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FreeNAS 11.2 Slow Boot Fix: Legacy USB 3.0 Support

FreeNAS 11.2/FreeBSD BTX boot loader 1.0: Very...
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M A R C H 3 , 2 0 1 9 BY DA N I E L M E T T L E R
FreeNAS 11.2/FreeBSD BTX boot loader
1.0: Very slow booting if “Legacy USB 3.0
Support” is enabled
Starting with version 11.2-RELEASE-U1, FreeNAS uses the FreeBSD BTX 1.0
boot loader instead of Grub (reason: The FreeBSD boot loader �nally started
supporting ZFS – years after Grub supported it, BTW).
Unlike Grub, the FreeBSD boot loader seems to have rather “suboptimal” support
for storage devices (like USB sticks, USB drives) that are accessed using the
legacy USB 3.0 mode at boot time. So, when I upgraded FreeNAS from 11.1-U7 to
11.2-RELEASE-U2 on my home-built ASRock FreeNAS E3C226D2I NAS
appliance, booting FreeNAS from an internal 16 GB USB 3 stick took all of a
sudden almost 30 minutes(!) instead of the usual 1-2 minutes.
As I found out by “trial & error” (or educated guessing, as some would say), the
only reason for this huge slowdown was that “Legacy USB 3.0 Support” was
enabled in the AMI BIOS (the effect is reproducible). So, just disable “Legacy USB
3.0 Support”[1] in the BIOS and FreeNAS >= 11.2 will boot quickly again.
[1] Note:
There’s no need to disable “Legacy USB Support”, so you’ll still be able to
use your USB 2 keyboard or mouse at boot time.
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12/10/19, 4:36 PM
FreeNAS 11.2/FreeBSD BTX boot loader 1.0: Very...
F R E E B S D , I T, S Y S T E M E N G I N E E R I N G
1 1 . 2 , B T X , F R E E B S D B O OT LOA D E R , F R E E N A S , G R U B , L EG AC Y U S B 3 . 0
S U P P O R T, S L O W B O O T I N G , S Y S T E M E N G I N E E R I N G
2 Replies to “FreeNAS 11.2/FreeBSD BTX boot loader 1.0: Very
slow booting if “Legacy USB 3.0 Support” is enabled”
Lukas Gierth
J U N E 1 5 , 2 0 1 9 AT 6 : 3 6 P M
2 of 3
12/10/19, 4:36 PM
FreeNAS 11.2/FreeBSD BTX boot loader 1.0: Very...
Thank You! I had the exact same problem, this solved it completely.
Dave Henzler
D E C E M B E R 1 0 , 2 0 1 9 AT 8 : 5 4 P M
Thank you! Been searching for the answer for hours.
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12/10/19, 4:36 PM