DEVELOP CUSTOM, INSIGHT-TO-ACTION KPI TILES ON SAP FIORI LAUNCHPAD CGE619 Exercises / Solutions Ornulf Kittelsen, Marek Barwicki, Anand Sagar / SAP SE CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. TABLE OF CONTENTS OVERVIEW .......................................................................................................................................................3 1 PART 1 - MAKE A DEMO APP AVAILABLE AS STANDARD TILE ............................................................4 1.1 Access SAP Cloud Platform Cockpit .....................................................................................................4 1.2 Access SAP Web IDE from Cloud Platform Cockpit..............................................................................6 1.3 Deploy a demo Fiori app to your trial account.......................................................................................8 1.4 Access SAP Cloud Platform Portal ......................................................................................................10 1.5 Create a SAP Fiori launchpad site........................................................................................................12 1.6 Add demo app as standard tile to the FLP home page .......................................................................14 1.7 Summary ...............................................................................................................................................18 2 PART 2 – USE KPI CUSTOM TILE AS APP LAUNCHER ON SAP FIORI LAUNCHPAD ..........................19 2.1 Upload an initial KPI custom tile ..........................................................................................................19 2.2 Configure the custom tile as app launcher for the Fiori demo app ....................................................23 2.3 Summary ...............................................................................................................................................28 3 PART 3 - ADD REALTIME KPI DATA TO CUSTOM TILE .........................................................................29 3.1 Register to SAP Demo Gateway System ..............................................................................................29 3.2 Create a Destination in SAP Cloud Platform Cockpit ..........................................................................30 3.3 Enhance custom tile with KPI number .................................................................................................32 3.4 Summary ...............................................................................................................................................38 4 PART 4 - ENABLE KPI TILE CONFIGURATION .......................................................................................39 4.1 Enable KPI tile to specify data set ........................................................................................................39 5 PART 5 – ENHANCE KPI TILE WITH ADDITIONAL VISUAL ELEMENTS................................................44 5.1 Change the KPI custom tile layout .......................................................................................................44 5.2 Add additional content to the KPI custom tile .....................................................................................46 5.3 Summary ...............................................................................................................................................49 2 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. OVERVIEW In the Code Jam CGE619 you will learn how to implement and configure an insight-to-action KPI custom tile for SAP Fiori launchpad on SAP Cloud Platform. The structure of the exercises is the following: Part 1: Make a Fiori demo app available as standard tile on SAP Fiori launchpad Estimated Duration: 10 minutes Part 2: Use custom tile as app launcher on SAP Fiori launchpad Estimated Duration: 15 minutes Part 3: Add real time KPI data to custom tile Estimated Duration: 10 minutes Part 4: Enable KPI tile configuration Estimated Duration: 10 minutes Part 5: Enhance KPI tile with additional visual elements Estimated Duration: 10 minutes 3 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. 1 PART 1 - MAKE A DEMO APP AVAILABLE AS STANDARD TILE Overview Estimated time: 10 minutes Objective In the role of a content administrator, you make a Fiori demo app available for the end user on SAP Fiori launchpad home page on SAP Cloud Platform. Exercise Description In this exercise you will first deploy a demo app to the SAP Cloud Platform trial account. Then you will create a new SAP Fiori launchpad site in SAP Cloud Platform Portal and add the demo app as standard tile to the FLP home page. During this exercise you perform the following actions: • • • • • • • 1.1 Access SAP Cloud Platform Cockpit Access SAP Web IDE Deploy an app to your SAP Cloud Platform trial account Access SAP Cloud Platform Portal Create a SAP Fiori launchpad site Add an app as standard tile to the FLP home page Adapt the standard tile visualization Access SAP Cloud Platform Cockpit Explanation Screenshot 1. Start Google Chrome by clicking the icon on your Windows desktop. 2. Open the URL https://account.hanatrial.ondem 3. Select Log On, if you already have an SAP Cloud Platform trial account or choose Register to create a new Trial account. 4 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. Explanation Screenshot 4. Choose Neo Trial. You now see the SAP Cloud Platform Cockpit Overview screen. This is the administrative cockpit for the SAP Cloud Platform account. 5 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. 1.2 Access SAP Web IDE from Cloud Platform Cockpit Explanation Screenshot 1. In the SAP Cloud Platform Cockpit choose Services to get all available SAP Cloud Platform Services. 2. Use the search field on the top right to search for Web IDE 3. Choose tile Web IDE FullStack. Hint: If the service is not enabled yet, just activate it by clicking on Enable. 4. Choose Go to Service to open SAP Web IDE. 6 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. Explanation Screenshot You are now on the Welcome screen of SAP Web IDE. Here you have access to information and learning material and from here you can start creating your development projects. It's recommended to add this URL to your browser favorites for later use. 6. Click to switch to the development area of SAP Web IDE. You are now in the development area of SAP Web IDE. Here we will create and edit the coding. 7 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. 1.3 Deploy a demo Fiori app to your trial account Explanation Screenshot 1. To import a sample application to your Web IDE workspace, choose File->Import->File or Project 2. Choose Browse to select a file from the student share. 3. Browse for folder \\\Student share\CGE619 and select file with a doubleclick. 4. Choose OK. 8 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. Explanation Screenshot 5. Select folder ui5demoapp and choose Deploy->Deploy to SAP Cloud Platform If dialog window Login to SAP Cloud Platform appears, login with your trial account credentials, same as at the beginning of this exercise. 6. Leave all default settings and choose Deploy. The Fiori demo app was successfully deployed to SAP Cloud Platform. How to make it available for the end user on the SAP Fiori launchpad will be part of the next exercise. 7. Do NOT register to SAP Fiori launchpad in this step, but choose Close. 9 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. 1.4 Access SAP Cloud Platform Portal Explanation Screenshot 1. In SAP Web IDE choose Tools->SAP Cloud Platform Cockpit. 2. Choose Services to get all available SAP Cloud Platform Services. 3. Use the search field on the top right to search for portal. 4. Choose tile Portal. If the Portal Service is not enabled on your account yet, first enable the service before you continue. 10 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. Explanation Screenshot 5. Choose Go to Service to open SAP Cloud Platform Portal. You are now in SAP Cloud Portal Administration Space, where you will create and manage your Fiori launchpad site. 11 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. 1.5 Create a SAP Fiori launchpad site Explanation Screenshot 1. Choose Create New Site. 2. Enter Site Name: CGE619 Site. 3. Choose Site Template SAP Fiori Launchpad. 4. Choose Create. You are now in the SAP Fiori launchpad Configuration Cockpit. Here you can configure the Fiori launchpad content as well as site settings and you have access to additional features as theme management, translation and more. 5. Add the URL of the Fiori launchpad Configuration Cockpit to your browser favorites for later use. As you can see on the dashboard, there are no Apps 12 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. Explanation Screenshot available on your newly created FLP site. In the following steps, we will add the Fiori demo app as tile to the Fiori launchpad. 13 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. 1.6 Add demo app as standard tile to the FLP home page Explanation Screenshot 1. In the SAP Fiori launchpad Configuration Cockpit, choose Apps. 2. On the bottom of the left panel, click to create a new app configuration. 3. Choose the value help for App Resource. 4. Select app ui5demoapp, which you have deployed to your account some steps before. 5. Choose OK 14 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. Explanation Screenshot 6. Enter App Title: Fiori Demo App. Keep the other input fields, which are prefilled, as they are. 7. Choose Catalogs. Here you can assign the app to one or several catalogs. 8.Click catalog. to add an existing 9. Select Sample Catalog and choose OK. 15 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. Explanation Screenshot 10. Choose Groups. 11. Click to assign the app to an existing group. 12. Select Sample Group and choose OK. 13. Choose Visualization to change the visual appearance of the tile. 14. Enter the following details: • Information: CGE619 • Icon: Use the value help to add an icon of your choice 15. Choose Save. 16 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. Explanation Screenshot 16. In the top right corner of the screen, click to publish and open the FLP site. 17. Choose Publish and Open. 18. Click tile Fiori Demo App 17 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. Explanation Screenshot The Fiori demo app is launched as configured in the SAP Fiori launchpad Configuration Cockpit. 1.7 Summary You have completed the exercise! You are now able to: • Access SAP Fiori Platform Cockpit • Access SAP Web IDE • Deploy a UI5 app available as ZIP file to SAP Cloud Platform • Access SAP Cloud Platform Portal • Create a SAP Fiori launchpad site • Add an app as tile to the Fiori launchpad home page 18 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. 2 PART 2 – USE KPI CUSTOM TILE AS APP LAUNCHER ON SAP FIORI LAUNCHPAD Overview Estimated time: 15 minutes Objective In the role of a developer you create an SAP Fiori launchpad (FLP) custom tile with SAP Web IDE and use it as app launcher on SAP Fiori launchpad. Exercise Description In this exercise you will upload an SAP Fiori launchpad initial custom tile in SAP Web IDE and make it available as app launcher on SAP Fiori launchpad using SAP Fiori launchpad Configuration Cockpit. During this exercise you perform the following actions: • • • 2.1 Upload an initial standard tile in SAP Web IDE Deploy the custom tile to your SAP Cloud Platform subaccount Configure the custom tile as app launcher in SAP Fiori launchpad Configuration Cockpit Upload an initial KPI custom tile Explanation Screenshot 1. Switch to the SAP Web IDE browser tab. 19 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. Explanation Screenshot 2. Right click on folder Workspace, then choose Import->File or Project 3. Choose Browse to select a file from the student share. 4. Browse for folder \\\Student share\CGE619 and select file with a doubleclick. 5. Choose OK. 20 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. Explanation Screenshot A new folder KPIStarter is created in your Workspace containing the basic files of the initial KPI custom tile. 6. Right click on folder KPIStarter, then choose Project->Project Settings. 21 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. Explanation Screenshot 7. As Project Type select SAP Fiori. 8. Choose Save. 9. Select folder KPIStarter and choose Deploy->Deploy to SAP Cloud Platform If dialog window Login to SAP Cloud Platform appears, login with your trial account credentials, same as at the beginning of this exercise. 10. Leave all default settings and choose Deploy. 22 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. Explanation Screenshot The initial custom tile was successfully deployed to your SAP Cloud Platform subaccount. How to make it available for the end user on the SAP Fiori launchpad will be part of the next exercise. 11. Do NOT register to SAP Fiori launchpad in this step, but choose Close. 2.2 Configure the custom tile as app launcher for the Fiori demo app 1.Switch to the SAP Fiori launchpad Configuration Cockpit browser tab and choose Apps. 2. On the bottom of the left panel, click to create a new app configuration. 23 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. 3. Choose the value help for App Resource. 4. Select app ui5demoapp, which you have deployed to your account some steps before. 5. Choose OK 6. Enter the following details: • App Title: Fiori Demo App. • App Subtitle: KPI Custom Tile Keep the other input fields, which are prefilled, as they are. 24 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. 7. Choose Catalogs. Here you can assign the app to one or several catalogs. 8.Click catalog. to add an existing 9. Select Sample Catalog and choose OK. 10. Choose Groups. 11. Click to assign the app to an existing group. 25 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. 12. Select Sample Group and choose OK. 13. Choose Visualization to change the visual appearance of the tile. 14. Enter the following details: • • • • • Tile Type: Custom App Launcher Module Type: SAPUI5 Name: teched.cge619.kpitile Prefix: teched.cge619.kpitile Path: sap/fiori/kpistarter 15. Choose Save. 26 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. 16. In the top right corner of the screen, click to publish and open the FLP site. 17. Choose Publish and Open. Now you can see a second tile on the home screen. The KPI custom tile launches the same Fiori demo app as the static tile, which you had configured in Part 1 of this session. 18. Click custom tile Fiori Demo App. 27 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. The Fiori demo app is launched as configured in the SAP Fiori launchpad Configuration Cockpit. 2.3 Summary You have completed the exercise! You are now able to: • Deploy a custom tile on SAP Cloud Platform • Configure a custom app launcher in SAP Fiori launchpad Configuration Cockpit 28 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. 3 PART 3 - ADD REALTIME KPI DATA TO CUSTOM TILE Overview Estimated time: 10 minutes Objective In the role of a developer you enhance the custom tile with a KPI displaying realtime data. As admin you set up a Cloud Platform Destination to use a public demo OData service as data source. Exercise Description In this exercise you will setup up a SAP Cloud Platform Destination to the SAP Demo Gateway System ES5 and enable the custom tile to display a KPI showing realtime data delivered by a public demo OData service. During this exercise you perform the following actions: • • 3.1 Add a SAP Cloud Platform Destination Enhance the custom tile to display a KPI showing realtime data Register to SAP Demo Gateway System Explanation Screenshot 1. Register to SAP ES5 Demo Service using URL SUPSignForms/ 2. Choose Register. 29 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. Explanation Screenshot You get a confirmation email from 3. Follow the instructions in the email to change your initial password. 3.2 Create a Destination in SAP Cloud Platform Cockpit Explanation Screenshot 1. Launch SAP Cloud Platform Cockpit as described in section 2.1 or choose Useful Tools->SAP Cloud Platform Cockpit in the SAP Fiori launchpad Configuration Cockpit. 30 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. Explanation Screenshot 2. In the navigation panel, choose Destinations. 3. Choose New Destination. 4. Enter the following details in the Destination Configuration: • • • • • • • • Name: es5 Type: HTTP Description: ES5 URL: https://sapes5.sapdevce Proxy Type: Internet Authentication: BasicAuthentication User: <your personal trial account user> Password: <your trial account password> 5. Choose New Property to add two additional properties: • WebIDEUsage: odata_gen • WebIDEEnabled: true 6. Choose Save. 7. Choose Check Connection. 8. Choose Close. 31 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. 3.3 Enhance custom tile with KPI number Explanation Screenshot You now will extend the custom tile coding, to show a KPI number on the tile. 1. Switch to the SAP Web IDE browser tab or relaunch it from SAP Cloud Platform Cockpit>Services 2. Select file Component.js in folder KPIStarter with a doubleclick. 3.Insert the following code snippet after return oTileView; (line 24). }, _loadTileData: function(oData) { var sOdataPath = "/" + /*oData.dataSet*/ "SalesOrderCollection" + "/$count", //"?$select=NetSum&$format=json" sModulePath ="teched/cg e619/kpitile"), sServicePath = this.getManifestEntry("").da taSources.mainService.uri, sFullPath = sModulePath + sServicePath + sOdataPath, oReq = new XMLHttpRequest(); oReq.addEventListener("load ", this._onDataLoaded.bind(this));"GET", sFullPath); oReq.send(); }, _onDataLoaded: function(oResult){ 32 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. Explanation Screenshot var iDataLength =; //var iDataLength = JSON.parse( .d.results.length; this.getModel("tileModel"). setProperty("/KPI", iDataLength); 4. Insert the following coding to the init function: this._loadTileData(oData); Use CTRL+Alt+B to beautify your code. 5. Choose Save. Now you need add the numeric tile content and bind the numeric value and color via UI5 data binding. 6. Choose MyCustomtile.view.xml with a double-click. 33 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. Explanation Screenshot 7. Insert the following coding after subheader="{tileModel>/di splay_subtitle_text}">: <TileContent footer="{tileModel>/display_info_te xt}" unit="{tileModel>/unitDecription}"> <NumericContent value="{tileModel>/KPI}" scale="pcs" valueColor="{= ${tileModel>/KPI} > 19 ? 'Critical' : 'Neutral'}"/> </TileContent> Use CTRL+Alt+B to beautify your code 8. Choose Save. Now you need to define the data source in the app descriptor. 9. Choose manifest.json with a double-click. 34 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. Explanation Screenshot 10. Insert the following coding after line 8: }, "dataSources": { "mainService": { "uri": "/es5/sap/opu/odata/IWBEP/GWDEMO", "type": "OData" } Use CTRL+Alt+B to beautify your code 11. Choose Save Now you need add the destination “es5” for the OData service. 12. Choose neo-app.json with a double-click. 35 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. Explanation Screenshot 13. Insert the following coding after "description": "SAPUI5 Test Resources" (line 20): }, { "path": "/es5", "target": { "type": "destination", "name": "es5" }, "description": "ES5" Use CTRL+Alt+B to beautify your code 14. Choose Save Finally, you need to deploy the custom tile to the SAP Cloud Platform subaccount. 15. Select folder KPIStarter and choose Deploy->Deploy to SAP Cloud Platform. 36 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. Explanation Screenshot 16. Leave all default settings and choose Deploy. 17. Choose Close. A new version of the custom tile is now successfully deployed on the trial account. Now let's check the changes on the SAP Fiori launchpad site. 18. Switch to the Fiori launchpad Configuration Cockpit browser tab. 19. Click to open the SAP Fiori launchpad site with the new KPI custom tile version. 37 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. Explanation Screenshot 20. Choose Publish and Open. Now you can see the custom tile with a real time KPI data. 3.4 Summary You have completed the exercise! You are now able to: • Enhance a custom tile adding a KPI. • Deploy a new version of a custom tile to SAP Cloud Platform 38 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. 4 PART 4 - ENABLE KPI TILE CONFIGURATION Overview Estimated time: 10 minutes Objective In the role of a developer, you enable the custom tile to consume the configuration of the KPI data source from SAP Fiori launchpad Configuration Cockpit. Exercise Description In this exercise you will enable the custom tile to consume the data source specification done in the SAP Fiori launchpad Configuration Cockpit. During this exercise you perform the following actions: • • • 4.1 Enable the custom tile to consume data source settings from FCC Deploy a new custom tile version to SAP Cloud Platform Experience custom tile in SAP Fiori launchpad Enable KPI tile to specify data set Explanation Screenshot You now will enable the KPI custom tile be configured in SAP Fiori Configuration Cockpit. 1. Switch to the SAP Web IDE browser tab or relaunch it from SAP Cloud Platform Cockpit>Services 2. Select file Component.js in folder KPIStarter with a doubleclick. 39 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. Explanation Screenshot 3. In function _loadTileData replace the code in line 28 by the following code Before: var sOdataPath = "/" + oData.dataSet + "/?$select=UnitPrice&$format=json", After: 4. In function _onDataLoaded remove the comment characters // in line 39 and add them to line 38. Before: After: 5. Choose Save. 6. Select folder KPIStarter in your workspace and choose Deploy->Deploy to SAP Cloud Platform. 40 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. Explanation Screenshot 7. Leave all default settings and select Deploy. 8. Choose Close. 9. Switch to the Fiori launchpad Configuration Cockpit browser tab. 10. Choose Visualization of the custom KPI app to add an additional property for the data set specification. 11. Choose Edit. 41 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. Explanation Screenshot 12.Choose Add to enter a custom property. 13. Enter the following details: • • Key: dataSet Value: ProductCollection 14. Choose Save. 15. In the top left corner of the screen, click to publish the recent change of your site. 16. Choose Publish and Open. 42 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. Explanation Screenshot Now you can see the custom tile with a real time KPI, which is different from that in part 3 because the number refers to the specified data set ProductCollection 43 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. 5 PART 5 – ENHANCE KPI TILE WITH ADDITIONAL VISUAL ELEMENTS Overview Estimated time: 10 minutes Objective In the role of a developer, you enhance a custom tile to display additional information for insights-toaction. Exercise Description In this exercise you will change the layout of the custom tile to a larger size and enhance the custom tile coding to display additional information. During this exercise you perform the following actions: • • • • 5.1 Change the custom tile layout using SAP Fiori launchpad Configuration Cockpit Enhance the custom tile coding with SAP Web IDE Deploy a new version of the custom tile to your Cloud account. Experience custom tile in SAP Fiori launchpad Change the KPI custom tile layout 1. Switch to the Fiori launchpad Configuration Cockpit browser tab. 2. Choose Visualization of the KPI custom tile app to change the tile layout. 3. Choose Edit. 44 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. 4. Choose Size: 1 x 2. 5. Choose Save. 6. In the top left corner of the screen, click to publish the recent change of your site. 7. Choose Publish and Open. Now you can see the KPI custom tile in the larger size. You will fill the white space, which is available on the tile, in the following exercise. 45 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. 5.2 Add additional content to the KPI custom tile You now will enhance the custom tile with additional analytical content. 1. Switch to the SAP Web IDE browser tab. 2. Select file CustomTile.view.xml in folder KPIStarter with a double-click. 3. Insert the following coding after "</tileContent>"(line 7): <TileContent footer="comparison" visible="{= ${tileModel>/tile_size} === '1x2'}"> <mc:ComparisonMicroChart scale="EUR"> <mc:data> <mc:ComparisonMicroChartData title="Min" value="{tileModel>/KPIData/iMin}"/ > <mc:ComparisonMicroChartData title="Average" value="{tileModel>/KPIData/iAvrg}" /> <mc:ComparisonMicroChartData title="Max" value="{tileModel>/KPIData/iMax}"/ > </mc:data> </mc:ComparisonMicroChart> </TileContent> Use CTRL+Alt+B to beautify your code 4. Choose Save. 46 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. You now will add the coding to aggregate the data. 5.Choose Component.js with a double-click. 6. In function _onDataLoaded replace the existing coding with the following coding: var aReponse = JSON.parse( ) .d.results, aSums ={ return parseFloat(elem.UnitPrice);}), iSum = aSums.reduce(function (acc, elem) { return acc + elem;}, 0), iAverage = iSum / aSums.length,oData = { iMin: Math.min(...aSums), iMax: Math.max(...aSums), iAvrg: Math.floor(iAverage), iTotals: aSums.length}; this.getModel("tileModel").setProp erty("/KPIData", oData); this.getModel("tileModel").setProp erty("/KPI",aSums.length); Use CTRL+Alt+B to beautify your code 7. Choose Save. 47 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. 8. Select folder KPIStarter in your workspace and choose Deploy->Deploy to SAP Cloud Platform. 9. Leave all default settings and select Deploy. 10. Choose Close. 48 CGE619 - Error! Unknown document property name. 11. Switch to the Fiori launchpad Configuration Cockpit browser tab. 12. Click to open the SAP Fiori launchpad site with the new KPI custom tile version. 13. Choose Publish and Open. Now you can see the KPI custom tile in the larger size. 5.3 Summary You have completed the exercise! You are now able to: • Configure the custom tile layout • Add custom content to the KPI custom tile 49 © 2018 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice. Some software products marketed by SAP SE and its distributors contain proprietary software components of other software vendors. National product specifications may vary. These materials are provided by SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company for informational purposes only, without representation or warranty of any kind, and SAP or its affiliated companies shall not be liable for errors or omissions with respect to the materials. The only warranties for SAP or SAP affiliate company products and services are those that are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services, if any. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. In particular, SAP SE or its affiliated companies have no obligation to pursue any course of business outlined in this document or any related presentation, or to develop or release any functionality mentioned therein. This document, or any related presentation, and SAP SE’s or its affiliated companies’ strategy and possible future developments, products, and/or platforms, directions, and functionality are all subject to change and may be changed by SAP SE or its affiliated companies at any time for any reason without notice. The information in this document is not a commitment, promise, or legal obligation to deliver any material, code, or functionality. All forward-looking statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from expectations. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, and they should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. SAP and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP SE (or an SAP affiliate company) in Germany and other countries. All other product and service names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective companies. See for additional trademark information and notices.