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How to Install Windows 10 in a New Hard Drive?

Know every step by step procedure by troubleshoot
experts on the site
STEP - 1
Install your new hard drive on your computer or PC.
STEP – 2
Plug in your Windows 10 installation USB drive or
simply insert the Windows 10 disk if you have one.
STEP – 3
Now, you need to change the boot order in the BIOS to
boot from your install media.
STEP – 4
After the boot to your Windows 10 installation USB
drive or DVD.
STEP – 5
Now, you have the option to select the language, time
and keyboard and then select next.
STEP – 6
Enter the product key number.
STEP – 7
Press enter and click on Install now.
STEP – 8
Confirm that you accept the License Agreement and
then select next.
STEP – 9
Now, you will be asked where do you want to install
Windows 10 on the new hard drive, and it should be
easy for you as it will be entirely unallocated space and
might be the same size as the new drive.
STEP – 10
Select the drive and select format, and you can create a
preferred number of partitions by selecting new to
begin Windows installation.
After following the above-mentioned steps, Windows
10 is successfully installed on your new hard drive.
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