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CHEM 4201 HW1: Gas Laws & Stoichiometry Problems

CHEM 4201 HW1
Due date: August 29th
1.Find the volume of 𝐢𝑂2 gas produced from 100g of πΆπ‘ŽπΆπ‘‚3 reacting with 𝐻𝐢𝑙 if the 𝐢𝑂2 is at a pressure
of 746 torr and a temperature of 300K. Assume the gas to be ideal.
2.According to Dalton’s Law of partial pressures, the pressure of mixture of ideal gases is the sum of the
partial pressures of the gases. The partial pressure of a gas is defined to be the pressure that would be
exerted if that gas were alone in the volume occupied by the gas mixture. 1L of He gas at 0.75 atm is
mixed with 2L of Ne gas at 1.5 atm at a temperature of 25℃ to make a total volume of 3L. Assuming no
temperature change and that the He and Ne can be approximated as ideal gases. What are the partial
pressures of each component and the total resulting pressure?