 $3,125,000 348,000 $1,343,707 $2,895,152 $ 230,000 $ 400,500 Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity Current liabilities Accounts payable Notes payable Accruals Total current liabilities Long-term debt Total liabilities Stockholders’ equity Preferred stock (2,500 shares, $1.20 dividend) Common stock (100,000 shares at $4 par)a Paid-in capital in excess of par value Retained earnings Total stockholders’ equity Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity 311,000 370,000 75,000 $ 616,000 100,902 $ 871,402 $1,165,250 $1,781,250 $ 700,000 $1,571,402 $ $ 50,000 400,000 50,000 400,000 593,750 593,750 300,000 $1,343,750 $3,125,000 280,000 $1,323,750 $2,895,152 aThe firm’s 100,000 outstanding shares of common stock closed 2003 at a price of $11.38 per share. Note: Industry historical ratios appear at the top of the following page. 93 94 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance Martin Manufacturing Company Historical ratios Ratio Actual 2001 Actual 2002 Current ratio 1.7 1.8 Quick ratio 1.0 0.9 Inventory turnover (times) 5.2 5.0 Average collection period Total asset turnover (times) 50 days 55 days 1.5 1.5 45.8% 54.3% 2.2 1.9 27.5% 28.0% Net profit margin 1.1% 1.0% Return on total assets (ROA) 1.7% 1.5% Return on common equity (ROE) 3.1% 3.3% Debt ratio Times interest earned ratio Gross profit margin Price/earnings (P/E) ratio 33.5 38.7 Market/book (M/B) ratio 1.0 1.1 Actual 2003 Industry average 2003 1.5 1.2 10.2 46 days 2.0 24.5% 2.5 26.0% 1.2% 2.4% 3.2% 43.4 1.2 Required a. Calculate the firm’s 2003 financial ratios, and then fill in the preceding table. b. Analyze the firm’s current financial position from both a cross-sectional and a time-series viewpoint. Break your analysis into evaluations of the firm’s liquidity, activity, debt, profitability, and market. c. Summarize the firm’s overall financial position on the basis of your findings in part b. WEB EXERCISE WW W Go to Web site On the left side of the Yahoo! home page screen, click on the Finance category under Business and Economy. On the next screen click on Y! Finance. Using this screen, click on Symbol Lookup and find the symbol for Southwest Airlines. Click on this symbol to find the latest trading data for Southwest Airlines. 1. What was the selling price for the last sale of Southwest’s common stock? How much in dollars per share was the change? 2. What was the number of shares sold in this trade? In the More Info box, you will see Profile. Click on it, and scroll down to Statistics at a Glance. 3. What was the amount of Southwest’s sales? What was its after-tax income? 4. What were Southwest’s earnings per share? What was its book value per share? CHAPTER 2 Financial Statements and Analysis 95 5. How many shares of stock does Southwest have outstanding? 6. What were the values of the following ratios for Southwest? a. Current ratio b. Operating profit margin c. Debt/equity ratio d. Return on equity e. What other information would you need to evaluate Southwest’s financial performance on the basis of these ratios? 7. Find More from Market Guide and click on Ratio Comparisons. Using these data, summarize Southwest’s performance. Remember to check the book’s Web site at for additional resources, including additional Web exercises. CHAPTER 3 CASH FLOW AND FINANCIAL PLANNING L E A R N I N G LG1 LG2 LG3 Understand the effect of depreciation on the firm’s cash flows, the depreciable value of an asset, its depreciable life, and tax depreciation methods. Discuss the firm’s statement of cash flows, operating cash flow, and free cash flow. Understand the financial planning process, including long-term (strategic) financial plans and short-term (operating) financial plans. G O A L S LG4 LG5 LG6 Discuss the cash-planning process and the preparation, evaluation, and use of the cash budget. Explain the simplified procedures used to prepare and evaluate the pro forma income statement and the pro forma balance sheet. Cite the weaknesses of the simplified approaches to pro forma financial statement preparation and the common uses of pro forma statements. Across the Disciplines WHY THIS CHAPTER MATTERS TO YO U Accounting: You need to understand how depreciation is used for both tax and financial reporting purposes; how to develop the statement of cash flows; the primacy of cash flows, rather than accruals, in financial decision making; and how pro forma financial statements are used within the firm. Information systems: You need to understand the data that must be kept to record depreciation for tax and financial reporting; the information needs for strategic and operating plans; and what data are needed as inputs for cash-planning and profit-planning modules. Management: You need to understand the difference between strategic and operating plans, and the role of each; the impor- 96 tance of focusing on the firm’s cash flows; and how use of pro forma statements can head off trouble for the firm. Marketing: You need to understand the central role that marketing plays in formulating the firm’s long-term, strategic plans, and the importance of the sales forecast as the key input for both cash planning and profit planning. Operations: You need to understand how depreciation affects the value of the firm’s plant assets; how the results of operations are captured in the statement of cash flows; that operations are monitored primarily in the firm’s short-term financial plans; and the distinction between fixed and variable operating costs. BEST BUY PLANNING THAT “BEST BUY” t’s tempting for companies to focus on short-term profitability, especially when Wall Street is watching earnings reports, looking for any signs of weakness that could send the stock plummeting. This was the dilemma facing the executive team at Best Buy, a specialty retailer of consumer electronics, home office equipment, entertainment software, and appliances. After four straight years of profits in this competitive retail business, revenues and quarterly earnings were falling as the economy started to downshift in fall 2000. On the planning boards was an expansion strategy that included acquiring the Musicland chain, using Best Buy stock to do so. As the stock price fell, some top managers urged founder and CEO Richard Schulze to retrench and focus on the chain’s over 400 existing stores. Instead of putting Best Buy’s growth on hold, Schulze went forward as planned. He was convinced that this was the best long-term strategy for the company, which was financially sound. Careful planning had given Best Buy a $1 billion “war chest,” so Schulze could buy Musicland with cash and the assumption of its debt. Best Buy also bought a Seattle chain, Magnolia Hi-Fi, for cash. Some company officers were concerned about buying Musicland when the company’s stock price was down. “It doesn’t change why we think this is a good deal,” Schulze pointed out. The acquisition was important to Best Buy’s future plans. Musicland, which also owned the Sam Goody chain, had 1,300 stores. Most were smaller than the typical Best Buy “big-box” store. Their mall and small-town locations brought a different customer base to the company, providing a way to reach new types of customers and gain further leverage with suppliers. Nor did the company neglect short-term planning. To boost productivity and reduce labor costs during the downturn, Best Buy cut sales staff during off-peak hours. It found ways to improve inventory management as well. With these plans in place, earnings were up in the fourth quarter of 2000, and the company reported record sales and a 20 percent increase in gross margin. Despite the risks involved in taking this aggressive path, Schulze is more concerned with positioning Best Buy for the future. Opening new stores means higher expenses in the short term. But he is confident that he made the right decision in sticking with the company’s long-term strategy to become the world’s biggest consumer electronics chain. “Acquisitions and new strategies need to be developed even when the economy is a little soft,” says Schulze. “You have to keep investing in yourself, and that’s what we’re doing.” This chapter focuses on the concept of cash flows and their use in the financial planning process. I 97 98 PART 1 LG1 Introduction to Managerial Finance LG2 3.1 Analyzing the Firm’s Cash Flow Cash flow, the lifeblood of the firm, is the primary focus of the financial manager both in managing day-to-day finances and in planning and making strategic decisions aimed at creation of shareholder value. An important factor affecting a firm’s cash flow is depreciation (and any other noncash charges). From an accounting perspective, a firm’s cash flows can be summarized in the statement of cash flows, which was described in Chapter 2. From a strict financial perspective, firms often focus on both operating cash flow, which is used in managerial decision making, and free cash flow, which is closely watched by participants in the capital market. We begin our analysis of cash flow by considering the key aspects of depreciation, which is closely related to the firm’s cash flow. Depreciation depreciation The systematic charging of a portion of the costs of fixed assets against annual revenues over time. modified accelerated cost recovery system (MACRS) System used to determine the depreciation of assets for tax purposes. Business firms are permitted for tax and financial reporting purposes to charge a portion of the costs of fixed assets systematically against annual revenues. This allocation of historical cost over time is called depreciation. For tax purposes, the depreciation of business assets is regulated by the Internal Revenue Code. Because the objectives of financial reporting are sometimes different from those of tax legislation, firms often use different depreciation methods for financial reporting than those required for tax purposes. Tax laws are used to accomplish economic goals such as providing incentives for business investment in certain types of assets, whereas the objectives of financial reporting are of course quite different. Keeping two different sets of records for these two different purposes is legal. Depreciation for tax purposes is determined by using the modified accelerated cost recovery system (MACRS); a variety of depreciation methods are available for financial reporting purposes. Before we discuss the methods of depreciating an asset, you must understand the depreciable value of an asset and the depreciable life of an asset. Depreciable Value of an Asset Under the basic MACRS procedures, the depreciable value of an asset (the amount to be depreciated) is its full cost, including outlays for installation.1 No adjustment is required for expected salvage value. EXAMPLE Baker Corporation acquired a new machine at a cost of $38,000, with installation costs of $2,000. Regardless of its expected salvage value, the depreciable value of the machine is $40,000: $38,000 cost $2,000 installation cost. Depreciable Life of an Asset depreciable life Time period over which an asset is depreciated. The time period over which an asset is depreciated—its depreciable life—can significantly affect the pattern of cash flows. The shorter the depreciable life, the more quickly the cash flow created by the depreciation write-off will be received. Given the financial manager’s preference for faster receipt of cash flows, a shorter 1. Land values are not depreciable. Therefore, to determine the depreciable value of real estate, the value of the land is subtracted from the cost of real estate. In other words, only buildings and other improvements are depreciable. CHAPTER 3 TABLE 3.1 Property class (recovery period) 99 First Four Property Classes Under MACRS Definition 3 years Research equipment and certain special tools. 5 years Computers, typewriters, copiers, duplicating equipment, cars, lightduty trucks, qualified technological equipment, and similar assets. 7 years Office furniture, fixtures, most manufacturing equipment, railroad track, and single-purpose agricultural and horticultural structures. 10 years recovery period The appropriate depreciable life of a particular asset as determined by MACRS. Cash Flow and Financial Planning Equipment used in petroleum refining or in the manufacture of tobacco products and certain food products. depreciable life is preferred to a longer one. However, the firm must abide by certain Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requirements for determining depreciable life. These MACRS standards, which apply to both new and used assets, require the taxpayer to use as an asset’s depreciable life the appropriate MACRS recovery period.2 There are six MACRS recovery periods—3, 5, 7, 10, 15, and 20 years— excluding real estate. It is customary to refer to the property classes, in accordance with their recovery periods, as 3-, 5-, 7-, 10-, 15-, and 20-year property. The first four property classes—those routinely used by business—are defined in Table 3.1. Depreciation Methods For financial reporting purposes, a variety of depreciation methods (straight-line, double-declining balance, and sum-of-the-years’-digits3) can be used. For tax purposes, using MACRS recovery periods, assets in the first four property classes are depreciated by the double-declining balance (200 percent) method, using the halfyear convention and switching to straight-line when advantageous. Although tables of depreciation percentages are not provided by law, the approximate percentages (rounded to the nearest whole percent) written off each year for the first four property classes are shown in Table 3.2. Rather than using the percentages in the table, the firm can either use straight-line depreciation over the asset’s recovery period with the half-year convention or use the alternative depreciation system. For purposes of this text, we will use the MACRS depreciation percentages, because they generally provide for the fastest write-off and therefore the best cash flow effects for the profitable firm. Because MACRS requires use of the half-year convention, assets are assumed to be acquired in the middle of the year, and therefore only one-half of the first year’s depreciation is recovered in the first year. As a result, the final half-year of depreciation is recovered in the year immediately following the asset’s stated recovery period. In Table 3.2, the depreciation percentages for an n-year class asset are given for n 1 years. For example, a 5-year asset is depreciated over 6 recovery years. The application of the tax depreciation percentages given in Table 3.2 can be demonstrated by a simple example. 2. An exception occurs in the case of assets depreciated under the alternative depreciation system. For convenience, in this text we ignore the depreciation of assets under this system. 3. For a review of these depreciation methods as well as other aspects of financial reporting, see any recently published financial accounting text. 100 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance TABLE 3.2 Rounded Depreciation Percentages by Recovery Year Using MACRS for First Four Property Classes Percentage by recovery yeara Recovery year 3 years 5 years 7 years 10 years 1 33% 20% 14% 10% 2 45 32 25 18 3 15 19 18 14 4 7 12 12 12 5 12 9 9 6 5 9 8 7 9 7 8 4 6 9 6 10 6 11 4 1 0 0 % 1 00 % Totals 10 0% 10 0% aThese percentages have been rounded to the nearest whole percent to simplify calculations while retaining realism. To calculate the actual depreciation for tax purposes, be sure to apply the actual unrounded percentages or directly apply double-declining balance (200%) depreciation using the halfyear convention. EXAMPLE Baker Corporation acquired, for an installed cost of $40,000, a machine having a recovery period of 5 years. Using the applicable percentages from Table 3.2, Baker calculates the depreciation in each year as follows: Percentages (from Table 3.2) (2) Depreciation [(1) (2)] (3) Year Cost (1) 1 $40,000 2 40,000 32 12,800 3 40,000 19 7,600 4 40,000 12 4,800 5 40,000 12 4,800 6 40,000 5 1 0 0 % Totals 20% $ 8,000 2,000 $ 4 0 ,0 0 0 Column 3 shows that the full cost of the asset is written off over 6 recovery years. Because financial managers focus primarily on cash flows, only tax depreciation methods will be utilized throughout this textbook. CHAPTER 3 Cash Flow and Financial Planning 101 Developing the Statement of Cash Flows The statement of cash flows, introduced in Chapter 2, summarizes the firm’s cash flow over a given period of time. Before discussing the statement and its interpretation, we will review the cash flow through the firm and the classification of inflows and outflows of cash. Hint Remember that in finance, cash is king. Income statement profits are good, but they don’t pay the bills, nor do asset owners accept them in place of cash. FIGURE 3.1 The Firm’s Cash Flows Figure 3.1 illustrates the firm’s cash flows. Note that marketable securities are considered the same as cash because of their highly liquid nature. Both cash and marketable securities represent a reservoir of liquidity that is increased by cash Cash Flows The firm’s cash flows (1) Operating Flows Accrued Wages Labor Raw Materials (2) Investment Flows Payment of Accruals Accounts Payable Payment of Credit Purchases Purchase Fixed Assets Sale Depreciation Work in Process Overhead Expenses Business Interests Finished Goods Purchase Sale Cash and Marketable Securities Operating (incl. Depreciation) and Interest Expense (3) Financing Flows Borrowing Payment Taxes Repayment Refund Sales Cash Sales Sale of Stock Repurchase of Stock Payment of Cash Dividends Accounts Receivable Collection of Credit Sales Debt (Short-Term and Long-Term) Equity 102 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance operating flows Cash flows directly related to sale and production of the firm’s products and services. investment flows Cash flows associated with purchase and sale of both fixed assets and business interests. financing flows Cash flows that result from debt and equity financing transactions; includes incurrence and repayment of debt, cash inflow from the sale of stock, and cash outflows to pay cash dividends or repurchase stock. inflows and decreased by cash outflows. Also note that the firm’s cash flows can be divided into (1) operating flows, (2) investment flows, and (3) financing flows. The operating flows are cash inflows and outflows directly related to sale and production of the firm’s products and services. Investment flows are cash flows associated with purchase and sale of both fixed assets and business interests. Clearly, purchase transactions would result in cash outflows, whereas sales transactions would generate cash inflows. The financing flows result from debt and equity financing transactions. Incurring (or repaying) either short-term or longterm debt would result in a corresponding cash inflow (or outflow). Similarly, the sale of stock would result in a cash inflow; the payment of cash dividends or repurchase of stock would result in a financing outflow. In combination, the firm’s operating, investment, and financing cash flows during a given period affect the firm’s cash and marketable securities balances. Classifying Inflows and Outflows of Cash The statement of cash flows in effect summarizes the inflows and outflows of cash during a given period. Table 3.3 classifies the basic inflows (sources) and outflows (uses) of cash. For example, if a firm’s accounts payable increased by $1,000 during the year, the change would be an inflow of cash. If the firm’s inventory increased by $2,500, the change would be an outflow of cash. A few additional points can be made with respect to the classification scheme in Table 3.3: noncash charge An expense deducted on the income statement but does not involve the actual outlay of cash during the period; includes depreciation, amortization, and depletion. 1. A decrease in an asset, such as the firm’s cash balance, is an inflow of cash, because cash that has been tied up in the asset is released and can be used for some other purpose, such as repaying a loan. On the other hand, an increase in the firm’s cash balance is an outflow of cash, because additional cash is being tied up in the firm’s cash balance. 2. Depreciation (like amortization and depletion) is a noncash charge—an expense that is deducted on the income statement but does not involve the actual outlay of cash during the period. Because it shields the firm from taxes by lowering taxable income, the noncash charge is considered a cash inflow. From a strict accounting perspective, adding depreciation back to the firm’s net profits after taxes gives cash flow from operations: Cash flow from operations Net profits after taxes Depreciation and other noncash charges TABLE 3.3 The Inflows and Outflows of Cash Inflows (sources) Outflows (uses) Decrease in any asset Increase in any asset Increase in any liability Decrease in any liability Net profits after taxes Net loss Depreciation and other noncash charges Dividends paid Sale of stock Repurchase or retirement of stock (3.1) CHAPTER 3 Cash Flow and Financial Planning 103 Note that a firm can have a net loss (negative net profits after taxes) and still have positive cash flow from operations when depreciation (and other noncash charges) during the period are greater than the net loss. In the statement of cash flows, net profits after taxes (or net losses) and depreciation (and other noncash charges) are therefore treated as separate entries. 3. Because depreciation is treated as a separate cash inflow, only gross rather than net changes in fixed assets appear on the statement of cash flows. This treatment avoids the potential double counting of depreciation. 4. Direct entries of changes in retained earnings are not included on the statement of cash flows. Instead, entries for items that affect retained earnings appear as net profits or losses after taxes and dividends paid. Preparing the Statement of Cash Flows The statement of cash flows for a given period is developed using the income statement for the period, along with the beginning- and end-of-period balance sheets. The income statement for the year ended December 31, 2003, and the December 31 balance sheets for 2002 and 2003 for Baker Corporation are given in Tables 3.4 and 3.5, respectively. The statement of cash flows for the year TABLE 3.4 Baker Corporation Income Statement ($000) for the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Sales revenue $1,700 Less: Cost of goods sold 1 ,0 0 0 $ 7 0 0 Gross profits Less: Operating expenses Selling expense General and administrative expense Lease expensea Depreciation expense Total operating expense $ 70 120 40 100 3 3 0 Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) $ 370 Less: Interest expense 7 0 $ 300 Net profits before taxes Less: Taxes (rate 40%) Net profits after taxes Less: Preferred stock dividends Earnings available for common stockholders Earnings per share (EPS)b aLease 120 $ 180 1 0 $ 1 7 0 $1.70 expense is shown here as a separate item rather than included as interest expense as specified by the FASB for financialreporting purposes. The approach used here is consistent with taxreporting rather than financial-reporting procedures. bCalculated by dividing the earnings available for common stockholders by the number of shares of common stock outstanding ($170,000 100,000 shares $1.70 per share). 104 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance TABLE 3.5 Baker Corporation Balance Sheets ($000) December 31 Assets 2003 2002 $ 400 $ 300 600 200 Current assets Cash Marketable securities Accounts receivable Inventories Total current assets Gross fixed assets (at cost) Land and buildings 400 500 6 0 0 $2,000 9 0 0 $1,900 $1,200 $1,050 Machinery and equipment 850 800 Furniture and fixtures 300 220 Vehicles 100 80 5 0 $2,500 5 0 $2,200 1,300 $ 1 ,2 0 0 $ 3 , 2 0 0 1,200 $ 1 ,0 0 0 $ 2 , 9 0 0 $ 700 $ 500 Other (includes certain leases) Total gross fixed assets (at cost) Less: Accumulated depreciation Net fixed assets Total assets Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity Current liabilities Accounts payable Notes payable Accruals Total current liabilities Long-term debt Total liabilities Stockholders’ equity Preferred stock 600 700 100 $1,400 200 $1,400 $ 00 6 $2,000 $ 4 0 0 $1,800 $ 100 $ 100 Common stock—$1.20 par, 100,000 shares outstanding in 2003 and 2002 120 120 Paid-in capital in excess of par on common stock 380 380 6 0 0 $1,200 $3,2 00 5 0 0 $1,100 $ 2,9 00 Retained earnings Total stockholders’ equity Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity ended December 31, 2003, for Baker Corporation is presented in Table 3.6. Note that all cash inflows as well as net profits after taxes and depreciation are treated as positive values. All cash outflows, any losses, and dividends paid are treated as negative values. The items in each category—operating, investment, and financing—are totaled, and the three totals are added to get the “Net increase (decrease) in cash and marketable securities” for the period. As a CHAPTER 3 TABLE 3.6 Cash Flow and Financial Planning 105 Baker Corporation Statement of Cash Flows ($000) for the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Cash Flow from Operating Activities Net profits after taxes Depreciation $180 100 Decrease in accounts receivable 100 Decrease in inventories 300 Increase in accounts payable Decrease in accruals Cash provided by operating activities 200 ( 100)a $780 Cash Flow from Investment Activities Increase in gross fixed assets ($300) Changes in business interests 0 Cash provided by investment activities ( 300) Cash Flow from Financing Activities Decrease in notes payable ($100) Increase in long-term debts 200 Changes in stockholders’ equityb Dividends paid Cash provided by financing activities Net increase in cash and marketable securities 0 (8 0 ) 20 $ 5 00 aAs is customary, parentheses are used to denote a negative number, which in this case is a cash outflow. bRetained earnings are excluded here, because their change is actually reflected in the combination of the “Net profits after taxes” and “Dividends paid” entries. check, this value should reconcile with the actual change in cash and marketable securities for the year, which is obtained from the beginning- and endof-period balance sheets. Interpreting the Statement The statement of cash flows allows the financial manager and other interested parties to analyze the firm’s cash flow. The manager should pay special attention both to the major categories of cash flow and to the individual items of cash inflow and outflow, to assess whether any developments have occurred that are contrary to the company’s financial policies. In addition, the statement can be used to evaluate progress toward projected goals or to isolate inefficiencies. For example, increases in accounts receivable or inventories resulting in major cash outflows may signal credit or inventory problems, respectively. The financial manager also can prepare a statement of cash flows developed from projected financial statements. This approach can be used to determine whether planned actions are desirable in view of the resulting cash flows. An understanding of the basic financial principles presented throughout this text is absolutely essential to the effective interpretation of the statement of cash flows. 106 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance Operating Cash Flow operating cash flow (OCF) The cash flow a firm generates from its normal operations; calculated as EBIT taxes depreciation. A firm’s operating cash flow (OCF) is the cash flow it generates from its normal operations—producing and selling its output of goods or services. A variety of definitions of OCF can be found in the financial literature. Equation 3.1 introduced the simple accounting definition of cash flow from operations. Here we refine this definition to estimate cash flows more accurately. Unlike the earlier definition, this one excludes interest and taxes in order to focus on the true cash flow resulting from operations without regard to financing costs and taxes. Operating cash flow (OCF) is defined in Equation 3.2. OCF EBIT Taxes Depreciation EXAMPLE (3.2) Substituting the values for Baker Corporation from its income statement (Table 3.4) into Equation 3.2, we get OCF $370 $120 $100 $350 Baker Corporation during 2003 generated $350,000 of cash flow from producing and selling its output. Because Baker’s operating cash flow is positive, we can conclude that the firm’s operations are generating positive cash flows. Comparing Equations 3.1 and 3.2 reveals that the key difference between the accounting and finance definitions of operating cash flow is that the finance definition excludes interest as an operating flow, whereas the accounting definition in effect includes it as an operating flow. In the unlikely case that a firm had no interest expense, the accounting (Equation 3.1) and finance (Equation 3.2) definitions of operating cash flow would be the same. Free Cash Flow free cash flow (FCF) The amount of cash flow available to investors (creditors and owners) after the firm has met all operating needs and paid for investments in net fixed assets and net current assets. The firm’s free cash flow (FCF) represents the amount of cash flow available to investors—the providers of debt (creditors) and equity (owners)—after the firm has met all operating needs and paid for investments in net fixed assets and net current assets. It represents the summation of the net amount of cash flow available to creditors and owners during the period. Free cash flow can be defined by Equation 3.3. FCF OCF Net fixed asset investment (NFAI) Net current asset investment (NCAI) (3.3) The net fixed asset investment (NFAI) can be calculated as shown in Equation 3.4. NFAI Change in net fixed assets Depreciation EXAMPLE (3.4) Using the Baker Corporation’s balance sheets in Table 3.5, we see that its change in net fixed assets between 2002 and 2003 was $200 ($1,200 in 2003 $1,000 in 2002). Substituting this value and the $100 of depreciation for 2003 into Equation 3.4, we get Baker’s net fixed asset investment (NFAI) for 2003: NFAI $200 $100 $300 Baker Corporation therefore invested a net $300,000 in fixed assets during 2003. This amount would, of course, represent a net cash outflow to acquire fixed assets during 2003. CHAPTER 3 Cash Flow and Financial Planning 107 Looking at Equation 3.4, we can see that if the depreciation during a year is less than the decrease during that year in net fixed assets, the NFAI would be negative. A negative NFAI represents a net cash inflow attributable to the fact that the firm sold more assets than it acquired during the year. The net current asset investment (NCAI) represents the net investment made by the firm in its current (operating) assets. “Net” refers to the difference between current assets and spontaneous current liabilities, which typically include accounts payable and accruals. Because they are a negotiated source of short-term financing, notes payable are not included in the NCAI calculation. Instead, they serve as a creditor claim on the firm’s free cash flow. Equation 3.5 shows the NCAI calculation. NCAI Change in current assets Change in spontaneous current liabilities (Accounts payable Accruals) EXAMPLE (3.5) Looking at the Baker Corporation’s balance sheets for 2002 and 2003 in Table 3.5, we see that the change in current assets between 2002 and 2003 is $100 ($2,000 in 2003 $1,900 in 2002). The difference between Baker’s accounts payable plus accruals of $800 in 2003 ($700 in accounts payable $100 in accruals) and of $700 in 2002 ($500 in accounts payable $200 in accruals) is $100 ($800 in 2003 $700 in 2002). Substituting into Equation 3.5 the change in current assets and the change in the sum of accounts payable plus accruals for Baker Corporation, we get its 2003 NCAI: NCAI $100 $100 $0 This means that during 2003 Baker Corporation made no investment ($0) in its current assets net of spontaneous current liabilities. Now we can substitute Baker Corporation’s 2003 operating cash flow (OCF) of $350, its net fixed asset investment (NFAI) of $300, and its net current asset investment (NCAI) of $0 into Equation 3.3 to find its free cash flow (FCF): FCF $350 $300 $0 $50 We can see that during 2003 Baker generated $50,000 of free cash flow, which it can use to pay its investors—creditors (payment of interest) and owners (payment of dividends). Thus, the firm generated adequate cash flow to cover all of its operating costs and investments and had free cash flow available to pay investors. Further analysis of free cash flow is beyond the scope of this initial introduction to cash flow. Clearly, cash flow is the lifeblood of the firm. We next consider various aspects of financial planning for cash flow and profit. Review Questions 3–1 3–2 Briefly describe the first four modified accelerated cost recovery system (MACRS) property classes and recovery periods. Explain how the depreciation percentages are determined by using the MACRS recovery periods. Describe the overall cash flow through the firm in terms of operating flows, investments flows, and financing flows. 108 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance 3–3 3–4 3–5 3–6 LG3 Explain why a decrease in cash is classified as a cash inflow (source) and why an increase in cash is classified as a cash outflow (use) in preparing the statement of cash flows. Why is depreciation (as well as amortization and depletion) considered a noncash charge? How do accountants estimate cash flow from operations? Describe the general format of the statement of cash flows. How are cash inflows differentiated from cash outflows on this statement? From a strict financial perspective, define and differentiate between a firm’s operating cash flow (OCF) and its free cash flow (FCF). 3.2 The Financial Planning Process financial planning process Planning that begins with longterm, or strategic, financial plans that in turn guide the formulation of short-term, or operating, plans and budgets. Financial planning is an important aspect of the firm’s operations because it provides road maps for guiding, coordinating, and controlling the firm’s actions to achieve its objectives. Two key aspects of the financial planning process are cash planning and profit planning. Cash planning involves preparation of the firm’s cash budget. Profit planning involves preparation of pro forma statements. Both the cash budget and the pro forma statements are useful for internal financial planning; they also are routinely required by existing and prospective lenders. The financial planning process begins with long-term, or strategic, financial plans. These in turn guide the formulation of short-term, or operating, plans and budgets. Generally, the short-term plans and budgets implement the firm’s longterm strategic objectives. Although the remainder of this chapter places primary emphasis on short-term financial plans and budgets, a few preliminary comments on long-term financial plans are in order. Long-Term (Strategic) Financial Plans long-term (strategic) financial plans Lay out a company’s planned financial actions and the anticipated impact of those actions over periods ranging from 2 to 10 years. Long-term (strategic) financial plans lay out a company’s planned financial actions and the anticipated impact of those actions over periods ranging from 2 to 10 years. Five-year strategic plans, which are revised as significant new information becomes available, are common. Generally, firms that are subject to high degrees of operating uncertainty, relatively short production cycles, or both, tend to use shorter planning horizons. Long-term financial plans are part of an integrated strategy that, along with production and marketing plans, guides the firm toward strategic goals. Those long-term plans consider proposed outlays for fixed assets, research and development activities, marketing and product development actions, capital structure, and major sources of financing. Also included would be termination of existing projects, product lines, or lines of business; repayment or retirement of outstanding debts; and any planned acquisitions. Such plans tend to be supported by a series of annual budgets and profit plans. Short-Term (Operating) Financial Plans short-term (operating) financial plans Specify short-term financial actions and the anticipated impact of those actions. Short-term (operating) financial plans specify short-term financial actions and the anticipated impact of those actions. These plans most often cover a 1- to 2-year period. Key inputs include the sales forecast and various forms of operating and financial data. Key outputs include a number of operating budgets, the cash bud- CHAPTER 3 FIGURE 3.2 Cash Flow and Financial Planning 109 Short-Term Financial Planning The short-term (operating) financial planning process Information Needed Sales Forecast Output for Analysis Production Plans Long-Term Financing Plan Pro Forma Income Statement Cash Budget Fixed Asset Outlay Plan CurrentPeriod Balance Sheet Pro Forma Balance Sheet Hint Electronic spreadsheets such as Excel and Lotus 1–2–3 are widely used to streamline the process of preparing and evaluating these short-term financial planning statements. get, and pro forma financial statements. The entire short-term financial planning process is outlined in Figure 3.2. Short-term financial planning begins with the sales forecast. From it, production plans are developed that take into account lead (preparation) times and include estimates of the required raw materials. Using the production plans, the firm can estimate direct labor requirements, factory overhead outlays, and operating expenses. Once these estimates have been made, the firm’s pro forma income statement and cash budget can be prepared. With the basic inputs (pro forma income statement, cash budget, fixed asset outlay plan, long-term financing plan, and current-period balance sheet), the pro forma balance sheet can finally be developed. Throughout the remainder of this chapter, we will concentrate on the key outputs of the short-term financial planning process: the cash budget, the pro forma income statement, and the pro forma balance sheet. Review Questions 3–7 3–8 What is the financial planning process? Contrast long-term (strategic) financial plans and short-term (operating) financial plans. Which three statements result as part of the short-term (operating) financial planning process? 110 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance LG4 3.3 Cash Planning: Cash Budgets cash budget (cash forecast) A statement of the firm’s planned inflows and outflows of cash that is used to estimate its short-term cash requirements. The cash budget, or cash forecast, is a statement of the firm’s planned inflows and outflows of cash. It is used by the firm to estimate its short-term cash requirements, with particular attention to planning for surplus cash and for cash shortages. Typically, the cash budget is designed to cover a 1-year period, divided into smaller time intervals. The number and type of intervals depend on the nature of the business. The more seasonal and uncertain a firm’s cash flows, the greater the number of intervals. Because many firms are confronted with a seasonal cash flow pattern, the cash budget is quite often presented on a monthly basis. Firms with stable patterns of cash flow may use quarterly or annual time intervals. The Sales Forecast sales forecast The prediction of the firm’s sales over a given period, based on external and/or internal data; used as the key input to the short-term financial planning process. external forecast A sales forecast based on the relationships observed between the firm’s sales and certain key external economic indicators. internal forecast A sales forecast based on a buildup, or consensus, of sales forecasts through the firm’s own sales channels. Hint The firm needs to spend a great deal of time and effort to make the sales forecast as precise as possible. An “after-the-fact” analysis of the prior year’s forecast can help the firm determine which approach or combination of approaches will give it the most accurate forecasts. The key input to the short-term financial planning process is the firm’s sales forecast. This prediction of the firm’s sales over a given period is ordinarily prepared by the marketing department. On the basis of the sales forecast, the financial manager estimates the monthly cash flows that will result from projected sales receipts and from outlays related to production, inventory, and sales. The manager also determines the level of fixed assets required and the amount of financing, if any, needed to support the forecast level of sales and production. In practice, obtaining good data is the most difficult aspect of forecasting.4 The sales forecast may be based on an analysis of external data, internal data, or a combination of the two. An external forecast is based on the relationships observed between the firm’s sales and certain key external economic indicators such as the gross domestic product (GDP), new housing starts, consumer confidence, and disposable personal income. Forecasts containing these indicators are readily available. Because the firm’s sales are often closely related to some aspect of overall national economic activity, a forecast of economic activity should provide insight into future sales. Internal forecasts are based on a buildup, or consensus, of sales forecasts through the firm’s own sales channels. Typically, the firm’s salespeople in the field are asked to estimate how many units of each type of product they expect to sell in the coming year. These forecasts are collected and totaled by the sales manager, who may adjust the figures using knowledge of specific markets or of the salesperson’s forecasting ability. Finally, adjustments may be made for additional internal factors, such as production capabilities. Firms generally use a combination of external and internal forecast data to make the final sales forecast. The internal data provide insight into sales expectations, and the external data provide a means of adjusting these expectations to take into account general economic factors. The nature of the firm’s product also often affects the mix and types of forecasting methods used. 4. Calculation of the various forecasting techniques, such as regression, moving averages, and exponential smoothing, is not included in this text. For a description of the technical side of forecasting, refer to a basic statistics, econometrics, or management science text. CHAPTER 3 TABLE 3.7 111 Cash Flow and Financial Planning The General Format of the Cash Budget Jan. Feb. Cash receipts $XXX $XXG Less: Cash disbursements X X A $XXB X X H $XXI ... XXC $XXD XXD $XXJ X X E X X K $XXL Net cash flow Add: Beginning cash Ending cash Less: Minimum cash balance Required total financing Excess cash balance $XXF ... Nov. Dec. $XXM $XXT X X N $XXO X X U $XXV XXJ XXP $XXQ XXQ $XXW ... X X R $XXS X X Y $XXZ Preparing the Cash Budget The general format of the cash budget is presented in Table 3.7. We will discuss each of its components individually. Cash Receipts cash receipts All of a firm’s inflows of cash in a given financial period. EXAMPLE Cash receipts include all of a firm’s inflows of cash in a given financial period. The most common components of cash receipts are cash sales, collections of accounts receivable, and other cash receipts. Coulson Industries, a defense contractor, is developing a cash budget for October, November, and December. Coulson’s sales in August and September were $100,000 and $200,000, respectively. Sales of $400,000, $300,000, and $200,000 have been forecast for October, November, and December, respectively. Historically, 20% of the firm’s sales have been for cash, 50% have generated accounts receivable collected after 1 month, and the remaining 30% have generated accounts receivable collected after 2 months. Bad-debt expenses (uncollectible accounts) have been negligible.5 In December, the firm will receive a $30,000 dividend from stock in a subsidiary. The schedule of expected cash receipts for the company is presented in Table 3.8. It contains the following items: Forecast sales This initial entry is merely informational. It is provided as an aid in calculating other sales-related items. Cash sales The cash sales shown for each month represent 20% of the total sales forecast for that month. Collections of A/R These entries represent the collection of accounts receivable (A/R) resulting from sales in earlier months. 5. Normally, it would be expected that the collection percentages would total slightly less than 100%, because some of the accounts receivable would be uncollectible. In this example, the sum of the collection percentages is 100% (20% 50% 30%), which reflects the fact that all sales are assumed to be collected. 112 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance TABLE 3.8 A Schedule of Projected Cash Receipts for Coulson Industries ($000) Forecast sales Aug. $100 Sept. $200 Oct. $400 Nov. $300 Dec. $200 Cash sales (0.20) $20 $40 $ 80 $ 60 $ 40 50 100 200 150 30 60 120 $2 1 0 $ 3 2 0 3 0 $ 3 4 0 Collections of A/R: Lagged 1 month (0.50) Lagged 2 months (0.30) Other cash receipts Total cash receipts Lagged 1 month These figures represent sales made in the preceding month that generated accounts receivable collected in the current month. Because 50% of the current month’s sales are collected 1 month later, the collections of A/R with a 1-month lag shown for September represent 50% of the sales in August, collections for October represent 50% of September sales, and so on. Lagged 2 months These figures represent sales made 2 months earlier that generated accounts receivable collected in the current month. Because 30% of sales are collected 2 months later, the collections with a 2-month lag shown for October represent 30% of the sales in August, and so on. Other cash receipts These are cash receipts expected from sources other than sales. Interest received, dividends received, proceeds from the sale of equipment, stock and bond sale proceeds, and lease receipts may show up here. For Coulson Industries, the only other cash receipt is the $30,000 dividend due in December. Total cash receipts This figure represents the total of all the cash receipts listed for each month. For Coulson Industries, we are concerned only with October, November, and December, as shown in Table 3.8. Cash Disbursements cash disbursements All outlays of cash by the firm during a given financial period. Cash disbursements include all outlays of cash by the firm during a given financial period. The most common cash disbursements are Cash purchases Payments of accounts payable Rent (and lease) payments Wages and salaries Tax payments Fixed-asset outlays Interest payments Cash dividend payments Principal payments (loans) Repurchases or retirements of stock It is important to recognize that depreciation and other noncash charges are NOT included in the cash budget, because they merely represent a scheduled write-off of an earlier cash outflow. The impact of depreciation, as we noted earlier, is reflected in the reduced cash outflow for tax payments. CHAPTER 3 FOCUS ON PRACTICE Cash Forecasts Needed, “Rain or Shine” Given the importance of cash to sound financial management, it is surprising how many companies ignore the cash-forecasting process. Three reasons come up most often: Cash forecasts are always wrong, they’re hard to do, and managers don’t see the benefits of these forecasts unless the company is already in a cash crunch. In addition, each company has its own methodology for cash forecasting. If the firm’s cash inflows and outflows don’t form a pattern that managers can graph, it’s tough to develop successful forecasts. Yet the reasons to forecast cash are equally compelling: Cash forecasts provide for reliable liquidity, enable a company to minimize borrowing costs or maximize investment income, and help financial executives manage currency exposures more accurately. In times of tight credit, lenders EXAMPLE Cash Flow and Financial Planning expect borrowers to monitor cash carefully and will favor a company that prepares good cash forecasts. When cash needs and the forecasted cash position don’t match, financial managers can plan for borrowed funds to close the gap. New York City–based men’s apparel manufacturer Salant Corp. closely integrates its financial plans and forecasts. “Our biggest challenge is to keep the cash forecast and the projected profit and loss in sync with the balance sheet and vice versa,” says William R. Bennett, vice president and treasurer. “We learned that the hard way and developed our own spreadsheet-based model.” Although complicated to build, the model is easy for managers to use. Salant is a capital-intensive operation, so its liquidity is linked to its assets. Bennett uses the 113 In Practice forecast of inventory and receivables as the forecast for borrowing capacity required to meet its operating needs. Like Salant, many companies are using technology to demystify cash forecasts. Software can apply statistical techniques, graph historical data, or build models based on each customer’s payment patterns. It can also tap corporate databases for the firm’s purchases and associated payment information and order shipments to customers and the associated payment terms. These data increase forecast accuracy. Sources: Adapted from Richard H. Gamble, “Cash Forecast: Cloudy But Clearing,” Business Finance (May 2001), downloaded from; “Profile: Salant Corp.,” Yahoo! Finance,, downloaded November 19, 2001. Coulson Industries has gathered the following data needed for the preparation of a cash disbursements schedule for October, November, and December. Purchases The firm’s purchases represent 70% of sales. Of this amount, 10% is paid in cash, 70% is paid in the month immediately following the month of purchase, and the remaining 20% is paid 2 months following the month of purchase.6 Rent payments Rent of $5,000 will be paid each month. Wages and salaries Fixed salary cost for the year is $96,000, or $8,000 per month. In addition, wages are estimated as 10% of monthly sales. Tax payments Taxes of $25,000 must be paid in December. Fixed-asset outlays New machinery costing $130,000 will be purchased and paid for in November. Interest payments An interest payment of $10,000 is due in December. 6. Unlike the collection percentages for sales, the total of the payment percentages should equal 100%, because it is expected that the firm will pay off all of its accounts payable. 114 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance Cash dividend payments Cash dividends of $20,000 will be paid in October. Principal payments (loans) A $20,000 principal payment is due in December. Repurchases or retirements of stock No repurchase or retirement of stock is expected between October and December. The firm’s cash disbursements schedule, using the preceding data, is shown in Table 3.9. Some items in the table are explained in greater detail below. Purchases This entry is merely informational. The figures represent 70% of the forecast sales for each month. They have been included to facilitate calculation of the cash purchases and related payments. Cash purchases The cash purchases for each month represent 10% of the month’s purchases. Payments of A/P These entries represent the payment of accounts payable (A/P) resulting from purchases in earlier months. Lagged 1 month These figures represent purchases made in the preceding month that are paid for in the current month. Because 70% of the firm’s purchases are paid for 1 month later, the payments with a 1-month lag shown for September represent 70% of the August purchases, payments for October represent 70% of September purchases, and so on. Lagged 2 months These figures represent purchases made 2 months earlier that are paid for in the current month. Because 20% of the firm’s purchases are paid for 2 months later, the payments with a 2-month lag for October represent 20% of the August purchases, and so on. TABLE 3.9 A Schedule of Projected Cash Disbursements for Coulson Industries ($000) Purchases (0.70 sales) Cash purchases (0.10) Aug. $70 Sept. $140 Oct. $280 Nov. $210 Dec. $140 $7 $14 $ 28 $ 21 $ 14 98 196 147 14 28 56 Payments of A/P: Lagged 1 month (0.70) Lagged 2 months (0.20) Rent payments Wages and salaries 49 5 5 5 48 38 28 Tax payments 25 Fixed-asset outlays 130 Interest payments Cash dividend payments Principal payments Total cash disbursements 10 20 $2 13 $ 41 8 2 0 $ 3 0 5 CHAPTER 3 Cash Flow and Financial Planning 115 Wages and salaries These amounts were obtained by adding $8,000 to 10% of the sales in each month. The $8,000 represents the salary component; the rest represents wages. The remaining items on the cash disbursements schedule are self-explanatory. net cash flow The mathematical difference between the firm’s cash receipts and its cash disbursements in each period. ending cash The sum of the firm’s beginning cash and its net cash flow for the period. required total financing Amount of funds needed by the firm if the ending cash for the period is less than the desired minimum cash balance; typically represented by notes payable. EXAMPLE excess cash balance The (excess) amount available for investment by the firm if the period’s ending cash is greater than the desired minimum cash balance; assumed to be invested in marketable securities. Net Cash Flow, Ending Cash, Financing, and Excess Cash Look back at the general-format cash budget in Table 3.7. We have inputs for the first two entries, and we now continue calculating the firm’s cash needs. The firm’s net cash flow is found by subtracting the cash disbursements from cash receipts in each period. Then we add beginning cash to the firm’s net cash flow to determine the ending cash for each period. Finally, we subtract the desired minimum cash balance from ending cash to find the required total financing or the excess cash balance. If the ending cash is less than the minimum cash balance, financing is required. Such financing is typically viewed as short-term and is therefore represented by notes payable. If the ending cash is greater than the minimum cash balance, excess cash exists. Any excess cash is assumed to be invested in a liquid, short-term, interest-paying vehicle—that is, in marketable securities. Table 3.10 presents Coulson Industries’ cash budget, based on the data already developed. At the end of September, Coulson’s cash balance was $50,000, and its notes payable and marketable securities equaled $0.7 The company wishes to maintain, as a reserve for unexpected needs, a minimum cash balance of $25,000. TABLE 3.10 A Cash Budget for Coulson Industries ($000) Oct. Nov. Dec. $210 $320 $340 213 ($ 3) 418 ($ 98) 305 $ 35 5 0 $ 47 4 7 ($ 51) (5 1 ) ($ 16) Required total financing (notes payable)c 2 5 — 2 5 $ 76 2 5 $ 41 Excess cash balance (marketable securities)d $ 22 — — Total cash receiptsa Less: Total cash disbursementsb Net cash flow Add: Beginning cash Ending cash Less: Minimum cash balance aFrom Table 3.8. Table 3.9. cValues are placed in this line when the ending cash is less than the desired minimum cash balance. These amounts are typically financed short-term and therefore are represented by notes payable. dValues are placed in this line when the ending cash is greater than the desired minimum cash balance. These amounts are typically assumed to be invested short-term and therefore are represented by marketable securities. bFrom 7. If Coulson either had outstanding notes payable or held marketable securities at the end of September, its “beginning cash” value would be misleading. It could be either overstated or understated, depending on whether the firm had notes payable or marketable securities on its books at that time. For simplicity, the cash budget discussions and problems presented in this chapter assume that the firm’s notes payable and marketable securities equal $0 at the beginning of the period of concern. 116 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance For Coulson Industries to maintain its required $25,000 ending cash balance, it will need total borrowing of $76,000 in November and $41,000 in December. In October the firm will have an excess cash balance of $22,000, which can be held in an interest-earning marketable security. The required total financing figures in the cash budget refer to how much will be owed at the end of the month; they do not represent the monthly changes in borrowing. The monthly changes in borrowing and in excess cash can be found by further analyzing the cash budget. In October the $50,000 beginning cash, which becomes $47,000 after the $3,000 net cash outflow, results in a $22,000 excess cash balance once the $25,000 minimum cash is deducted. In November the $76,000 of required total financing resulted from the $98,000 net cash outflow less the $22,000 of excess cash from October. The $41,000 of required total financing in December resulted from reducing November’s $76,000 of required total financing by the $35,000 of net cash inflow during December. Summarizing, the financial activities for each month would be as follows: Hint Not only is the cash budget a great tool to let management know when it has cash shortages or excesses, but it may be a document required by potential creditors. It communicates to them what the money is going to be used for, and how and when their loan will be repaid. October: Invest the $22,000 excess cash balance in marketable securities. November: Liquidate the $22,000 of marketable securities and borrow $76,000 (notes payable). December: Repay $35,000 of notes payable to leave $41,000 of outstanding required total financing. Evaluating the Cash Budget The cash budget indicates whether a cash shortage or surplus is expected in each of the months covered by the forecast. Each month’s figure is based on the internally imposed requirement of a minimum cash balance and represents the total balance at the end of the month. At the end of each of the 3 months, Coulson expects the following balances in cash, marketable securities, and notes payable: End-of-month balance ($000) Account Oct. Nov. Dec. Cash $25 $25 $25 22 0 0 0 76 41 Marketable securities Notes payable Hint Because of the uncertainty of the ending cash values, the financial manager will usually seek to borrow more than the maximum financing indicated in the cash budget. Note that the firm is assumed first to liquidate its marketable securities to meet deficits and then to borrow with notes payable if additional financing is needed. As a result, it will not have marketable securities and notes payable on its books at the same time. Because it may be necessary to borrow up to $76,000 for the 3-month period, the financial manager should be certain that some arrangement is made to ensure the availability of these funds. CHAPTER 3 117 Cash Flow and Financial Planning Coping with Uncertainty in the Cash Budget Aside from careful estimation of cash budget inputs, there are two ways of coping with the uncertainty of the cash budget.8 One is to prepare several cash budgets—based on pessimistic, most likely, and optimistic forecasts. From this range of cash flows, the financial manager can determine the amount of financing necessary to cover the most adverse situation. The use of several cash budgets, based on differing assumptions, also should give the financial manager a sense of the riskiness of various alternatives. This sensitivity analysis, or “what if” approach, is often used to analyze cash flows under a variety of circumstances. Computers and electronic spreadsheets simplify the process of performing sensitivity analysis. EXAMPLE TABLE 3.11 Table 3.11 presents the summary of Coulson Industries’ cash budget prepared for each month of concern using pessimistic, most likely, and optimistic estimates of total cash receipts and disbursements. The most likely estimate is based on the expected outcomes presented earlier. During October, Coulson will, at worst, need a maximum of $15,000 of financing and, at best, will have a $62,000 excess cash balance. During November, its financing requirement will be between $0 and $185,000, or it could experience an excess cash balance of $5,000. The December projections show maximum borrowing of $190,000 with a possible excess cash balance of A Sensitivity Analysis of Coulson Industries’ Cash Budget ($000) October Total cash receipts Less: Total cash disbursements Net cash flow Add: Beginning cash Ending cash Less: Minimum cash balance Required total financing Excess cash balance November December Pessimistic Most likely Optimistic Pessimistic Most likely Optimistic Pessimistic Most likely Optimistic $160 $210 $285 $210 $320 $ 410 $275 $340 $422 2 0 0 ($ 40) 2 1 3 ($ 3) 2 4 8 $ 37 3 8 0 ($170) 4 1 8 ($ 98) 4 6 7 ($ 57) 2 8 0 ($ 5) 3 0 5 $ 35 3 2 0 $102 5 0 $ 10 5 0 $ 47 5 0 $ 87 1 0 ($160) 4 7 ($ 51) 8 7 $ 30 (1 6 0 ) ($165) (5 1 ) ($ 16) 3 0 $132 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 $ 15 — — $185 $ 76 — $190 $ 41 — — $ 22 $ 62 — — 5 — — $107 $ 8. The term uncertainty is used here to refer to the variability of the cash flow outcomes that may actually occur. 118 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance $107,000. By considering the extreme values in the pessimistic and optimistic outcomes, Coulson Industries should be better able to plan its cash requirements. For the 3-month period, the peak borrowing requirement under the worst circumstances would be $190,000, which happens to be considerably greater than the most likely estimate of $76,000 for this period. A second and much more sophisticated way of coping with uncertainty in the cash budget is simulation (discussed in Chapter 10). By simulating the occurrence of sales and other uncertain events, the firm can develop a probability distribution of its ending cash flows for each month. The financial decision maker can then use the probability distribution to determine the amount of financing needed to protect the firm adequately against a cash shortage. Cash Flow Within the Month WW W Because the cash budget shows cash flows only on a total monthly basis, the information provided by the cash budget is not necessarily adequate for ensuring solvency. A firm must look more closely at its pattern of daily cash receipts and cash disbursements to ensure that adequate cash is available for paying bills as they come due. For an example related to this topic, see the book’s Web site at The synchronization of cash flows in the cash budget at month-end does not ensure that the firm will be able to meet daily cash requirements. Because a firm’s cash flows are generally quite variable when viewed on a daily basis, effective cash planning requires a look beyond the cash budget. The financial manager must therefore plan and monitor cash flow more frequently than on a monthly basis. The greater the variability of cash flows from day to day, the greater the attention required. Review Questions 3–9 3–10 3–11 3–12 LG5 What is the purpose of the cash budget? What role does the sales forecast play in its preparation? Briefly describe the basic format of the cash budget. How can the two “bottom lines” of the cash budget be used to determine the firm’s short-term borrowing and investment requirements? What is the cause of uncertainty in the cash budget, and what two techniques can be used to cope with this uncertainty? 3.4 Profit Planning: Pro Forma Statements pro forma statements Projected, or forecast, income statements and balance sheets. Whereas cash planning focuses on forecasting cash flows, profit planning relies on accrual concepts to project the firm’s profit and overall financial position. Shareholders, creditors, and the firm’s management pay close attention to the pro forma statements, which are projected, or forecast, income statements and bal- CHAPTER 3 Hint A key point in understanding pro forma statements is that they reflect the goals and objectives of the firm for the planning period. In order for these goals and objectives to be achieved, operational plans will have to be developed. Financial plans can be realized only if the correct actions are implemented. Cash Flow and Financial Planning 119 ance sheets. The basic steps in the short-term financial planning process were shown in the flow diagram of Figure 3.2. Various approaches for estimating the pro forma statements are based on the belief that the financial relationships reflected in the firm’s past financial statements will not change in the coming period. The commonly used simplified approaches are presented in subsequent discussions. Two inputs are required for preparing pro forma statements: (1) financial statements for the preceding year and (2) the sales forecast for the coming year. A variety of assumptions must also be made. The company that we will use to illustrate the simplified approaches to pro forma preparation is Vectra Manufacturing, which manufactures and sells one product. It has two basic product models—X and Y—which are produced by the same process but require different amounts of raw material and labor. Preceding Year’s Financial Statements The income statement for the firm’s 2003 operations is given in Table 3.12. It indicates that Vectra had sales of $100,000, total cost of goods sold of $80,000, net profits before taxes of $9,000, and net profits after taxes of $7,650. The firm paid $4,000 in cash dividends, leaving $3,650 to be transferred to retained earnings. The firm’s balance sheet for 2003 is given in Table 3.13. TABLE 3.12 Vectra Manufacturing’s Income Statement for the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Sales revenue Model X (1,000 units at $20/unit) $20,000 Model Y (2,000 units at $40/unit) 8 0 ,0 0 0 Total sales $100,000 Less: Cost of goods sold Labor Material A Material B Overhead Total cost of goods sold Gross profits Less: Operating expenses Operating profits Less: Interest expense Net profits before taxes Less: Taxes (0.15 $9,000) Net profits after taxes Less: Common stock dividends To retained earnings $28,500 8,000 5,500 3 8 ,0 0 0 80,000 $ 20,000 1 0 ,0 0 0 $ 10,000 1 ,0 0 0 $ 9,000 1,350 $ 7,650 4 ,0 0 0 $ 3 , 6 5 0 120 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance TABLE 3.13 Vectra Manufacturing’s Balance Sheet, December 31, 2003 Assets Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity Cash $ 6,000 Marketable securities Accounts receivable Inventories Total current assets Net fixed assets Total assets Accounts payable $ 7,000 4,000 Taxes payable 300 13,000 Notes payable 8,300 1 6 ,0 0 0 $39,000 Other current liabilities $ 5 1 ,0 0 0 $90,000 Long-term debt Total current liabilities 3 ,4 0 0 $19,000 $18,000 Stockholders’ equity Common stock $30,000 Retained earnings 3,000 $2 Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity $90,000 Sales Forecast Just as for the cash budget, the key input for pro forma statements is the sales forecast. Vectra Manufacturing’s sales forecast for the coming year, based on both external and internal data, is presented in Table 3.14. The unit sale prices of the products reflect an increase from $20 to $25 for model X and from $40 to $50 for model Y. These increases are necessary to cover anticipated increases in costs. Review Question 3–13 What is the purpose of pro forma statements? What inputs are required for preparing them using the simplified approaches? TABLE 3.14 2004 Sales Forecast for Vectra Manufacturing Unit sales Model X 1,500 Model Y 1,950 Dollar sales Model X ($25/unit) $ 37,500 Model Y ($50/unit) 97,500 $ 1 35 ,00 0 Total CHAPTER 3 LG5 Cash Flow and Financial Planning 121 3.5 Preparing the Pro Forma Income Statement percent-of-sales method A simple method for developing the pro forma income statement; it forecasts sales and then expresses the various income statement items as percentages of projected sales. A simple method for developing a pro forma income statement is the percent-ofsales method. It forecasts sales and then expresses the various income statement items as percentages of projected sales. The percentages used are likely to be the percentages of sales for those items in the previous year. By using dollar values taken from Vectra’s 2003 income statement (Table 3.12), we find that these percentages are Cost of goods sold $80,000 80.0% Sales $100,000 Operating expenses $10,000 10.0% Sales $100,000 Interest expense $1,000 1.0% Sales $100,000 Applying these percentages to the firm’s forecast sales of $135,000 (developed in Table 3.14), we get the 2004 pro forma income statement shown in Table 3.15. We have assumed that Vectra will pay $4,000 in common stock dividends, so the expected contribution to retained earnings is $6,327. This represents a considerable increase over $3,650 in the preceding year (see Table 3.12). Considering Types of Costs and Expenses The technique that is used to prepare the pro forma income statement in Table 3.15 assumes that all the firm’s costs and expenses are variable. That is, we assumed that for a given percentage increase in sales, the same percentage increase TABLE 3.15 A Pro Forma Income Statement, Using the Percent-of-Sales Method, for Vectra Manufacturing for the Year Ended December 31, 2004 Sales revenue $135,000 Less: Cost of goods sold (0.80) 1 0 8 ,0 0 0 $ 27,000 Gross profits Less: Operating expenses (0.10) Operating profits Less: Interest expense (0.01) Net profits before taxes Less: Taxes (0.15 $12,150) Net profits after taxes Less: Common stock dividends To retained earnings 13,500 $ 13,500 1 ,3 5 0 $ 12,150 1 ,8 2 3 $ 10,327 4,000 $ 6 ,3 2 7 122 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance in cost of goods sold, operating expenses, and interest expense would result. For example, as Vectra’s sales increased by 35 percent (from $100,000 in 2003 to $135,000 projected for 2004), we assumed that its costs of goods sold also increased by 35 percent (from $80,000 in 2003 to $108,000 in 2004). On the basis of this assumption, the firm’s net profits before taxes also increased by 35 percent (from $9,000 in 2003 to $12,150 projected for 2004). This approach implies that the firm will not receive the benefits that result from fixed costs when sales are increasing.9 Clearly, though, if the firm has fixed costs, these costs do not change when sales increase; the result is increased profits. But by remaining unchanged when sales decline, these costs tend to lower profits. Therefore, the use of past cost and expense ratios generally tends to understate profits when sales are increasing. (Likewise, it tends to overstate profits when sales are decreasing.) The best way to adjust for the presence of fixed costs when preparing a pro forma income statement is to break the firm’s historical costs and expenses into fixed and variable components.10 EXAMPLE Vectra Manufacturing’s 2003 actual and 2004 pro forma income statements, broken into fixed and variable cost and expense components, follow: Vectra Manufacturing Income Statements Sales revenue 2003 Actual 2004 Pro forma $100,000 $135,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 $ 20,000 54,000 $ 41,000 Less: Cost of good sold Fixed cost Variable cost (0.40 sales) Gross profits Less: Operating expenses Fixed expense Variable expense (0.05 sales) Operating profits Less: Interest expense (all fixed) Net profits before taxes Less: Taxes (0.15 net profits before taxes) Net profits after taxes 5,000 5,000 5,000 $ 10,000 6,750 $ 29,250 1,000 $ 9,000 1,000 $ 28,250 1,350 $ 7,650 4,238 $ 24,012 9. The potential returns as well as risks resulting from use of fixed (operating and financial) costs to create “leverage” are discussed in Chapter 12. The key point to recognize here is that when the firm’s revenue is increasing, fixed costs can magnify returns. 10. The application of regression analysis—a statistically based technique for measuring the relationship between variables—to past cost data as they relate to past sales could be used to develop equations that recognize the fixed and variable nature of each cost. Such equations could be employed when preparing the pro forma income statement from the sales forecast. The use of the regression approach in pro forma income statement preparation is widespread, and many computer software packages for use in pro forma preparation rely on this technique. Expanded discussions of the application of this technique can be found in most second-level managerial finance texts. CHAPTER 3 FOCUS ON ETHICS Cash Flow and Financial Planning 123 In Practice Critical Ethical Lapse at Critical Path Critical Path provides a fascinating study in how managers can seem to be maximizing shareholder wealth by making financial projections that primarily benefit the managers themselves. This Silicon Valley dot-com publicized wildly optimistic sales projections for its leading-edge corporate e-mail services at a time when its CEO was privately trying to sell the company at a price well above the current stock price. As the fiscal year-end neared and no buyer took the bait, sales personnel and accountants were pressured into doing whatever was necessary to try to approach the projected numbers. Business Week quoted a former sales manager: “The line between right and wrong wasn’t just blurred—it was wiped out.” Could Critical Path stockholders have benefited if an acquisition had been completed before the actual results were reported? Pos- sibly—although ensuing lawsuits and an SEC investigation into accounting irregularities leave that open to doubt. But there is no doubt that the new acquirer’s stockholders would have been shortchanged. So much for maximizing shareholder wealth within ethical constraints! This isn’t just a case of wishful thinking. Managers who anticipated personal profits after taking a public company private through a “leveraged buyout” have occasionally underestimated sales and profits so that they would pay a lower price to existing shareholders. The phenomenal trust that stockholders put in financial managers can be easily abused through either misuse of funds or manipulation of the better information that managers possess. Don’t laws and the SEC offer enough protection against publicizing unrealistic financial fore- casts? The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 requires that companies disclose risks and uncertainties that may cause public “forward-looking statements” not to materialize. Accordingly, Fifth Third Bankcorp was careful to note six reasons why the anticipated benefits from its acquisition of Old Kent Financial might not come to pass, including changes in bank competition, interest rates, and the general economy. Furthermore, to keep companies from selectively disclosing key developments to Wall Street securities analysts but not to the general public, the SEC adopted Regulation FD (for Fair Disclosure) in 2000. Unfortunately, though, companies do not have to release revisions of forecasts, and this loophole leaves room for the ethical lapses seen at Critical Path. Breaking Vectra’s costs and expenses into fixed and variable components provides a more accurate projection of its pro forma profit. By assuming that all costs are variable (as shown in Table 3.15), we find that projected net profits before taxes would continue to equal 9 percent of sales (in 2003, $9,000 net profits before taxes $100,000 sales). Therefore, the 2004 net profits before taxes would have been $12,150 (0.09 $135,000 projected sales) instead of the $28,250 obtained by using the firm’s fixed-cost–variable-cost breakdown. Clearly, when using a simplified approach to prepare a pro forma income statement, we should break down costs and expenses into fixed and variable components. Review Questions 3–14 3–15 How is the percent-of-sales method used to prepare pro forma income statements? Why does the presence of fixed costs cause the percent-of-sales method of pro forma income statement preparation to fail? What is a better method? 124 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance LG5 3.6 Preparing the Pro Forma Balance Sheet judgmental approach A simplified approach for preparing the pro forma balance sheet under which the values of certain balance sheet accounts are estimated and the firm’s external financing is used as a balancing, or “plug,” figure. external financing required (“plug” figure) Under the judgmental approach for developing a pro forma balance sheet, the amount of external financing needed to bring the statement into balance. A number of simplified approaches are available for preparing the pro forma balance sheet. Probably the best and most popular is the judgmental approach,11 under which the values of certain balance sheet accounts are estimated and the firm’s external financing is used as a balancing, or “plug,” figure. To apply the judgmental approach to prepare Vectra Manufacturing’s 2004 pro forma balance sheet, a number of assumptions must be made about levels of various balance sheet accounts: 1. A minimum cash balance of $6,000 is desired. 2. Marketable securities are assumed to remain unchanged from their current level of $4,000. 3. Accounts receivable on average represent 45 days of sales. Because Vectra’s annual sales are projected to be $135,000, accounts receivable should average $16,875 (1/8 $135,000). (Forty-five days expressed fractionally is oneeighth of a year: 45/360 1/8.) 4. The ending inventory should remain at a level of about $16,000, of which 25 percent (approximately $4,000) should be raw materials and the remaining 75 percent (approximately $12,000) should consist of finished goods. 5. A new machine costing $20,000 will be purchased. Total depreciation for the year is $8,000. Adding the $20,000 acquisition to the existing net fixed assets of $51,000 and subtracting the depreciation of $8,000 yield net fixed assets of $63,000. 6. Purchases are expected to represent approximately 30% of annual sales, which in this case is approximately $40,500 (0.30 $135,000). The firm estimates that it can take 72 days on average to satisfy its accounts payable. Thus accounts payable should equal one-fifth (72 days 360 days) of the firm’s purchases, or $8,100 (1/5 $40,500). 7. Taxes payable are expected to equal one-fourth of the current year’s tax liability, which equals $455 (one-fourth of the tax liability of $1,823 shown in the pro forma income statement in Table 3.15). 8. Notes payable are assumed to remain unchanged from their current level of $8,300. 9. No change in other current liabilities is expected. They remain at the level of the previous year: $3,400. 10. The firm’s long-term debt and its common stock are expected to remain unchanged at $18,000 and $30,000, respectively; no issues, retirements, or repurchases of bonds or stocks are planned. 11. Retained earnings will increase from the beginning level of $23,000 (from the balance sheet dated December 31, 2003, in Table 3.13) to $29,327. The increase of $6,327 represents the amount of retained earnings calculated in the year-end 2004 pro forma income statement in Table 3.15. A 2004 pro forma balance sheet for Vectra Manufacturing based on these assumptions is presented in Table 3.16. A “plug” figure—called the external fi11. The judgmental approach represents an improved version of the often discussed percent-of-sales approach to pro forma balance sheet preparation. Because the judgmental approach requires only slightly more information and should yield better estimates than the somewhat naive percent-of-sales approach, it is presented here. CHAPTER 3 TABLE 3.16 125 Cash Flow and Financial Planning A Pro Forma Balance Sheet, Using the Judgmental Approach, for Vectra Manufacturing (December 31, 2004) Assets Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity Cash $ 6,000 Marketable securities Accounts receivable 4,000 Taxes payable 455 Notes payable 8,300 Other current liabilities Raw materials $ 4,000 Finished goods 1 2 ,0 0 0 Total current assets Net fixed assets Total assets $ 8,100 16,875 Inventories Total inventory Accounts payable Total current liabilities Long-term debt 3,400 $ 20,255 $ 18,000 16,000 $ 42,875 Stockholders’ equity Common stock $ 30,000 $ 6 3 ,0 0 0 $ 1 0 5 , 8 7 5 Retained earnings $ 2 9 ,3 2 7 $ 97,582 Total External financing requireda Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity $ 8 ,2 9 3 $105,875 aThe amount of external financing needed to force the firm’s balance sheet to balance. Because of the nature of the judgmental approach, the balance sheet is not expected to balance without some type of adjustment. nancing required—of $8,293 is needed to bring the statement into balance. This means that the firm will have to obtain about $8,293 of additional external financing to support the increased sales level of $135,000 for 2004. A positive value for “external financing required,” like that shown in Table 3.16, means that to support the forecast level of operation, the firm must raise funds externally using debt and/or equity financing or by reducing dividends. Once the form of financing is determined, the pro forma balance sheet is modified to replace “external financing required” with the planned increases in the debt and/or equity accounts. A negative value for “external financing required” indicates that the firm’s forecast financing is in excess of its needs. In this case, funds are available for use in repaying debt, repurchasing stock, or increasing dividends. Once the specific actions are determined, “external financing required” is replaced in the pro forma balance sheet with the planned reductions in the debt and/or equity accounts. Obviously, besides being used to prepare the pro forma balance sheet, the judgmental approach is also frequently used specifically to estimate the firm’s financing requirements. Review Questions 3–16 3–17 Describe the judgmental approach for simplified preparation of the pro forma balance sheet. What is the significance of the “plug” figure, external financing required? Differentiate between strategies associated with positive and with negative values for external financing required. 126 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance LG6 3.7 Evaluation of Pro Forma Statements It is difficult to forecast the many variables involved in preparing pro forma statements. As a result, investors, lenders, and managers frequently use the techniques presented in this chapter to make rough estimates of pro forma financial statements. However, it is important to recognize the basic weaknesses of these simplified approaches. The weaknesses lie in two assumptions: (1) that the firm’s past financial condition is an accurate indicator of its future, and (2) that certain variables (such as cash, accounts receivable, and inventories) can be forced to take on certain “desired” values. These assumptions cannot be justified solely on the basis of their ability to simplify the calculations involved. However, despite their weaknesses, the simplified approaches to pro forma statement preparation are likely to remain popular because of their relative simplicity. Eventually, the use of computers to streamline financial planning will become the norm. However pro forma statements are prepared, analysts must understand how to use them to make financial decisions. Both financial managers and lenders can use pro forma statements to analyze the firm’s inflows and outflows of cash, as well as its liquidity, activity, debt, profitability, and market value. Various ratios can be calculated from the pro forma income statement and balance sheet to evaluate performance. Cash inflows and outflows can be evaluated by preparing a pro forma statement of cash flows. After analyzing the pro forma statements, the financial manager can take steps to adjust planned operations to achieve shortterm financial goals. For example, if projected profits on the pro forma income statement are too low, a variety of pricing and/or cost-cutting actions might be initiated. If the projected level of accounts receivable on the pro forma balance sheet is too high, changes in credit or collection policy may be called for. Pro forma statements are therefore of great importance in solidifying the firm’s financial plans for the coming year. Review Questions 3–18 3–19 What are the two key weaknesses of the simplified approaches to preparing pro forma statements? What is the financial manager’s objective in evaluating pro forma statements? S U M M A RY FOCUS ON VALUE Cash flow, the lifeblood of the firm, is a key determinant of the value of the firm. The financial manager must plan and manage—create, allocate, conserve, and monitor—the firm’s cash flow. The goal is to ensure the firm’s solvency by meeting financial obligations in a CHAPTER 3 Cash Flow and Financial Planning 127 timely manner and to generate positive cash flow for the firm’s owners. Both the magnitude and the risk of the cash flows generated on behalf of the owners determine the firm’s value. In order to carry out the responsibility to create value for owners, the financial manager uses tools such as cash budgets and pro forma financial statements as part of the process of generating positive cash flow. Good financial plans should result in large free cash flows that fully satisfy creditor claims and produce positive cash flows on behalf of owners. Clearly, the financial manager must use deliberate and careful planning and management of the firm’s cash flows in order to achieve the firm’s goal of maximizing share price. REVIEW OF LEARNING GOALS Understand the effect of depreciation on the firm’s cash flows, the depreciable value of an asset, its depreciable life, and tax depreciation methods. Depreciation is an important factor affecting a firm’s cash flow. The depreciable value of an asset and its depreciable life are determined by using the modified accelerated cost recovery system (MACRS) standards in the federal tax code. MACRS groups assets (excluding real estate) into six property classes based on length of recovery period—3, 5, 7, 10, 15, and 20 years—and can be applied over the appropriate period by using a schedule of yearly depreciation percentages for each period. LG1 Discuss the firm’s statement of cash flows, operating cash flow, and free cash flow. The statement of cash flows is divided into operating, investment, and financing flows. It reconciles changes in the firm’s cash flows with changes in cash and marketable securities for the period. Interpreting the statement of cash flows requires an understanding of basic financial principles and involves both the major categories of cash flow and the individual items of cash inflow and outflow. From a strict financial point of view, a firm’s operating cash flows, the cash flow it generates from normal operations, is defined to exclude interest and taxes; the simpler accounting view does not make these exclusions. Of greater importance is a firm’s free cash flow, which is the amount of cash flow available to investors—the providers of debt (creditors) and equity (owners). LG2 Understand the financial planning process, including long-term (strategic) financial plans and short-term (operating) financial plans. The two LG3 key aspects of the financial planning process are cash planning and profit planning. Cash planning involves the cash budget or cash forecast. Profit planning relies on the pro forma income statement and balance sheet. Long-term (strategic) financial plans act as a guide for preparing short-term (operating) financial plans. Long-term plans tend to cover periods ranging from 2 to 10 years and are updated periodically. Short-term plans most often cover a 1- to 2-year period. Discuss the cash-planning process and the preparation, evaluation, and use of the cash budget. The cash planning process uses the cash budget, based on a sales forecast, to estimate shortterm cash surpluses and shortages. The cash budget is typically prepared for a 1-year period divided into months. It nets cash receipts and disbursements for each period to calculate net cash flow. Ending cash is estimated by adding beginning cash to the net cash flow. By subtracting the desired minimum cash balance from the ending cash, the financial manager can determine required total financing (typically borrowing with notes payable) or the excess cash balance (typically investing in marketable securities). To cope with uncertainty in the cash budget, sensitivity analysis or simulation can be used. A firm must also consider its pattern of daily cash receipts and cash disbursements. LG4 Explain the simplified procedures used to prepare and evaluate the pro forma income statement and the pro forma balance sheet. A pro forma income statement can be developed by calculating past percentage relationships between certain cost and expense items and the firm’s sales and then apLG5 128 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance plying these percentages to forecasts. Because this approach implies that all costs and expenses are variable, it tends to understate profits when sales are increasing and to overstate profits when sales are decreasing. This problem can be avoided by breaking down costs and expenses into fixed and variable components. In this case, the fixed components remain unchanged from the most recent year, and the variable costs and expenses are forecast on a percent-of-sales basis. Under the judgmental approach, the values of certain balance sheet accounts are estimated and others are calculated, frequently on the basis of their relationship to sales. The firm’s external financing is used as a balancing, or “plug,” figure. A positive value for “external financing required” means that the firm must raise funds externally or reduce divi- SELF-TEST PROBLEMS LG1 LG2 ST 3–1 dends; a negative value indicates that funds are available for use in repaying debt, repurchasing stock, or increasing dividends. Cite the weaknesses of the simplified approaches to pro forma financial statement preparation and the common uses of pro forma statements. Simplified approaches for preparing pro forma statements, although popular, can be criticized for assuming that the firm’s past financial condition is an accurate indicator of the future and that certain variables can be forced to take on certain “desired” values. Pro forma statements are commonly used to forecast and analyze the firm’s level of profitability and overall financial performance so that adjustments can be made to planned operations in order to achieve short-term financial goals. LG6 (Solutions in Appendix B) Depreciation and cash flow A firm expects to have earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) of $160,000 in each of the next 6 years. It pays annual interest of $1,500. The firm is considering the purchase of an asset that costs $140,000, requires $10,000 in installation cost, and has a recovery period of 5 years. It will be the firm’s only asset, and the asset’s depreciation is already reflected in its EBIT estimates. a. Calculate the annual depreciation for the asset purchase using the MACRS depreciation percentages in Table 3.2 on page 100. b Calculate the annual operating cash flows for each of the 6 years, using both the accounting and the finance definitions of operating cash flow. Assume that the firm is subject to a 40% ordinary tax rate. c. Say the firm’s net fixed assets, current assets, accounts payable, and accruals had the following values at the start and end of the final year (year 6). Calculate the firm’s free cash flow (FCF) for that year. Account Net fixed assets Year 6 Start $ 7,500 Year 6 End $ 0 Current assets 90,000 110,000 Accounts payable 40,000 45,000 8,000 7,000 Accruals d. Compare and discuss the significance of each value calculated in parts b and c. LG4 LG5 ST 3–2 Cash budget and pro forma balance sheet inputs Jane McDonald, a financial analyst for Carroll Company, has prepared the following sales and cash disbursement estimates for the period February–June of the current year. CHAPTER 3 Cash Flow and Financial Planning Month Sales Cash disbursements February $500 $400 March 600 300 April 400 600 May 200 500 June 200 200 129 Ms. McDonald notes that historically, 30% of sales have been for cash. Of credit sales, 70% are collected 1 month after the sale, and the remaining 30% are collected 2 months after the sale. The firm wishes to maintain a minimum ending balance in its cash account of $25. Balances above this amount would be invested in short-term government securities (marketable securities), whereas any deficits would be financed through short-term bank borrowing (notes payable). The beginning cash balance at April 1 is $115. a. Prepare a cash budget for April, May, and June. b. How much financing, if any, at a maximum would Carroll Company require to meet its obligations during this 3-month period? c. A pro forma balance sheet dated at the end of June is to be prepared from the information presented. Give the size of each of the following: cash, notes payable, marketable securities, and accounts receivable. LG5 ST 3–3 Pro forma income statement Euro Designs, Inc., expects sales during 2004 to rise from the 2003 level of $3.5 million to $3.9 million. Because of a scheduled large loan payment, the interest expense in 2004 is expected to drop to $325,000. The firm plans to increase its cash dividend payments during 2004 to $320,000. The company’s year-end 2003 income statement follows. Euro Designs, Inc. Income Statement for the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Sales revenue $3,500,000 Less: Cost of goods sold 1,925,000 $1,575,000 Gross profits Less: Operating expenses Operating profits Less: Interest expense Net profits before taxes Less: Taxes (rate 40%) Net profits after taxes Less: Cash dividends To retained earnings 420,000 $1,155,000 400,000 $ 755,000 302,000 $ 453,000 250,000 $ 203,000 a. Use the percent-of-sales method to prepare a 2004 pro forma income statement for Euro Designs, Inc. b. Explain why the statement may underestimate the company’s actual 2004 pro forma income. 130 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance PROBLEMS LG1 3–1 Depreciation On March 20, 2003, Norton Systems acquired two new assets. Asset A was research equipment costing $17,000 and having a 3-year recovery period. Asset B was duplicating equipment having an installed cost of $45,000 and a 5-year recovery period. Using the MACRS depreciation percentages in Table 3.2 on page 100, prepare a depreciation schedule for each of these assets. LG2 3–2 Accounting cash flow A firm had earnings after taxes of $50,000 in 2003. Depreciation charges were $28,000, and a $2,000 charge for amortization of a bond discount was incurred. What was the firm’s accounting cash flow from operations (see Equation 3.1) during 2003? LG1 LG2 3–3 MACRS depreciation expense and accounting cash flow Pavlovich Instruments, Inc., a maker of precision telescopes, expects to report pre-tax income of $430,000 this year. The company’s financial manager is considering the timing of a purchase of new computerized lens grinders. The grinders will have an installed cost of $80,000 and a cost recovery period of 5 years. They will be depreciated using the MACRS schedule. a. If the firm purchases the grinders before year end, what depreciation expense will it be able to claim this year? (Use Table 3.2 on page 100.) b. If the firm reduces its reported income by the amount of the depreciation expense calculated in part a, what tax savings will result? c. Assuming that Pavlovich does purchase the grinders this year and that they are its only depreciable asset, use the accounting definition given in Equation 3.1 to find the firm’s cash flow from operations for the year. LG1 LG2 3–4 Depreciation and accounting cash flow A firm in the third year of depreciating its only asset, which originally cost $180,000 and has a 5-year MACRS recovery period, has gathered the following data relative to the current year’s operations. Accruals Current assets Interest expense Sales revenue Inventory Total costs before depreciation, interest, and taxes Tax rate on ordinary income $ 15,000 120,000 15,000 400,000 70,000 290,000 40% a. Use the relevant data to determine the accounting cash flow from operations (see Equation 3.1) for the current year. b. Explain the impact that depreciation, as well as any other noncash charges, has on a firm’s cash flows. LG2 3–5 Classifying inflows and outflows of cash Classify each of the following items as an inflow (I) or an outflow (O) of cash, or as neither (N). CHAPTER 3 Item Change ($) Cash Accounts payable Notes payable Long-term debt Inventory Fixed assets LG2 3–6 Cash Flow and Financial Planning 100 1,000 500 2,000 200 400 Item Change ($) Accounts receivable Net profits Depreciation Repurchase of stock Cash dividends Sale of stock 700 600 100 600 800 1,000 131 Finding operating and free cash flows Consider the balance sheets and selected data from the income statement of Keith Corporation that follow. a. Calculate the firm’s accounting cash flow from operations for the year ended December 31, 2003, using Equation 3.1. b. Calculate the firm’s operating cash flow (OCF) for the year ended December 31, 2003, using Equation 3.2. c. Calculate the firm’s free cash flow (FCF) for the year ended December 31, 2003, using Equation 3.3. d. Interpret, compare, and contrast your cash flow estimates in parts a, b, and c. Keith Corporation Balance Sheets December 31 Assets Cash Marketable securities Accounts receivable Inventories Total current assets Gross fixed assets Less: Accumulated depreciation Net fixed assets Total assets 2003 2002 $ 1,500 1,800 2,000 2,900 $ 8,200 $29,500 14,700 $14,800 $23,000 $ 1,000 1,200 1,800 2,800 $ 6,800 $28,100 13,100 $15,000 $21,800 $ 1,600 2,800 200 $ 4,600 $ 5,000 $10,000 3,400 $13,400 $23,000 $ 1,500 2,200 300 $ 4,000 $ 5,000 $10,000 2,800 $12,800 $21,800 Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity Accounts payable Notes payable Accruals Total current liabilities Long-term debt Common stock Retained earnings Total stockholders’ equity Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity Income Statement Data (2003) Depreciation expense Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) Taxes Net profits after taxes $11,600 2,700 933 1,400 132 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance LG4 3–7 Cash receipts A firm has actual sales of $65,000 in April and $60,000 in May. It expects sales of $70,000 in June and $100,000 in July and in August. Assuming that sales are the only source of cash inflows and that half of them are for cash and the remainder are collected evenly over the following 2 months, what are the firm’s expected cash receipts for June, July, and August? LG4 3–8 Cash disbursements schedule Maris Brothers, Inc., needs a cash disbursement schedule for the months of April, May, and June. Use the format of Table 3.9 and the following information in its preparation. Sales: February $500,000; March $500,000; April $560,000; May $610,000; June $650,000; July $650,000 Purchases: Purchases are calculated as 60% of the next month’s sales, 10% of purchases are made in cash, 50% of purchases are paid for 1 month after purchase, and the remaining 40% of purchases are paid for 2 months after purchase. Rent: The firm pays rent of $8,000 per month. Wages and salaries: Base wage and salary costs are fixed at $6,000 per month plus a variable cost of 7% of the current month’s sales. Taxes: A tax payment of $54,500 is due in June. Fixed asset outlays: New equipment costing $75,000 will be bought and paid for in April. Interest payments: An interest payment of $30,000 is due in June. Cash dividends: Dividends of $12,500 will be paid in April. Principal repayments and retirements: No principal repayments or retirements are due during these months. LG4 LG4 3–9 Cash budget—Basic Grenoble Enterprises had sales of $50,000 in March and $60,000 in April. Forecast sales for May, June, and July are $70,000, $80,000, and $100,000, respectively. The firm has a cash balance of $5,000 on May 1 and wishes to maintain a minimum cash balance of $5,000. Given the following data, prepare and interpret a cash budget for the months of May, June, and July. (1) The firm makes 20% of sales for cash, 60% are collected in the next month, and the remaining 20% are collected in the second month following sale. (2) The firm receives other income of $2,000 per month. (3) The firm’s actual or expected purchases, all made for cash, are $50,000, $70,000, and $80,000 for the months of May through July, respectively. (4) Rent is $3,000 per month. (5) Wages and salaries are 10% of the previous month’s sales. (6) Cash dividends of $3,000 will be paid in June. (7) Payment of principal and interest of $4,000 is due in June. (8) A cash purchase of equipment costing $6,000 is scheduled in July. (9) Taxes of $6,000 are due in June. 3–10 Cash budget—Advanced The actual sales and purchases for Xenocore, Inc., for September and October 2003, along with its forecast sales and purchases for the period November 2003 through April 2004, follow. CHAPTER 3 Cash Flow and Financial Planning Year Month Sales Purchases 2003 2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2004 September October November December January February March April $210,000 250,000 170,000 160,000 140,000 180,000 200,000 250,000 $120,000 150,000 140,000 100,000 80,000 110,000 100,000 90,000 133 The firm makes 20% of all sales for cash and collects on 40% of its sales in each of the 2 months following the sale. Other cash inflows are expected to be $12,000 in September and April, $15,000 in January and March, and $27,000 in February. The firm pays cash for 10% of its purchases. It pays for 50% of its purchases in the following month and for 40% of its purchases 2 months later. Wages and salaries amount to 20% of the preceding month’s sales. Rent of $20,000 per month must be paid. Interest payments of $10,000 are due in January and April. A principal payment of $30,000 is also due in April. The firm expects to pay cash dividends of $20,000 in January and April. Taxes of $80,000 are due in April. The firm also intends to make a $25,000 cash purchase of fixed assets in December. a. Assuming that the firm has a cash balance of $22,000 at the beginning of November, determine the end-of-month cash balances for each month, November through April. b. Assuming that the firm wishes to maintain a $15,000 minimum cash balance, determine the required total financing or excess cash balance for each month, November through April. c. If the firm were requesting a line of credit to cover needed financing for the period November to April, how large would this line have to be? Explain your answer. LG4 3–11 Cash flow concepts The following represent financial transactions that Johnsfield & Co. will be undertaking in the next planning period. For each transaction, check the statement or statements that will be affected immediately. Statement Transaction Cash sale Credit sale Accounts receivable are collected Asset with 5-year life is purchased Depreciation is taken Amortization of goodwill is taken Sale of common stock Retirement of outstanding bonds Fire insurance premium is paid for the next 3 years Cash budget Pro forma income statement Pro forma balance sheet 134 PART 1 LG4 Introduction to Managerial Finance 3–12 Cash budget—Sensitivity analysis Trotter Enterprises, Inc., has gathered the following data in order to plan for its cash requirements and short-term investment opportunities for October, November, and December. All amounts are shown in thousands of dollars. October Total cash receipts Total cash disbursements November December Pessimistic Most likely Optimistic Pessimistic Most likely Optimistic Pessimistic Most likely Optimistic $260 $342 $462 $200 $287 $366 $191 $294 $353 285 326 421 203 261 313 287 332 315 a. Prepare a sensitivity analysis of Trotter’s cash budget using $20,000 as the beginning cash balance for October and a minimum required cash balance of $18,000. b. Use the analysis prepared in part a to predict Trotter’s financing needs and investment opportunities over the months of October, November, and December. Discuss how knowledge of the timing and amounts involved can aid the planning process. LG4 3–13 Multiple cash budgets—Sensitivity analysis Brownstein, Inc., expects sales of $100,000 during each of the next 3 months. It will make monthly purchases of $60,000 during this time. Wages and salaries are $10,000 per month plus 5% of sales. Brownstein expects to make a tax payment of $20,000 in the next month and a $15,000 purchase of fixed assets in the second month and to receive $8,000 in cash from the sale of an asset in the third month. All sales and purchases are for cash. Beginning cash and the minimum cash balance are assumed to be zero. a. Construct a cash budget for the next 3 months. b. Brownstein is unsure of the sales levels, but all other figures are certain. If the most pessimistic sales figure is $80,000 per month and the most optimistic is $120,000 per month, what are the monthly minimum and maximum ending cash balances that the firm can expect for each of the 1-month periods? c. Briefly discuss how the financial manager can use the data in parts a and b to plan for financing needs. LG5 3–14 Pro forma income statement The marketing department of Metroline Manufacturing estimates that its sales in 2004 will be $1.5 million. Interest expense is expected to remain unchanged at $35,000, and the firm plans to pay $70,000 in cash dividends during 2004. Metroline Manufacturing’s income statement for the year ended December 31, 2003, is given below, along with a breakdown of the firm’s cost of goods sold and operating expenses into their fixed and variable components. CHAPTER 3 Cash Flow and Financial Planning Metroline Manufacturing Income Statement for the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Sales revenue $1,400,000 Less: Cost of goods sold 910,000 $ 490,000 Gross profits Less: Operating expenses Operating profits Less: Interest expense Net profits before taxes Less: Taxes (rate 40%) Net profits after taxes Less: Cash dividends To retained earnings 120,000 $ 370,000 Metroline Manufacturing Breakdown of Costs and Expenses into Fixed and Variable Components for the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Cost of goods sold Fixed cost $210,000 Variable cost 700,000 $910,000 35,000 $ 335,000 Total cost 134,000 $ 201,000 Operating expenses Fixed expenses Variable expenses Total expenses 66,000 $ 135,000 135 $ 36,000 84,000 $120,000 a. Use the percent-of-sales method to prepare a pro forma income statement for the year ended December 31, 2004. b. Use fixed and variable cost data to develop a pro forma income statement for the year ended December 31, 2004. c. Compare and contrast the statements developed in parts a and b. Which statement probably provides the better estimate of 2004 income? Explain why. LG5 3–15 Pro forma income statement—Sensitivity analysis Allen Products, Inc., wants to do a sensitivity analysis for the coming year. The pessimistic prediction for sales is $900,000; the most likely amount of sales is $1,125,000; and the optimistic prediction is $1,280,000. Allen’s income statement for the most recent year follows. Allen Products, Inc. Income Statement for the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Sales revenue $937,500 Less: Cost of goods sold 421,875 $515,625 Gross profits Less: Operating expenses Operating profits Less: Interest expense Net profits before taxes Less: Taxes (rate 25%) Net profits after taxes 234,375 $281,250 30,000 $251,250 62,813 $188,437 a. Use the percent-of-sales method, the income statement for December 31, 2003, and the sales revenue estimates to develop pessimistic, most likely, and optimistic pro forma income statements for the coming year. 136 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance b. Explain how the percent-of-sales method could result in an overstatement of profits for the pessimistic case and an understatement of profits for the most likely and optimistic cases. c. Restate the pro forma income statements prepared in part a to incorporate the following assumptions about costs: $250,000 of the cost of goods sold is fixed; the rest is variable. $180,000 of the operating expenses is fixed; the rest is variable. All of the interest expense is fixed. d. Compare your findings in part c to your findings in part a. Do your observations confirm your explanation in part b? LG5 3–16 Pro forma balance sheet—Basic Leonard Industries wishes to prepare a pro forma balance sheet for December 31, 2004. The firm expects 2004 sales to total $3,000,000. The following information has been gathered. (1) A minimum cash balance of $50,000 is desired. (2) Marketable securities are expected to remain unchanged. (3) Accounts receivable represent 10% of sales. (4) Inventories represent 12% of sales. (5) A new machine costing $90,000 will be acquired during 2004. Total depreciation for the year will be $32,000. (6) Accounts payable represent 14% of sales. (7) Accruals, other current liabilities, long-term debt, and common stock are expected to remain unchanged. (8) The firm’s net profit margin is 4%, and it expects to pay out $70,000 in cash dividends during 2004. (9) The December 31, 2003, balance sheet follows. Leonard Industries Balance Sheet December 31, 2003 Assets Cash Marketable securities Accounts receivable Inventories Total current assets Net fixed assets Total assets Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity $ 45,000 Accounts payable 15,000 Accruals 255,000 340,000 $ 655,000 $ 600,000 $1,255,000 Other current liabilities Total current liabilities $ 395,000 60,000 30,000 $ 485,000 Long-term debt $ 350,000 Common stock $ 200,000 Retained earnings $ 220,000 Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity $1,255,000 a. Use the judgmental approach to prepare a pro forma balance sheet dated December 31, 2004, for Leonard Industries. b. How much, if any, additional financing will Leonard Industries require in 2004? Discuss. CHAPTER 3 137 Cash Flow and Financial Planning c. Could Leonard Industries adjust its planned 2004 dividend to avoid the situation described in part b? Explain how. LG5 3–17 Pro forma balance sheet Peabody & Peabody has 2003 sales of $10 million. It wishes to analyze expected performance and financing needs for 2005—2 years ahead. Given the following information, respond to parts a and b. (1) The percents of sales for items that vary directly with sales are as follows: Accounts receivable, 12% Inventory, 18% Accounts payable, 14% Net profit margin, 3% (2) Marketable securities and other current liabilities are expected to remain unchanged. (3) A minimum cash balance of $480,000 is desired. (4) A new machine costing $650,000 will be acquired in 2004, and equipment costing $850,000 will be purchased in 2005. Total depreciation in 2004 is forecast as $290,000, and in 2005 $390,000 of depreciation will be taken. (5) Accruals are expected to rise to $500,000 by the end of 2005. (6) No sale or retirement of long-term debt is expected. (7) No sale or repurchase of common stock is expected. (8) The dividend payout of 50% of net profits is expected to continue. (9) Sales are expected to be $11 million in 2004 and $12 million in 2005. (10) The December 31, 2003, balance sheet follows. Peabody & Peabody Balance Sheet December 31, 2003 ($000) Assets Cash Marketable securities Accounts receivable Inventories Total current assets Net fixed assets Total assets Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity $ 400 200 1,200 1,800 $3,600 $4,000 $7,600 Accounts payable Accruals Other current liabilities Total current liabilities $1,400 400 80 $1,880 Long-term debt $2,000 Common equity $3,720 Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity $7,600 a. Prepare a pro forma balance sheet dated December 31, 2005. b. Discuss the financing changes suggested by the statement prepared in part a. LG5 3–18 Integrative—Pro forma statements Red Queen Restaurants wishes to prepare financial plans. Use the financial statements and the other information provided in what follows to prepare the financial plans. 138 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance Red Queen Restaurants Income Statement for the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Sales revenue $800,000 Less: Cost of goods sold 600,000 $200,000 Gross profits 100,000 $100,000 Less: Operating expenses Net profits before taxes Less: Taxes (rate 40%) 40,000 $ 60,000 Net profits after taxes 20,000 $ 40,000 Less: Cash dividends To retained earnings Red Queen Restaurants Balance Sheet December 31, 2003 Assets Cash Marketable securities Accounts receivable Inventories Total current assets Net fixed assets Total assets Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity $ 32,000 18,000 150,000 100,000 $300,000 $350,000 $650,000 Accounts payable Taxes payable Other current liabilities Total current liabilities $100,000 20,000 5,000 $125,000 Long-term debt $200,000 Common stock $150,000 Retained earnings $175,000 Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity $650,000 The following financial data are also available: (1) The firm has estimated that its sales for 2004 will be $900,000. (2) The firm expects to pay $35,000 in cash dividends in 2004. (3) The firm wishes to maintain a minimum cash balance of $30,000. (4) Accounts receivable represent approximately 18% of annual sales. (5) The firm’s ending inventory will change directly with changes in sales in 2004. (6) A new machine costing $42,000 will be purchased in 2004. Total depreciation for 2004 will be $17,000. (7) Accounts payable will change directly in response to changes in sales in 2004. (8) Taxes payable will equal one-fourth of the tax liability on the pro forma income statement. (9) Marketable securities, other current liabilities, long-term debt, and common stock will remain unchanged. a. Prepare a pro forma income statement for the year ended December 31, 2004, using the percent-of-sales method. b. Prepare a pro forma balance sheet dated December 31, 2004, using the judgmental approach. CHAPTER 3 139 Cash Flow and Financial Planning c. Analyze these statements, and discuss the resulting external financing required. LG5 3–19 Integrative—Pro forma statements Provincial Imports, Inc., has assembled statements and information to prepare financial plans for the coming year. Provincial Imports, Inc. Income Statement for the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Sales revenue $5,000,000 Less: Cost of goods sold 2,750,000 $2,250,000 Gross profits Less: Operating expenses Operating profits Less: Interest expense Net profits before taxes Less: Taxes (rate 40%) Net profits after taxes Less: Cash dividends To retained earnings 850,000 $1,400,000 200,000 $1,200,000 480,000 $ 720,000 288,000 $ 432,000 Provincial Imports, Inc. Balance Sheet December 31, 2003 Assets Cash Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity $ 200,000 Accounts payable $ 700,000 Marketable securities 275,000 Taxes payable 95,000 Accounts receivable 625,000 Notes payable 200,000 Inventories Total current assets Net fixed assets Total assets 500,000 $1,600,000 Other current liabilities $ 1 ,4 0 0 ,0 0 0 $3,000,000 Long-term debt $ 500,000 Common stock $ Retained earnings ,375,000 $1 $3,000,000 Total current liabilities Total liabilities and equity 5,000 $1,000,000 75,000 Information related to financial projections for the year 2004: (1) Projected sales are $6,000,000. (2) Cost of goods sold includes $1,000,000 in fixed costs. (3) Operating expense includes $250,000 in fixed costs. (4) Interest expense will remain unchanged. (5) The firm will pay cash dividends amounting to 40% of net profits after taxes. (6) Cash and inventories will double. (7) Marketable securities, notes payable, long-term debt, and common stock will remain unchanged. 140 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance (8) Accounts receivable, accounts payable, and other current liabilities will change in direct response to the change in sales. (9) A new computer system costing $356,000 will be purchased during the year. Total depreciation expense for the year will be $110,000. a. Prepare a pro forma income statement for the year ended December 31, 2004, using the information given and the percent-of-sales method. b. Prepare a pro forma balance sheet as of December 31, 2004, using the information given and the judgmental approach. Include a reconciliation of the retained earnings account. c. Analyze these statements, and discuss the resulting external financing required. CHAPTER 3 CASE Preparing Martin Manufacturing’s 2004 Pro Forma Financial Statements T o improve its competitive position, Martin Manufacturing is planning to implement a major equipment modernization program. Included will be replacement and modernization of key manufacturing equipment at a cost of $400,000 in 2004. The planned program is expected to lower the variable cost per unit of finished product. Terri Spiro, an experienced budget analyst, has been charged with preparing a forecast of the firm’s 2004 financial position, assuming replacement and modernization of manufacturing equipment. She plans to use the 2003 financial statements presented on pages 92 and 93, along with the key projected financial data summarized in the following table. Martin Manufacturing Company Key Projected Financial Data (2004) Data item Value Sales revenue Minimum cash balance Inventory turnover (times) Average collection period Fixed-asset purchases Dividend payments Depreciation expense Interest expense Accounts payable increase $6,500,000 $25,000 7.0 50 days $400,000 $20,000 $185,000 $97,000 20% Accruals and long-term debt Unchanged Notes payable, preferred and common stock Unchanged Required a. Use the historical and projected financial data provided to prepare a pro forma income statement for the year ended December 31, 2004. (Hint: Use CHAPTER 3 Cash Flow and Financial Planning 141 the percent-of-sales method to estimate all values except depreciation expense and interest expense, which have been estimated by management and included in the table.) b. Use the projected financial data along with relevant data from the pro forma income statement prepared in part a to prepare the pro forma balance sheet at December 31, 2004. (Hint: Use the judgmental approach.) c. Will Martin Manufacturing Company need to obtain external financing to fund the proposed equipment modernization program? Explain. WEB EXERCISE WW W Go to the Best Depreciation Calculator at the Fixed Asset Info. site, www. Use this calculator to determine the straight-line, declining balance (using 200%), and MACRS depreciation schedules for the following items, using half-year averaging (the half-year convention). Item Date placed in service Cost Office furnishings 2/15/2002 $22,500 Laboratory equipment 5/27/2001 $14,375 9/5/2000 $45,863 Fleet vehicles Make a chart comparing the depreciation amounts that these three methods yield for the years 2002 to 2007. Discuss the implications of these differences. Remember to check the book’s Web site at for additional resources, including additional Web exercises. I N T E G R AT I V E C A S E 1 Track Software, Inc. even years ago, after 15 years in public accounting, Stanley Booker, CPA, resigned his position as Manager of Cost Systems for Davis, Cohen, and O’Brien Public Accountants and started Track Software, Inc. In the 2 years preceding his departure from Davis, Cohen, and O’Brien, Stanley had spent nights and weekends developing a sophisticated costaccounting software program that became Track’s initial product offering. As the firm grew, Stanley planned to develop and expand the software product offerings—all of which would be related to streamlining the accounting processes of medium- to large-sized manufacturers. Although Track experienced losses during its first 2 years of operation—1997 and 1998—its profit has increased steadily from 1999 to the present (2003). The firm’s profit history, including dividend payments and contributions to retained earnings, is summarized in Table 1. Stanley started the firm with a $100,000 investment—his savings of $50,000 as equity and a $50,000 long-term loan from the bank. He had hoped to maintain his initial 100 percent ownership in the corporation, S Table 1 Track Software, Inc. Profit, Dividends, and Retained Earnings, 1997–2003 142 Dividends paid (2) Contribution to retained earnings [(1) (2)] (3) Year Net profits after taxes (1) 1997 ($50,000) 0 ($50,000) 1998 ( 20,000) 0 ( 20,000) 1999 15,000 0 15,000 2000 35,000 0 35,000 2001 40,000 1,000 39,000 2002 43,000 3,000 40,000 2003 48,000 5,000 43,000 $ but after experiencing a $50,000 loss during the first year of operation (1997), he sold 60 percent of the stock to a group of investors to obtain needed funds. Since then, no other stock transactions have taken place. Although he owns only 40 percent of the firm, Stanley actively manages all aspects of its activities; the other stockholders are not active in management of the firm. The firm’s stock closed at $4.50 per share in 2002 and at $5.28 per share in 2003. Stanley has just prepared the firm’s 2003 income statement, balance sheet, and statement of retained earnings, shown in Tables 2, 3, and 4 (on pages 143–145), along with the 2002 balance sheet. In addition, he has compiled the 2002 ratio values and industry average ratio values for 2003, which are applicable to both 2002 and 2003 and are summarized in Table 5 (on page 145). He is quite pleased to have achieved record earnings of $48,000 in 2003, but he is concerned about the firm’s cash flows. Specifically, he is finding it more and more difficult to pay the firm’s bills in a timely manner and generate cash flows to investors—both creditors and owners. To gain insight into these cash flow problems, Stanley is planning to determine the firm’s 2003 operating cash flow (OCF) and free cash flow (FCF). Table 2 Track Software, Inc. Income Statement ($000) for the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Sales revenue $1,550 Less: Cost of goods sold 1,030 $ 520 Gross profits Less: Operating expenses Selling expense General and administrative expense Depreciation expense Total operating expense Operating profits (EBIT) Less: Interest expense Net profits before taxes Less: Taxes (20%) Net profits after taxes $150 270 11 431 $ 89 29 $ 60 12 $ 48 143 Table 3 Track Software, Inc. Balance Sheets ($000) December 31 Assets 2003 2002 $ 12 $ 31 Current assets Cash Marketable securities Accounts receivable Inventories Total current assets Gross fixed assets Less: Accumulated depreciation Net fixed assets Total assets 66 82 152 104 191 $421 $195 145 $362 $180 63 $132 $553 52 $128 $490 $136 $126 200 190 27 $363 25 $341 $ 38 $401 $ 40 $381 $ 20 $ 20 Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity Current liabilities Accounts payable Notes payable Accruals Total current liabilities Long-term debt Total liabilities Stockholders’ equity Common stock (50,000 shares outstanding at $0.40 par value) Paid-in capital in excess of par Retained earnings Total stockholders’ equity Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity 144 30 30 102 $152 $553 59 $109 $490 Table 4 Track Software, Inc. Statement of Retained Earnings ($000) for the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Retained earnings balance (January 1, 2003) $ 59 Plus: Net profits after taxes (for 2003) 48 Less: Cash dividends on common stock (paid during 2003) ( 5) $102 Retained earnings balance (December 31, 2003) Table 5 Ratio Actual 2002 Industry average 2003 Current ratio 1.06 Quick ratio 0.63 1.10 10.40 12.45 29.6 days 20.2 days Inventory turnover Average collection period Total asset turnover 2.66 1.82 3.92 Debt ratio 0.78 0.55 Times interest earned ratio 3.0 5.6 Gross profit margin 32.1% 42.3% Operating profit margin 5.5% 12.4% Net profit margin 3.0% 4.0% Return on total assets (ROA) 8.0% 15.6% Return on common equity (ROE) 36.4% 34.7% Price/earnings (P/E) ratio 5.2 7.1 Market/book (M/B) ratio 2.1 2.2 145 Stanley is further frustrated by the firm’s inability to afford to hire a software developer to complete development of a cost estimation package that is believed to have “blockbuster” sales potential. Stanley began development of this package 2 years ago, but the firm’s growing complexity has forced him to devote more of his time to administrative duties, thereby halting the development of this product. Stanley’s reluctance to fill this position stems from his concern that the added $80,000 per year in salary and benefits for the position would certainly lower the firm’s earnings per share (EPS) over the next couple of years. Although the project’s success is in no way guaranteed, Stanley believes that if the money were spent to hire the software developer, the firm’s sales and earnings would significantly rise once the 2- to 3-year development, production, and marketing process was completed. With all of these concerns in mind, Stanley set out to review the various data to develop strategies that would help to ensure a bright future for Track Software. Stanley believed that as part of this process, a thorough ratio analysis of the firm’s 2003 results would provide important additional insights. Required a. (1) Upon what financial goal does Stanley seem to be focusing? Is it the correct goal? Why or why not? (2) Could a potential agency problem exist in this firm? Explain. b. Calculate the firm’s earnings per share (EPS) for each year, recognizing that the number of shares of common stock outstanding has remained unchanged since the firm’s inception. Comment on the EPS performance in view of your response in part a. c. Use the financial data presented to determine Track’s operating cash flow (OCF) and free cash flow (FCF) in 2003. Evaluate your findings in light of Track’s current cash flow difficulties. d. Analyze the firm’s financial condition in 2003 as it relates to (1) liquidity, (2) activity, (3) debt, (4) profitability, and (5) market, using the financial statements provided in Tables 2 and 3 and the ratio data included in Table 5. Be sure to evaluate the firm on both a cross-sectional and a time-series basis. e. What recommendation would you make to Stanley regarding hiring a new software developer? Relate your recommendation here to your responses in part a. 146 PA R T 2 IMPORTANT FINANCIAL CONCEPTS CHAPTERS IN THIS PART 4 Time Value of Money 5 Risk and Return 6 Interest Rates and Bond Valuation 7 Stock Valuation Integrative Case 2: Encore International 147 CHAPTER 4 TIME VALUE OF MONEY L E A R N I N G LG1 LG2 LG3 Discuss the role of time value in finance, the use of computational tools, and the basic patterns of cash flow. Understand the concepts of future and present value, their calculation for single amounts, and the relationship of present value to future value. Find the future value and the present value of both an ordinary annuity and an annuity due, and find the present value of a perpetuity. LG4 LG5 LG6 G O A L S Calculate both the future value and the present value of a mixed stream of cash flows. Understand the effect that compounding interest more frequently than annually has on future value and on the effective annual rate of interest. Describe the procedures involved in (1) determining deposits to accumulate a future sum, (2) loan amortization, (3) finding interest or growth rates, and (4) finding an unknown number of periods. Across the Disciplines WHY THIS CHAPTER MATTERS TO YO U Accounting: You need to understand time-value-of-money calculations in order to account for certain transactions such as loan amortization, lease payments, and bond interest rates. Information systems: You need to understand time-value-ofmoney calculations in order to design systems that optimize the firm’s cash flows. Management: You need to understand time-value-of-money calculations so that you can plan cash collections and dis- 148 bursements in a way that will enable the firm to get the greatest value from its money. Marketing: You need to understand time value of money because funding for new programs and products must be justified financially using time-value-of-money techniques. Operations: You need to understand time value of money because investments in new equipment, in inventory, and in production quantities will be affected by time-value-of-money techniques. LCV IT ALL STARTS WITH TIME (VALUE) ow do managers decide which customers offer the highest profit potential? Should marketing programs focus on new customer acquisitions? Or is it better to increase repeat purchases by existing customers or to implement programs aimed at specific target markets? Time-value-of-money calculations can be a key part of such decisions. A technique called lifetime customer valuation (LCV) calculates the value today (present value) of profits that new or existing customers are expected to generate in the future. After comparing the cost to acquire or retain customers to the profit stream from those customers, managers have the information they need to allocate marketing expenditures accordingly. In most cases, existing customers warrant the greatest investment. Research shows that increasing customer retention 5 percent raised the value of the average customer from 25 percent to 95 percent, depending on the industry. Many dot-com retailers ignored this important finding as they rushed to get to the Web first. As new companies, they had to spend to attract customers. But in the frenzy of the moment, they didn’t monitor costs and compare those costs to sales. Their high customer acquisition costs often exceeded what customers spent at the e-tailers’ Web sites—and the result was often bankruptcy. Business-to-business (B2B) companies are now joining consumer product companies like Lexus Motors and credit card issuer MBNA in using LCV. The technique has been updated to include intangible factors, such as outsourcing potential and partnership quality. Even though intangible factors complicate the methodology, the underlying principle is the same: Identify the most profitable clients and allocate more resources to them. “It actually makes a lot of sense,” says Bob Lento, senior vice president of sales at Convergys, a customer service and billing services provider. Which is more valuable and deserves more of the firm’s resources—a company with whom Convergys does $20 million in business each year, with no expectation of growing that business, or one with current business of $10 million that might develop into a $100-million client? Convergys’s management instituted an LCV program several years ago to answer this question. After engaging in a trial-and-error process to refine its formula, Convergys chose to include traditional LCV items such as repeat business and whether the customer bases purchasing decisions solely on cost. Then it factors in such intangibles as the level within the customer company of a salesperson’s contact (higher is better) and whether the customer perceives Convergys as a strategic partner or a commodity service provider (strategic is better). Thanks to LCV, Convergys’s Customer Management Group increased its operating income by winning new business from old customers. The firm’s CFO, Steve Rolls, believes in LCV. “This long-term view of customers gives us a much better picture of what we’re going after,” he says. H 149 150 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts LG1 4.1 The Role of Time Value in Finance Hint The time value of money is one of the most important concepts in finance. Money that the firm has in its possession today is more valuable than future payments because the money it now has can be invested and earn positive returns. Financial managers and investors are always confronted with opportunities to earn positive rates of return on their funds, whether through investment in attractive projects or in interest-bearing securities or deposits. Therefore, the timing of cash outflows and inflows has important economic consequences, which financial managers explicitly recognize as the time value of money. Time value is based on the belief that a dollar today is worth more than a dollar that will be received at some future date. We begin our study of time value in finance by considering the two views of time value—future value and present value, the computational tools used to streamline time value calculations, and the basic patterns of cash flow. Future Value versus Present Value time line A horizontal line on which time zero appears at the leftmost end and future periods are marked from left to right; can be used to depict investment cash flows. Financial values and decisions can be assessed by using either future value or present value techniques. Although these techniques will result in the same decisions, they view the decision differently. Future value techniques typically measure cash flows at the end of a project’s life. Present value techniques measure cash flows at the start of a project’s life (time zero). Future value is cash you will receive at a given future date, and present value is just like cash in hand today. A time line can be used to depict the cash flows associated with a given investment. It is a horizontal line on which time zero appears at the leftmost end and future periods are marked from left to right. A line covering five periods (in this case, years) is given in Figure 4.1. The cash flow occurring at time zero and that at the end of each year are shown above the line; the negative values represent cash outflows ($10,000 at time zero) and the positive values represent cash inflows ($3,000 inflow at the end of year 1, $5,000 inflow at the end of year 2, and so on). Because money has a time value, all of the cash flows associated with an investment, such as those in Figure 4.1, must be measured at the same point in time. Typically, that point is either the end or the beginning of the investment’s life. The future value technique uses compounding to find the future value of each cash flow at the end of the investment’s life and then sums these values to find the investment’s future value. This approach is depicted above the time line in Figure 4.2. The figure shows that the future value of each cash flow is measured FIGURE 4.1 Time Line Time line depicting an investment’s cash flows –$10,000 $3,000 $5,000 0 1 2 $4,000 $3,000 $2,000 3 4 5 End of Year CHAPTER 4 FIGURE 4.2 Compounding and Discounting Time line showing compounding to find future value and discounting to find present value Time Value of Money 151 Compounding Future Value –$10,000 $3,000 $5,000 0 1 2 $4,000 $3,000 $2,000 3 4 5 End of Year Present Value Discounting at the end of the investment’s 5-year life. Alternatively, the present value technique uses discounting to find the present value of each cash flow at time zero and then sums these values to find the investment’s value today. Application of this approach is depicted below the time line in Figure 4.2. The meaning and mechanics of compounding to find future value and of discounting to find present value are covered in this chapter. Although future value and present value result in the same decisions, financial managers—because they make decisions at time zero—tend to rely primarily on present value techniques. Computational Tools Time-consuming calculations are often involved in finding future and present values. Although you should understand the concepts and mathematics underlying these calculations, the application of time value techniques can be streamlined. We focus on the use of financial tables, hand-held financial calculators, and computers and spreadsheets as aids in computation. Financial Tables Financial tables include various future and present value interest factors that simplify time value calculations. The values shown in these tables are easily developed from formulas, with various degrees of rounding. The tables are typically indexed by the interest rate (in columns) and the number of periods (in rows). Figure 4.3 shows this general layout. The interest factor at a 20 percent interest rate for 10 years would be found at the intersection of the 20% column and the 10-period row, as shown by the dark blue box. A full set of the four basic financial tables is included in Appendix A at the end of the book. These tables are described more fully later in the chapter. 152 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts FIGURE 4.3 Financial Tables Layout and use of a financial table Interest Rate Period 1% 2% 10% 20% 50% 1 2 3 X.XXX 10 20 50 Financial Calculators Financial calculators also can be used for time value computations. Generally, financial calculators include numerous preprogrammed financial routines. This chapter and those that follow show the keystrokes for calculating interest factors and making other financial computations. For convenience, we use the important financial keys, labeled in a fashion consistent with most major financial calculators. We focus primarily on the keys pictured and defined in Figure 4.4. We typically use four of the first five keys shown in the left column, along with the compute (CPT) key. One of the four keys represents the unknown value being calculated. (Occasionally, all five of the keys are used, with one representing the unknown value.) The keystrokes on some of the more sophisticated calculators are menu-driven: After you select the appropriate routine, the calculator prompts you to input each value; on these calculators, a compute key is not needed to obtain a solution. Regardless, any calculator with the basic future and present value functions can be used in lieu of financial tables. The keystrokes for other financial calculators are explained in the reference guides that accompany them. Once you understand the basic underlying concepts, you probably will want to use a calculator to streamline routine financial calculations. With a little prac- FIGURE 4.4 Calculator Keys Important financial keys on the typical calculator N I PV PMT FV CPT N — Number of periods I — Interest rate per period PV — Present value PMT — Amount of payment (used only for annuities) FV — Future value CPT — Compute key used to initiate financial calculation once all values are input CHAPTER 4 Time Value of Money 153 tice, you can increase both the speed and the accuracy of your financial computations. Note that because of a calculator’s greater precision, slight differences are likely to exist between values calculated by using financial tables and those found with a financial calculator. Remember that conceptual understanding of the material is the objective. An ability to solve problems with the aid of a calculator does not necessarily reflect such an understanding, so don’t just settle for answers. Work with the material until you are sure you also understand the concepts. Computers and Spreadsheets Hint Anyone familiar with electronic spreadsheets, such as Lotus or Excel, realizes that most of the time-value-ofmoney calculations can be done expeditiously by using the special functions contained in the spreadsheet. Like financial calculators, computers and spreadsheets have built-in routines that simplify time value calculations. We provide in the text a number of spreadsheet solutions that identify the cell entries for calculating time values. The value for each variable is entered in a cell in the spreadsheet, and the calculation is programmed using an equation that links the individual cells. If values of the variables are changed, the solution automatically changes as a result of the equation linking the cells. In the spreadsheet solutions in this book, the equation that determines the calculation is shown at the bottom of the spreadsheet. It is important that you become familiar with the use of spreadsheets for several reasons. • Spreadsheets go far beyond the computational abilities of calculators. They offer a host of routines for important financial and statistical relationships. They perform complex analyses, for example, that evaluate the probabilities of success and the risks of failure for management decisions. • Spreadsheets have the ability to program logical decisions. They make it possible to automate the choice of the best option from among two or more alternatives. We give several examples of this ability to identify the optimal selection among alternative investments and to decide what level of credit to extend to customers. • Spreadsheets display not only the calculated values of solutions but also the input conditions on which solutions are based. The linkage between a spreadsheet’s cells makes it possible to do sensitivity analysis—that is, to evaluate the impacts of changes in conditions on the values of the solutions. Managers, after all, are seldom interested simply in determining a single value for a given set of conditions. Conditions change, and managers who are not prepared to react quickly to take advantage of changes must suffer their consequences. • Spreadsheets encourage teamwork. They assemble details from different corporate divisions and consolidate them into a firm’s financial statements and cash budgets. They integrate information from marketing, manufacturing, and other functional organizations to evaluate capital investments. Laptop computers provide the portability to transport these abilities and use spreadsheets wherever one might be—attending an important meeting at a firm’s headquarters or visiting a distant customer or supplier. • Spreadsheets enhance learning. Creating spreadsheets promotes one’s understanding of a subject. Because spreadsheets are interactive, one gets an 154 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts immediate response to one’s entries. The interplay between computer and user becomes a game that many find both enjoyable and instructive. • Finally, spreadsheets communicate as well as calculate. Their output includes tables and charts that can be incorporated into reports. They interplay with immense databases that corporations use for directing and controlling global operations. They are the nearest thing we have to a universal business language. The ability to use spreadsheets has become a prime skill for today’s managers. As the saying goes, “Get aboard the bandwagon, or get run over.” The spreadsheet solutions we present in this book will help you climb up onto that bandwagon! Basic Patterns of Cash Flow The cash flow—both inflows and outflows—of a firm can be described by its general pattern. It can be defined as a single amount, an annuity, or a mixed stream. Single amount: A lump-sum amount either currently held or expected at some future date. Examples include $1,000 today and $650 to be received at the end of 10 years. Annuity: A level periodic stream of cash flow. For our purposes, we’ll work primarily with annual cash flows. Examples include either paying out or receiving $800 at the end of each of the next 7 years. Mixed stream: A stream of cash flow that is not an annuity; a stream of unequal periodic cash flows that reflect no particular pattern. Examples include the following two cash flow streams A and B. Mixed cash flow stream End of year A B 1 $ 100 $ 50 2 800 100 3 1,200 80 4 1,200 60 5 1,400 6 300 Note that neither cash flow stream has equal, periodic cash flows and that A is a 6-year mixed stream and B is a 4-year mixed stream. In the next three sections of this chapter, we develop the concepts and techniques for finding future and present values of single amounts, annuities, and mixed streams, respectively. Detailed demonstrations of these cash flow patterns are included. CHAPTER 4 Time Value of Money 155 Review Questions 4–1 4–2 LG2 What is the difference between future value and present value? Which approach is generally preferred by financial managers? Why? Define and differentiate among the three basic patterns of cash flow: (1) a single amount, (2) an annuity, and (3) a mixed stream. 4.2 Single Amounts The most basic future value and present value concepts and computations concern single amounts, either present or future amounts. We begin by considering the future value of present amounts. Then we will use the underlying concepts to learn how to determine the present value of future amounts. You will see that although future value is more intuitively appealing, present value is more useful in financial decision making. Future Value of a Single Amount compound interest Interest that is earned on a given deposit and has become part of the principal at the end of a specified period. principal The amount of money on which interest is paid. future value The value of a present amount at a future date, found by applying compound interest over a specified period of time. EXAMPLE Imagine that at age 25 you began making annual purchases of $2,000 of an investment that earns a guaranteed 5 percent annually. At the end of 40 years, at age 65, you would have invested a total of $80,000 (40 years $2,000 per year). Assuming that all funds remain invested, how much would you have accumulated at the end of the fortieth year? $100,000? $150,000? $200,000? No, your $80,000 would have grown to $242,000! Why? Because the time value of money allowed your investments to generate returns that built on each other over the 40 years. The Concept of Future Value We speak of compound interest to indicate that the amount of interest earned on a given deposit has become part of the principal at the end of a specified period. The term principal refers to the amount of money on which the interest is paid. Annual compounding is the most common type. The future value of a present amount is found by applying compound interest over a specified period of time. Savings institutions advertise compound interest returns at a rate of x percent, or x percent interest, compounded annually, semiannually, quarterly, monthly, weekly, daily, or even continuously. The concept of future value with annual compounding can be illustrated by a simple example. If Fred Moreno places $100 in a savings account paying 8% interest compounded annually, at the end of 1 year he will have $108 in the account—the initial principal of $100 plus 8% ($8) in interest. The future value at the end of the first year is calculated by using Equation 4.1: Future value at end of year 1 $100 (1 0.08) $108 (4.1) If Fred were to leave this money in the account for another year, he would be paid interest at the rate of 8% on the new principal of $108. At the end of this 156 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts second year there would be $116.64 in the account. This amount would represent the principal at the beginning of year 2 ($108) plus 8% of the $108 ($8.64) in interest. The future value at the end of the second year is calculated by using Equation 4.2: Future value at end of year 2 $108 (1 0.08) $116.64 (4.2) Substituting the expression between the equals signs in Equation 4.1 for the $108 figure in Equation 4.2 gives us Equation 4.3: Future value at end of year 2 $100 (1 0.08) (1 0.08) $100 (1 0.08)2 $116.64 (4.3) The equations in the preceding example lead to a more general formula for calculating future value. The Equation for Future Value The basic relationship in Equation 4.3 can be generalized to find the future value after any number of periods. We use the following notation for the various inputs: FVn future value at the end of period n PV initial principal, or present value i annual rate of interest paid. (Note: On financial calculators, I is typically used to represent this rate.) n number of periods (typically years) that the money is left on deposit The general equation for the future value at the end of period n is FVn PV (1 i)n (4.4) A simple example will illustrate how to apply Equation 4.4. EXAMPLE Jane Farber places $800 in a savings account paying 6% interest compounded annually. She wants to know how much money will be in the account at the end of 5 years. Substituting PV $800, i 0.06, and n 5 into Equation 4.4 gives the amount at the end of year 5. FV5 $800 (1 0.06)5 $800 (1.338) $1,070.40 This analysis can be depicted on a time line as follows: Time line for future value of a single amount ($800 initial principal, earning 6%, at the end of 5 years) FV5 = $1,070.40 PV = $800 0 1 2 3 End of Year 4 5 CHAPTER 4 Time Value of Money 157 Using Computational Tools to Find Future Value future value interest factor The multiplier used to calculate, at a specified interest rate, the future value of a present amount as of a given time. Solving the equation in the preceding example involves raising 1.06 to the fifth power. Using a future value interest table or a financial calculator or a computer and spreadsheet greatly simplifies the calculation. A table that provides values for (1 i)n in Equation 4.4 is included near the back of the book in Appendix Table A–1. The value in each cell of the table is called the future value interest factor. This factor is the multiplier used to calculate, at a specified interest rate, the future value of a present amount as of a given time. The future value interest factor for an initial principal of $1 compounded at i percent for n periods is referred to as FVIFi,n. Future value interest factor FVIFi,n (1 i)n (4.5) By finding the intersection of the annual interest rate, i, and the appropriate periods, n, you will find the future value interest factor that is relevant to a particular problem.1 Using FVIFi,n as the appropriate factor, we can rewrite the general equation for future value (Equation 4.4) as follows: FVn PV (FVIFi,n) (4.6) This expression indicates that to find the future value at the end of period n of an initial deposit, we have merely to multiply the initial deposit, PV, by the appropriate future value interest factor.2 EXAMPLE Input 800 Function PV 5 N 6 I CPT FV Solution 1070.58 In the preceding example, Jane Farber placed $800 in her savings account at 6% interest compounded annually and wishes to find out how much will be in the account at the end of 5 years. Table Use The future value interest factor for an initial principal of $1 on deposit for 5 years at 6% interest compounded annually, FVIF6%, 5yrs, found in Table A–1, is 1.338. Using Equation 4.6, $800 1.338 $1,070.40. Therefore, the future value of Jane’s deposit at the end of year 5 will be $1,070.40. Calculator Use3 The financial calculator can be used to calculate the future value directly.4 First punch in $800 and depress PV; next punch in 5 and depress N; then punch in 6 and depress I (which is equivalent to “i” in our notation)5; finally, to calculate the future value, depress CPT and then FV. The future value of $1,070.58 should appear on the calculator display as shown at the left. On 1. Although we commonly deal with years rather than periods, financial tables are frequently presented in terms of periods to provide maximum flexibility. 2. Occasionally, you may want to estimate roughly how long a given sum must earn at a given annual rate to double the amount. The Rule of 72 is used to make this estimate; dividing the annual rate of interest into 72 results in the approximate number of periods it will take to double one’s money at the given rate. For example, to double one’s money at a 10% annual rate of interest will take about 7.2 years (72 10 7.2). Looking at Table A–1, we can see that the future value interest factor for 10% and 7 years is slightly below 2 (1.949); this approximation therefore appears to be reasonably accurate. 3. Many calculators allow the user to set the number of payments per year. Most of these calculators are preset for monthly payments—12 payments per year. Because we work primarily with annual payments—one payment per year—it is important to be sure that your calculator is set for one payment per year. And although most calculators are preset to recognize that all payments occur at the end of the period, it is important to make sure that your calculator is correctly set on the END mode. Consult the reference guide that accompanies your calculator for instructions for setting these values. 4. To avoid including previous data in current calculations, always clear all registers of your calculator before inputting values and making each computation. 5. The known values can be punched into the calculator in any order; the order specified in this as well as other demonstrations of calculator use included in this text merely reflects convenience and personal preference. 158 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts many calculators, this value will be preceded by a minus sign (1,070.58). If a minus sign appears on your calculator, ignore it here as well as in all other “Calculator Use” illustrations in this text.6 Because the calculator is more accurate than the future value factors, which have been rounded to the nearest 0.001, a slight difference—in this case, $0.18— will frequently exist between the values found by these alternative methods. Clearly, the improved accuracy and ease of calculation tend to favor the use of the calculator. (Note: In future examples of calculator use, we will use only a display similar to that shown on the preceding page. If you need a reminder of the procedures involved, go back and review the preceding paragraph.) Spreadsheet Use The future value of the single amount also can be calculated as shown on the following Excel spreadsheet. A Graphical View of Future Value Remember that we measure future value at the end of the given period. Figure 4.5 illustrates the relationship among various interest rates, the number of periods interest is earned, and the future value of one dollar. The figure shows that (1) the Future Value Relationship Interest rates, time periods, and future value of one dollar Future Value of One Dollar ($) FIGURE 4.5 20% 30.00 25.00 15% 20.00 15.00 10% 10.00 5% 5.00 0% 1.00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Periods 6. The calculator differentiates inflows from outflows by preceding the outflows with a negative sign. For example, in the problem just demonstrated, the $800 present value (PV), because it was keyed as a positive number (800), is considered an inflow or deposit. Therefore, the calculated future value (FV) of 1,070.58 is preceded by a minus sign to show that it is the resulting outflow or withdrawal. Had the $800 present value been keyed in as a negative number (800), the future value of $1,070.58 would have been displayed as a positive number (1,070.58). Simply stated, the cash flows— present value (PV) and future value (FV)—will have opposite signs. CHAPTER 4 Time Value of Money 159 higher the interest rate, the higher the future value, and (2) the longer the period of time, the higher the future value. Note that for an interest rate of 0 percent, the future value always equals the present value ($1.00). But for any interest rate greater than zero, the future value is greater than the present value of $1.00. Present Value of a Single Amount present value The current dollar value of a future amount—the amount of money that would have to be invested today at a given interest rate over a specified period to equal the future amount. It is often useful to determine the value today of a future amount of money. For example, how much would I have to deposit today into an account paying 7 percent annual interest in order to accumulate $3,000 at the end of 5 years? Present value is the current dollar value of a future amount—the amount of money that would have to be invested today at a given interest rate over a specified period to equal the future amount. Present value depends largely on the investment opportunities and the point in time at which the amount is to be received. This section explores the present value of a single amount. The Concept of Present Value discounting cash flows The process of finding present values; the inverse of compounding interest. EXAMPLE The process of finding present values is often referred to as discounting cash flows. It is concerned with answering the following question: “If I can earn i percent on my money, what is the most I would be willing to pay now for an opportunity to receive FVn dollars n periods from today?” This process is actually the inverse of compounding interest. Instead of finding the future value of present dollars invested at a given rate, discounting determines the present value of a future amount, assuming an opportunity to earn a certain return on the money. This annual rate of return is variously referred to as the discount rate, required return, cost of capital, and opportunity cost.7 These terms will be used interchangeably in this text. Paul Shorter has an opportunity to receive $300 one year from now. If he can earn 6% on his investments in the normal course of events, what is the most he should pay now for this opportunity? To answer this question, Paul must determine how many dollars he would have to invest at 6% today to have $300 one year from now. Letting PV equal this unknown amount and using the same notation as in the future value discussion, we have PV (1 0.06) $300 (4.7) Solving Equation 4.7 for PV gives us Equation 4.8: $300 PV (1 0.06) $283.02 (4.8) The value today (“present value”) of $300 received one year from today, given an opportunity cost of 6%, is $283.02. That is, investing $283.02 today at the 6% opportunity cost would result in $300 at the end of one year. 7. The theoretical underpinning of this “required return” is introduced in Chapter 5 and further refined in subsequent chapters. 160 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts The Equation for Present Value The present value of a future amount can be found mathematically by solving Equation 4.4 for PV. In other words, the present value, PV, of some future amount, FVn, to be received n periods from now, assuming an opportunity cost of i, is calculated as follows: FVn 1 PV FVn (1 i)n (1 i)n (4.9) Note the similarity between this general equation for present value and the equation in the preceding example (Equation 4.8). Let’s use this equation in an example. EXAMPLE Pam Valenti wishes to find the present value of $1,700 that will be received 8 years from now. Pam’s opportunity cost is 8%. Substituting FV8 $1,700, n 8, and i 0.08 into Equation 4.9 yields Equation 4.10: $1,700 $1,700 PV $918.42 (1 0.08)8 1.851 (4.10) The following time line shows this analysis. Time line for present value of a single amount ($1,700 future amount, discounted at 8%, from the end of 8 years) 0 1 2 3 End of Year 4 5 6 7 8 FV8 = $1,700 PV = $918.42 Using Computational Tools to Find Present Value present value interest factor The multiplier used to calculate, at a specified discount rate, the present value of an amount to be received in a future period. The present value calculation can be simplified by using a present value interest factor. This factor is the multiplier used to calculate, at a specified discount rate, the present value of an amount to be received in a future period. The present value interest factor for the present value of $1 discounted at i percent for n periods is referred to as PVIFi,n. 1 Present value interest factor PVIFi,n (1 i)n (4.11) Appendix Table A–2 presents present value interest factors for $1. By letting PVIFi,n represent the appropriate factor, we can rewrite the general equation for present value (Equation 4.9) as follows: PV FVn (PVIFi,n) (4.12) This expression indicates that to find the present value of an amount to be received in a future period, n, we have merely to multiply the future amount, FVn , by the appropriate present value interest factor. CHAPTER 4 EXAMPLE Input 1700 Function FV 8 N I 8 CPT PV Solution 918.46 Time Value of Money 161 As noted, Pam Valenti wishes to find the present value of $1,700 to be received 8 years from now, assuming an 8% opportunity cost. Table Use The present value interest factor for 8% and 8 years, PVIF8%, 8 yrs, found in Table A–2, is 0.540. Using Equation 4.12, $1,700 0.540 $918. The present value of the $1,700 Pam expects to receive in 8 years is $918. Calculator Use Using the calculator’s financial functions and the inputs shown at the left, you should find the present value to be $918.46. The value obtained with the calculator is more accurate than the values found using the equation or the table, although for the purposes of this text, these differences are insignificant. Spreadsheet Use The present value of the single future amount also can be calculated as shown on the following Excel spreadsheet. A Graphical View of Present Value FIGURE 4.6 Present Value Relationship Discount rates, time periods, and present value of one dollar Present Value of One Dollar ($) Remember that present value calculations assume that the future values are measured at the end of the given period. The relationships among the factors in a present value calculation are illustrated in Figure 4.6. The figure clearly shows that, everything else being equal, (1) the higher the discount rate, the lower the 1.00 0% 0.75 0.50 5% 0.25 10% 15% 20% 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Periods 162 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts present value, and (2) the longer the period of time, the lower the present value. Also note that given a discount rate of 0 percent, the present value always equals the future value ($1.00). But for any discount rate greater than zero, the present value is less than the future value of $1.00. Comparing Present Value and Future Value We will close this section with some important observations about present values. One is that the expression for the present value interest factor for i percent and n periods, 1/(1 i)n, is the inverse of the future value interest factor for i percent and n periods, (1 i)n. You can confirm this very simply: Divide a present value interest factor for i percent and n periods, PVIFi,n, given in Table A–2, into 1.0, and compare the resulting value to the future value interest factor given in Table A–1 for i percent and n periods, FVIFi,n,. The two values should be equivalent. Second, because of the relationship between present value interest factors and future value interest factors, we can find the present value interest factors given a table of future value interest factors, and vice versa. For example, the future value interest factor (from Table A–1) for 10 percent and 5 periods is 1.611. Dividing this value into 1.0 yields 0.621, which is the present value interest factor (given in Table A–2) for 10 percent and 5 periods. Review Questions 4–3 4–4 4–5 4–6 4–7 LG3 How is the compounding process related to the payment of interest on savings? What is the general equation for future value? What effect would a decrease in the interest rate have on the future value of a deposit? What effect would an increase in the holding period have on future value? What is meant by “the present value of a future amount”? What is the general equation for present value? What effect does increasing the required return have on the present value of a future amount? Why? How are present value and future value calculations related? 4.3 Annuities annuity A stream of equal periodic cash flows, over a specified time period. These cash flows can be inflows of returns earned on investments or outflows of funds invested to earn future returns. How much will you have at the end of 5 years if your employer withholds and invests $1,000 of your year-end bonus at the end of each of the next 5 years, guaranteeing you a 9 percent annual rate of return? How much would you pay today, given that you can earn 7 percent on low-risk investments, to receive a guaranteed $3,000 at the end of each of the next 20 years? To answer these questions, you need to understand the application of the time value of money to annuities. An annuity is a stream of equal periodic cash flows, over a specified time period. These cash flows are usually annual but can occur at other intervals, such as monthly (rent, car payments). The cash flows in an annuity can be inflows (the CHAPTER 4 ordinary annuity An annuity for which the cash flow occurs at the end of each period. annuity due An annuity for which the cash flow occurs at the beginning of each period. EXAMPLE Time Value of Money 163 $3,000 received at the end of each of the next 20 years) or outflows (the $1,000 invested at the end of each of the next 5 years). Types of Annuities There are two basic types of annuities. For an ordinary annuity, the cash flow occurs at the end of each period. For an annuity due, the cash flow occurs at the beginning of each period. Fran Abrams is choosing which of two annuities to receive. Both are 5-year, $1,000 annuities; annuity A is an ordinary annuity, and annuity B is an annuity due. To better understand the difference between these annuities, she has listed their cash flows in Table 4.1. Note that the amount of each annuity totals $5,000. The two annuities differ in the timing of their cash flows: The cash flows are received sooner with the annuity due than with the ordinary annuity. Although the cash flows of both annuities in Table 4.1 total $5,000, the annuity due would have a higher future value than the ordinary annuity, because each of its five annual cash flows can earn interest for one year more than each of the ordinary annuity’s cash flows. In general, as will be demonstrated later in this chapter, both the future value and the present value of an annuity due are always greater than the future value and the present value, respectively, of an otherwise identical ordinary annuity. Because ordinary annuities are more frequently used in finance, unless otherwise specified, the term annuity is intended throughout this book to refer to ordinary annuities. Finding the Future Value of an Ordinary Annuity The calculations required to find the future value of an ordinary annuity are illustrated in the following example. TABLE 4.1 Comparison of Ordinary Annuity and Annuity Due Cash Flows ($1,000, 5 Years) Annual cash flows End of yeara 0 Annuity A (ordinary) 0 $1,000 1 1,000 1,000 2 1,000 1,000 3 1,000 1,000 4 1,000 1,000 5 1 ,0 0 0 $ 5 , 0 0 0 0 $ 5 , 0 0 0 Totals $ Annuity B (annuity due) aThe ends of years 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are equivalent to the beginnings of years 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, respectively. 164 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts EXAMPLE Fran Abrams wishes to determine how much money she will have at the end of 5 years if he chooses annuity A, the ordinary annuity. It represents deposits of $1,000 annually, at the end of each of the next 5 years, into a savings account paying 7% annual interest. This situation is depicted on the following time line: $1,311 1,225 1,145 1,070 1,000 $5,751 Future Value Time line for future value of an ordinary annuity ($1,000 end-ofyear deposit, earning 7%, at the end of 5 years) 0 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 1 2 3 4 5 End of Year As the figure shows, at the end of year 5, Fran will have $5,751 in her account. Note that because the deposits are made at the end of the year, the first deposit will earn interest for 4 years, the second for 3 years, and so on. Using Computational Tools to Find the Future Value of an Ordinary Annuity future value interest factor for an ordinary annuity The multiplier used to calculate the future value of an ordinary annuity at a specified interest rate over a given period of time. Annuity calculations can be simplified by using an interest table or a financial calculator or a computer and spreadsheet. A table for the future value of a $1 ordinary annuity is given in Appendix Table A–3. The factors in the table are derived by summing the future value interest factors for the appropriate number of years. For example, the factor for the annuity in the preceding example is the sum of the factors for the five years (years 4 through 0): 1.311 1.225 1.145 1.070 1.000 5.751. Because the deposits occur at the end of each year, they will earn interest from the end of the year in which each occurs to the end of year 5. Therefore, the first deposit earns interest for 4 years (end of year 1 through end of year 5), and the last deposit earns interest for zero years. The future value interest factor for zero years at any interest rate, FVIFi,0, is 1.000, as we have noted. The formula for the future value interest factor for an ordinary annuity when interest is compounded annually at i percent for n periods, FVIFAi,n, is8 n FVIFAi,n (1 i)t1 (4.13) t1 8. A mathematical expression that can be applied to calculate the future value interest factor for an ordinary annuity more efficiently is 1 FVIFAi,n [(1 i)n 1] i (4.13a) The use of this expression is especially attractive in the absence of the appropriate financial tables and of any financial calculator or personal computer and spreadsheet. CHAPTER 4 Time Value of Money 165 This factor is the multiplier used to calculate the future value of an ordinary annuity at a specified interest rate over a given period of time. Using FVAn for the future value of an n-year annuity, PMT for the amount to be deposited annually at the end of each year, and FVIFAi,n for the appropriate future value interest factor for a one-dollar ordinary annuity compounded at i percent for n years, we can express the relationship among these variables alternatively as FVAn PMT (FVIFAi,n) (4.14) The following example illustrates this calculation using a table, a calculator, and a spreadsheet. EXAMPLE Input 1000 Function PMT 5 N 7 I CPT FV Solution 5750.74 As noted earlier, Fran Abrams wishes to find the future value (FVAn) at the end of 5 years (n) of an annual end-of-year deposit of $1,000 (PMT) into an account paying 7% annual interest (i) during the next 5 years. Table Use The future value interest factor for an ordinary 5-year annuity at 7% (FVIFA7%,5yrs), found in Table A–3, is 5.751. Using Equation 4.14, the $1,000 deposit 5.751 results in a future value for the annuity of $5,751. Calculator Use Using the calculator inputs shown at the left, you will find the future value of the ordinary annuity to be $5,750.74, a slightly more precise answer than that found using the table. Spreadsheet Use The future value of the ordinary annuity also can be calculated as shown on the following Excel spreadsheet. Finding the Present Value of an Ordinary Annuity Quite often in finance, there is a need to find the present value of a stream of cash flows to be received in future periods. An annuity is, of course, a stream of equal periodic cash flows. (We’ll explore the case of mixed streams of cash flows in a later section.) The method for finding the present value of an ordinary annuity is similar to the method just discussed. There are long and short methods for making this calculation. 166 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts EXAMPLE Time line for present value of an ordinary annuity ($700 endof-year cash flows, discounted at 8%, over 5 years) Braden Company, a small producer of plastic toys, wants to determine the most it should pay to purchase a particular ordinary annuity. The annuity consists of cash flows of $700 at the end of each year for 5 years. The firm requires the annuity to provide a minimum return of 8%. This situation is depicted on the following time line: 0 1 2 $700 $700 End of Year 3 $700 4 5 $700 $700 $ 648.20 599.90 555.80 514.50 476.70 Present Value $2,795.10 Table 4.2 shows the long method for finding the present value of the annuity. This method involves finding the present value of each payment and summing them. This procedure yields a present value of $2,795.10. Using Computational Tools to Find the Present Value of an Ordinary Annuity Annuity calculations can be simplified by using an interest table for the present value of an annuity, a financial calculator, or a computer and spreadsheet. The values for the present value of a $1 ordinary annuity are given in Appendix Table A–4. The factors in the table are derived by summing the present value interest TABLE 4.2 The Long Method for Finding the Present Value of an Ordinary Annuity Year (n) Cash flow (1) PVIF8%,na (2) Present value [(1) (2)] (3) 1 $700 0.926 $ 648.20 2 700 0.857 599.90 3 700 0.794 555.80 4 700 0.735 514.50 5 700 0.681 aPresent 476.70 Present value of annuity $2,795.10 value interest factors at 8% are from Table A–2. CHAPTER 4 present value interest factor for an ordinary annuity The multiplier used to calculate the present value of an ordinary annuity at a specified discount rate over a given period of time. Time Value of Money 167 factors (in Table A–2) for the appropriate number of years at the given discount rate. The formula for the present value interest factor for an ordinary annuity with cash flows that are discounted at i percent for n periods, PVIFAi,n, is9 n 1 PVIFAi,n t t1 (1 i) (4.15) This factor is the multiplier used to calculate the present value of an ordinary annuity at a specified discount rate over a given period of time. By letting PVAn equal the present value of an n-year ordinary annuity, letting PMT equal the amount to be received annually at the end of each year, and letting PVIFAi,n represent the appropriate present value interest factor for a onedollar ordinary annuity discounted at i percent for n years, we can express the relationship among these variables as PVAn PMT (PVIFAi,n) (4.16) The following example illustrates this calculation using a table, a calculator, and a spreadsheet. EXAMPLE Input 700 Function PMT 5 N 8 I CPT PV Solution 2794.90 Braden Company, as we have noted, wants to find the present value of a 5-year ordinary annuity of $700, assuming an 8% opportunity cost. Table Use The present value interest factor for an ordinary annuity at 8% for 5 years (PVIFA8%,5yrs), found in Table A–4, is 3.993. If we use Equation 4.16, $700 annuity 3.993 results in a present value of $2,795.10. Calculator Use Using the calculator’s inputs shown at the left, you will find the present value of the ordinary annuity to be $2,794.90. The value obtained with the calculator is more accurate than those found using the equation or the table. Spreadsheet Use The present value of the ordinary annuity also can be calculated as shown on the following Excel spreadsheet. 9. A mathematical expression that can be applied to calculate the present value interest factor for an ordinary annuity more efficiently is 1 1 PVIFAi,n 1 i (1 i)n (4.15a) The use of this expression is especially attractive in the absence of the appropriate financial tables and of any financial calculator or personal computer and spreadsheet. 168 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts FOCUS ON PRACTICE In Practice Farewell to the Good “Olds” Days For almost 3,000 car dealers, December 2000 marked the end of a 103-year era. General Motors announced that it would phase out the unprofitable Oldsmobile brand with the production of the 2004 model year—or sooner if demand dropped too low. GM entered into a major negotiation with owners of Oldsmobile dealerships to determine the value of the brand’s dealerships and how to compensate franchise owners for their investment. Closing out the Oldsmobile name over the 4-year period could cost GM $2 billion or more, depending on real estate values, the future value of lost profits, and leasehold improvements. As they waited to see what would happen, many Olds dealers voiced concern about recent expenditures to upgrade their facilities to comply with GM standards. They also wondered about the franchise’s viability during the phase-out. After all, how many customers will want to buy Oldsmobiles, knowing the brand is being discontinued? In a letter to dealers, William J. Lovejoy, GM’s North American group sales vice president, says GM will repurchase all unsold Olds vehicles regardless of model year, as well as unused and undamaged parts; will remove and buy back all signage; and will buy back essential tools but let dealers retain tools exclusively designed for Olds products. By mid-2001, GM had offered Olds dealers cash to surrender franchises, up to about $2,900 per Olds sold during the best year between 1998 and 2000. Cal Woodward, a CPA with expertise in dealership accounting, worked with the negotiating team to develop an appropriate list of requests. He recommended that they include reimbursement for the present value of future profits they will lose as a result of the closing of their Oldsmobile franchises and for reduced profits or losses in the interim period. Mr. Woodward suggested that they use a 9 percent interest factor to calculate the present value of 10 years of incremental franchise profits. Sources: Adapted from James R. Healey and Earle Eldridge, “Good Olds Days Are Numbered,” USA Today (September 10, 2001), p. 6B; Maynard M. Gordon, “What’s an Olds Franchise Worth?” Ward’s Dealer Business (February 1, 2001), p. 40; Al Rothenberg, “No More Merry Oldsmobile,” Ward’s Auto World (March 1, 2001), p. 86. Finding the Future Value of an Annuity Due We now turn our attention to annuities due. Remember that the cash flows of an annuity due occur at the start of the period. A simple conversion is applied to use the future value interest factors for an ordinary annuity (in Table A–3) with annuities due. Equation 4.17 presents this conversion: FVIFAi,n (annuity due) FVIFAi,n (1 i) (4.17) This equation says that the future value interest factor for an annuity due can be found merely by multiplying the future value interest factor for an ordinary annuity at the same percent and number of periods by (1 i). Why is this adjustment necessary? Because each cash flow of an annuity due earns interest for one year more than an ordinary annuity (from the start to the end of the year). Multiplying FVIFAi,n by (1 i) simply adds an additional year’s interest to each annuity cash flow. The following example demonstrates how to find the future value of an annuity due. EXAMPLE Remember from an earlier example that Fran Abrams wanted to choose between an ordinary annuity and an annuity due, both offering similar terms except for the timing of cash flows. We calculated the future value of the ordinary annuity in the example on page 164. We now will calculate the future value of the annuity due, using the cash flows represented by annuity B in Table 4.1 (page 163). CHAPTER 4 Time Value of Money 169 Table Use Substituting i 7% and n 5 years into Equation 4.17, with the aid of the appropriate interest factor from Table A–3, we get FVIFA7%,5yrs (annuity due) FVIFA7%,5yrs (1 0.07) 5.751 1.07 6.154 Then, substituting PMT $1,000 and FVIFA7%, 5 yrs (annuity due) 6.154 into Equation 4.14, we get a future value for the annuity due: Note: Switch calculator to BEGIN mode. Input 1000 Function PMT 5 N 7 I CPT FV Solution 6153.29 FVA5 $1,000 6.154 $6,154 Calculator Use Before using your calculator to find the future value of an annuity due, depending on the specific calculator, you must either switch it to BEGIN mode or use the DUE key. Then, using the inputs shown at the left, you will find the future value of the annuity due to be $6,153.29. (Note: Because we nearly always assume end-of-period cash flows, be sure to switch your calculator back to END mode when you have completed your annuity-due calculations.) Spreadsheet Use The future value of the annuity due also can be calculated as shown on the following Excel spreadsheet. Comparison of an Annuity Due with an Ordinary Annuity Future Value The future value of an annuity due is always greater than the future value of an otherwise identical ordinary annuity. We can see this by comparing the future values at the end of year 5 of Fran Abrams’s two annuities: Ordinary annuity $5,750.74 Annuity due $6,153.29 Because the cash flow of the annuity due occurs at the beginning of the period rather than at the end, its future value is greater. In the example, Fran would earn about $400 more with the annuity due. Finding the Present Value of an Annuity Due We can also find the present value of an annuity due. This calculation can be easily performed by adjusting the ordinary annuity calculation. Because the cash flows of an annuity due occur at the beginning rather than the end of the period, to find their present value, each annuity due cash flow is discounted back one less year than for an ordinary annuity. A simple conversion can be applied to use the present value interest factors for an ordinary annuity (in Table A–4) with annuities due. PVIFA i,n (annuity due) PVIFA i,n (1 i) (4.18) 170 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts The equation indicates that the present value interest factor for an annuity due can be obtained by multiplying the present value interest factor for an ordinary annuity at the same percent and number of periods by (1 i). This conversion adjusts for the fact that each cash flow of an annuity due is discounted back one less year than a comparable ordinary annuity Multiplying PVIFAi,n by (1 i) effectively adds back one year of interest to each annuity cash flow. Adding back one year of interest to each cash flow in effect reduces by 1 the number of years each annuity cash flow is discounted. EXAMPLE In the earlier example of Braden Company on page 166, we found the present value of Braden’s $700, 5-year ordinary annuity discounted at 8% to be about $2,795. If we now assume that Braden’s $700 annual cash flow occurs at the start of each year and is thereby an annuity due, we can calculate its present value using a table, a calculator, or a spreadsheet. Table Use Substituting i 8% and n 5 years into Equation 4.18, with the aid of the appropriate interest factor from Table A–4, we get PVIFA8%,5yrs (annuity due) PVIFA8%,5yrs (1 0.08) 3.993 1.08 4.312 Then, substituting PMT $700 and PVIFA8%,5yrs (annuity due) 4.312 into Equation 4.16, we get a present value for the annuity due: Note: Switch calculator to BEGIN mode. Input 700 Function PMT 5 N 8 I CPT PV Solution 3018.49 PVA5 $700 4.312 $3,018.40 Calculator Use Before using your calculator to find the present value of an annuity due, depending on the specifics of your calculator, you must either switch it to BEGIN mode or use the DUE key. Then, using the inputs shown at the left, you will find the present value of the annuity due to be $3,018.49. (Note: Because we nearly always assume end-of-period cash flows, be sure to switch your calculator back to END mode when you have completed your annuity-due calculations.) Spreadsheet Use The present value of the annuity due also can be calculated as shown on the following Excel spreadsheet. Comparison of an Annuity Due with an Ordinary Annuity Present Value The present value of an annuity due is always greater than the present value of an otherwise identical ordinary annuity. We can see this by comparing the present values of the Braden Company’s two annuities: Ordinary annuity $2,794.90 Annuity due $3,018.49 CHAPTER 4 Time Value of Money 171 Because the cash flow of the annuity due occurs at the beginning of the period rather than at the end, its present value is greater. In the example, Braden Company would realize about $200 more in present value with the annuity due. Finding the Present Value of a Perpetuity perpetuity An annuity with an infinite life, providing continual annual cash flow. A perpetuity is an annuity with an infinite life—in other words, an annuity that never stops providing its holder with a cash flow at the end of each year (for example, the right to receive $500 at the end of each year forever). It is sometimes necessary to find the present value of a perpetuity. The present value interest factor for a perpetuity discounted at the rate i is 1 PVIFAi, i (4.19) As the equation shows, the appropriate factor, PVIFAi, , is found simply by dividing the discount rate, i (stated as a decimal), into 1. The validity of this method can be seen by looking at the factors in Table A–4 for 8, 10, 20, and 40 percent: As the number of periods (typically years) approaches 50, these factors approach the values calculated using Equation 4.19: 1 0.08 12.50; 1 0.10 10.00; 1 0.20 5.00; and 1 0.40 2.50. EXAMPLE Ross Clark wishes to endow a chair in finance at his alma mater. The university indicated that it requires $200,000 per year to support the chair, and the endowment would earn 10% per year. To determine the amount Ross must give the university to fund the chair, we must determine the present value of a $200,000 perpetuity discounted at 10%. The appropriate present value interest factor can be found by dividing 1 by 0.10, as noted in Equation 4.19. Substituting the resulting factor, 10, and the amount of the perpetuity, PMT $200,000, into Equation 4.16 results in a present value of $2,000,000 for the perpetuity. In other words, to generate $200,000 every year for an indefinite period requires $2,000,000 today if Ross Clark’s alma mater can earn 10% on its investments. If the university earns 10% interest annually on the $2,000,000, it can withdraw $200,000 a year indefinitely without touching the initial $2,000,000, which would never be drawn upon. Review Questions 4–8 What is the difference between an ordinary annuity and an annuity due? Which always has greater future value and present value for identical annuities and interest rates? Why? 4–9 What are the most efficient ways to calculate the present value of an ordinary annuity? What is the relationship between the PVIF and PVIFA interest factors given in Tables A–2 and A–4, respectively? 4–10 How can the future value interest factors for an ordinary annuity be modified to find the future value of an annuity due? 4–11 How can the present value interest factors for an ordinary annuity be modified to find the present value of an annuity due? 4–12 What is a perpetuity? How can the present value interest factor for such a stream of cash flows be determined? 172 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts LG4 4.4 Mixed Streams mixed stream A stream of unequal periodic cash flows that reflect no particular pattern. Two basic types of cash flow streams are possible: the annuity and the mixed stream. Whereas an annuity is a pattern of equal periodic cash flows, a mixed stream is a stream of unequal periodic cash flows that reflect no particular pattern. Financial managers frequently need to evaluate opportunities that are expected to provide mixed streams of cash flows. Here we consider both the future value and the present value of mixed streams. Future Value of a Mixed Stream Determining the future value of a mixed stream of cash flows is straightforward. We determine the future value of each cash flow at the specified future date and then add all the individual future values to find the total future value. EXAMPLE Shrell Industries, a cabinet manufacturer, expects to receive the following mixed stream of cash flows over the next 5 years from one of its small customers. End of year Cash flow 1 2 3 4 5 $11,500 14,000 12,900 16,000 18,000 If Shrell expects to earn 8% on its investments, how much will it accumulate by the end of year 5 if it immediately invests these cash flows when they are received? This situation is depicted on the following time time: $15,640.00 17,640.00 15,041.40 17,280.00 18,000.00 $83,601.40 Future Value Time line for future value of a mixed stream (end-of-year cash flows, compounded at 8% to the end of year 5) 0 $11,500 $14,000 1 2 $12,900 $16,000 $18,000 3 4 5 End of Year Table Use To solve this problem, we determine the future value of each cash flow compounded at 8% for the appropriate number of years. Note that the first cash flow of $11,500, received at the end of year 1, will earn interest for 4 years (end of year 1 through end of year 5); the second cash flow of $14,000, received at the end of year 2, will earn interest for 3 years (end of year 2 through end of year 5); and so on. The sum of the individual end-of-year-5 future values is the future value of the mixed cash flow stream. The future value interest factors required are CHAPTER 4 TABLE 4.3 Time Value of Money 173 Future Value of a Mixed Stream of Cash Flows Year Cash flow (1) 1 2 3 4 5 $11,500 14,000 12,900 16,000 18,000 Number of years earning interest (n) (2) FVIF8%,na (2) 514 1.360 523 1.260 532 1.166 541 1.080 550 1.000b Future value of mixed stream Future value [(1) (3)] (4) $15,640.00 17,640.00 15,041.40 17,280.00 18,000.00 $83,601.40 aFuture value interest factors at 8% are from Table A–1. future value of the end-of-year-5 deposit at the end of year 5 is its present value because it earns interest for zero years and (1 0.08)0 1.000. bThe those shown in Table A–1. Table 4.3 presents the calculations needed to find the future value of the cash flow stream, which turns out to be $83,601.40. Calculator Use You can use your calculator to find the future value of each individual cash flow, as demonstrated earlier (page 157), and then sum the future values, to get the future value of the stream. Unfortunately, unless you can program your calculator, most calculators lack a function that would allow you to input all of the cash flows, specify the interest rate, and directly calculate the future value of the entire cash flow stream. Had you used your calculator to find the individual cash flow future values and then summed them, the future value of Shrell Industries’ cash flow stream at the end of year 5 would have been $83,608.15, a more precise value than the one obtained by using a financial table. Spreadsheet Use The future value of the mixed stream also can be calculated as shown on the following Excel spreadsheet. If Shrell Industries invests at 8% interest the cash flows received from its customer over the next 5 years, the company will accumulate about $83,600 by the end of year 5. 174 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts Present Value of a Mixed Stream Finding the present value of a mixed stream of cash flows is similar to finding the future value of a mixed stream. We determine the present value of each future amount and then add all the individual present values together to find the total present value. EXAMPLE Frey Company, a shoe manufacturer, has been offered an opportunity to receive the following mixed stream of cash flows over the next 5 years: End of year Cash flow 1 $400 2 800 3 500 4 400 5 300 If the firm must earn at least 9% on its investments, what is the most it should pay for this opportunity? This situation is depicted on the following time line: Time line for present value of a mixed stream (end-of-year cash flows, discounted at 9% over the corresponding number of years) 0 1 2 $400 $800 End of Year 3 $500 4 5 $400 $300 $ 366.80 673.60 386.00 283.20 195.00 Present Value $1,904.60 Table Use To solve this problem, determine the present value of each cash flow discounted at 9% for the appropriate number of years. The sum of these individual values is the present value of the total stream. The present value interest factors required are those shown in Table A–2. Table 4.4 presents the calculations needed to find the present value of the cash flow stream, which turns out to be $1,904.60. Calculator Use You can use a calculator to find the present value of each individual cash flow, as demonstrated earlier (page 161), and then sum the present values, to get the present value of the stream. However, most financial calculators have a function that allows you to punch in all cash flows, specify the discount rate, and then directly calculate the present value of the entire cash flow stream. Because calculators provide solutions more precise than those based on rounded CHAPTER 4 TABLE 4.4 Time Value of Money Present Value of a Mixed Stream of Cash Flows Year (n) Cash flow (1) PVIF9%,na (2) Present value [(1) (2)] (3) 1 $400 0.917 $ 366.80 2 800 0.842 673.60 3 500 0.772 386.00 4 400 0.708 283.20 5 300 0.650 aPresent 175 195.00 Present value of mixed stream $1,904.60 value interest factors at 9% are from Table A–2. table factors, the present value of Frey Company’s cash flow stream found using a calculator is $1,904.76, which is close to the $1,904.60 value calculated before. Spreadsheet Use The present value of the mixed stream of future cash flows also can be calculated as shown on the following Excel spreadsheet. Paying about $1,905 would provide exactly a 9% return. Frey should pay no more than that amount for the opportunity to receive these cash flows. Review Question 4–13 How is the future value of a mixed stream of cash flows calculated? How is the present value of a mixed stream of cash flows calculated? 176 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts LG5 4.5 Compounding Interest More Frequently Than Annually Interest is often compounded more frequently than once a year. Savings institutions compound interest semiannually, quarterly, monthly, weekly, daily, or even continuously. This section discusses various issues and techniques related to these more frequent compounding intervals. Semiannual Compounding semiannual compounding Compounding of interest over two periods within the year. Semiannual compounding of interest involves two compounding periods within the year. Instead of the stated interest rate being paid once a year, one-half of the stated interest rate is paid twice a year. EXAMPLE Fred Moreno has decided to invest $100 in a savings account paying 8% interest compounded semiannually. If he leaves his money in the account for 24 months (2 years), he will be paid 4% interest compounded over four periods, each of which is 6 months long. Table 4.5 uses interest factors to show that at the end of 12 months (1 year) with 8% semiannual compounding, Fred will have $108.16; at the end of 24 months (2 years), he will have $116.99. Quarterly Compounding quarterly compounding Compounding of interest over four periods within the year. EXAMPLE Quarterly compounding of interest involves four compounding periods within the year. One-fourth of the stated interest rate is paid four times a year. Fred Moreno has found an institution that will pay him 8% interest compounded quarterly. If he leaves his money in this account for 24 months (2 years), he will be paid 2% interest compounded over eight periods, each of which is 3 months long. Table 4.6 uses interest factors to show the amount Fred will have at the end of each period. At the end of 12 months (1 year), with 8% quarterly compounding, Fred will have $108.24; at the end of 24 months (2 years), he will have $117.16. TABLE 4.5 Period The Future Value from Investing $100 at 8% Interest Compounded Semiannually Over 24 Months (2 Years) Beginning principal (1) Future value interest factor (2) Future value at end of period [(1) (2)] (3) 6 months $100.00 1.04 $104.00 12 months 104.00 1.04 108.16 18 months 108.16 1.04 112.49 24 months 112.49 1.04 116.99 CHAPTER 4 TABLE 4.6 Time Value of Money The Future Value from Investing $100 at 8% Interest Compounded Quarterly Over 24 Months (2 Years) Beginning principal (1) Future value interest factor (2) Future value at end of period [(1) (2)] (3) 3 months $100.00 1.02 $102.00 6 months 102.00 1.02 104.04 9 months 104.04 1.02 106.12 12 months 106.12 1.02 108.24 15 months 108.24 1.02 110.40 18 months 110.40 1.02 112.61 21 months 112.61 1.02 114.86 24 months 114.86 1.02 117.16 Period TABLE 4.7 177 The Future Value at the End of Years 1 and 2 from Investing $100 at 8% Interest, Given Various Compounding Periods Compounding period End of year Annual Semiannual Quarterly 1 $108.00 $108.16 $108.24 2 116.64 116.99 117.16 Table 4.7 compares values for Fred Moreno’s $100 at the end of years 1 and 2 given annual, semiannual, and quarterly compounding periods at the 8 percent rate. As shown, the more frequently interest is compounded, the greater the amount of money accumulated. This is true for any interest rate for any period of time. A General Equation for Compounding More Frequently Than Annually The formula for annual compounding (Equation 4.4) can be rewritten for use when compounding takes place more frequently. If m equals the number of times per year interest is compounded, the formula for annual compounding can be rewritten as i FVn PV 1 m mn (4.20) 178 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts If m 1, Equation 4.20 reduces to Equation 4.4. Thus, if interest is compounded annually (once a year), Equation 4.20 will provide the same result as Equation 4.4. The general use of Equation 4.20 can be illustrated with a simple example. EXAMPLE The preceding examples calculated the amount that Fred Moreno would have at the end of 2 years if he deposited $100 at 8% interest compounded semiannually and compounded quarterly. For semiannual compounding, m would equal 2 in Equation 4.20; for quarterly compounding, m would equal 4. Substituting the appropriate values for semiannual and quarterly compounding into Equation 4.20, we find that 1. For semiannual compounding: 0.08 FV2 $100 1 2 22 $100 (1 0.04)4 $116.99 2. For quarterly compounding: 0.08 FV2 $100 1 4 42 $100 (1 0.02)8 $117.16 These results agree with the values for FV2 in Tables 4.5 and 4.6. If the interest were compounded monthly, weekly, or daily, m would equal 12, 52, or 365, respectively. Using Computational Tools for Compounding More Frequently Than Annually We can use the future value interest factors for one dollar, given in Table A–1, when interest is compounded m times each year. Instead of indexing the table for i percent and n years, as we do when interest is compounded annually, we index it for (i m) percent and (m n) periods. However, the table is less useful, because it includes only selected rates for a limited number of periods. Instead, a financial calculator or a computer and spreadsheet is typically required. EXAMPLE Fred Moreno wished to find the future value of $100 invested at 8% interest compounded both semiannually and quarterly for 2 years. The number of compounding periods, m, the interest rate, and the number of periods used in each case, along with the future value interest factor, are as follows: Compounding period m Interest rate (i ÷ m) Periods (m n) Future value interest factor from Table A–1 Semiannual 2 8% 2 4% 224 1.170 Quarterly 4 8% 4 2% 428 1.172 CHAPTER 4 Input 100 Function PV 4 N 4 I CPT FV Solution 116.99 Input 100 Function PV 8 N 2 I Time Value of Money 179 Table Use Multiplying each of the future value interest factors by the initial $100 deposit results in a value of $117.00 (1.170 $100) for semiannual compounding and a value of $117.20 (1.172 $100) for quarterly compounding. Calculator Use If the calculator were used for the semiannual compounding calculation, the number of periods would be 4 and the interest rate would be 4%. The future value of $116.99 will appear on the calculator display as shown at the top left. For the quarterly compounding case, the number of periods would be 8 and the interest rate would be 2%. The future value of $117.17 will appear on the calculator display as shown in the second display at the left. Spreadsheet Use The future value of the single amount with semiannual and quarterly compounding also can be calculated as shown on the following Excel spreadsheet. CPT FV Solution 117.17 Comparing the calculator, table, and spreadsheet values, we can see that the calculator and spreadsheet values agree generally with the values in Table 4.7 but are more precise because the table factors have been rounded. Continuous Compounding continuous compounding Compounding of interest an infinite number of times per year at intervals of microseconds. In the extreme case, interest can be compounded continuously. Continuous compounding involves compounding over every microsecond—the smallest time period imaginable. In this case, m in Equation 4.20 would approach infinity. Through the use of calculus, we know that as m approaches infinity, the equation becomes FVn (continuous compounding) PV (ein) (4.21) where e is the exponential function10, which has a value of 2.7183. The future value interest factor for continuous compounding is therefore FVIFi,n (continuous compounding) ein (4.22) 10. Most calculators have the exponential function, typically noted by ex, built into them. The use of this key is especially helpful in calculating future value when interest is compounded continuously. 180 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts EXAMPLE To find the value at the end of 2 years (n 2) of Fred Moreno’s $100 deposit (PV $100) in an account paying 8% annual interest (i 0.08) compounded continuously, we can substitute into Equation 4.21: FV2 (continuous compounding) $100 e0.082 $100 2.71830.16 $100 1.1735 $117.35 Input 0.16 Function 2nd ex Calculator Use To find this value using the calculator, you need first to find the value of e0.16 by punching in 0.16 and then pressing 2nd and then ex to get 1.1735. Next multiply this value by $100 to get the future value of $117.35 as shown at the left. (Note: On some calculators, you may not have to press 2nd before pressing ex.) 1.1735 100 Spreadsheet Use The future value of the single amount with continuous compounding also can be calculated as shown on the following Excel spreadsheet. Solution 117.35 The future value with continuous compounding therefore equals $117.35. As expected, the continuously compounded value is larger than the future value of interest compounded semiannually ($116.99) or quarterly ($117.16). Continuous compounding offers the largest amount that would result from compounding interest more frequently than annually. Nominal and Effective Annual Rates of Interest nominal (stated) annual rate Contractual annual rate of interest charged by a lender or promised by a borrower. effective (true) annual rate (EAR) The annual rate of interest actually paid or earned. Both businesses and investors need to make objective comparisons of loan costs or investment returns over different compounding periods. In order to put interest rates on a common basis, to allow comparison, we distinguish between nominal and effective annual rates. The nominal, or stated, annual rate is the contractual annual rate of interest charged by a lender or promised by a borrower. The effective, or true, annual rate (EAR) is the annual rate of interest actually paid or earned. The effective annual rate reflects the impact of compounding frequency, whereas the nominal annual rate does not. Using the notation introduced earlier, we can calculate the effective annual rate, EAR, by substituting values for the nominal annual rate, i, and the compounding frequency, m, into Equation 4.23: i m 1 m EAR 1 We can apply this equation using data from preceding examples. (4.23) CHAPTER 4 EXAMPLE 181 Time Value of Money Fred Moreno wishes to find the effective annual rate associated with an 8% nominal annual rate (i 0.08) when interest is compounded (1) annually (m 1); (2) semiannually (m 2); and (3) quarterly (m 4). Substituting these values into Equation 4.23, we get 1. For annual compounding: 0.08 EAR 1 1 1 1 (1 0.08)1 1 1 0.08 1 0.08 8% 2. For semiannual compounding: 0.08 EAR 1 2 2 1 (1 0.04)2 1 1.0816 1 0.0816 8.16% 3. For quarterly compounding: 0.08 EAR 1 4 4 1 (1 0.02)4 1 1.0824 1 0.0824 8.24% These values demonstrate two important points: The first is that nominal and effective annual rates are equivalent for annual compounding. The second is that the effective annual rate increases with increasing compounding frequency, up to a limit that occurs with continuous compounding.11 annual percentage rate (APR) The nominal annual rate of interest, found by multiplying the periodic rate by the number of periods in 1 year, that must be disclosed to consumers on credit cards and loans as a result of “truth-in-lending laws.” annual percentage yield (APY) The effective annual rate of interest that must be disclosed to consumers by banks on their savings products as a result of “truth-in-savings laws.” At the consumer level, “truth-in-lending laws” require disclosure on credit card and loan agreements of the annual percentage rate (APR). The APR is the nominal annual rate found by multiplying the periodic rate by the number of periods in one year. For example, a bank credit card that charges 1 1/2 percent per month (the periodic rate) would have an APR of 18% (1.5% per month 12 months per year). “Truth-in-savings laws,” on the other hand, require banks to quote the annual percentage yield (APY) on their savings products. The APY is the effective annual rate a savings product pays. For example, a savings account that pays 0.5 percent per month would have an APY of 6.17 percent [(1.005)12 1]. Quoting loan interest rates at their lower nominal annual rate (the APR) and savings interest rates at the higher effective annual rate (the APY) offers two advantages: It tends to standardize disclosure to consumers, and it enables financial institutions to quote the most attractive interest rates: low loan rates and high savings rates. 11. The effective annual rate for this extreme case can be found by using the following equation: EAR (continuous compounding) e k 1 (4.23a) For the 8% nominal annual rate (k 0.08), substitution into Equation 4.23a results in an effective annual rate of e0.08 1 1.0833 1 0.0833 8.33% in the case of continuous compounding. This is the highest effective annual rate attainable with an 8% nominal rate. 182 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts Review Questions 4–14 What effect does compounding interest more frequently than annually have on (a) future value and (b) the effective annual rate (EAR)? Why? 4–15 How does the future value of a deposit subject to continuous compounding compare to the value obtained by annual compounding? 4–16 Differentiate between a nominal annual rate and an effective annual rate (EAR). Define annual percentage rate (APR) and annual percentage yield (APY). LG6 4.6 Special Applications of Time Value Future value and present value techniques have a number of important applications in finance. We’ll study four of them in this section: (1) deposits needed to accumulate a future sum, (2) loan amortization, (3) interest or growth rates, and (4) finding an unknown number of periods. Deposits Needed to Accumulate a Future Sum Suppose you want to buy a house 5 years from now, and you estimate that an initial down payment of $20,000 will be required at that time. To accumulate the 20,000, you will wish to make equal annual end-of-year deposits into an account paying annual interest of 6 percent. The solution to this problem is closely related to the process of finding the future value of an annuity. You must determine what size annuity will result in a single amount equal to $20,000 at the end of year 5. Earlier in the chapter we found the future value of an n-year ordinary annuity, FVAn, by multiplying the annual deposit, PMT, by the appropriate interest factor, FVIFAi,n. The relationship of the three variables was defined by Equation 4.14, which is repeated here as Equation 4.24: FVAn PMT (FVIFAi,n) (4.24) We can find the annual deposit required to accumulate FVAn dollars by solving Equation 4.24 for PMT. Isolating PMT on the left side of the equation gives us FVAn PMT FVIFAi,n (4.25) Once this is done, we have only to substitute the known values of FVAn and FVIFAi,n into the right side of the equation to find the annual deposit required. EXAMPLE As just stated, you want to determine the equal annual end-of-year deposits required to accumulate $20,000 at the end of 5 years, given an interest rate of 6%. Table Use Table A–3 indicates that the future value interest factor for an ordinary annuity at 6% for 5 years (FVIFA6%,5yrs) is 5.637. Substituting CHAPTER 4 Input 20,000 Function FV 5 N 6 I CPT PMT Solution 3547.93 Time Value of Money 183 FVA5 $20,000 and FVIFA6%,5yrs 5.637 into Equation 4.25 yields an annual required deposit, PMT, of $3,547.99. Thus if $3,547.99 is deposited at the end of each year for 5 years at 6% interest, there will be $20,000 in the account at the end of the 5 years. Calculator Use Using the calculator inputs shown at the left, you will find the annual deposit amount to be $3,547.93. Note that this value, except for a slight rounding difference, agrees with the value found by using Table A–3. Spreadsheet Use The annual deposit needed to accumulate the future sum also can be calculated as shown on the following Excel spreadsheet. Loan Amortization loan amortization The determination of the equal periodic loan payments necessary to provide a lender with a specified interest return and to repay the loan principal over a specified period. loan amortization schedule A schedule of equal payments to repay a loan. It shows the allocation of each loan payment to interest and principal. The term loan amortization refers to the computation of equal periodic loan payments. These payments provide a lender with a specified interest return and repay the loan principal over a specified period. The loan amortization process involves finding the future payments, over the term of the loan, whose present value at the loan interest rate equals the amount of initial principal borrowed. Lenders use a loan amortization schedule to determine these payment amounts and the allocation of each payment to interest and principal. In the case of home mortgages, these tables are used to find the equal monthly payments necessary to amortize, or pay off, the mortgage at a specified interest rate over a 15- to 30year period. Amortizing a loan actually involves creating an annuity out of a present amount. For example, say you borrow $6,000 at 10 percent and agree to make equal annual end-of-year payments over 4 years. To find the size of the payments, the lender determines the amount of a 4-year annuity discounted at 10 percent that has a present value of $6,000. This process is actually the inverse of finding the present value of an annuity. Earlier in the chapter, we found the present value, PVAn, of an n-year annuity by multiplying the annual amount, PMT, by the present value interest factor for an annuity, PVIFAi,n. This relationship, which was originally expressed as Equation 4.16, is repeated here as Equation 4.26: PVAn PMT (PVIFAi,n) (4.26) 184 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts FOCUS ON PRACTICE In Practice Time Is on Your Side For many years, the 30-year fixedrate mortgage was the traditional choice of home buyers. In recent years, however, more homeowners are choosing fixed-rate mortgages with a 15-year term when they buy a new home or refinance their current residence. They are often pleasantly surprised to discover that they can pay off the loan in half the time with a monthly payment that is only about 25 percent higher. Not only will they own the home free and clear sooner, but they pay considerably less interest over the life of the loan. For example, assume you need a $200,000 mortgage and can borrow at fixed rates. The shorter loan would carry a lower rate (because it presents less risk for the lender). The accompanying table shows how the two mortgages compare: The extra $431 a month, or a total of $77,580, saves $157,765 in interest payments over Term Rate Monthly principal and interest Total interest paid over the term of the loan 15 years 6.50% $1,742 $113,625 30 years 6.85% $1,311 $271,390 the life of the loan, for net savings of $80,185! Why isn’t everyone rushing to take out a shorter mortgage? Many homeowners either can’t afford the higher monthly payment or would rather have the extra spending money now. Others hope to do even better by investing the difference themselves. Suppose you invested $431 each month in a mutual fund with an average annual return of 7 percent. At the end of 15 years, your $77,580 investment would have grown to $136,611, or $59,031 more than you contributed! However, many people lack the self-discipline to save rather than spend that money. For them, the 15-year mortgage represents forced savings. Yet another option is to make additional principal payments whenever possible. This shortens the life of the loan without committing you to the higher payments. By paying just $100 more each month, you can shorten the life of a 30year mortgage to 24 1/4 years, with attendant interest savings. Sources: Daniela Deane, “Adding Up Pros, Cons of 15-Year Loans,” Washington Post (October 13, 2001), p. H7; Henry Savage, “Is 15-Year Loan Right for You?” Washington Times (June 22, 2001), p. F22; Carlos Tejada, “Sweet Fifteen: Shorter Mortgages Are Gaining Support,” Wall Street Journal (September 17, 1998), p. C1; Ann Tergesen, “It’s Time to Refinance . . . Again,” Business Week (November 2, 1998), pp. 134–135. To find the equal annual payment required to pay off, or amortize, the loan, PVAn, over a certain number of years at a specified interest rate, we need to solve Equation 4.26 for PMT. Isolating PMT on the left side of the equation gives us PVAn PMT PVIFAi,n (4.27) Once this is done, we have only to substitute the known values into the righthand side of the equation to find the annual payment required. EXAMPLE As just stated, you want to determine the equal annual end-of-year payments necessary to amortize fully a $6,000, 10% loan over 4 years. Table Use Table A–4 indicates that the present value interest factor for an annuity corresponding to 10% and 4 years (PVIFA10%,4yrs) is 3.170. Substituting PVA4 $6,000 and PVIFA10%,4yrs 3.170 into Equation 4.27 and solving for PMT yield an annual loan payment of $1,892.74. Thus to repay the interest and principal on a $6,000, 10%, 4-year loan, equal annual end-of-year payments of $1,892.74 are necessary. CHAPTER 4 Input 6000 Function PV 4 N 10 I CPT PMT Solution 1892.82 Time Value of Money 185 Calculator Use Using the calculator inputs shown at the left, you will find the annual payment amount to be $1,892.82. Except for a slight rounding difference, this value agrees with the table solution. The allocation of each loan payment to interest and principal can be seen in columns 3 and 4 of the loan amortization schedule in Table 4.8 at the top of page 186. The portion of each payment that represents interest (column 3) declines over the repayment period, and the portion going to principal repayment (column 4) increases. This pattern is typical of amortized loans; as the principal is reduced, the interest component declines, leaving a larger portion of each subsequent loan payment to repay principal. Spreadsheet Use The annual payment to repay the loan also can be calculated as shown on the first Excel spreadsheet. The amortization schedule allocating each loan payment to interest and principal also can be calculated precisely as shown on the second spreadsheet. 186 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts TABLE 4.8 Loan Amortization Schedule ($6,000 Principal, 10% Interest, 4-Year Repayment Period) Payments End of year Beginningof-year principal (1) Loan payment (2) Interest [0.10 (2)] (3) Principal [(1) (3)] (4) End-of-year principal [(2) (4)] (5) 1 $6,000.00 $1,892.74 $600.00 $1,292.74 $4,707.26 2 4,707.26 1,892.74 470.73 1,422.01 3,285.25 3 3,285.25 1,892.74 328.53 1,564.21 1,721.04 4 1,721.04 1,892.74 172.10 1,720.64 —a aBecause of rounding, a slight difference ($0.40) exists between the beginning-of-year-4 principal (in column 1) and the year-4 principal payment (in column 4). Interest or Growth Rates It is often necessary to calculate the compound annual interest or growth rate (that is, the annual rate of change in values) of a series of cash flows. Examples include finding the interest rate on a loan, the rate of growth in sales, and the rate of growth in earnings. In doing this, we can use either future value or present value interest factors. The use of present value interest factors is described in this section. The simplest situation is one in which a person wishes to find the rate of interest or growth in a series of cash flows.12 EXAMPLE Ray Noble wishes to find the rate of interest or growth reflected in the stream of cash flows he received from a real estate investment over the period 1999 through 2003. The following table lists those cash flows: Year Cash flow 2003 $1,520 2002 1,440 2001 2000 1999 }4 }3 1,370 }2 1,300 }1 1,250 By using the first year (1999) as a base year, we see that interest has been earned (or growth experienced) for 4 years. Table Use The first step in finding the interest or growth rate is to divide the amount received in the earliest year (PV) by the amount received in the latest year (FVn). Looking back at Equation 4.12, we see that this results in the present value 12. Because the calculations required for finding interest rates and growth rates, given the series of cash flows, are the same, this section refers to the calculations as those required to find interest or growth rates. CHAPTER 4 Time Value of Money 187 interest factor for a single amount for 4 years, PVIFi,4yrs, which is 0.822 ($1,250 $1,520). The interest rate in Table A–2 associated with the factor closest to 0.822 for 4 years is the interest or growth rate of Ray’s cash flows. In the row for year 4 in Table A–2, the factor for 5 percent is 0.823—almost exactly the 0.822 value. Therefore, the interest or growth rate of the given cash flows is approximately (to the nearest whole percent) 5%.13 Input 1250 Function PV 1520 FV 4 N CPT I Solution 5.01 Calculator Use Using the calculator, we treat the earliest value as a present value, PV, and the latest value as a future value, FVn. (Note: Most calculators require either the PV or the FV value to be input as a negative number to calculate an unknown interest or growth rate. That approach is used here.) Using the inputs shown at the left, you will find the interest or growth rate to be 5.01%, which is consistent with, but more precise than, the value found using Table A–2. Spreadsheet Use The interest or growth rate for the series of cash flows also can be calculated as shown on the following Excel spreadsheet. Another type of interest-rate problem involves finding the interest rate associated with an annuity, or equal-payment loan. EXAMPLE Jan Jacobs can borrow $2,000 to be repaid in equal annual end-of-year amounts of $514.14 for the next 5 years. She wants to find the interest rate on this loan. Table Use Substituting PVA5 $2,000 and PMT $514.14 into Equation 4.26 and rearranging the equation to solve for PVIFAi,5yrs, we get PVA5 $2,000 PVIFAi,5yrs 3.890 PMT $514.14 (4.28) 13. To obtain more precise estimates of interest or growth rates, interpolation—a mathematical technique for estimating unknown intermediate values—can be applied. For information on how to interpolate a more precise answer in this example, see the book’s home page at 188 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts Input 514.14 Function PMT 2000 PV 5 N CPT I Solution 9.00 The interest rate for 5 years associated with the annuity factor closest to 3.890 in Table A–4 is 9%. Therefore, the interest rate on the loan is approximately (to the nearest whole percent) 9%. Calculator Use (Note: Most calculators require either the PMT or the PV value to be input as a negative number in order to calculate an unknown interest rate on an equal-payment loan. That approach is used here.) Using the inputs shown at the left, you will find the interest rate to be 9.00%, which is consistent with the value found using Table A–4. Spreadsheet Use The interest or growth rate for the annuity also can be calculated as shown on the following Excel spreadsheet. Finding an Unknown Number of Periods Sometimes it is necessary to calculate the number of time periods needed to generate a given amount of cash flow from an initial amount. Here we briefly consider this calculation for both single amounts and annuities. This simplest case is when a person wishes to determine the number of periods, n, it will take for an initial deposit, PV, to grow to a specified future amount, FVn , given a stated interest rate, i. EXAMPLE Ann Bates wishes to determine the number of years it will take for her initial $1,000 deposit, earning 8% annual interest, to grow to equal $2,500. Simply stated, at an 8% annual rate of interest, how many years, n, will it take for Ann’s $1,000, PV, to grow to $2,500, FVn? Table Use In a manner similar to our approach above to finding an unknown interest or growth rate in a series of cash flows, we begin by dividing the amount deposited in the earliest year by the amount received in the latest year. This results in the present value interest factor for 8% and n years, PVIF8%,n, which is 0.400 ($1,000 $2,500). The number of years (periods) in Table A–2 associated with the factor closest to 0.400 for an 8% interest rate is the number of years required for $1,000 to grow into $2,500 at 8%. In the 8% column of Table A–2, the factor for 12 years is 0.397—almost exactly the 0.400 value. Therefore, the number of years necessary for the $1,000 to grow to a future value of $2,500 at 8% is approximately (to the nearest year) 12. CHAPTER 4 Input 1000 Function PV 2500 FV 8 I CPT N Solution 11.91 Time Value of Money 189 Calculator Use Using the calculator, we treat the initial value as the present value, PV, and the latest value as the future value, FVn. (Note: Most calculators require either the PV or the FV value to be input as a negative number to calculate an unknown number of periods. That approach is used here.) Using the inputs shown at the left, we find the number of periods to be 11.91 years, which is consistent with, but more precise than, the value found above using Table A–2. Spreadsheet Use The number of years for the present value to grow to a specified future value also can be calculated as shown on the following Excel spreadsheet. Another type of number-of-periods problem involves finding the number of periods associated with an annuity. Occasionally we wish to find the unknown life, n, of an annuity, PMT, that is intended to achieve a specific objective, such as repaying a loan of a given amount, PVAn, with a stated interest rate, i. EXAMPLE Bill Smart can borrow $25,000 at an 11% annual interest rate; equal, annual end-of-year payments of $4,800 are required. He wishes to determine how long it will take to fully repay the loan. In other words, he wishes to determine how many years, n, it will take to repay the $25,000, 11% loan, PVAn, if the payments of $4,800, PMT, are made at the end of each year. Table Use Substituting PVAn $25,000 and PMT $4,800 into Equation 4.26 and rearranging the equation to solve PVIFA11%,n yrs, we get PVAn $25,000 PVIFA11%,n yrs 5.208 PMT $4,800 Input 4800 Function PMT 25000 PV 11 The number of periods for an 11% interest rate associated with the annuity factor closest to 5.208 in Table A–4 is 8 years. Therefore, the number of periods necessary to repay the loan fully is approximately (to the nearest year) 8 years. I CPT N Solution 8.15 (4.29) Calculator Use (Note: Most calculators require either the PV or the PMT value to be input as a negative number in order to calculate an unknown number of periods. That approach is used here.) Using the inputs shown at the left, you will find the number of periods to be 8.15, which is consistent with the value found using Table A–4. 190 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts Spreadsheet Use The number of years to pay off the loan also can be calculated as shown on the following Excel spreadsheet. Review Questions 4–17 How can you determine the size of the equal annual end-of-period deposits necessary to accumulate a certain future sum at the end of a specified future period at a given annual interest rate? 4–18 Describe the procedure used to amortize a loan into a series of equal periodic payments. 4–19 Which present value interest factors would be used to find (a) the growth rate associated with a series of cash flows and (b) the interest rate associated with an equal-payment loan? 4–20 How can you determine the unknown number of periods when you know the present and future values—single amount or annuity—and the applicable rate of interest? S U M M A RY FOCUS ON VALUE Time value of money is an important tool that financial managers and other market participants use to assess the impact of proposed actions. Because firms have long lives and their important decisions affect their long-term cash flows, the effective application of timevalue-of-money techniques is extremely important. Time value techniques enable financial managers to evaluate cash flows occurring at different times in order to combine, compare, and evaluate them and link them to the firm’s overall goal of share price maximization. It will become clear in Chapters 6 and 7 that the application of time value techniques is a key part of the value determination process. Using them, we can measure the firm’s value and evaluate the impact that various events and decisions might have on it. Clearly, an understanding of time-value-of-money techniques and an ability to apply them are needed in order to make intelligent value-creating decisions. CHAPTER 4 Time Value of Money 191 REVIEW OF LEARNING GOALS Discuss the role of time value in finance, the use of computational tools, and the basic patterns of cash flow. Financial managers and investors use time-value-of-money techniques when assessing the value of the expected cash flow streams associated with investment alternatives. Alternatives can be assessed by either compounding to find future value or discounting to find present value. Because they are at time zero when making decisions, financial managers rely primarily on present value techniques. Financial tables, financial calculators, and computers and spreadsheets can streamline the application of time value techniques. The cash flow of a firm can be described by its pattern—single amount, annuity, or mixed stream. LG1 count rate to represent the present value interest factor. The interest factor formulas and basic equations for the future value and the present value of both an ordinary annuity and an annuity due, and the present value of a perpetuity, are given in Table 4.9. Calculate both the future value and the present value of a mixed stream of cash flows. A mixed stream of cash flows is a stream of unequal periodic cash flows that reflect no particular pattern. The future value of a mixed stream of cash flows is the sum of the future values of each individual cash flow. Similarly, the present value of a mixed stream of cash flows is the sum of the present values of the individual cash flows. LG4 Understand the concepts of future and present value, their calculation for single amounts, and the relationship of present value to future value. Future value relies on compound interest to measure future amounts: The initial principal or deposit in one period, along with the interest earned on it, becomes the beginning principal of the following period. The present value of a future amount is the amount of money today that is equivalent to the given future amount, considering the return that can be earned on the current money. Present value is the inverse future value. The interest factor formulas and basic equations for both the future value and the present value of a single amount are given in Table 4.9. Understand the effect that compounding interest more frequently than annually has on future value and on the effective annual rate of interest. Interest can be compounded at intervals ranging from annually to daily, and even continuously. The more often interest is compounded, the larger the future amount that will be accumulated, and the higher the effective, or true, annual rate (EAR). The annual percentage rate (APR)—a nominal annual rate—is quoted on credit cards and loans. The annual percentage yield (APY)—an effective annual rate—is quoted on savings products. The interest factor formulas for compounding more frequently than annually are given in Table 4.9. Find the future value and the present value of both an ordinary annuity and an annuity due, and find the present value of a perpetuity. An annuity is a pattern of equal periodic cash flows. For an ordinary annuity, the cash flows occur at the end of the period. For an annuity due, cash flows occur at the beginning of the period. The future value of an ordinary annuity can be found by using the future value interest factor for an annuity; the present value of an ordinary annuity can be found by using the present value interest factor for an annuity. A simple conversion can be applied to use the future value and present value interest factors for an ordinary annuity to find, respectively, the future value and the present value of an annuity due. The present value of a perpetuity—an infinitelived annuity—is found using 1 divided by the dis- Describe the procedures involved in (1) determining deposits to accumulate a future sum, (2) loan amortization, (3) finding interest or growth rates, and (4) finding an unknown number of periods. The periodic deposit to accumulate a given future sum can be found by solving the equation for the future value of an annuity for the annual payment. A loan can be amortized into equal periodic payments by solving the equation for the present value of an annuity for the periodic payment. Interest or growth rates can be estimated by finding the unknown interest rate in the equation for the present value of a single amount or an annuity. Similarly, an unknown number of periods can be estimated by finding the unknown number of periods in the equation for the present value of a single amount or an annuity. LG2 LG3 LG5 LG6 192 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts TABLE 4.9 Summary of Key Definitions, Formulas, and Equations for Time Value of Money Definitions of variables e exponential function 2.7183 EAR effective annual rate FVn future value or amount at the end of period n FVAn future value of an n-year annuity i annual rate of interest m number of times per year interest is compounded n number of periods—typically years—over which money earns a return PMT amount deposited or received annually at the end of each year PV initial principal or present value PVAn present value of an n-year annuity t period number index Interest factor formulas Future value of a single amount with annual compounding: FVIFi,n (1 i)n [Eq. 4.5; factors in Table A–1] Present value of a single amount: 1 PVIFi,n (1 i)n Future value of an ordinary annuity: [Eq. 4.11; factors in Table A–2] n FVIFAi,n (1 i)t1 t=1 [Eq. 4.13; factors in Table A–3] Present value of an ordinary annuity: n 1 t PVIFAi,n t=1 (1 i) Future value of an annuity due: FVIFAi,n (annuity due) FVIFAi,n (1 i) [Eq. 4.15; factors in Table A–4] [Eq. 4.17] Present value of an annuity due: PVIFAi,n (annuity due) PVIFAi,n (1 i) Present value of a perpetuity: 1 PVIFAi,∞ i [Eq. 4.18] [Eq. 4.19] Future value with compounding more frequently than annually: i mn FVIFi,n 1 [Eq. 4.20] m for continuous compounding, m ∞: FVIFi,n (continuous compounding) ei n to find the effective annual rate: i m EAR 1 1 m [Eq. 4.22] [Eq. 4.23] Basic equations Future value (single amount): Present value (single amount): FVn PV (FVIFi,n) PV FVn (PVIFi,n) [Eq. 4.6] [Eq. 4.12] Future value (annuity): FVAn PMT (FVIFAi,n) [Eq. 4.14] Present value (annuity): PVAn PMT (PVIFAi,n) [Eq. 4.16] CHAPTER 4 SELF-TEST PROBLEMS LG2 LG2 LG3 Time Value of Money 193 (Solutions in Appendix B) LG5 ST 4–1 Future values for various compounding frequencies Delia Martin has $10,000 that she can deposit in any of three savings accounts for a 3-year period. Bank A compounds interest on an annual basis, bank B compounds interest twice each year, and bank C compounds interest each quarter. All three banks have a stated annual interest rate of 4%. a. What amount would Ms. Martin have at the end of the third year, leaving all interest paid on deposit, in each bank? b. What effective annual rate (EAR) would she earn in each of the banks? c. On the basis of your findings in parts a and b, which bank should Ms. Martin deal with? Why? d. If a fourth bank (bank D), also with a 4% stated interest rate, compounds interest continuously, how much would Ms. Martin have at the end of the third year? Does this alternative change your recommendation in part c? Explain why or why not. LG3 ST 4–2 Future values of annuities Ramesh Abdul wishes to choose the better of two equally costly cash flow streams: annuity X and annuity Y. X is an annuity due with a cash inflow of $9,000 for each of 6 years. Y is an ordinary annuity with a cash inflow of $10,000 for each of 6 years. Assume that Ramesh can earn 15% on his investments. a. On a purely subjective basis, which annuity do you think is more attractive? Why? b. Find the future value at the end of year 6, FVA6, for both annuity X and annuity Y. c. Use your finding in part b to indicate which annuity is more attractive. Why? Compare your finding to your subjective response in part a. LG4 ST 4–3 Present values of single amounts and streams You have a choice of accepting either of two 5-year cash flow streams or single amounts. One cash flow stream is an ordinary annuity, and the other is a mixed stream. You may accept alternative A or B—either as a cash flow stream or as a single amount. Given the cash flow stream and single amounts associated with each (see the accompanying table), and assuming a 9% opportunity cost, which alternative (A or B) and in which form (cash flow stream or single amount) would you prefer? Cash flow stream End of year Alternative A Alternative B 1 $700 $1,100 2 700 900 3 700 700 4 700 500 5 700 300 Single amount At time zero $2,825 $2,800 194 PART 2 LG6 Important Financial Concepts ST 4–4 Deposits needed to accumulate a future sum Judi Janson wishes to accumulate $8,000 by the end of 5 years by making equal annual end-of-year deposits over the next 5 years. If Judi can earn 7% on her investments, how much must she deposit at the end of each year to meet this goal? LG1 4–1 Using a time line The financial manager at Starbuck Industries is considering an investment that requires an initial outlay of $25,000 and is expected to result in cash inflows of $3,000 at the end of year 1, $6,000 at the end of years 2 and 3, $10,000 at the end of year 4, $8,000 at the end of year 5, and $7,000 at the end of year 6. a. Draw and label a time line depicting the cash flows associated with Starbuck Industries’ proposed investment. b. Use arrows to demonstrate, on the time line in part a, how compounding to find future value can be used to measure all cash flows at the end of year 6. c. Use arrows to demonstrate, on the time line in part b, how discounting to find present value can be used to measure all cash flows at time zero. d. Which of the approaches—future value or present value—do financial managers rely on most often for decision making? Why? LG2 4–2 Future value calculation Without referring to tables or to the preprogrammed function on your financial calculator, use the basic formula for future value along with the given interest rate, i, and the number of periods, n, to calculate the future value interest factor in each of the cases shown in the following table. Compare the calculated value to the value in Appendix Table A–1. PROBLEMS LG2 4–3 Case Interest rate, i Number of periods, n A 12% 2 B 6 3 C 9 2 D 3 4 Future value tables Use the future value interest factors in Appendix Table A–1 in each of the cases shown in the following table to estimate, to the nearest year, how long it would take an initial deposit, assuming no withdrawals, a. To double. b. To quadruple. Case A Interest rate 7% B 40 C 20 D 10 CHAPTER 4 LG2 4–4 Time Value of Money 195 Future values For each of the cases shown in the following table, calculate the future value of the single cash flow deposited today that will be available at the end of the deposit period if the interest is compounded annually at the rate specified over the given period. Case A Single cash flow $ 200 Interest rate 5% Deposit period (years) 20 B 4,500 8 7 C 10,000 9 10 D 25,000 10 12 E 37,000 11 5 F 40,000 12 9 LG2 4–5 Future value You have $1,500 to invest today at 7% interest compounded annually. a. Find how much you will have accumulated in the account at the end of (1) 3 years, (2) 6 years, and (3) 9 years. b. Use your findings in part a to calculate the amount of interest earned in (1) the first 3 years (years 1 to 3), (2) the second 3 years (years 4 to 6), and (3) the third 3 years (years 7 to 9). c. Compare and contrast your findings in part b. Explain why the amount of interest earned increases in each succeeding 3-year period. LG2 4–6 Inflation and future value As part of your financial planning, you wish to purchase a new car exactly 5 years from today. The car you wish to purchase costs $14,000 today, and your research indicates that its price will increase by 2% to 4% per year over the next 5 years. a. Estimate the price of the car at the end of 5 years if inflation is (1) 2% per year, and (2) 4% per year. b. How much more expensive will the car be if the rate of inflation is 4% rather than 2%? LG2 4–7 Future value and time You can deposit $10,000 into an account paying 9% annual interest either today or exactly 10 years from today. How much better off will you be at the end of 40 years if you decide to make the initial deposit today rather than 10 years from today? LG2 4–8 Future value calculation Misty need to have $15,000 at the end of 5 years in order to fulfill her goal of purchasing a small sailboat. She is willing to invest the funds as a single amount today but wonders what sort of investment return she will need to earn. Use your calculator or the time value tables to figure out the approximate annually compounded rate of return needed in each of these cases: a. Misty can invest $10,200 today. b. Misty can invest $8,150 today. c. Misty can invest $7,150 today. 196 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts LG2 LG2 4–9 Single-payment loan repayment A person borrows $200 to be repaid in 8 years with 14% annually compounded interest. The loan may be repaid at the end of any earlier year with no prepayment penalty. a. What amount will be due if the loan is repaid at the end of year 1? b. What is the repayment at the end of year 4? c. What amount is due at the end of the eighth year? 4–10 Present value calculation Without referring to tables or to the preprogrammed function on your financial calculator, use the basic formula for present value, along with the given opportunity cost, i, and the number of periods, n, to calculate the present value interest factor in each of the cases shown in the accompanying table. Compare the calculated value to the table value. Case Opportunity cost, i A LG2 4–11 Number of periods, n 2% 4 B 10 2 C 5 3 D 13 2 Present values For each of the cases shown in the following table, calculate the present value of the cash flow, discounting at the rate given and assuming that the cash flow is received at the end of the period noted. Case Single cash flow Discount rate End of period (years) A $ 7,000 12% 4 B 28,000 8 20 C 10,000 14 12 D 150,000 11 6 E 45,000 20 8 LG2 4–12 Present value concept Answer each of the following questions. a. What single investment made today, earning 12% annual interest, will be worth $6,000 at the end of 6 years? b. What is the present value of $6,000 to be received at the end of 6 years if the discount rate is 12%? c. What is the most you would pay today for a promise to repay you $6,000 at the end of 6 years if your opportunity cost is 12%? d. Compare, contrast, and discuss your findings in parts a through c. LG2 4–13 Present value Jim Nance has been offered a future payment of $500 three years from today. If his opportunity cost is 7% compounded annually, what value should he place on this opportunity today? What is the most he should pay to purchase this payment today? CHAPTER 4 Time Value of Money 197 LG2 4–14 Present value An Iowa state savings bond can be converted to $100 at maturity 6 years from purchase. If the state bonds are to be competitive with U.S. Savings Bonds, which pay 8% annual interest (compounded annually), at what price must the state sell its bonds? Assume no cash payments on savings bonds prior to redemption. LG2 4–15 Present value and discount rates You just won a lottery that promises to pay you $1,000,000 exactly 10 years from today. Because the $1,000,000 payment is guaranteed by the state in which you live, opportunities exist to sell the claim today for an immediate single cash payment. a. What is the least you will sell your claim for if you can earn the following rates of return on similar-risk investments during the 10-year period? (1) 6% (2) 9% (3) 12% b. Rework part a under the assumption that the $1,000,000 payment will be received in 15 rather than 10 years. c. On the basis of your findings in parts a and b, discuss the effect of both the size of the rate of return and the time until receipt of payment on the present value of a future sum. LG2 4–16 Present value comparisons of single amounts In exchange for a $20,000 payment today, a well-known company will allow you to choose one of the alternatives shown in the following table. Your opportunity cost is 11%. Alternative Single amount A $28,500 at end of 3 years B $54,000 at end of 9 years C $160,000 at end of 20 years a. Find the value today of each alternative. b. Are all the alternatives acceptable, i.e., worth $20,000 today? c. Which alternative, if any, will you take? LG2 4–17 Cash flow investment decision Tom Alexander has an opportunity to purchase any of the investments shown in the following table. The purchase price, the amount of the single cash inflow, and its year of receipt are given for each investment. Which purchase recommendations would you make, assuming that Tom can earn 10% on his investments? Investment Price Single cash inflow Year of receipt A $18,000 $30,000 5 B 600 3,000 20 C 3,500 10,000 10 D 1,000 15,000 40 198 PART 2 LG3 Important Financial Concepts 4–18 Future value of an annuity For each case in the accompanying table, answer the questions that follow. Case Amount of annuity A $ 2,500 Interest rate Deposit period (years) 8% 10 B 500 12 6 C 30,000 20 5 D 11,500 9 8 E 6,000 14 30 a. Calculate the future value of the annuity assuming that it is (1) an ordinary annuity. (2) an annuity due. b. Compare your findings in parts a(1) and a(2). All else being identical, which type of annuity—ordinary or annuity due—is preferable? Explain why. LG3 4–19 Present value of an annuity Consider the following cases. Case Amount of annuity Interest rate A $ 12,000 B 55,000 12 15 9 7% Period (years) 3 C 700 20 D 140,000 5 7 E 22,500 10 5 a. Calculate the present value of the annuity assuming that it is (1) an ordinary due. (2) an annuity due. b. Compare your findings in parts a(1) and a(2). All else being identical, which type of annuity—ordinary or annuity due—is preferable? Explain why. LG3 4–20 Ordinary annuity versus annuity due Marian Kirk wishes to select the better of two 10-year annuities, C and D. Annuity C is an ordinary annuity of $2,500 per year for 10 years. Annuity D is an annuity due of $2,200 per year for 10 years. a. Find the future value of both annuities at the end of year 10, assuming that Marian can earn (1) 10% annual interest and (2) 20% annual interest. b. Use your findings in part a to indicate which annuity has the greater future value at the end of year 10 for both the (1) 10% and (2) 20% interest rates. c. Find the present value of both annuities, assuming that Marian can earn (1) 10% annual interest and (2) 20% annual interest. d. Use your findings in part c to indicate which annuity has the greater present value for both (1) 10% and (2) 20% interest rates. e. Briefly compare, contrast, and explain any differences between your findings using the 10% and 20% interest rates in parts b and d. CHAPTER 4 Time Value of Money 199 LG3 4–21 Future value of a retirement annuity Hal Thomas, a 25-year-old college graduate, wishes to retire at age 65. To supplement other sources of retirement income, he can deposit $2,000 each year into a tax-deferred individual retirement arrangement (IRA). The IRA will be invested to earn an annual return of 10%, which is assumed to be attainable over the next 40 years. a. If Hal makes annual end-of-year $2,000 deposits into the IRA, how much will he have accumulated by the end of his 65th year? b. If Hal decides to wait until age 35 to begin making annual end-of-year $2,000 deposits into the IRA, how much will he have accumulated by the end of his 65th year? c. Using your findings in parts a and b, discuss the impact of delaying making deposits into the IRA for 10 years (age 25 to age 35) on the amount accumulated by the end of Hal’s 65th year. d. Rework parts a, b, and c, assuming that Hal makes all deposits at the beginning, rather than the end, of each year. Discuss the effect of beginningof-year deposits on the future value accumulated by the end of Hal’s 65th year. LG3 4–22 Present value of a retirement annuity An insurance agent is trying to sell you an immediate-retirement annuity, which for a single amount paid today will provide you with $12,000 at the end of each year for the next 25 years. You currently earn 9% on low-risk investments comparable to the retirement annuity. Ignoring taxes, what is the most you would pay for this annuity? LG2 LG3 4–23 Funding your retirement You plan to retire in exactly 20 years. Your goal is to create a fund that will allow you to receive $20,000 at the end of each year for the 30 years between retirement and death (a psychic told you would die after 30 years). You know that you will be able to earn 11% per year during the 30year retirement period. a. How large a fund will you need when you retire in 20 years to provide the 30-year, $20,000 retirement annuity? b. How much will you need today as a single amount to provide the fund calculated in part a if you earn only 9% per year during the 20 years preceding retirement? c. What effect would an increase in the rate you can earn both during and prior to retirement have on the values found in parts a and b? Explain. LG2 LG3 4–24 Present value of an annuity versus a single amount Assume that you just won the state lottery. Your prize can be taken either in the form of $40,000 at the end of each of the next 25 years (i.e., $1,000,000 over 25 years) or as a single amount of $500,000 paid immediately. a. If you expect to be able to earn 5% annually on your investments over the next 25 years, ignoring taxes and other considerations, which alternative should you take? Why? b. Would your decision in part a change if you could earn 7% rather than 5% on your investments over the next 25 years? Why? c. On a strictly economic basis, at approximately what earnings rate would you be indifferent between the two plans? 200 PART 2 LG3 Important Financial Concepts 4–25 Perpetuities Consider the data in the following table. Perpetuity Annual amount Discount rate A $ 20,000 8% B 100,000 10 C 3,000 6 D 60,000 5 Determine, for each of the perpetuities: a. The appropriate present value interest factor. b. The present value. LG3 4–26 Creating an endowment Upon completion of her introductory finance course, Marla Lee was so pleased with the amount of useful and interesting knowledge she gained that she convinced her parents, who were wealthy alums of the university she was attending, to create an endowment. The endowment is to allow three needy students to take the introductory finance course each year in perpetuity. The guaranteed annual cost of tuition and books for the course is $600 per student. The endowment will be created by making a single payment to the university. The university expects to earn exactly 6% per year on these funds. a. How large an initial single payment must Marla’s parents make to the university to fund the endowment? b. What amount would be needed to fund the endowment if the university could earn 9% rather than 6% per year on the funds? LG4 4–27 Future value of a mixed stream For each of the mixed streams of cash flows shown in the following table, determine the future value at the end of the final year if deposits are made into an account paying annual interest of 12%, assuming that no withdrawals are made during the period and that the deposits are made: a. At the end of each year. b. At the beginning of each year. Cash flow stream LG4 4–28 Year A B C 1 $ 900 $30,000 $1,200 2 1,000 25,000 1,200 3 1,200 20,000 1,000 4 10,000 1,900 5 5,000 Future value of a single amount versus a mixed stream Gina Vitale has just contracted to sell a small parcel of land that she inherited a few years ago. The buyer is willing to pay $24,000 at the closing of the transaction or will pay the amounts shown in the following table at the beginning of each of the next CHAPTER 4 Time Value of Money 201 5 years. Because Gina doesn’t really need the money today, she plans to let it accumulate in an account that earns 7% annual interest. Given her desire to buy a house at the end of 5 years after closing on the sale of the lot, she decides to choose the payment alternative—$24,000 single amount or the mixed stream of payments in the following table—that provides the higher future value at the end of 5 years. Which alternative will she choose? Mixed stream Beginning of year LG4 4–29 1 $ 2,000 2 4,000 3 6,000 4 8,000 5 10,000 Present value—Mixed streams Find the present value of the streams of cash flows shown in the following table. Assume that the firm’s opportunity cost is 12%. A LG4 4–30 Cash flow B Year Cash flow Year 1 $2,000 2 3,000 2–5 3 4,000 6 4 6,000 5 8,000 1 C Cash flow Year Cash flow $10,000 1–5 $10,000/yr 5,000/yr 6–10 8,000/yr 7,000 Present value—Mixed streams Consider the mixed streams of cash flows shown in the following table. Cash flow stream Year A B 1 $ 50,000 $ 10,000 2 40,000 20,000 3 30,000 30,000 4 20,000 40,000 5 10,000 $150,000 50,000 $150,000 Totals a. Find the present value of each stream using a 15% discount rate. b. Compare the calculated present values and discuss them in light of the fact that the undiscounted cash flows total $150,000 in each case. 202 PART 2 LG1 Important Financial Concepts LG4 4–31 Present value of a mixed stream Harte Systems, Inc., a maker of electronic surveillance equipment, is considering selling to a well-known hardware chain the rights to market its home security system. The proposed deal calls for payments of $30,000 and $25,000 at the end of years 1 and 2 and for annual year-end payments of $15,000 in years 3 through 9. A final payment of $10,000 would be due at the end of year 10. a. Lay out the cash flows involved in the offer on a time line. b. If Harte applies a required rate of return of 12% to them, what is the present value of this series of payments? c. A second company has offered Harte a one-time payment of $100,000 for the rights to market the home security system. Which offer should Harte accept? LG4 4–32 Funding budget shortfalls As part of your personal budgeting process, you have determined that in each of the next 5 years you will have budget shortfalls. In other words, you will need the amounts shown in the following table at the end of the given year to balance your budget—that is, to make inflows equal outflows. You expect to be able to earn 8% on your investments during the next 5 years and wish to fund the budget shortfalls over the next 5 years with a single amount. End of year Budget shortfall 1 $ 5,000 2 4,000 3 6,000 4 10,000 5 3,000 a. How large must the single deposit today into an account paying 8% annual interest be to provide for full coverage of the anticipated budget shortfalls? b. What effect would an increase in your earnings rate have on the amount calculated in part a? Explain. LG4 4–33 Relationship between future value and present value—Mixed stream Using only the information in the accompanying table, answer the questions that follow. Year (t) Cash flow Future value interest factor at 5% (FVIF5%,t) 1 $ 800 1.050 2 900 1.102 3 1,000 1.158 4 1,500 1.216 5 2,000 1.276 CHAPTER 4 Time Value of Money 203 a. Determine the present value of the mixed stream of cash flows using a 5% discount rate. b. How much would you be willing to pay for an opportunity to buy this stream, assuming that you can at best earn 5% on your investments? c. What effect, if any, would a 7% rather than a 5% opportunity cost have on your analysis? (Explain verbally.) LG5 4–34 Changing compounding frequency Using annual, semiannual, and quarterly compounding periods, for each of the following: (1) Calculate the future value if $5,000 is initially deposited, and (2) determine the effective annual rate (EAR). a. At 12% annual interest for 5 years. b. At 16% annual interest for 6 years. c. At 20% annual interest for 10 years. LG5 4–35 Compounding frequency, future value, and effective annual rates For each of the cases in the following table: a. Calculate the future value at the end of the specified deposit period. b. Determine the effective annual rate, EAR. c. Compare the nominal annual rate, i, to the effective annual rate, EAR. What relationship exists between compounding frequency and the nominal and effective annual rates. LG5 LG5 4–36 4–37 Case Amount of initial deposit A $ 2,500 B 50,000 Compounding frequency, m (times/year) Nominal annual rate, i 6% 12 Deposit period (years) 2 5 6 3 C 1,000 5 1 10 D 20,000 16 4 6 Continuous compounding For each of the cases in the following table, find the future value at the end of the deposit period, assuming that interest is compounded continuously at the given nominal annual rate. Case Amount of initial deposit Nominal annual rate, i A $1,000 B 600 10 10 C 4,000 8 7 D 2,500 12 4 9% Deposit period (years), n 2 Compounding frequency and future value You plan to invest $2,000 in an individual retirement arrangement (IRA) today at a nominal annual rate of 8%, which is expected to apply to all future years. 204 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts a. How much will you have in the account at the end of 10 years if interest is compounded (1) annually? (2) semiannually? (3) daily (assume a 360-day year)? (4) continuously? b. What is the effective annual rate, EAR, for each compounding period in part a? c. How much greater will your IRA account balance be at the end of 10 years if interest is compounded continuously rather than annually? d. How does the compounding frequency affect the future value and effective annual rate for a given deposit? Explain in terms of your findings in parts a through c. LG3 LG5 4–38 Comparing compounding periods René Levin wishes to determine the future value at the end of 2 years of a $15,000 deposit made today into an account paying a nominal annual rate of 12%. a. Find the future value of René’s deposit, assuming that interest is compounded (1) annually, (2) quarterly, (3) monthly, and (4) continuously. b. Compare your findings in part a, and use them to demonstrate the relationship between compounding frequency and future value. c. What is the maximum future value obtainable given the $15,000 deposit, the 2-year time period, and the 12% nominal annual rate? Use your findings in part a to explain. LG5 4–39 Annuities and compounding Janet Boyle intends to deposit $300 per year in a credit union for the next 10 years, and the credit union pays an annual interest rate of 8%. a. Determine the future value that Janet will have at the end of 10 years, given that end-of-period deposits are made and no interest is withdrawn, if (1) $300 is deposited annually and the credit union pays interest annually. (2) $150 is deposited semiannually and the credit union pays interest semiannually. (3) $75 is deposited quarterly and the credit union pays interest quarterly. b. Use your finding in part a to discuss the effect of more frequent deposits and compounding of interest on the future value of an annuity. LG6 4–40 Deposits to accumulate future sums For each of the cases shown in the following table, determine the amount of the equal annual end-of-year deposits necessary to accumulate the given sum at the end of the specified period, assuming the stated annual interest rate. LG6 4–41 Case Sum to be accumulated Accumulation period (years) Interest rate A B $ 5,000 3 12% 100,000 20 7 C D 30,000 8 10 15,000 12 8 Creating a retirement fund To supplement your planned retirement in exactly 42 years, you estimate that you need to accumulate $220,000 by the end of CHAPTER 4 Time Value of Money 205 42 years from today. You plan to make equal annual end-of-year deposits into an account paying 8% annual interest. a. How large must the annual deposits be to create the $220,000 fund by the end of 42 years? b. If you can afford to deposit only $600 per year into the account, how much will you have accumulated by the end of the 42nd year? LG2 LG6 4–42 Accumulating a growing future sum A retirement home at Deer Trail Estates now costs $85,000. Inflation is expected to cause this price to increase at 6% per year over the 20 years before C. L. Donovan retires. How large an equal annual end-of-year deposit must be made each year into an account paying an annual interest rate of 10% for Donovan to have the cash to purchase a home at retirement? LG3 LG6 4–43 Deposits to create a perpetuity You have decided to endow your favorite university with a scholarship. It is expected to cost $6,000 per year to attend the university into perpetuity. You expect to give the university the endowment in 10 years and will accumulate it by making annual (end-of-year) deposits into an account. The rate of interest is expected to be 10% for all future time periods. a. How large must the endowment be? b. How much must you deposit at the end of each of the next 10 years to accumulate the required amount? LG3 LG6 4–44 Inflation, future value, and annual deposits While vacationing in Florida, John Kelley saw the vacation home of his dreams. It was listed with a sale price of $200,000. The only catch is that John is 40 years old and plans to continue working until he is 65. Still, he believes that prices generally increase at the overall rate of inflation. John believes that he can earn 9% annually after taxes on his investments. He is willing to invest a fixed amount at the end of each of the next 25 years to fund the cash purchase of such a house (one that can be purchased today for $200,000) when he retires. a. Inflation is expected to average 5% a year for the next 25 years. What will John’s dream house cost when he retires? b. How much must John invest at the end of each of the next 25 years in order to have the cash purchase price of the house when he retires? c. If John invests at the beginning instead of at the end of each of the next 25 years, how much must he invest each year? LG6 4–45 Loan payment Determine the equal annual end-of-year payment required each year, over the life of the loans shown in the following table, to repay them fully during the stated term of the loan. Loan Principal Interest rate A $12,000 B 60,000 12 10 C 75,000 10 30 D 4,000 15 5 8% Term of loan (years) 3 206 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts LG6 4–46 Loan amortization schedule Joan Messineo borrowed $15,000 at a 14% annual rate of interest to be repaid over 3 years. The loan is amortized into three equal annual end-of-year payments. a. Calculate the annual end-of-year loan payment. b. Prepare a loan amortization schedule showing the interest and principal breakdown of each of the three loan payments. c. Explain why the interest portion of each payment declines with the passage of time. LG6 4–47 Loan interest deductions Liz Rogers just closed a $10,000 business loan that is to be repaid in three equal annual end-of-year payments. The interest rate on the loan is 13%. As part of her firm’s detailed financial planning, Liz wishes to determine the annual interest deduction attributable to the loan. (Because it is a business loan, the interest portion of each loan payment is tax-deductible to the business.) a. Determine the firm’s annual loan payment. b. Prepare an amortization schedule for the loan. c. How much interest expense will Liz’s firm have in each of the next 3 years as a result of this loan? LG6 4–48 Monthly loan payments Tim Smith is shopping for a used car. He has found one priced at $4,500. The dealer has told Tim that if he can come up with a down payment of $500, the dealer will finance the balance of the price at a 12% annual rate over 2 years (24 months). a. Assuming that Tim accepts the dealer’s offer, what will his monthly (end-ofmonth) payment amount be? b. Use a financial calculator or Equation 4.15a (found in footnote 9) to help you figure out what Tim’s monthly payment would be if the dealer were willing to finance the balance of the car price at a 9% yearly rate. LG6 4–49 Growth rates You are given the series of cash flows shown in the following table. Cash flows Year A B C 1 $500 $1,500 $2,500 2 560 1,550 2,600 3 640 1,610 2,650 4 720 1,680 2,650 5 800 1,760 2,800 6 1,850 2,850 7 1,950 2,900 8 2,060 9 2,170 10 2,280 a. Calculate the compound annual growth rate associated with each cash flow stream. CHAPTER 4 Time Value of Money 207 b. If year-1 values represent initial deposits in a savings account paying annual interest, what is the annual rate of interest earned on each account? c. Compare and discuss the growth rate and interest rate found in parts a and b, respectively. LG6 4–50 Rate of return Rishi Singh has $1,500 to invest. His investment counselor suggests an investment that pays no stated interest but will return $2,000 at the end of 3 years. a. What annual rate of return will Mr. Singh earn with this investment? b. Mr. Singh is considering another investment, of equal risk, that earns an annual return of 8%. Which investment should he make, and why? LG6 4–51 Rate of return and investment choice Clare Jaccard has $5,000 to invest. Because she is only 25 years old, she is not concerned about the length of the investment’s life. What she is sensitive to is the rate of return she will earn on the investment. With the help of her financial advisor, Clare has isolated the four equally risky investments, each providing a single amount at the end of its life, as shown in the following table. All of the investments require an initial $5,000 payment. Investment Single amount Investment life (years) A $ 8,400 6 B 15,900 15 C 7,600 4 D 13,000 10 a. Calculate, to the nearest 1%, the rate of return on each of the four investments available to Clare. b. Which investment would you recommend to Clare, given her goal of maximizing the rate of return? LG6 4–52 Rate of return—Annuity What is the rate of return on an investment of $10,606 if the company will receive $2,000 each year for the next 10 years? LG6 4–53 Choosing the best annuity Raina Herzig wishes to choose the best of four immediate-retirement annuities available to her. In each case, in exchange for paying a single premium today, she will receive equal annual end-of-year cash benefits for a specified number of years. She considers the annuities to be equally risky and is not concerned about their differing lives. Her decision will be based solely on the rate of return she will earn on each annuity. The key terms of each of the four annuities are shown in the following table. Annuity Premium paid today Annual benefit Life (years) A $30,000 $3,100 20 B 25,000 3,900 10 C 40,000 4,200 15 D 35,000 4,000 12 208 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts a. Calculate to the nearest 1% the rate of return on each of the four annuities Raina is considering. b. Given Raina’s stated decision criterion, which annuity would you recommend? LG6 4–54 Interest rate for an annuity Anna Waldheim was seriously injured in an industrial accident. She sued the responsible parties and was awarded a judgment of $2,000,000. Today, she and her attorney are attending a settlement conference with the defendants. The defendants have made an initial offer of $156,000 per year for 25 years. Anna plans to counteroffer at $255,000 per year for 25 years. Both the offer and the counteroffer have a present value of $2,000,000, the amount of the judgment. Both assume payments at the end of each year. a. What interest rate assumption have the defendants used in their offer (rounded to the nearest whole percent)? b. What interest rate assumption have Anna and her lawyer used in their counteroffer (rounded to the nearest whole percent)? c. Anna is willing to settle for an annuity that carries an interest rate assumption of 9%. What annual payment would be acceptable to her? LG6 4–55 Loan rates of interest John Flemming has been shopping for a loan to finance the purchase of a used car. He has found three possibilities that seem attractive and wishes to select the one with the lowest interest rate. The information available with respect to each of the three $5,000 loans is shown in the following table. Loan Principal Annual payment Term (years) A $5,000 $1,352.81 5 B 5,000 1,543.21 4 C 5,000 2,010.45 3 a. Determine the interest rate associated with each of the loans. b. Which loan should Mr. Flemming take? LG6 4–56 Number of years—Single amounts For each of the following cases, determine the number of years it will take for the initial deposit to grow to equal the future amount at the given interest rate. Case A Initial deposit $ Future amount Interest rate 7% 300 $ 1,000 B 12,000 15,000 5 C 9,000 20,000 10 D 100 500 9 E 7,500 30,000 15 CHAPTER 4 Time Value of Money 209 LG6 4–57 Time to accumulate a given sum Manuel Rios wishes to determine how long it will take an initial deposit of $10,000 to double. a. If Manuel earns 10% annual interest on the deposit, how long will it take for him to double his money? b. How long will it take if he earns only 7% annual interest? c. How long will it take if he can earn 12% annual interest? d. Reviewing your findings in parts a, b, and c, indicate what relationship exists between the interest rate and the amount of time it will take Manuel to double his money? LG6 4–58 Number of years—Annuities In each of the following cases, determine the number of years that the given annual end-of-year cash flow must continue in order to provide the given rate of return on the given initial amount. LG6 4–59 CHAPTER 4 CASE Case Initial amount Annual cash flow A $ 1,000 B 150,000 30,000 15 C 80,000 10,000 10 D 600 275 9 E 17,000 3,500 6 $ 250 Rate of return 11% Time to repay installment loan Mia Salto wishes to determine how long it will take to repay a loan with initial proceeds of $14,000 where annual end-of-year installment payments of $2,450 are required. a. If Mia can borrow at a 12% annual rate of interest, how long will it take for her to repay the loan fully? b. How long will it take if she can borrow at a 9% annual rate? c. How long will it take if she has to pay 15% annual interest? d. Reviewing your answers in parts a, b, and c, describe the general relationship between the interest rate and the amount of time it will take Mia to repay the loan fully. Finding Jill Moran’s Retirement Annuity S unrise Industries wishes to accumulate funds to provide a retirement annuity for its vice president of research, Jill Moran. Ms. Moran by contract will retire at the end of exactly 12 years. Upon retirement, she is entitled to receive an annual end-of-year payment of $42,000 for exactly 20 years. If she dies prior to the end of the 20-year period, the annual payments will pass to her heirs. During the 12-year “accumulation period” Sunrise wishes to fund the annuity by making equal annual end-of-year deposits into an account earning 9% interest. Once the 20-year “distribution period” begins, Sunrise plans to move the accumulated monies into an account earning a guaranteed 12% per year. At the end of the distribution period, the account balance will equal zero. Note that the first 210 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts deposit will be made at the end of year 1 and that the first distribution payment will be received at the end of year 13. Required a. Draw a time line depicting all of the cash flows associated with Sunrise’s view of the retirement annuity. b. How large a sum must Sunrise accumulate by the end of year 12 to provide the 20-year, $42,000 annuity? c. How large must Sunrise’s equal annual end-of-year deposits into the account be over the 12-year accumulation period to fund fully Ms. Moran’s retirement annuity? d. How much would Sunrise have to deposit annually during the accumulation period if it could earn 10% rather than 9% during the accumulation period? e. How much would Sunrise have to deposit annually during the accumulation period if Ms. Moran’s retirement annuity were a perpetuity and all other terms were the same as initially described? WEB EXERCISE WW W Go to Web site Page down to the portion of this screen that contains the financial calculator. 1. To determine the FV of a fixed amount, enter the following: Into PV, enter 1000; into np, enter 1; into pmt, enter 0; and, into ir, enter 8. Now click on Calculate FV, and 1080.00 should appear in the FV window. 2. Determine FV for each of the following compounding periods by changing only the following: a. np to 2, and ir to 8/2 b. np to 12, and ir to 8/12 c. np to 52, and ir to 8/52 3. To determine the PV of a fixed amount, enter the following: Into FV, 1080; into np, 1; into pmt, 0; and, into ir, 8. Now click on Calculate PV. What is the PV? 4. To determine the FV of an annuity, enter the following: Into PV, 0; into FV, 0; into np, 12; into pmt, 1000; and, into ir, 8. Now click on Calculate FV. What is the FV? 5. To determine the PV of an annuity, change only the FV setting to 0; keep the other entries the same as in question 4. Click on Calculate PV. What is the PV? 6. Check your answers for questions 4 and 5 by using the techniques discussed in this chapter. CHAPTER 4 Time Value of Money 211 Go to Web site Click on Calculators in the left column. Click on Mortgage Calculator. 7. Enter the following into the mortgage calculator: Loan amount, 100000; duration in years, 30; and interest rate, 10. Click on compute payment. What is the monthly payment? 8. Calculate the monthly payment for $100,000 loans for 30 years at 8%, 6%, 4%, and 2%. 9. Calculate the monthly payment for $100,000 loans at 8% for 30 years, 20 years, 10 years, and 5 years. Remember to check the book’s Web site at for additional resources, including additional Web exercises. CHAPTER 5 RISK AND RETURN L E A R N I N G LG1 Understand the meaning and fundamentals of risk, return, and risk preferences. LG2 Describe procedures for assessing and measuring the risk of a single asset. LG3 LG4 Discuss the measurement of return and standard deviation for a portfolio and the various types of correlation that can exist between series of numbers. LG5 LG6 G O A L S Review the two types of risk and the derivation and role of beta in measuring the relevant risk of both an individual security and a portfolio. Explain the capital asset pricing model (CAPM), its relationship to the security market line (SML), and shifts in the SML caused by changes in inflationary expectations and risk aversion. Understand the risk and return characteristics of a portfolio in terms of correlation and diversification, and the impact of international assets on a portfolio. Across the Disciplines WHY THIS CHAPTER MATTERS TO YO U Accounting: You need to understand the relationship between risk and return because of the effect that riskier projects will have on the firm’s annual net income and on your efforts to stabilize net income. Information systems: You need to understand how to do sensitivity and correlation analyses in order to build decision packages that help management analyze the risk and return of various business opportunities. Management: You need to understand the relationship between risk and return, and how to measure that relationship in order to evaluate data that come from finance personnel and 212 translate those data into decisions that increase the value of the firm. Marketing: You need to understand that although higher-risk projects may produce higher returns, they may not be the best choice for the firm if they produce an erratic earnings pattern and do not optimize the value of the firm. Operations: You need to understand how investments in plant assets and purchases of supplies will be measured by the firm and to recognize that decisions about such investments will be made by evaluating the effects of both risk and return on the value of the firm. CITIGROUP CITIGROUP TAKES ON NEW ASSOCIATES s they chased after hot new financial services businesses that boosted earnings quickly, many banks ignored a key principle of risk management: Diversification reduces risk. They expanded into risky areas such as investment banking, stock brokerage, wealth management, and equity investment, and they moved away from their traditional services such as mortgage banking, auto financing, and credit cards. Although adding new business lines is a way to diversify, the benefits of diversification come from balancing low-risk and high-risk activities. As the economy changed, banks ran into problems with these new, higher-risk services. Banks that had “hedged their bets” by continuing to offer a variety of services spread across the risk spectrum earned higher returns. Citigroup is a case study for the benefits of diversification. The company, created in 1998 by the merger of Citicorp and Travelers Group, provides a broad range of financial products and services to 100 million consumers, corporations, governments, and institutions in over 100 countries. These offerings include consumer banking and credit, corporate and investment banking, commercial finance, leasing, insurance, securities brokerage, and asset management. Under the leadership of Citigroup CEO Sandy Weill, the company made acquisitions that reduced its dependence on corporate and investment banking. In September 2000, Citigroup bought Associates First Capital Corp for $31 billion. With the acquisition of Associates, Citigroup shifted the balance of its business more toward consumers than toward institutions. Associates’s target market is the lower-middle economic class. Although these customers are riskier than the traditional bank customer, the rewards are greater too, because Associates can charge higher interest rates and fees to compensate itself for taking on the additional risk. The existing consumer finance businesses of both Associates and Citigroup know how to handle this type of lending and earn solid returns in the process. A more diversified group of businesses with greater emphasis on the consumer side should reduce Citigroup’s earnings volatility and improve shareholder value. Commenting in spring 2001 on the corporation’s ability to weather the current economic downturn, Weill said, “The strength and diversity of our earnings by business, geography, and customer helped to deliver a strong bottom line in a period of market uncertainty.” Citigroup’s return on equity (ROE) for the first quarter 2001 was 22.5 percent, just above fiscal year 2000’s 22.4 percent and better than its average ROE of 19 percent for the period 1998 to 2000. Citigroup and its consumer business units demonstrate several key fundamental financial concepts: Risk and return are linked, return should increase if risk increases, and diversification reduces risk. As this chapter will show, firms can use various tools and techniques to quantify and assess the risk and return for individual assets and for groups of assets. A 213 214 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts LG1 5.1 Risk and Return Fundamentals portfolio A collection, or group, of assets. To maximize share price, the financial manager must learn to assess two key determinants: risk and return.1 Each financial decision presents certain risk and return characteristics, and the unique combination of these characteristics has an impact on share price. Risk can be viewed as it is related either to a single asset or to a portfolio—a collection, or group, of assets. We will look at both, beginning with the risk of a single asset. First, though, it is important to introduce some fundamental ideas about risk, return, and risk preferences. Risk Defined risk The chance of financial loss or, more formally, the variability of returns associated with a given asset. In the most basic sense, risk is the chance of financial loss. Assets having greater chances of loss are viewed as more risky than those with lesser chances of loss. More formally, the term risk is used interchangeably with uncertainty to refer to the variability of returns associated with a given asset. A $1,000 government bond that guarantees its holder $100 interest after 30 days has no risk, because there is no variability associated with the return. A $1,000 investment in a firm’s common stock, which over the same period may earn anywhere from $0 to $200, is very risky because of the high variability of its return. The more nearly certain the return from an asset, the less variability and therefore the less risk. Some risks directly affect both financial managers and shareholders. Table 5.1 briefly describes the common sources of risk that affect both firms and their shareholders. As you can see, business risk and financial risk are more firm-specific and therefore are of greatest interest to financial managers. Interest rate, liquidity, and market risks are more shareholder-specific and therefore are of greatest interest to stockholders. Event, exchange rate, purchasing-power, and tax risk directly affect both firms and shareholders. The nearby box focuses on another risk that affects both firms and shareholders—moral risk. A number of these risks are discussed in more detail later in this text. Clearly, both financial managers and shareholders must assess these and other risks as they make investment decisions. Return Defined return The total gain or loss experienced on an investment over a given period of time; calculated by dividing the asset’s cash distributions during the period, plus change in value, by its beginning-of-period investment value. Obviously, if we are going to assess risk on the basis of variability of return, we need to be certain we know what return is and how to measure it. The return is the total gain or loss experienced on an investment over a given period of time. It is commonly measured as cash distributions during the period plus the change in value, expressed as a percentage of the beginning-of-period investment value. The expression for calculating the rate of return earned on any asset over period t, kt, is commonly defined as Ct Pt Pt1 kt Pt1 (5.1) 1. Two important points should be recognized here: (1) Although for convenience the publicly traded corporation is being discussed, the risk and return concepts presented apply to all firms; and (2) concern centers only on the wealth of common stockholders, because they are the “residual owners” whose returns are in no way specified in advance. CHAPTER 5 TABLE 5.1 Risk and Return 215 Popular Sources of Risk Affecting Financial Managers and Shareholders Source of risk Description Firm-Specific Risks Business risk The chance that the firm will be unable to cover its operating costs. Level is driven by the firm’s revenue stability and the structure of its operating costs (fixed vs. variable). Financial risk The chance that the firm will be unable to cover its financial obligations. Level is driven by the predictability of the firm’s operating cash flows and its fixed-cost financial obligations. Shareholder-Specific Risks Interest rate risk The chance that changes in interest rates will adversely affect the value of an investment. Most investments lose value when the interest rate rises and increase in value when it falls. Liquidity risk The chance that an investment cannot be easily liquidated at a reasonable price. Liquidity is significantly affected by the size and depth of the market in which an investment is customarily traded. Market risk The chance that the value of an investment will decline because of market factors that are independent of the investment (such as economic, political, and social events). In general, the more a given investment’s value responds to the market, the greater its risk; and the less it responds, the smaller its risk. Firm and Shareholder Risks Event risk The chance that a totally unexpected event will have a significant effect on the value of the firm or a specific investment. These infrequent events, such as government-mandated withdrawal of a popular prescription drug, typically affect only a small group of firms or investments. Exchange rate risk The exposure of future expected cash flows to fluctuations in the currency exchange rate. The greater the chance of undesirable exchange rate fluctuations, the greater the risk of the cash flows and therefore the lower the value of the firm or investment. Purchasing-power risk The chance that changing price levels caused by inflation or deflation in the economy will adversely affect the firm’s or investment’s cash flows and value. Typically, firms or investments with cash flows that move with general price levels have a low purchasing-power risk, and those with cash flows that do not move with general price levels have high purchasing-power risk. Tax risk The chance that unfavorable changes in tax laws will occur. Firms and investments with values that are sensitive to tax law changes are more risky. where kt actual,expected, or required rate of return2 during period t Ct cash (flow) received from the asset investment in the time period t 1 to t Pt price (value) of asset at time t Pt1 price (value) of asset at time t 1 2. The terms expected return and required return are used interchangeably throughout this text, because in an efficient market (discussed later) they would be expected to be equal. The actual return is an ex post value, whereas expected and required returns are ex ante values. Therefore, the actual return may be greater than, equal to, or less than the expected/required return. 216 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts FOCUS ON ETHICS In Practice What About Moral Risk? The poster boy for “moral risk,” the devastating effects of unethical behavior for a company’s investors, has to be Nick Leeson. This 28-year-old trader violated his bank’s investing rules while secretly placing huge bets on the direction of the Japanese stock market. When those bets proved to be wrong, the $1.24-billion losses resulted in the demise of the centuries-old Barings Bank. More than any other single episode in world financial history, Leeson’s misdeeds underscored the importance of character in the financial industry. Forty-one percent of surveyed CFOs admit ethical problems in their organizations (self-reported percents are probably low), and 48 percent of surveyed employees admit to engaging in unethical practices such as cheating on expense accounts and forging signatures. We are reminded again that share- holder wealth maximization has to be ethically constrained. What can companies do to instill and maintain ethical corporate practices? They can start by building awareness through a code of ethics. Nearly all Fortune 500 companies and about half of all companies have an ethics code spelling out general principles of right and wrong conduct. Companies such as Halliburton and Texas Instruments have gone into specifics, because ethical codes are often faulted for being too vague and abstract. Ethical organizations also reveal their commitments through the following activities: talking about ethical values periodically; including ethics in required training for mid-level managers (as at Procter & Gamble); modeling ethics throughout top management and the board (termed “tone at the top,” especially notable at Johnson & Johnson); promoting openness for employees with concerns; weeding out employees who do not share the company’s ethics values before those employees can harm the company’s reputation or culture; assigning an individual the role of ethics director; and evaluating leaders’ ethics in performance reviews (as at Merck & Co.). The Leeson saga underscores the difficulty of dealing with the “moral hazard” problem, when the consequences of an individual’s actions are largely borne by others. John Boatright argues in his book Ethics in Finance that the best antidote is to attract loyal, hardworking employees. Ethicists Rae and Wong tell us that debating issues is fruitless if we continue to ignore the character traits that empower people for moral behavior. The return, kt, reflects the combined effect of cash flow, Ct, and changes in value, Pt Pt1, over period t.3 Equation 5.1 is used to determine the rate of return over a time period as short as 1 day or as long as 10 years or more. However, in most cases, t is 1 year, and k therefore represents an annual rate of return. EXAMPLE Robin’s Gameroom, a high-traffic video arcade, wishes to determine the return on two of its video machines, Conqueror and Demolition. Conqueror was purchased 1 year ago for $20,000 and currently has a market value of $21,500. During the year, it generated $800 of after-tax cash receipts. Demolition was purchased 4 years ago; its value in the year just completed declined from $12,000 to $11,800. During the year, it generated $1,700 of after-tax cash receipts. Substi- 3. The beginning-of-period value, Pt1, and the end-of-period value, Pt, are not necessarily realized values. They are often unrealized, which means that although the asset was not actually purchased at time t 1 and sold at time t, values Pt1 and Pt could have been realized had those transactions been made. CHAPTER 5 Risk and Return 217 tuting into Equation 5.1, we can calculate the annual rate of return, k, for each video machine. Conqueror (C): $800 $21,500 $20,000 $2,300 kC 11.5% $20,000 $20,000 Demolition (D): $1,500 $1,700 $11,800 $12,000 kD 12.5% $12,000 $12,000 Although the market value of Demolition declined during the year, its cash flow caused it to earn a higher rate of return than Conqueror earned during the same period. Clearly, the combined impact of cash flow and changes in value, measured by the rate of return, is important. Historical Returns Investment returns vary both over time and between different types of investments. By averaging historical returns over a long period of time, it is possible to eliminate the impact of market and other types of risk. This enables the financial decision maker to focus on the differences in return that are attributable primarily to the types of investment. Table 5.2 shows the average annual rates of return for a number of popular security investments (and inflation) over the 75-year period January 1, 1926, through December 31, 2000. Each rate represents the average annual rate of return an investor would have realized had he or she purchased the investment on January 1, 1926, and sold it on December 31, 2000. You can see that significant differences exist between the average annual rates of return realized on the various types of stocks, bonds, and bills shown. Later in this chapter, we will see how these differences in return can be linked to differences in the risk of each of these investments. TABLE 5.2 Historical Returns for Selected Security Investments (1926–2000) Investment Average annual return Large-company stocks 13.0% Small-company stocks 17.3 Long-term corporate bonds 6.0 Long-term government bonds 5.7 U.S. Treasury bills 3.9 Inflation 3.2% Source: Stocks, Bonds, Bills, and Inflation, 2001 Yearbook (Chicago: Ibbotson Associates, Inc., 2001). 218 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts Required (or Expected) Return FIGURE 5.1 Risk Preferences Risk preference behaviors Risk-Averse Averse Indifferent Risk-Indifferent Seeking Risk-Seeking 0 x1 x2 Risk Risk Preferences risk-indifferent The attitude toward risk in which no change in return would be required for an increase in risk. risk-averse The attitude toward risk in which an increased return would be required for an increase in risk. risk-seeking The attitude toward risk in which a decreased return would be accepted for an increase in risk. Hint Remember that most shareholders are also risk-averse. Like risk-averse managers, for a given increase in risk, they also require an increase in return on their investment in that firm. Feelings about risk differ among managers (and firms).4 Thus it is important to specify a generally acceptable level of risk. The three basic risk preference behaviors—risk-averse, risk-indifferent, and risk-seeking—are depicted graphically in Figure 5.1. • For the risk-indifferent manager, the required return does not change as risk goes from x1 to x2. In essence, no change in return would be required for the increase in risk. Clearly, this attitude is nonsensical in almost any business context. • For the risk-averse manager, the required return increases for an increase in risk. Because they shy away from risk, these managers require higher expected returns to compensate them for taking greater risk. • For the risk-seeking manager, the required return decreases for an increase in risk. Theoretically, because they enjoy risk, these managers are willing to give up some return to take more risk. However, such behavior would not be likely to benefit the firm. Most managers are risk-averse; for a given increase in risk, they require an increase in return. They generally tend to be conservative rather than aggressive when accepting risk for their firm. Accordingly, a risk-averse financial manager requiring higher returns for greater risk is assumed throughout this text. Review Questions 5–1 5–2 What is risk in the context of financial decision making? Define return, and describe how to find the rate of return on an investment. 4. The risk preferences of the managers should in theory be consistent with the risk preferences of the firm. Although the agency problem suggests that in practice managers may not behave in a manner consistent with the firm’s risk preferences, it is assumed here that they do. Therefore, the managers’ risk preferences and those of the firm are assumed to be identical. CHAPTER 5 5–3 LG2 Risk and Return 219 Compare the following risk preferences: (a) risk-averse, (b) risk-indifferent, and (c) risk-seeking. Which is most common among financial managers? 5.2 Risk of a Single Asset The concept of risk can be developed by first considering a single asset held in isolation. We can look at expected-return behaviors to assess risk, and statistics can be used to measure it. Risk Assessment Sensitivity analysis and probability distributions can be used to assess the general level of risk embodied in a given asset. sensitivity analysis An approach for assessing risk that uses several possible-return estimates to obtain a sense of the variability among outcomes. range A measure of an asset’s risk, which is found by subtracting the pessimistic (worst) outcome from the optimistic (best) outcome. EXAMPLE Sensitivity Analysis Sensitivity analysis uses several possible-return estimates to obtain a sense of the variability among outcomes.5 One common method involves making pessimistic (worst), most likely (expected), and optimistic (best) estimates of the returns associated with a given asset. In this case, the asset’s risk can be measured by the range of returns. The range is found by subtracting the pessimistic outcome from the optimistic outcome. The greater the range, the more variability, or risk, the asset is said to have. Norman Company, a custom golf equipment manufacturer, wants to choose the better of two investments, A and B. Each requires an initial outlay of $10,000, and each has a most likely annual rate of return of 15%. Management has made pessimistic and optimistic estimates of the returns associated with each. The three estimates for each asset, along with its range, are given in Table 5.3. Asset A appears to be less risky than asset B; its range of 4% (17% 13%) is less than the range of 16% (23% 7%) for asset B. The risk-averse decision maker would prefer asset A over asset B, because A offers the same most likely return as B (15%) with lower risk (smaller range). TABLE 5.3 Assets A and B Initial investment Annual rate of return Pessimistic Most likely Optimistic Range Asset A Asset B $10,000 $10,000 13% 15% 17% 7% 15% 23% 4% 16% 5. The term sensitivity analysis is intentionally used in a general rather than a technically correct fashion here to simplify this discussion. A more technical and precise definition and discussion of this technique and of “scenario analysis” are presented in Chapter 10. 220 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts Although the use of sensitivity analysis and the range is rather crude, it does give the decision maker a feel for the behavior of returns, which can be used to estimate the risk involved. Probability Distributions probability distribution A model that relates probabilities to the associated outcomes. bar chart The simplest type of probability distribution; shows only a limited number of outcomes and associated probabilities for a given event. continuous probability distribution A probability distribution showing all the possible outcomes and associated probabilities for a given event. FIGURE 5.2 Bar Charts Bar charts for asset A’s and asset B’s returns Norman Company’s past estimates indicate that the probabilities of the pessimistic, most likely, and optimistic outcomes are 25%, 50%, and 25%, respectively. Note that the sum of these probabilities must equal 100%; that is, they must be based on all the alternatives considered. A probability distribution is a model that relates probabilities to the associated outcomes. The simplest type of probability distribution is the bar chart, which shows only a limited number of outcome–probability coordinates. The bar charts for Norman Company’s assets A and B are shown in Figure 5.2. Although both assets have the same most likely return, the range of return is much greater, or more dispersed, for asset B than for asset A—16 percent versus 4 percent. If we knew all the possible outcomes and associated probabilities, we could develop a continuous probability distribution. This type of distribution can be thought of as a bar chart for a very large number of outcomes.6 Figure 5.3 presents continuous probability distributions for assets A and B.7 Note that although assets A and B have the same most likely return (15 percent), the distribution of Asset A .60 .50 .40 .30 .20 .10 0 5 9 13 17 21 25 Return (%) Probability of Occurrence EXAMPLE Probability distributions provide a more quantitative insight into an asset’s risk. The probability of a given outcome is its chance of occurring. An outcome with an 80 percent probability of occurrence would be expected to occur 8 out of 10 times. An outcome with a probability of 100 percent is certain to occur. Outcomes with a probability of zero will never occur. Probability of Occurrence probability The chance that a given outcome will occur. Asset B .60 .50 .40 .30 .20 .10 0 5 9 13 17 21 25 Return (%) 6. To develop a continuous probability distribution, one must have data on a large number of historical occurrences for a given event. Then, by developing a frequency distribution indicating how many times each outcome has occurred over the given time horizon, one can convert these data into a probability distribution. Probability distributions for risky events can also be developed by using simulation—a process discussed briefly in Chapter 10. 7. The continuous distribution’s probabilities change because of the large number of additional outcomes considered. The area under each of the curves is equal to 1, which means that 100% of the outcomes, or all the possible outcomes, are considered. CHAPTER 5 Risk and Return 221 Probability Density FIGURE 5.3 Continuous Probability Distributions Continuous probability distributions for asset A’s and asset B’s returns Asset A Asset B 0 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 Return (%) returns for asset B has much greater dispersion than the distribution for asset A. Clearly, asset B is more risky than asset A. Risk Measurement In addition to considering its range, the risk of an asset can be measured quantitatively by using statistics. Here we consider two statistics—the standard deviation and the coefficient of variation—that can be used to measure the variability of asset returns. Standard Deviation standard deviation (k) The most common statistical indicator of an asset’s risk; it measures the dispersion around the expected value. expected value of a return (k) The most likely return on a given asset. The most common statistical indicator of an asset’s risk is the standard deviation, k, which measures the dispersion around the expected value.8 The expected value of a return, k, is the most likely return on an asset. It is calculated as follows:9 n k kj Prj (5.2) j1 where kj return for the jth outcome Prj probability of occurrence of the jth outcome n number of outcomes considered 8. Although risk is typically viewed as determined by the dispersion of outcomes around an expected value, many people believe that risk exists only when outcomes are below the expected value, because only returns below the expected value are considered bad. Nevertheless, the common approach is to view risk as determined by the variability on either side of the expected value, because the greater this variability, the less confident one can be of the outcomes associated with an investment. , when all of the outcomes, kj, are known and their related 9. The formula for finding the expected value of return, k probabilities are assumed to be equal, is a simple arithmetic average: n k kj j1 (5.2a) n where n is the number of observations. Equation 5.2 is emphasized in this chapter because returns and related probabilities are often available. 222 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts TABLE 5.4 Possible outcomes Expected Values of Returns for Assets A and B Probability (1) Returns (2) Weighted value [(1) (2)] (3) Asset A Pessimistic Most likely Optimistic Total .25 .50 .2 5 13% 15 17 1 .00 Expected return 3.25% 7.50 4.25 15.00% Asset B Pessimistic Most likely Optimistic Total EXAMPLE .25 .50 .2 5 7% 15 23 1 .0 0 Expected return 1.75% 7.50 5.75 15.00% The expected values of returns for Norman Company’s assets A and B are presented in Table 5.4. Column 1 gives the Prj’s and column 2 gives the kj’s. In each case n equals 3. The expected value for each asset’s return is 15%. The expression for the standard deviation of returns, k, is10 k (kj )2 Pr k j1 j n (5.3) In general, the higher the standard deviation, the greater the risk. EXAMPLE Table 5.5 presents the standard deviations for Norman Company’s assets A and B, based on the earlier data. The standard deviation for asset A is 1.41%, and the standard deviation for asset B is 5.66%. The higher risk of asset B is clearly reflected in its higher standard deviation. Historical Returns and Risk We can now use the standard deviation as a measure of risk to assess the historical (1926–2000) investment return data in Table 5.2. Table 5.6 repeats the historical returns and shows the standard deviations associated with each of them. A close relationship can be seen between the investment returns and the standard deviations: Investments with higher returns have higher standard deviations. Because higher standard deviations are associated with greater risk, the historical data confirm the existence of a positive rela- 10. The formula that is commonly used to find the standard deviation of returns, k, in a situation in which all outcomes are known and their related probabilities are assumed equal, is n k (kj k)2 j1 n1 (5.3a) where n is the number of observations. Equation 5.3 is emphasized in this chapter because returns and related probabilities are often available. CHAPTER 5 TABLE 5.5 i kj Risk and Return 223 The Calculation of the Standard Deviation of the Returns for Assets A and Ba k kj k (kj k)2 (kj k )2 Prj Prj Asset A 1 2 3 13% 15 17 2% 0 2 15% 15 15 4% 0 4 .25 .50 .25 1% 0 1 3 (kj k)2 Prj j1 2% 3 k A (kj k)2 Prj 2% 1.41% j1 Asset B 1 2 3 7% 15 23 15% 15 15 8% 0 8 64% 0 64 .25 .50 .25 16% 0 1 6 3 (kj k)2 Prj 32% j1 3 kB % 5.66% (kj k)2 Prj 32 j1 aCalculations in this table are made in percentage form rather than decimal form—e.g., 13% rather than 0.13. As a result, some of the intermediate computations may appear to be inconsistent with those that would result from using decimal form. Regardless, the resulting standard deviations are correct and identical to those that would result from using decimal rather than percentage form. tionship between risk and return. That relationship reflects risk aversion by market participants, who require higher returns as compensation for greater risk. The historical data in Table 5.6 clearly show that during the 1926–2000 period, investors were rewarded with higher returns on higher-risk investments. TABLE 5.6 Historical Returns and Standard Deviations for Selected Security Investments (1926–2000) Investment Large-company stocks Small-company stocks Long-term corporate bonds Long-term government bonds U.S. Treasury bills Inflation Average annual return Standard deviation 13.0% 17.3 6.0 5.7 3.9 20.2% 33.4 8.7 9.4 3.2 3.2% 4.4% Source: Stocks, Bonds, Bills, and Inflation, 2001 Yearbook (Chicago: Ibbotson Associates, Inc., 2001). 224 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts Bell-Shaped Curve Normal probability distribution, with ranges Probability Density FIGURE 5.4 68% 95% 99% 0 –3σk –2σk –1σk k +1σk +2σk +3σk Return (%) normal probability distribution A symmetrical probability distribution whose shape resembles a “bell-shaped” curve. EXAMPLE Normal Distribution A normal probability distribution, depicted in Figure 5.4, always resembles a “bell-shaped” curve. It is symmetrical: From the peak of the graph, the curve’s extensions are mirror images (reflections) of each other. The symmetry of the curve means that half the probability is associated with the values to the left of the peak and half with the values to the right. As noted on the figure, for normal probability distributions, 68 percent of the possible outcomes will lie between 1 standard deviation from the expected value, 95 percent of all outcomes will lie between 2 standard deviations from the expected value, and 99 percent of all outcomes will lie between 3 standard deviations from the expected value.11 If we assume that the probability distribution of returns for the Norman Company is normal, 68% of the possible outcomes would have a return ranging between 13.59 and 16.41% for asset A and between 9.34 and 20.66% for asset B; 95% of the possible return outcomes would range between 12.18 and 17.82% for asset A and between 3.68 and 26.32% for asset B; and 99% of the possible return outcomes would range between 10.77 and 19.23% for asset A and between 1.98 and 31.98% for asset B. The greater risk of asset B is clearly reflected in its much wider range of possible returns for each level of confidence (68%, 95%, etc.). Coefficient of Variation coefficient of variation (CV ) A measure of relative dispersion that is useful in comparing the risks of assets with differing expected returns. The coefficient of variation, CV, is a measure of relative dispersion that is useful in comparing the risks of assets with differing expected returns. Equation 5.4 gives the expression for the coefficient of variation: k CV k (5.4) The higher the coefficient of variation, the greater the risk. 11. Tables of values indicating the probabilities associated with various deviations from the expected value of a normal distribution can be found in any basic statistics text. These values can be used to establish confidence limits and make inferences about possible outcomes. Such applications can be found in most basic statistics and upper-level managerial finance textbooks. CHAPTER 5 EXAMPLE Risk and Return 225 When the standard deviations (from Table 5.5) and the expected returns (from Table 5.4) for assets A and B are substituted into Equation 5.4, the coefficients of variation for A and B are 0.094 (1.41% 15%) and 0.377 (5.66% 15%), respectively. Asset B has the higher coefficient of variation and is therefore more risky than asset A—which we already know from the standard deviation. (Because both assets have the same expected return, the coefficient of variation has not provided any new information.) The real utility of the coefficient of variation comes in comparing the risks of assets that have different expected returns. EXAMPLE A firm wants to select the less risky of two alternative assets—X and Y. The expected return, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation for each of these assets’ returns are Statistics (1) Expected return aPreferred Asset Y 12% 20% 9%a (2) Standard deviation (3) Coefficient of variation [(2) Asset X (1)] 0.75 10% 0.50a asset using the given risk measure. Judging solely on the basis of their standard deviations, the firm would prefer asset X, which has a lower standard deviation than asset Y (9% versus 10%). However, management would be making a serious error in choosing asset X over asset Y, because the dispersion—the risk—of the asset, as reflected in the coefficient of variation, is lower for Y (0.50) than for X (0.75). Clearly, using the coefficient of variation to compare asset risk is effective because it also considers the relative size, or expected return, of the assets. Review Questions 5–4 5–5 5–6 5–7 LG3 LG4 Explain how the range is used in sensitivity analysis. What does a plot of the probability distribution of outcomes show a decision maker about an asset’s risk? What relationship exists between the size of the standard deviation and the degree of asset risk? When is the coefficient of variation preferred over the standard deviation for comparing asset risk? 5.3 Risk of a Portfolio In real-world situations, the risk of any single investment would not be viewed independently of other assets. (We did so for teaching purposes.) New investments must be considered in light of their impact on the risk and return of the 226 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts efficient portfolio A portfolio that maximizes return for a given level of risk or minimizes risk for a given level of return. portfolio of assets.12 The financial manager’s goal is to create an efficient portfolio, one that maximizes return for a given level of risk or minimizes risk for a given level of return. We therefore need a way to measure the return and the standard deviation of a portfolio of assets. Once we can do that, we will look at the statistical concept of correlation, which underlies the process of diversification that is used to develop an efficient portfolio. Portfolio Return and Standard Deviation The return on a portfolio is a weighted average of the returns on the individual assets from which it is formed. We can use Equation 5.5 to find the portfolio return, kp: n kp (w1 k1) (w2 k2) . . . (wn kn) wj kj (5.5) j1 where wj proportion of the portfolio’s total dollar value represented by asset j kj return on asset j n Of course, j=1 wj 1, which means that 100 percent of the portfolio’s assets must be included in this computation. The standard deviation of a portfolio’s returns is found by applying the formula for the standard deviation of a single asset. Specifically, Equation 5.3 is used when the probabilities of the returns are known, and Equation 5.3a (from footnote 10) is applied when the outcomes are known and their related probabilities of occurrence are assumed to be equal. EXAMPLE Assume that we wish to determine the expected value and standard deviation of returns for portfolio XY, created by combining equal portions (50%) of assets X and Y. The forecasted returns of assets X and Y for each of the next 5 years (2004–2008) are given in columns 1 and 2, respectively, in part A of Table 5.7. In column 3, the weights of 50% for both assets X and Y along with their respective returns from columns 1 and 2 are substituted into Equation 5.5. Column 4 shows the results of the calculation—an expected portfolio return of 12% for each year, 2004 to 2008. Furthermore, as shown in part B of Table 5.7, the expected value of these portfolio returns over the 5-year period is also 12% (calculated by using Equation 5.2a, in footnote 9). In part C of Table 5.7, portfolio XY’s standard deviation is calculated to be 0% (using Equation 5.3a, in footnote 10). This value should not be surprising because the expected return each year is the same— 12%. No variability is exhibited in the expected returns from year to year. 12. The portfolio of a firm, which would consist of its total assets, is not differentiated from the portfolio of an owner, which would probably contain a variety of different investment vehicles (i.e., assets). The differing characteristics of these two types of portfolios should become clear upon completion of Chapter 10. CHAPTER 5 TABLE 5.7 Risk and Return 227 Expected Return, Expected Value, and Standard Deviation of Returns for Portfolio XY A. Expected portfolio returns Forecasted return Year Asset X (1) Asset Y (2) Portfolio return calculationa (3) Expected portfolio return, kp (4) 16% (.50 8%) (.50 16%) 12% 2005 10 14 (.50 10%) (.50 14%) 12 2006 12 12 (.50 12%) (.50 12%) 12 2007 14 10 (.50 14%) (.50 10%) 12 2008 16 8 (.50 16%) (.50 8%) 12 2004 8% B. Expected value of portfolio returns, 2004–2008b 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 60% p 12% k 5 5 C. Standard deviation of expected portfolio returnsc kp (12% 12%)2 (12% 12%)2 (12% 12%)2 (12% 12%)2 (12% 12%)2 51 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 4 0 % 0% 4 aUsing Equation 5.5. Equation 5.2a found in footnote 9. cUsing Equation 5.3a found in footnote 10. bUsing correlation A statistical measure of the relationship between any two series of numbers representing data of any kind. positively correlated Describes two series that move in the same direction. negatively correlated Describes two series that move in opposite directions. Correlation Correlation is a statistical measure of the relationship between any two series of numbers. The numbers may represent data of any kind, from returns to test scores. If two series move in the same direction, they are positively correlated. If the series move in opposite directions, they are negatively correlated.13 13. The general long-term trends of two series could be the same (both increasing or both decreasing) or different (one increasing, the other decreasing), and the correlation of their short-term (point-to-point) movements in both situations could be either positive or negative. In other words, the pattern of movement around the trends could be correlated independent of the actual relationship between the trends. Further clarification of this seemingly inconsistent behavior can be found in most basic statistics texts. Important Financial Concepts FIGURE 5.5 Correlations The correlation between series M and series N Perfectly Positively Correlated Perfectly Negatively Correlated N Return PART 2 Return 228 N M M Time Time correlation coefficient A measure of the degree of correlation between two series. perfectly positively correlated Describes two positively correlated series that have a correlation coefficient of 1. perfectly negatively correlated Describes two negatively correlated series that have a correlation coefficient of 1. uncorrelated Describes two series that lack any interaction and therefore have a correlation coefficient close to zero. The degree of correlation is measured by the correlation coefficient, which ranges from 1 for perfectly positively correlated series to 1 for perfectly negatively correlated series. These two extremes are depicted for series M and N in Figure 5.5. The perfectly positively correlated series move exactly together; the perfectly negatively correlated series move in exactly opposite directions. Diversification The concept of correlation is essential to developing an efficient portfolio. To reduce overall risk, it is best to combine, or add to the portfolio, assets that have a negative (or a low positive) correlation. Combining negatively correlated assets can reduce the overall variability of returns. Figure 5.6 shows that a portfolio containing the negatively correlated assets F and G, both of which have the same expected return, k, also has that same return k but has less risk (variability) than either of the individual assets. Even if assets are not negatively correlated, the lower the positive correlation between them, the lower the resulting risk. Some assets are uncorrelated—that is, there is no interaction between their returns. Combining uncorrelated assets can reduce risk, not so effectively as combining negatively correlated assets, but more effectively than combining positively correlated assets. The correlation coefficient for uncorrelated assets is close to zero and acts as the midpoint between perfect positive and perfect negative correlation. FIGURE 5.6 Diversification Combining negatively correlated assets to diversify risk Asset F Return Asset G Return Portfolio of Assets F and G Return k k Time Time Time CHAPTER 5 Risk and Return 229 The creation of a portfolio that combines two assets with perfectly positively correlated returns results in overall portfolio risk that at minimum equals that of the least risky asset and at maximum equals that of the most risky asset. However, a portfolio combining two assets with less than perfectly positive correlation can reduce total risk to a level below that of either of the components, which in certain situations may be zero. For example, assume that you manufacture machine tools. The business is very cyclical, with high sales when the economy is expanding and low sales during a recession. If you acquired another machinetool company, with sales positively correlated with those of your firm, the combined sales would still be cyclical and risk would remain the same. Alternatively, however, you could acquire a sewing machine manufacturer, whose sales are countercyclical. It typically has low sales during economic expansion and high sales during recession (when consumers are more likely to make their own clothes). Combination with the sewing machine manufacturer, which has negatively correlated sales, should reduce risk. EXAMPLE TABLE 5.8 Table 5.8 presents the forecasted returns from three different assets—X, Y, and Z—over the next 5 years, along with their expected values and standard deviations. Each of the assets has an expected value of return of 12% and a standard Forecasted Returns, Expected Values, and Standard Deviations for Assets X, Y, and Z and Portfolios XY and XZ Assets Portfolios XYa Year X 2004 8% Y 16% Z 8% (50%X 50%Y) 12% XZb (50%X 50%Z) 8% 2005 10 14 10 12 10 2006 12 12 12 12 12 2007 14 10 14 12 14 2008 16 8 16 12 16 Statistics: c Expected value Standard deviationd 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 3.16% 3.16% 3.16% 0% 3.16% aPortfolio XY, which consists of 50% of asset X and 50% of asset Y, illustrates perfect negative correlation because these two return streams behave in completely opposite fashion over the 5-year period. Its return values shown here were calculated in part A of Table 5.7. bPortfolio XZ, which consists of 50% of asset X and 50% of asset Z, illustrates perfect positive correlation because these two return streams behave identically over the 5-year period. Its return values were calculated by using the same method demonstrated for portfolio XY in part A of Table 5.7. cBecause the probabilities associated with the returns are not given, the general equations, Equation 5.2a in footnote 9 and Equation 5.3a in footnote 10, were used to calculate expected values and standard deviations, respectively. Calculation of the expected value and standard deviation for portfolio XY is demonstrated in parts B and C, respectively, of Table 5.7. d The portfolio standard deviations can be directly calculated from the standard deviations of the component assets with the following formula: kp w12 12 w22 22 2w1w2r1,212 where w1 and w2 are the proportions of component assets 1 and 2, 1 and 2 are the standard deviations of component assets 1 and 2, and r1,2 is the correlation coefficient between the returns of component assets 1 and 2. 230 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts deviation of 3.16%. The assets therefore have equal return and equal risk. The return patterns of assets X and Y are perfectly negatively correlated. They move in exactly opposite directions over time. The returns of assets X and Z are perfectly positively correlated. They move in precisely the same direction. (Note: The returns for X and Z are identical.)14 Portfolio XY Portfolio XY (shown in Table 5.8) is created by combining equal portions of assets X and Y, the perfectly negatively correlated assets.15 (Calculation of portfolio XY’s annual expected returns, their expected value, and the standard deviation of expected portfolio returns was demonstrated in Table 5.7.) The risk in this portfolio, as reflected by its standard deviation, is reduced to 0%, whereas the expected return remains at 12%. Thus the combination results in the complete elimination of risk. Whenever assets are perfectly negatively correlated, an optimal combination (similar to the 50–50 mix in the case of assets X and Y) exists for which the resulting standard deviation will equal 0. Portfolio XZ Portfolio XZ (shown in Table 5.8) is created by combining equal portions of assets X and Z, the perfectly positively correlated assets. The risk in this portfolio, as reflected by its standard deviation, is unaffected by this combination. Risk remains at 3.16%, and the expected return value remains at 12%. Because assets X and Z have the same standard deviation, the minimum and maximum standard deviations are the same (3.16%). Correlation, Diversification, Risk, and Return Hint Remember, low correlation between two series of numbers is less positive and more negative—indicating greater dissimilarity of behavior of the two series. In general, the lower the correlation between asset returns, the greater the potential diversification of risk. (This should be clear from the behaviors illustrated in Table 5.8.) For each pair of assets, there is a combination that will result in the lowest risk (standard deviation) possible. How much risk can be reduced by this combination depends on the degree of correlation. Many potential combinations (assuming divisibility) could be made, but only one combination of the infinite number of possibilities will minimize risk. Three possible correlations—perfect positive, uncorrelated, and perfect negative—illustrate the effect of correlation on the diversification of risk and return. Table 5.9 summarizes the impact of correlation on the range of return and risk for various two-asset portfolio combinations. The table shows that as we move from perfect positive correlation to uncorrelated assets to perfect negative correlation, the ability to reduce risk is improved. Note that in no case will a portfolio of assets be riskier than the riskiest asset included in the portfolio. 14. Identical return streams are used in this example to permit clear illustration of the concepts, but it is not necessary for return streams to be identical for them to be perfectly positively correlated. Any return streams that move (i.e., vary) exactly together—regardless of the relative magnitude of the returns—are perfectly positively correlated. 15. For illustrative purposes it has been assumed that each of the assets—X, Y, and Z—can be divided up and combined with other assets to create portfolios. This assumption is made only to permit clear illustration of the concepts. The assets are not actually divisible. CHAPTER 5 TABLE 5.9 Correlation, Return, and Risk for Various Two-Asset Portfolio Combinations Correlation coefficient EXAMPLE 231 Risk and Return Range of return Range of risk 1 (perfect positive) Between returns of two assets held in isolation Between risk of two assets held in isolation 0 (uncorrelated) Between returns of two assets held in isolation Between risk of most risky asset and an amount less than risk of least risky asset but greater than 0 1 (perfect negative) Between returns of two assets held in isolation Between risk of most risky asset and 0 A firm has calculated the expected return and the risk for each of two assets—R and S. Asset Expected return, k Risk (standard deviation), R S 6% 8 3% 8 Clearly, asset R is a lower-return, lower-risk asset than asset S. To evaluate possible combinations, the firm considered three possible correlations—perfect positive, uncorrelated, and perfect negative. The results of the analysis are shown in Figure 5.7, using the ranges of return and risk noted above. In all cases, the return will range between the 6% return of R and the 8% return of S. The risk, on the other hand, ranges between the individual risks of R and S (from 3% to 8%) in the case of perfect positive correlation, from below 3% (the risk of R) and greater than 0% to 8% (the risk of S) in the uncorrelated case, and between 0% and 8% (the risk of S) in the perfectly negatively correlated case. FIGURE 5.7 Possible Correlations Range of portfolio return (kp) and risk (kp) for combinations of assets R and S for various correlation coefficients Correlation Coefficient Ranges of Risk Ranges of Return +1 (Perfect Positive) +1 0 (Uncorrelated) 0 –1 –1 (Perfect Negative) 0 5 6 kR 7 8 9 kS Portfolio Return (%) (kp) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 σk σk R S Portfolio Risk (%) (σkp) 232 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts Note that only in the case of perfect negative correlation can the risk be reduced to 0. Also note that as the correlation becomes less positive and more negative (moving from the top of the figure down), the ability to reduce risk improves. The amount of risk reduction achieved depends on the proportions in which the assets are combined. Although determining the risk-minimizing combination is beyond the scope of this discussion, it is an important issue in developing portfolios of assets. International Diversification The ultimate example of portfolio diversification involves including foreign assets in a portfolio. The inclusion of assets from countries with business cycles that are not highly correlated with the U.S. business cycle reduces the portfolio’s responsiveness to market movements and to foreign currency fluctuations. Returns from International Diversification Over long periods, returns from internationally diversified portfolios tend to be superior to those of purely domestic ones. This is particularly so if the U.S. economy is performing relatively poorly and the dollar is depreciating in value against most foreign currencies. At such times, the dollar returns to U.S. investors on a portfolio of foreign assets can be very attractive. However, over any single short or intermediate period, international diversification can yield subpar returns, particularly during periods when the dollar is appreciating in value relative to other currencies. When the U.S. currency gains in value, the dollar value of a foreigncurrency-denominated portfolio of assets declines. Even if this portfolio yields a satisfactory return in local currency, the return to U.S. investors will be reduced when translated into dollars. Subpar local currency portfolio returns, coupled with an appreciating dollar, can yield truly dismal dollar returns to U.S. investors. Overall, though, the logic of international portfolio diversification assumes that these fluctuations in currency values and relative performance will average out over long periods. Compared to similar, purely domestic portfolios, an internationally diversified portfolio will tend to yield a comparable return at a lower level of risk. Risks of International Diversification political risk Risk that arises from the possibility that a host government will take actions harmful to foreign investors or that political turmoil in a country will endanger investments there. U.S. investors should also be aware of the potential dangers of international investing. In addition to the risk induced by currency fluctuations, several other financial risks are unique to international investing. Most important is political risk, which arises from the possibility that a host government will take actions harmful to foreign investors or that political turmoil in a country will endanger investments there. Political risks are particularly acute in developing countries, where unstable or ideologically motivated governments may attempt to block return of profits by foreign investors or even seize (nationalize) their assets in the host country. An example of political risk was the heightened concern after Desert Storm in the early 1990s that Saudi Arabian fundamentalists would take over and nationalize the U.S. oil facilities located there. CHAPTER 5 Risk and Return 233 Even where governments do not impose exchange controls or seize assets, international investors may suffer if a shortage of hard currency prevents payment of dividends or interest to foreigners. When governments are forced to allocate scarce foreign exchange, they rarely give top priority to the interests of foreign investors. Instead, hard-currency reserves are typically used to pay for necessary imports such as food, medicine, and industrial materials and to pay interest on the government’s debt. Because most of the debt of developing countries is held by banks rather than individuals, foreign investors are often badly harmed when a country experiences political or economic problems. Review Questions 5–8 What is an efficient portfolio? How can the return and standard deviation of a portfolio be determined? 5–9 Why is the correlation between asset returns important? How does diversification allow risky assets to be combined so that the risk of the portfolio is less than the risk of the individual assets in it? 5–10 How does international diversification enhance risk reduction? When might international diversification result in subpar returns? What are political risks, and how do they affect international diversification? LG5 LG6 5.4 Risk and Return: The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) capital asset pricing model (CAPM) The basic theory that links risk and return for all assets. The most important aspect of risk is the overall risk of the firm as viewed by investors in the marketplace. Overall risk significantly affects investment opportunities and—even more important—the owners’ wealth. The basic theory that links risk and return for all assets is the capital asset pricing model (CAPM).16 We will use CAPM to understand the basic risk–return tradeoffs involved in all types of financial decisions. Types of Risk To understand the basic types of risk, consider what happens to the risk of a portfolio consisting of a single security (asset), to which we add securities randomly selected from, say, the population of all actively traded securities. Using 16. The initial development of this theory is generally attributed to William F. Sharpe, “Capital Asset Prices: A Theory of Market Equilibrium Under Conditions of Risk,” Journal of Finance 19 (September 1964), pp. 425–442, and John Lintner, “The Valuation of Risk Assets and the Selection of Risky Investments in Stock Portfolios and Capital Budgets,” Review of Economics and Statistics 47 (February 1965), pp 13–37. A number of authors subsequently advanced, refined, and tested this now widely accepted theory. 234 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts Risk Reduction Portfolio risk and diversification Portfolio Risk, σkP FIGURE 5.8 Diversifiable Risk Total Risk Nondiversifiable Risk 1 total risk The combination of a security’s nondiversifiable and diversifiable risk. 5 10 15 20 25 Number of Securities (Assets) in Portfolio the standard deviation of return, kp, to measure the total portfolio risk, Figure 5.8 depicts the behavior of the total portfolio risk (y axis) as more securities are added (x axis). With the addition of securities, the total portfolio risk declines, as a result of the effects of diversification, and tends to approach a lower limit. Research has shown that, on average, most of the risk-reduction benefits of diversification can be gained by forming portfolios containing 15 to 20 randomly selected securities.17 The total risk of a security can be viewed as consisting of two parts: Total security risk Nondiversifiable risk Diversifiable risk diversifiable risk The portion of an asset’s risk that is attributable to firm-specific, random causes; can be eliminated through diversification. Also called unsystematic risk. nondiversifiable risk The relevant portion of an asset’s risk attributable to market factors that affect all firms; cannot be eliminated through diversification. Also called systematic risk. (5.6) Diversifiable risk (sometimes called unsystematic risk) represents the portion of an asset’s risk that is associated with random causes that can be eliminated through diversification. It is attributable to firm-specific events, such as strikes, lawsuits, regulatory actions, and loss of a key account. Nondiversifiable risk (also called systematic risk) is attributable to market factors that affect all firms; it cannot be eliminated through diversification. (It is the shareholder-specific market risk described in Table 5.1.) Factors such as war, inflation, international incidents, and political events account for nondiversifiable risk. Because any investor can create a portfolio of assets that will eliminate virtually all diversifiable risk, the only relevant risk is nondiversifiable risk. Any investor or firm therefore must be concerned solely with nondiversifiable risk. The measurement of nondiversifiable risk is thus of primary importance in selecting assets with the most desired risk–return characteristics. 17. See, for example, W. H. Wagner and S. C. Lau, “The Effect of Diversification on Risk,” Financial Analysts Journal 26 (November–December 1971), pp. 48–53, and Jack Evans and Stephen H. Archer, “Diversification and the Reduction of Dispersion: An Empirical Analysis,” Journal of Finance 23 (December 1968), pp. 761–767. A more recent study, Gerald D. Newbould and Percy S. Poon, “The Minimum Number of Stocks Needed for Diversification,” Financial Practice and Education (Fall 1993), pp. 85–87, shows that because an investor holds but one of a large number of possible x-security portfolios, it is unlikely that he or she will experience the average outcome. As a consequence, the study suggests that a minimum of 40 stocks is needed to diversify a portfolio fully. This study tends to support the widespread popularity of mutual fund investments. CHAPTER 5 Risk and Return 235 The Model: CAPM The capital asset pricing model (CAPM) links nondiversifiable risk and return for all assets. We will discuss the model in five sections. The first deals with the beta coefficient, which is a measure of nondiversifiable risk. The second section presents an equation of the model itself, and the third graphically describes the relationship between risk and return. The fourth section discusses the effects of changes in inflationary expectations and risk aversion on the relationship between risk and return. The final section offers some comments on the CAPM. Beta Coefficient beta coefficient (b) A relative measure of nondiversifiable risk. An index of the degree of movement of an asset’s return in response to a change in the market return. market return The return on the market portfolio of all traded securities. The beta coefficient, b, is a relative measure of nondiversifiable risk. It is an index of the degree of movement of an asset’s return in response to a change in the market return. An asset’s historical returns are used in finding the asset’s beta coefficient. The market return is the return on the market portfolio of all traded securities. The Standard & Poor’s 500 Stock Composite Index or some similar stock index is commonly used as the market return. Betas for actively traded stocks can be obtained from a variety of sources, but you should understand how they are derived and interpreted and how they are applied to portfolios. Deriving Beta from Return Data An asset’s historical returns are used in finding the asset’s beta coefficient. Figure 5.9 plots the relationship between the returns of two assets—R and S—and the market return. Note that the horizontal (x) axis measures the historical market returns and that the vertical (y) axis measures the individual asset’s historical returns. The first step in deriving beta involves plotting the coordinates for the market return and asset returns from various points in time. Such annual “market return–asset return” coordinates are shown for asset S only for the years 1996 through 2003. For example, in 2003, asset S’s return was 20 percent when the market return was 10 percent. By use of statistical techniques, the “characteristic line” that best explains the relationship between the asset return and the market return coordinates is fit to the data points.18 The slope of this line is beta. The beta for asset R is about .80 and that 18. The empirical measurement of beta is approached by using least-squares regression analysis to find the regression coefficient (bj) in the equation for the “characteristic line”: kj aj bj km ej where kj return on asset j aj intercept Cov (kj, km) bj beta coefficient, which equals 2 m where Cov (kj, km) covariance of the return on asset j, kj, and the return on the market portfolio, km m2 variance of the return on the market portfolio km required rate of return on the market portfolio of securities ej random error term, which reflects the diversifiable, or unsystematic, risk of asset j The calculations involved in finding betas are somewhat rigorous. If you want to know more about these calculations, consult an advanced managerial finance or investments text. 236 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts FIGURE 5.9 Asset Return (%) Beta Derivationa Graphical derivation of beta for assets R and S (1997) Asset S 35 30 (2002) 25 (2003) 20 10 (1996) 5 –20 –10 0 –5 (1999) bS = slope = 1.30 (2000) 15 (1998) (2001) Asset R bR = slope = .80 10 15 20 25 30 35 Market Return (%) –10 Characteristic Line S –15 Characteristic Line R –20 –25 –30 a All data points shown are associated with asset S. No data points are shown for asset R. for asset S is about 1.30. Asset S’s higher beta (steeper characteristic line slope) indicates that its return is more responsive to changing market returns. Therefore asset S is more risky than asset R.19 Hint Remember that published betas are calculated using historical data. When investors use beta for decision making, they should recognize that past performance relative to the market average may not accurately predict future performance. Interpreting Betas The beta coefficient for the market is considered to be equal to 1.0. All other betas are viewed in relation to this value. Asset betas may be positive or negative, but positive betas are the norm. The majority of beta coefficients fall between .5 and 2.0. The return of a stock that is half as responsive as the market (b .5) is expected to change by 1/2 percent for each 1 percent change in the return of the market portfolio. A stock that is twice as responsive as the market (b 2.0) is expected to experience a 2 percent change in its return for each 1 percent change in the return of the market portfolio. Table 5.10 provides various beta values and their interpretations. Beta coefficients for actively traded stocks can be obtained from published sources such as Value Line Investment Survey, via the Internet, or through brokerage firms. Betas for some selected stocks are given in Table 5.11. Portfolio Betas The beta of a portfolio can be easily estimated by using the betas of the individual assets it includes. Letting wj represent the proportion of 19. The values of beta also depend on the time interval used for return calculations and on the number of returns used in the regression analysis. In other words, betas calculated using monthly returns would not necessarily be comparable to those calculated using a similar number of daily returns. CHAPTER 5 TABLE 5.10 Beta 2.0 1.0 .5 Risk and Return 237 Selected Beta Coefficients and Their Interpretations Comment Interpretation Move in same direction as market 0 Twice as responsive as the market Same response as the market Only half as responsive as the market Unaffected by market movement .5 1.0 2.0 Move in opposite direction to market TABLE 5.11 Only half as responsive as the market Same response as the market Twice as responsive as the market Beta Coefficients for Selected Stocks (March 8, 2002) Stock Beta 1.95 Anheuser-Busch .60 Bank One Corp. Stock Beta Int’l Business Machines 1.05 Merrill Lynch & Co. 1.85 1.25 Microsoft 1.20 Daimler Chrysler AG 1.25 NIKE, Inc. .90 Disney 1.05 PepsiCo, Inc. eBay 2.20 Qualcomm Exxon Mobil Corp. .80 .70 1.30 Sempra Energy .60 Gap (The), Inc. 1.60 Wal-Mart Stores 1.15 General Electric 1.30 Xerox 1.25 Intel 1.30 Yahoo! Inc. 2.00 Source: Value Line Investment Survey (New York: Value Line Publishing, March 8, 2002). the portfolio’s total dollar value represented by asset j, and letting bj equal the beta of asset j, we can use Equation 5.7 to find the portfolio beta, bp: n bp (w1 b1) (w2 b2) . . . (wn bn) wj bj (5.7) j1 n Hint Mutual fund managers are key users of the portfolio beta and return concepts. They are continually evaluating what would happen to the fund’s beta and return if the securities of a particular firm were added to or deleted from the fund’s portfolio. Of course, j=1 wj 1, which means that 100 percent of the portfolio’s assets must be included in this computation. Portfolio betas are interpreted in the same way as the betas of individual assets. They indicate the degree of responsiveness of the portfolio’s return to changes in the market return. For example, when the market return increases by 10 percent, a portfolio with a beta of .75 will experience a 7.5 percent increase in its return (.75 10%); a portfolio with a beta of 1.25 will experience a 12.5 percent increase in its return (1.25 10%). Clearly, a portfolio containing mostly low-beta assets will have a low beta, and one containing mostly high-beta assets will have a high beta. 238 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts TABLE 5.12 Austin Fund’s Portfolios V and W Portfolio V Asset Proportion Beta Proportion 1 .10 1.65 .10 .80 2 .30 1.00 .10 1.00 3 .20 1.30 .20 .65 4 .20 1.10 .10 .75 5 .20 1.00 1.25 .50 1.00 1.05 Totals EXAMPLE Portfolio W Beta The Austin Fund, a large investment company, wishes to assess the risk of two portfolios it is considering assembling—V and W. Both portfolios contain five assets, with the proportions and betas shown in Table 5.12. The betas for the two portfolios, bv and bw, can be calculated by substituting data from the table into Equation 5.7: bv (.10 1.65) (.30 1.00) (.20 1.30) (.20 1.10) (.20 1.25) .165 .300 .260 .220 .250 1.195 1.20 bw (.10 .80) (.10 1.00) (.20 .65) (.10 .75) (.50 1.05) .080 .100 .130 .075 .525 .91 Portfolio V’s beta is 1.20, and portfolio W’s is .91. These values make sense, because portfolio V contains relatively high-beta assets, and portfolio W contains relatively low-beta assets. Clearly, portfolio V’s returns are more responsive to changes in market returns and are therefore more risky than portfolio W’s. The Equation Using the beta coefficient to measure nondiversifiable risk, the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) is given in Equation 5.8: kj RF [bj (km RF)] (5.8) where risk-free rate of interest, RF The required return on a risk-free asset, typically a 3-month U.S. Treasury bill. U.S. Treasury bills (T-bills) Short-term IOUs issued by the U.S. Treasury; considered the risk-free asset. kj required return on asset j RF risk-free rate of return, commonly measured by the return on a U.S. Treasury bill bj beta coefficient or index of nondiversifiable risk for asset j km market return; return on the market portfolio of assets The CAPM can be divided into two parts: (1) risk-free of interest, RF , which is the required return on a risk-free asset, typically a 3-month U.S. Treasury bill (T-bill), a short-term IOU issued by the U.S. Treasury, and (2) the risk premium. These are, respectively, the two elements on either side of the plus sign in Equation 5.8. The (km RF) portion of the risk premium is called the market risk pre- CHAPTER 5 Risk and Return 239 mium, because it represents the premium the investor must receive for taking the average amount of risk associated with holding the market portfolio of assets.20 Historical Risk Premiums Using the historical return data for selected security investments for the 1926–2000 period shown in Table 5.2, we can calculate the risk premiums for each investment category. The calculation (consistent with Equation 5.8) involves merely subtracting the historical U.S. Treasury bill’s average return from the historical average return for a given investment: Investment Risk premiuma Large-company stocks 13.0% 3.9% 9.1% Small company stocks 17.3 3.9 13.4 Long-term corporate bonds 6.0 3.9 2.1 Long-term government bonds 5.7 3.9 1.8 U.S. Treasury bills 3.9 3.9 0.0 aReturn values obtained from Table 5.2. Reviewing the risk premiums calculated above, we can see that the risk premium is highest for small-company stocks, followed by large-company stocks, long-term corporate bonds, and long-term government bonds. This outcome makes sense intuitively because small-company stocks are riskier than largecompany stocks, which are riskier than long-term corporate bonds (equity is riskier than debt investment). Long-term corporate bonds are riskier than longterm government bonds (because the government is less likely to renege on debt). And of course, U.S. Treasury bills, because of their lack of default risk and their very short maturity, are virtually risk-free, as indicated by their lack of any risk premium. EXAMPLE Benjamin Corporation, a growing computer software developer, wishes to determine the required return on an asset Z, which has a beta of 1.5. The risk-free rate of return is 7%; the return on the market portfolio of assets is 11%. Substituting bz 1.5, RF 7%, and km 11% into the capital asset pricing model given in Equation 5.8 yields a required return of kz 7% [1.5 (11% 7%)] 7% 6% 13 % The market risk premium of 4% (11% 7%), when adjusted for the asset’s index of risk (beta) of 1.5, results in a risk premium of 6% (1.5 4%). That risk premium, when added to the 7% risk-free rate, results in a 13% required return. Other things being equal, the higher the beta, the higher the required return, and the lower the beta, the lower the required return. 20. Although CAPM has been widely accepted, a broader theory, arbitrage pricing theory (APT), first described by Stephen A. Ross, “The Arbitrage Theory of Capital Asset Pricing,” Journal of Economic Theory (December 1976), pp. 341–360, has received a great deal of attention in the financial literature. The theory suggests that the risk premium on securities may be better explained by a number of factors underlying and in place of the market return used in CAPM. The CAPM in effect can be viewed as being derived from APT. Although testing of APT theory confirms the importance of the market return, it has thus far failed to identify other risk factors clearly. As a result of this failure, as well as APT’s lack of practical acceptance and usage, we concentrate our attention here on CAPM. 240 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts The Graph: The Security Market Line (SML) security market line (SML) The depiction of the capital asset pricing model (CAPM ) as a graph that reflects the required return in the marketplace for each level of nondiversifiable risk (beta). EXAMPLE When the capital asset pricing model (Equation 5.8) is depicted graphically, it is called the security market line (SML). The SML will, in fact, be a straight line. It reflects the required return in the marketplace for each level of nondiversifiable risk (beta). In the graph, risk as measured by beta, b, is plotted on the x axis, and required returns, k, are plotted on the y axis. The risk–return tradeoff is clearly represented by the SML. In the preceding example for Benjamin Corporation, the risk-free rate, RF, was 7%, and the market return, km, was 11%. The SML can be plotted by using the two sets of coordinates for the betas associated with RF and km, bRF and bm (that is, bRF 0,21 RF 7%; and bm 1.0, km 11%). Figure 5.10 presents the resulting security market line. As traditionally shown, the security market line in Figure 5.10 presents the required return associated with all positive betas. The market risk premium of 4% (km of 11% RF of 7%) has been highlighted. For a beta for asset Z, bz, of 1.5, its corresponding required return, kz, is 13%. Also shown in the figure is asset Z’s risk premium of 6% (kz of 13% RF of 7%). It should be clear that for assets with betas greater than 1, the risk premium is greater than that for the market; for assets with betas less than 1, the risk premium is less than that for the market. Security Market Line Security market line (SML) with Benjamin Corporation’s asset Z data shown Required Return, k (%) FIGURE 5.10 17 16 15 14 kz = 13 12 km = 11 10 9 8 RF = 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 SML Asset Z’s Risk Premium (6%) Market Risk Premium (4%) 0 bR .5 F 1.0 1.5 bm bz 2.0 Nondiversifiable Risk, b 21. Because RF is the rate of return on a risk-free asset, the beta associated with the risk-free asset, bRF, would equal 0. The 0 beta on the risk-free asset reflects not only its absence of risk but also that the asset’s return is unaffected by movements in the market return. CHAPTER 5 Risk and Return 241 Shifts in the Security Market Line The security market line is not stable over time, and shifts in the security market line can result in a change in required return. The position and slope of the SML are affected by two major forces—inflationary expectations and risk aversion— which are analyzed next.22 Changes in Inflationary Expectations Changes in inflationary expectations affect the risk-free rate of return, RF. The equation for the risk-free rate of return is RF k* IP (5.9) This equation shows that, assuming a constant real rate of interest, k*, changes in inflationary expectations, reflected in an inflation premium, IP, will result in corresponding changes in the risk-free rate. Therefore, a change in inflationary expectations that results from events such as international trade embargoes or major changes in Federal Reserve policy will result in a shift in the SML. Because the riskfree rate is a basic component of all rates of return, any change in RF will be reflected in all required rates of return. Changes in inflationary expectations result in parallel shifts in the SML in direct response to the magnitude and direction of the change. This effect can best be illustrated by an example. EXAMPLE In the preceding example, using CAPM, the required return for asset Z, kZ, was found to be 13%. Assuming that the risk-free rate of 7% includes a 2% real rate of interest, k*, and a 5% inflation premium, IP, then Equation 5.9 confirms that RF 2% 5% 7% Now assume that recent economic events have resulted in an increase of 3% in inflationary expectations, raising the inflation premium to 8% (IP1). As a result, all returns likewise rise by 3%. In this case, the new returns (noted by subscript 1) are RF1 10% (rises from 7% to 10%) km1 14% (rises from 11% to 14%) Substituting these values, along with asset Z’s beta (bZ) of 1.5, into the CAPM (Equation 5.8), we find that asset Z’s new required return (kZ1) can be calculated: kZ1 10% [1.5 (14% 10%)] 10% 6% 16% Comparing kZ1 of 16% to kZ of 13%, we see that the change of 3% in asset Z’s required return exactly equals the change in the inflation premium. The same 3% increase results for all assets. 22. A firm’s beta can change over time as a result of changes in the firm’s asset mix, in its financing mix, or in external factors not within management’s control, such as earthquakes, toxic spills, and so on. The impacts of changes in beta on value are discussed in Chapter 7. 242 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts FIGURE 5.11 Required Return, k (%) Inflation Shifts SML Impact of increased inflationary expectations on the SML SML1 17 kz = 16 1 15 km = 14 1 kz = 13 12 km = 11 RF = 10 1 9 8 RF = 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 SML Inc. in IP IP1 IP k* 0 bR .5 F 1.0 1.5 bm bz 2.0 Nondiversifiable Risk, b Figure 5.11 depicts the situation just described. It shows that the 3% increase in inflationary expectations results in a parallel shift upward of 3% in the SML. Clearly, the required returns on all assets rise by 3%. Note that the rise in the inflation premium from 5% to 8% (IP to IP1) causes the risk-free rate to rise from 7% to 10% (RF to RF1) and the market return to increase from 11% to 14% (km to km1). The security market line therefore shifts upward by 3% (SML to SML1), causing the required return on all risky assets, such as asset Z, to rise by 3%. It should now be clear that a given change in inflationary expectations will be fully reflected in a corresponding change in the returns of all assets, as reflected graphically in a parallel shift of the SML. Changes in Risk Aversion The slope of the security market line reflects the general risk preferences of investors in the marketplace. As discussed earlier and shown in Figure 5.1, most investors are risk-averse—they require increased returns for increased risk. This positive relationship between risk and return is graphically represented by the SML, which depicts the relationship between nondiversifiable risk as measured by beta (x axis) and the required return (y axis). The slope of the SML reflects the degree of risk aversion: the steeper its slope, the greater the degree of risk aversion, because a higher level of return will be required for each level of risk as measured by beta. In other words, risk premiums increase with increasing risk avoidance. Changes in risk aversion, and therefore shifts in the SML, result from changing preferences of investors, which generally result from economic, political, and social events. Examples of events that increase risk aversion include a stock mar- CHAPTER 5 Risk and Return 243 ket crash, assassination of a key political leader, and the outbreak of war. In general, widely accepted expectations of hard times ahead tend to cause investors to become more risk-averse, requiring higher returns as compensation for accepting a given level of risk. The impact of increased risk aversion on the SML can best be demonstrated by an example. EXAMPLE In the preceding examples, the SML in Figure 5.10 reflected a risk-free rate (RF) of 7%, a market return (km) of 11%, a market risk premium (km RF) of 4%, and a required return on asset Z (kZ) of 13% with a beta (bZ) of 1.5. Assume that recent economic events have made investors more risk-averse, causing a new higher market return (km1) of 14%. Graphically, this change would cause the SML to shift upward as shown in Figure 5.12, causing a new market risk premium (km1 RF) of 7%. As a result, the required return on all risky assets will increase. For asset Z, with a beta of 1.5, the new required return (kZ1) can be calculated by using CAPM (Equation 5.8): kZ1 7% [1.5 (14% 7%)] 7% 10.5% 17.5% This value can be seen on the new security market line (SML1) in Figure 5.12. Note that although asset Z’s risk, as measured by beta, did not change, its required return has increased because of the increased risk aversion reflected in FIGURE 5.12 Required Return, k (%) Risk Aversion Shifts SML Impact of increased risk aversion on the SML 22 21 20 19 18 kZ = 17.5 1 17 16 15 km = 14 1 kZ = 13 12 km = 11 10 9 8 RF = 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 SML1 SML New Market Risk Premium km – RF = 7% 1 Initial Market Risk Premium km – RF = 4% 0 bR .5 F 1.0 1.5 bm bZ Nondiversifiable Risk, b 2.0 244 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts FOCUS ON PRACTICE What’s at Risk? VAR Has the Answer Financial managers, always on the lookout for new ways to measure and manage risk, have added value-at -risk (VAR ) techniques to their repertoire. VAR is a statistical measure of risk exposure that reflects the potential loss from an unlikely, adverse event in a normal, everyday market environment. It predicts the drop in a company’s value that will occur if things go wrong by calculating the financial risk in the future market value of a portfolio of assets, liabilities, and equity. First used by banks and brokerage firms to measure the risk of market movements, VAR now has proponents among nonfinancial companies such as Xerox, General Motors, and GTE. Unlike other risk tools that measure risk using standard deviation, VAR is stated in currency units: for example, VAR would represent an amount, let’s call it D dollars, where the chance of losing more than D dollars is, say, 1 in 50 over some future time interval, perhaps a week. VAR shows companies whether they are properly diversified and also whether they have sufficient capital. Among its other benefits, it tells managers whether their actions are too cautious, identifies risk trouble spots that might not be caught, and provides a way to compare business units that measure performance differently for internal reporting. For example, a bank could take a diverse portfolio of financial assets and calculate price swings by measuring performance on specific days in the past. Plotting the percentage gain or loss for hundreds of days would reveal the In Practice value at risk of that portfolio. If it was riskier than previously thought, traders could take corrective action—selling a particular type of security, for example—to reduce risk. Like any quantitative model, VAR has its limitations. Perhaps its biggest drawback is its reliance on historical patterns that may not hold true in the future. Sources: Steve Bergsman, “Delivering the Risk Management Goods,” Treasury & Risk Management, downloaded from www. article13.cgi; Peter Coy, “Taking the Angst Out of Taking a Gamble,” Business Week (July 14, 1997), pp. 52–53; and Paul Hom and Ron Tonuzi, “Value-at-Risk: Safety Net or Abyss?” Treasury & Risk Management (November/December 1998), downloaded from; Barry Schachter, “An Irreverent Guide to Value at Risk,” All About Value-at-Risk (Web site), downloaded from the market risk premium. It should now be clear that greater risk aversion results in higher required returns for each level of risk. Similarly, a reduction in risk aversion causes the required return for each level of risk to decline. Some Comments on CAPM efficient market A market with the following characteristics: many small investors, all having the same information and expectations with respect to securities; no restrictions on investment, no taxes, and no transaction costs; and rational investors, who view securities similarly and are riskaverse, preferring higher returns and lower risk. The capital asset pricing model generally relies on historical data. The betas may or may not actually reflect the future variability of returns. Therefore, the required returns specified by the model can be viewed only as rough approximations. Users of betas commonly make subjective adjustments to the historically determined betas to reflect their expectations of the future. The CAPM was developed to explain the behavior of security prices and provide a mechanism whereby investors could assess the impact of a proposed security investment on their portfolio’s overall risk and return. It is based on an assumed efficient market with the following characteristics: many small investors, all having the same information and expectations with respect to securities; no restrictions on investment, no taxes, and no transaction costs; and rational investors, who view securities similarly and are risk-averse, preferring higher returns and lower risk. Although the perfect world of the efficient market appears to be unrealistic, studies have provided support for the existence of the expectational relationship CHAPTER 5 Risk and Return 245 described by CAPM in active markets such as the New York Stock Exchange.23 In the case of real corporate assets, such as plant and equipment, research thus far has failed to prove the general applicability of CAPM because of indivisibility, relatively large size, limited number of transactions, and absence of an efficient market for such assets. Despite the limitations of CAPM, it provides a useful conceptual framework for evaluating and linking risk and return. An awareness of this tradeoff and an attempt to consider risk as well as return in financial decision making should help financial managers achieve their goals. Review Questions 5–11 How are total risk, nondiversifiable risk, and diversifiable risk related? Why is nondiversifiable risk the only relevant risk? 5–12 What risk does beta measure? How can you find the beta of a portfolio? 5–13 Explain the meaning of each variable in the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) equation. What is the security market line (SML)? 5–14 What impact would the following changes have on the security market line and therefore on the required return for a given level of risk? (a) An increase in inflationary expectations. (b) Investors become less risk-averse. 5–15 Why do financial managers have some difficulty applying CAPM in financial decision making? Generally, what benefit does CAPM provide them? S U M M A RY FOCUS ON VALUE A firm’s risk and expected return directly affect its share price. As we shall see in Chapter 7, risk and return are the two key determinants of the firm’s value. It is therefore the financial manager’s responsibility to assess carefully the risk and return of all major decisions in order to make sure that the expected returns justify the level of risk being introduced. The way the financial manager can expect to achieve the firm’s goal of increasing its share price (and thereby benefiting its owners) is to take only those actions that earn returns at least commensurate with their risk. Clearly, financial managers need to recognize, measure, and evaluate risk–return tradeoffs in order to ensure that their decisions contribute to the creation of value for owners. 23. A study by Eugene F. Fama and Kenneth R. French, “The Cross-Section of Expected Stock Returns,” Journal of Finance 47 (June 1992), pp. 427–465, raised serious questions about the validity of CAPM. The study failed to find a significant relationship between the historical betas and historical returns on over 2,000 stocks during 1963–1990. In other words, it found that the magnitude of a stock’s historical beta had no relationship to the level of its historical return. Although Fama and French’s study continues to receive attention, CAPM has not been abandoned because its rejection as a historical model fails to discredit its validity as an expectational model. Therefore, in spite of this challenge, CAPM continues to be viewed as a logical and useful framework—both conceptually and operationally—for linking expected nondiversifiable risk and return. 246 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts REVIEW OF LEARNING GOALS Understand the meaning and fundamentals of risk, return, and risk preferences. Risk is the chance of loss or, more formally, the variability of returns. A number of sources of firm-specific and shareholder-specific risks exists. Return is any cash distributions plus the change in value expressed as a percentage of the initial value. Investment returns vary both over time and between different types of investments. The equation for the rate of return is given in Table 5.13. The three basic risk preference behaviors are risk-averse, risk-indifferent, and riskseeking. Most financial decision makers are riskaverse. They generally prefer less risky alternatives, and they require higher expected returns as compensation for taking greater risk. LG1 Describe procedures for assessing and measuring the risk of a single asset. The risk of a single asset is measured in much the same way as the risk of a portfolio, or collection, of assets. Sensitivity analysis and probability distributions can be used to assess risk. In addition to the range, the standard deviation and the coefficient of variation are statistics that can be used to measure risk quantitatively. The key equations for the expected value of a return, the standard deviation of a return, and the coefficient of variation are summarized in Table 5.13. LG2 Discuss the measurement of return and standard deviation for a portfolio and the various types of correlation that can exist between series of numbers. The return of a portfolio is calculated as the weighted average of returns on the individual assets from which it is formed. The equation for portfolio return is given in Table 5.13. The portfolio standard deviation is found by using the formula for the standard deviation of a single asset. Correlation—the statistical relationship between any two series of numbers—can be positive (the series move in the same direction), negative (the series move in opposite directions), or uncorrelated (the series exhibit no discernible relationship). At the extremes, the series can be perfectly positively correlated (have a correlation coefficient of 1) or perfectly negatively correlated (have a correlation coefficient of 1). LG3 Understand the risk and return characteristics of a portfolio in terms of correlation and diversification, and the impact of international assets on a portfolio. Diversification involves combining assets with low (less positive and more negative) correlation to reduce the risk of the portfolio. Although the return on a two-asset portfolio will lie between the returns of the two assets held in isolation, the range of risk depends on the correlation between the two assets. If they are perfectly positively correlated, the portfolio’s risk will be between the individual asset’s risks. If they are uncorrelated, the portfolio’s risk will be between the risk of the most risky asset and an amount less than the risk of the least risky asset but greater than zero. If they are negatively correlated, the portfolio’s risk will be between the risk of the most risky asset and zero. International diversification can be used to reduce a portfolio’s risk further. With foreign assets come the risk of currency fluctuation and political risks. LG4 Review the two types of risk and the derivation and role of beta in measuring the relevant risk of both an individual security and a portfolio. The total risk of a security consists of nondiversifiable and diversifiable risk. Nondiversifiable risk is the only relevant risk; diversifiable risk can be eliminated through diversification. Nondiversifiable risk is measured by the beta coefficient, which is a relative measure of the relationship between an asset’s return and the market return. Beta is derived by finding the slope of the “characteristic line” that best explains the historical relationship between the asset’s return and the market return. The beta of a portfolio is a weighted average of the betas of the individual assets that it includes. The equations for total risk and the portfolio beta are given in Table 5.13. LG5 Explain the capital asset pricing model (CAPM), its relationship to the security market line (SML), and shifts in the SML caused by changes in inflationary expectations and risk aversion. The capital asset pricing model (CAPM) uses beta to relate an asset’s risk relative to the market to the asset’s required return. The equation for CAPM is LG6 CHAPTER 5 TABLE 5.13 Risk and Return 247 Summary of Key Definitions and Formulas for Risk and Return Definitions of variables bj beta coefficient or index of nondiversifiable risk for asset j bp portfolio beta Ct cash received from the asset investment in the time period t 1 to t CV coefficient of variation k expected value of a return kj return for the jth outcome; return on asset j; required return on asset j km market return; the return on the market portfolio of assets kp portfolio return kt actual, expected, or required rate of return during period t n number of outcomes considered Pt price (value) of asset at time t Pt1 price (value) of asset at time t 1 Prj probability of occurrence of the jth outcome RF risk-free rate of return k standard deviation of returns wj proportion of total portfolio dollar value represented by asset j Risk and return formulas Rate of return during period t: Ct Pt Pt1 kt Pt1 [Eq. 5.1] Coefficient of variation: k CV k Expected value of a return: for probabilistic data: [Eq. 5.4] Portfolio return: n k kj Prj [Eq. 5.2] n kp wj kj j1 [Eq. 5.5] j1 general formula: Total security risk Nondiversifiable risk Diversifiable risk n kj [Eq. 5.6] j1 k n [Eq. 5.2a] Standard deviation of return: for probabilistic data: n bp wj bj (k k ) Pr j 2 j [Eq. 5.3] j1 Capital asset pricing model (CAPM): kj RF [bj (km RF)] general formula: n k [Eq. 5.7] j1 n k Portfolio beta: (kj k)2 j1 n1 [Eq. 5.3a] [Eq. 5.8] 248 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts given in Table 5.13. The graphical depiction of CAPM is the security market line (SML), which shifts over time in response to changing inflationary expectations and/or changes in investor risk aversion. Changes in inflationary expectations result in parallel shifts in the SML in direct response to the SELF-TEST PROBLEMS LG3 LG4 ST 5–1 magnitude and direction of change. Increasing risk aversion results in a steepening in the slope of the SML, and decreasing risk aversion reduces the slope of the SML. Although it has some shortcomings, CAPM provides a useful conceptual framework for evaluating and linking risk and return. (Solutions in Appendix B) Portfolio analysis You have been asked for your advice in selecting a portfolio of assets and have been given the following data: Expected return Year Asset A Asset B Asset C 2004 12% 16% 12% 2005 14 14 14 2006 16 12 16 No probabilities have been supplied. You have been told that you can create two portfolios—one consisting of assets A and B and the other consisting of assets A and C—by investing equal proportions (50%) in each of the two component assets. a. What is the expected return for each asset over the 3-year period? b. What is the standard deviation for each asset’s return? c. What is the expected return for each of the two portfolios? d. How would you characterize the correlations of returns of the two assets making up each of the two portfolios identified in part c? e. What is the standard deviation for each portfolio? f. Which portfolio do you recommend? Why? LG5 LG6 ST 5–2 Beta and CAPM Currently under consideration is a project with a beta, b, of 1.50. At this time, the risk-free rate of return, RF, is 7%, and the return on the market portfolio of assets, km, is 10%. The project is actually expected to earn an annual rate of return of 11%. a. If the return on the market portfolio were to increase by 10%, what would you expect to happen to the project’s required return? What if the market return were to decline by 10%? b. Use the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) to find the required return on this investment. c. On the basis of your calculation in part b, would you recommend this investment? Why or why not? d. Assume that as a result of investors becoming less risk-averse, the market return drops by 1% to 9%. What impact would this change have on your responses in parts b and c? CHAPTER 5 Risk and Return 249 PROBLEMS LG1 5–1 Rate of return Douglas Keel, a financial analyst for Orange Industries, wishes to estimate the rate of return for two similar-risk investments, X and Y. Keel’s research indicates that the immediate past returns will serve as reasonable estimates of future returns. A year earlier, investment X had a market value of $20,000, investment Y of $55,000. During the year, investment X generated cash flow of $1,500 and investment Y generated cash flow of $6,800. The current market values of investments X and Y are $21,000 and $55,000, respectively. a. Calculate the expected rate of return on investments X and Y using the most recent year’s data. b. Assuming that the two investments are equally risky, which one should Keel recommend? Why? LG1 5–2 Return calculations For each of the investments shown in the following table, calculate the rate of return earned over the unspecified time period. Investment A B C D E LG1 5–3 Cash flow during period Beginning-ofperiod value $ 100 15,000 7,000 80 1,500 $ 800 120,000 45,000 600 12,500 End-ofperiod value $ 1,100 118,000 48,000 500 12,400 Risk preferences Sharon Smith, the financial manager for Barnett Corporation, wishes to evaluate three prospective investments: X, Y, and Z. Currently, the firm earns 12% on its investments, which have a risk index of 6%. The expected return and expected risk of the investments are as follows: Investment Expected return X Y Z 14% 12 10 Expected risk index 7% 8 9 a. If Sharon Smith were risk-indifferent, which investments would she select? Explain why. b. If she were risk-averse, which investments would she select? Why? c. If she were risk-seeking, which investments would she select? Why? d. Given the traditional risk preference behavior exhibited by financial managers, which investment would be preferred? Why? LG2 5–4 Risk analysis Solar Designs is considering an investment in an expanded product line. Two possible types of expansion are being considered. After investigating 250 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts the possible outcomes, the company made the estimates shown in the following table Expansion A Initial investment Annual rate of return Pessimistic Most likely Optimistic Expansion B $12,000 $12,000 16% 20% 24% 10% 20% 30% a. Determine the range of the rates of return for each of the two projects. b. Which project is less risky? Why? c. If you were making the investment decision, which one would you choose? Why? What does this imply about your feelings toward risk? d. Assume that expansion B’s most likely outcome is 21% per year and that all other facts remain the same. Does this change your answer to part c? Why? LG2 5–5 Risk and probability Micro-Pub, Inc., is considering the purchase of one of two microfilm cameras, R and S. Both should provide benefits over a 10-year period, and each requires an initial investment of $4,000. Management has constructed the following table of estimates of rates of return and probabilities for pessimistic, most likely, and optimistic results: Camera R Camera S Amount Probability Amount Probability $4,000 1.00 $4,000 1.00 Pessimistic 20% .25 15% .20 Most likely 25% .50 25% .55 Optimistic 30% .25 35% .25 Initial investment Annual rate of return a. Determine the range for the rate of return for each of the two cameras. b. Determine the expected value of return for each camera. c. Purchase of which camera is riskier? Why? LG2 5–6 Bar charts and risk Swan’s Sportswear is considering bringing out a line of designer jeans. Currently, it is negotiating with two different well-known designers. Because of the highly competitive nature of the industry, the two lines of jeans have been given code names. After market research, the firm has established the expectations shown in the following table about the annual rates of return CHAPTER 5 Risk and Return 251 Annual rate of return Market acceptance Probability Line J Line K Very poor .05 .0075 .010 Poor .15 .0125 .025 Average .60 .0850 .080 Good .15 .1475 .135 Excellent .05 .1625 .150 Use the table to: a. Construct a bar chart for each line’s annual rate of return. b. Calculate the expected value of return for each line. c. Evaluate the relative riskiness for each jean line’s rate of return using the bar charts. LG2 5–7 Coefficient of variation Metal Manufacturing has isolated four alternatives for meeting its need for increased production capacity. The data gathered relative to each of these alternatives is summarized in the following table. Alternative Expected return Standard deviation of return A 20% 7.0% B 22 9.5 C 19 6.0 D 16 5.5 a. Calculate the coefficient of variation for each alternative. b. If the firm wishes to minimize risk, which alternative do you recommend? Why? LG2 5–8 Standard deviation versus coefficient of variation as measures of risk Greengage, Inc., a successful nursery, is considering several expansion projects. All of the alternatives promise to produce an acceptable return. The owners are extremely risk-averse; therefore, they will choose the least risky of the alternatives. Data on four possible projects follow. Project Expected return Range Standard deviation A 12.0% .040 .029 B 12.5 .050 .032 C 13.0 .060 .035 D 12.8 .045 .030 252 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts a. Which project is least risky, judging on the basis of range? b. Which project has the lowest standard deviation? Explain why standard deviation is not an appropriate measure of risk for purposes of this comparison. c. Calculate the coefficient of variation for each project. Which project will Greengage’s owners choose? Explain why this may be the best measure of risk for comparing this set of opportunities. LG2 5–9 Assessing return and risk Swift Manufacturing must choose between two asset purchases. The annual rate of return and the related probabilities given in the following table summarize the firm’s analysis to this point. Project 257 Project 432 Rate of return Probability Rate of return Probability 10% 10 20 30 40 45 50 60 70 80 100 .01 .04 .05 .10 .15 .30 .15 .10 .05 .04 .01 10% 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 .05 .10 .10 .15 .20 .15 .10 .10 .05 a. For each project, compute: (1) The range of possible rates of return. (2) The expected value of return. (3) The standard deviation of the returns. (4) The coefficient of variation of the returns. b. Construct a bar chart of each distribution of rates of return. c. Which project would you consider less risky? Why? LG2 5–10 Integrative—Expected return, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation Three assets—F, G, and H—are currently being considered by Perth Industries. The probability distributions of expected returns for these assets are shown in the following table. Asset F Asset G Asset H j Prj Return, kj Prj Return, kj Prj Return, kj 1 2 3 4 5 .10 .20 .40 .20 .10 40% 10 0 5 10 .40 .30 .30 35% 10 20 .10 .20 .40 .20 .10 40% 20 10 0 20 – a. Calculate the expected value of return, k , for each of the three assets. Which provides the largest expected return? CHAPTER 5 Risk and Return 253 b. Calculate the standard deviation, k, for each of the three assets’ returns. Which appears to have the greatest risk? c. Calculate the coefficient of variation, CV, for each of the three assets’ returns. Which appears to have the greatest relative risk? LG2 5–11 Normal probability distribution Assuming that the rates of return associated with a given asset investment are normally distributed and that the expected return, k, is 18.9% and the coefficient of variation, CV, is .75, answer the following questions. a. Find the standard deviation of returns, k. b. Calculate the range of expected return outcomes associated with the following probabilities of occurrence: (1) 68%, (2) 95%, (3) 99%. c. Draw the probability distribution associated with your findings in parts a and b. LG3 5–12 Portfolio return and standard deviation Jamie Wong is considering building a portfolio containing two assets, L and M. Asset L will represent 40% of the dollar value of the portfolio, and asset M will account for the other 60%. The expected returns over the next 6 years, 2004–2009, for each of these assets, are shown in the following table. Expected return Year Asset L Asset M 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 14% 14 16 17 17 19 20% 18 16 14 12 10 a. Calculate the expected portfolio return, kp, for each of the 6 years. b. Calculate the expected value of portfolio returns, k p, over the 6-year period. c. Calculate the standard deviation of expected portfolio returns, k , over the p 6-year period. d. How would you characterize the correlation of returns of the two assets L and M? e. Discuss any benefits of diversification achieved through creation of the portfolio. LG3 5–13 Portfolio analysis You have been given the return data shown in the first table on three assets—F, G, and H—over the period 2004–2007. Expected return Year Asset F Asset G Asset H 2004 2005 2006 2007 16% 17 18 19 17% 16 15 14 14% 15 16 17 254 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts Using these assets, you have isolated the three investment alternatives shown in the following table: Alternative Investment 1 100% of asset F 2 50% of asset F and 50% of asset G 3 50% of asset F and 50% of asset H a. Calculate the expected return over the 4-year period for each of the three alternatives. b. Calculate the standard deviation of returns over the 4-year period for each of the three alternatives. c. Use your findings in parts a and b to calculate the coefficient of variation for each of the three alternatives. d. On the basis of your findings, which of the three investment alternatives do you recommend? Why? LG4 5–14 Correlation, risk, and return Matt Peters wishes to evaluate the risk and return behaviors associated with various combinations of assets V and W under three assumed degrees of correlation: perfect positive, uncorrelated, and perfect negative. The expected return and risk values calculated for each of the assets are shown in the following table. Asset V W Expected return, k 8% 13 Risk (standard deviation), k 5% 10 a. If the returns of assets V and W are perfectly positively correlated (correlation coefficient 1), describe the range of (1) expected return and (2) risk associated with all possible portfolio combinations. b. If the returns of assets V and W are uncorrelated (correlation coefficient 0), describe the approximate range of (1) expected return and (2) risk associated with all possible portfolio combinations. c. If the returns of assets V and W are perfectly negatively correlated (correlation coefficient 1), describe the range of (1) expected return and (2) risk associated with all possible portfolio combinations. LG1 LG4 5–15 International investment returns Joe Martinez, a U.S. citizen living in Brownsville, Texas, invested in the common stock of Telmex, a Mexican corporation. He purchased 1,000 shares at 20.50 pesos per share. Twelve months later, he sold them at 24.75 pesos per share. He received no dividends during that time. a. What was Joe’s investment return (in percentage terms) for the year, on the basis of the peso value of the shares? b. The exchange rate for pesos was 9.21 pesos per $US1.00 at the time of the purchase. At the time of the sale, the exchange rate was 9.85 pesos per $US1.00. Translate the purchase and sale prices into $US. c. Calculate Joe’s investment return on the basis of the $US value of the shares. CHAPTER 5 Risk and Return 255 d. Explain why the two returns are different. Which one is more important to Joe? Why? LG5 5–16 Total, nondiversifiable, and diversifiable risk David Talbot randomly selected securities from all those listed on the New York Stock Exchange for his portfolio. He began with a single security and added securities one by one until a total of 20 securities were held in the portfolio. After each security was added, David calculated the portfolio standard deviation, k . The calculated values are shown p in the following table. Number of securities Portfolio risk, kp Number of securities Portfolio risk, kp 1 14.50% 11 7.00% 2 13.30 12 6.80 3 12.20 13 6.70 4 11.20 14 6.65 5 10.30 15 6.60 6 9.50 16 6.56 7 8.80 17 6.52 8 8.20 18 6.50 9 7.70 19 6.48 10 7.30 20 6.47 a. On a set of “number of securities in portfolio (x axis)–portfolio risk (y axis)” axes, plot the portfolio risk data given in the preceding table. b. Divide the total portfolio risk in the graph into its nondiversifiable and diversifiable risk components and label each of these on the graph. c. Describe which of the two risk components is the relevant risk, and explain why it is relevant. How much of this risk exists in David Talbot’s portfolio? LG5 5–17 Graphical derivation of beta A firm wishes to estimate graphically the betas for two assets, A and B. It has gathered the return data shown in the following table for the market portfolio and for both assets over the last ten years, 1994–2003. Actual return Year Market portfolio Asset A 11% Asset B 1994 6% 1995 2 8 11 16% 1996 13 4 10 1997 4 3 3 1998 8 0 3 1999 16 19 30 2000 10 14 22 2001 15 18 29 2002 8 12 19 2003 13 17 26 256 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts a. On a set of “market return (x axis)–asset return (y axis)” axes, use the data given to draw the characteristic line for asset A and for asset B. b. Use the characteristic lines from part a to estimate the betas for assets A and B. c. Use the betas found in part b to comment on the relative risks of assets A and B. LG5 5–18 Interpreting beta A firm wishes to assess the impact of changes in the market return on an asset that has a beta of 1.20. a. If the market return increased by 15%, what impact would this change be expected to have on the asset’s return? b. If the market return decreased by 8%, what impact would this change be expected to have on the asset’s return? c. If the market return did not change, what impact, if any, would be expected on the asset’s return? d. Would this asset be considered more or less risky than the market? Explain. LG5 5–19 Betas Answer the following questions for assets A to D shown in the following table. Asset Beta A .50 B 1.60 C .20 D .90 a. What impact would a 10% increase in the market return be expected to have on each asset’s return? b. What impact would a 10% decrease in the market return be expected to have on each asset’s return? c. If you were certain that the market return would increase in the near future, which asset would you prefer? Why? d. If you were certain that the market return would decrease in the near future, which asset would you prefer? Why? LG5 5–20 Betas and risk rankings Stock A has a beta of .80, stock B has a beta of 1.40, and stock C has a beta of .30. a. Rank these stocks from the most risky to the least risky. b. If the return on the market portfolio increased by 12%, what change would you expect in the return for each of the stocks? c. If the return on the market portfolio decreased by 5%, what change would you expect in the return for each of the stocks? d. If you felt that the stock market was just ready to experience a significant decline, which stock would you probably add to your portfolio? Why? e. If you anticipated a major stock market rally, which stock would you add to your portfolio? Why? LG5 5–21 Portfolio betas Rose Berry is attempting to evaluate two possible portfolios, which consist of the same five assets held in different proportions. She is particu- CHAPTER 5 Risk and Return 257 larly interested in using beta to compare the risks of the portfolios, so she has gathered the data shown in the following table. Portfolio weights Asset Asset beta 1 1.30 10% 30% 2 .70 30 10 3 1.25 10 20 4 1.10 10 20 5 .90 40 100% 20 100% Totals Portfolio A Portfolio B a. Calculate the betas for portfolios A and B. b. Compare the risks of these portfolios to the market as well as to each other. Which portfolio is more risky? LG6 5–22 Capital asset pricing model (CAPM) For each of the cases shown in the following table, use the capital asset pricing model to find the required return. Case LG5 Risk-free rate, RF Market return, km 8% Beta, b A 5% B 8 13 1.30 .90 C 9 12 .20 D 10 15 1.00 E 6 10 .60 LG6 5–23 Beta coefficients and the capital asset pricing model Katherine Wilson is wondering how much risk she must undertake in order to generate an acceptable return on her portfolio. The risk-free return currently is 5%. The return on the average stock (market return) is 16%. Use the CAPM to calculate the beta coefficient associated with each of the following portfolio returns. a. 10% b. 15% c. 18% d. 20% e. Katherine is risk-averse. What is the highest return she can expect if she is unwilling to take more than an average risk? LG6 5–24 Manipulating CAPM Use the basic equation for the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) to work each of the following problems. a. Find the required return for an asset with a beta of .90 when the risk-free rate and market return are 8% and 12%, respectively. 258 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts b. Find the risk-free rate for a firm with a required return of 15% and a beta of 1.25 when the market return is 14%. c. Find the market return for an asset with a required return of 16% and a beta of 1.10 when the risk-free rate is 9%. d. Find the beta for an asset with a required return of 15% when the risk-free rate and market return are 10% and 12.5%, respectively. LG1 LG3 LG5 LG6 5–25 Portfolio return and beta Jamie Peters invested $100,000 to set up the following portfolio one year ago: Asset Cost Beta at purchase Yearly income Value today A $20,000 .80 $1,600 B 35,000 .95 1,400 36,000 C 30,000 1.50 — 34,500 D 15,000 1.25 375 16,500 $20,000 a. Calculate the portfolio beta on the basis of the original cost figures. b. Calculate the percentage return of each asset in the portfolio for the year. c. Calculate the percentage return of the portfolio on the basis of original cost, using income and gains during the year. d. At the time Jamie made his investments, investors were estimating that the market return for the coming year would be 10%. The estimate of the riskfree rate of return averaged 4% for the coming year. Calculate an expected rate of return for each stock on the basis of its beta and the expectations of market and risk-free returns. e. On the basis of the actual results, explain how each stock in the portfolio performed relative to those CAPM-generated expectations of performance. What factors could explain these differences? LG6 5–26 Security market line, SML Assume that the risk-free rate, RF, is currently 9% and that the market return, km, is currently 13%. a. Draw the security market line (SML) on a set of “nondiversifiable risk (x axis)–required return (y axis)” axes. b. Calculate and label the market risk premium on the axes in part a. c. Given the previous data, calculate the required return on asset A having a beta of .80 and asset B having a beta of 1.30. d. Draw in the betas and required returns from part c for assets A and B on the axes in part a. Label the risk premium associated with each of these assets, and discuss them. LG6 5–27 Shifts in the security market line Assume that the risk-free rate, RF, is currently 8%, the market return, km, is 12%, and asset A has a beta, bA, of 1.10. a. Draw the security market line (SML) on a set of “nondiversifiable risk (x axis)–required return (y axis)” axes. b. Use the CAPM to calculate the required return, kA, on asset A, and depict asset A’s beta and required return on the SML drawn in part a. c. Assume that as a result of recent economic events, inflationary expectations have declined by 2%, lowering RF and km to 6% and 10%, respectively. CHAPTER 5 Risk and Return 259 Draw the new SML on the axes in part a, and calculate and show the new required return for asset A. d. Assume that as a result of recent events, investors have become more riskaverse, causing the market return to rise by 1%, to 13%. Ignoring the shift in part c, draw the new SML on the same set of axes that you used before, and calculate and show the new required return for asset A. e. From the previous changes, what conclusions can be drawn about the impact of (1) decreased inflationary expectations and (2) increased risk aversion on the required returns of risky assets? LG6 5–28 Integrative—Risk, return, and CAPM Wolff Enterprises must consider several investment projects, A through E, using the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) and its graphical representation, the security market line (SML). Relevant information is presented in the following table. Item Risk-free asset Rate of return 9% Beta, b 0 Market portfolio 14 1.00 Project A — 1.50 Project B — .75 Project C — 2.00 Project D — 0 Project E — .50 a. Calculate the required rate of return and risk premium for each project, given its level of nondiversifiable risk. b. Use your findings in part a to draw the security market line (required return relative to nondiversifiable risk). c. Discuss the relative nondiversifiable risk of projects A through E. d. Assume that recent economic events have caused investors to become less risk-averse, causing the market return to decline by 2%, to 12%. Calculate the new required returns for assets A through E, and draw the new security market line on the same set of axes that you used in part b. e. Compare your findings in parts a and b with those in part d. What conclusion can you draw about the impact of a decline in investor risk aversion on the required returns of risky assets? CHAPTER 5 CASE Analyzing Risk and Return on Chargers Products’ Investments J unior Sayou, a financial analyst for Chargers Products, a manufacturer of stadium benches, must evaluate the risk and return of two assets, X and Y. The firm is considering adding these assets to its diversified asset portfolio. To assess the return and risk of each asset, Junior gathered data on the annual cash flow and beginning- and end-of-year values of each asset over the immediately preceding 10 years, 1994–2003. These data are summarized in the accompanying table. Junior’s investigation suggests that both assets, on average, will tend to 260 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts Return Data for Assets X and Y, 1994–2003 Asset X Asset Y Value Value Year Cash flow Beginning Ending Cash flow Beginning Ending 1994 $1,000 $20,000 $22,000 $1,500 $20,000 $20,000 1995 1,500 22,000 21,000 1,600 20,000 20,000 1996 1,400 21,000 24,000 1,700 20,000 21,000 1997 1,700 24,000 22,000 1,800 21,000 21,000 1998 1,900 22,000 23,000 1,900 21,000 22,000 1999 1,600 23,000 26,000 2,000 22,000 23,000 2000 1,700 26,000 25,000 2,100 23,000 23,000 2001 2,000 25,000 24,000 2,200 23,000 24,000 2002 2,100 24,000 27,000 2,300 24,000 25,000 2003 2,200 27,000 30,000 2,400 25,000 25,000 perform in the future just as they have during the past 10 years. He therefore believes that the expected annual return can be estimated by finding the average annual return for each asset over the past 10 years. Junior believes that each asset’s risk can be assessed in two ways: in isolation and as part of the firm’s diversified portfolio of assets. The risk of the assets in isolation can be found by using the standard deviation and coefficient of variation of returns over the past 10 years. The capital asset pricing model (CAPM) can be used to assess the asset’s risk as part of the firm’s portfolio of assets. Applying some sophisticated quantitative techniques, Junior estimated betas for assets X and Y of 1.60 and 1.10, respectively. In addition, he found that the riskfree rate is currently 7% and that the market return is 10%. Required a. Calculate the annual rate of return for each asset in each of the 10 preceding years, and use those values to find the average annual return for each asset over the 10-year period. b. Use the returns calculated in part a to find (1) the standard deviation and (2) the coefficient of variation of the returns for each asset over the 10-year period 1994–2003. c. Use your findings in parts a and b to evaluate and discuss the return and risk associated with each asset. Which asset appears to be preferable? Explain. d. Use the CAPM to find the required return for each asset. Compare this value with the average annual returns calculated in part a. e. Compare and contrast your findings in parts c and d. What recommendations would you give Junior with regard to investing in either of the two assets? Explain to Junior why he is better off using beta rather than the standard deviation and coefficient of variation to assess the risk of each asset. CHAPTER 5 Risk and Return 261 f. Rework parts d and e under each of the following circumstances: (1) A rise of 1% in inflationary expectations causes the risk-free rate to rise to 8% and the market return to rise to 11%. (2) As a result of favorable political events, investors suddenly become less risk-averse, causing the market return to drop by 1%, to 9%. WEB EXERCISE WW W Go to the RiskGrades Web site, This site, from RiskMetrics Group, provides another way to assess the riskiness of stocks and mutual funds. RiskGrades provide a way to compare investment risk across all asset classes, regions, and currencies. They vary over time to reflect asset-specific information (such as the price of a stock reacting to an earnings release) and general market conditions. RiskGrades operate differently from traditional risk measures, such as standard deviation and beta. 1. First, learn more about RiskGrades by clicking on RiskGrades Help Center and reviewing the material. How are RiskGrades calculated? What differences can you identify when you compare them to standard deviation and beta techniques? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this measure, in your opinion? 2. Get RiskGrades for the following stocks using the Get RiskGrade pull-down menu at the site’s upper right corner. You can enter multiple symbols separated by commas. Select all dates to get a historical view. Company Symbol Citigroup C Intel INTC Microsoft MSFT Washington Mutual WM What do the results tell you? 3. Select one of the foregoing stocks and find other stocks with similar risk grades. Click on By RiskGrade to pull up a list. 4. How much risk can you tolerate? Use a hypothetical portfolio to find out. Click on Grade Yourself, take a short quiz, and get your personal RiskGrade measure. Did the results surprise you? Remember to check the book’s Web site at for additional resources, including additional Web exercises. CHAPTER 6 INTEREST RATES AND BOND VALUATION L E A R N I N G LG1 Describe interest rate fundamentals, the term structure of interest rates, and risk premiums. LG2 Review the legal aspects of bond financing and bond cost. LG3 LG4 Discuss the general features, quotations, ratings, popular types, and international issues of corporate bonds. LG5 LG6 G O A L S Apply the basic valuation model to bonds and describe the impact of required return and time to maturity on bond values. Explain yield to maturity (YTM), its calculation, and the procedure used to value bonds that pay interest semiannually. Understand the key inputs and basic model used in the valuation process. Across the Disciplines WHY THIS CHAPTER MATTERS TO YO U Accounting: You need to understand interest rates and the various types of bonds in order to be able to account properly for amortization of bond premiums and discounts and for bond purchases and retirements. Marketing: You need to understand how the interest rate level and the firm’s ability to issue bonds may affect the availability of financing for marketing research projects and new-product development. Information systems: You need to understand the data that you will need to track in bond amortization schedules and bond valuation. Operations: You need to understand how the interest rate level may affect the firm’s ability to raise funds to maintain and increase the firm’s production capacity. Management: You need to understand the behavior of interest rates and how they will affect the types of funds the firm can raise and the timing and cost of bond issues and retirements. 262 FORD FORD CRUISES THE DEBT MARKETS ord and Ford Motor Credit Co. (FMCC), its finance unit, were frequent visitors to the corporate debt markets in 2001, selling over $22 billion in long-term notes and bonds. Despite the problems in the auto industry, investors nervous about stock market volatility were willing to accept the credit risk to get higher yields. The company’s 2001 offerings had something for all types of investors, ranging from 2- to 10-year notes to 30-year bonds. Demand for Ford’s debt was so high that in January the company increased the size of its issue from $5 billion to $7.8 billion, and October’s plan to issue $3 billion turned into a $9.4 billion offering. The world’s second largest auto manufacturer joined other corporate bond issuers to take advantage of strengthening bond markets. Even though the Federal Reserve began cutting shortterm rates, interest rates for the longer maturities remained attractively low for corporations. Unlike some other auto companies who limited the size of their debt offerings, FMCC decided to borrow as much as possible to lock in the very wide spread between its lower borrowing costs and what its auto loans yielded. All this debt came at a price, however. Both major bond-rating agencies—Moody’s Investors Service and Standard & Poor’s (S&P)—downgraded Ford’s debt quality ratings in October 2001. Moody’s lowered Ford’s long-term debt rating by one rating class but did not change FMCC’s quality rating. Ford spokesman Todd Nissen was pleased that Moody’s confirmed the FMCC ratings. “It will help us keep our costs of borrowing down, which benefits Ford Credit and ultimately Ford Motor,” he said. S&P’s outlook for Ford was more negative; the agency cut ratings on all Ford and FMCC debt one rating class. The lower ratings contributed to the higher yields on Ford’s October debt. For example, in April FMCC’s 10-year notes yielded 7.1 percent, about 2 points above U.S. Treasury bonds. In October, 10-year FMCC notes yielded 7.3 percent, or 2.7 points above U.S. Treasury bonds. For corporations like Ford, deciding when to issue debt and selecting the best maturities requires knowledge of interest rate fundamentals, risk premiums, issuance costs, ratings, and similar features of corporate bonds. In this chapter you’ll learn about these important topics and also become acquainted with techniques for valuing bonds. F 263 264 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts LG1 6.1 Interest Rates and Required Returns As noted in Chapter 1, financial institutions and markets create the mechanism through which funds flow between savers (funds suppliers) and investors (funds demanders). The level of funds flow between suppliers and demanders can significantly affect economic growth. Growth results from the interaction of a variety of economic factors (such as the money supply, trade balances, and economic policies) that affect the cost of money—the interest rate or required return. The interest rate level acts as a regulating device that controls the flow of funds between suppliers and demanders. The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System regularly assesses economic conditions and, when necessary, initiates actions to raise or lower interest rates to control inflation and economic growth. Generally, the lower the interest rate, the greater the funds flow and therefore the greater the economic growth; the higher the interest rate, the lower the funds flow and economic growth. Interest Rate Fundamentals interest rate The compensation paid by the borrower of funds to the lender; from the borrower’s point of view, the cost of borrowing funds. required return The cost of funds obtained by selling an ownership interest; it reflects the funds supplier’s level of expected return. liquidity preferences General preferences of investors for shorter-term securities. real rate of interest The rate that creates an equilibrium between the supply of savings and the demand for investment funds in a perfect world, without inflation, where funds suppliers and demanders are indifferent to the term of loans or investments and have no liquidity preference, and where all outcomes are certain. The interest rate or required return represents the cost of money. It is the compensation that a demander of funds must pay a supplier. When funds are lent, the cost of borrowing the funds is the interest rate. When funds are obtained by selling an ownership interest—as in the sale of stock—the cost to the issuer (demander) is commonly called the required return, which reflects the funds supplier’s level of expected return. In both cases the supplier is compensated for providing funds. Ignoring risk factors, the cost of funds results from the real rate of interest adjusted for inflationary expectations and liquidity preferences—general preferences of investors for shorter-term securities. The Real Rate of Interest Assume a perfect world in which there is no inflation and in which funds suppliers and demanders are indifferent to the term of loans or investments because they have no liquidity preference and all outcomes are certain.1 At any given point in time in that perfect world, there would be one cost of money—the real rate of interest. The real rate of interest creates an equilibrium between the supply of savings and the demand for investment funds. It represents the most basic cost of money. The real rate of interest in the United States is assumed to be stable and equal to around 1 percent.2 This supply–demand relationship is shown in Figure 6.1 by the supply function (labeled S0) and the demand function (labeled D). An equilibrium between the supply of funds and the demand for funds (S0 D) occurs at a rate of interest k0*, the real rate of interest. Clearly, the real rate of interest changes with changing economic conditions, tastes, and preferences. A trade surplus could result in an increased supply of 1. These assumptions are made to describe the most basic interest rate, the real rate of interest. Subsequent discussions relax these assumptions to develop the broader concept of the interest rate and required return. 2. Data in Stocks, Bonds, Bills and Inflation, 2001 Yearbook (Chicago: Ibbotson Associates, Inc., 2001), show that over the period 1926–2000, U.S. Treasury bills provided an average annual real rate of return of about 0.7 percent. Because of certain major economic events that occurred during the 1926–2000 period, many economists believe that the real rate of interest during recent years has been about 1 percent. CHAPTER 6 Interest Rates and Bond Valuation 265 FIGURE 6.1 D Real Rate of Interest Supply–Demand Relationship Supply of savings and demand for investment funds S0 S1 k*0 k*1 S0 S1 D S0 = D S1 = D Funds Supplied/Demanded funds, causing the supply function in Figure 6.1 to shift to, say, S1. This could result in a lower real rate of interest, k1*, at equilibrium (S1 D). Likewise, a change in tax laws or other factors could affect the demand for funds, causing the real rate of interest to rise or fall to a new equilibrium level. Nominal or Actual Rate of Interest (Return) nominal rate of interest The actual rate of interest charged by the supplier of funds and paid by the demander. The nominal rate of interest is the actual rate of interest charged by the supplier of funds and paid by the demander. Throughout this book, interest rates and required rates of return are nominal rates unless otherwise noted. The nominal rate of interest differs from the real rate of interest, k*, as a result of two factors: (1) inflationary expectations reflected in an inflation premium (IP), and (2) issuer and issue characteristics, such as default risk and contractual provisions, reflected in a risk premium (RP). When this notation is adopted, the nominal rate of interest for security 1, k1, is given in Equation 6.1: k1 k* IP RP1 (6.1) risk-free risk rate, RF premium As the horizontal braces below the equation indicate, the nominal rate, k1, can be viewed as having two basic components: a risk-free rate of interest, RF, and a risk premium, RP1: k1 RF RP1 (6.2) To simplify the discussion, we will assume that the risk premium, RP1, is equal to zero. By drawing from Equation 6.1,3 the risk-free rate can (as earlier noted in Equation 5.9) be represented as RF k* IP (6.3) 3. This equation is commonly called the Fisher equation, named for the renowned economist Irving Fisher, who first presented this approximate relationship between nominal interest and the rate of inflation. See Irving Fisher, The Theory of Interest (New York: Macmillan, 1930). 266 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts Thus we concern ourselves only with the risk-free rate of interest, RF, which was defined in Chapter 5 as the required return on a risk-free asset.4 The risk-free rate (as shown in Equation 6.3) embodies the real rate of interest plus the inflationary expectation. Three-month U.S. Treasury bills (T-bills), which are (as noted in Chapter 5) short-term IOUs issued by the U.S. Treasury, are commonly considered the risk-free asset. The real rate of interest can be estimated by subtracting the inflation premium from the nominal rate of interest. For the risk-free asset in Equation 6.3, the real rate of interest, k*, would equal RF IP. A simple example can demonstrate the practical distinction between nominal and real rates of interest. EXAMPLE Marilyn Carbo has $10 that she can spend on candy costing $0.25 per piece. She could therefore buy 40 pieces of candy ($10.00/$0.25) today. The nominal rate of interest on a 1-year deposit is currently 7%, and the expected rate of inflation over the coming year is 4%. Instead of buying the 40 pieces of candy today, Marilyn could invest the $10 in a 1-year deposit account now. At the end of 1 year she would have $10.70 because she would have earned 7% interest—an additional $0.70 (0.07 $10.00)—on her $10 deposit. The 4% inflation rate would over the 1-year period increase the cost of the candy by 4%—an additional $0.01 (0.04 $0.25)—to $0.26 per piece. As a result, at the end of the 1year period Marilyn would be able to buy about 41.2 pieces of candy ($10.70/$0.26), or roughly 3% more (41.2/40.0 1.03). The increase in the amount of money available to Marilyn at the end of 1 year is merely her nominal rate of return (7%), which must be reduced by the rate of inflation (4%) during the period to determine her real rate of return of 3%. Marilyn’s increased buying power therefore equals her 3% real rate of return. The premium for inflationary expectations in Equation 6.3 represents the average rate of inflation expected over the life of a loan or investment. It is not the rate of inflation experienced over the immediate past; rather, it reflects the forecasted rate. Take, for example, the risk-free asset. During the week ended March 15, 2002, 3-month T-bills earned a 1.81 percent rate of return. Assuming an approximate 1 percent real rate of interest, funds suppliers were forecasting a 0.81 percent (annual) rate of inflation (1.81% 1.00%) over the next 3 months. This expectation was in striking contrast to the expected rate of inflation 17 years earlier in the week ending May 22, 1981. At that time the 3-month T-bill rate was 16.60 percent, which meant an expected (annual) inflation rate of 15.60 percent (16.60% 1.00%). The inflationary expectation premium changes over time in response to many factors, including recent rates, government policies, and international events. Figure 6.2 illustrates the movement of the rate of inflation and the risk-free rate of interest during the period 1978–2001. During this period the two rates tended to move in a similar fashion. Between 1978 and the early 1980s, inflation and interest rates were quite high, peaking at over 13 percent in 1980–1981. Since 1981 these rates have declined to levels generally below those in 1978. The data clearly illustrate the significant impact of inflation on the nominal rate of interest for the risk-free asset. 4. The risk premium and its effect on the nominal rate of interest are discussed and illustrated in a later part of this discussion. CHAPTER 6 Interest Rates and Bond Valuation 267 FIGURE 6.2 15 Annual Rate (%) Impact of Inflation Relationship between annual rate of inflation and 3-month U.S. Treasury bill average annual returns, 1978–2001 10 T-billsa 5 Inflationb 1978 1983 1988 1993 1998 2001 Year a Average annual rate of return on 3-month U.S. Treasury bills. b Annual pecentage change in the consumer price index. Source: Data from selected Federal Reserve Bulletins. term structure of interest rates The relationship between the interest rate or rate of return and the time to maturity. yield to maturity Annual rate of return earned on a debt security purchased on a given day and held to maturity. yield curve A graph of the relationship between the debt’s remaining time to maturity (x axis) and its yield to maturity (y axis); it shows the pattern of annual returns on debts of equal quality and different maturities. Graphically depicts the term structure of interest rates. inverted yield curve A downward-sloping yield curve that indicates generally cheaper long-term borrowing costs than short-term borrowing costs. normal yield curve An upward-sloping yield curve that indicates generally cheaper short-term borrowing costs than long-term borrowing costs. flat yield curve A yield curve that reflects relatively similar borrowing costs for both short- and longerterm loans. Term Structure of Interest Rates For any class of similar-risk securities, the term structure of interest rates relates the interest rate or rate of return to the time to maturity. For convenience we will use Treasury securities as an example, but other classes could include securities that have similar overall quality or risk. The riskless nature of Treasury securities also provides a laboratory in which to develop the term structure. Yield Curves A debt security’s yield to maturity (discussed later in this chapter) represents the annual rate of return earned on a security purchased on a given day and held to maturity. At any point in time, the relationship between the debt’s remaining time to maturity and its yield to maturity is represented by the yield curve. The yield curve shows the yield to maturity for debts of equal quality and different maturities; it is a graphical depiction of the term structure of interest rates. Figure 6.3 shows three yield curves for all U.S. Treasury securities: one at May 22, 1981, a second at September 29, 1989, and a third at March 15, 2002. Note that both the position and the shape of the yield curves change over time. The yield curve of May 22, 1981, indicates that short-term interest rates at that time were above longer-term rates. This curve is described as downward-sloping, reflecting long-term borrowing costs generally cheaper than short-term borrowing costs. Historically, the downward-sloping yield curve, which is often called an inverted yield curve, has been the exception. More frequently, yield curves similar to that of March 15, 2002, have existed. These upward-sloping or normal yield curves indicate that short-term borrowing costs are below longterm borrowing costs. Sometimes, a flat yield curve, similar to that of September 29, 1989, exists. It reflects relatively similar borrowing costs for both short- and longer-term loans. PART 2 Important Financial Concepts FIGURE 6.3 Treasury Yield Curves Yield curves for U.S. Treasury securities: May 22, 1981; September 29, 1989; and March 15, 2002 Yield (annual rate of interest, %) 268 18 16 May 22, 1981 14 12 10 September 29, 1989 8 6 March 15, 2002 4 2 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time of Maturity (years) Sources: Data from Federal Reserve Bulletins (June 1981), p. A25 and (December 1989), p. A24; and U.S. Financial Data, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (March 14, 2002), p. 7. The shape of the yield curve may affect the firm’s financing decisions. A financial manager who faces a downward-sloping yield curve is likely to rely more heavily on cheaper, long-term financing; when the yield curve is upward-sloping, the manager is more likely to use cheaper, short-term financing. Although a variety of other factors also influence the choice of loan maturity, the shape of the yield curve provides useful insights into future interest rate expectations. Theories of Term Structure Three theories are frequently cited to explain the general shape of the yield curve. They are the expectations theory, liquidity preference theory, and market segmentation theory. expectations theory The theory that the yield curve reflects investor expectations about future interest rates; an increasing inflation expectation results in an upward-sloping yield curve, and a decreasing inflation expectation results in a downward-sloping yield curve Expectations Theory One theory of the term structure of interest rates, the expectations theory, suggests that the yield curve reflects investor expectations about future interest rates and inflation. Higher future rates of expected inflation will result in higher long-term interest rates; the opposite occurs with lower future rates. This widely accepted explanation of the term structure can be applied to the securities of any issuer. For example, take the case of U.S. Treasury securities. Thus far, we have concerned ourselves solely with the 3month Treasury bill. In fact, all Treasury securities are riskless in terms of (1) the chance that the Treasury will default on the issue and (2) the ease with which they can be liquidated for cash without losing value. Because it is believed to be easier to forecast inflation over shorter periods of time, the shorter-term 3-month U.S. Treasury bill is considered the risk-free asset. Of course, differing inflation expectations associated with different maturities will cause nominal interest rates to vary. With the addition of a maturity subscript, t, Equation 6.3 can be rewritten as RF k* IPt t (6.4) CHAPTER 6 FOCUS ON PRACTICE Interest Rates and Bond Valuation Watch Those Curves! Why do financial institutions, individual investors, and corporations that need to issue debt pay close attention to the yield curve, looking for any changing patterns? Because the shape of the yield curve—a chart of the gap between short- and long-term interest rates—has been an excellent predictor of future economic growth in the United States. In general, sharp upward-sloping (“normal”) yield curves signal a substantial rise in economic activity within a year. Downward-sloping (“inverted”) yield curves have preceded every recession since 1955 (although recession did not follow an inverted curve in the mid-1960s). The yield curve is based on the manner in which rates on different debt maturities are set. The marketplace determines long-term interest rates, which are tied to various economic factors, such as investors’ views on the outlook for growth and for inflation. Because the Federal Reserve sets shortterm rates, it can direct the pace of economic activity by managing the differences between the two ends of the interest rate spectrum. Most periods of flat or inverted yield curves occur when the Federal Reserve increases short-term rates, tightening monetary policy to control inflation. These higher rates curtail business growth because savers pull money out of long-term investments such as stocks and bonds and put it into lower-risk savings vehicles. When short-term rates are low, people switch money from liquid investments such as money market accounts into long-term investments, fueling economic growth. This proved true in 2001. An inverted yield curve from July 2000 to early January 2001 triggered the slowdown in economic activity. In January the Federal Reserve cut the federal funds rate (the rate on loan transactions between commercial banks) to stimulate the economy but wasn’t able to prevent the recession that began in March 2001. The Fed cut short- 269 In Practice term rates 10 more times in 2001— a record for cuts in one year—to bring the “fed funds” rate from 6.5 percent to 1.75 percent, the lowest level since 1961. Long-term U.S. Treasury securities outperformed shorter maturities as institutional and individual investors shifted their portfolios to longer maturities, betting that the curve would return to its more normal upward slope as the Federal Reserve rate cuts took effect. By December 2001 the spread between long-term and short-term Treasury securities was about 2.5 points. As the yield curve turned strongly positive, economists predicted a short recession with a strong recovery in 2002. Sources: Adapted from Peronet Despeignes, “Fed Cuts Rates by Quarter Point to 1.75%,” (December 11, 2001), downloaded from; Michael Sivy, “Ahead of the Curve,” Money (August 2001), p. 51; Michael Wallace, “The Fed Can’t Get Ahead of the Curve,” Business Week Online (November 5, 2001), downloaded from; Linda Wertheimer, “Analysis: Federal Reserve’s Latest Interest Rate Cut,” All Things Considered (NPR), November 6, 2001, downloaded from Electric Library, In other words, for U.S. Treasury securities the nominal, or risk-free, rate for a given maturity varies with the inflation expectation over the term of the security.5 EXAMPLE The nominal interest rate, RF, for four maturities of U.S. Treasury securities on March 15, 2002, is given in column 1 of the following table. Assuming that the real rate of interest is 1%, as noted in column 2, the inflation expectation for each maturity in column 3 is found by solving Equation 6.4 for IPt. Although a 0.81% rate of inflation was expected over the 3-month period beginning March 15, 2002, a 2.55% average rate of inflation was expected over the 2-year period, and so on. An analysis of the inflation expectations in column 3 for March 15, 2002, suggests that at that time a general expectation of increasing inflation existed. Simply stated, the March 15, 2002, yield curve for U.S. Treasury securities shown 5. Although U.S. Treasury securities have no risk of default or illiquidity, they do suffer from “maturity, or interest rate, risk”—the risk that interest rates will change in the future and thereby affect longer maturities more than shorter maturities. Therefore, the longer the maturity of a Treasury (or any other) security, the greater its interest rate risk. The impact of interest rate changes on bond values is discussed later in this chapter; here we ignore this effect. 270 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts in Figure 6.3 was upward-sloping as a result of the expectation that the rate of inflation would increase in the future.6 Maturity, t Nominal interest rate, RFt (1) Real interest rate, k* (2) Inflation expectation, IPt [(1) (2)] (3) 3 months 1.81% 1.00% 0.81% 2 years 3.55 1.00 2.55 5 years 4.74 1.00 3.74 30 years 5.90 1.00 4.90 Generally, under the expectations theory, an increasing inflation expectation results in an upward-sloping yield curve; a decreasing inflation expectation results in a downward-sloping yield curve; and a stable inflation expectation results in a flat yield curve. Although, as we’ll see, other theories exist, the observed strong relationship between inflation and interest rates (see Figure 6.2) supports this widely accepted theory. liquidity preference theory Theory suggesting that for any given issuer, long-term interest rates tend to be higher than short-term rates because (1) lower liquidity and higher responsiveness to general interest rate movements of longer-term securities exists and (2) borrower willingness to pay a higher rate for long-term financing; causes the yield curve to be upward-sloping. market segmentation theory Theory suggesting that the market for loans is segmented on the basis of maturity and that the supply of and demand for loans within each segment determine its prevailing interest rate; the slope of the yield curve is determined by the general relationship between the prevailing rates in each segment. Liquidity Preference Theory The tendency for yield curves to be upwardsloping can be further explained by liquidity preference theory. This theory holds that for a given issuer, such as the U.S. Treasury, long-term rates tend to be higher than short-term rates. This belief is based on two behavioral facts: 1. Investors perceive less risk in short-term securities than in longer-term securities and are therefore willing to accept lower yields on them. The reason is that shorter-term securities are more liquid and less responsive to general interest rate movements.7 2. Borrowers are generally willing to pay a higher rate for long-term than for short-term financing. By locking in funds for a longer period of time, they can eliminate the potential adverse consequences of having to roll over shortterm debt at unknown costs to obtain long-term financing. Investors (lenders) tend to require a premium for tying up funds for longer periods, whereas borrowers are generally willing to pay a premium to obtain longer-term financing. These preferences of lenders and borrowers cause the yield curve to tend to be upward-sloping. Simply stated, longer maturities tend to have higher interest rates than shorter maturities. Market Segmentation Theory The market segmentation theory suggests that the market for loans is segmented on the basis of maturity and that the supply of and demand for loans within each segment determine its prevailing interest rate. In other words, the equilibrium between suppliers and demanders of shortterm funds, such as seasonal business loans, would determine prevailing short- 6. It is interesting to note (in Figure 6.3) that the expectations reflected by the September 29, 1989, yield curve were not fully borne out by actual events. By March 2002, interest rates had fallen for all maturities, and the yield curve at that time had shifted downward and become upward-sloping, reflecting an expectation of increasing future interest rates and inflation rates. 7. Later in this chapter we demonstrate that debt instruments with longer maturities are more sensitive to changing market interest rates. For a given change in market rates, the price or value of longer-term debts will be more significantly changed (up or down) than the price or value of debts with shorter maturities. CHAPTER 6 Hint An upward-sloping yield curve will result if the supply outstrips the demand for short-term loans, thereby resulting in relatively low shortterm rates at a time when longterm rates are high because the demand for long-term loans is far above their supply. Interest Rates and Bond Valuation 271 term interest rates, and the equilibrium between suppliers and demanders of long-term funds, such as real estate loans, would determine prevailing long-term interest rates. The slope of the yield curve would be determined by the general relationship between the prevailing rates in each market segment. Simply stated, low rates in the short-term segment and high rates in the long-term segment cause the yield curve to be upward-sloping. The opposite occurs for high short-term rates and low long-term rates. All three theories of term structure have merit. From them we can conclude that at any time, the slope of the yield curve is affected by (1) inflationary expectations, (2) liquidity preferences, and (3) the comparative equilibrium of supply and demand in the short- and long-term market segments. Upward-sloping yield curves result from higher future inflation expectations, lender preferences for shorter-maturity loans, and greater supply of short-term loans than of long-term loans relative to demand. The opposite behaviors would result in a downwardsloping yield curve. At any time, the interaction of these three forces determines the prevailing slope of the yield curve. Risk Premiums: Issuer and Issue Characteristics So far we have considered only risk-free U.S. Treasury securities. We now reintroduce the risk premium and assess it in view of risky non-Treasury issues. Recall Equation 6.1: k1 k* IP RP1 risk-free risk rate, RF premium In words, the nominal rate of interest for security 1 (k1) is equal to the risk-free rate, consisting of the real rate of interest (k*) plus the inflation expectation premium (IP) plus the risk premium (RP1). The risk premium varies with specific issuer and issue characteristics; it causes similar-maturity securities8 to have differing nominal rates of interest. 8 EXAMPLE The nominal interest rates on a number of classes of long-term securities on March 15, 2002, were as follows:910 Security U.S. Treasury bonds (average) Nominal interest 5.68% Corporate bonds (by ratings): High quality (Aaa–Aa) 6.13 Medium quality (A–Baa) 7.14 Speculative (Ba–C) 8.11 Utility bonds (average rating) 6.99 8. To provide for the same risk-free rate of interest, k* IP, it is necessary to assume equal maturities. When we do so, the inflationary expectations premium, IP, and therefore RF , will be held constant, and the issuer and issue characteristics premium, RP, becomes the key factor differentiating the nominal rates of interest on various securities. 9. These yields were obtained from Mr. Mike Steelman at UBS PaineWebber, La Jolla, CA (March 25, 2002). Note that bond ratings are explained later in this chapter, on page 278. 272 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts Because the U.S. Treasury bond would represent the risk-free, long-term security, we can calculate the risk premium of the other securities by subtracting the riskfree rate, 5.68%, from each nominal rate (yield): Security Risk premium Corporate bonds (by ratings): High quality (Aaa–Aa) 6.13% 5.68% 0.45% Medium quality (A–Baa) 7.14 5.68 1.46 Speculative (Ba–C) 8.11 5.68 2.43 6.99 5.68 1.31 Utility bonds (average rating) These risk premiums reflect differing issuer and issue risks. The lower-rated corporate issues (speculative) have a higher risk premium than that of the higherrated corporates (high quality and medium quality), and the utility issue has a risk premium near that of the medium-quality corporates. The risk premium consists of a number of issuer- and issue-related components, including interest rate risk, liquidity risk, and tax risk, which were defined in Table 5.1 on page 215, and the purely debt-specific risks—default risk, maturity risk, and contractual provision risk, briefly defined in Table 6.1. In general, TABLE 6.1 Debt-Specific Issuer- and Issue-Related Risk Premium Components Component Description Default risk The possibility that the issuer of debt will not pay the contractual interest or principal as scheduled. The greater the uncertainty as to the borrower’s ability to meet these payments, the greater the risk premium. High bond ratings reflect low default risk, and low bond ratings reflect high default risk. Maturity risk The fact that the longer the maturity, the more the value of a security will change in response to a given change in interest rates. If interest rates on otherwise similar-risk securities suddenly rise as a result of a change in the money supply, the prices of long-term bonds will decline by more than the prices of short-term bonds, and vice versa.a Contractual provision risk Conditions that are often included in a debt agreement or a stock issue. Some of these reduce risk, whereas others may increase risk. For example, a provision allowing a bond issuer to retire its bonds prior to their maturity under favorable terms increases the bond’s risk. aA detailed discussion of the effects of interest rates on the price or value of bonds and other fixed-income securities is presented later in this chapter. CHAPTER 6 Interest Rates and Bond Valuation 273 the highest risk premiums and therefore the highest returns result from securities issued by firms with a high risk of default and from long-term maturities that have unfavorable contractual provisions. Review Questions 6–1 6–2 6–3 6–4 6–5 LG2 LG3 What is the real rate of interest? Differentiate it from the nominal rate of interest for the risk-free asset, a 3-month U.S. Treasury bill. What is the term structure of interest rates, and how is it related to the yield curve? For a given class of similar-risk securities, what does each of the following yield curves reflect about interest rates: (a) downward-sloping; (b) upwardsloping; and (c) flat? Which form has been historically dominant? Briefly describe the following theories of the general shape of the yield curve: (a) expectations theory; (b) liquidity preference theory; and (c) market segmentation theory. List and briefly describe the potential issuer- and issue-related risk components that are embodied in the risk premium. Which are the purely debtspecific risks? 6.2 Corporate Bonds corporate bond A long-term debt instrument indicating that a corporation has borrowed a certain amount of money and promises to repay it in the future under clearly defined terms. coupon interest rate The percentage of a bond’s par value that will be paid annually, typically in two equal semiannual payments, as interest. A corporate bond is a long-term debt instrument indicating that a corporation has borrowed a certain amount of money and promises to repay it in the future under clearly defined terms. Most bonds are issued with maturities of 10 to 30 years and with a par value, or face value, of $1,000. The coupon interest rate on a bond represents the percentage of the bond’s par value that will be paid annually, typically in two equal semiannual payments, as interest. The bondholders, who are the lenders, are promised the semiannual interest payments and, at maturity, repayment of the principal amount. Legal Aspects of Corporate Bonds Certain legal arrangements are required to protect purchasers of bonds. Bondholders are protected primarily through the indenture and the trustee. Bond Indenture bond indenture A legal document that specifies both the rights of the bondholders and the duties of the issuing corporation. A bond indenture is a legal document that specifies both the rights of the bondholders and the duties of the issuing corporation. Included in the indenture are descriptions of the amount and timing of all interest and principal payments, various standard and restrictive provisions, and, frequently, sinking-fund requirements and security interest provisions. 274 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts standard debt provisions Provisions in a bond indenture specifying certain recordkeeping and general business practices that the bond issuer must follow; normally, they do not place a burden on a financially sound business. restrictive covenants Provisions in a bond indenture that place operating and financial constraints on the borrower. Standard Provisions The standard debt provisions in the bond indenture specify certain record-keeping and general business practices that the bond issuer must follow. Standard debt provisions do not normally place a burden on a financially sound business. The borrower commonly must (1) maintain satisfactory accounting records in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP); (2) periodically supply audited financial statements; (3) pay taxes and other liabilities when due; and (4) maintain all facilities in good working order. Restrictive Provisions Bond indentures also normally include certain restrictive covenants, which place operating and financial constraints on the borrower. These provisions help protect the bondholder against increases in borrower risk. Without them, the borrower could increase the firm’s risk but not have to pay increased interest to compensate for the increased risk. The most common restrictive covenants do the following: 1. Require a minimum level of liquidity, to ensure against loan default. 2. Prohibit the sale of accounts receivable to generate cash. Selling receivables could cause a long-run cash shortage if proceeds were used to meet current obligations. 3. Impose fixed-asset restrictions. The borrower must maintain a specified level of fixed assets to guarantee its ability to repay the bonds. subordination In a bond indenture, the stipulation that subsequent creditors agree to wait until all claims of the senior debt are satisfied. 4. Constrain subsequent borrowing. Additional long-term debt may be prohibited, or additional borrowing may be subordinated to the original loan. Subordination means that subsequent creditors agree to wait until all claims of the senior debt are satisfied. 5. Limit the firm’s annual cash dividend payments to a specified percentage or amount. Other restrictive covenants are sometimes included in bond indentures. The violation of any standard or restrictive provision by the borrower gives the bondholders the right to demand immediate repayment of the debt. Generally, bondholders evaluate any violation to determine whether it jeopardizes the loan. They may then decide to demand immediate repayment, continue the loan, or alter the terms of the bond indenture. sinking-fund requirement A restrictive provision often included in a bond indenture, providing for the systematic retirement of bonds prior to their maturity. Sinking-Fund Requirements Another common restrictive provision is a sinking-fund requirement. Its objective is to provide for the systematic retirement of bonds prior to their maturity. To carry out this requirement, the corporation makes semiannual or annual payments that are used to retire bonds by purchasing them in the marketplace. Security Interest The bond indenture identifies any collateral pledged against the bond and specifies how it is to be maintained. The protection of bond collateral is crucial to guarantee the safety of a bond issue. CHAPTER 6 Interest Rates and Bond Valuation 275 Trustee trustee A paid individual, corporation, or commercial bank trust department that acts as the third party to a bond indenture and can take specified actions on behalf of the bondholders if the terms of the indenture are violated. A trustee is a third party to a bond indenture. The trustee can be an individual, a corporation, or (most often) a commercial bank trust department. The trustee is paid to act as a “watchdog” on behalf of the bondholders and can take specified actions on behalf of the bondholders if the terms of the indenture are violated. Cost of Bonds to the Issuer The cost of bond financing is generally greater than the issuer would have to pay for short-term borrowing. The major factors that affect the cost, which is the rate of interest paid by the bond issuer, are the bond’s maturity, the size of the offering, the issuer’s risk, and the basic cost of money. Impact of Bond Maturity on Bond Cost Generally, as we noted earlier, long-term debt pays higher interest rates than short-term debt. In a practical sense, the longer the maturity of a bond, the less accuracy there is in predicting future interest rates, and therefore the greater the bondholders’ risk of giving up an opportunity to lend money at a higher rate. In addition, the longer the term, the greater the chance that the issuer might default. Impact of Offering Size on Bond Cost The size of the bond offering also affects the interest cost of borrowing, but in an inverse manner: Bond flotation and administration costs per dollar borrowed are likely to decrease with increasing offering size. On the other hand, the risk to the bondholders may increase, because larger offerings result in greater risk of default. Impact of Issuer’s Risk The greater the issuer’s default risk, the higher the interest rate. Some of this risk can be reduced through inclusion of appropriate restrictive provisions in the bond indenture. Clearly, bondholders must be compensated with higher returns for taking greater risk. Frequently, bond buyers rely on bond ratings (discussed later) to determine the issuer’s overall risk. Impact of the Cost of Money The cost of money in the capital market is the basis for determining a bond’s coupon interest rate. Generally, the rate on U.S. Treasury securities of equal maturity is used as the lowest-risk cost of money. To that basic rate is added a risk premium (as described earlier in this chapter) that reflects the factors mentioned above (maturity, offering size, and issuer’s risk). 276 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts General Features of a Bond Issue conversion feature A feature of convertible bonds that allows bondholders to change each bond into a stated number of shares of common stock. call feature A feature included in nearly all corporate bond issues that gives the issuer the opportunity to repurchase bonds at a stated call price prior to maturity. call price The stated price at which a bond may be repurchased, by use of a call feature, prior to maturity. call premium The amount by which a bond’s call price exceeds its par value. stock purchase warrants Instruments that give their holders the right to purchase a certain number of shares of the issuer’s common stock at a specified price over a certain period of time. Three features sometimes included in a corporate bond issue are a conversion feature, a call feature, and stock purchase warrants. These features provide the issuer or the purchaser with certain opportunities for replacing or retiring the bond or supplementing it with some type of equity issue. Convertible bonds offer a conversion feature that allows bondholders to change each bond into a stated number of shares of common stock. Bondholders convert their bonds into stock only when the market price of the stock is such that conversion will provide a profit for the bondholder. Inclusion of the conversion feature by the issuer lowers the interest cost and provides for automatic conversion of the bonds to stock if future stock prices appreciate noticeably. The call feature is included in nearly all corporate bond issues. It gives the issuer the opportunity to repurchase bonds prior to maturity. The call price is the stated price at which bonds may be repurchased prior to maturity. Sometimes the call feature can be exercised only during a certain period. As a rule, the call price exceeds the par value of a bond by an amount equal to 1 year’s interest. For example, a $1,000 bond with a 10 percent coupon interest rate would be callable for around $1,100 [$1,000 (10% $1,000)]. The amount by which the call price exceeds the bond’s par value is commonly referred to as the call premium. This premium compensates bondholders for having the bond called away from them; to the issuer, it is the cost of calling the bonds. The call feature enables an issuer to call an outstanding bond when interest rates fall and issue a new bond at a lower interest rate. When interest rates rise, the call privilege will not be exercised, except possibly to meet sinking-fund requirements. Of course, to sell a callable bond in the first place, the issuer must pay a higher interest rate than on noncallable bonds of equal risk, to compensate bondholders for the risk of having the bonds called away from them. Bonds occasionally have stock purchase warrants attached as “sweeteners” to make them more attractive to prospective buyers. Stock purchase warrants are instruments that give their holders the right to purchase a certain number of shares of the issuer’s common stock at a specified price over a certain period of time. Their inclusion typically enables the issuer to pay a slightly lower coupon interest rate than would otherwise be required. Interpreting Bond Quotations quotations Information on bonds, stocks, and other securities, including current price data and statistics on recent price behavior. The financial manager needs to stay abreast of the market values of the firm’s outstanding securities, whether they are traded on an organized exchange, over the counter, or in international markets. Similarly, existing and prospective investors in the firm’s securities need to monitor the prices of the securities they own because these prices represent the current value of their investment. Information on bonds, stocks, and other securities is contained in quotations, which include current price data along with statistics on recent price behavior. Security price quotations are readily available for actively traded bonds and stocks. The most up-to-date “quotes” can be obtained electronically, via a personal computer. Price information is available from stockbrokers and is widely published in news media. Popular sources of daily security price quotations include financial newspapers, such as the Wall Street Journal and Investor’s Business Daily, and the business sections of daily general newspapers. Here we focus on bond quotations; stock quotations are reviewed in Chapter 7. CHAPTER 6 Interest Rates and Bond Valuation 277 FIGURE 6.4 Bond Quotations Selected bond quotations for April 22, 2002 IBM Source: Wall Street Journal, April 23, 2002, p. C14. Figure 6.4 includes an excerpt from the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) bond quotations reported in the April 23, 2002, Wall Street Journal for transactions through the close of trading on Monday, April 22, 2002. We’ll look at the corporate bond quotation for IBM, which is highlighted in Figure 6.4. The numbers following the company name—IBM—represent the bond’s coupon interest rate and the year it matures: “7s25” means that the bond has a stated coupon interest rate of 7 percent and matures sometime in the year 2025. This information allows investors to differentiate between the various bonds issued by the corporation. Note that on the day of this quote, IBM had four bonds listed. The next column, labeled “Cur Yld.,” gives the bond’s current yield, which is found by dividing its annual coupon (7%, or 7.000%) by its closing price (100.25), which in this case turns out to be 7.0 percent (7.000 100.25 0.0698 7.0%). The “Vol” column indicates the actual number of bonds that traded on the given day; 10 IBM bonds traded on Monday, April 22, 2002. The final two columns include price information—the closing price and the net change in closing price from the prior trading day. Although most corporate bonds are issued with a par, or face, value of $1,000, all bonds are quoted as a percentage of par. A $1,000-par-value bond quoted at 110.38 is priced at $1,103.80 (110.38% $1,000). Corporate bonds are quoted in dollars and cents. Thus IBM’s closing price of 100.25 for the day was $1,002.50—that is, 100.25% $1,000. Because 278 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts a “Net Chg.” of 1.75 is given in the final column, the bond must have closed at 102 or $1,020 (102.00% $1,000) on the prior day. Its price decreased by 1.75, or $17.50 (1.75% $1,000), on Tuesday, April 22, 2002. Additional information may be included in a bond quotation, but these are the basic elements. Bond Ratings Independent agencies such as Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s assess the riskiness of publicly traded bond issues. These agencies derive the ratings by using financial ratio and cash flow analyses to assess the likely payment of bond interest and principal. Table 6.2 summarizes these ratings. Normally an inverse relationship exists between the quality of a bond and the rate of return that it must provide bondholders: High-quality (high-rated) bonds provide lower returns than lowerquality (low-rated) bonds. This reflects the lender’s risk-return trade-off. When considering bond financing, the financial manager must be concerned with the expected ratings of the bond issue, because these ratings affect salability and cost. Popular Types of Bonds Bonds can be classified in a variety of ways. Here we break them into traditional bonds (the basic types that have been around for years) and contemporary bonds (newer, more innovative types). The traditional types of bonds are summarized in terms of their key characteristics and priority of lender’s claim in Table 6.3. Note Hint Note that Moody’s has 9 major ratings; Standard & Poor’s has 10. TABLE 6.2 Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s Bond Ratingsa Standard & Poor’s Moody’s Interpretation Aaa Prime quality AAA Aa High grade AA A Upper medium grade A Baa Medium grade BBB Ba Lower medium grade BB or speculative B Speculative Caa From very speculative Ca C to near or in default Lowest grade Interpretation Bank investment quality Speculative B CCC CC C Income bond D In default aSome ratings may be modified to show relative standing within a major rating category; for example, Moody’s uses numerical modifiers (1, 2, 3), whereas Standard & Poor’s uses plus () and minus () signs. Sources: Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. and Standard & Poor’s Corporation. CHAPTER 6 TABLE 6.3 Interest Rates and Bond Valuation 279 Characteristics and Priority of Lender’s Claim of Traditional Types of Bonds Bond type Characteristics Priority of lender’s claim Debentures Unsecured bonds that only creditworthy firms can issue. Convertible bonds are normally debentures. Claims are the same as those of any general creditor. May have other unsecured bonds subordinated to them. Subordinated debentures Claims are not satisfied until those of the creditors holding certain (senior) debts have been fully satisfied. Claim is that of a general creditor but not as good as a senior debt claim. Income bonds Payment of interest is required only when earnings are available. Commonly issued in reorganization of a failing firm. Claim is that of a general creditor. Are not in default when interest payments are missed, because they are contingent only on earnings being available. Mortgage bonds Secured by real estate or buildings. Claim is on proceeds from sale of mortgaged assets; if not fully satisfied, the lender becomes a general creditor.The first-mortgage claim must be fully satisfied before distribution of proceeds to second-mortgage holders, and so on. A number of mortgages can be issued against the same collateral. Collateral trust bonds Secured by stock and (or) bonds that are owned by the issuer. Collateral value is generally 25% to 35% greater than bond value. Claim is on proceeds from stock and (or) bond collateral; if not fully satisfied, the lender becomes a general creditor. Equipment trust certificates Used to finance “rolling stock”—airplanes, trucks, boats, railroad cars. A trustee buys such an asset with funds raised through the sale of trust certificates and then leases it to the firm, which, after making the final scheduled lease payment, receives title to the asset. A type of leasing. Claim is on proceeds from the sale of the asset; if proceeds do not satisfy outstanding debt, trust certificate lenders become general creditors. Unsecured Bonds Secured Bonds debentures subordinated debentures income bonds mortgage bonds collateral trust bonds equipment trust certificates See Table 6.3 zero- (or low-) coupon bonds junk bonds floating-rate bonds extendible notes putable bonds See Table 6.4 that the first three types—debentures, subordinated debentures, and income bonds—are unsecured, whereas the last three—mortgage bonds, collateral trust bonds, and equipment trust certificates—are secured. Table 6.4 describes the key characteristics of five contemporary types of bonds: zero-coupon or low-coupon bonds, junk bonds, floating-rate bonds, extendible notes, and putable bonds. These bonds can be either unsecured or secured. Changing capital market conditions and investor preferences have spurred further innovations in bond financing in recent years and will probably continue to do so. International Bond Issues Companies and governments borrow internationally by issuing bonds in two principal financial markets: the Eurobond market and the foreign bond market. Both give borrowers the opportunity to obtain large amounts of long-term debt financing quickly, in the currency of their choice and with flexible repayment terms. 280 PART 2 TABLE 6.4 Important Financial Concepts Characteristics of Contemporary Types of Bonds Bond type Characteristicsa Zero- (or low-) coupon bonds Issued with no (zero) or a very low coupon (stated interest) rate and sold at a large discount from par. A significant portion (or all) of the investor’s return comes from gain in value (i.e., par value minus purchase price). Generally callable at par value. Because the issuer can annually deduct the current year’s interest accrual without having to pay the interest until the bond matures (or is called), its cash flow each year is increased by the amount of the tax shield provided by the interest deduction. Junk bonds Debt rated Ba or lower by Moody’s or BB or lower by Standard & Poor’s. Commonly used during the 1980s by rapidly growing firms to obtain growth capital, most often as a way to finance mergers and takeovers. High-risk bonds with high yields—often yielding 2% to 3% more than the best-quality corporate debt. Floating-rate bonds Stated interest rate is adjusted periodically within stated limits in response to changes in specified money market or capital market rates. Popular when future inflation and interest rates are uncertain. Tend to sell at close to par because of the automatic adjustment to changing market conditions. Some issues provide for annual redemption at par at the option of the bondholder. Extendible notes Short maturities, typically 1 to 5 years, that can be renewed for a similar period at the option of holders. Similar to a floating-rate bond. An issue might be a series of 3-year renewable notes over a period of 15 years; every 3 years, the notes could be extended for another 3 years, at a new rate competitive with market interest rates at the time of renewal. Putable bonds Bonds that can be redeemed at par (typically, $1,000) at the option of their holder either at specific dates after the date of issue and every 1 to 5 years thereafter or when and if the firm takes specified actions, such as being acquired, acquiring another company, or issuing a large amount of additional debt. In return for its conferring the right to “put the bond” at specified times or when the firm takes certain actions, the bond’s yield is lower than that of a nonputable bond. aThe claims of lenders (i.e., bondholders) against issuers of each of these types of bonds vary, depending on the bonds’ other features. Each of these bonds can be unsecured or secured. Eurobond A bond issued by an international borrower and sold to investors in countries with currencies other than the currency in which the bond is denominated. foreign bond A bond issued in a host country’s financial market, in the host country’s currency, by a foreign borrower. A Eurobond is issued by an international borrower and sold to investors in countries with currencies other than the currency in which the bond is denominated. An example is a dollar-denominated bond issued by a U.S. corporation and sold to Belgian investors. From the founding of the Eurobond market in the 1960s until the mid-1980s, “blue chip” U.S. corporations were the largest single class of Eurobond issuers. Some of these companies were able to borrow in this market at interest rates below those the U.S. government paid on Treasury bonds. As the market matured, issuers became able to choose the currency in which they borrowed, and European and Japanese borrowers rose to prominence. In more recent years, the Eurobond market has become much more balanced in terms of the mix of borrowers, total issue volume, and currency of denomination. In contrast, a foreign bond is issued in a host country’s financial market, in the host country’s currency, by a foreign borrower. A Swiss-franc–denominated bond issued in Switzerland by a U.S. company is an example of a foreign bond. The three largest foreign-bond markets are Japan, Switzerland, and the United States. Review Questions 6–6 What are typical maturities, denominations, and interest payments of a corporate bond? What mechanisms protect bondholders? CHAPTER 6 Interest Rates and Bond Valuation 281 6–7 Differentiate between standard debt provisions and restrictive covenants included in a bond indenture. What are the consequences of violation of them by the bond issuer? 6–8 How is the cost of bond financing typically related to the cost of shortterm borrowing? In addition to a bond’s maturity, what other major factors affect its cost to the issuer? 6–9 What is a conversion feature? A call feature? Stock purchase warrants? 6–10 What information is found in a bond quotation? How are bonds rated, and why? 6–11 Compare the basic characteristics of Eurobonds and foreign bonds. LG4 6.3 Valuation Fundamentals valuation The process that links risk and return to determine the worth of an asset. Valuation is the process that links risk and return to determine the worth of an asset. It is a relatively simple process that can be applied to expected streams of benefits from bonds, stocks, income properties, oil wells, and so on. To determine an asset’s worth at a given point in time, a financial manager uses the timevalue-of-money techniques presented in Chapter 4 and the concepts of risk and return developed in Chapter 5. Key Inputs There are three key inputs to the valuation process: (1) cash flows (returns), (2) timing, and (3) a measure of risk, which determines the required return. Each is described below. Cash Flows (Returns) The value of any asset depends on the cash flow(s) it is expected to provide over the ownership period. To have value, an asset does not have to provide an annual cash flow; it can provide an intermittent cash flow or even a single cash flow over the period. EXAMPLE Celia Sargent, financial analyst for Groton Corporation, a diversified holding company, wishes to estimate the value of three of its assets: common stock in Michaels Enterprises, an interest in an oil well, and an original painting by a wellknown artist. Her cash flow estimates for each are as follows: Stock in Michaels Enterprises Expect to receive cash dividends of $300 per year indefinitely. Oil well Expect to receive cash flow of $2,000 at the end of year 1, $4,000 at the end of year 2, and $10,000 at the end of year 4, when the well is to be sold. Original painting Expect to be able to sell the painting in 5 years for $85,000. With these cash flow estimates, Celia has taken the first step toward placing a value on each of the assets. 282 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts Timing In addition to making cash flow estimates, we must know the timing of the cash flows.10 For example, Celia expects the cash flows of $2,000, $4,000, and $10,000 for the oil well to occur at the ends of years 1, 2, and 4, respectively. The combination of the cash flow and its timing fully defines the return expected from the asset. Risk and Required Return Hint The required rate of return is the result of investors being risk-averse. In order for the risk-averse investor to purchase a given asset, the investor must expect at least enough return to compensate for the asset’s perceived risk. EXAMPLE The level of risk associated with a given cash flow can significantly affect its value. In general, the greater the risk of (or the less certain) a cash flow, the lower its value. Greater risk can be incorporated into a valuation analysis by using a higher required return or discount rate. As in the previous chapter, the higher the risk, the greater the required return, and the lower the risk, the less the required return. Let’s return to Celia Sargent’s task of placing a value on Groton Corporation’s original painting and consider two scenarios. Scenario 1—Certainty A major art gallery has contracted to buy the painting for $85,000 at the end of 5 years. Because this is considered a certain situation, Celia views this asset as “money in the bank.” She thus would use the prevailing risk-free rate of 9% as the required return when calculating the value of the painting. Scenario 2—High Risk The values of original paintings by this artist have fluctuated widely over the past 10 years. Although Celia expects to be able to get $85,000 for the painting, she realizes that its sale price in 5 years could range between $30,000 and $140,000. Because of the high uncertainty surrounding the painting’s value, Celia believes that a 15% required return is appropriate. These two estimates of the appropriate required return illustrate how this rate captures risk. The often subjective nature of such estimates is also clear. The Basic Valuation Model Simply stated, the value of any asset is the present value of all future cash flows it is expected to provide over the relevant time period. The time period can be any length, even infinity. The value of an asset is therefore determined by discounting the expected cash flows back to their present value, using the required return commensurate with the asset’s risk as the appropriate discount rate. Utilizing the present value techniques explained in Chapter 4, we can express the value of any asset at time zero, V0, as CF1 CF2 CFn V0 . . . 1 2 (1 k) (1 k ) (1 k)n (6.5) 10. Although cash flows can occur at any time during a year, for computational convenience as well as custom, we will assume they occur at the end of the year unless otherwise noted. CHAPTER 6 TABLE 6.5 283 Interest Rates and Bond Valuation Valuation of Groton Corporation’s Assets by Celia Sargent Asset Cash flow, CF Michaels Enterprises stockb $300/year indefinitely Valuationa Appropriate required return 12% V0 $300 (PVIFA12%,∞) 1 $300 $ 2,5 00 0.12 Oil wellc Original paintingd Year (t) CFt 1 2 3 4 $ 2,000 4,000 0 10,000 $85,000 at end of year 5 20% V0 [$2,000 (PVIF20%,1)] [$4,000 (PVIF20%,2)] [$0 (PVIF20%,3)] [$10,000 (PVIF20%,4)] [$2,000 (0.833)] [$4,000 (0.694)] [$0 (0.579)] [$10,000 (0.482)] $1,666 $2,776 $0 $4,820 $9 ,2 6 2 15% V0 $85,000 (PVIF15%,5) $85,000 (0.497) $42,245 aBased on PVIF interest factors from Table A–2. If calculated using a calculator, the values of the oil well and original painting would have been $9,266.98 and $42,260.03, respectively. bThis is a perpetuity (infinite-lived annuity), and therefore the present value interest factor given in Equation 4.19 is applied. cThis is a mixed stream of cash flows and therefore requires a number of PVIFs, as noted. dThis is a single-amount cash flow and therefore requires a single PVIF. where V0 value of the asset at time zero CFt cash flow expected at the end of year t k appropriate required return (discount rate) n relevant time period Using present value interest factor notation, PVIFk,n from Chapter 4, Equation 6.5 can be rewritten as V0 [CF1 (PVIFk,1)] [CF2 (PVIFk,2)] . . . [CFn (PVIFk,n)] (6.6) We can use Equation 6.6 to determine the value of any asset. EXAMPLE Celia Sargent used Equation 6.6 to calculate the value of each asset (using present value interest factors from Table A–2), as shown in Table 6.5. Michaels Enterprises stock has a value of $2,500, the oil well’s value is $9,262, and the original painting has a value of $42,245. Note that regardless of the pattern of the expected cash flow from an asset, the basic valuation equation can be used to determine its value. Review Questions 6–12 Why is it important for financial managers to understand the valuation process? 284 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts 6–13 What are the three key inputs to the valuation process? 6–14 Does the valuation process apply only to assets that provide an annual cash flow? Explain. 6–15 Define and specify the general equation for the value of any asset, V0. LG5 LG6 6.4 Bond Valuation The basic valuation equation can be customized for use in valuing specific securities: bonds, common stock, and preferred stock. Bond valuation is described in this chapter, and valuation of common stock and preferred stock is discussed in Chapter 7. Bond Fundamentals Hint A bondholder receives two cash flows from a bond if it is held to maturity—interest and the bond’s face value. For valuation purposes, the interest is an annuity and the face value is a single payment received at a specified future date. EXAMPLE As noted earlier in this chapter, bonds are long-term debt instruments used by business and government to raise large sums of money, typically from a diverse group of lenders. Most corporate bonds pay interest semiannually (every 6 months) at a stated coupon interest rate, have an initial maturity of 10 to 30 years, and have a par value, or face value, of $1,000 that must be repaid at maturity.11 Mills Company, a large defense contractor, on January 1, 2004, issued a 10% coupon interest rate, 10-year bond with a $1,000 par value that pays interest semiannually. Investors who buy this bond receive the contractual right to two cash flows: (1) $100 annual interest (10% coupon interest rate $1,000 par value) distributed as $50 (1/2 $100) at the end of each 6 months, and (2) the $1,000 par value at the end of the tenth year. We will use data for Mills’s bond issue to look at basic bond valuation. Basic Bond Valuation The value of a bond is the present value of the payments its issuer is contractually obligated to make, from the current time until it matures. The basic model for the value, B0, of a bond is given by Equation 6.7: B0 I n M t1 (1 kd)t (1 kd)n 1 I (PVIFAk d ,n 1 ) M (PVIFk ) d,n (6.7) (6.7a) 11. Bonds often have features that allow them to be retired by the issuer prior to maturity; these conversion and call features were presented earlier in this chapter. For the purpose of the current discussion, these features are ignored. CHAPTER 6 Interest Rates and Bond Valuation 285 where B0 value of the bond at time zero I annual interest paid in dollars12 n number of years to maturity M par value in dollars kd required return on a bond We can calculate bond value using Equation 6.7a and the appropriate financial tables (A–2 and A–4) or by using a financial calculator. EXAMPLE Assuming that interest on the Mills Company bond issue is paid annually and that the required return is equal to the bond’s coupon interest rate, I $100, kd 10%, M $1,000, and n 10 years. The computations involved in finding the bond value are depicted graphically on the following time line. End of Year Time line for bond valuation (Mills Company’s 10% coupon interest rate, 10-year maturity, $1,000 par, January 1, 2004, issue paying annual interest; required return 10%) 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $1,000 $ 614.50 386.00 B0 = $1,000.50 Table Use Substituting the values noted above into Equation 6.7a yields B0 $100 (PVIFA10%,10yrs) $1,000 (PVIF10%,10yrs) $100 (6.145) $1,000 (0.386) 1,000.50 $614.50 $386.00 $ The bond therefore has a value of approximately $1,000.13 12. The payment of annual rather than semiannual bond interest is assumed throughout the following discussion. This assumption simplifies the calculations involved, while maintaining the conceptual accuracy of the valuation procedures presented. 13. Note that a slight rounding error ($0.50) results here from the use of the table factors, which are rounded to the nearest thousandth. 286 PART 2 Input 10 Important Financial Concepts Function N 10 I 100 PMT Calculator Use Using the Mills Company’s inputs shown at the left, you should find the bond value to be exactly $1,000. Note that the calculated bond value is equal to its par value; this will always be the case when the required return is equal to the coupon interest rate.14 FV 1000 CPT Bond Value Behavior PV Solution 1000 In practice, the value of a bond in the marketplace is rarely equal to its par value. In bond quotations (see Figure 6.4), the closing prices of bonds often differ from their par values of 100 (100 percent of par). Some bonds are valued below par (quoted below 100), and others are valued above par (quoted above 100). A variety of forces in the economy, as well as the passage of time, tend to affect value. Although these external forces are in no way controlled by bond issuers or investors, it is useful to understand the impact that required return and time to maturity have on bond value. Required Returns and Bond Values discount The amount by which a bond sells at a value that is less than its par value. premium The amount by which a bond sells at a value that is greater than its par value. EXAMPLE Whenever the required return on a bond differs from the bond’s coupon interest rate, the bond’s value will differ from its par value. The required return is likely to differ from the coupon interest rate because either (1) economic conditions have changed, causing a shift in the basic cost of long-term funds, or (2) the firm’s risk has changed. Increases in the basic cost of long-term funds or in risk will raise the required return; decreases in the cost of funds or in risk will lower the required return. Regardless of the exact cause, what is important is the relationship between the required return and the coupon interest rate: When the required return is greater than the coupon interest rate, the bond value, B0, will be less than its par value, M. In this case, the bond is said to sell at a discount, which will equal M B0. When the required return falls below the coupon interest rate, the bond value will be greater than par. In this situation, the bond is said to sell at a premium, which will equal B0 M. The preceding example showed that when the required return equaled the coupon interest rate, the bond’s value equaled its $1,000 par value. If for the same bond the required return were to rise or fall, its value would be found as follows (using Equation 6.7a): Table Use Required Return 12% Required Return 8% B0 $100 (PVIFA12%,10yrs) $1,000 (PVIF12%,10yrs) $887.00 B0 $100 (PVIFA8%,10yrs) $1,000 (PVIF8%,10yrs) $1,134.00 14. Note that because bonds pay interest in arrears, the prices at which they are quoted and traded reflect their value plus any accrued interest. For example, a $1,000 par value, 10% coupon bond paying interest semiannually and having a calculated value of $900 would pay interest of $50 at the end of each 6-month period. If it is now 3 months since the beginning of the interest period, three-sixths of the $50 interest, or $25 (i.e., 3/6 $50), would be accrued. The bond would therefore be quoted at $925—its $900 value plus the $25 in accrued interest. For convenience, throughout this book, bond values will always be assumed to be calculated at the beginning of the interest period, thereby avoiding the need to consider accrued interest. CHAPTER 6 TABLE 6.6 12% Function N Input 10 Function N 12 I 8 I 100 PMT 100 PMT 1000 FV 1000 FV CPT CPT PV PV Solution 887.00 Solution 1134.20 Bond value, B0 Status $ 887.00 Discount 10 1,000.00 Par value 8 1,134.00 Premium Calculator Use Using the inputs shown at the left for the two different required returns, you will find the value of the bond to be below or above par. At a 12% required return, the bond would sell at a discount of $113.00 ($1,000 par value $887.00 value). At the 8% required return, the bond would sell for a premium of about $134.00 ($1,134.00 value $1,000 par value). The results of this and earlier calculations for Mills Company’s bond values are summarized in Table 6.6 and graphically depicted in Figure 6.5. The inverse relationship between bond value and required return is clearly shown in the figure. FIGURE 6.5 1,400 Market Value of Bond, B0 ($) Bond Values and Required Returns Bond values and required returns (Mills Company’s 10% coupon interest rate, 10-year maturity, $1,000 par, January 1, 2004, issue paying annual interest) 1,300 1,200 Premium Par Discount 287 Bond Values for Various Required Returns (Mills Company’s 10% Coupon Interest Rate, 10-Year Maturity, $1,000 Par, January 1, 2004, Issue Paying Annual Interest) Required return, kd Input 10 Interest Rates and Bond Valuation 1,134 1,100 1,000 900 887 800 700 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Required Return, kd (%) 14 16 288 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts Time to Maturity and Bond Values Whenever the required return is different from the coupon interest rate, the amount of time to maturity affects bond value. An additional factor is whether required returns are constant or changing over the life of the bond. Constant Required Returns When the required return is different from the coupon interest rate and is assumed to be constant until maturity, the value of the bond will approach its par value as the passage of time moves the bond’s value closer to maturity. (Of course, when the required return equals the coupon interest rate, the bond’s value will remain at par until it matures.) EXAMPLE interest rate risk The chance that interest rates will change and thereby change the required return and bond value. Rising rates, which result in decreasing bond values, are of greatest concern. Figure 6.6 depicts the behavior of the bond values calculated earlier and presented in Table 6.6 for Mills Company’s 10% coupon interest rate bond paying annual interest and having 10 years to maturity. Each of the three required returns—12%, 10%, and 8%—is assumed to remain constant over the 10 years to the bond’s maturity. The bond’s value at both 12% and 8% approaches and ultimately equals the bond’s $1,000 par value at its maturity, as the discount (at 12%) or premium (at 8%) declines with the passage of time. Changing Required Returns The chance that interest rates will change and thereby change the required return and bond value is called interest rate risk. (This was described as a shareholder-specific risk in Chapter 5, Table 5.1.) Bondholders are typically more concerned with rising interest rates because a rise in interest rates, and therefore in the required return, causes a decrease in bond value. The shorter the amount of time until a bond’s maturity, the less responsive Time to Maturity and Bond Values Relationship among time to maturity, required returns, and bond values (Mills Company’s 10% coupon interest rate, 10-year maturity, $1,000 par, January 1, 2004, issue paying annual interest) Market Value of Bond, B0 ($) FIGURE 6.6 Premium Bond, Required Return, kd = 8% 1,200 1,134 1,115 1,100 1,052 1,000 Par-Value Bond, Required Return, kd = 10% M 952 901 887 Discount Bond, Required Return, kd = 12% 800 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Time to Maturity (years) 1 0 CHAPTER 6 FOCUS ON PRACTICE Interest Rates and Bond Valuation In Practice The Value of a Zero Many investors buy bonds to get a steady stream of interest payments. So why would anyone buy a zero-coupon bond, which doesn’t offer that stream of cash flows? One reason is the cost of “zeros.” Because they pay no interest, zeros sell at a deep discount from par value: A $1,000, 30-year government agency zero-coupon bond might cost about $175. At maturity, the investor receives the $1,000 par value. The difference between the price of the bond and its par value is the return to the investor. Stated as an annual yield, the return reflects the compounding of interest, just as though the issuer had paid interest during bond term. In this example, the bond yields 6 percent. Even though a corporate issuer of a zero-coupon bond makes no cash interest payments, for tax purposes it can take an interest deduction. To calculate the annual implicit interest expense, the issuer must first determine the bond’s value at the beginning of 289 each year by using the formula M /(1 kd)n, where M the par value in dollars, kd the required return, and n the number of years to maturity. The difference in the bond’s value from year to year is the implicit interest. Assume that a corporation issues a 5-year zero-coupon bond with a $1,000 par value and a required yield of 6.5 percent. Applying the above formula, we discover that the initial price of this bond is $729.88 [$1,000/(1 0.065)5 $1,000/1.3700867]. Total implicit interest over the 5 years is $270.12 ($1,000 – $729.88). The following table uses the formula to calculate the bond’s value at the end of each year and the implicit interest expense that the corporation can deduct each year. Sources: Adapted from Hope Hamashige, “More than Zero,” Los Angeles Times (September 16, 1997), p. D-6; Donald Jay Korn, “Getting Something for Nothing,” Black Enterprise (April 2000), downloaded from; “Putting Compound Interest to Work Through Zero Coupon Bonds,” The Bond Market Association, PR Newswire (June 24, 1998), downloaded from Year Beginning value Ending value 1 2 3 4 5 $729.88 777.32 827.84 881.66 938.97 $ 777.32 827.84 881.66 938.97 1,000.00 Implicit Interest Expense $ 47.44 50.52 53.82 57.31 61.03 Total $270.12 is its market value to a given change in the required return. In other words, short maturities have less interest rate risk than long maturities when all other features (coupon interest rate, par value, and interest payment frequency) are the same. This is because of the mathematics of time value; the present values of short-term cash flows change far less than the present values of longer-term cash flows in response to a given change in the discount rate (required return). EXAMPLE The effect of changing required returns on bonds of differing maturity can be illustrated by using Mills Company’s bond and Figure 6.6. If the required return rises from 10% to 12% (see the dashed line at 8 years), the bond’s value decreases from $1,000 to $901—a 9.9% decrease. If the same change in required return had occurred with only 3 years to maturity (see the dashed line at 3 years), the bond’s value would have dropped to just $952—only a 4.8% decrease. Similar types of responses can be seen for the change in bond value associated with decreases in required returns. The shorter the time to maturity, the less the impact on bond value caused by a given change in the required return. 290 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts Yield to Maturity (YTM) yield to maturity (YTM) The rate of return that investors earn if they buy a bond at a specific price and hold it until maturity. (Assumes that the issuer makes all scheduled interest and principal payments as promised.) EXAMPLE When investors evaluate bonds, they commonly consider yield to maturity (YTM). This is the rate of return that investors earn if they buy the bond at a specific price and hold it until maturity. (The measure assumes, of course, that the issuer makes all scheduled interest and principal payments as promised.) The yield to maturity on a bond with a current price equal to its par value (that is, B0 M) will always equal the coupon interest rate. When the bond value differs from par, the yield to maturity will differ from the coupon interest rate. Assuming that interest is paid annually, the yield to maturity on a bond can be found by solving Equation 6.7 for kd. In other words, the current value, the annual interest, the par value, and the years to maturity are known, and the required return must be found. The required return is the bond’s yield to maturity. The YTM can be found by trial and error or by use of a financial calculator. The calculator provides accurate YTM values with minimum effort. The Mills Company bond, which currently sells for $1,080, has a 10% coupon interest rate and $1,000 par value, pays interest annually, and has 10 years to maturity. Because B0 $1,080, I $100 (0.10 $1,000), M $1,000, and n 10 years, substituting into Equation 6.7a yields $1,080 $100 (PVIFAk ) d,10yrs $1,000 (PVIFk ) d,10yrs Our objective is to solve the equation for kd, the YTM. Trial and Error Because we know that a required return, kd, of 10% (which equals the bond’s 10% coupon interest rate) would result in a value of $1,000, the discount rate that would result in $1,080 must be less than 10%. (Remember that the lower the discount rate, the higher the present value, and the higher the discount rate, the lower the present value.) Trying 9%, we get $100 (PVIFA9%,10yrs) $1,000 (PVIF9%,10yrs) $100 (6.418) $1,000 (0.422) $641.80 $422.00 $1,063.80 Because the 9% rate is not quite low enough to bring the value up to $1,080, we next try 8% and get $100 (PVIFA8%,10yrs) $1,000 (PVIF8%,10yrs) $100 (6.710) $1,000 (0.463) $671.00 $463.00 $1,134.00 Because the value at the 8% rate is higher than $1,080 and the value at the 9% rate is lower than $1,080, the bond’s yield to maturity must be between 8% and CHAPTER 6 Input 10 9%. Because the $1,063.80 is closer to $1,080, the YTM to the nearest whole percent is 9%. (By using interpolation, we could eventually find the more precise YTM value to be 8.77%.)15 Function N 1080 PV 100 PMT 1000 291 Interest Rates and Bond Valuation Calculator Use [Note: Most calculators require either the present value (B0 in this case) or the future values (I and M in this case) to be input as negative numbers to calculate yield to maturity. That approach is employed here.] Using the inputs shown at the left, you should find the YTM to be 8.766%. FV CPT I Solution 8.766 Semiannual Interest and Bond Values The procedure used to value bonds paying interest semiannually is similar to that shown in Chapter 4 for compounding interest more frequently than annually, except that here we need to find present value instead of future value. It involves 1. Converting annual interest, I, to semiannual interest by dividing I by 2. 2. Converting the number of years to maturity, n, to the number of 6-month periods to maturity by multiplying n by 2. 3. Converting the required stated (rather than effective)16 annual return for similar-risk bonds that also pay semiannual interest from an annual rate, kd, to a semiannual rate by dividing kd by 2. Substituting these three changes into Equation 6.7 yields I B0 2 WW W 2n 1 kd t i1 1 2 1 M kd 2n 1 2 (6.8)17 15. For information on how to interpolate to get a more precise answer, see the book’s home page at gitman 16. As we noted in Chapter 4, the effective annual rate of interest, EAR, for stated interest rate i, when interest is paid semiannually (m 2), can be found by using Equation 4.23: i EAR 1 2 2 1 For example, a bond with a 12% required stated return, kd , that pays semiannual interest would have an effective annual rate of 0.12 2 1 (1.06)2 1 1.1236 1 0.1236 12 .3 6 % 2 EAR 1 Because most bonds pay semiannual interest at semiannual rates equal to 50% of the stated annual rate, their effective annual rates are generally higher than their stated annual rates. 17. Although it may appear inappropriate to use the semiannual discounting procedure on the maturity value, M, this technique is necessary to find the correct bond value. One way to confirm the accuracy of this approach is to calculate the bond value for the case where the required stated annual return and coupon interest rate are equal; for B0 to equal M, as would be expected in such a case, the maturity value must be discounted on a semiannual basis. 292 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts I (PVIFAkd/2,2n) M (PVIFkd/2,2n) 2 EXAMPLE (6.8a) Assuming that the Mills Company bond pays interest semiannually and that the required stated annual return, kd, is 12% for similar-risk bonds that also pay semiannual interest, substituting these values into Equation 6.8a yields $100 B0 (PVIFA12%/2,210yrs) $1,000 (PVIF12%/2,210yrs) 2 Table Use B0 $50 (PVIFA6%,20periods) $1,000 (PVIF6%,20periods) Input 20 Function N 6 I 50 PMT 1000 FV CPT PV Solution 885.30 885.50 $50 (11.470) $1,000 (0.312) $ Calculator Use In using a calculator to find bond value when interest is paid semiannually, we must double the number of periods and divide both the required stated annual return and the annual interest by 2. For the Mills Company bond, we would use 20 periods (2 10 years), a required return of 6% (12% 2), and an interest payment of $50 ($100 2). Using these inputs, you should find the bond value with semiannual interest to be $885.30, as shown at the left. Note that this value is more precise than the value calculated using the rounded financial-table factors. Comparing this result with the $887.00 value found earlier for annual compounding (see Table 6.6), we can see that the bond’s value is lower when semiannual interest is paid. This will always occur when the bond sells at a discount. For bonds selling at a premium, the opposite will occur: The value with semiannual interest will be greater than with annual interest. Review Questions 6–16 What basic procedure is used to value a bond that pays annual interest? Semiannual interest? 6–17 What relationship between the required return and the coupon interest rate will cause a bond to sell at a discount? At a premium? At its par value? 6–18 If the required return on a bond differs from its coupon interest rate, describe the behavior of the bond value over time as the bond moves toward maturity. 6–19 As a risk-averse investor, would you prefer bonds with short or long periods until maturity? Why? 6–20 What is a bond’s yield to maturity (YTM)? Briefly describe both the trialand-error approach and the use of a financial calculator for finding YTM. CHAPTER 6 Interest Rates and Bond Valuation 293 S U M M A RY FOCUS ON VALUE Interest rates and required returns embody the real cost of money, inflationary expectations, and issuer and issue risk. They reflect the level of return required by market participants as compensation for the risk perceived in a specific security or asset investment. Because these returns are affected by economic expectations, they vary as a function of time, typically rising for longer-term maturities or transactions. The yield curve reflects such market expectations at any point in time. The value of an asset can be found by calculating the present value of its expected cash flows, using the required return as the discount rate. Bonds are the easiest financial assets to value, because both the amounts and the timing of their cash flows are contractual and therefore known with certainty. The financial manager needs to understand how to apply valuation techniques to bonds, stocks, and tangible assets (as will be demonstrated in the following chapters) in order to make decisions that are consistent with the firm’s share price maximization goal. REVIEW OF LEARNING GOALS Describe interest rate fundamentals, the term structure of interest rates, and risk premiums. The flow of funds between savers (suppliers) and investors (demanders) is regulated by the interest rate or required return. In a perfect, inflation-free, certain world there would be one cost of money— the real rate of interest. The nominal or actual interest rate is the sum of the risk-free rate, which is the sum of the real rate of interest and the inflationary expectation premium, and a risk premium reflecting issuer and issue characteristics. For any class of similar-risk securities, the term structure of interest rates reflects the relationship between the interest rate, or rate of return, and the time to maturity. Yield curves can be downward-sloping (inverted), upward-sloping (normal), or flat. Three theories— expectations theory, liquidity preference theory, and market segmentation theory—are cited to explain the general shape of the yield curve. Risk premiums for non-Treasury debt issues result from interest rate risk, liquidity risk, tax risk, default risk, maturity risk, and contractual provision risk. LG1 LG2 Review the legal aspects of bond financing and bond cost. Corporate bonds are long-term debt instruments indicating that a corporation has borrowed an amount that it promises to repay in the future under clearly defined terms. Most bonds are issued with maturities of 10 to 30 years and a par value of $1,000. The bond indenture, enforced by a trustee, states all conditions of the bond issue. It contains both standard debt provisions and restrictive covenants, which may include a sinking-fund requirement and/or a security interest. The cost of bonds to an issuer depends on its maturity, offering size, and issuer risk and on the basic cost of money. Discuss the general features, quotations, ratings, popular types, and international issues of corporate bonds. A bond issue may include a conversion feature, a call feature, or stock purchase warrants. Bond quotations, published regularly in the financial press, provide information on bonds, including current price data and statistics on recent price behavior. Bond ratings by independent agencies indicate the risk of a bond issue. Various types of traditional and contemporary bonds are available. Eurobonds and foreign bonds enable established creditworthy companies and governments to borrow large amounts internationally. LG3 294 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts Understand the key inputs and basic model used in the valuation process. Key inputs to the valuation process include cash flows (returns), timing, and risk and the required return. The value of any asset is equal to the present value of all future cash flows it is expected to provide over the relevant time period. The basic valuation formula for any asset is summarized in Table 6.7. LG4 Apply the basic valuation model to bonds and describe the impact of required return and time to maturity on bond values. The value of a bond is the present value of its interest payments plus the present value of its par value. The basic valuation model for a bond is summarized in Table 6.7. The discount rate used to determine bond value is the required return, which may differ from the bond’s coupon interest rate. A bond can sell at a discount, at par, or at a premium, depending on whether the required return is greater than, equal to, or less than its coupon interest rate. The amount of time to maturity affects bond values. Even if the required return remains constant, the value of a bond will approach its par value as the bond moves closer to maturity. The chance that interest rates will change and thereby change the required return and bond LG5 SELF-TEST PROBLEMS LG5 value is called interest rate risk. The shorter the amount of time until a bond’s maturity, the less responsive is its market value to a given change in the required return. Explain yield to maturity (YTM), its calculation, and the procedure used to value bonds that pay interest semiannually. Yield to maturity (YTM) is the rate of return investors earn if they buy a bond at a specific price and hold it until maturity. YTM can be calculated by trial and error or financial calculator. Bonds that pay interest semiannually are valued by using the same procedure used to value bonds paying annual interest, except that the interest payments are one-half of the annual interest payments, the number of periods is twice the number of years to maturity, and the required return is one-half of the stated annual required return on similar-risk bonds. LG6 (Solutions in Appendix B) LG6 ST 6–1 Bond valuation Lahey Industries has outstanding a $1,000 par-value bond with an 8% coupon interest rate. The bond has 12 years remaining to its maturity date. a. If interest is paid annually, find the value of the bond when the required return is (1) 7%, (2) 8%, and (3) 10%? b. Indicate for each case in part a whether the bond is selling at a discount, at a premium, or at its par value. c. Using the 10% required return, find the bond’s value when interest is paid semiannually. LG6 ST 6–2 Yield to maturity Elliot Enterprises’ bonds currently sell for $1,150, have an 11% coupon interest rate and a $1,000 par value, pay interest annually, and have 18 years to maturity. a. Calculate the bonds’ yield to maturity (YTM). b. Compare the YTM calculated in part a to the bonds’ coupon interest rate, and use a comparison of the bonds’ current price and their par value to explain this difference. CHAPTER 6 TABLE 6.7 Interest Rates and Bond Valuation 295 Summary of Key Valuation Definitions and Formulas for Any Asset and for Bonds Definitions of variables B0 bond value CFt cash flow expected at the end of year t I annual interest on a bond k appropriate required return (discount rate) kd required return on a bond M par, or face, value of a bond n relevant time period, or number of years to maturity V0 value of the asset at time zero Valuation formulas Value of any asset: CF1 CF2 CFn . . . V0 (1 k)1 (1 k)2 (1 k)n [Eq. 6.5] [CF1 (PVIFk,1)] [CF2 (PVIFk,2)] . . . [CFn (PVIFk,n )] [Eq. 6.6] Bond value: B0 I n M (1 k ) (1 k ) t1 1 1 d t d I (PVIFAkd ,n) M (PVIFkd ,n) n [Eq. 6.7] [Eq. 6.7a] PROBLEMS LG1 6–1 Interest rate fundamentals: The real rate of return Carl Foster, a trainee at an investment banking firm, is trying to get an idea of what real rate of return investors are expecting in today’s marketplace. He has looked up the rate paid on 3-month U.S. Treasury bills and found it to be 5.5%. He has decided to use the rate of change in the Consumer Price Index as a proxy for the inflationary expectations of investors. That annualized rate now stands at 3%. On the basis of the information that Carl has collected, what estimate can he make of the real rate of return? LG1 6–2 Real rate of interest To estimate the real rate of interest, the economics division of Mountain Banks—a major bank holding company—has gathered the data summarized in the following table. Because there is a high likelihood that new tax legislation will be passed in the near future, current data as well as data reflecting the probable impact of passage of the legislation on the demand for funds are also included in the table. (Note: The proposed legislation will not have any impact on the supply schedule of funds. Assume a perfect world in which inflation is expected to be zero, funds suppliers and demanders have no liquidity preference, and all outcomes are certain.) 296 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts With passage of tax legislation Currently Amount of funds supplied/demanded ($ billion) Interest rate required by funds suppliers Interest rate required by funds demanders Interest rate required by funds demanders $ 1 2% 7% 9% 5 3 6 8 10 4 4 7 20 6 3 6 50 7 2 4 100 9 1 3 a. Draw the supply curve and the demand curve for funds using the current data. (Note: Unlike the functions in Figure 6.1, the functions here will not appear as straight lines.) b. Using your graph, label and note the real rate of interest using current data. c. Add to the graph drawn in part a the new demand curve expected in the event that the proposed tax legislation becomes effective. d. What is the new real rate of interest? Compare and analyze this finding in light of your analysis in part b. LG1 6–3 Real and nominal rates interest Zane Perelli currently has $100 that he can spend today on polo shirts costing $25 each. Instead he could invest the $100 in a risk-free U.S. Treasury security that is expected to earn a 9% nominal rate of interest. The consensus forecast of leading economists is a 5% rate of inflation over the coming year. a. How many polo shirts can Zane purchase today? b. How much money will Zane have at the end of 1 year if he forgoes purchasing the polo shirts today? c. How much would you expect the polo shirts to cost at the end of 1 year in light of the expected inflation? d. Use your findings in parts b and c to determine how many polo shirts (fractions are OK) Zane can purchase at the end of 1 year. In percentage terms, how many more or fewer polo shirts can Zane buy at the end of 1 year? e. What is Zane’s real rate of return over the year? How is it related to the percentage change in Zane’s buying power found in part d? Explain. LG1 6–4 Yield curve A firm wishing to evaluate interest rate behavior has gathered yield data on five U.S. Treasury securities, each having a different maturity and all measured at the same point in time. The summarized data follow. U.S. Treasury security Time to maturity Yield A 1 year 12.6% B 10 years 11.2 C 6 months 13.0 D 20 years 11.0 E 5 years 11.4 CHAPTER 6 Interest Rates and Bond Valuation 297 a. Draw the yield curve associated with these data. b. Describe the resulting yield curve in part a, and explain the general expectations embodied in it. LG1 6–5 Nominal interest rates and yield curves A recent study of inflationary expectations has revealed that the consensus among economic forecasters yields the following average annual rates of inflation expected over the periods noted. (Note: Assume that the risk that future interest rate movements will affect longer maturities more than shorter maturities is zero; that is, there is no maturity risk.) Period Average annual rate of inflation 3 months 5% 2 years 6 5 years 8 10 years 8.5 20 years 9 a. If the real rate of interest is currently 2.5%, find the nominal interest rate on each of the following U.S. Treasury issues: 20-year bond, 3-month bill, 2-year note, and 5-year bond. b. If the real rate of interest suddenly dropped to 2% without any change in inflationary expectations, what effect, if any, would this have on your answers in part a? Explain. c. Using your findings in part a, draw a yield curve for U.S. Treasury securities. Describe the general shape and expectations reflected by the curve. d. What would a follower of the liquidity preference theory say about how the preferences of lenders and borrowers tend to affect the shape of the yield curve drawn in part c? Illustrate that effect by placing on your graph a dotted line that approximates the yield curve without the effect of liquidity preference. e. What would a follower of the market segmentation theory say about the supply and demand for long-term loans versus the supply and demand for shortterm loans given the yield curve constructed for part c of this problem? LG1 6–6 Nominal and real rates and yield curves A firm wishing to evaluate interest rate behavior has gathered data on nominal rate of interest and on inflationary expectation for five U.S. Treasury securities, each having a different maturity and each measured at a different point in time during the year just ended. (Note: Assume that the risk that future interest rate movements will affect longer maturities more than shorter maturities is zero; that is, there is no maturity risk.) These data are summarized in the following table. U.S. Treasury security Point in time Maturity Nominal rate of interest 2 years 12.6% Inflationary expectation A Jan. 7 B Mar. 12 C May 30 D Aug. 15 20 years 11.0 8.1 E Dec. 30 5 years 11.4 8.3 10 years 6 months 9.5% 11.2 8.2 13.0 10.0 298 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts a. Using the preceding data, find the real rate of interest at each point in time. b. Describe the behavior of the real rate of interest over the year. What forces might be responsible for such behavior? c. Draw the yield curve associated with these data, assuming that the nominal rates were measured at the same point in time. d. Describe the resulting yield curve in part c, and explain the general expectations embodied in it. LG1 6–7 Term structure of interest rates The following yield data for a number of highest quality corporate bonds existed at each of the three points in time noted. Yield Time to maturity (years) 5 years ago 2 years ago Today 1 9.1% 14.6% 9.3% 3 9.2 12.8 9.8 5 9.3 12.2 10.9 10 9.5 10.9 12.6 15 9.4 10.7 12.7 20 9.3 10.5 12.9 30 9.4 10.5 13.5 a. On the same set of axes, draw the yield curve at each of the three given times. b. Label each curve in part a with its general shape (downward-sloping, upward-sloping, flat). c. Describe the general inflationary and interest rate expectation existing at each of the three times. LG1 6–8 Risk-free rate and risk premiums The real rate of interest is currently 3%; the inflation expectation and risk premiums for a number of securities follow. Security Inflation expectation premium Risk premium A 6% 3% B 9 2 C 8 2 D 5 4 E 11 1 a. Find the risk-free rate of interest, RF , that is applicable to each security. b. Although not noted, what factor must be the cause of the differing risk-free rates found in part a? c. Find the nominal rate of interest for each security. LG1 6–9 Risk premiums Eleanor Burns is attempting to find the nominal rate of interest for each of two securities—A and B—issued by different firms at the same point in time. She has gathered the following data: CHAPTER 6 Interest Rates and Bond Valuation Characteristic Security A Security B Time to maturity 3 years 15 years Inflation expectation premium 9.0% 7.0% Liquidity risk 1.0% 1.0% Default risk 1.0% 2.0% 299 Risk premium for: Maturity risk 0.5% 1.5% Other risk 0.5% 1.5% a. If the real rate of interest is currently 2%, find the risk-free rate of interest applicable to each security. b. Find the total risk premium attributable to each security’s issuer and issue characteristics. c. Calculate the nominal rate of interest for each security. Compare and discuss your findings. LG2 6–10 Bond interest payments before and after taxes Charter Corp. has issued 2,500 debentures with a total principal value of $2,500,000. The bonds have a coupon interest rate of 7%. a. What dollar amount of interest per bond can an investor expect to receive each year from Charter Corp.? b. What is Charter’s total interest expense per year associated with this bond issue? c. Assuming that Charter is in a 35% corporate tax bracket, what is the company’s net after-tax interest cost associated with this bond issue? LG3 6–11 Bond quotation Assume that the following quote for the Financial Management Corporation’s $1,000-par-value bond was found in the Wednesday, November 8, issue of the Wall Street Journal. Fin Mgmt 8.75 05 8.7 558 100.25 0.63 Given this information, answer the following questions. a. On what day did the trading activity occur? b. At what price did the bond close at the end of the day on November 7? c. In what year does the bond mature? d. How many bonds were traded on the day quoted? e. What is the bond’s coupon interest rate? f. What is the bond’s current yield? Explain how this value was calculated. g. How much of a change, if any, in the bond’s closing price took place between the day quoted and the day before? At what price did the bond close on the day before? LG4 6–12 Valuation fundamentals Imagine that you are trying to evaluate the economics of purchasing an automobile. You expect the car to provide annual after-tax cash benefits of $1,200 at the end of each year, and assume that you can sell the car for after-tax proceeds of $5,000 at the end of the planned 5-year ownership period. All funds for purchasing the car will be drawn from your savings, which are currently earning 6% after taxes. 300 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts a. Identify the cash flows, their timing, and the required return applicable to valuing the car. b. What is the maximum price you would be willing to pay to acquire the car? Explain. LG4 6–13 Valuation of assets Using the information provided in the following table, find the value of each asset. Cash flow Asset End of year Amount Appropriate required return A 1 $ 5,000 18% 2 5,000 3 5,000 B 1 through ∞ $ 300 15% C 1 $ 0 16% D E 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 35,000 1 through 5 $ 1,500 6 8,500 1 $ 2,000 2 3,000 3 5,000 4 7,000 5 4,000 6 1,000 12% 14% LG4 6–14 Asset valuation and risk Laura Drake wishes to estimate the value of an asset expected to provide cash inflows of $3,000 per year at the end of years 1 through 4 and $15,000 at the end of year 5. Her research indicates that she must earn 10% on low-risk assets, 15% on average-risk assets, and 22% on high-risk assets. a. Determine what is the most Laura should pay for the asset if it is classified as (1) low-risk, (2) average-risk, and (3) high-risk. b. Say Laura is unable to assess the risk of the asset and wants to be certain she’s making a good deal. On the basis of your findings in part a, what is the most she should pay? Why? c. All else being the same, what effect does increasing risk have on the value of an asset? Explain in light of your findings in part a. LG5 6–15 Basic bond valuation Complex Systems has an outstanding issue of $1,000par-value bonds with a 12% coupon interest rate. The issue pays interest annually and has 16 years remaining to its maturity date. a. If bonds of similar risk are currently earning a 10% rate of return, how much should the Complex Systems bond sell for today? CHAPTER 6 Interest Rates and Bond Valuation 301 b. Describe the two possible reasons why similar-risk bonds are currently earning a return below the coupon interest rate on the Complex Systems bond. c. If the required return were at 12% instead of 10%, what would the current value of Complex Systems’ bond be? Contrast this finding with your findings in part a and discuss. LG5 6–16 Bond valuation—Annual interest Calculate the value of each of the bonds shown in the following table, all of which pay interest annually. Bond Par value Coupon interest rate Years to maturity Required return A $1,000 14% 20 12% B 1,000 8 16 8 C 100 10 8 13 D 500 16 13 18 E 1,000 12 10 10 LG5 6–17 Bond value and changing required returns Midland Utilities has outstanding a bond issue that will mature to its $1,000 par value in 12 years. The bond has a coupon interest rate of 11% and pays interest annually. a. Find the value of the bond if the required return is (1) 11%, (2) 15%, and (3) 8%. b. Plot your findings in part a on a set of “required return (x axis)–market value of bond (y axis)” axes. c. Use your findings in parts a and b to discuss the relationship between the coupon interest rate on a bond and the required return and the market value of the bond relative to its par value. d. What two possible reasons could cause the required return to differ from the coupon interest rate? LG5 6–18 Bond value and time—Constant required returns Pecos Manufacturing has just issued a 15-year, 12% coupon interest rate, $1,000-par bond that pays interest annually. The required return is currently 14%, and the company is certain it will remain at 14% until the bond matures in 15 years. a. Assuming that the required return does remain at 14% until maturity, find the value of the bond with (1) 15 years, (2) 12 years, (3) 9 years, (4) 6 years, (5) 3 years, and (6) 1 year to maturity. b. Plot your findings on a set of “time to maturity (x axis)–market value of bond (y axis)” axes constructed similarly to Figure 6.6. c. All else remaining the same, when the required return differs from the coupon interest rate and is assumed to be constant to maturity, what happens to the bond value as time moves toward maturity? Explain in light of the graph in part b. LG5 6–19 Bond value and time—Changing required returns Lynn Parsons is considering investing in either of two outstanding bonds. The bonds both have $1,000 par values and 11% coupon interest rates and pay annual interest. Bond A has exactly 5 years to maturity, and bond B has 15 years to maturity. 302 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts a. Calculate the value of bond A if the required return is (1) 8%, (2) 11%, and (3) 14%. b. Calculate the value of bond B if the required return is (1) 8%, (2) 11%, and (3) 14%. c. From your findings in parts a and b, complete the following table, and discuss the relationship between time to maturity and changing required returns. Required return Value of bond A Value of bond B ? ? 11 8% ? ? 14 ? ? d. If Lynn wanted to minimize interest rate risk, which bond should she purchase? Why? LG6 6–20 Yield to maturity The relationship between a bond’s yield to maturity and coupon interest rate can be used to predict its pricing level. For each of the bonds listed, state whether the price of the bond will be at a premium to par, at par, or at a discount to par. Bond Coupon interest rate Yield to maturity Price 10% A 6% B 8 8 C 9 7 D 7 9 E 12 10 LG6 6–21 Yield to maturity The Salem Company bond currently sells for $955, has a 12% coupon interest rate and a $1,000 par value, pays interest annually, and has 15 years to maturity. a. Calculate the yield to maturity (YTM) on this bond. b. Explain the relationship that exists between the coupon interest rate and yield to maturity and the par value and market value of a bond. LG6 6–22 Yield to maturity Each of the bonds shown in the following table pays interest annually. Bond Par value Coupon interest rate A $1,000 B 1,000 12 C 500 12 12 560 D 1,000 15 10 1,120 E 1,000 5 3 900 9% Years to maturity Current value 8 $ 820 16 1,000 CHAPTER 6 Interest Rates and Bond Valuation 303 a. Calculate the yield to maturity (YTM) for each bond. b. What relationship exists between the coupon interest rate and yield to maturity and the par value and market value of a bond? Explain. LG2 LG5 LG6 6–23 Bond valuation and yield to maturity Mark Goldsmith’s broker has shown him two bonds. Each has a maturity of 5 years, a par value of $1,000, and a yield to maturity of 12%. Bond A has a coupon interest rate of 6% paid annually. Bond B has a coupon interest rate of 14% paid annually. a. Calculate the selling price for each of the bonds. b. Mark has $20,000 to invest. Judging on the basis of the price of the bonds, how many of either one could Mark purchase if he were to choose it over the other? (Mark cannot really purchase a fraction of a bond, but for purposes of this question, pretend that he can.) c. Calculate the yearly interest income of each bond on the basis of its coupon rate and the number of bonds that Mark could buy with his $20,000. d. Assume that Mark will reinvest the interest payments as they are paid (at the end of each year) and that his rate of return on the reinvestment is only 10%. For each bond, calculate the value of the principal payment plus the value of Mark’s reinvestment account at the end of the 5 years. e. Why are the two values calculated in part d different? If Mark were worried that he would earn less than the 12% yield to maturity on the reinvested interest payments, which of these two bonds would be a better choice? LG6 6–24 Bond valuation—Semiannual interest Find the value of a bond maturing in 6 years, with a $1,000 par value and a coupon interest rate of 10% (5% paid semiannually) if the required return on similar-risk bonds is 14% annual interest (7% paid semiannually). LG6 6–25 Bond valuation—Semiannual interest Calculate the value of each of the bonds shown in the following table, all of which pay interest semiannually. LG6 6–26 Bond Par value Coupon interest rate Years to maturity A $1,000 10% 12 B 1,000 12 20 Required stated annual return 8% 12 C 500 12 5 14 D 1,000 14 10 10 E 100 6 4 14 Bond valuation—Quarterly interest Calculate the value of a $5,000-par-value bond paying quarterly interest at an annual coupon interest rate of 10% and having 10 years until maturity if the required return on similar-risk bonds is currently a 12% annual rate paid quarterly. 304 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts CHAPTER 6 CASE Evaluating Annie Hegg’s Proposed Investment in Atilier Industries Bonds A nnie Hegg has been considering investing in the bonds of Atilier Industries. The bonds were issued 5 years ago at their $1,000 par value and have exactly 25 years remaining until they mature. They have an 8% coupon interest rate, are convertible into 50 shares of common stock, and can be called any time at $1,080. The bond is rated Aa by Moody’s. Atilier Industries, a manufacturer of sporting goods, recently acquired a small athletic-wear company that was in financial distress. As a result of the acquisition, Moody’s and other rating agencies are considering a rating change for Atilier bonds. Recent economic data suggest that inflation, currently at 5% annually, is likely to increase to a 6% annual rate. Annie remains interested in the Atilier bond but is concerned about inflation, a potential rating change, and maturity risk. In order to get a feel for the potential impact of these factors on the bond value, she decided to apply the valuation techniques she learned in her finance course. Required a. If price of the the common stock into which the bond is convertible rises to $30 per share after 5 years and the issuer calls the bonds at $1,080, should Annie let the bond be called away from her or should she convert it into common stock? b. For each of the following required returns, calculate the bond’s value, assuming annual interest. Indicate whether the bond will sell at a discount, at a premium, or at par value. (1) Required return is 6%. (2) Required return is 8%. (3) Required return is 10%. c. Repeat the calculations in part b, assuming that interest is paid semiannually and that the semiannual required returns are one-half of those shown. Compare and discuss differences between the bond values for each required return calculated here and in part b under the annual versus semiannual payment assumptions. d. If Annie strongly believes that inflation will rise by 1% during the next 6 months, what is the most she should pay for the bond, assuming annual interest? e. If the Atilier bonds are downrated by Moody’s from Aa to A, and if such a rating change will result in an increase in the required return from 8% to 8.75%, what impact will this have on the bond value, assuming annual interest? f. If Annie buys the bond today at its $1,000 par value and holds it for exactly 3 years, at which time the required return is 7%, how much of a gain or loss will she experience in the value of the bond (ignoring interest already received and assuming annual interest)? g. Rework part f, assuming that Annie holds the bond for 10 years and sells it when the required return is 7%. Compare your finding to that in part f, and comment on the bond’s maturity risk. CHAPTER 6 Interest Rates and Bond Valuation 305 h. Assume that Annie buys the bond at its current closing price of 98.38 and holds it until maturity. What will her yield to maturity (YTM) be, assuming annual interest? i. After evaluating all of the issues raised above, what recommendation would you give Annie with regard to her proposed investment in the Atilier Industries bonds? WEB EXERCISE WW W Go to the Web site Click on Economy & Bonds. Then click on Bond Calculator, which is located down the page under the column Bond Tools. Read the instructions on how to use the bond calculator. Using the bond calculator: 1. Calculate the yield to maturity (YTM) for a bond whose coupon rate is 7.5% with maturity date of July 31, 2030, which you bought for 95. 2. What is the YTM of the above bond if you bought it for 105? For 100? 3. Change the yield % box to 8.5. What would be the price of this bond? 4. Change the yield % box to 9.5. What is this bond’s price? 5. Change the maturity date to 2006 and reset yield % to 6.5. What is the price of this bond? 6. Why is the price of the bond in Question 5 higher than the price of the bond in Question 4? 7. Explore the other bond-related resources at the site. Using Bond Market Update, comment on current interest rate levels and the yield curve. Remember to check the book’s Web site at for additional resources, including additional Web exercises. CHAPTER 7 STOCK VALUATION L E A R N I N G LG1 LG2 LG3 LG4 Differentiate between debt and equity capital. G O A L S LG5 Discuss the rights, characteristics, and features of both common and preferred stock. Describe the process of issuing common stock, including in your discussion venture capital, going public, the investment banker’s role, and stock quotations. LG6 Discuss the free cash flow valuation model and the use of book value, liquidation value, and price/earnings (P/E) multiples to estimate common stock values. Explain the relationships among financial decisions, return, risk, and the firm’s value. Understand the concept of market efficiency and basic common stock valuation under each of three cases: zero growth, constant growth, and variable growth. Across the Disciplines WHY THIS CHAPTER MATTERS TO YO U Accounting: You need to understand the difference between debt and equity in terms of tax treatment; the ownership claims of capital providers, including venture capitalists and stockholders; and why book value per share is not a sophisticated basis for common stock valuation. Information systems: You need to understand the procedures used to issue common stock; the sources and types of information that impact stock value; and how such information can be used in stock valuation models to link proposed actions to share price. Management: You need to understand the difference between debt and equity capital; the rights and claims of stockholders; the process of raising funds from venture capi- 306 talists and through initial public offerings; and how the market will use various stock valuation models to value the firm’s common stock. Marketing: You need to understand that the firm’s ideas for products and services will greatly affect the willingness of venture capitalists and stockholders to contribute capital to the firm and also that a perceived increase in risk as a result of new projects may negatively affect the firm’s stock value. Operations: You need to understand that the amount of capital the firm has to invest in plant assets and inventory will depend on the evaluations of venture capitalists and would-be investors; the better the prospects look for growth, the more money the firm will have for operations. OAKLEY OAKLEY SEES ITS WAY TO HIGHER VALUE eople who wanted to buy a pair of high-fashion Oakley sunglasses in fall 2001 were out of luck if they looked for them at Sunglass Hut. In August 2001, Oakley’s biggest distributor announced it would no longer carry the brand. The loss of about 25 percent of its sales revenue immediately sent Oakley’s share price down 33 percent to about $12 a share, less than half its 52-week high of $26.56. Interestingly, however, some analysts considered Oakley stock a good buy despite this significant loss of future earnings. They liked Oakley’s diversification strategy. Trading on the NYSE under the eyeglass-evoking symbol OO, Oakley is known for its innovative approach to eyewear design. Its products have international appeal to athletes—from skiers and surfers to golfers and motorcyclists—and to nonathletes who just like the brand’s trendy looks. To counter the loss of Sunglass Hut, Oakley added Foot Locker and Champs athletic apparel stores to its distribution channels. Expanded product lines include other high-performance athletic gear, such as apparel, footwear, accessories, and prescription eyewear. Company executives are also creative; CEO Jim Jannard conducted the firm’s annual meeting wearing an Oakley specialty product—the Medusa, a leather helmet with mirrored goggles and braided strands. Wall Street watchers hoped that Oakley’s iconoclastic style would take the company to new heights, even without Sunglass Hut. Using the price-earnings (P/E) multiple approach to estimate the firm’s share value, analysts calculated the share value would be $23.44 (analysts’ average estimated 2002 earnings of $0.80 a share times the recreational-products industry P/E of 29.3 on December 14, 2001). Said Eric Beder, an analyst at Ladenburg, Thallmann, “If Oakley can grow at 20 percent a year without Sunglass Hut, then this stock is worth double what it is now [August 2001] because this company is just touching the tip of the iceberg with its product lines.” The new products, retail outlets, and a 20 percent increase in international sales boosted Oakley’s third-quarter 2001 sales to record levels. In mid-December 2001, Oakley and Sunglass Hut signed a 3-year agreement to resume their business relationship. With the more optimistic earnings picture, by late March 2002 the stock valuation increased to $31.19 (analysts’ average estimated 2003 earnings of $0.97 a share multiplied by a P/E for the recreational products industry on March 27, 2002, of 32.15), which was considerably above the $17.90 level at which the stock had been trading. Stock valuation requires models that bring together cash flows (returns), timing, and the required return (risk). In this chapter we will examine the differences between debt and equity capital, describe the characteristics of common and preferred stock, and use several different valuation models to determine the value of common stock. P 307 308 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts LG1 7.1 Differences Between Debt and Equity Capital capital The long-term funds of a firm; all items on the right-hand side of the firm’s balance sheet, excluding current liabilities. debt capital All long-term borrowing incurred by a firm, including bonds. equity capital The long-term funds provided by the firm’s owners, the stockholders. The term capital denotes the long-term funds of a firm. All items on the righthand side of the firm’s balance sheet, excluding current liabilities, are sources of capital. Debt capital includes all long-term borrowing incurred by a firm, including bonds, which were discussed in Chapter 6. Equity capital consists of longterm funds provided by the firm’s owners, the stockholders. A firm can obtain equity capital either internally, by retaining earnings rather than paying them out as dividends to its stockholders, or externally, by selling common or preferred stock. The key differences between debt and equity capital are summarized in Table 7.1 and discussed below. Voice in Management Unlike creditors (lenders), holders of equity capital (common and preferred stockholders) are owners of the firm. Holders of common stock have voting rights that permit them to select the firm’s directors and to vote on special issues. In contrast, debtholders and preferred stockholders may receive voting privileges only when the firm has violated its stated contractual obligations to them. Claims on Income and Assets Holders of equity have claims on both income and assets that are secondary to the claims of creditors. Their claims on income cannot be paid until the claims of all creditors (including both interest and scheduled principal payments) have been satisfied. After satisfying these claims, the firm’s board of directors decides whether to distribute dividends to the owners. The equity holders’ claims on assets also are secondary to the claims of creditors. If the firm fails, its assets are sold, and the proceeds are distributed in this order: employees and customers, the government, creditors, and (finally) equity holders. Because equity holders are the last to receive any distribution of assets, they expect greater returns from dividends and/or increases in stock price. TABLE 7.1 Key Differences Between Debt and Equity Capital Type of capital Characteristic Debt Equity Voice in management a No Claims on income and assets Senior to equity Subordinate to debt Maturity Stated None Tax treatment Interest deduction No deduction aIn Yes the event that the issuer violates its stated contractual obligations to them, debtholders and preferred stockholders may receive a voice in management; otherwise, only common stockholders have voting rights. CHAPTER 7 Stock Valuation 309 As is explained in Chapter 11, the costs of equity financing are generally higher than debt costs. One reason is that the suppliers of equity capital take more risk because of their subordinate claims on income and assets. Despite being more costly, equity capital is necessary for a firm to grow. All corporations must initially be financed with some common stock equity. Maturity Unlike debt, equity capital is a permanent form of financing for the firm. It does not “mature” so repayment is not required. Because equity is liquidated only during bankruptcy proceedings, stockholders must recognize that although a ready market may exist for their shares, the price that can be realized may fluctuate. This fluctuation of the market price of equity makes the overall returns to a firm’s stockholders even more risky. Tax Treatment Interest payments to debtholders are treated as tax-deductible expenses by the issuing firm, whereas dividend payments to a firm’s common and preferred stockholders are not tax-deductible. The tax deductibility of interest lowers the cost of debt financing, further causing it to be lower than the cost of equity financing. Review Question 7–1 LG2 LG3 What are the key differences between debt capital and equity capital? 7.2 Common and Preferred Stock A firm can obtain equity, or ownership, capital by selling either common or preferred stock. All corporations initially issue common stock to raise equity capital. Some of these firms later issue either additional common stock or preferred stock to raise more equity capital. Although both common and preferred stock are forms of equity capital, preferred stock has some similarities to debt capital that significantly differentiate it from common stock. Here we first consider the key features and behaviors of both common and preferred stock and then describe the process of issuing common stock, including the use of venture capital. Common Stock The true owners of business firms are the common stockholders. Common stockholders are sometimes referred to as residual owners because they receive what is left—the residual—after all other claims on the firm’s income and assets have been satisfied. They are assured of only one thing: that they cannot lose any more than they have invested in the firm. As a result of this generally uncertain position, common stockholders expect to be compensated with adequate dividends and, ultimately, capital gains. 310 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts Ownership privately owned (stock) All common stock of a firm owned by a single individual. closely owned (stock) All common stock of a firm owned by a small group of investors (such as a family). publicly owned (stock) Common stock of a firm owned by a broad group of unrelated individual or institutional investors. par value (stock) A relatively useless value for a stock established for legal purposes in the firm’s corporate charter. preemptive right Allows common stockholders to maintain their proportionate ownership in the corporation when new shares are issued. dilution of ownership Occurs when a new stock issue results in each present shareholder having a claim on a smaller part of the firm’s earnings than previously. rights Financial instruments that permit stockholders to purchase additional shares at a price below the market price, in direct proportion to their number of owned shares. authorized shares The number of shares of common stock that a firm’s corporate charter allows it to issue. outstanding shares The number of shares of common stock held by the public. treasury stock The number of shares of outstanding stock that have been repurchased by the firm. issued shares The number of shares of common stock that have been put into circulation; the sum of outstanding shares and treasury stock. The common stock of a firm can be privately owned by a single individual, closely owned by a small group of investors (such as a family), or publicly owned by a broad group of unrelated individual or institutional investors. Typically, small corporations are privately or closely owned; if their shares are traded, this occurs infrequently and in small amounts. Large corporations, which are emphasized in the following discussions, are publicly owned, and their shares are generally actively traded on the major securities exchanges described in Chapter 1. Par Value Unlike bonds, which always have a par value, common stock may be sold with or without a par value. The par value of a common stock is a relatively useless value established for legal purposes in the firm’s corporate charter. It is generally quite low, about $1. Firms often issue stock with no par value, in which case they may assign the stock a value or record it on the books at the price at which it is sold. A low par value may be advantageous in states where certain corporate taxes are based on the par value of stock; if a stock has no par value, the tax may be based on an arbitrarily determined per-share figure. Preemptive Rights The preemptive right allows common stockholders to maintain their proportionate ownership in the corporation when new shares are issued. It allows existing shareholders to maintain voting control and protects them against the dilution of their ownership. Dilution of ownership usually results in the dilution of earnings, because each present shareholder has a claim on a smaller part of the firm’s earnings than previously. In a rights offering, the firm grants rights to its shareholders. These financial instruments permit stockholders to purchase additional shares at a price below the market price, in direct proportion to their number of owned shares. Rights are used primarily by smaller corporations whose shares are either closely owned or publicly owned and not actively traded. In these situations, rights are an important financing tool without which shareholders would run the risk of losing their proportionate control of the corporation. From the firm’s viewpoint, the use of rights offerings to raise new equity capital may be less costly and may generate more interest than a public offering of stock. Authorized, Outstanding, and Issued Shares A firm’s corporate charter indicates how many authorized shares it can issue. The firm cannot sell more shares than the charter authorizes without obtaining approval through a shareholder vote. To avoid later having to amend the charter, firms generally attempt to authorize more shares than they initially plan to issue. Authorized shares become outstanding shares when they are held by the public. If the firm repurchases any of its outstanding shares, these shares are recorded as treasury stock and are no longer considered to be outstanding shares. Issued shares are the shares of common stock that have been put into circulation; they represent the sum of outstanding shares and treasury stock. CHAPTER 7 EXAMPLE Stock Valuation 311 Golden Enterprises, a producer of medical pumps, has the following stockholders’ equity account on December 31: Stockholders’ Equity Common stock—$0.80 par value: Authorized 35,000,000 shares; issued 15,000,000 shares Paid-in capital in excess of par $ 12,000,000 63,000,000 Retained earnings 3 1 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 $106,000,000 Less: Cost of treasury stock (1,000,000 shares) Total stockholders’ equity 4,000,000 $ 1 0 2 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 How many shares of additional common stock can Golden sell without gaining approval from its shareholders? The firm has 35 million authorized shares, 15 million issued shares, and 1 million shares of treasury stock. Thus 14 million shares are outstanding (15 million issued shares 1 million shares of treasury stock), and Golden can issue 21 million additional shares (35 million authorized shares 14 million outstanding shares) without seeking shareholder approval. This total includes the treasury shares currently held, which the firm can reissue to the public without obtaining shareholder approval. Voting Rights supervoting shares Stock that carries with it multiple votes per share rather than the single vote per share typically given on regular shares of common stock. nonvoting common stock Common stock that carries no voting rights; issued when the firm wishes to raise capital through the sale of common stock but does not want to give up its voting control. proxy statement A statement giving the votes of a stockholder to another party. Generally, each share of common stock entitles its holder to one vote in the election of directors and on special issues. Votes are generally assignable and may be cast at the annual stockholders’ meeting. In recent years, many firms have issued two or more classes of common stock; they differ mainly in having unequal voting rights. A firm can use different classes of stock as a defense against a hostile takeover in which an outside group, without management support, tries to gain voting control of the firm by buying its shares in the marketplace. Supervoting shares of stock give each owner multiple votes. When supervoting shares are issued to “insiders,” an outside group, whose shares have only one vote each typically cannot obtain enough votes to gain control of the firm. At other times, a class of nonvoting common stock is issued when the firm wishes to raise capital through the sale of common stock but does not want to give up its voting control. When different classes of common stock are issued on the basis of unequal voting rights, class A common is typically—but not universally—designated as nonvoting, and class B common has voting rights. Generally, higher classes of shares (class A, for example) are given preference in the distribution of earnings (dividends) and assets; lower-class shares, in exchange, receive voting rights. Treasury stock, which is held within the corporation, generally does not have voting rights, does not earn dividends, and does not have a claim on assets in liquidation. Because most small stockholders do not attend the annual meeting to vote, they may sign a proxy statement giving their votes to another party. The solicitation of 312 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts proxy battle The attempt by a nonmanagement group to gain control of the management of a firm by soliciting a sufficient number of proxy votes. proxies from shareholders is closely controlled by the Securities and Exchange Commission to ensure that proxies are not being solicited on the basis of false or misleading information. Existing management generally receives the stockholders’ proxies, because it is able to solicit them at company expense. Occasionally, when the firm is widely owned, outsiders may wage a proxy battle to unseat the existing management and gain control. To win a corporate election, votes from a majority of the shares voted are required. However, the odds of a nonmanagement group winning a proxy battle are generally slim. Dividends The payment of dividends to the firm’s shareholders is at the discretion of the corporation’s board of directors. Most corporations pay dividends quarterly. Dividends may be paid in cash, stock, or merchandise. Cash dividends are the most common, merchandise dividends the least. Common stockholders are not promised a dividend, but they come to expect certain payments on the basis of the historical dividend pattern of the firm. Before dividends are paid to common stockholders, the claims of the government, all creditors, and preferred stockholders must be satisfied. Because of the importance of the dividend decision to the growth and valuation of the firm, dividends are discussed in greater detail in Chapter 13. International Stock Issues American depositary receipts (ADRs) Claims issued by U.S. banks representing ownership of shares of a foreign company’s stock held on deposit by the U.S. bank in the foreign market and issued in dollars to U.S. investors. Although the international market for common stock is not so large as the international market for bonds, cross-border issuance and trading of common stock have increased dramatically in the past 20 years. Some corporations issue stock in foreign markets. For example, the stock of General Electric trades in Frankfurt, London, Paris, and Tokyo; the stocks of AOL Time Warner and Microsoft trade in Frankfurt; and the stock of McDonald’s trades in Frankfurt and Paris. The London, Frankfurt, and Tokyo markets are the most popular. Issuing stock internationally broadens the ownership base and also helps a company to integrate itself into the local business scene. A listing on a foreign stock exchange both increases local business press coverage and serves as effective corporate advertising. Having locally traded stock can also facilitate corporate acquisitions, because shares can be used as an acceptable method of payment. Foreign corporations have also discovered the benefits of trading their stock in the United States. The disclosure and reporting requirements mandated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission have historically discouraged all but the largest foreign firms from directly listing their shares on the New York Stock Exchange or the American Stock Exchange. For example, in 1993, Daimler-Benz (now Daimler Chrysler) became the first large German company to be listed on the NYSE. Alternatively, most foreign companies tap the U.S. market through American depositary receipts (ADRs). These are claims issued by U.S. banks representing ownership of shares of a foreign company’s stock held on deposit by the U.S. bank in the foreign market. Because ADRs are issued, in dollars, by a U.S. bank to U.S. investors, they are subject to U.S. securities laws. Yet they still give investors the opportunity to diversify their portfolios internationally. CHAPTER 7 Stock Valuation 313 Preferred Stock par-value preferred stock Preferred stock with a stated face value that is used with the specified dividend percentage to determine the annual dollar dividend. no-par preferred stock Preferred stock with no stated face value but with a stated annual dollar dividend. Preferred stock gives its holders certain privileges that make them senior to common stockholders. Preferred stockholders are promised a fixed periodic dividend, which is stated either as a percentage or as a dollar amount. How the dividend is specified depends on whether the preferred stock has a par value, which, as in common stock, is a relatively useless stated value established for legal purposes. Par-value preferred stock has a stated face value, and its annual dividend is specified as a percentage of this value. No-par preferred stock has no stated face value, but its annual dividend is stated in dollars. Preferred stock is most often issued by public utilities, by acquiring firms in merger transactions, and by firms that are experiencing losses and need additional financing. Basic Rights of Preferred Stockholders The basic rights of preferred stockholders are somewhat more favorable than the rights of common stockholders. Preferred stock is often considered quasi-debt because, much like interest on debt, it specifies a fixed periodic payment (dividend). Of course, as ownership, preferred stock is unlike debt in that it has no maturity date. Because they have a fixed claim on the firm’s income that takes precedence over the claim of common stockholders, preferred stockholders are exposed to less risk. They are consequently not normally given a voting right. Preferred stockholders have preference over common stockholders in the distribution of earnings. If the stated preferred stock dividend is “passed” (not paid) by the board of directors, the payment of dividends to common stockholders is prohibited. It is this preference in dividend distribution that makes common stockholders the true risk takers. Preferred stockholders are also usually given preference over common stockholders in the liquidation of assets in a legally bankrupt firm, although they must “stand in line” behind creditors. The amount of the claim of preferred stockholders in liquidation is normally equal to the par or stated value of the preferred stock. Features of Preferred Stock A number of features are generally included as part of a preferred stock issue. These features, along with the stock’s par value, the amount of dividend payments, the dividend payment dates, and any restrictive covenants, are specified in an agreement similar to a bond indenture. cumulative preferred stock Preferred stock for which all passed (unpaid) dividends in arrears, along with the current dividend, must be paid before dividends can be paid to common stockholders. Restrictive Covenants The restrictive covenants in a preferred stock issue are aimed at ensuring the firm’s continued existence and regular payment of the dividend. These covenants include provisions about passing dividends, the sale of senior securities, mergers, sales of assets, minimum liquidity requirements, and repurchases of common stock. The violation of preferred stock covenants usually permits preferred stockholders either to obtain representation on the firm’s board of directors or to force the retirement of their stock at or above its par or stated value. Cumulation Most preferred stock is cumulative with respect to any dividends passed. That is, all dividends in arrears, along with the current dividend, 314 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts noncumulative preferred stock Preferred stock for which passed (unpaid) dividends do not accumulate. conversion feature (preferred stock) A feature of convertible preferred stock that allows holders to change each share into a stated number of shares of common stock. must be paid before dividends can be paid to common stockholders. If preferred stock is noncumulative, passed (unpaid) dividends do not accumulate. In this case, only the current dividend must be paid before dividends can be paid to common stockholders. Because the common stockholders can receive dividends only after the dividend claims of preferred stockholders have been satisfied, it is in the firm’s best interest to pay preferred dividends when they are due.1 Other Features Preferred stock is generally callable—the issuer can retire outstanding stock within a certain period of time at a specified price. The call option generally cannot be exercised until a specified date. The call price is normally set above the initial issuance price, but it may decrease as time passes. Making preferred stock callable provides the issuer with a way to bring the fixed-payment commitment of the preferred issue to an end if conditions in the financial markets make it desirable to do so. Preferred stock quite often contains a conversion feature that allows holders of convertible preferred stock to change each share into a stated number of shares of common stock. Sometimes the number of shares of common stock that the preferred stock can be exchanged for changes according to a prespecified formula. Issuing Common Stock venture capital Privately raised external equity capital used to fund early-stage firms with attractive growth prospects. venture capitalists (VCs) Providers of venture capital; typically, formal businesses that maintain strong oversight over the firms they invest in and that have clearly defined exit strategies. Because of the high risk associated with a business startup, a firm’s initial financing typically comes from its founders in the form of a common stock investment. Until the founders have made an equity investment, it is highly unlikely that others will contribute either equity or debt capital. Early-stage investors in the firm’s equity, as well as lenders who provide debt capital, want to be assured that they are taking no more risk than the founding owner(s). In addition, they want confirmation that the founders are confident enough in their vision for the firm that they are willing to risk their own money. The initial nonfounder financing for business startups with attractive growth prospects comes from private equity investors. Then, as the firm establishes the viability of its product or service offering and begins to generate revenues, cash flow, and profits, it will often “go public” by issuing shares of common stock to a much broader group of investors. Before we consider the initial public sales of equity, let’s review some of the key aspects of early-stage equity financing in firms that have attractive growth prospects. Venture Capital The initial external equity financing privately raised by firms, typically earlystage firms with attractive growth prospects, is called venture capital. Those who provide venture capital are known as venture capitalists (VCs). They typically are 1. Most preferred stock is cumulative, because it is difficult to sell noncumulative stock. Common stockholders obviously prefer issuance of noncumulative preferred stock, because it does not place them in quite so risky a position. But it is often in the best interest of the firm to sell cumulative preferred stock because of its lower cost. Most preferred stock has a fixed dividend, but some firms issue adjustable-rate (floating-rate) preferred stock (ARPS) whose dividend rate is tied to interest rates on specific government securities. Rate adjustments are commonly made quarterly. ARPS offers investors protection against sharp rises in interest rates, which means that the issue can be sold at an initially lower dividend rate. CHAPTER 7 angel capitalists (angels) Wealthy individual investors who do not operate as a business but invest in promising earlystage companies in exchange for a portion of the firm’s equity. Stock Valuation 315 formal business entities that maintain strong oversight over the firms they invest in and that have clearly defined exit strategies. Less visible early-stage investors called angel capitalists (or angels) tend to be investors who do not actually operate as a business; they are often wealthy individual investors who are willing to invest in promising early-stage companies in exchange for a portion of the firm’s equity. Although angels play a major role in early-stage equity financing, we will focus on VCs because of their more formal structure and greater public visibility. Organization and Investment Stages Institutional venture capital investors tend to be organized in one of four basic ways, as described in Table 7.2. The VC limited partnership is by far the dominant structure. These funds have as their sole objective to earn high returns, rather than to obtain access to the companies in order to sell or buy other products or services. VCs can invest in early-stage companies, later-stage companies, or buyouts and acquisitions. Generally, about 40 to 50 percent of VC investments are devoted to early-stage companies (for startup funding and expansion) and a similar percentage to later-stage companies (for marketing, production expansion, and preparation for public offering); the remaining 5 to 10 percent are devoted to the buyout or acquisition of other companies. Generally, VCs look for compound rates of return ranging from 20 to 50 percent or more, depending on both the development stage and the attributes of each company. Earlier-stage investments tend to demand higher returns than later-stage financing because of the higher risk associated with the earlier stages of a firm’s growth. Deal Structure and Pricing Regardless of the development stage, venture capital investments are made under a legal contract that clearly allocates responsibilities and ownership interests between existing owners (founders) and the VC fund or limited partnership. The terms of the agreement will depend on numerous TABLE 7.2 Organization of Institutional Venture Capital Investors Organization Description Small business investment companies (SBICs) Corporations chartered by the federal government that can borrow at attractive rates from the U.S. Treasury and use the funds to make venture capital investments in private companies. Financial VC funds Subsidiaries of financial institutions, particularly banks, set up to help young firms grow and, it is hoped, become major customers of the institution. Corporate VC funds Firms, sometimes subsidiaries, established by nonfinancial firms, typically to gain access to new technologies that the corporation can access to further its own growth. VC limited partnerships Limited partnerships organized by professional VC firms, who serve as the general partner and organize, invest, and manage the partnership using the limited partners’ funds; the professional VCs ultimately liquidate the partnership and distribute the proceeds to all partners. 316 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts factors related to the founders; the business structure, stage of development, and outlook; and other market and timing issues. The specific financial terms will, of course, depend on the value of the enterprise, the amount of funding, and the perceived risk. To control the VC’s risk, various covenants are included in the agreement, and the actual funding may be pegged to the achievement of measurable milestones. The VC will negotiate numerous other provisions into the contract, both to ensure the firm’s success and to control its risk exposure. The contract will have an explicit exit strategy for the VC that may be tied both to measurable milestones and to time. The amount of equity to which the VC is entitled will, of course, depend on the value of the firm, the terms of the contract, the exit terms, and the minimum compound rate of return required by the VC on its investment. Although each VC investment is unique and no standard contract exists, the transaction will be structured to provide the VC with a high rate of return that is consistent with the typically high risk of such transactions. The exit strategy of most VC investments is to take the firm public through an initial public offering. Going Public initial public offering (IPO) The first public sale of a firm’s stock. prospectus A portion of a security registration statement that describes the key aspects of the issue, the issuer, and its management and financial position. red herring A preliminary prospectus made available to prospective investors during the waiting period between the registration statement’s filing with the SEC and its approval. When a firm wishes to sell its stock in the primary market, it has three alternatives. It can make (1) a public offering, in which it offers its shares for sale to the general public; (2) a rights offering, in which new shares are sold to existing stockholders; or (3) a private placement, in which the firm sells new securities directly to an investor or group of investors. Here we focus on public offerings, particularly the initial public offering (IPO), which is the first public sale of a firm’s stock. IPOs are typically made by small, rapidly growing companies that either require additional capital to continue expanding or have met a milestone for going public that was established in a contract signed earlier in order to obtain VC funding. To go public, the firm must first obtain the approval of its current shareholders, the investors who own its privately issued stock. Next, the company’s auditors and lawyers must certify that all documents for the company are legitimate. The company then finds an investment bank willing to underwrite the offering. This underwriter is responsible for promoting the stock and facilitating the sale of the company’s IPO shares. The underwriter often brings in other investment banking firms as participants. We’ll discuss the role of the investment banker in more detail in the next section. The company files a registration statement with the SEC. One portion of the registration statement is called the prospectus. It describes the key aspects of the issue, the issuer, and its management and financial position. During the waiting period between the statement’s filing and its approval, prospective investors can receive a preliminary prospectus. This preliminary version is called a red herring, because a notice printed in red on the front cover indicates the tentative nature of the offer. The cover of the preliminary prospectus describing the 2002 stock issue of Ribapharm, Inc. is shown in Figure 7.1. Note the red herring printed vertically on its left edge. After the SEC approves the registration statement, the investment community can begin analyzing the company’s prospects. However, from the time it files until at least one month after the IPO is complete, the company must observe a quiet period, during which there are restrictions on what company officials may say CHAPTER 7 FIGURE 7.1 Stock Valuation 317 Cover of a Preliminary Prospectus for a Stock Issue Some of the key factors related to the 2002 common stock issue by Ribapharm, Inc. are summarized on the cover of the prospectus. The type printed vertically on the left edge is normally red, which explains its name “red herring.” (Source: Ribapharm, Inc., March 21, 2002, p. 1.) about the company. The purpose of the quiet period is to make sure that all potential investors have access to the same information about the company—the information presented in the preliminary prospectus—and not to any unpublished data that might give them an unfair advantage. The investment bankers and company executives promote the company’s stock offering through a road show, a series of presentations to potential 318 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts FOCUS ON PRACTICE Investors Eat Up Weight Watchers Shares After a sluggish year for initial public offerings (IPOs) of common stock, companies rushed to tap the equity markets again during the last few months of 2001. Many investors feasted on 17.4 million shares of Weight Watchers International, which went public on November 14, just before the holiday eating season began. Investor appetite raised the offering price to $24 per share, up from the original range of $21 to $23 set by lead underwriters Credit Suisse First Boston and Goldman, Sachs & Co. Net proceeds from the IPO, after underwriting costs, were $417 million. The share price fattened throughout the day, closing up 19 percent at $28.50 on the first day. A month later, the shares were trading at the $32 level. “The company’s timing for doing this offering now is good,” said John LaRosa, research director of investment banker Financial intermediary that specializes in selling new security issues and advising firms with regard to major financial transactions. underwriting The role of the investment banker in bearing the risk of reselling, at a profit, the securities purchased from an issuing corporation at an agreed-on price. underwriting syndicate A group formed by an investment banker to share the financial risk associated with underwriting new securities. selling group A large number of brokerage firms that join the originating investment banker(s); each accepts responsibility for selling a certain portion of a new security issue on a commission basis. Marketdata Enterprises Inc., a research firm that focuses on health care industries. “Their name is well known and their earnings have been strong.” Other reasons for the popularity of the Weight Watchers’ IPO included its global presence and strong retail sales. Its long history of profitability, its easily understood business plan, and its familiar product made it stand out from the crowd of Internet and other technology IPOs. Was Weight Watchers a good investment at $32 a share? Only time will tell. Some analysts thought the stock was overpriced. Although the company’s $1.5 billion in retail sales is attractive, franchisees and licensees such as Heinz retain most of the profits on food sales. The company also gained over $481 million in debt when Artal Luxembourg S.A., a private European investment com- In Practice pany, bought Weight Watchers from H. J. Heinz in 1999. The debt burden that Weight Watchers carries exceeds its assets, resulting in a negative net worth of almost $200 million. Unlike most IPOs in which the company retains the proceeds, Artal—the selling shareholders—kept the proceeds rather than reducing the Weight Watchers debt. The company was also trading at a high price/earnings multiple, about 40 times. Sources: Adapted from Robert Barker, “Weight Watchers: A Little Debt Heavy?” Business Week (December 10, 2001), p. 100; Alan Clendenning, “Weight Watchers Shares Surge,” AP Online (November 15, 2001), downloaded from www.findarticles. com; Elena Molinari, “IPO Market Ends Sluggish Year with a Boom,” Reuters Business Report (December 9, 2001), downloaded from eLibrary,; and Tania Padgett, “Weight Watchers New Plan Offers IPO,” Newsday (November 13, 2001), p. A71, downloaded from eLibrary, investors around the country and sometimes overseas. In addition to providing investors with information about the new issue, road show sessions help the investment bankers gauge the demand for the offering and set an expected pricing range. After the underwriter sets terms and prices the issue, the SEC must approve the offering. The Investment Banker’s Role Most public offerings are made with the assistance of an investment banker. The investment banker is a financial intermediary (such as Salomon Brothers or Goldman, Sachs) that specializes in selling new security issues and advising firms with regard to major financial transactions. The main activity of the investment banker is underwriting. This process involves purchasing the security issue from the issuing corporation at an agreed-on price and bearing the risk of reselling it to the public at a profit. The investment banker also provides the issuer with advice about pricing and other important aspects of the issue. In the case of very large security issues, the investment banker brings in other bankers as partners to form an underwriting syndicate. The syndicate shares the financial risk associated with buying the entire issue from the issuer and reselling the new securities to the public. The originating investment banker and the syndicate members put together a selling group, normally made up of themselves and a CHAPTER 7 Stock Valuation 319 FIGURE 7.2 The Selling Process for a Large Security Issue The investment banker hired by the issuing corporation may form an underwriting syndicate. The underwriting syndicate buys the entire security issue from the issuing corporation at an agreedon price. The underwriter then has the opportunity (and bears the risk) of reselling the issue to the public at a profit. Both the originating investment banker and the other syndicate members put together a selling group to sell the issue on a commission basis to investors. Issuing Corporation Underwriting Syndicate Investment Banker Investment Banker Originating Investment Banker Investment Banker Investment Banker Selling Group Purchasers of Securities large number of brokerage firms. Each member of the selling group accepts the responsibility for selling a certain portion of the issue and is paid a commission on the securities it sells. The selling process for a large security issue is depicted in Figure 7.2. Compensation for underwriting and selling services typically comes in the form of a discount on the sale price of the securities. For example, an investment banker may pay the issuing firm $24 per share for stock that will be sold for $26 per share. The investment banker may then sell the shares to members of the selling group for $25.25 per share. In this case, the original investment banker earns $1.25 per share ($25.25 sale price $24 purchase price). The members of the selling group earn 75 cents for each share they sell ($26 sale price $25.25 purchase price). Although some primary security offerings are directly placed by the issuer, the majority of new issues are sold through public offering via the mechanism just described. Interpreting Stock Quotations The financial manager needs to stay abreast of the market values of the firm’s outstanding stock, whether it is traded on an organized exchange, over the counter, or in international markets. Similarly, existing and prospective stockholders need to monitor the prices of the securities they own because these prices represent the current value of their investments. Price quotations, which include current price data along with statistics on recent price behavior, are readily available for actively traded stocks. The most up-to-date “quotes” can be obtained electronically, via a personal computer. Price information is available from stockbrokers and is widely published in news media. Popular sources of daily security price 320 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts Hint Preferred stock quotations are listed separately and include only four data items: dividend, dividend yield, closing price, and change in closing price from the previous day. quotations include financial newspapers, such as the Wall Street Journal and Investor’s Business Daily, and the business sections of daily general newspapers. Figure 7.3 includes an excerpt from the NYSE quotations, reported in the Wall Street Journal of March 18, 2002, for transactions through the close of trading on Friday, March 15, 2002. We’ll look at the quotations for common stock for McDonalds, highlighted in the figure. The quotations show that stock prices are quoted in dollars and cents. The first column gives the percent change in the stock’s closing price for the calendar year to date. You can see that McDonalds’ price has increased 8.5 percent (8.5) since the start of 2002. The next two columns, labeled “HI” and “LO,” show the highest and lowest prices at which the stock sold during the preceding 52 weeks. McDonalds common stock, for example, traded between $24.75 and $31.00 during the 52-week period that ended March 15, 2002. Listed to the right of the company’s name is its stock symbol; McDonalds goes by “MCD.” The figure listed right after the stock symbol under “DIV” is the annual cash dividend paid on each share of stock. The dividend for McDonalds was $0.23 per share. The next item, labeled “YLD%,” is the dividend yield, which is found by dividing the stated dividend by the last share price. The dividend yield for McDonalds is 0.8 percent (0.23 28.72 0.0080 0.8%). FIGURE 7.3 Stock Quotations Selected stock quotations for March 15, 2002 YTD 52 WEEKS LO % CHG HI STOCK (SYM) YLD VOL DIV % PE 100S LAST NET CHG McDonalds Source: Wall Street Journal, March 18, 2002, p. C4. CHAPTER 7 Stock Valuation 321 The price/earnings (P/E) ratio, labeled “PE,” is next. It is calculated by dividing the closing market price by the firm’s most recent annual earnings per share (EPS). The price/earnings (P/E) ratio, as noted in Chapter 2, measures the amount investors are willing to pay for each dollar of the firm’s earnings. McDonalds’ P/E ratio was 23—the stock was trading at 23 times it earnings. The P/E ratio is believed to reflect investor expectations concerning the firm’s future prospects: Higher P/E ratios reflect investor optimism and confidence; lower P/E ratios reflect investor pessimism and concern. The daily volume, labeled “VOL 100s,” follows the P/E ratio. Here the day’s sales are quoted in lots of 100 shares. The value 59195 for McDonalds indicates that 5,919,500 shares of its common stock were traded on March 15, 2002. The next column, labeled “LAST,” contains the last price at which the stock sold on the given day. The value for McDonalds was $28.72. The final column, “NET CHG,” indicates the change in the closing price from that on the prior trading day. McDonalds closed up $0.57 from March 14, 2002, which means the closing price on that day was $28.15. Similar quotations systems are used for stocks that trade on other exchanges such as the American Stock Exchange (AMEX) and for the over-the-counter (OTC) exchange’s Nasdaq National Market Issues. Also note that when a stock (or bond) issue is not traded on a given day, it generally is not quoted in the financial and business press. Review Questions 7–2 What risks do common stockholders take that other suppliers of longterm capital do not? 7–3 How does a rights offering protect a firm’s stockholders against the dilution of ownership? 7–4 Explain the relationships among authorized shares, outstanding shares, treasury stock, and issued shares. 7–5 What are the advantages to both U.S.-based and foreign corporations of issuing stock outside their home markets? What are American depositary receipts (ADRs)? 7–6 What claims do preferred stockholders have with respect to distribution of earnings (dividends) and assets? 7–7 Explain the cumulative feature of preferred stock. What is the purpose of a call feature in a preferred stock issue? 7–8 What is the difference between a venture capitalist (VC) and an angel capitalist (angel)? 7–9 Into what bodies are institutional VCs most commonly organized? How are their deals structured and priced? 7–10 What general procedures must a private firm go through in order to go public via an initial public offering (IPO)? 7–11 What role does an investment banker play in a public offering? Explain the sequence of events in the issuing of stock. 7–12 Describe the key items of information included in a stock quotation. What information does the stock’s price/earnings (P/E) ratio provide? 322 PART 2 LG4 Important Financial Concepts LG5 7.3 Common Stock Valuation Common stockholders expect to be rewarded through periodic cash dividends and an increasing—or at least nondeclining—share value. Like current owners, prospective owners and security analysts frequently estimate the firm’s value. Investors purchase the stock when they believe that it is undervalued—when its true value is greater than its market price. They sell the stock when they feel that it is overvalued—when its market price is greater than its true value. In this section, we will describe specific stock valuation techniques. First, though, we will look at the concept of an efficient market, which questions whether the prices of actively traded stocks can differ from their true values. Market Efficiency2 Economically rational buyers and sellers use their assessment of an asset’s risk and return to determine its value. To a buyer, the asset’s value represents the maximum price that he or she would pay to acquire it; a seller views the asset’s value as a minimum sale price. In competitive markets with many active participants, such as the New York Stock Exchange, the interactions of many buyers and sellers result in an equilibrium price—the market value—for each security. This price reflects the collective actions that buyers and sellers take on the basis of all available information. Buyers and sellers are assumed to digest new information immediately as it becomes available and, through their purchase and sale activities, to create a new market equilibrium price quickly. Hint Be sure to clarify in your own mind the difference between the required return and the expected return. Required return is what an investor has to have to invest in a specific asset, and expected return is the return an investor thinks she will get if the asset is purchased. expected return, kÌ‚ The return that is expected to be earned on a given asset each period over an infinite time horizon. Hint This relationship between the expected return and the required return can be seen in Equation 7.1, where a decrease in asset price will result in an increase in the expected return. Market Adjustment to New Information The process of market adjustment to new information can be viewed in terms of rates of return. From Chapter 5, we know that for a given level of risk, investors require a specified periodic return—the required return, k—which can be estimated by using beta and CAPM. At each point in time, investors estimate the expected return, kÌ‚—the return that is expected to be earned on a given asset each period over an infinite time horizon. The expected return can be estimated by using a simplified form of Equation 5.1: Expected benefit during each period kÌ‚ Current price of asset (7.1) Whenever investors find that the expected return is not equal to the required return (kÌ‚ k), a market price adjustment occurs. If the expected return is less than the required return (kÌ‚ k), investors sell the asset, because they do not expect it to earn a return commensurate with its risk. Such action drives the asset’s price down, which (assuming no change in expected benefits) causes its expected return to rise to the level of its required return. If the expected return were above the 2. A great deal of theoretical and empirical research has been performed in the area of market efficiency. For purposes of this discussion, generally accepted beliefs about market efficiency are described, rather than the technical aspects of the various forms of market efficiency and their theoretical implications. For a good discussion of the theory and evidence relative to market efficiency, see William L. Megginson, Corporate Finance Theory (Boston, MA: Addison Wesley, 1997), Chapter 3. CHAPTER 7 Stock Valuation 323 required return (kÌ‚ k), investors would buy the asset, driving its price up and its expected return down to the point where it equals the required return. EXAMPLE The common stock of Alton Industries (AI) is currently selling for $50 per share, and market participants expect it to generate benefits of $6.50 per share during each coming period. In addition, the risk-free rate, RF, is currently 7%; the market return, km, is 12%; and the stock’s beta, bAI, is 1.20. When these values are substituted into Equation 7.1, the firm’s current expected return, kÌ‚0, is $6.50 kÌ‚0 13% $50.00 When the appropriate values are substituted into the CAPM (Equation 5.8), the current required return, k0, is k0 7% [1.20 (12% 7%)] 7% 6% 13% Because kÌ‚0 k0, the market is currently in equilibrium, and the stock is fairly priced at $50 per share. Assume that a press release announces that a major product liability suit has been filed against Alton Industries. As a result, investors immediately adjust their risk assessment upward, raising the firm’s beta from 1.20 to 1.40. The new required return, k1, becomes k1 7% [1.40 (12% 7%)] 7% 7% 14% Because the expected return of 13% is now below the required return of 14%, many investors sell the stock—driving its price down to about $46.43—the price that will result in a 14% expected return, kÌ‚1. $6.50 kÌ‚1 14 % $46.43 The new price of $46.43 brings the market back into equilibrium, because the expected return now equals the required return. The Efficient-Market Hypothesis efficient-market hypothesis Theory describing the behavior of an assumed “perfect” market in which (1) securities are typically in equilibrium, (2) security prices fully reflect all public information available and react swiftly to new information, and, (3) because stocks are fairly priced, investors need not waste time looking for mispriced securities. As noted in Chapter 1, active markets such as the New York Stock Exchange are efficient—they are made up of many rational investors who react quickly and objectively to new information. The efficient-market hypothesis, which is the basic theory describing the behavior of such a “perfect” market, specifically states that 1. Securities are typically in equilibrium, which means that they are fairly priced and that their expected returns equal their required returns. 2. At any point in time, security prices fully reflect all public information available about the firm and its securities,3 and these prices react swiftly to new information. 3. Those market participants who have nonpublic—inside—information may have an unfair advantage that enables them to earn an excess return. Since the mid-1980s disclosure of the insider-trading activities of a number of wellknown financiers and investors, major national attention has been focused on the “problem” of insider trading and its resolution. Clearly, those who trade securities on the basis of inside information have an unfair and illegal advantage. Empirical research has confirmed that those with inside information do indeed have an opportunity to earn an excess return. Here we ignore this possibility, given its illegality and that given enhanced surveillance and enforcement by the securities industry and the government have in recent years (it appears) significantly reduced insider trading. We, in effect, assume that all relevant information is public and that therefore the market is efficient. 324 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts 3. Because stocks are fully and fairly priced, investors need not waste their time trying to find and capitalize on mispriced (undervalued or overvalued) securities. Not all market participants are believers in the efficient-market hypothesis. Some feel that it is worthwhile to search for undervalued or overvalued securities and to trade them to profit from market inefficiencies. Others argue that it is mere luck that would allow market participants to anticipate new information correctly and as a result earn excess returns—that is, actual returns greater than required returns. They believe it is unlikely that market participants can over the long run earn excess returns. Contrary to this belief, some well-known investors such as Warren Buffett and Peter Lynch have over the long run consistently earned excess returns on their portfolios. It is unclear whether their success is the result of their superior ability to anticipate new information or of some form of market inefficiency. Throughout this text we ignore the disbelievers and continue to assume market efficiency. This means that the terms “expected return” and “required return” are used interchangeably, because they should be equal in an efficient market. This also means that stock prices accurately reflect true value based on risk and return. In other words, we will operate under the assumption that the market price at any point in time is the best estimate of value. We’re now ready to look closely at the mechanics of stock valuation. The Basic Stock Valuation Equation Like the value of a bond, which we discussed in Chapter 6, the value of a share of common stock is equal to the present value of all future cash flows (dividends) that it is expected to provide over an infinite time horizon.4 Although a stockholder can earn capital gains by selling stock at a price above that originally paid, what is really sold is the right to all future dividends. What about stocks that are not expected to pay dividends in the foreseeable future? Such stocks have a value attributable to a distant dividend expected to result from sale of the company or liquidation of its assets. Therefore, from a valuation viewpoint, only dividends are relevant. By redefining terms, the basic valuation model in Equation 6.5 can be specified for common stock, as given in Equation 7.2: D∞ D1 D2 . . . P0 (1 ks )1 (1 ks )2 (1 ks )∞ (7.2) where P0 value of common stock Dt per-share dividend expected at the end of year t ks required return on common stock 4. The need to consider an infinite time horizon is not critical, because a sufficiently long period—say, 50 years— will result in about the same present value as an infinite period for moderate-sized required returns. For example, at 15%, a dollar to be received 50 years from now, PVIF15%,50yrs , is worth only about $0.001 today. CHAPTER 7 Stock Valuation 325 The equation can be simplified somewhat by redefining each year’s dividend, Dt, in terms of anticipated growth. We will consider three models here: zero-growth, constant-growth, and variable-growth. Zero-Growth Model zero-growth model An approach to dividend valuation that assumes a constant, nongrowing dividend stream. The simplest approach to dividend valuation, the zero-growth model, assumes a constant, nongrowing dividend stream. In terms of the notation already introduced, D1 D2 . . . D∞ When we let D1 represent the amount of the annual dividend, Equation 7.2 under zero growth reduces to P0 D1 ∞ 1 t D1 t1 (1 ks ) (PVIFAks ,∞) D1 D1 1 ks ks (7.3) The equation shows that with zero growth, the value of a share of stock would equal the present value of a perpetuity of D1 dollars discounted at a rate ks. (Perpetuities were introduced in Chapter 4; see Equation 4.19 and the related discussion.) EXAMPLE The dividend of Denham Company, an established textile producer, is expected to remain constant at $3 per share indefinitely. If the required return on its stock is 15%, the stock’s value is $20 ($3 0.15) per share. Preferred Stock Valuation Because preferred stock typically provides its holders with a fixed annual dividend over its assumed infinite life, Equation 7.3 can be used to find the value of preferred stock. The value of preferred stock can be estimated by substituting the stated dividend on the preferred stock for D1 and the required return for ks in Equation 7.3. For example, a preferred stock paying a $5 stated annual dividend and having a required return of 13 percent would have a value of $38.46 ($5 0.13) per share. Constant-Growth Model constant-growth model A widely cited dividend valuation approach that assumes that dividends will grow at a constant rate, but a rate that is less than the required return. The most widely cited dividend valuation approach, the constant-growth model, assumes that dividends will grow at a constant rate, but a rate that is less than the required return. (The assumption that the constant rate of growth, g, is less than the required return, ks, is a necessary mathematical condition for deriving this model.5) By letting D0 represent the most recent dividend, we can rewrite Equation 7.2 as follows: D0 (1 g)1 D0 (1 g)2 . . . D0 (1 g)∞ P0 1 (1 ks ) (1 ks )2 (1 ks )∞ (7.4) 5. Another assumption of the constant-growth model as presented is that earnings and dividends grow at the same rate. This assumption is true only in cases in which a firm pays out a fixed percentage of its earnings each year (has a fixed payout ratio). In the case of a declining industry, a negative growth rate ( g < 0%) might exist. In such a case, the constant-growth model, as well as the variable-growth model presented in the next section, remains fully applicable to the valuation process. 326 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts If we simplify Equation 7.4, it can be rewritten as6 Gordon model A common name for the constant-growth model that is widely cited in dividend valuation. EXAMPLE D1 P0 ks g (7.5) The constant-growth model in Equation 7.5 is commonly called the Gordon model. An example will show how it works. Lamar Company, a small cosmetics company, from 1998 through 2003 paid the following per-share dividends: Year Dividend per share 2003 $1.40 2002 1.29 2001 1.20 2000 1.12 1999 1.05 1998 1.00 We assume that the historical compound annual growth rate of dividends is an accurate estimate of the future constant annual rate of dividend growth, g. Using Appendix Table A–2 or a financial calculator, we find that the historical compound annual growth rate of Lamar Company dividends equals 7%.7 The com- 6. For the interested reader, the calculations necessary to derive Equation 7.5 from Equation 7.4 follow. The first step is to multiply each side of Equation 7.4 by (1 ks)/(1 g) and subtract Equation 7.4 from the resulting expression. This yields P0 (1 ks ) D0 (1 g)∞ P0 D0 1g (1 ks)∞ (1) Because ks is assumed to be greater than g, the second term on the right side of Equation 1 should be zero. Thus P0 1 ks 1 D 1g (2) 0 Equation 2 is simplified as follows: P0 (1 ks ) (1 g) D 1g (3) 0 P0 (ks g) D0 (1 g) D1 P0 ks g (4) (5) Equation 5 equals Equation 7.5. 7. The technique involves solving the following equation for g: D2003 D1998 Input 1.00 Function PV 1.40 FV 5 N CPT I Solution 6.96 (1 g)5 D1998 1 PVIFg,5 (1 g)5 D2003 To do so, we can use financial tables or a financial calculator. Two basic steps can be followed using the present value table. First, dividing the earliest dividend (D1998 $1.00) by the most recent dividend (D2003 $1.40) yields a factor for the present value of one dollar, PVIF, of 0.714 ($1.00 $1.40). Although six dividends are shown, they reflect only 5 years of growth. (The number of years of growth can also be found by subtracting the earliest year from the most recent year—that is, 2003 1998 5 years of growth.) By looking across the Appendix Table A–2 at the PVIF for 5 years, we find that the factor closest to 0.714 occurs at 7% (0.713). Therefore, the growth rate of the dividends, rounded to the nearest whole percent, is 7%. Alternatively, a financial calculator can be used. (Note: Most calculators require either the PV or FV value to be input as a negative number to calculate an unknown interest or growth rate. That approach is used here.) Using the inputs shown at the left, you should find the growth rate to be 6.96%, which we round to 7%. CHAPTER 7 Stock Valuation 327 pany estimates that its dividend in 2004, D1, will equal $1.50. The required return, ks, is assumed to be 15%. By substituting these values into Equation 7.5, we find the value of the stock to be $1.50 $1.50 P0 $ 1 8 .7 5 per share 0.15 0.07 0.08 Assuming that the values of D1, ks, and g are accurately estimated, Lamar Company’s stock value is $18.75 per share. Variable-Growth Model variable-growth model A dividend valuation approach that allows for a change in the dividend growth rate. The zero- and constant-growth common stock models do not allow for any shift in expected growth rates. Because future growth rates might shift up or down because of changing expectations, it is useful to consider a variable-growth model that allows for a change in the dividend growth rate.8 We will assume that a single shift in growth rates occurs at the end of year N, and we will use g1 to represent the initial growth rate and g2 for the growth rate after the shift. To determine the value of a share of stock in the case of variable growth, we use a four-step procedure. Step 1 Find the value of the cash dividends at the end of each year, Dt, during the initial growth period, years 1 through N. This step may require adjusting the most recent dividend, D0, using the initial growth rate, g1, to calculate the dividend amount for each year. Therefore, for the first N years, Dt D0 (1 g1)t D0 FVIFg 1,t Step 2 Find the present value of the dividends expected during the initial growth period. Using the notation presented earlier, we can give this value as N N N D0 (1 g1) Dt (Dt t (1 k ) (1 ks )t s t t 1 t 1 t 1 PVIFks ,t) Step 3 Find the value of the stock at the end of the initial growth period, PN (DN1)/(ks g2), which is the present value of all dividends expected from year N 1 to infinity, assuming a constant dividend growth rate, g2. This value is found by applying the constant-growth model (Equation 7.5) to the dividends expected from year N 1 to infinity. The present value of PN would represent the value today of all dividends that are expected to be received from year N 1 to infinity. This value can be represented by 1 (1 ks )N DN1 PVIFks ,N ks g2 PN 8. More than one change in the growth rate can be incorporated into the model, but to simplify the discussion we will consider only a single growth-rate change. The number of variable-growth valuation models is technically unlimited, but concern over all possible shifts in growth is unlikely to yield much more accuracy than a simpler model. 328 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts Step 4 Add the present value components found in Steps 2 and 3 to find the value of the stock, P0, given in Equation 7.6: N D0 (1 g1)t 1 P0 t (1 k ) (1 ks )N s t1 DN 1 ks g2 Present value of dividends during initial growth period (7.6) Present value of price of stock at end of initial growth period The following example illustrates the application of these steps to a variablegrowth situation with only one change in growth rate. EXAMPLE The most recent (2003) annual dividend payment of Warren Industries, a rapidly growing boat manufacturer, was $1.50 per share. The firm’s financial manager expects that these dividends will increase at a 10% annual rate, g1, over the next 3 years (2004, 2005, and 2006) because the introduction of a hot new boat. At the end of the 3 years (the end of 2006), the firm’s mature product line is expected to result in a slowing of the dividend growth rate to 5% per year, g2, for the foreseeable future. The firm’s required return, ks, is 15%. To estimate the current (end-of-2003) value of Warren’s common stock, P0 P2003, the four-step procedure must be applied to these data. Step 1 The value of the cash dividends in each of the next 3 years is calculated in columns 1, 2, and 3 of Table 7.3. The 2004, 2005, and 2006 dividends are $1.65, $1.82, and $2.00, respectively. Step 2 The present value of the three dividends expected during the 2004–2006 initial growth period is calculated in columns 3, 4, and 5 of Table 7.3. The sum of the present values of the three dividends is $4.14. Step 3 The value of the stock at the end of the initial growth period (N 2006) can be found by first calculating DN1 D2007: D2007 D2006 (1 0.05) $2.00 (1.05) $2.10 T A B L E 7 . 3 Calculation of Present Value of Warren Industries Dividends (2004–2006) Present value of dividends [(3) (4)] (5) t End of year D0 D2003 (1) FVIF10%,t (2) Dt [(1) (2)] (3) 1 2004 $1.50 1.100 $1.65 0.870 $1.44 2 2005 1.50 1.210 1.82 0.756 1.38 3 2006 1.50 1.331 2.00 PVIF15%,t (4) 0.658 1 .3 2 D0 (1 g1)t Sum of present value of dividends $4 .1 4 (1 ks )t t1 3 CHAPTER 7 Stock Valuation 329 By using D2007 $2.10, a 15% required return, and a 5% dividend growth rate, we can calculate the value of the stock at the end of 2006 as follows: D2007 $2.10 $2.10 P2006 $21.00 ks g2 0.15 0.05 0.10 Finally, in Step 3, the share value of $21 at the end of 2006 must be converted into a present (end-of-2003) value. Using the 15% required return, we get PVIFks ,N PN PVIF15%,3 P2006 0.658 $21.00 $13.82 Step 4 Adding the present value of the initial dividend stream (found in Step 2) to the present value of the stock at the end of the initial growth period (found in Step 3) as specified in Equation 7.6, we get the current (end-of2003) value of Warren Industries stock: P2003 $4.14 $13.82 $17.96 per share The stock is currently worth $17.96 per share. The calculation of this value is depicted graphically on the following time line. Time line for finding Warren Industries current (end-of-2003) value with variable growth 2003 2004 D2004 = $1.65 Present Value of Dividends During Initial Period = $4.14 Present Value of Stock Price at End of Initial Period End of Year 2005 2006 D2005 = $1.82 D2006 = $2.00 $ 1.44 1.38 1.32 13.82 P2003 = $17.96 PVIF15%, 1 × $1.65 = 0.870 × $1.65 PVIF15%, 2 × $1.82 = 0.756 × $1.82 PVIF15%, 3 × $2.00 = 0.658 × $2.00 PVIF15%, 3 × $21.00 = 0.658 × $21.00 P2006 = D2007 $2.10 = = $21.00 ks – g2 0.15 – 0.05 The zero-, constant-, and variable-growth valuation models provide useful frameworks for estimating stock value. Clearly, the estimates produced cannot be very precise, given that the forecasts of future growth and discount rates are themselves necessarily approximate. Furthermore, a great deal of measurement error can be introduced into the stock price estimate as a result of the imprecise and rounded growth and discount rate estimates used as inputs. When applying valuation models, it is therefore advisable to estimate these rates carefully and round them conservatively, probably to the nearest tenth of a percent. Free Cash Flow Valuation Model As an alternative to the dividend valuation models presented above, a firm’s value can be estimated by using its projected free cash flows (FCFs). This approach is appealing when one is valuing firms that have no dividend history or are startups or when one is valuing an operating unit or division of a larger public company. 330 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts FOCUS ON e-FINANCE What’s the Value of the American Dream? For many people, owning their own business represents the dream of a lifetime. But how much should this dream cost? To get an idea of how to value a small business, check out the “Business for Sale” column in Inc., a magazine that focuses on smaller emerging businesses. Each month the column describes the operations, financial situation, industry outlook, price rationale, and pros and cons of a small business offered for sale. For example, columns featured in 2000 and 2001 included such diverse companies as a distributor of semiprecious stones, a software developer, a Christmas tree grower, a small chain of used-book stores, and a baseball camp, with prices ranging from $200,000 to $9 million. Most valuations are based on a multiple of cash flow or annual sales, with accepted guidelines for different industries. That number is free cash flow valuation model A model that determines the value of an entire company as the present value of its expected free cash flows discounted at the firm’s weighted average cost of capital, which is its expected average future cost of funds over the long run. just a starting point, however, and must be adjusted for other factors. For example, food distributors typically sell for about 30 percent of annual sales. A Southeastern seafood distributor was recently offered for $2.25 million, a discount from the $3.9 million price you’d get strictly on the basis of annual sales. The reason? The new owner would have to buy or lease a warehouse facility, freezers, and other equipment. Because valuing a small business is difficult, many owners make use of reasonably priced valuation software such as BallPark Business Valuation and VALUware. These programs offer buyers and sellers a quick way to estimate the business’s value and to answer such questions as: • How much cash will my business generate or consume? In Practice • What will my balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement look like in 5 years? • Should I seek debt or equity to finance growth? • What impact will capital purchases have on my venture? • How much ownership in my business should I give up for a $2 million equity contribution? Once the negotiators decide to move forward, however, they usually should hire an experienced valuation professional to develop a formal valuation. Sources: “About Ballpark Business Valuation,” Bullet Proof Business Plans, downloaded from BallPark/About_/about_.html; Jill Andresky Fraser, “Business for Sale: Southeastern Seafood Distributor,” Inc. (October 1, 2000), downloaded from; VALUware, HTM. Although dividend valuation models are widely used and accepted, in these situations it is preferable to use a more general free cash flow valuation model. The free cash flow valuation model is based on the same basic premise as dividend valuation models: The value of a share of common stock is the present value of all future cash flows it is expected to provide over an infinite time horizon. However, in the free cash flow valuation model, instead of valuing the firm’s expected dividends, we value the firm’s expected free cash flows, defined in Equation 3.3 (page 106). They represent the amount of cash flow available to investors—the providers of debt (creditors) and equity (owners)—after all other obligations have been met. The free cash flow valuation model estimates the value of the entire company by finding the present value of its expected free cash flows discounted at its weighted average cost of capital, which is its expected average future cost of funds over the long run (see Chapter 11), as specified in Equation 7.7. FCF∞ FCF1 FCF2 . . . VC 1 2 (1 ka) (1 ka) (1 ka)∞ where VC value of the entire company FCFt free cash flow expected at the end of year t ka the firm’s weighted average cost of capital (7.7) CHAPTER 7 331 Stock Valuation Note the similarity between Equations 7.7 and 7.2, the general stock valuation equation. Because the value of the entire company, VC, is the market value of the entire enterprise (that is, of all assets), to find common stock value, VS, we must subtract the market value of all of the firm’s debt, VD, and the market value of preferred stock, VP, from VC. VS VC VD VP (7.8) Because it is difficult to forecast a firm’s free cash flow, specific annual cash flows are typically forecast for only about 5 years, beyond which a constant growth rate is assumed. Here we assume that the first 5 years of free cash flows are explicitly forecast and that a constant rate of free cash flow growth occurs beyond the end of year 5 to infinity.9 This model is methodologically similar to the variable-growth model presented earlier. Its application is best demonstrated with an example. EXAMPLE Dewhurst Inc. wishes to determine the value of its stock by using the free cash flow valuation model. In order to apply the model, the firm’s CFO developed the data given in Table 7.4. Application of the model can be performed in four steps. Step 1 Calculate the present value of the free cash flow occurring from the end of 2009 to infinity, measured at the beginning of 2009 (that is, at the end of 2008). Because a constant rate of growth in FCF is forecast beyond 2008, we can use the constant-growth dividend valuation model (Equation 7.5) to calculate the value of the free cash flows from the end of 2009 to infinity. Value of FCF2009 ∞ FCF2009 ka gFCF $600,000 (1 0.03) 0.09 0.03 $618,000 $10 ,30 0,0 00 0.06 TABLE 7.4 Dewhurst Inc.’s Data for Free Cash Flow Valuation Model Free cash flow Year (t) (FCFt)a 2004 $400,000 2005 450,000 Weighted average cost of capital, ka 9% 2006 520,000 Market value of all debt, VD $3,100,000 Other data Growth rate of FCF, beyond 2008 to infinity, gFCF 3% 2007 560,000 Market value of preferred stock, VP $800,000 2008 600,000 Number of shares of common stock outstanding 300,000 aDeveloped using Equations 3.2 and 3.3 (page 106). 9. The approach demonstrated here is consistent with that found in Alfred Rappaport, Creating Shareholder Value (New York: The Free Press, 1998). A somewhat similar approach to value can be found in G. Bennett Stewart III, The Quest for Value (New York: HarperCollins, 1999). 332 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts Note that to calculate the FCF in 2009, we had to increase the 2008 FCF value of $600,000 by the 3% FCF growth rate, gFCF. Step 2 Add the present value of the FCF from 2009 to infinity, which is measured at the end of 2008, to the 2008 FCF value to get the total FCF in 2008. Total FCF2008 $600,000 $10,300,000 $10,900,000 Step 3 Find the sum of the present values of the FCFs for 2004 through 2008 to determine the value of the entire company, VC. This calculation is shown in Table 7.5, using present value interest factors, PVIFs, from Appendix Table A–2. Step 4 Calculate the value of the common stock using Equation 7.8. Substituting the value of the entire company, VC , calculated in Step 3, and the market values of debt, VD , and preferred stock, VP, given in Table 7.4, yields the value of the common stock, VS : VS $8,628,620 $3,100,000 $800,000 $4 ,7 2 8 ,6 2 0 The value of Dewhurst’s common stock is therefore estimated to be $4,728,620. By dividing this total by the 300,000 shares of common stock that the firm has outstanding, we get a common stock value of $15.76 per share ($4,728,620 300,000). It should now be clear that the free cash flow valuation model is consistent with the dividend valuation models presented earlier. The appeal of this approach is its focus on the free cash flow estimates rather than on forecast dividends, which are far more difficult to estimate, given that they are paid at the discretion of the firm’s board. The more general nature of the free cash flow model is responsible for its growing popularity, particularly with CFOs and other financial managers. TABLE 7.5 Calculation of the Value of the Entire Company for Dewhurst Inc. FCFt (1) Year (t) 2004 Present value of FCFt [(1) (2)] (3) 400,000 0.917 $ 366,800 2005 450,000 0.842 378,900 2006 520,000 0.772 401,440 0.708 396,480 2007 2008 $ PVIF 9%,t (2) 560,000 10,900,000a 0.650 7 ,0 8 5 ,0 0 0 Value of entire company, VC $8 , 6 2 8 , 6 2 0 aThis amount is the sum of the FCF 2008 of $600,000 from Table 7.4 and the $10,300,000 value of the FCF2009 ∞ calculated in Step 1. CHAPTER 7 Stock Valuation 333 Other Approaches to Common Stock Valuation Many other approaches to common stock valuation exist. The more popular approaches include book value, liquidation value, and some type of price/earnings multiple. Book Value book value per share The amount per share of common stock that would be received if all of the firm’s assets were sold for their exact book (accounting) value and the proceeds remaining after paying all liabilities (including preferred stock) were divided among the common stockholders. EXAMPLE Book value per share is simply the amount per share of common stock that would be received if all of the firm’s assets were sold for their exact book (accounting) value and the proceeds remaining after paying all liabilities (including preferred stock) were divided among the common stockholders. This method lacks sophistication and can be criticized on the basis of its reliance on historical balance sheet data. It ignores the firm’s expected earnings potential and generally lacks any true relationship to the firm’s value in the marketplace. Let us look at an example. At year-end 2003, Lamar Company’s balance sheet shows total assets of $6 million, total liabilities (including preferred stock) of $4.5 million, and 100,000 shares of common stock outstanding. Its book value per share therefore would be $6,000,000 $4,500,000 $15 per share 100,000 shares Because this value assumes that assets could be sold for their book value, it may not represent the minimum price at which shares are valued in the marketplace. As a matter of fact, although most stocks sell above book value, it is not unusual to find stocks selling below book value when investors believe either that assets are overvalued or that the firm’s liabilities are understated. liquidation value per share The actual amount per share of common stock that would be received if all of the firm’s assets were sold for their market value, liabilities (including preferred stock) were paid, and any remaining money were divided among the common stockholders. EXAMPLE Liquidation Value Liquidation value per share is the actual amount per share of common stock that would be received if all of the firm’s assets were sold for their market value, liabilities (including preferred stock) were paid, and any remaining money were divided among the common stockholders.10 This measure is more realistic than book value—because it is based on the current market value of the firm’s assets—but it still fails to consider the earning power of those assets. An example will illustrate. Lamar Company found upon investigation that it could obtain only $5.25 million if it sold its assets today. The firm’s liquidation value per share therefore would be $5,250,000 $4,500,000 $7.50 per share 100,000 shares Ignoring liquidation expenses, this amount would be the firm’s minimum value. 10. In the event of liquidation, creditors’ claims must be satisfied first, then those of the preferred stockholders. Anything left goes to common stockholders. A more detailed discussion of liquidation procedures is presented in Chapter 17. 334 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts Price/Earnings (P/E) Multiples price/earnings multiple approach A popular technique used to estimate the firm’s share value; calculated by multiplying the firm’s expected earnings per share (EPS) by the average price/earnings (P/E) ratio for the industry. EXAMPLE Hint From an investor’s perspective, the stock in this situation would be an attractive investment only if it could be purchased at a price below its liquidation value—which in an efficient market could never occur. The price/earnings (P/E) ratio, introduced in Chapter 2, reflects the amount investors are willing to pay for each dollar of earnings. The average P/E ratio in a particular industry can be used as the guide to a firm’s value—if it is assumed that investors value the earnings of that firm in the same way they do the “average” firm in the industry. The price/earnings multiple approach is a popular technique used to estimate the firm’s share value; it is calculated by multiplying the firm’s expected earnings per share (EPS) by the average price/earnings (P/E) ratio for the industry. The average P/E ratio for the industry can be obtained from a source such as Standard & Poor’s Industrial Ratios. The use of P/E multiples is especially helpful in valuing firms that are not publicly traded, whereas market price quotations can be used to value publicly traded firms.11 In any case, the price/earnings multiple approach is considered superior to the use of book or liquidation values because it considers expected earnings.12 An example will demonstrate the use of price/earnings multiples. Lamar Company is expected to earn $2.60 per share next year (2004). This expectation is based on an analysis of the firm’s historical earnings trend and of expected economic and industry conditions. The average price/earnings (P/E) ratio for firms in the same industry is 7. Multiplying Lamar’s expected earnings per share (EPS) of $2.60 by this ratio gives us a value for the firm’s shares of $18.20, assuming that investors will continue to measure the value of the average firm at 7 times its earnings. So how much is Lamar Company’s stock really worth? That’s a trick question, because there’s no one right answer. It is important to recognize that the answer depends on the assumptions made and the techniques used. Professional securities analysts typically use a variety of models and techniques to value stocks. For example, an analyst might use the constant-growth model, liquidation value, and price/earnings (P/E) multiples to estimate the worth of a given stock. If the analyst feels comfortable with his or her estimates, the stock would be valued at no more than the largest estimate. Of course, should the firm’s estimated liquidation value per share exceed its “going concern” value per share, estimated by using one of the valuation models (zero-, constant-, or variable-growth or free cash flow) or the P/E multiple approach, the firm would be viewed as being “worth more dead than alive.” In such an event, the firm would lack sufficient earning power to justify its existence and should probably be liquidated. 11. Generally, when the P/E ratio is used to value privately owned or closely owned corporations, a premium is added to adjust for the issue of control. This adjustment is necessary because the P/E ratio implicitly reflects minority interests of noncontrolling investors in publicly owned companies—a condition that does not exist in privately or closely owned corporations. 12. The price/earnings multiple approach to valuation does have a theoretical explanation. If we view 1 divided by the price/earnings ratio, or the earnings/price ratio, as the rate at which investors discount the firm’s earnings, and if we assume that the projected earnings per share will be earned indefinitely (i.e., no growth in earnings per share), the price/earnings multiple approach can be looked on as a method of finding the present value of a perpetuity of projected earnings per share at a rate equal to the earnings/price ratio. This method is in effect a form of the zerogrowth model presented in Equation 7.3 on page 325. CHAPTER 7 Stock Valuation 335 Review Questions 7–13 Describe the events that occur in an efficient market in response to new information that causes the expected return to exceed the required return. What happens to the market value? 7–14 What does the efficient-market hypothesis say about (a) securities prices, (b) their reaction to new information, and (c) investor opportunities to profit? 7–15 Describe, compare, and contrast the following common stock dividend valuation models: (a) zero-growth, (b) constant-growth, and (c) variablegrowth. 7–16 Describe the free cash flow valuation model and explain how it differs from the dividend valuation models. What is the appeal of this model? 7–17 Explain each of the three other approaches to common stock valuation: (a) book value, (b) liquidation value, and (c) price/earnings (P/E) multiples. Which of these is considered the best? LG6 7.4 Decision Making and Common Stock Value Valuation equations measure the stock value at a point in time based on expected return and risk. Any decisions of the financial manager that affect these variables can cause the value of the firm to change. Figure 7.4 depicts the relationship among financial decisions, return, risk, and stock value. Changes in Expected Return Assuming that economic conditions remain stable, any management action that would cause current and prospective stockholders to raise their dividend expectations should increase the firm’s value. In Equation 7.5,13 we can see that P0 will FIGURE 7.4 Decision Making and Stock Value Financial decisions, return, risk, and stock value Decision Action by Financial Manager Effect on 1. Expected Return Measured by Expected Dividends, D1, D2, …, Dn, and Expected Dividend Growth, g. 2. Risk Measured by the Required Return, ks. Effect on Stock Value D1 P0 = ks – g 13. To convey the interrelationship among financial decisions, return, risk, and stock value, the constant-growth model is used. Other models—zero-growth, variable-growth, or free cash flow—could be used, but the simplicity of exposition using the constant-growth model justifies its use here. 336 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts increase for any increase in D1 or g. Any action of the financial manager that will increase the level of expected returns without changing risk (the required return) should be undertaken, because it will positively affect owners’ wealth. EXAMPLE Using the constant-growth model, we found Lamar Company to have a share value of $18.75. On the following day, the firm announced a major technological breakthrough that would revolutionize its industry. Current and prospective stockholders would not be expected to adjust their required return of 15%, but they would expect that future dividends will increase. Specifically, they expect that although the dividend next year, D1, will remain at $1.50, the expected rate of growth thereafter will increase from 7% to 9%. If we substitute D1 $1.50, ks 0.15, and g 0.09 into Equation 7.5, the resulting value is $25 [$1.50 (0.15 0.09)]. The increased value therefore resulted from the higher expected future dividends reflected in the increase in the growth rate. Changes in Risk Although ks is defined as the required return, we know from Chapter 5 that it is directly related to the nondiversifiable risk, which can be measured by beta. The capital asset pricing model (CAPM) given in Equation 5.8 is restated here as Equation 7.9: ks RF [b (km RF)] (7.9) With the risk-free rate, RF, and the market return, km, held constant, the required return, ks, depends directly on beta. Any action taken by the financial manager that increases risk (beta) will also increase the required return. In Equation 7.5, we can see that with everything else constant, an increase in the required return, ks, will reduce share value, P0. Likewise, a decrease in the required return will increase share value. Thus any action of the financial manager that increases risk contributes to a reduction in value, and any action that decreases risk contributes to an increase in value. EXAMPLE Assume that Lamar Company’s 15% required return resulted from a risk-free rate of 9%, a market return of 13%, and a beta of 1.50. Substituting into the capital asset pricing model, Equation 7.9, we get a required return, ks, of 15%: ks 9% [1.50 (13% 9%)] 15% With this return, the value of the firm was calculated in the example above to be $18.75. Now imagine that the financial manager makes a decision that, without changing expected dividends, causes the firm’s beta to increase to 1.75. Assuming that RF and km remain at 9% and 13%, respectively, the required return will increase to 16% (9% [1.75 (13% 9%)]) to compensate stockholders for the increased risk. Substituting D1 $1.50, ks 0.16, and g 0.07 into the valuation equation, Equation 7.5, results in a share value of $16.67 [$1.50 (0.16 0.07)]. As expected, raising the required return, without any corresponding increase in expected return, causes the firm’s stock value to decline. Clearly, the financial manager’s action was not in the owners’ best interest. CHAPTER 7 Stock Valuation 337 Combined Effect A financial decision rarely affects return and risk independently; most decisions affect both factors. In terms of the measures presented, with an increase in risk (b), one would expect an increase in return (D1 or g, or both), assuming that RF and km remain unchanged. The net effect on value depends on the size of the changes in these variables. EXAMPLE If we assume that the two changes illustrated for Lamar Company in the preceding examples occur simultaneously, key variable values would be D1 $1.50, ks 0.16, and g 0.09. Substituting into the valuation model, we obtain a share price of $21.43 [$1.50 (0.16 0.09)]. The net result of the decision, which increased return (g, from 7% to 9%) as well as risk (b, from 1.50 to 1.75 and therefore ks from 15% to 16%), is positive: The share price increased from $18.75 to $21.43. The decision appears to be in the best interest of the firm’s owners, because it increases their wealth. Review Questions 7–18 Explain the linkages among financial decisions, return, risk, and stock value. 7–19 Assuming that all other variables remain unchanged, what impact would each of the following have on stock price? (a) The firm’s beta increases. (b) The firm’s required return decreases. (c) The dividend expected next year decreases. (d) The rate of growth in dividends is expected to increase. S U M M A RY FOCUS ON VALUE The price of each share of a firm’s common stock is the value of each ownership interest. Although common stockholders typically have voting rights, which indirectly give them a say in management, their only significant right is their claim on the residual cash flows of the firm. This claim is subordinate to those of vendors, employees, customers, lenders, the government (for taxes), and preferred stockholders. The value of the common stockholders’ claim is embodied in the cash flows they are entitled to receive from now to infinity. The present value of those expected cash flows is the firm’s share value. To determine this present value, cash flows are discounted at a rate that reflects the riskiness of the forecast cash flows. Riskier cash flows are discounted at higher rates, resulting in lower present values than less risky expected cash flows, which are discounted at 338 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts lower rates. The value of the firm’s common stock is therefore driven by its expected cash flows (returns) and risk (certainty of the expected cash flows). In pursuing the firm’s goal of maximizing the stock price, the financial manager must carefully consider the balance of return and risk associated with each proposal and must undertake only those that create value for owners—that is, increase share price. By focusing on value creation and by managing and monitoring the firm’s cash flows and risk, the financial manager should be able to achieve the firm’s goal of share price maximization. REVIEW OF LEARNING GOALS Differentiate between debt and equity capital. Holders of equity capital (common and preferred stock) are owners of the firm. Typically, only common stockholders have a voice in management through their voting rights. Equity holders have claims on income and assets that are secondary to the claims of creditors, there is no maturity date, and the firm does not benefit from tax deductibility of dividends paid to stockholders, as is the case for interest paid to debtholders. LG1 Discuss the rights, characteristics, and features of both common and preferred stock. The common stock of a firm can be privately owned, closely owned, or publicly owned. It can be sold with or without a par value. Preemptive rights allow common stockholders to avoid dilution of ownership when new shares are issued. Not all shares authorized in the corporate charter are outstanding. If a firm has treasury stock, it will have issued more shares than are outstanding. Some firms have two or more classes of common stock that differ mainly in having unequal voting rights. Proxies transfer voting rights from one party to another. Dividend distributions to common stockholders are made at the discretion of the firm’s board of directors. Firms can issue stock in foreign markets. The stock of many foreign corporations is traded in the form of American depositary receipts (ADRs) in U.S. markets. Preferred stockholders have preference over common stockholders with respect to the distribution of earnings and assets and so are normally not given voting privileges. Preferred stock issues may have certain restrictive covenants, cumulative dividends, a call feature, and a conversion feature. LG2 LG3 Describe the process of issuing common stock, including in your discussion venture capital, go- ing public, the investment banker’s role, and stock quotations. The initial nonfounder financing for business startups with attractive growth prospects typically comes from private equity investors. These investors can be either angel capitalists or venture capitalists (VCs), which are more formal business entities. Institutional VCs can be organized in a number of ways, but the VC limited partnership is the most common. VCs usually invest in both earlystage and later-stage companies that they hope to take public in order to cash out their investments. The first public issue of a firm’s stock is called an initial public offering (IPO). The company selects an investment banker to advise it and to sell the securities. The lead investment banker may form a selling syndicate with other investment bankers to sell the issue. The IPO process includes filing a registration statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), getting SEC approval, promoting the offering to investors, pricing the issue, and selling the shares. Stock quotations, published regularly in the financial media, provide information on stocks, including calendar year change in price, 52-week high and low, dividend, dividend yield, P/E ratio, volume, latest price, and net price change from the prior trading day. Understand the concept of market efficiency and basic common stock valuation under each of three cases: zero growth, constant growth, and variable growth. Market efficiency, which is assumed throughout the text, suggests that there are many rational investors whose quick reactions to new information cause the market value of common stock to adjust upward or downward depending upon whether the expected return is above or LG4 CHAPTER 7 Stock Valuation 339 below, respectively, the required return for the period. The efficient-market hypothesis suggests that securities are fairly priced, that they reflect fully all publicly available information, and that investors should therefore not waste time trying to find and capitalize on mispriced securities. The value of a share of common stock is the present value of all future dividends it is expected to provide over an infinite time horizon. Three dividend growth models—zero-growth, constant-growth, and variable-growth—can be considered in common stock valuation. The basic stock valuation equation and these models are summarized in Table 7.6. The most widely cited model is the constant-growth model. Book value per share is the amount per share of common stock that would be received if all of the firm’s assets were sold for their book (accounting) value and the proceeds remaining after paying all liabilities (including preferred stock) were divided among the common stockholders. Liquidation value per share is the actual amount per share of common stock that would be received if all of the firm’s assets were sold for their market value, liabilities (including preferred stock) were paid, and the remaining money were divided among the common stockholders. The price/earnings (P/E) multiples approach estimates stock value by multiplying the firm’s expected earnings per share (EPS) by the average price/earnings (P/E) ratio for the industry. Discuss the free cash flow valuation model and the use of book value, liquidation value, and price/earnings (P/E) multiples to estimate common stock values. The free cash flow valuation model is appealing when one is valuing firms that have no dividend history, startups, or operating units or divisions of a larger public company. The model finds the value of the entire company by discounting the firm’s expected free cash flow at its weighted average cost of capital. The common stock value is found by subtracting the market values of the firm’s debt and preferred stock from the value of the entire company. The two equations involved in this model are summarized in Table 7.6. Explain the relationships among financial decisions, return, risk, and the firm’s value. In a stable economy, any action of the financial manager that increases the level of expected return without changing risk should increase share value, and any action that reduces the level of expected return without changing risk should reduce share value. Similarly, any action that increases risk (required return) will reduce share value, and any action that reduces risk will increase share value. Because most financial decisions affect both return and risk, an assessment of their combined effect on stock value must be part of the financial decision-making process. LG5 SELF-TEST PROBLEMS LG6 (Solutions in Appendix B) LG4 ST 7–1 Common stock valuation Perry Motors’ common stock currently pays an annual dividend of $1.80 per share. The required return on the common stock is 12%. Estimate the value of the common stock under each of the following assumptions about the dividend. a. Dividends are expected to grow at an annual rate of 0% to infinity. b. Dividends are expected to grow at a constant annual rate of 5% to infinity. c. Dividends are expected to grow at an annual rate of 5% for each of the next 3 years, followed by a constant annual growth rate of 4% in years 4 to infinity. LG5 ST 7–2 Free cash flow valuation Erwin Footwear wishes to assess the value of its Active Shoe Division. This division has debt with a market value of $12,500,000 and no preferred stock. Its weighted average cost of capital is 10%. The Active 340 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts TABLE 7.6 Summary of Key Valuation Definitions and Formulas for Common Stock Definitions of variables Dt per-share dividend expected at the end of year t FCFt free cash flow expected at the end of year t g constant rate of growth in dividends g1 initial dividend growth rate (in variable-growth model) g2 subsequent dividend growth rate (in variable-growth model) ka weighted average cost of capital ks required return on common stock N last year of initial growth period (in variable-growth model) P0 value of common stock VC value of the entire company VD market value of all the firm’s debt VP market value of preferred stock VS value of common stock Valuation formulas Basic stock value: D∞ D1 D2 P0 . . . (1 ks)1 (1 ks)2 (1 ks)∞ [Eq. 7.2] D1 (also used to value preferred stock) P0 ks [Eq. 7.3] D1 P0 ks g [Eq. 7.5] Common stock value: Zero-growth: Constant-growth: Variable-growth: N D0 (1 g1)t 1 P0 (1 ks)t (1 ks)N t1 DN1 ks g2 [Eq. 7.6] FCF value of entire company: FCF∞ FCF1 FCF2 VC . . . (1 ka)1 (1 ka)2 (1 ka)∞ [Eq. 7.7] FCF common stock value: VS VC VD VP [Eq. 7.8] CHAPTER 7 Stock Valuation 341 Shoe Division’s estimated free cash flow each year from 2004 through 2007 is given in the accompanying table. Beyond 2007 to infinity, the firm expects its free cash flow to grow at 4% annually. Year (t) Free cash flow (FCFt) 2004 $ 800,000 2005 1,200,000 2006 1,400,000 2007 1,500,000 a. Use the free cash flow valuation model to estimate the value of Erwin’s Active Shoe Division. b. Use your finding in part a along with the data provided above to find this division’s common stock value. c. If the Active Shoe Division as a public company will have 500,000 shares outstanding, use your finding in part b to calculate its value per share. PROBLEMS LG2 7–1 Authorized and available shares Aspin Corporation’s charter authorizes issuance of 2,000,000 shares of common stock. Currently, 1,400,000 shares are outstanding and 100,000 shares are being held as treasury stock. The firm wishes to raise $48,000,000 for a plant expansion. Discussions with its investment bankers indicate that the sale of new common stock will net the firm $60 per share. a. What is the maximum number of new shares of common stock that the firm can sell without receiving further authorization from shareholders? b. Judging on the basis of the data given and your finding in part a, will the firm be able to raise the needed funds without receiving further authorization? c. What must the firm do to obtain authorization to issue more than the number of shares found in part a? LG2 7–2 Preferred dividends Slater Lamp Manufacturing has an outstanding issue of preferred stock with an $80 par value and an 11% annual dividend. a. What is the annual dollar dividend? If it is paid quarterly, how much will be paid each quarter? b. If the preferred stock is noncumulative and the board of directors has passed the preferred dividend for the last 3 quarters, how much must be paid to preferred stockholders before dividends are paid to common stockholders? c. If the preferred stock is cumulative and the board of directors has passed the preferred dividend for the last 3 quarters, how much must be paid to preferred stockholders before dividends are paid to common stockholders? LG2 7–3 Preferred dividends In each case in the following table, how many dollars of preferred dividends per share must be paid to preferred stockholders before common stock dividends are paid? 342 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts Case Type Par value $ 80 Dividend per share per period $ 5 Periods of dividends passed A Cumulative B Noncumulative 110 C Noncumulative 100 D Cumulative 60 8.5% 4 E Cumulative 90 9% 0 8% $11 2 3 1 LG2 7–4 Convertible preferred stock Valerian Corp. convertible preferred stock has a fixed conversion ratio of 5 common shares per 1 share of preferred stock. The preferred stock pays a dividend of $10.00 per share per year. The common stock currently sells for $20.00 per share and pays a dividend of $1.00 per share per year. a. Judging on the basis of the conversion ratio and the price of the common shares, what is the current conversion value of each preferred share? b. If the preferred shares are selling at $96.00 each, should an investor convert the preferred shares to common shares? c. What factors might cause an investor not to convert from preferred to common? LG2 7–5 Stock quotation Assume that the following quote for the Advanced Business Machines stock (traded on the NYSE) was found in the Thursday, December 14, issue of the Wall Street Journal. 3.2 84.13 51.25 AdvBusMach ABM 1.32 1.6 23 12432 81.75 1.63 Given this information, answer the following questions: a. On what day did the trading activity occur? b. At what price did the stock sell at the end of the day on Wednesday, December 13? c. What percentage change has occurred in the stock’s last price since the beginning of the calendar year? d. What is the firm’s price/earnings ratio? What does it indicate? e. What is the last price at which the stock traded on the day quoted? f. How large a dividend is expected in the current year? g. What are the highest and the lowest price at which the stock traded during the latest 52-week period? h. How many shares of stock were traded on the day quoted? i. How much, if any, of a change in stock price took place between the day quoted and the day before? At what price did the stock close on the day before? LG4 7–6 Common stock valuation—Zero growth Scotto Manufacturing is a mature firm in the machine tool component industry. The firm’s most recent common stock dividend was $2.40 per share. Because of its maturity as well as its stable sales and earnings, the firm’s management feels that dividends will remain at the current level for the foreseeable future. a. If the required return is 12%, what will be the value of Scotto’s common stock? b. If the firm’s risk as perceived by market participants suddenly increases, causing the required return to rise to 20%, what will be the common stock value? CHAPTER 7 Stock Valuation 343 c. Judging on the basis of your findings in parts a and b, what impact does risk have on value? Explain. LG4 7–7 Common stock value—Zero growth Kelsey Drums, Inc., is a well-established supplier of fine percussion instruments to orchestras all over the United States. The company’s class A common stock has paid a dividend of $5.00 per share per year for the last 15 years. Management expects to continue to pay at that rate for the foreseeable future. Sally Talbot purchased 100 shares of Kelsey class A common 10 years ago at a time when the required rate of return for the stock was 16%. She wants to sell her shares today. The current required rate of return for the stock is 12%. How much capital gain or loss will she have on her shares? LG4 7–8 Preferred stock valuation Jones Design wishes to estimate the value of its outstanding preferred stock. The preferred issue has an $80 par value and pays an annual dividend of $6.40 per share. Similar-risk preferred stocks are currently earning a 9.3% annual rate of return. a. What is the market value of the outstanding preferred stock? b. If an investor purchases the preferred stock at the value calculated in part a, how much does she gain or lose per share if she sells the stock when the required return on similar-risk preferreds has risen to 10.5%? Explain. LG4 7–9 Common stock value—Constant growth Use the constant-growth model (Gordon model) to find the value of each firm shown in the following table. Firm Dividend expected next year Dividend growth rate A $1.20 B 4.00 5 15 C 0.65 10 14 D 6.00 8 9 E 2.25 8 20 8% Required return 13% LG4 7–10 Common stock value—Constant growth McCracken Roofing, Inc., common stock paid a dividend of $1.20 per share last year. The company expects earnings and dividends to grow at a rate of 5% per year for the foreseeable future. a. What required rate of return for this stock would result in a price per share of $28? b. If McCracken had both earnings growth and dividend growth at a rate of 10%, what required rate of return would result in a price per share of $28? LG4 7–11 Common stock value—Constant growth Elk County Telephone has paid the dividends shown in the following table over the past 6 years. Year Dividend per share 2003 $2.87 2002 2.76 2001 2.60 2000 2.46 1999 2.37 1998 2.25 344 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts The firm’s dividend per share next year is expected to be $3.02. a. If you can earn 13% on similar-risk investments, what is the most you would be willing to pay per share? b. If you can earn only 10% on similar-risk investments, what is the most you would be willing to pay per share? c. Compare and contrast your findings in parts a and b, and discuss the impact of changing risk on share value. LG4 7–12 Common stock value—Variable growth Newman Manufacturing is considering a cash purchase of the stock of Grips Tool. During the year just completed, Grips earned $4.25 per share and paid cash dividends of $2.55 per share (D0 $2.55). Grips’ earnings and dividends are expected to grow at 25% per year for the next 3 years, after which they are expected to grow at 10% per year to infinity. What is the maximum price per share that Newman should pay for Grips if it has a required return of 15% on investments with risk characteristics similar to those of Grips? LG4 7–13 Common stock value—Variable growth Home Place Hotels, Inc., is entering into a 3-year remodeling and expansion project. The construction will have a limiting effect on earnings during that time, but when it is complete, it should allow the company to enjoy much improved growth in earnings and dividends. Last year, the company paid a dividend of $3.40. It expects zero growth in the next year. In years 2 and 3, 5% growth is expected, and in year 4, 15% growth. In year 5 and thereafter, growth should be a constant 10% per year. What is the maximum price per share that an investor who requires a return of 14% should pay for Home Place Hotels common stock? LG4 7–14 Common stock value—Variable growth Lawrence Industries’ most recent annual dividend was $1.80 per share (D0 $1.80), and the firm’s required return is 11%. Find the market value of Lawrence’s shares when: a. Dividends are expected to grow at 8% annually for 3 years, followed by a 5% constant annual growth rate in years 4 to infinity. b. Dividends are expected to grow at 8% annually for 3 years, followed by a 0% constant annual growth rate in years 4 to infinity. c. Dividends are expected to grow at 8% annually for 3 years, followed by a 10% constant annual growth rate in years 4 to infinity. LG4 7–15 Common stock value—All growth models You are evaluating the potential purchase of a small business currently generating $42,500 of after-tax cash flow (D0 $42,500). On the basis of a review of similar-risk investment opportunities, you must earn an 18% rate of return on the proposed purchase. Because you are relatively uncertain about future cash flows, you decide to estimate the firm’s value using several possible assumptions about the growth rate of cash flows. a. What is the firm’s value if cash flows are expected to grow at an annual rate of 0% from now to infinity? b. What is the firm’s value if cash flows are expected to grow at a constant annual rate of 7% from now to infinity? c. What is the firm’s value if cash flows are expected to grow at an annual rate of 12% for the first 2 years, followed by a constant annual rate of 7% from year 3 to infinity? CHAPTER 7 LG5 7–16 Stock Valuation 345 Free cash flow valuation Nabor Industries is considering going public but is unsure of a fair offering price for the company. Before hiring an investment banker to assist in making the public offering, managers at Nabor have decided to make their own estimate of the firm’s common stock value. The firm’s CFO has gathered data for performing the valuation using the free cash flow valuation model. The firm’s weighted average cost of capital is 11%, and it has $1,500,000 of debt at market value and $400,000 of preferred stock at its assumed market value. The estimated free cash flows over the next 5 years, 2004 through 2008, are given below. Beyond 2008 to infinity, the firm expects its free cash flow to grow by 3% annually. Year (t) Free cash flow (FCFt) 2004 $200,000 2005 250,000 2006 310,000 2007 350,000 2008 390,000 a. Estimate the value of Nabor Industries’ entire company by using the free cash flow valuation model. b. Use your finding in part a, along with the data provided above, to find Nabor Industries’ common stock value. c. If the firm plans to issue 200,000 shares of common sock, what is its estimated value per share? LG5 7–17 Using the free cash flow valuation model to price an IPO Assume that you have an opportunity to buy the stock of CoolTech, Inc., an IPO being offered for $12.50 per share. Although you are very much interested in owning the company, you are concerned about whether it is fairly priced. In order to determine the value of the shares, you have decided to apply the free cash flow valuation model to the firm’s financial data that you’ve developed from a variety of data sources. The key values you have compiled are summarized in the following table. Free cash flow Year (t) FCFt Other data 700,000 Growth rate of FCF, beyond 2007 to infinity 2% 2005 800,000 Weighted average cost of capital 8% 2006 950,000 Market value of all debt $2,700,000 2007 1,100,000 2004 $ Market value of preferred stock $1,000,000 Number of shares of common stock outstanding 1,100,000 a. Use the free cash flow valuation model to estimate CoolTech’s common stock value per share. b. Judging on the basis of your finding in part a and the stock’s offering price, should you buy the stock? 346 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts c. Upon further analysis, you find that the growth rate in FCF beyond 2007 will be 3% rather than 2%. What effect would this finding have on your responses in parts a and b? LG5 7–18 Book and liquidation value The balance sheet for Gallinas Industries is as follows. Gallinas Industries Balance Sheet December 31 Assets Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity Cash $ 40,000 Marketable securities Accounts receivable Inventories Total current assets Land and buildings (net) Machinery and equipment Total fixed assets (net) Total assets Accounts payable $100,000 60,000 Notes payable 30,000 120,000 Accrued wages 160,000 $ 3 8 0 ,0 0 0 $150,000 Long-term debt 3 0 ,0 0 0 $160,000 $1 8 0 ,0 0 0 250,000 $ 4 0 0 ,0 0 0 Total current liabilities Preferred stock $ 80,000 Common stock (10,000 shares) Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity $ 7 8 0 ,0 0 0 360,000 $7 8 0 ,0 0 0 Additional information with respect to the firm is available: (1) Preferred stock can be liquidated at book value. (2) Accounts receivable and inventories can be liquidated at 90% of book value. (3) The firm has 10,000 shares of common stock outstanding. (4) All interest and dividends are currently paid up. (5) Land and buildings can be liquidated at 130% of book value. (6) Machinery and equipment can be liquidated at 70% of book value. (7) Cash and marketable securities can be liquidated at book value. Given this information, answer the following: a. What is Gallinas Industries’ book value per share? b. What is its liquidation value per share? c. Compare, contrast, and discuss the values found in parts a and b. LG5 7–19 Valuation with price/earnings multiples For each of the firms shown in the following table, use the data given to estimate their common stock value employing price/earnings (P/E) multiples. Firm Expected EPS Price/earnings multiple A $3.00 6.2 B 4.50 10.0 C 1.80 12.6 D 2.40 8.9 E 5.10 15.0 CHAPTER 7 LG4 347 LG6 7–20 Management action and stock value REH Corporation’s most recent dividend was $3 per share, its expected annual rate of dividend growth is 5%, and the required return is now 15%. A variety of proposals are being considered by management to redirect the firm’s activities. Determine the impact on share price for each of the following proposed actions, and indicate the best alternative. a. Do nothing, which will leave the key financial variables unchanged. b. Invest in a new machine that will increase the dividend growth rate to 6% and lower the required return to 14%. c. Eliminate an unprofitable product line, which will increase the dividend growth rate to 7% and raise the required return to 17%. d. Merge with another firm, which will reduce the growth rate to 4% and raise the required return to 16%. e. Acquire a subsidiary operation from another manufacturer. The acquisition should increase the dividend growth rate to 8% and increase the required return to 17%. LG6 7–21 Integrative—Valuation and CAPM formulas Given the following information for the stock of Foster Company, calculate its beta. Current price per share of common Expected dividend per share next year Constant annual dividend growth rate Risk-free rate of return Return on market portfolio LG4 Stock Valuation LG6 7–22 $50.00 $ 3.00 9% 7% 10% Integrative—Risk and valuation Giant Enterprises has a beta of 1.20, the riskfree rate of return is currently 10%, and the market return is 14%. The company, which plans to pay a dividend of $2.60 per share in the coming year, anticipates that its future dividends will increase at an annual rate consistent with that experienced over the 1997–2003 period, when the following dividends were paid: Year Dividend per share 2003 $2.45 2002 2.28 2001 2.10 2000 1.95 1999 1.82 1998 1.80 1997 1.73 a. Use the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) to determine the required return on Giant’s stock. b. Using the constant-growth model and your finding in part a, estimate the value of Giant’s stock. c. Explain what effect, if any, a decrease in beta would have on the value of Giant’s stock. 348 PART 2 LG4 LG6 Important Financial Concepts 7–23 Integrative—Valuation and CAPM Hamlin Steel Company wishes to determine the value of Craft Foundry, a firm that it is considering acquiring for cash. Hamlin wishes to use the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) to determine the applicable discount rate to use as an input to the constant-growth valuation model. Craft’s stock is not publicly traded. After studying the betas of firms similar to Craft that are publicly traded, Hamlin believes that an appropriate beta for Craft’s stock would be 1.25. The risk-free rate is currently 9%, and the market return is 13%. Craft’s dividend per share for each of the past 6 years is shown in the following table. Year Dividend per share 2003 $3.44 2002 3.28 2001 3.15 2000 2.90 1999 2.75 1998 2.45 a. Given that Craft is expected to pay a dividend of $3.68 next year, determine the maximum cash price that Hamlin should pay for each share of Craft. b. Discuss the use of the CAPM for estimating the value of common stock, and describe the effect on the resulting value of Craft of: (1) A decrease in its dividend growth rate of 2% from that exhibited over the 1998–2003 period. (2) A decrease in its beta to 1. CHAPTER 7 CASE Assessing the Impact of Suarez Manufacturing’s Proposed Risky Investment on Its Stock Value E arly in 2004, Inez Marcus, the chief financial officer for Suarez Manufacturing, was given the task of assessing the impact of a proposed risky investment on the firm’s stock value. To perform the necessary analysis, Inez gathered the following information on the firm’s stock. During the immediate past 5 years (1999–2003), the annual dividends paid on the firm’s common stock were as follows: Year Dividend per share 2003 $1.90 2002 1.70 2001 1.55 2000 1.40 1999 1.30 The firm expects that without the proposed investment, the dividend in 2004 will be $2.09 per share and the historical annual rate of growth (rounded to the nearest whole percent) will continue in the future. Currently, the required return on the common stock is 14%. Inez’s research indicates that if the proposed CHAPTER 7 Stock Valuation 349 investment is undertaken, the 2004 dividend will rise to $2.15 per share and the annual rate of dividend growth will increase to 13%. She feels that in the best case, the dividend would continue to grow at this rate each year into the future and that in the worst case, the 13% annual rate of growth in dividends would continue only through 2006, and then, at the beginning of 2007, would return to the rate that was experienced between 1999 and 2003. As a result of the increased risk associated with the proposed risky investment, the required return on the common stock is expected to increase by 2% to an annual rate of 16%, regardless of which dividend growth outcome occurs. Armed with the preceding information, Inez must now assess the impact of the proposed risky investment on the market value of Suarez’s stock. To simplify her calculations, she plans to round the historical growth rate in common stock dividends to the nearest whole percent. Required a. Find the current value per share of Suarez Manufacturing’s common stock. b. Find the value of Suarez’s common stock in the event that it undertakes the proposed risky investment and assuming that the dividend growth rate stays at 13% forever. Compare this value to that found in part a. What effect would the proposed investment have on the firm’s stockholders? Explain. c. On the basis of your findings in part b, do the stockholders win or lose as a result of undertaking the proposed risky investment? Should the firm do it? Why? d. Rework parts b and c assuming that at the beginning of 2007 the annual dividend growth rate returns to the rate experienced between 1999 and 2003. WEB EXERCISE WW W To use the price/earnings multiples approach to valuation, you need to find a firm’s projected earnings and the P/E multiple. One of the most popular sites to obtain these estimates is Zacks Investment Research, 1. At the top of the page, locate the area where you can enter a company’s ticker symbol and select the desired information. 2. Enter OO for Oakley Inc. and select estimates from the pull-down menu. a. What is the current mean/consensus estimate for the next fiscal year’s earnings? b. Using the indicated price/earnings ratio further down on that page, calculate the stock price. 3. Repeat steps 2a and b for the following stocks: a. Southwest Airlines: LUV b. Microsoft: MSFT c. Weight Watchers: WTW Remember to check the book’s Web site at for additional resources, including additional Web exercises. I N T E G R AT I V E C A S E 2 Encore International n the world of trendsetting fashion, instinct and marketing savvy are prerequisites to success. Jordan Ellis had both. During 2003, his international casual-wear company, Encore, rocketed to $300 million in sales after 10 years in business. His fashion line covered the young woman from head to toe with hats, sweaters, dresses, blouses, skirts, pants, sweatshirts, socks, and shoes. In Manhattan, there was an Encore shop every five or six blocks, each featuring a different color. Some shops showed the entire line in mauve, and others featured it in canary yellow. Encore had made it. The company’s historical growth was so spectacular that no one could have predicted it. However, securities analysts speculated that Encore could not keep up the pace. They warned that competition is fierce in the fashion industry and that the firm might encounter little or no growth in the future. They estimated that stockholders also should expect no growth in future dividends. Contrary to the conservative securities analysts, Jordan Ellis felt that the company could maintain a constant annual growth rate in dividends per share of 6% in the future, or possibly 8% for the next 2 years and 6% thereafter. Ellis based his estimates on an established long-term expansion plan into European and Latin American markets. Venturing into these markets was expected to cause the risk of the firm, as measured by beta, to increase immediately from 1.10 to 1.25. In preparing the long-term financial plan, Encore’s chief financial officer has assigned a junior financial analyst, Marc Scott, to evaluate the firm’s current stock price. He has asked Marc to consider the conservative predictions of the securities analysts and the aggressive predictions of the company founder, Jordan Ellis. Marc has compiled these 2003 financial data to aid his analysis: I Data item Earnings per share (EPS) Price per share of common stock 2003 value $6.25 $40.00 Book value of common stock equity $60,000,000 350 Total common shares outstanding 2,500,000 Common stock dividend per share $4.00 Figure 1 Required Return, k (%) Security Market Line 30 Data Points b k 0.00 6.00% 0.25 8.00 0.50 10.00 0.75 12.00 1.00 14.00 1.25 16.00 1.50 18.00 1.75 20.00 2.00 22.00 25 20 15 10 5 0 .5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Nondiversifiable Risk, b Required a. What is the firm’s current book value per share? b. What is the firm’s current P/E ratio? c. (1) What are the required return and risk premium for Encore stock using the capital asset pricing model, assuming a beta of 1.10? (Hint: Use the security market line—with data points noted—given in Figure 1 to find the market return.) (2) What are the required return and risk premium for Encore stock using the capital asset pricing model, assuming a beta of 1.25? (3) What will be the effect on the required return if the beta rises as expected? d. If the securities analysts are correct and there is no growth in future dividends, what will be the value per share of the Encore stock? (Note: Beta 1.25.) e. (1) If Jordan Ellis’s predictions are correct, what will be the value per share of Encore stock if the firm maintains a constant annual 6% growth rate in future dividends? (Note: Beta 1.25.) (2) If Jordan Ellis’s predictions are correct, what will be the value per share of Encore stock if the firm maintains a constant annual 8% growth rate in dividends per share over the next 2 years and 6% thereafter? (Note: Beta 1.25.) f. Compare the current (2003) price of the stock and the stock values found in parts a, d, and e. Discuss why these values may differ. Which valuation method do you believe most clearly represents the true value of the Encore stock? 351 CHAPTER 8 CAPITAL BUDGETING CASH FLOWS L E A R N I N G LG1 LG2 LG3 Understand the key motives for capital expenditure and the steps in the capital budgeting process. Define basic capital budgeting terminology. Discuss the major components of relevant cash flows, expansion versus replacement cash flows, sunk costs and opportunity costs, and international capital budgeting and long-term investments. G O A L S LG4 Calculate the initial investment associated with a proposed capital expenditure. LG5 Determine relevant operating cash inflows using the income statement format. LG6 Find the terminal cash flow. Across the Disciplines WHY THIS CHAPTER MATTERS TO YO U Accounting: You need to understand capital budgeting cash flows in order to provide revenue, cost, depreciation, and tax data for use both in monitoring existing projects and in developing cash flows for proposed projects. Information systems: You need to understand capital budgeting cash flows in order to maintain and facilitate the retrieval of cash flow data for both completed and existing projects. Management: You need to understand capital budgeting cash flows so that you will understand what cash flows are relevant in making decisions about proposals for acquiring additional 354 production facilities, for new products, and for the expansion of existing product lines. Marketing: You need to understand capital budgeting cash flows so that you can make revenue estimates for proposals for new marketing programs, for new products, and for the expansion of existing product lines. Operations: You need to understand capital budgeting cash flows so that you can make cost estimates for proposals for the acquisition of new equipment and production facilities. INTEL CHIPPING AWAY AT E-BUSINESS INVESTMENT ANALYSIS t should come as no surprise that Intel, the world’s largest chip maker and technology pioneer, is also a leader in ebusiness. Chairman Andy Grove decided in 1998 that Intel would transform itself into a “100 percent e-corporation.” Since then, each of the company’s new business applications has been based on the Internet or on e-commerce. Leading the Internet initiative was CFO Andy Bryant, whose responsibilities were expanded to include enterprise services. Bryant was an unlikely choice to lead the company’s transformation, because he was skeptical about the value of e-commerce. He quickly changed his tune when he learned that Intel receives over one-quarter of its orders after hours. The flexibility of online ordering added value for customers. Intel has launched more than 300 e-business projects since 1998. In 2001, the company generated 90 percent of its revenue—$31.4 billion—from e-commerce transactions. Ironically, Bryant’s skepticism about e-commerce turned out to be a good thing. He developed methods to analyze e-business proposals to make sure they added value to the company, applying rigorous financial discipline and monitoring returns on investment. “Every project has an ROI,” Bryant says. “It isn’t always positive, but you still have to measure what you put in and what you get back.” The difficulty comes in deciding what to measure—and how. Like most companies, Intel already had expertise in evaluating new manufacturing facilities and other capital projects. But technology projects also have intangible benefits that aren’t easily quantified. One of Bryant’s challenges was formalizing financial accountability for e-business applications. The company’s track record has been quite good so far. E-business projects have reduced costs in many areas. For example, an electronic accounts payable (A/P) system was devised to take over many routine transactions so that employees could focus on analysis. Bryant estimates that the present value of this project’s cash inflows, less the initial investment, is $8 million. And the company no longer misses opportunities to take advantage of discounts for prompt payments. Like Intel, every firm must evaluate the costs and returns of projects for expansion, asset replacement or renewal, research and development, advertising, and other areas that require long-term commitments of funds in expectation of future returns. Chapter 8 introduces this process, which is called capital budgeting, and explains how to identify the relevant cash outflows and inflows that must be considered in making capital budgeting decisions. I 355 356 PART 3 LG1 Long-Term Investment Decisions LG2 8.1 The Capital Budgeting Decision Process capital budgeting The process of evaluating and selecting long-term investments that are consistent with the firm’s goal of maximizing owner wealth. Long-term investments represent sizable outlays of funds that commit a firm to some course of action. Consequently, the firm needs procedures to analyze and properly select its long-term investments. It must be able to measure cash flows and apply appropriate decision techniques. As time passes, fixed assets may become obsolete or may require an overhaul; at these points, too, financial decisions may be required. Capital budgeting is the process of evaluating and selecting long-term investments that are consistent with the firm’s goal of maximizing owner wealth. Firms typically make a variety of long-term investments, but the most common for the manufacturing firm is in fixed assets, which include property (land), plant, and equipment. These assets, often referred to as earning assets, generally provide the basis for the firm’s earning power and value. Because firms treat capital budgeting (investment) and financing decisions separately, Chapters 8 through 10 concentrate on fixed-asset acquisition without regard to the specific method of financing used. We begin by discussing the motives for capital expenditure. Motives for Capital Expenditure capital expenditure An outlay of funds by the firm that is expected to produce benefits over a period of time greater than 1 year. operating expenditure An outlay of funds by the firm resulting in benefits received within 1 year. A capital expenditure is an outlay of funds by the firm that is expected to produce benefits over a period of time greater than 1 year. An operating expenditure is an outlay resulting in benefits received within 1 year. Fixed-asset outlays are capital expenditures, but not all capital expenditures are classified as fixed assets. A $60,000 outlay for a new machine with a usable life of 15 years is a capital expenditure that would appear as a fixed asset on the firm’s balance sheet. A $60,000 outlay for advertising that produces benefits over a long period is also a capital expenditure, but would rarely be shown as a fixed asset.1 Capital expenditures are made for many reasons. The basic motives for capital expenditures are to expand, replace, or renew fixed assets or to obtain some other, less tangible benefit over a long period. Table 8.1 briefly describes the key motives for making capital expenditures. Steps in the Process capital budgeting process Five distinct but interrelated steps: proposal generation, review and analysis, decision making, implementation, and follow-up. The capital budgeting process consists of five distinct but interrelated steps. 1. Proposal generation. Proposals are made at all levels within a business organization and are reviewed by finance personnel. Proposals that require large outlays are more carefully scrutinized than less costly ones. 2. Review and analysis. Formal review and analysis is performed to assess the appropriateness of proposals and evaluate their economic viability. Once the analysis is complete, a summary report is submitted to decision makers. 1. Some firms do, in effect, capitalize advertising outlays if there is reason to believe that the benefit of the outlay will be received at some future date. The capitalized advertising may appear as a deferred charge such as “deferred advertising expense,” which is then amortized over the future. Expenses of this type are often deferred for reporting purposes to increase reported earnings, whereas for tax purposes, the entire amount is expensed to reduce tax liability. CHAPTER 8 TABLE 8.1 Capital Budgeting Cash Flows 357 Key Motives for Making Capital Expenditures Motive Description Expansion The most common motive for a capital expenditure is to expand the level of operations—usually through acquisition of fixed assets. A growing firm often needs to acquire new fixed assets rapidly, as in the purchase of property and plant facilities. Replacement As a firm’s growth slows and it reaches maturity, most capital expenditures will be made to replace or renew obsolete or worn-out assets. Each time a machine requires a major repair, the outlay for the repair should be compared to the outlay to replace the machine and the benefits of replacement. Renewal Renewal, an alternative to replacement, may involve rebuilding, overhauling, or retrofitting an existing fixed asset. For example, an existing drill press could be renewed by replacing its motor and adding a numeric control system, or a physical facility could be renewed by rewiring and adding air conditioning. To improve efficiency, both replacement and renewal of existing machinery may be suitable solutions. Other purposes Some capital expenditures do not result in the acquisition or transformation of tangible fixed assets. Instead, they involve a long-term commitment of funds in expectation of a future return. These expenditures include outlays for advertising, research and development, management consulting, and new products. Other capital expenditure proposals—such as the installation of pollution-control and safety devices mandated by the government—are difficult to evaluate because they provide intangible returns rather than clearly measurable cash flows. 3. Decision making. Firms typically delegate capital expenditure decision making on the basis of dollar limits. Generally, the board of directors must authorize expenditures beyond a certain amount. Often plant managers are given authority to make decisions necessary to keep the production line moving. 4. Implementation. Following approval, expenditures are made and projects implemented. Expenditures for a large project often occur in phases. 5. Follow-up. Results are monitored, and actual costs and benefits are compared with those that were expected. Action may be required if actual outcomes differ from projected ones. Each step in the process is important. Review and analysis and decision making (Steps 2 and 3) consume the majority of time and effort, however. Follow-up (Step 5) is an important but often ignored step aimed at allowing the firm to improve the accuracy of its cash flow estimates continuously. Because of their fundamental importance, this and the following chapters give primary consideration to review and analysis and to decision making. Basic Terminology Before we develop the concepts, techniques, and practices related to the capital budgeting process, we need to explain some basic terminology. In addition, we will present some key assumptions that are used to simplify the discussion in the remainder of this chapter and in Chapters 9 and 10. 358 PART 3 Long-Term Investment Decisions FOCUS ON e-FINANCE Information Technology’s Big Byte Information technology (IT) is one of a company’s largest capital expense categories. In the rapidly changing IT environment, managers clamor for the latest hardware and software upgrades to keep IT systems current and improve operational efficiencies. The right IT applications, they claim, can save millions in operating costs. Financial managers, on the other hand, struggle to control capital spending while at the same time approving projects that boost the company’s competitive position. Although some of these projects involve the latest hardware and software, many more now focus on leveraging the firm’s investment in existing technology by centralizing technology services, integrating the different parts of a company’s information systems, and making similar improvements. E-business projects are also on the rise and now account for an average of 15.5 percent of the total IT budget. With so much at stake in terms of dollars spent and potential benefits, managers must create a business case that justifies the project and shows how it adds value—no easy task. In addition to measuring dollar benefits that appear on the firm’s income statement, they must attempt to quantify indirect and qualitative benefits. This may be straightforward for transactional systems, where order volume is a critical measure. But how does the company assign a dollar value to, for example, the increased customer satisfaction generated by a new, easier-to-use interface for its customer information system? During 2001, declining sales and an uncertain economic future meant companies had to choose IT projects that yielded the greatest return on investment or gave the biggest strategic advantage. Gary Clark, director of corporate IT services at La-Z-Boy Inc., the leading U.S. manufacturer of upholstered In Practice furniture, said, “Previously, we would look primarily at high-level issues. Now, we’re not only examining the details of a project but also the underlying assumptions and the business case. It’s all about cost and results.” La-Z-Boy decided to postpone projects related to information security and general business systems but moved ahead with strategic technology projects. For example, analysis of a new payroll and human resources system showed that it should lower costs for the entire organization. Sources: Shari Caudron, “The Tao of E-Business,” Business Finance (September 2001), downloaded from; Sam Greengard, “IT: Luxury or Necessity?” Industry Week (December 1, 2001), downloaded from www.; and Ivy McLemore, “High Stakes Game,” Business Finance (May 1999), downloaded from Independent versus Mutually Exclusive Projects independent projects Projects whose cash flows are unrelated or independent of one another; the acceptance of one does not eliminate the others from further consideration. mutually exclusive projects Projects that compete with one another, so that the acceptance of one eliminates from further consideration all other projects that serve a similar function. unlimited funds The financial situation in which a firm is able to accept all independent projects that provide an acceptable return. The two most common types of projects are (1) independent projects and (2) mutually exclusive projects. Independent projects are those whose cash flows are unrelated or independent of one another; the acceptance of one does not eliminate the others from further consideration. Mutually exclusive projects are those that have the same function and therefore compete with one another. The acceptance of one eliminates from further consideration all other projects that serve a similar function. For example, a firm in need of increased production capacity could obtain it by (1) expanding its plant, (2) acquiring another company, or (3) contracting with another company for production. Clearly, accepting any one option eliminates the need for either of the others. Unlimited Funds versus Capital Rationing The availability of funds for capital expenditures affects the firm’s decisions. If a firm has unlimited funds for investment, making capital budgeting decisions is quite simple: All independent projects that will provide an acceptable return can CHAPTER 8 capital rationing The financial situation in which a firm has only a fixed number of dollars available for capital expenditures, and numerous projects compete for these dollars. 359 Capital Budgeting Cash Flows be accepted. Typically, though, firms operate under capital rationing instead. This means that they have only a fixed number of dollars available for capital expenditures and that numerous projects will compete for these dollars. Procedures for dealing with capital rationing are presented in Chapter 10. The discussions that follow here and in the following chapter assume unlimited funds. Accept–Reject versus Ranking Approaches accept–reject approach The evaluation of capital expenditure proposals to determine whether they meet the firm’s minimum acceptance criterion. ranking approach The ranking of capital expenditure projects on the basis of some predetermined measure, such as the rate of return. Two basic approaches to capital budgeting decisions are available. The accept– reject approach involves evaluating capital expenditure proposals to determine whether they meet the firm’s minimum acceptance criterion. This approach can be used when the firm has unlimited funds, as a preliminary step when evaluating mutually exclusive projects, or in a situation in which capital must be rationed. In these cases, only acceptable projects should be considered. The second method, the ranking approach, involves ranking projects on the basis of some predetermined measure, such as the rate of return. The project with the highest return is ranked first, and the project with the lowest return is ranked last. Only acceptable projects should be ranked. Ranking is useful in selecting the “best” of a group of mutually exclusive projects and in evaluating projects with a view to capital rationing. Conventional versus Nonconventional Cash Flow Patterns conventional cash flow pattern An initial outflow followed only by a series of inflows. nonconventional cash flow pattern An initial outflow followed by a series of inflows and outflows. Cash flow patterns associated with capital investment projects can be classified as conventional or nonconventional. A conventional cash flow pattern consists of an initial outflow followed only by a series of inflows. For example, a firm may spend $10,000 today and as a result expect to receive equal annual cash inflows (an annuity) of $2,000 each year for the next 8 years, as depicted on the time line in Figure 8.1.2 A conventional cash flow pattern that provides unequal annual cash inflows is depicted in Figure 8.3 on page 361. A nonconventional cash flow pattern is one in which an initial outflow is followed by a series of inflows and outflows. For example, the purchase of a machine FIGURE 8.1 Conventional Cash Flow Time line for a conventional cash flow pattern $2,000 $2,000 Cash Inflows $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 0 Cash Outflows 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 $10,000 End of Year 2. Arrows rather than plus or minus signs are frequently used on time lines to distinguish between cash inflows and cash outflows. Upward-pointing arrows represent cash inflows (positive cash flows), and downward-pointing arrows represent cash outflows (negative cash flows). 360 PART 3 Long-Term Investment Decisions FIGURE 8.2 Nonconventional Cash Flow Time line for a nonconventional cash flow pattern $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 Cash Inflows 0 Cash Outflows $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 5 1 2 3 4 $20,000 6 7 8 9 10 $8,000 End of Year may require an initial cash outflow of $20,000 and may generate cash inflows of $5,000 each year for 4 years. In the fifth year after purchase, an outflow of $8,000 may be required to overhaul the machine, after which it generates inflows of $5,000 each year for 5 more years. This nonconventional pattern is illustrated on the time line in Figure 8.2. Difficulties often arise in evaluating projects with nonconventional patterns of cash flow. The discussions in the remainder of this chapter and in Chapters 9 and 10 are therefore limited to the evaluation of conventional cash flow patterns. Review Questions 8–1 8–2 8–3 8–4 LG3 What is capital budgeting? Do all capital expenditures involve fixed assets? Explain. What are the key motives for making capital expenditures? Discuss, compare, and contrast them. What are the five steps involved in the capital budgeting process? Differentiate between the members of each of the following pairs of capital budgeting terms: (a) independent versus mutually exclusive projects; (b) unlimited funds versus capital rationing; (c) accept–reject versus ranking approaches; and (d) conventional versus nonconventional cash flow patterns. 8.2 The Relevant Cash Flows relevant cash flows The incremental cash outflow (investment) and resulting subsequent inflows associated with a proposed capital expenditure. incremental cash flows The additional cash flows— outflows or inflows—expected to result from a proposed capital expenditure. To evaluate capital expenditure alternatives, the firm must determine the relevant cash flows. These are the incremental cash outflow (investment) and resulting subsequent inflows. The incremental cash flows represent the additional cash flows—outflows or inflows—expected to result from a proposed capital expenditure. As noted in Chapter 3, cash flows rather than accounting figures are used, because cash flows directly affect the firm’s ability to pay bills and purchase assets. The remainder of this chapter is devoted to the procedures for measuring the relevant cash flows associated with proposed capital expenditures. CHAPTER 8 Capital Budgeting Cash Flows 361 Major Cash Flow Components initial investment The relevant cash outflow for a proposed project at time zero. operating cash inflows The incremental after-tax cash inflows resulting from implementation of a project during its life. terminal cash flow The after-tax nonoperating cash flow occurring in the final year of a project. It is usually attributable to liquidation of the project. The cash flows of any project having the conventional pattern can include three basic components: (1) an initial investment, (2) operating cash inflows, and (3) terminal cash flow. All projects—whether for expansion, replacement, renewal, or some other purpose—have the first two components. Some, however, lack the final component, terminal cash flow. Figure 8.3 depicts on a time line the cash flows for a project. The initial investment for the proposed project is $50,000. This is the relevant cash outflow at time zero. The operating cash inflows, which are the incremental after-tax cash inflows resulting from implementation of the project during its life, gradually increase from $4,000 in its first year to $10,000 in its tenth and final year. The terminal cash flow is the after-tax nonoperating cash flow occurring in the final year of the project. It is usually attributable to liquidation of the project. In this case it is $25,000, received at the end of the project’s 10-year life. Note that the terminal cash flow does not include the $10,000 operating cash inflow for year 10. Expansion versus Replacement Cash Flows Developing relevant cash flow estimates is most straightforward in the case of expansion decisions. In this case, the initial investment, operating cash inflows, and terminal cash flow are merely the after-tax cash outflow and inflows associated with the proposed capital expenditure. Identifying relevant cash flows for replacement decisions is more complicated, because the firm must identify the incremental cash outflow and inflows that would result from the proposed replacement. The initial investment in the case of replacement is the difference between the initial investment needed to acquire the new asset and any after-tax cash inflows expected from liquidation of FIGURE 8.3 Terminal Cash Flow Cash Flow Components Time line for major cash flow components $25,000 Operating Cash Inflows $5,000 $4,000 $7,000 $6,000 $8,000 $7,000 $8,000 $8,000 $10,000 $9,000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 $50,000 End of Year Initial Investment 7 8 9 10 362 PART 3 Long-Term Investment Decisions FIGURE 8.4 Relevant Cash Flows for Replacement Decisions Calculation of the three components of relevant cash flow for a replacement decision Initial investment Initial investment needed to acquire new asset After-tax cash inflows from liquidation of old asset Operating cash inflows Operating cash inflows from new asset Operating cash inflows from old asset Terminal cash flow After-tax cash flows from termination of new asset After-tax cash flows from termination of old asset the old asset. The operating cash inflows are the difference between the operating cash inflows from the new asset and those from the old asset. The terminal cash flow is the difference between the after-tax cash flows expected upon termination of the new and the old assets. These relationships are shown in Figure 8.4. Actually, all capital budgeting decisions can be viewed as replacement decisions. Expansion decisions are merely replacement decisions in which all cash flows from the old asset are zero. In light of this fact, this chapter focuses primarily on replacement decisions. Sunk Costs and Opportunity Costs sunk costs Cash outlays that have already been made (past outlays) and therefore have no effect on the cash flows relevant to a current decision. opportunity costs Cash flows that could be realized from the best alternative use of an owned asset. EXAMPLE When estimating the relevant cash flows associated with a proposed capital expenditure, the firm must recognize any sunk costs and opportunity costs. These costs are easy to mishandle or ignore, particularly when determining a project’s incremental cash flows. Sunk costs are cash outlays that have already been made (past outlays) and therefore have no effect on the cash flows relevant to the current decision. As a result, sunk costs should not be included in a project’s incremental cash flows. Opportunity costs are cash flows that could be realized from the best alternative use of an owned asset. They therefore represent cash flows that will not be realized as a result of employing that asset in the proposed project. Because of this, any opportunity costs should be included as cash outflows when one is determining a project’s incremental cash flows. Jankow Equipment is considering renewing its drill press X12, which it purchased 3 years earlier for $237,000, by retrofitting it with the computerized control system from an obsolete piece of equipment it owns. The obsolete equipment could be sold today for a high bid of $42,000, but without its computerized control system, it would be worth nothing. Jankow is in the process of estimating the labor CHAPTER 8 FOCUS ON PRACTICE Coors Brews Better Financial Performance As Coors Brewing Company grew from a local brewer to the number3 national brand, it went on a capital spending spree to add capacity. The firm needed better financial planning, however: Managers did not prepare project cost reports, the company bought top-of-theline equipment, top management approved projects in spite of unattractive projected returns. By the early 1990s, Coors’ financial performance was suffering. This changed in 1995 when seasoned financial executive Tim Wolf joined Coors as CFO. Wolf quickly identified the need for greater financial discipline in planning and capital budgeting. He implemented more stringent guidelines for capital spending and required business unit managers to develop a sound business case to justify proposed capital expenditures. He also created a partnership between finance and operating departments, which Hint Sunk costs and opportunity costs are concepts you must fully understand. Funds already spent are irrelevant to future decisions, but funds given to one project that eliminates the investment returns of another project are considered a relevant cost. Capital Budgeting Cash Flows now recognized the key role that finance plays. The first project to use Wolf’s new capital budgeting procedures was a facility to wash and sanitize returnable bottles. Before replacing outdated equipment, managers analyzed the financial implications of six operating scenarios to determine the best alternative: moving the facility to Virginia. Every department that would be affected had input into the facility’s design and into estimates of its operating costs. The project team presented the complete business case to Wolf, who spent 6 months asking questions that resulted in cutting over 25 percent from the initial cost estimates. “I think the extra time was well spent,” says Wolf. “If you can reduce your capital costs, leverage the benefits, and get them faster, that’s the way to run your capital process.” In Wolf’s first 3 years at Coors, capital spending dropped 363 In Practice significantly, return on invested capital rose from 5.9 percent in 1995 to 8.8 percent in late 1997, and cash flow went from a negative $26 million to a positive $138 million. The company continued to apply its disciplined capital budgeting approach to expansion projects required to meet a large increase in demand. By 2000, return on invested capital was almost 12 percent, and return on equity was almost 13 percent. The result was improved shareholder value as the stock price climbed from $19 in early 1997 to peak at $82 in December 2000; it was trading at about $65 a share in March 2002. Sources: Stephen Barr, “Coors’s New Brew,” CFO (March 1998), downloaded from; Coors Annual Report, 2000,; “Coors Reports 13 Percent Rise,” AP Online (October 25, 2001), downloaded from Electric Library,; and John Rebchook, “Coors Building Expanded Distribution Facility off I-70,” Denver Rocky Mountain News (December 19, 2001), p. 4B. and materials costs of retrofitting the system to drill press X12 and the benefits expected from the retrofit. The $237,000 cost of drill press X12 is a sunk cost because it represents an earlier cash outlay. It would not be included as a cash outflow when determining the cash flows relevant to the retrofit decision. Although Jankow owns the obsolete piece of equipment, the proposed use of its computerized control system represents an opportunity cost of $42,000—the highest price at which it could be sold today. This opportunity cost would be included as a cash outflow associated with using the computerized control system. International Capital Budgeting and Long-Term Investments Although the same basic capital budgeting principles are used for domestic and international projects, several additional factors must be addressed in evaluating foreign investment opportunities. International capital budgeting differs from the domestic version because (1) cash outflows and inflows occur in a foreign currency, and (2) foreign investments entail potentially significant political risk. Both of these risks can be minimized through careful planning. 364 PART 3 Long-Term Investment Decisions foreign direct investment The transfer of capital, managerial, and technical assets to a foreign country. Companies face both long-term and short-term currency risks related to both the invested capital and the cash flows resulting from it. Long-term currency risk can be minimized by financing the foreign investment at least partly in the local capital markets rather than with dollar-denominated capital from the parent company. This step ensures that the project’s revenues, operating costs, and financing costs will be in the local currency. Likewise, the dollar value of shortterm, local-currency cash flows can be protected by using special securities and strategies such as futures, forwards, and options market instruments. Political risks can be minimized by using both operating and financial strategies. For example, by structuring the investment as a joint venture and selecting a well-connected local partner, the U.S. company can minimize the risk of its operations being seized or harassed. Companies also can protect themselves from having their investment returns blocked by local governments by structuring the financing of such investments as debt rather than as equity. Debt-service payments are legally enforceable claims, whereas equity returns (such as dividends) are not. Even if local courts do not support the claims of the U.S. company, the company can threaten to pursue its case in U.S. courts. In spite of the preceding difficulties, foreign direct investment, which involves the transfer of capital, managerial, and technical assets to a foreign country, has surged in recent years. This is evident in the growing market values of foreign assets owned by U.S.-based companies and of foreign direct investment in the United States, particularly by British, Canadian, Dutch, German, and Japanese companies. Furthermore, foreign direct investment by U.S. companies seems to be accelerating. Review Questions 8–5 8–6 8–7 8–8 LG4 Why is it important to evaluate capital budgeting projects on the basis of incremental cash flows? What three components of cash flow may exist for a given project? How can expansion decisions be treated as replacement decisions? Explain. What effect do sunk costs and opportunity costs have on a project’s incremental cash flows? How can currency risk and political risk be minimized when one is making foreign direct investment? 8.3 Finding the Initial Investment The term initial investment as used here refers to the relevant cash outflows to be considered when evaluating a prospective capital expenditure. Because our discussion of capital budgeting is concerned only with investments that exhibit conventional cash flows, the initial investment occurs at time zero—the time at which the expenditure is made. The initial investment is calculated by subtracting all cash inflows occurring at time zero from all cash outflows occurring at time zero. The basic format for determining the initial investment is given in Table 8.2. The cash flows that must be considered when determining the initial investment CHAPTER 8 TABLE 8.2 Capital Budgeting Cash Flows 365 The Basic Format for Determining Initial Investment Installed cost of new asset Cost of new asset Installation costs After-tax proceeds from sale of old asset Proceeds from sale of old asset Tax on sale of old asset Change in net working capital Initial investment cost of new asset The net outflow necessary to acquire a new asset. installation costs Any added costs that are necessary to place an asset into operation. installed cost of new asset The cost of the asset plus its installation costs; equals the asset’s depreciable value. after-tax proceeds from sale of old asset The difference between the old asset’s sale proceeds and any applicable taxes or tax refunds related to its sale. proceeds from sale of old asset The cash inflows, net of any removal or cleanup costs, resulting from the sale of an existing asset. tax on sale of old asset Tax that depends on the relationship among the old asset’s sale price, initial purchase price, and book value, and on existing government tax rules. associated with a capital expenditure are the installed cost of the new asset, the after-tax proceeds (if any) from the sale of an old asset, and the change (if any) in net working capital. Note that if there are no installation costs and the firm is not replacing an existing asset, then the purchase price of the asset, adjusted for any change in net working capital, is equal to the initial investment. Installed Cost of New Asset As shown in Table 8.2, the installed cost of the new asset is found by adding the cost of the new asset to its installation costs. The cost of new asset is the net outflow that its acquisition requires. Usually, we are concerned with the acquisition of a fixed asset for which a definite purchase price is paid. Installation costs are any added costs that are necessary to place an asset into operation. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires the firm to add installation costs to the purchase price of an asset to determine its depreciable value, which is expensed over a period of years. The installed cost of new asset, calculated by adding the cost of the asset to its installation costs, equals its depreciable value. After-Tax Proceeds from Sale of Old Asset Table 8.2 shows that the after-tax proceeds from sale of old asset decrease the firm’s initial investment in the new asset. These proceeds are the difference between the old asset’s sale proceeds and any applicable taxes or tax refunds related to its sale. The proceeds from sale of old asset are the net cash inflows it provides. This amount is net of any costs incurred in the process of removing the asset. Included in these removal costs are cleanup costs, such as those related to removal and disposal of chemical and nuclear wastes. These costs may not be trivial. The proceeds from the sale of an old asset are normally subject to some type of tax.3 This tax on sale of old asset depends on the relationship among its sale price, initial purchase price, and book value, and on existing government tax rules. 3. A brief discussion of the tax treatment of ordinary and capital gains income was presented in Chapter 1. 366 PART 3 Long-Term Investment Decisions book value The strict accounting value of an asset, calculated by subtracting its accumulated depreciation from its installed cost. EXAMPLE Book Value The book value of an asset is its strict accounting value. It can be calculated by using the following equation: Book value Installed cost of asset Accumulated depreciation (8.1) Hudson Industries, a small electronics company, 2 years ago acquired a machine tool with an installed cost of $100,000. The asset was being depreciated under MACRS using a 5-year recovery period.4 Table 3.2 (page 100) shows that under MACRS for a 5-year recovery period, 20% and 32% of the installed cost would be depreciated in years 1 and 2, respectively. In other words, 52% (20% 32%) of the $100,000 cost, or $52,000 (0.52 $100,000), would represent the accumulated depreciation at the end of year 2. Substituting into Equation 8.1, we get Book value $100,000 $52,000 $4 8 ,0 0 0 The book value of Hudson’s asset at the end of year 2 is therefore $48,000. Basic Tax Rules Four potential tax situations can occur when an asset is sold. These situations depend on the relationship between the asset’s sale price, its initial purchase price, and its book value. The three key forms of taxable income and their associated tax treatments are defined and summarized in Table 8.3. The assumed tax rates used throughout this text are noted in the final column. There are four possible tax situations, which result in one or more forms of taxable income: The TABLE 8.3 Tax Treatment on Sales of Assets Form of taxable income Definition Tax treatment Assumed tax rate Capital gain Portion of the sale price that is in excess of the initial purchase price. Regardless of how long the asset has been held, the total capital gain is taxed as ordinary income. 40% Recaptured depreciation Portion of the sale price that is in excess of book value and represents a recovery of previously taken depreciation. All recaptured depreciation is taxed as ordinary income. 40% Loss on sale of asset Amount by which sale price is less than book value. If the asset is depreciable and used in business, loss is deducted from ordinary income. 40% of loss is a tax savings If the asset is not depreciable or is not used in business, loss is deductible only against capital gains. 40% of loss is a tax savings 4. For a review of MACRS, see Chapter 3. Under current tax law, most manufacturing equipment has a 7-year recovery period, as noted in Table 3.1. Using this recovery period results in 8 years of depreciation, which unnecessarily complicates examples and problems. To simplify, manufacturing equipment is treated as a 5-year asset in this and the following chapters. CHAPTER 8 Capital Budgeting Cash Flows 367 asset may be sold (1) for more than its initial purchase price, (2) for more than its book value but less than its initial purchase price, (3) for its book value, or (4) for less than its book value. An example will illustrate. EXAMPLE recaptured depreciation The portion of an asset’s sale price that is above its book value and below its initial purchase price. The old asset purchased 2 years ago for $100,000 by Hudson Industries has a current book value of $48,000. What will happen if the firm now decides to sell the asset and replace it? The tax consequences depend on the sale price. Figure 8.5 on page 368 depicts the taxable income resulting from four possible sale prices in light of the asset’s initial purchase price of $100,000 and its current book value of $48,000. The taxable consequences of each of these sale prices is described below. The sale of the asset for more than its initial purchase price If Hudson sells the old asset for $110,000, it realizes a capital gain of $10,000, which is taxed as ordinary income.5 The firm also experiences ordinary income in the form of recaptured depreciation, which is the portion of the sale price that is above book value and below the initial purchase price. In this case there is recaptured depreciation of $52,000 ($100,000 $48,000). Both the $10,000 capital gain and the $52,000 recaptured depreciation are shown under the $110,000 sale price in Figure 8.5. The taxes on the total gain of $62,000 are calculated as follows: Tax Amount (1) Rate (2) [(1) (2)] (3) Capital gain $10,000 0.40 $24,000 Recaptured depreciation 5 2 ,0 0 0 $ 6 2 , 0 0 0 0.40 2 0 ,8 0 0 $ 2 4 , 8 0 0 Totals These taxes should be used in calculating the initial investment in the new asset, using the format in Table 8.2. In effect, the taxes raise the amount of the firm’s initial investment in the new asset by reducing the proceeds from the sale of the old asset. The sale of the asset for more than its book value but less than its initial purchase price If Hudson sells the old asset for $70,000, there is no capital gain. However, the firm still experiences a gain in the form of recaptured depreciation of $22,000 ($70,000 $48,000), as shown under the $70,000 sale price in Figure 8.5. This recaptured depreciation is taxed as ordinary income. Because the firm is assumed to be in the 40% tax bracket, the taxes on the $22,000 gain are $8,800. This amount in taxes should be used in calculating the initial investment in the new asset. The sale of the asset for its book value If the asset is sold for $48,000, its book value, the firm breaks even. There is no gain or loss, as shown under the $48,000 5. Although the current tax law requires corporate capital gains to be treated as ordinary income, the structure for corporate capital gains is retained under the law to facilitate a rate differential in the likely event of future tax revisions. Therefore, this distinction is made throughout the text discussions. 368 PART 3 FIGURE 8.5 Long-Term Investment Decisions Taxable Income from Sale of Asset Taxable income from sale of asset at various sale prices for Hudson Industries Sale Price $110,000 Initial Purchase Price $110,000 $100,000 $70,000 Book Value $48,000 $70,000 $48,000 $30,000 Capital Gain ($10,000) Recaptured Depreciation ($52,000) Recaptured Depreciation ($22,000) $30,000 No Gain or Loss Loss ($18,000) $0 sale price in Figure 8.5. Because no tax results from selling an asset for its book value, there is no tax effect on the initial investment in the new asset. The sale of the asset for less than its book value If Hudson sells the asset for $30,000, it experiences a loss of $18,000 ($48,000 $30,000), as shown under the $30,000 sale price in Figure 8.5. If this is a depreciable asset used in the business, the loss may be used to offset ordinary operating income. If the asset is not depreciable or is not used in the business, the loss can be used only to offset capital gains. In either case, the loss will save the firm $7,200 ($18,000 0.40) in taxes. And, if current operating earnings or capital gains are not sufficient to offset the loss, the firm may be able to apply these losses to prior or future years’ taxes.6 Change in Net Working Capital7 net working capital The amount by which a firm’s current assets exceed its current liabilities. Net working capital is the amount by which a firm’s current assets exceed its current liabilities. This topic is treated in depth in Chapter 14, but at this point it is important to note that changes in net working capital often accompany capital expenditure decisions. If a firm acquires new machinery to expand its level of operations, it will experience an increase in levels of cash, accounts receivable, inventories, accounts payable, and accruals. These increases result from the need 6. As noted in Chapter 1, the tax law provides detailed procedures for using tax loss carrybacks/carryforwards. Application of such procedures to capital budgeting is beyond the scope of this text, and they are therefore ignored in subsequent discussions. 7. Occasionally, this cash outflow is intentionally ignored to enhance the attractiveness of a proposed investment and thereby improve its likelihood of acceptance. Similar intentional omissions and/or overly optimistic estimates are sometimes made to enhance project acceptance. The presence of formal review and analysis procedures should help the firm to ensure that capital budgeting cash flow estimates are realistic and unbiased and that the “best” projects—those that make the maximum contribution to owner wealth—are accepted. CHAPTER 8 TABLE 8.4 Capital Budgeting Cash Flows Calculation of Change in Net Working Capital for Danson Company Current account $ 4,000 Accounts receivable 10,000 Inventories 8 ,0 0 0 Accounts payable $ 7,000 Accruals 2 ,0 0 0 (2) Current liabilities Change in net working capital [(1) (2)] EXAMPLE Change in balance Cash (1) Current assets change in net working capital The difference between a change in current assets and a change in current liabilities. 369 $22,000 9 ,0 0 0 $ 1 3 , 0 0 0 for more cash to support expanded operations, more accounts receivable and inventories to support increased sales, and more accounts payable and accruals to support increased outlays made to meet expanded product demand. As noted in Chapter 3, increases in cash, accounts receivable, and inventories are outflows of cash, whereas increases in accounts payable and accruals are inflows of cash. The difference between the change in current assets and the change in current liabilities is the change in net working capital. Generally, current assets increase by more than current liabilities, resulting in an increased investment in net working capital. This increased investment is treated as an initial outflow.8 If the change in net working capital were negative, it would be shown as an initial inflow. The change in net working capital—regardless of whether it is an increase or a decrease—is not taxable because it merely involves a net buildup or net reduction of current accounts. Danson Company, a metal products manufacturer, is contemplating expanding its operations. Financial analysts expect that the changes in current accounts summarized in Table 8.4 will occur and will be maintained over the life of the expansion. Current assets are expected to increase by $22,000, and current liabilities are expected to increase by $9,000, resulting in a $13,000 increase in net working capital. In this case, the increase will represent an increased net working capital investment and will be treated as a cash outflow in calculating the initial investment. Calculating the Initial Investment A variety of tax and other considerations enter into the initial investment calculation. The following example illustrates calculation of the initial investment according to the format in Table 8.2.9 8. When changes in net working capital apply to the initial investment associated with a proposed capital expenditure, they are for convenience assumed to be instantaneous and thereby occurring at time zero. In practice, the change in net working capital will frequently occur over a period of months as the capital expenditure is implemented. 9. Throughout the discussions of capital budgeting, all assets evaluated as candidates for replacement are assumed to be depreciable assets that are directly used in the business, so any losses on the sale of these assets can be applied against ordinary operating income. The decisions are also structured to ensure that the usable life remaining on the old asset is just equal to the life of the new asset; this assumption enables us to avoid the problem of unequal lives, which is discussed in Chapter 10. 370 PART 3 Long-Term Investment Decisions EXAMPLE Powell Corporation, a large, diversified manufacturer of aircraft components, is trying to determine the initial investment required to replace an old machine with a new, more sophisticated model. The machine’s purchase price is $380,000, and an additional $20,000 will be necessary to install it. It will be depreciated under MACRS using a 5-year recovery period. The present (old) machine was purchased 3 years ago at a cost of $240,000 and was being depreciated under MACRS using a 5-year recovery period. The firm has found a buyer willing to pay $280,000 for the present machine and to remove it at the buyer’s expense. The firm expects that a $35,000 increase in current assets and an $18,000 increase in current liabilities will accompany the replacement; these changes will result in a $17,000 ($35,000 $18,000) increase in net working capital. Both ordinary income and capital gains are taxed at a rate of 40%. The only component of the initial investment calculation that is difficult to obtain is taxes. Because the firm is planning to sell the present machine for $40,000 more than its initial purchase price, a capital gain of $40,000 will be realized. The book value of the present machine can be found by using the depreciation percentages from Table 3.2 (page 100) of 20%, 32%, and 19% for years 1, 2, and 3, respectively. The resulting book value is $69,600 ($240,000 [(0.20 0.32 0.19) $240,000]). An ordinary gain of $170,400 ($240,000 $69,600) in recaptured depreciation is also realized on the sale. The total taxes on the gain are $84,160 [($40,000 $170,400) 0.40]. Substituting these amounts into the format in Table 8.2 results in an initial investment of $221,160, which represents the net cash outflow required at time zero. Installed cost of proposed machine Cost of proposed machine Installation costs Total installed cost—proposed (depreciable value) After-tax proceeds from sale of present machine Proceeds from sale of present machine Tax on sale of present machine Total after-tax proceeds—present Change in net working capital $380,000 2 0 ,0 0 0 $400,000 $280,000 84,160 195,840 17,000 1,160 $22 Initial investment Review Questions 8–9 Explain how each of the following inputs is used to calculate the initial investment: (a) cost of new asset, (b) installation costs, (c) proceeds from sale of old asset, (d) tax on sale of old asset, and (e) change in net working capital. 8–10 How is the book value of an asset calculated? What are the three key forms of taxable income? 8–11 What four tax situations may result from the sale of an asset that is being replaced? 8–12 Referring to the basic format for calculating initial investment, explain how a firm would determine the depreciable value of the new asset. CHAPTER 8 LG5 Capital Budgeting Cash Flows 371 8.4 Finding the Operating Cash Inflows The benefits expected from a capital expenditure or “project” are embodied in its operating cash inflows, which are incremental after-tax cash inflows. In this section we use the income statement format to develop clear definitions of the terms after-tax, cash inflows, and incremental. Interpreting the Term After-Tax Benefits expected to result from proposed capital expenditures must be measured on an after-tax basis, because the firm will not have the use of any benefits until it has satisfied the government’s tax claims. These claims depend on the firm’s taxable income, so deducting taxes before making comparisons between proposed investments is necessary for consistency when evaluating capital expenditure alternatives. Interpreting the Term Cash Inflows All benefits expected from a proposed project must be measured on a cash flow basis. Cash inflows represent dollars that can be spent, not merely “accounting profits.” A simple accounting technique for converting after-tax net profits into operating cash inflows was given in Equation 3.1 on page 102. The basic calculation requires adding depreciation and any other noncash charges (amortization and depletion) deducted as expenses on the firm’s income statement back to net profits after taxes. Because depreciation is commonly found on income statements, it is the only noncash charge we consider. EXAMPLE Powell Corporation’s estimates of its revenue and expenses (excluding depreciation), with and without the proposed new machine described in the preceding example, are given in Table 8.5. Note that both the expected usable life of the proposed machine and the remaining usable life of the present machine are 5 years. The amount to be depreciated with the proposed machine is calculated by TABLE 8.5 Powell Corporation’s Revenue and Expenses (Excluding Depreciation) for Proposed and Present Machines With proposed machine Year Revenue (1) Expenses (excl. depr.) (2) 1 $2,520,000 2 2,520,000 3 With present machine Year Revenue (1) Expenses (excl. depr.) (2) $2,300,000 1 $2,200,000 $1,990,000 2,300,000 2 2,300,000 2,110,000 2,520,000 2,300,000 3 2,400,000 2,230,000 4 2,520,000 2,300,000 4 2,400,000 2,250,000 5 2,520,000 2,300,000 5 2,250,000 2,120,000 372 PART 3 Long-Term Investment Decisions TABLE 8.6 Year Depreciation Expense for Proposed and Present Machines for Powell Corporation Cost (1) Applicable MACRS depreciation percentages (from Table 3.2) (2) Depreciation [(1) (2)] (3) With proposed machine 1 $400,000 2 400,000 20% 32 128,000 3 400,000 19 76,000 4 400,000 12 48,000 5 400,000 12 6 400,000 5 1 0 0 % 20,000 $4 0 0 ,0 0 0 12% (year-4 depreciation) $28,800 Totals $ 80,000 48,000 With present machine 1 $240,000 2 240,000 12 (year-5 depreciation) 28,800 3 240,000 5 (year-6 depreciation) 12,000 4 5 6 Total Because the present machine is at the end of the third year of its cost recovery at the time the analysis is performed, it has only the final 3 years of depreciation (as noted above) still applicable. 0 0 0 a $ 6 9 , 6 0 0 aThe total $69,600 represents the book value of the present machine at the end of the third year, as calculated in the preceding example. summing the purchase price of $380,000 and the installation costs of $20,000. The proposed machine is to be depreciated under MACRS using a 5-year recovery period.10 The resulting depreciation on this machine for each of the 6 years, as well as the remaining 3 years of depreciation (years 4, 5, and 6) on the present machine, are calculated in Table 8.6.11 The operating cash inflows in each year can be calculated by using the income statement format shown in Table 8.7. Substituting the data from Tables 8.5 and 8.6 into this format and assuming a 40% tax rate, we get Table 8.8. It demonstrates the calculation of operating cash inflows for each year for both the proposed and the present machine. Because the proposed machine is depreciated over 6 years, the analysis must be performed over the 6-year period to capture fully the tax effect of its year-6 depreciation. The resulting operating cash inflows are shown in the final row of Table 8.8 for each machine. The $8,000 year-6 cash inflow for the proposed machine results solely from the tax benefit of its year-6 depreciation deduction. 10. As noted in Chapter 3, it takes n 1 years to depreciate an n-year class asset under current tax law. Therefore, MACRS percentages are given for each of 6 years for use in depreciating an asset with a 5-year recovery period. 11. It is important to recognize that although both machines will provide 5 years of use, the proposed new machine will be depreciated over the 6-year period, whereas the present machine, as noted in the preceding example, has been depreciated over 3 years and therefore has remaining only its final 3 years (years 4, 5, and 6) of depreciation (12%, 12%, and 5%, respectively, under MACRS). CHAPTER 8 TABLE 8.7 Capital Budgeting Cash Flows 373 Calculation of Operating Cash Inflows Using the Income Statement Format Revenue Expenses (excluding depreciation) Profits before depreciation and taxes Depreciation Net profits before taxes Taxes Net profits after taxes Depreciation Operating cash inflows TABLE 8.8 Calculation of Operating Cash Inflows for Powell Corporation’s Proposed and Present Machines Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 $2,520,000 $2,520,000 $2,520,000 $2,520,000 $2,520,000 $ 2 ,3 0 0 ,0 0 0 $ 220,000 2 ,3 0 0 ,0 0 0 $ 220,000 2 ,3 0 0 ,0 0 0 $ 220,000 2 ,3 0 0 ,0 0 0 $ 220,000 2 ,3 0 0 ,0 0 0 $ 220,000 0 $ 0 8 0 ,0 0 0 $ 140,000 1 2 8 ,0 0 0 $ 92,000 7 6 ,0 0 0 $ 144,000 4 8 ,0 0 0 $ 172,000 4 8 ,0 0 0 $ 172,000 2 0 ,0 0 0 $20,000 5 6 ,0 0 0 $ 84,000 3 6 ,8 0 0 $ 55,200 5 7 ,6 0 0 $ 86,400 6 8 ,8 0 0 $ 103,200 6 8 ,8 0 0 $ 103,200 8 ,0 0 0 $12,000 8 0 ,0 0 0 $ 1 6 4 , 0 0 0 1 2 8 ,0 0 0 $ 1 8 3 , 2 0 0 7 6 ,0 0 0 $ 1 6 2 , 4 0 0 4 8 ,0 0 0 $ 1 5 1 , 2 0 0 4 8 ,0 0 0 $ 1 5 1 , 2 0 0 2 0 ,0 0 0 $ 8 , 0 0 0 $2,200,000 $2,300,000 $2,400,000 $2,400,000 $2,250,000 $ 1,990,000 $ 210,000 2,110,000 $ 190,000 2,230,000 $ 170,000 2,250,000 $ 150,000 2,120,000 $ 130,000 0 $ 0 28,800 $ 181,200 28,800 $ 161,200 12,000 $ 158,000 0 $ 150,000 0 $ 130,000 0 $ 0 72,480 $ 108,720 64,480 $ 96,720 63,200 $ 94,800 60,000 $ 90,000 52,000 $ 78,000 0 $ 0 28,800 $ 1 37 ,52 0 28,800 $ 1 25 ,52 0 12,000 $ 1 06 ,80 0 0 $ 9 0 , 0 0 0 0 $ 7 8 , 0 0 0 0 $ 0 With proposed machine Revenuea Expenses (excl. depr.)b Profits before depr. and taxes Depreciationc Net profits before taxes Taxes (rate 40%) Net profits after taxes Depreciationc Operating cash inflows 0 With present machine Revenuea Expenses (excl. depr.)b Profits before depr. and taxes Depreciationc Net profits before taxes Taxes (rate 40%) Net profits after taxes Depreciationc Operating cash inflows aFrom column 1 of Table 8.5. column 2 of Table 8.5. cFrom column 3 of Table 8.6. bFrom 0 374 PART 3 Long-Term Investment Decisions Interpreting the Term Incremental The final step in estimating the operating cash inflows for a proposed project is to calculate the incremental (relevant) cash inflows. Incremental operating cash inflows are needed, because our concern is only with the change in operating cash inflows that result from the proposed project. EXAMPLE Table 8.9 demonstrates the calculation of Powell Corporation’s incremental (relevant) operating cash inflows for each year. The estimates of operating cash inflows developed in Table 8.8 are given in columns 1 and 2. Column 2 values represent the amount of operating cash inflows that Powell Corporation will receive if it does not replace the present machine. If the proposed machine replaces the present machine, the firm’s operating cash inflows for each year will be those shown in column 1. Subtracting the present machine’s operating cash inflows from the proposed machine’s operating cash inflows, we get the incremental operating cash inflows for each year, shown in column 3. These cash flows represent the amounts by which each respective year’s cash inflows will increase as a result of the replacement. For example, in year 1, Powell Corporation’s cash inflows would increase by $26,480 if the proposed project were undertaken. Clearly, these are the relevant inflows to be considered when evaluating the benefits of making a capital expenditure for the proposed machine.12 TABLE 8.9 Incremental (Relevant) Operating Cash Inflows for Powell Corporation Operating cash inflows Year Proposed machinea (1) Present machinea (2) Incremental (relevant) [(1) (2)] (3) 1 $164,000 $137,520 $26,480 2 183,200 125,520 57,680 3 162,400 106,800 55,600 4 151,200 90,000 61,200 5 151,200 78,000 73,200 6 8,000 0 8,000 aFrom final row for respective machine in Table 8.8. 12. The following equation can be used to calculate more directly the incremental cash inflow in year t, ICIt. ICIt [PBDTt (1 T)] (Dt T) where PBDTt change in profits before depreciation and taxes [revenues expenses (excl. depr.)] in year t Dt change in depreciation expense in year t T firm’s marginal tax rate Applying this formula to the Powell Corporation data given in Tables 8.5 and 8.6 for year 3, we get the following values of variables: PBDT3 ($2,520,000 $2,300,000) ($2,400,000 $2,230,000) $220,000 $170,000 $50,000 CHAPTER 8 Capital Budgeting Cash Flows 375 Review Questions 8–13 How does depreciation enter into the calculation of operating cash inflows? 8–14 How are the incremental (relevant) operating cash inflows that are associated with a replacement decision calculated? LG6 8.5 Finding the Terminal Cash Flow Terminal cash flow is the cash flow resulting from termination and liquidation of a project at the end of its economic life. It represents the after-tax cash flow, exclusive of operating cash inflows, that occurs in the final year of the project. When it applies, this flow can significantly affect the capital expenditure decision. Terminal cash flow can be calculated for replacement projects by using the basic format presented in Table 8.10. Proceeds from Sale of Assets The proceeds from sale of the new and the old asset, often called “salvage value,” represent the amount net of any removal or cleanup costs expected upon termination of the project. For replacement projects, proceeds from both the new asset and the old asset must be considered. For expansion and renewal types of capital expenditures, the proceeds from the old asset are zero. Of course, it is not unusual for the value of an asset to be zero at the termination of a project. TABLE 8.10 The Basic Format for Determining Terminal Cash Flow After-tax proceeds from sale of new asset Proceeds from sale of new asset Tax on sale of new asset After-tax proceeds from sale of old asset Proceeds from sale of old asset Tax on sale of old asset Change in net working capital Terminal cash flow D3 $76,000 $12,000 $64,000 T 0.40 Substituting into the equation yields ICI3 [$50,000 (1 0.40)] ($64,000 0.40) $30,000 $25,600 $55,600 The $55,600 of incremental cash inflow for year 3 is the same value as that calculated for year 3 in column 3 of Table 8.9. 376 PART 3 Long-Term Investment Decisions Taxes on Sale of Assets Earlier we calculated the tax on sale of old asset (as part of finding the initial investment). Similarly, taxes must be considered on the terminal sale of both the new and the old asset for replacement projects and on only the new asset in other cases. The tax calculations apply whenever an asset is sold for a value different from its book value. If the net proceeds from the sale are expected to exceed book value, a tax payment shown as an outflow (deduction from sale proceeds) will occur. When the net proceeds from the sale are less than book value, a tax rebate shown as a cash inflow (addition to sale proceeds) will result. For assets sold to net exactly book value, no taxes will be due. Change in Net Working Capital When we calculated the initial investment, we took into account any change in net working capital that is attributable to the new asset. Now, when we calculate the terminal cash flow, the change in net working capital represents the reversion of any initial net working capital investment. Most often, this will show up as a cash inflow due to the reduction in net working capital; with termination of the project, the need for the increased net working capital investment is assumed to end.13 Because the net working capital investment is in no way consumed, the amount recovered at termination will equal the amount shown in the calculation of the initial investment.14 Tax considerations are not involved. Calculating the terminal cash flow involves the same procedures as those used to find the initial investment. In the following example, the terminal cash flow is calculated for a replacement decision. EXAMPLE Continuing with the Powell Corporation example, assume that the firm expects to be able to liquidate the new machine at the end of its 5-year usable life to net $50,000 after paying removal and cleanup costs. The old machine can be liquidated at the end of the 5 years to net $0 because it will then be completely obsolete. The firm expects to recover its $17,000 net working capital investment upon termination of the project. Both ordinary income and capital gains are taxed at a rate of 40%. From the analysis of the operating cash inflows presented earlier, we can see that the proposed (new) machine will have a book value of $20,000 (equal to the year-6 depreciation) at the end of 5 years. The present (old) machine will be fully depreciated and therefore have a book value of zero at the end of the 5 years. Because the sale price of $50,000 for the proposed (new) machine is below its initial installed cost of $400,000 but greater than its book value of $20,000, taxes will have to be paid only on the recaptured depreciation of $30,000 ($50,000 sale proceeds $20,000 book value). Applying the ordinary tax rate of 40% to this $30,000 results in a tax of $12,000 (0.40 $30,000) on the sale of the proposed machine. Its after-tax sale proceeds would therefore equal $38,000 ($50,000 sale 13. As noted earlier, the change in net working capital is for convenience assumed to occur instantaneously—in this case, on termination of the project. In actuality, it may take a number of months for the original increase in net working capital to be worked down to zero. 14. In practice, the full net working capital investment may not be recovered. This occurs because some accounts receivable may not be collectible and some inventory will probably be obsolete, and so their book values cannot be fully realized. CHAPTER 8 Capital Budgeting Cash Flows 377 proceeds $12,000 taxes). Because the present machine would net $0 at termination and its book value would be $0, no tax would be due on its sale. Its aftertax sale proceeds would therefore equal $0. Substituting the appropriate values into the format in Table 8.10 results in the terminal cash inflow of $55,000. After-tax proceeds from sale of proposed machine Proceeds from sale of proposed machine Tax on sale of proposed machine Total after-tax proceeds—proposed After-tax proceeds from sale of present machine Proceeds from sale of present machine Tax on sale of present machine Total after-tax proceeds—present Change in net working capital $50,000 12,000 0 0 $38,000 $ Terminal cash flow 0 17,000 $55 ,00 0 Review Question 8–15 Explain how the terminal cash flow is calculated for replacement projects. LG4 LG5 LG6 8.6 Summarizing the Relevant Cash Flows Hint Capital expenditures are critical to a firm’s success, and these funds are usually limited. Because of this, the process of determining cash flows should be finely tuned so that it is both objective and realistic. EXAMPLE The initial investment, operating cash inflows, and terminal cash flow together represent a project’s relevant cash flows. These cash flows can be viewed as the incremental after-tax cash flows attributable to the proposed project. They represent, in a cash flow sense, how much better or worse off the firm will be if it chooses to implement the proposal. The relevant cash flows for Powell Corporation’s proposed replacement expenditure can now be shown graphically, on a time line. Note that because the new asset is assumed to be sold at the end of its 5-year usable life, the year-6 incremental operating cash inflow calculated in Table 8.9 has no relevance; the terminal cash flow effectively replaces this value in the analysis. As the following time line shows, the relevant cash flows follow a conventional cash flow pattern. Time line for Powell Corporation’s relevant cash flows with the proposed machine $26,480 $57,680 $55,600 $61,200 1 2 3 4 $ 55,000 Terminal Cash Flow 73,200 Operating Cash Inflow $128,200 Total Cash Flow 0 $221,160 End of Year 5 378 PART 3 Long-Term Investment Decisions Techniques for analyzing conventional cash flow patterns to determine whether to undertake a proposed capital investment are discussed in Chapter 9. Review Question 8–16 Diagram and describe the three components of the relevant cash flows for a capital budgeting project. S U M M A RY FOCUS ON VALUE A key responsibility of financial managers is to review and analyze proposed investment decisions in order to make sure that only those that contribute positively to the value of the firm are undertaken. Utilizing a variety of tools and techniques, financial managers estimate the cash flows that a proposed investment will generate and then apply appropriate decision techniques to assess the investment’s impact on the firm’s value. The most difficult and important aspect of this capital budgeting process is developing good estimates of the relevant cash flows. The relevant cash flows are the incremental after-tax cash flows resulting from a proposed investment. These estimates represent the cash flow benefits that are likely to accrue to the firm as a result of implementing the investment. By applying to the cash flows decision techniques that capture time value of money and risk factors, the financial manager can estimate the impact the investment will have on the firm’s share price. Clearly, only those investments that can be expected to increase the stock price should be undertaken. Consistent application of capital budgeting procedures to proposed long-term investments should therefore allow the firm to maximize its stock price. REVIEW OF LEARNING GOALS Understand the key motives for capital expenditure and the steps in the capital budgeting process. Capital budgeting is the process used to evaluate and select capital expenditures consistent with the firm’s goal of maximizing owner wealth. Capital expenditures are long-term investments made to expand, replace, or renew fixed assets or to obtain some less tangible benefit. The capital budgeting process includes five distinct but interrelated LG1 steps: proposal generation, review and analysis, decision making, implementation, and follow-up. Define basic capital budgeting terminology. Capital expenditure proposals may be independent or mutually exclusive. Typically, firms have only limited funds for capital investments and must ration them among carefully selected projects. Two basic approaches to capital budgeting decisions are LG2 CHAPTER 8 the accept–reject approach and the ranking approach. Conventional cash flow patterns consist of an initial outflow followed by a series of inflows; any other pattern is nonconventional. Discuss the major components of relevant cash flows, expansion versus replacement cash flows, sunk costs and opportunity costs, and international capital budgeting and long-term investments. The relevant cash flows for capital budgeting decisions are the initial investment, the operating cash inflows, and the terminal cash flow. For replacement decisions, these flows are found by determining the difference between the cash flows of the new asset and the old asset. Expansion decisions are viewed as replacement decisions in which all cash flows from the old asset are zero. When estimating relevant cash flows, one should ignore sunk costs, and opportunity costs should be included as cash outflows. In international capital budgeting, currency risks and political risks can be minimized through careful planning. LG3 Calculate the initial investment associated with LG4 a proposed capital expenditure. The initial investment is the initial outflow required, taking into account the installed cost of the new asset, the after-tax proceeds from the sale of the old asset, and any change in net working capital. Finding the after-tax proceeds from sale of the old asset, which reduces the initial investment, involves cost, depreciation, and tax data. The book value of an asset is its accounting value, which is used to determine what taxes are owed as a result of its sale. Any of three forms of taxable income—capital gain, recap- SELF-TEST PROBLEMS LG4 ST 8–1 Capital Budgeting Cash Flows 379 tured depreciation, or a loss—can result from sale of an asset. The form of taxable income that applies depends on whether the asset is sold for (1) more than its initial purchase price, (2) more than book value but less than what was initially paid, (3) book value, or (4) less than book value. The change in net working capital is the difference between the change in current assets and the change in current liabilities expected to accompany a given capital expenditure. Determine relevant operating cash inflows using the income statement format. The operating cash inflows are the incremental after-tax cash inflows expected to result from a project. The income statement format involves adding depreciation back to net profits after taxes and gives the operating cash inflows associated with the proposed and present projects. The relevant (incremental) cash inflows are the difference between the operating cash inflows of the proposed project and those of the present project. LG5 Find the terminal cash flow. The terminal cash flow represents the after-tax cash flow, exclusive of operating cash inflows, that is expected from liquidation of a project. It is calculated by finding the difference between the after-tax proceeds from sale of the new and the old asset at project termination and then adjusting this difference for any change in net working capital. Sale price and depreciation data are used to find the taxes and the after-tax sale proceeds on the new and old assets. The change in net working capital typically represents the reversion of any initial net working capital investment. LG6 (Solutions in Appendix B) Book value, taxes, and initial investment Irvin Enterprises is considering the purchase of a new piece of equipment to replace the current equipment. The new equipment costs $75,000 and requires $5,000 in installation costs. It will be depreciated under MACRS using a 5-year recovery period. The old piece of equipment was purchased 4 years ago for an installed cost of $50,000; it was being depreciated under MACRS using a 5-year recovery period. The old equipment can be sold today for $55,000 net of any removal or cleanup costs. As a result of the proposed replacement, the firm’s investment in net working capital is expected to increase by $15,000. The firm pays taxes at a rate of 40% on both 380 PART 3 Long-Term Investment Decisions ordinary income and capital gains. (Table 3.2 on page 100 contains the applicable MACRS depreciation percentages.) a. Calculate the book value of the old piece of equipment. b. Determine the taxes, if any, attributable to the sale of the old equipment. c. Find the initial investment associated with the proposed equipment replacement. LG4 LG5 LG6 ST 8–2 Determining relevant cash flows A machine currently in use was originally purchased 2 years ago for $40,000. The machine is being depreciated under MACRS using a 5-year recovery period; it has 3 years of usable life remaining. The current machine can be sold today to net $42,000 after removal and cleanup costs. A new machine, using a 3-year MACRS recovery period, can be purchased at a price of $140,000. It requires $10,000 to install and has a 3-year usable life. If the new machine is acquired, the investment in accounts receivable will be expected to rise by $10,000, the inventory investment will increase by $25,000, and accounts payable will increase by $15,000. Profits before depreciation and taxes are expected to be $70,000 for each of the next 3 years with the old machine and to be $120,000 in the first year and $130,000 in the second and third years with the new machine. At the end of 3 years, the market value of the old machine will equal zero, but the new machine could be sold to net $35,000 before taxes. Both ordinary corporate income and capital gains are subject to a 40% tax. (Table 3.2 on page 100 contains the applicable MACRS depreciation percentages.) a. Determine the initial investment associated with the proposed replacement decision. b. Calculate the incremental operating cash inflows for years 1 to 4 associated with the proposed replacement. (Note: Only depreciation cash flows must be considered in year 4.) c. Calculate the terminal cash flow associated with the proposed replacement decision. (Note: This is at the end of year 3.) d. Depict on a time line the relevant cash flows found in parts a, b, and c that are associated with the proposed replacement decision, assuming that it is terminated at the end of year 3. PROBLEMS LG1 8–1 Classification of expenditures Given the following list of outlays, indicate whether each is normally considered a capital or an operating expenditure. Explain your answers. a. An initial lease payment of $5,000 for electronic point-of-sale cash register systems. b. An outlay of $20,000 to purchase patent rights from an inventor. c. An outlay of $80,000 for a major research and development program. d. An $80,000 investment in a portfolio of marketable securities. e. A $300 outlay for an office machine. f. An outlay of $2,000 for a new machine tool. g. An outlay of $240,000 for a new building. h. An outlay of $1,000 for a marketing research report. CHAPTER 8 LG2 8–2 Capital Budgeting Cash Flows 381 Basic terminology A firm is considering the following three separate situations. Situation A Build either a small office building or a convenience store on a parcel of land located in a high-traffic area. Adequate funding is available, and both projects are known to be acceptable. The office building requires an initial investment of $620,000 and is expected to provide operating cash inflows of $40,000 per year for 20 years. The convenience store is expected to cost $500,000 and to provide a growing stream of operating cash inflows over its 20year life. The initial operating cash inflow is $20,000, and it will increase by 5% each year. Situation B Replace a machine with a new one that requires a $60,000 initial investment and will provide operating cash inflows of $10,000 per year for the first 5 years. At the end of year 5, a machine overhaul costing $20,000 will be required. After it is completed, expected operating cash inflows will be $10,000 in year 6; $7,000 in year 7; $4,000 in year 8; and $1,000 in year 9, at the end of which the machine will be scrapped. Situation C Invest in any or all of the four machines whose relevant cash flows are given in the following table. The firm has $500,000 budgeted to fund these machines, all of which are known to be acceptable. Initial investment for each machine is $250,000. Operating cash inflows Year Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 3 Machine 4 1 $ 50,000 $70,000 $65,000 $90,000 2 70,000 70,000 65,000 80,000 3 90,000 70,000 80,000 70,000 4 30,000 70,000 80,000 60,000 5 100,000 70,000 20,000 50,000 For each situation, indicate: a. Whether the projects involved are independent or mutually exclusive. b. Whether the availability of funds is unlimited or capital rationing exists. c. Whether accept–reject or ranking decisions are required. d. Whether each project’s cash flows are conventional or nonconventional. LG3 8–3 Relevant cash flow pattern fundamentals For each of the following projects, determine the relevant cash flows, classify the cash flow pattern, and depict the cash flows on a time line. a. A project that requires an initial investment of $120,000 and will generate annual operating cash inflows of $25,000 for the next 18 years. In each of the 18 years, maintenance of the project will require a $5,000 cash outflow. b. A new machine with an installed cost of $85,000. Sale of the old machine will yield $30,000 after taxes. Operating cash inflows generated by the replacement will exceed the operating cash inflows of the old machine by $20,000 in each year of a 6-year period. At the end of year 6, liquidation of the new machine will yield $20,000 after taxes, which is $10,000 greater 382 PART 3 Long-Term Investment Decisions than the after-tax proceeds expected from the old machine had it been retained and liquidated at the end of year 6. c. An asset that requires an initial investment of $2 million and will yield annual operating cash inflows of $300,000 for each of the next 10 years. Operating cash outlays will be $20,000 for each year except year 6, when an overhaul requiring an additional cash outlay of $500,000 will be required. The asset’s liquidation value at the end of year 10 is expected to be $0. LG3 8–4 Expansion versus replacement cash flows Edison Systems has estimated the cash flows over the 5-year lives for two projects, A and B. These cash flows are summarized in the following table. Initial investment Year Project A Project B $40,000 $12,000a Operating cash inflows 1 $10,000 $ 6,000 2 12,000 6,000 3 14,000 6,000 4 16,000 6,000 5 10,000 6,000 aAfter-tax cash inflow expected from liquidation. a. If project A were actually a replacement for project B and if the $12,000 initial investment shown for project B were the after-tax cash inflow expected from liquidating it, what would be the relevant cash flows for this replacement decision? b. How can an expansion decision such as project A be viewed as a special form of a replacement decision? Explain. LG3 8–5 Sunk costs and opportunity costs Masters Golf Products, Inc., spent 3 years and $1,000,000 to develop its new line of club heads to replace a line that is becoming obsolete. In order to begin manufacturing them, the company will have to invest $1,800,000 in new equipment. The new clubs are expected to generate an increase in operating cash inflows of $750,000 per year for the next 10 years. The company has determined that the existing line could be sold to a competitor for $250,000. a. How should the $1,000,000 in development costs be classified? b. How should the $250,000 sale price for the existing line be classified? c. Depict all of the known relevant cash flows on a time line. LG3 8–6 Sunk costs and opportunity costs Covol Industries is developing the relevant cash flows associated with the proposed replacement of an existing machine tool with a new, technologically advanced one. Given the following costs related to the proposed project, explain whether each would be treated as a sunk cost or an opportunity cost in developing the relevant cash flows associated with the proposed replacement decision. CHAPTER 8 Capital Budgeting Cash Flows 383 a. Covol would be able to use the same tooling, which had a book value of $40,000, on the new machine tool as it had used on the old one. b. Covol would be able to use its existing computer system to develop programs for operating the new machine tool. The old machine tool did not require these programs. Although the firm’s computer has excess capacity available, the capacity could be leased to another firm for an annual fee of $17,000. c. Covol would have to obtain additional floor space to accommodate the larger new machine tool. The space that would be used is currently being leased to another company for $10,000 per year. d. Covol would use a small storage facility to store the increased output of the new machine tool. The storage facility was built by Covol 3 years earlier at a cost of $120,000. Because of its unique configuration and location, it is currently of no use to either Covol or any other firm. e. Covol would retain an existing overhead crane, which it had planned to sell for its $180,000 market value. Although the crane was not needed with the old machine tool, it would be used to position raw materials on the new machine tool. LG4 8–7 Book value Find the book value for each of the assets shown in the following table, assuming that MACRS depreciation is being used. (Note: See Table 3.2 on page 100 for the applicable depreciation percentages.) Asset Installed cost Recovery period (years) Elapsed time since purchase (years) A $ 950,000 5 3 B 40,000 3 1 C 96,000 5 4 D 350,000 5 1 E 1,500,000 7 5 LG4 8–8 Book value and taxes on sale of assets Troy Industries purchased a new machine 3 years ago for $80,000. It is being depreciated under MACRS with a 5-year recovery period using the percentages given in Table 3.2 on page 100. Assume 40% ordinary and capital gains tax rates. a. What is the book value of the machine? b. Calculate the firm’s tax liability if it sold the machine for each of the following amounts: $100,000; $56,000; $23,200; and $15,000. LG4 8–9 Tax calculations For each of the following cases, describe the various taxable components of the funds received through sale of the asset, and determine the total taxes resulting from the transaction. Assume 40% ordinary and capital gains tax rates. The asset was purchased 2 years ago for $200,000 and is being depreciated under MACRS using a 5-year recovery period. (See Table 3.2 on page 100 for the applicable depreciation percentages.) a. The asset is sold for $220,000. b. The asset is sold for $150,000. c. The asset is sold for $96,000. d. The asset is sold for $80,000. 384 PART 3 LG4 Long-Term Investment Decisions 8–10 Change in net working capital calculation Samuels Manufacturing is considering the purchase of a new machine to replace one they feel is obsolete. The firm has total current assets of $920,000 and total current liabilities of $640,000. As a result of the proposed replacement, the following changes are anticipated in the levels of the current asset and current liability accounts noted. Account Change Accruals $ 40,000 Marketable securities 0 Inventories 10,000 Accounts payable 90,000 Notes payable 0 Accounts receivable 150,000 Cash 15,000 a. Using the information given, calculate the change, if any, in net working capital that is expected to result from the proposed replacement action. b. Explain why a change in these current accounts would be relevant in determining the initial investment for the proposed capital expenditure. c. Would the change in net working capital enter into any of the other cash flow components that make up the relevant cash flows? Explain. LG4 8–11 Calculating initial investment Vastine Medical, Inc., is considering replacing its existing computer system, which was purchased 2 years ago at a cost of $325,000. The system can be sold today for $200,000. It is being depreciated using MACRS and a 5-year recovery period (see Table 3.2, page 100). A new computer system will cost $500,000 to purchase and install. Replacement of the computer system would not involve any change in net working capital. Assume a 40% tax rate on ordinary income and capital gains. a. Calculate the book value of the existing computer system. b. Calculate the after-tax proceeds of its sale for $200,000. c. Calculate the initial investment associated with the replacement project. LG4 8–12 Initial investment—Basic calculation Cushing Corporation is considering the purchase of a new grading machine to replace the existing one. The existing machine was purchased 3 years ago at an installed cost of $20,000; it was being depreciated under MACRS using a 5-year recovery period. (See Table 3.2 on page 100 for the applicable depreciation percentages.) The existing machine is expected to have a usable life of at least 5 more years. The new machine costs $35,000 and requires $5,000 in installation costs; it will be depreciated using a 5-year recovery period under MACRS. The existing machine can currently be sold for $25,000 without incurring any removal or cleanup costs. The firm pays 40% taxes on both ordinary income and capital gains. Calculate the initial investment associated with the proposed purchase of a new grading machine. LG4 8–13 Initial investment at various sale prices Edwards Manufacturing Company is considering replacing one machine with another. The old machine was pur- CHAPTER 8 Capital Budgeting Cash Flows 385 chased 3 years ago for an installed cost of $10,000. The firm is depreciating the machine under MACRS, using a 5-year recovery period. (See Table 3.2 on page 100 for the applicable depreciation percentages.) The new machine costs $24,000 and requires $2,000 in installation costs. The firm is subject to a 40% tax rate on both ordinary income and capital gains. In each of the following cases, calculate the initial investment for the replacement. a. Edwards Manufacturing Company (EMC) sells the old machine for $11,000. b. EMC sells the old machine for $7,000. c. EMC sells the old machine for $2,900. d. EMC sells the old machine for $1,500. LG4 8–14 Calculating initial investment DuPree Coffee Roasters, Inc., wishes to expand and modernize its facilities. The installed cost of a proposed computer-controlled automatic-feed roaster will be $130,000. The firm has a chance to sell its 4-yearold roaster for $35,000. The existing roaster originally cost $60,000 and was being depreciated using MACRS and a 7-year recovery period (see Table 3.2 on page 100). DuPree pays taxes at a rate of 40% on ordinary income and capital gains. a. What is the book value of the existing roaster? b. Calculate the after-tax proceeds of the sale of the existing roaster. c. Calculate the change in net working capital using the following figures: Anticipated Changes in Current Assets and Current Liabilities Accruals $20,000 Inventory 50,000 Accounts payable 40,000 Accounts receivable 70,000 Cash Notes payable 0 15,000 d. Calculate the initial investment associated with the proposed new roaster. LG5 8–15 Depreciation A firm is evaluating the acquisition of an asset that costs $64,000 and requires $4,000 in installation costs. If the firm depreciates the asset under MACRS, using a 5-year recovery period (see Table 3.2 on page 100 for the applicable depreciation percentages), determine the depreciation charge for each year. LG5 8–16 Incremental operating cash inflows A firm is considering renewing its equipment to meet increased demand for its product. The cost of equipment modifications is $1.9 million plus $100,000 in installation costs. The firm will depreciate the equipment modifications under MACRS, using a 5-year recovery period. (See Table 3.2 on page 100 for the applicable depreciation percentages.) Additional sales revenue from the renewal should amount to $1.2 million per year, and additional operating expenses and other costs (excluding depreciation) will 386 PART 3 Long-Term Investment Decisions amount to 40% of the additional sales. The firm has an ordinary tax rate of 40%. (Note: Answer the following questions for each of the next 6 years.) a. What incremental earnings before depreciation and taxes will result from the renewal? b. What incremental earnings after taxes will result from the renewal? c. What incremental operating cash inflows will result from the renewal? LG5 8–17 Incremental operating cash inflows—Expense reduction Miller Corporation is considering replacing a machine. The replacement will reduce operating expenses (that is, increase revenues) by $16,000 per year for each of the 5 years the new machine is expected to last. Although the old machine has zero book value, it can be used for 5 more years. The depreciable value of the new machine is $48,000. The firm will depreciate the machine under MACRS using a 5-year recovery period (see Table 3.2 on page 100 for the applicable depreciation percentages) and is subject to a 40% tax rate on ordinary income. Estimate the incremental operating cash inflows generated by the replacement. (Note: Be sure to consider the depreciation in year 6.) LG5 8–18 Incremental operating cash inflows Strong Tool Company has been considering purchasing a new lathe to replace a fully depreciated lathe that will last 5 more years. The new lathe is expected to have a 5-year life and depreciation charges of $2,000 in year 1; $3,200 in year 2; $1,900 in year 3; $1,200 in both year 4 and year 5; and $500 in year 6. The firm estimates the revenues and expenses (excluding depreciation) for the new and the old lathes to be as shown in the following table. The firm is subject to a 40% tax rate on ordinary income. New lathe Expenses (excl. depr.) Old lathe Revenue Expenses (excl. depr.) Year Revenue 1 $40,000 $30,000 $35,000 $25,000 2 41,000 30,000 35,000 25,000 3 42,000 30,000 35,000 25,000 4 43,000 30,000 35,000 25,000 5 44,000 30,000 35,000 25,000 a. Calculate the operating cash inflows associated with each lathe. (Note: Be sure to consider the depreciation in year 6.) b. Calculate the incremental (relevant) operating cash inflows resulting from the proposed lathe replacement. c. Depict on a time line the incremental operating cash inflows calculated in part b. LG5 8–19 Determining operating cash inflows Scenic Tours, Inc., is a provider of bus tours throughout the New England area. The corporation is considering the replacement of 10 of its older buses. The existing buses were purchased 4 years ago at a total cost of $2,700,000 and are being depreciated using MACRS and a 5-year recovery period (see Table 3.2, page 100). The new buses would have larger passenger capacity and better fuel efficiency as well as lower maintenance CHAPTER 8 387 Capital Budgeting Cash Flows costs. The total cost for 10 new buses is $3,000,000. Like the older buses, the new ones would be depreciated using MACRS and a 5-year recovery period. Scenic is taxed at a rate of 40% on ordinary income and capital gains. The following table presents revenues and cash expenses for the proposed purchase as well as the present fleet. Use all of the information given to calculate operating cash inflows for the proposed and present buses. Year 1 2 3 $1,850,000 $1,850,000 $1,830,000 460,000 460,000 468,000 $1,800,000 $1,800,000 500,000 510,000 4 5 6 $1,825,000 $1,815,000 $1,800,000 472,000 485,000 500,000 $1,790,000 $1,785,000 $1,775,000 $1,750,000 520,000 520,000 530,000 535,000 With the proposed new buses Revenue Expenses (excl. depreciation) With the present buses Revenue Expenses (excl. depreciation) LG6 8–20 Terminal cash flow—Various lives and sale prices Looner Industries is currently analyzing the purchase of a new machine that costs $160,000 and requires $20,000 in installation costs. Purchase of this machine is expected to result in an increase in net working capital of $30,000 to support the expanded level of operations. The firm plans to depreciate the machine under MACRS using a 5-year recovery period (see Table 3.2 on page 100 for the applicable depreciation percentages) and expects to sell the machine to net $10,000 before taxes at the end of its usable life. The firm is subject to a 40% tax rate on both ordinary and capital gains income. a. Calculate the terminal cash flow for a usable life of (1) 3 years, (2) 5 years, and (3) 7 years. b. Discuss the effect of usable life on terminal cash flows using your findings in part a. c. Assuming a 5-year usable life, calculate the terminal cash flow if the machine were sold to net (1) $9,000 or (2) $170,000 (before taxes) at the end of 5 years. d. Discuss the effect of sale price on terminal cash flow using your findings in part c. LG6 8–21 Terminal cash flow—Replacement decision Russell Industries is considering replacing a fully depreciated machine that has a remaining useful life of 10 years with a newer, more sophisticated machine. The new machine will cost $200,000 and will require $30,000 in installation costs. It will be depreciated under MACRS using a 5-year recovery period (see Table 3.2 on page 100 for the applicable depreciation percentages). A $25,000 increase in net working capital will be required to support the new machine. The firm’s managers plans to evaluate the potential replacement over a 4-year period. They estimate that the old machine could be sold at the end of 4 years to net $15,000 before taxes; the new machine at the end of 4 years will be worth $75,000 before taxes. Calculate the terminal cash flow at the end of year 4 that is relevant to the proposed purchase of the new machine. The firm is subject to a 40% tax rate on both ordinary and capital gains income. 388 PART 3 LG4 LG5 Long-Term Investment Decisions LG6 8–22 Relevant cash flows for a marketing campaign Marcus Tube, a manufacturer of high-quality aluminum tubing, has maintained stable sales and profits over the past 10 years. Although the market for aluminum tubing has been expanding by 3% per year, Marcus has been unsuccessful in sharing this growth. To increase its sales, the firm is considering an aggressive marketing campaign that centers on regularly running ads in all relevant trade journals and exhibiting products at all major regional and national trade shows. The campaign is expected to require an annual tax-deductible expenditure of $150,000 over the next 5 years. Sales revenue, as shown in the income statement for 2003 (below), totaled $20,000,000. If the proposed marketing campaign is not initiated, sales are expected to remain at this level in each of the next 5 years, 2004–2008. With the marketing campaign, sales are expected to rise to the levels shown in the accompanying table for each of the next 5 years; cost of goods sold is expected to remain at 80% of sales; general and administrative expense (exclusive of any marketing campaign outlays) is expected to remain at 10% of sales; and annual depreciation expense is expected to remain at $500,000. Assuming a 40% tax rate, find the relevant cash flows over the next 5 years associated with the proposed marketing campaign. Marcus Tube Income Statement for the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Sales revenue $20,000,000 Less: Cost of goods sold (80%) 16,000,000 $ 4,000,000 Gross profits Year Sales revenue 2004 $20,500,000 General and administrative expense (10%) $2,000,000 2005 21,000,000 Depreciation expense 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 2006 21,500,000 2007 22,500,000 2008 23,500,000 Less: Operating expenses Total operating expense Net profits before taxes Less: Taxes (rate 40%) Net profits after taxes LG4 Marcus Tube Sales Forecast LG5 8–23 2 ,5 0 0 ,0 0 0 $ 1,500,000 6 0 0 ,0 0 0 $ 9 0 0 , 0 0 0 Relevant cash flows—No terminal value Central Laundry and Cleaners is considering replacing an existing piece of machinery with a more sophisticated machine. The old machine was purchased 3 years ago at a cost of $50,000, and this amount was being depreciated under MACRS using a 5-year recovery period. The machine has 5 years of usable life remaining. The new machine that is being considered costs $76,000 and requires $4,000 in installation costs. The new machine would be depreciated under MACRS using a 5-year recovery period. The firm can currently sell the old machine for $55,000 without incurring any removal or cleanup costs. The firm pays a tax rate of 40% on both ordinary income and capital gains. The revenues and expenses (excluding depreciation) associated with the new and the old machine for the next 5 years are given in the table below. (Table 3.2 on page 100 contains the applicable MACRS depreciation percentages.) CHAPTER 8 New machine Year Revenue Capital Budgeting Cash Flows 389 Old machine Expenses (excl. depr.) Revenue Expenses (excl. depr.) 1 $750,000 $720,000 $674,000 $660,000 2 750,000 720,000 676,000 660,000 3 750,000 720,000 680,000 660,000 4 750,000 720,000 678,000 660,000 5 750,000 720,000 674,000 660,000 a. Calculate the initial investment associated with replacement of the old machine by the new one. b. Determine the incremental operating cash inflows associated with the proposed replacement. (Note: Be sure to consider the depreciation in year 6.) c. Depict on a time line the relevant cash flows found in parts a and b associated with the proposed replacement decision. LG4 LG5 LG6 8–24 Integrative—Determining relevant cash flows Lombard Company is contemplating the purchase of a new high-speed widget grinder to replace the existing grinder. The existing grinder was purchased 2 years ago at an installed cost of $60,000; it was being depreciated under MACRS using a 5-year recovery period. The existing grinder is expected to have a usable life of 5 more years. The new grinder costs $105,000 and requires $5,000 in installation costs; it has a 5-year usable life and would be depreciated under MACRS using a 5-year recovery period. Lombard can currently sell the existing grinder for $70,000 without incurring any removal or cleanup costs. To support the increased business resulting from purchase of the new grinder, accounts receivable would increase by $40,000, inventories by $30,000, and accounts payable by $58,000. At the end of 5 years, the existing grinder is expected to have a market value of zero; the new grinder would be sold to net $29,000 after removal and cleanup costs and before taxes. The firm pays taxes at a rate of 40% on both ordinary income and capital gains. The estimated profits before depreciation and taxes over the 5 years for both the new and the existing grinder are shown in the following table. (Table 3.2 on page 100 contains the applicable MACRS depreciation percentages.) Profits before depreciation and taxes Year New grinder Existing grinder 1 $43,000 $26,000 2 43,000 24,000 3 43,000 22,000 4 43,000 20,000 5 43,000 18,000 390 PART 3 Long-Term Investment Decisions a. Calculate the initial investment associated with the replacement of the existing grinder by the new one. b. Determine the incremental operating cash inflows associated with the proposed grinder replacement. (Note: Be sure to consider the depreciation in year 6.) c. Determine the terminal cash flow expected at the end of year 5 from the proposed grinder replacement. d. Depict on a time line the relevant cash flows associated with the proposed grinder replacement decision. LG4 LG5 LG6 8–25 Integrative—Determining relevant cash flows Atlantic Drydock is considering replacing an existing hoist with one of two newer, more efficient pieces of equipment. The existing hoist is 3 years old, cost $32,000, and is being depreciated under MACRS using a 5-year recovery period. Although the existing hoist has only 3 years (years 4, 5, and 6) of depreciation remaining under MACRS, it has a remaining usable life of 5 years. Hoist A, one of the two possible replacement hoists, costs $40,000 to purchase and $8,000 to install. It has a 5-year usable life and will be depreciated under MACRS using a 5-year recovery period. The other hoist, B, costs $54,000 to purchase and $6,000 to install. It also has a 5-year usable life and will be depreciated under MACRS using a 5-year recovery period. Increased investments in net working capital will accompany the decision to acquire hoist A or hoist B. Purchase of hoist A would result in a $4,000 increase in net working capital; hoist B would result in a $6,000 increase in net working capital. The projected profits before depreciation and taxes with each alternative hoist and the existing hoist are given in the following table. Profits before depreciation and taxes Year With hoist A With hoist B With existing hoist 1 $21,000 $22,000 $14,000 2 21,000 24,000 14,000 3 21,000 26,000 14,000 4 21,000 26,000 14,000 5 21,000 26,000 14,000 The existing hoist can currently be sold for $18,000 and will not incur any removal or cleanup costs. At the end of 5 years, the existing hoist can be sold to net $1,000 before taxes. Hoists A and B can be sold to net $12,000 and $20,000 before taxes, respectively, at the end of the 5-year period. The firm is subject to a 40% tax rate on both ordinary income and capital gains. (Table 3.2 on page 100 contains the applicable MACRS depreciation percentages.) a. Calculate the initial investment associated with each alternative. b. Calculate the incremental operating cash inflows associated with each alternative. (Note: Be sure to consider the depreciation in year 6.) c. Calculate the terminal cash flow at the end of year 5 associated with each alternative. d. Depict on a time line the relevant cash flows associated with each alternative. CHAPTER 8 CHAPTER 8 CASE Capital Budgeting Cash Flows 391 Developing Relevant Cash Flows for Clark Upholstery Company’s Machine Renewal or Replacement Decision B o Humphries, chief financial officer of Clark Upholstery Company, expects the firm’s net profits after taxes for the next 5 years to be as shown in the following table. Year Net profits after taxes 1 $100,000 2 150,000 3 200,000 4 250,000 5 320,000 Bo is beginning to develop the relevant cash flows needed to analyze whether to renew or replace Clark’s only depreciable asset, a machine that originally cost $30,000, has a current book value of zero, and can now be sold for $20,000. (Note: Because the firm’s only depreciable asset is fully depreciated— its book value is zero—its expected net profits after taxes equal its operating cash inflows.) He estimates that at the end of 5 years, the existing machine can be sold to net $2,000 before taxes. Bo plans to use the following information to develop the relevant cash flows for each of the alternatives. Alternative 1 Renew the existing machine at a total depreciable cost of $90,000. The renewed machine would have a 5-year usable life and would be depreciated under MACRS using a 5-year recovery period. Renewing the machine would result in the following projected revenues and expenses (excluding depreciation): Year Revenue Expenses (excl. depreciation) 1 $1,000,000 $801,500 2 1,175,000 884,200 3 1,300,000 918,100 4 1,425,000 943,100 5 1,550,000 968,100 The renewed machine would result in an increased investment in net working capital of $15,000. At the end of 5 years, the machine could be sold to net $8,000 before taxes. Alternative 2 Replace the existing machine with a new machine that costs $100,000 and requires installation costs of $10,000. The new machine would have a 5-year usable life and would be depreciated under MACRS using a 5- 392 PART 3 Long-Term Investment Decisions year recovery period. The firm’s projected revenues and expenses (excluding depreciation), if it acquires the machine, would be as follows: Year Revenue Expenses (excl. depreciation) 1 $1,000,000 $764,500 2 1,175,000 839,800 3 1,300,000 914,900 4 1,425,000 989,900 5 1,550,000 998,900 The new machine would result in an increased investment in net working capital of $22,000. At the end of 5 years, the new machine could be sold to net $25,000 before taxes. The firm is subject to a 40% tax on both ordinary income and capital gains. As noted, the company uses MACRS depreciation. (See Table 3.2 on page 100 for the applicable depreciation percentages.) Required a. Calculate the initial investment associated with each of Clark Upholstery’s alternatives. b. Calculate the incremental operating cash inflows associated with each of Clark’s alternatives. (Note: Be sure to consider the depreciation in year 6.) c. Calculate the terminal cash flow at the end of year 5 associated with each of Clark’s alternatives. d. Use your findings in parts a, b, and c to depict on a time line the relevant cash flows associated with each of Clark Upholstery’s alternatives. e. Solely on the basis of your comparison of their relevant cash flows, which alternative appears to be better? Why? WEB EXERCISE WW W Go to the Web site Click on Reports, at the top of the page, navigate to the listing for Intel Corp., and click on Annual Report. This takes you to an investor relations page; select the most recent annual report. Answer the following questions using information in various report sections, such as Intel Facts and Figures, Financial Summary, Consolidated Balance Sheets, and Consolidated Statements of Cash Flow. (These may change from year to year and may be listed in the left navigation bar.) 1. How much did Intel spend on capital expenditures for each of the past 5 years? 2. Did capital expenditures increase or decrease? 3. Is Intel’s capital spending consistent or erratic? CHAPTER 8 Capital Budgeting Cash Flows 393 4. What were the major uses of capital spending for the most recent 2 years? 5. What were the account balances for property, plant, and equipment (PP&E) for the most recent 2 years (found on the Consolidated Balance Sheets)? 6. What percent of PP&E does Intel replace every year? (Hint: For a rough estimate, divide capital expenditures for a year by that year’s PP&E balance.) 7. Select one of the following companies, and use the Reportgallery site to access its annual report. Research its capital spending patterns and compare them to Intel’s. a. Abbot Laboratories b. Southwest Airlines c. Ford Motor Company Remember to check the book’s Web site at for additional resources, including additional Web exercises. CHAPTER 9 CAPITAL BUDGETING TECHNIQUES L E A R N I N G G O A L S LG1 Understand the role of capital budgeting techniques in the capital budgeting process. LG5 LG2 Calculate, interpret, and evaluate the payback period. LG6 LG3 Calculate, interpret, and evaluate the net present value (NPV). LG4 Calculate, interpret, and evaluate the internal rate of return (IRR). Use net present value profiles to compare NPV and IRR techniques. Discuss NPV and IRR in terms of conflicting rankings and the theoretical and practical strengths of each approach. Across the Disciplines WHY THIS CHAPTER MATTERS TO YO U Accounting: You need to understand capital budgeting techniques in order to help determine the after-tax cash flows associated with proposed capital expenditures. Information systems: You need to understand capital budgeting techniques in order to design decision modules that help reduce the amount of work required to analyze proposed capital projects. Management: You need to understand capital budgeting techniques in order to understand the decision criteria used to accept or reject proposed projects. 394 Marketing: You need to understand capital budgeting techniques in order to understand how proposals for new marketing programs for new products, and for the expansion of existing product lines will be evaluated by the firm’s decision makers. Operations: You need to understand capital budgeting techniques in order to understand how proposals for the acquisition of new equipment and plants will be evaluated by the firm’s decision makers. DELTA DELTA CUTS THE WIRES ave you ever been stuck at an airport because your flight was late and you missed your connection? You were frustrated by the long lines at customer service counters and pay phones, and when you called on your cell phone, you were placed on hold for what seemed like forever. Wouldn’t it be nice to use your Internet-capable cell phone or personal digital assistant (PDA) to pull up flight information and timetables and reschedule your flight? Since 2000, Delta Airlines passengers have been able to do just that. The airline was one of the first to recognize that it could increase customer loyalty by giving business travelers better flight information more quickly. Before Delta’s e-business unit added this feature, however, the project had to be justified the project on the basis of its economic value. Unlike making capital budgeting decisions about whether to buy new aircraft or build maintenance facilities, decisions that managers had been making for years, this project was moving them into uncharted skies—literally. Delta’s capital budgeting methodology for this Internet project used traditional net present value (NPV) analysis to develop relevant cash flows, discount them at the company’s cost of capital, and subtract the project’s initial investment. Anticipated cost savings were a major factor in developing projected cash flows. Wireless Web access enables customers to obtain information and conduct transactions without calling Delta’s customer service representatives, so the airline doesn’t have to add employees to handle a larger customer base. Another potential savings: lower paper costs, because more tickets will be issued electronically, even when last-minute changes are involved. The system is more cost-effective, thereby resulting in better resource utilization and a higher ROI. Improved productivity is another benefit to be derived from this wireless project. Delta hopes to add self-service features so that passengers can choose seats, check in, and handle other routine transactions online. This will free reservations agents to handle more calls placed to purchase tickets, thus generating more revenue. Building on its initial success, Delta is ready to expand its wireless applications. A joint project with American Airlines, United Airlines, and Boeing Corporation will equip planes with broadband Internet connections so that the airlines can sell in-flight wireless services. Delta’s innovative technology initiatives have made it one of five finalists for Computerworld’s 21st Century Achievement Award. Delta based its decision to accept the wireless-communication project on the project’s positive NPV, which indicated that the project would earn a return above its cost of capital. This chapter focuses on the capital budgeting techniques, including NPV, that companies use to accept or reject and to rank proposed projects. H 395 396 PART 3 Long-Term Investment Decisions LG1 9.1 Overview of Capital Budgeting Techniques When firms have developed relevant cash flows, as demonstrated in Chapter 8, they analyze them to assess whether a project is acceptable or to rank projects. A number of techniques are available for performing such analyses. The preferred approaches integrate time value procedures, risk and return considerations, and valuation concepts to select capital expenditures that are consistent with the firm’s goal of maximizing owners’ wealth. This chapter focuses on the use of these techniques in an environment of certainty. Chapter 10 covers risk and other refinements in capital budgeting. We will use one basic problem to illustrate all the techniques described in this chapter. The problem concerns Bennett Company, a medium-sized metal fabricator that is currently contemplating two projects: Project A requires an initial investment of $42,000, project B an initial investment of $45,000. The projected relevant operating cash inflows for the two projects are presented in Table 9.1 and depicted on the time lines in Figure 9.1.1 The projects exhibit conventional cash flow patterns, which are assumed throughout the text. In addition, we initially assume that all projects’ cash flows have the same level of risk, that projects being compared have equal usable lives, and that the firm has unlimited funds. (The risk assumption will be relaxed in Chapter 10.) We begin with a look at the three most popular capital budgeting techniques: payback period, net present value, and internal rate of return.2 Hint Remember that the initial investment is an outflow occurring at time zero. TABLE 9.1 Capital Expenditure Data for Bennett Company Initial investment Year Project A Project B $42,000 $45,000 Operating cash inflows 1 $14,000 $28,000 2 14,000 12,000 3 14,000 10,000 4 14,000 10,000 5 14,000 10,000 1. For simplification, these 5-year-lived projects with 5 years of cash inflows are used throughout this chapter. Projects with usable lives equal to the number of years of cash inflows are also included in the end-of-chapter problems. Recall from Chapter 8 that under current tax law, MACRS depreciation results in n 1 years of depreciation for an n-year class asset. This means that projects will commonly have at least 1 year of cash flow beyond their recovery period. In actual practice, the usable lives of projects (and the associated cash inflows) may differ significantly from their depreciable lives. Generally, under MACRS, usable lives are longer than depreciable lives. 2. Two other, closely related techniques that are sometimes used to evaluate capital budgeting projects are the average (or accounting) rate of return (ARR) and the profitability index (PI). The ARR is an unsophisticated technique that is calculated by dividing a project’s average profits after taxes by its average investment. Because it fails to con- CHAPTER 9 FIGURE 9.1 Capital Budgeting Techniques 397 Project A Bennett Company’s projects A and B Time lines depicting the conventional cash flows of projects A and B $14,000 $14,000 $14,000 $14,000 $14,000 1 2 3 4 5 0 $42,000 End of Year Project B $28,000 $12,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 1 2 3 4 5 0 $45,000 End of Year Review Question 9–1 LG2 Once the firm has determined its projects’ relevant cash flows, what must it do next? What is its goal in selecting projects? 9.2 Payback Period payback period The amount of time required for a firm to recover its initial investment in a project, as calculated from cash inflows. Payback periods are commonly used to evaluate proposed investments. The payback period is the amount of time required for the firm to recover its initial investment in a project, as calculated from cash inflows. In the case of an annuity, the payback period can be found by dividing the initial investment by the annual sider cash flows and the time value of money, it is ignored here. The PI, sometimes called the benefit–cost ratio, is calculated by dividing the present value of cash inflows by the initial investment. This technique, which does consider the time value of money, is sometimes used as a starting point in the selection of projects under capital rationing; the more popular NPV and IRR methods are discussed here. 398 PART 3 Long-Term Investment Decisions cash inflow. For a mixed stream of cash inflows, the yearly cash inflows must be accumulated until the initial investment is recovered. Although popular, the payback period is generally viewed as an unsophisticated capital budgeting technique, because it does not explicitly consider the time value of money. The Decision Criteria When the payback period is used to make accept–reject decisions, the decision criteria are as follows: • If the payback period is less than the maximum acceptable payback period, accept the project. • If the payback period is greater than the maximum acceptable payback period, reject the project. The length of the maximum acceptable payback period is determined by management. This value is set subjectively on the basis of a number of factors, including the type of project (expansion, replacement, renewal), the perceived risk of the project, and the perceived relationship between the payback period and the share value. It is simply a value that management feels, on average, will result in valuecreating investment decisions. EXAMPLE Hint In all three of the decision methods presented in this text, the relevant data are after-tax cash flows. Accounting profit is used only to help determine the after-tax cash flow. Hint The payback period indicates to firms taking on projects of high risk how quickly they can recover their investment. In addition, it tells firms with limited sources of capital how quickly the funds invested in a given project will become available for future projects. We can calculate the payback period for Bennett Company’s projects A and B using the data in Table 9.1. For project A, which is an ann