W9UY0051 P.T. (a)The Approach-avoidance conflict might hinder Micah from being successful in conducting his campaign or presenting his speech by causing him to focus too much on the negative and having that negative influence his actions, leading to an undesirable outcome. (b)External locus of control might affect him if something has already happened or “fate” has predetermined that he is to do poorly on either the campaign or presenting of the speech. (c) Erikson’s stage of identity vs. role confusion could hinder Micah’s ability to run the campaign, due to how his developed sense of self has already occurred, he might lose faith in his ability to run for class president. (d) The Sympathetic NS or his fight or flight response could kick in and he might choose flight, meaning that he determined that this wasn’t a threat that he felt as though he could overcome and chose not to run for class president all together. (e) The concept of Positive Punishment might relate to Michah after the loss of the election by if his father would have told him that if he lost the election then there would be repercussions, adding something negative as a result of the loss. (f) The concept of defense mechanisms of displacement might relate to Michah after the loss of the election through trying to win a spot as a lesser position because he couldn’t win the presidency. (g) Micah might not be able to fall asleep well after the loss and therefore lead to insomnia. (h) After being stressed out from the election and then losing the election, Micah’s body has reached its limit and is no longer able to fight the stress. W9UY0051 P.T. (a) The independent variable is the which classes in which participation points are given for speaking in class. (b) The control group is the classes that remain the same or are not receiving participation points for speaking in class. (c) “Enjoyment of Classes” is a term used to describe whether or not the students liked the new system more so than the last, or the control. (d) Random assignment would help establish cause and effect in this experiment by minimizing bias and increasing chance of equal representation. It would also help to eliminate confounding variables or variables that cause a change in the dependent variable. (e) It would be difficult to use a double-blind procedure for this study because then the teacher/ experimenter wouldn’t know which class they could apply the participation points to. (f) The overjustification effect might account for this finding because there could already be a class that likes to participate and speak often in class, but now that they are getting rewarded for doing such, they no longer participate as often or speak up.