Uploaded by Yaga Reddy

SAP GUI Transaction Setup in Fiori Launchpad

Setup SAP GUI Transaction in Fiori Launchpad
Check if any standard Apps exists in the Fiori library. If available configure the standard App,
otherwise proceed to the below steps.
Create a Semantic Object to identify the Application
Navigate to transaction /n/UI2/SEMOBJ_SAP to create a semantic object.
Navigate to transaction “LPD_CUST” to Create Launchpad role. This is required while maintaining
target mapping in the next step.
One Launchpad Role can have multiple Applications associated with it (1: N).
(For example, different transactions can be linked to this role, each having a unique application alias)
Create a Catalog in Fiori Launchpad Designer.
Make sure to assign it to a transport request.
Add a Tile and specify the Target Mapping.
Select Static Tile as we are not displaying an Analytical App.
Specify the Tile details as shown below.
Specify Target Mapping for the Tile.
This is required to invoke appropriate application when the user clicks on the tile.
Create a Group to include the Tile.
Create a New Role in PFCG transaction and Assign Catalog and Group to the business user.
Assign Role to the User
Finally, we can view the Standard Transaction in Fiori Launchpad. We can launch your App and enjoy the
user experience of the Fiori App.
not all SAP Transactions can be converted to the SAP Fiori App. As a pre-requisite to Expose a Standard
SAP T-Code through Fiori Launchpad, the Transaction should have the SAPGUI for HTML enabled. We
can check this in t-code SE93.
For our example the t-code is MM01. Go to t-code SE93, give the transaction code as MM01 and hit