We][s Fargo Everyday Checking June 25, 2020 ii Page 1 of 4 Questions? Available by phc>ne 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: PIALPH BUGGIEBO Telecommunications Pelay Services calls accepted 35 CLAF`KSON DPI 1 -800-TO-WELLS TOMS BIVEFI NJ 08753-2605 (1 -8oo-869-3557) Try,. 1 -800-877-4833 En espafiol: 1 -877-72]-2932 On//.ne.. wellsfargo.com Wr/.te.. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. (347) P.O. Box 6995 Portland, OB 97228-6995 You and Wells Fargo Account options Thank you for being a loyal Wells Fargo customer. We value your trust in our A check mark in the box indicates you have these convenient services with your account(s). Go to company and look forward to continuing to serve you with your financial needs. wellsfargo.c:om clr call the number above if you have c|uestions clr if you would like to add new services. online Banking n online Bill pay I Auto Transfer/Payment I on,[nestatements I overdraftprotect[on Mobile Banking H My spending F`eport Account number: Statement period activity summary Beginning balance on 5/29 Deposits/Additions -$1,406.38 0.00 Withdrawals/Subtractions - 0.00 Ending balance on 6/25 -$1,406.38 n Direct Deposit I Debitcard Overdraftservice 5192612645 RALPH FluGGIERO New Jersey account terms and conditions apply For Direct Deposit use Pouting Number (BTN): 021200025 Overdraft Protection This account is not currently covered by Overdraft Protection. If you would like more information regarding C^/erdraft Protection and eligibility requirements please call the number listed on your statement or visit your Wells Fargo branch. I I June 25, 2020 I- Page 3 of 4 With Overdraft F`ewind, Wells Fargo uses your incoming direct deposit to automatically reevaluate transactions from the previous business day and may reverse overdraft or returned item (non-sufficient funds/NSF) decisions and waive associated fees. Beginning May 10, 2020, the enhanced Overclraft Plewind feature will also waive or refund Overdraft Protection Transfer and Advance fees. Here's how it works: lf an electronic clirect deposit is received by 9:00 a.in. local time (based on your account location as noted on your account statement), we will calculate a new account balance that includes the pending direct deposit(s), less any pending debits. If this newly calculated balance covers transactions that resulted in overdraft or non-sufficient funds (NSF) fees, or Overdraft Protection Transfer or Advance fees, during the prior business day's nightly processing, we will waive or refund those fees. We may also reverse returned item (non-sufficient funds/NSF) decisions. Please be aware that Overdraft Ftewind does not reverse the transfer or advance of funcls from a linked Overdraft Protection account, and Overdraft Protection advances from credit accounts will continue to accrue interest. Only direct deposits deposited electronicaHy through the Automated Clearing House (ACH) qualify. If you have questions, please call us at 1 -800-869-3557 or visit wellsfargo.com/checking/overdraft-rewind tor more detail. Reminder: Wells Fargo charges a $5 fee for each Wells Fargo Debit, ATM, or Easypay Card transaction at non-Wells Fargo ATMs outside of the u.S. or U.S. territories. Fees from non-Wells Fargo ATM owner/operators may also apply. These fees may not be applicable to all customers and may vary depending on the type of account you have. For more details, refer to the applicable fee disclosures for your account. Effective August 17, 2020, ttle fee for stop payment requests on checks drawn on your account, or on pre-authorized (Automated Clearing House) items, will be $31 per item. The fee may not be applicable to all customers depending on the type of account you have. For more details, refer to the Fee and Information Schedule applicable to your account. Wells Fargo Everyday Checking July 27, 2020 . Page 1 of 3 Questions? Available by phone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: BALPH FiuGGIEBO Telecommunications F`elay Services calls accepted 35 CLABKSON DP 1 -800-TO-WELLS TOMS PIIVEB NJ 08753-2605 (1 -8oo-869-3557) r7v,. 1 -800-877-4833 En espaFiol: I -8]7-72]-2932 On//.ne.. wellsfargo.com Wr7.fe,. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. (347) P.O. Box 6995 Portland, OP 97228-6995 You and Wells Fargo Account options Thank you for being a loyal Wells Fargo customer. We value your trust in our A check mark in the box indicates you have these company and look forward to continuing to serve you with your financial needs. convenient services with your account(s). Go tc> wellsfargo.com c]r call the number abcive if you have questions or jf you would like to add new services. online Banking n online Bill pay Beginning balance on 6/26 Deposits/Additions -S 1,406.38 5` 169.74 Withdrawals/Subtractions - 2,466.94 Ending balance on 7/27 $1,296.42 Direct Deposit H overdraftprotectjon Mobile Banking H Debit card Myspending Plepon H Overdraftservice 5192612645 RALPH RUGGIERO New Jersey account terms and conditions apply For Direct Deposit use Pouting Number (BTN): 021200025 Overdraft Protection This account is not currently covered by Overdraft Protection. If you would like more information regarding C^/erdraft Protection and eligibility requirements please call the number listed on your statement or visit your Wells Fargo branch. (347) ehaat I:c]n -r`r`r`fii Cf` n Auto Transfer/Payment I on,:nestatements Account number: Statement period activity summary H I I July 27, 2020 I Page 3 of 3 Worksheet to balance your account General statement policies for Wells Fargo Bank Follow the steps below to reconcile your staternem balance with your account register balance. Be sure that your register shows any interest - dispute the accuracy of information that Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. has paid Into your account and any service charges, automatie payments or ATM transactions withdrawn from your account during this statement furnished to a consumer reponing agency by writing to us at Overdraft Collection and Becovery, P.O. Box 5058, Portland, OPT 97208-5058. Please period. ill Enter the ending balance on this statement E S describe the specific information that is inaccurate or in dispute and the I basis for the dispute along with supporting documentation. If you believe List outstanding deposits and other the information fiJrnished is the result of identity theft, please provide lJs with an identity theft report. credits to your account that do not appear on this statement. To dispute or report inaccuracies in information we have furnished to a Consumer Reporting Agency about your accounts. You have the right to Enter the total in the column I to the right. Amount Description ln case of errors or questions about your electronic transfers, telephone us at the number printed on the front of this statement or write us at Wells Fargo Bank, P.O. Box 6995, Portland, OPl 97228-6995 as soon as you can, if you think your statement or receipt is wrong or if you need more information about a transfer on the statement or receipt. We must hear I from yctu no later than 60 days after we sent you the FIPST statement on which the error or problem appeared. I Total I 1. Tell us your name and account number (if any). I 2. Describe the error or the transfer you are unsure about, and explain as clearly as you can why you believe it is an error or why you need more Sl information. 3. Tell us the dollar amount of the suspected error. E] Add ill and H to calculate the subtotal. E We will investigate your complaint and will correct any error promptly. If we take more than 10 business days to do "s, we will credit yciur account List outstanding checks, withdrawals, and other debits to your account that do not appear for the amount you think is in error, so that you will have the use of the on this statement. money during the time it takes us to complete our investigation. Enter the total in the column to the right. Numberroescription Amount I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Total Sl E subtract E from H to ca,cu,ate the adjusted ending balance. This amount should be the same as the current balance shown in your register. =SI Membe,FD,Cffi Wells Fargo Everyday Checking August 27, 2020 I Page 1 of 5 Questions? Available by phone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.. PIALPH RUGGIEBO Telecommunications Plelay Services calls accepted 35 CLAF3KSON DF3 1 -800-TO-WELLS TOMS F`lvEFI NJ 08753-2605 (1 -800-869-3557) 7TY.. 1 -800-877-4833 En espariol: 1 -877-727-2932 On//.ne,. wellsfargo.com Wr/te.. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. (347) P.O. Box 6995 Portland, OPl 97228-6995 You and Wells Fargo Account options Thank you for being a loyal Wells Fargo customer. We value your trust in our A check mark in the box indicates you have these convenient services with your account(s). Go to company and look forward to continuing to serve you with your financial needs. wellsfargo.com or call the number above if you have questic)ns or if you would like to ac]d new services. online Banking H online Bill pay I onlinestatements ill Direct Deposit overdraftprotection Mobile Banking n Debitcard Myspending Pleport H overclraftservice lMPOF`TANT ACCOUNT INFOFtMATION Please review an important message about changes we are making to your Everyday Checking account below your transaction detail. Account number: Statement period activity summary Beginning balance on 7/28 Deposits/Additions Withdrawals/Subtractions Ending balance on 8/27 $1,296.42 7,400.37 - 7,769.63 $927.16 5192612645 RALPH RUGGIER0 New Jersey account terms and conditions apply For Direct Deposit use flouting Number (RTN): 021200025 Ovei.draft Protection This account is not currently covered by Overdraft Protect'ion. If you would like more information regarding Overdraft Protection and eligibility requirements please call the number listed on your statement or visit your Wells Fargo branch. (347) ehaol .Qor` -nnr`f`qn7 H Auto Transfer/Payment I I I August27, 2020 . Page3of 5 Summary of Overdraft and F]eturned Item Fees Tc]tal this statement period Total year-to-date Total Overdraft Fees $0.00 $35.00 Total Pleturned Item Fees $0.00 SO.00 Year-to-date totals reflect fees assessed or reversed since the first fLIII statement period of the calendar year. Negative values indicate that fee reversals exceed fees assessed. Monthly service fee summary For a complete list of fees and detailed account information, see the disclosures applicable to your account or talk to a banker. Go to wellsfargo.com/feefaq for a link to these documents, and answers to common monthly service fee questions. Foe period 07/28/2020 -08/27/2020 Standard monthly service fee $10.00 Mnimum required How to avoid the monthly service fee You paid $0.00 This fee period Have any ONE of the following account requirements ` • • Minimumdailybalance $1,500.00 Total amount of qualifying direct deposits $500.00 Total number of posted debit card purchases or posted debit card payments of 10 bills in any combination • Age of primary account owner • The fee is waived when the account is linked to a Wells Fargo Campus ATM or 1 7 - 24 Campus Debit Card RC/BC IMPORTANT ACCOUNT INFORMATION: As a valuable customer, your monthly service fee for this Everyday Checking account will be waived beginning November 9, 2020 for nine consecutive fee periods. If you have converted or choose to convert this Everyday Checking account to another checking account type at any time, this waiver will not be applied to that account. The terms of that new account, including the applicable monthly service fee and options to avoid the fee, will apply. On this statement, we've included another important message describing changes we are making to the current options to avoid the monthly service fee for Everyday Checking. Please review that message for details. Your monthly service fee summary will include information on the fee periods remaining for the waiver as you get closer to the expiration and options to avoid the monthly service fee. After the monthly service fee has been waived for nirie consecutive fee periods, you'll need to start meeting one of the options to avoid the monthly service fee. Thank you for being a valuable customer. If you have any questions about this change, please contact your local banker or call the number listed on your statement. Please note the Consumer Account Fee and Information Schedule and the Deposit Account Agreement, as amended, continue to apply. IMPORTANT ACCOUNT INFORMATION: Your options to avoid the Everyday Checking account monthly service fee are changing. Effective with the fee period beginning after october 8, 2020, the option to avoid the $10 monthly service fee with lo or more postecl debit card transactions will no longer be available, and the minimum daily balance optlon will be lowered to $500. Once these changes are effective, the monthly service fee can be avoided with ONE of the following options each fee period: - Maintain a $500 minimum daily balance - $500 or more in total qualifying direct deposits* $927.16 $5,442.30 9 August27,2020 I Page5of5 Worksheet to balance your account General statement policies for Wells Fargo Bank Foltow the steps below to reooncile your statement balance with your account register balance. Be sure that your register shows any interest I To dispute or report inaccuracies in information we have furnished to a Consumer Reporting Agency about your accounts. You have the right to paid into your account and any service charges, automatie payments or ATM transactions withdrawn from your account during this statement dispute the accuracy of information that Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. has period. Collection and Becovery, P.O. Box 5058, Portland, OB 97208-5058. Please ill Enter the ending balance on this stalemenl E S furnished to a consumer reporting agency by writing to us at Overdraft d©§oribe the Specific information that i§ inac!QLirat© or in dispute and the I basis for the dispute along with supporting documentation. If you believe List outstanding deposits and other the information furnished is the result of identity theft, please provide us credits to your account that do not appear on this statemem. with an 'identity theft report. Enter the total in the column I to the right. ln case of errors or questions about your electronic transfers, telephone us at the number printed on the front of this statement or wr.ite us at Wells Fargo Bank, P.O. Box 6995, Portland, OPl 97228-6995 as soon as Amount Description you can, if you think your statement or receipt is wrong or if you need more information about a transfer on the statement or receipt. We must hear I from you no later than 60 days after we sent you the FIBST statement on which the error c)r problem appeared. I Total I 1. Tell us your name and account number (if any). I 2. Describe the error or the transfer you are unsure about, and explain as clearly as you can why you believe it is an error or why you need more Sl information. 3. Tell us the dollar amount of the suspected error. E] Add E and H to calculate the subtotal. E We will investigate your complaint and will correct any error promptly. If List outstanding checks, withdrawals, and we take more than 10 business days to do this, we will credit your account for the amount you think is in error, so that you will have the use of the money during the time it takes us to complete our investigation. other debits to your account that do not appear on this statement. Enter the total in the column to the right. Numberroescription Amount I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Total Sl -S1 E] Subtract in from ill to calculate the adjusted ending balance. This amount should be the same as the current balance shown in your register. =SI MemberFD,Cffi Wells Fargo Everyday Checking September28, 20201 Page 1 of 6 Questions? Available by phone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: BALPH RUGGIERO Telecommunications Belay Services calls accepted 35 CLABKSON DP 1 -800-TO-WELLS TOMS RIVEF} NJ 08753-2605 (1 -goo-869-3557) rTy.. 1 -800-877-4833 En espaiiol: 1 -877-727-2932 Or}//.ne.. wellsfargo.com Wr/.fe,. Wells Forgo Bank, N.A. (347) P.O. Box 6995 Portland, OR 97228-6995 You and Wells Fargo Account options Thank you for being a loyal Wells Fargo customer. We value your trust in our A check mark in the box indicates you have these convenient services with your account(s). Go to company and look forward to continuing to serve you with your f'inancial needs. wellsfargo.ccim or call the number above if you have questions or if you would like to add new services. online Banking H online Bill pay Direct Deposit I onlinestatements n Mobile Banking ra overdraftprotection Debit card My spending Deport H Overdraftservice EE IMPORTANT ACCOUNT INFOF}MATION Please review an important message about changes we are making to your Everyday Checking accoum below your transaction detail. Account number: Statement period activity summary $927.16 Beginning balance on 8/28 10,495.21 DepositsIAdditions Withdrawals/Subtractions Ending balance on 9/28 - 10,638.21 $784.16 5192612645 F!ALPH RUGGIEFIO New Jersey account terms and conditions apply For Direct Deposit use Flouting Number (PITN): 021200025 Overdraft Protection This account is not currently covered by Overdraft Protection. If you would like more information regarding Overdraft Protection and eligibinty requirements please call the number listed on your statement or visit your Wells Fargo branch. (347) Shoot .Qan -nnr`Qr\i r\ H Auto Transfer/Payment I I I September28,2020 . Page3of 6 Transaction history (continued) C;hec:k Date Number Description Depcisits/ Withd raw als/ End`Ing daily Additions Subtractions balance Purchase authorized on 09/24 Cvs/Pharmacy #02 02837--1 Toms Diver NJ P00380268505267996 Card 1340 Purchase authorized on 09/24 Shoprite Fischr Bay SI Toms Biver NJ P00300268617039390 Card 1340 9/25 52.00 4,600.00 Withdrawal Made ln A Branch/Store Firstenergy Opco ACH 003445716698 Plalph Buggiero 208.64 912.04 70.00 Purchase authorieed on O9A26 NJ Ezpass 888-288-6865 NJ S580270434250705 Card 134o ____ _ _ _ ___ Sunnova Solar 200925 6704182 Wundefined Endlng halanco on arty 5,720.68 57.88 ._____.__.____._._.__.___,_,_._. Totals 784.16 __._. $10,495.21 784.16 $10,638.21 The Ending Daily Balance does not reflect any pending withdrawals or holds on deposited funds that may have been outstanding on your account when your transactions posted. If you hacl insufficient available funds when a transaction posted, fees may have been assessed. ^ Converted check:Check converted to an electronic format by your payee or designated representative. C;necks converted tci electronic fclrmat cannc)i be returned, copied or imaged. Surrrmainy Of checks wr.men N u in be r (checks listed are also displayed I.n the preceding Transaction history) Date 8/31 126 9/3 Amou nt 60.00 5.00 N umber Date Amou nt 128 * 8/28 65.76 129 9/16 416.57 Nijm ber Date 131 i 9/15 Amou nt 30.00 * Gap in check sequence. Summary of Overdraft and Returned Item Fees Total Overdraft Fees Total Beturned Item Fees Total this statement period Total year-to-date $0.00 $35.00 $0.00 SO.00 year-tci-date totals reflect fees assessed c)r reversed since the first full statement period of the calendar year. Negative values indicate that fee reversals exceed fees assessed. Monthly service fee summary For a complete list of fees and detailed account information, see the disclosures applicable to your account or talk to a banker. Go to wellsfargo.comffeefaq for a l`ink to these documents, ancl answers to common monthly service fee questions. Fee period 08/28/2020 - 09/28/2020 Standard monthly service fee slo.00 How to avoid the monthly service fee You paid $0.00 Minimum required This tee period Have any ONE of the following account requirements • Minimum daily balance • Total amount of qualifying direct deposits • Total number of posted debit card purchases or posted debit card payments of $1,500.00 $500.00 10 bills in any combination • Age of primary account owner • The fee is waived when the account is linked to a Wells Fargo Campus ATM or Campus Debit Card RC/BC 1 7 - 24 $275.78 I $9,395.21 H 21E I September28, 2020 ii Page5of 6 ***Primary account owner is an individual that has tax responsibility for the account. On the primary account owner's 25th birthday, the account will automatically be subject to the then current monthly service fee unless you meet one of the other options to avoid the monthly service fee. lMPOFITANT ACCOUNT INFOFIMATION Effective June 1, 2020, the Deposit Account Agreement has been updated. In the section of the Deposit Account Agreemem titled "Available balance, posting order, and overdrafts," the second bullet of the paragraph titled "Then, we sort your transactions into categories before we process them" under the subsection titled "How do we process (post) transactions to your account?" is deleted and replaced with the following: "Then, we process withdrawals/payments we have previously authorized and cannot i'etum unpajd, such as debit card purchases, ATM withdrawals, account transfers, Online Bill Pay transactions, and teller-cashed checks. If we receive more than one of these transactions for payment from your accour`t, we will generally sort and pay them based on the date and time you conducted the transactions. For a debit card transaction, if a merchant does not seek authorization from the Bank at the time of the transaction or you conducted the transaction more than 10 business days before we receive it for payment, we will use the date the transaction is received for payment from your account. For some transactions, such as Online Bill Pay transactions or teller-cashed checks, the time may be assigned by our systems and may vary from the time it was conducted. Multiple transactions that have the same time will be sorted and paid from lowest to highest dollar amount.„ For questions, please call tr`e number listed on your statement. lMPOF}TANT ACCOUNT INFOF`MATION Regulation D and Wells Fargo withdrawal and transfer restrictions on all savings accounts have been discontinued. The Federal Peserve Board recently removed F`egulation D's six transaction limit on certain withdrawals and transfers from savings accounts, and allowed banks to suspend enforcement of that limit at each bank's discretion. Your Deposit Account Agreement states that both Begulation D and Wells Fargo limit certain types of withdrawals and transfers from a savings account to a combined total of six per monthly fee period. This message is to advise you that these limits were removed in May 2020. We have also discontinued charging the related excess activity fees, and have ceased account conversioris and account closures related to the six withdrawal or transfer limit. While it will take a period Of time to update our disclosures and other materials, the changes described above apply to your account immediately and allow you to make withdrawals ancl transfers, including online ancl mobile, from your savings account without regard to the previous limit of six transactions. If you have any questions about your account, please call the phone number at the top of your statement or visit your Wells Fargo branch. Wells Fargo Everyday Checking October28, 2020 I Page 1 of 6 Questions? Available by phone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: BALPH RUGGIERO Telecommunications Pelay Services calls accepted 35 CLAF}KSON DB 1 -800-TO-WELLS TOMS BIVER NJ 08753-2605 (1 -800-869-3557) Try.. 1 -800-877-4833 En espariol: \ -877-72]-29ei2 On//.r}e.. wellsfargo.com Wri.te,. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. (347) P.O. Box 6995 Portland, 08 97228-6995 You and Wells Fargo Account options Thank you for being a loyal Wells Fargo customer. We value your trust in our A chec:k mark in the box indic:ates you have these company and look forward to continuing to serve you with your financial needs. convenient services with your account(s). Go to wellsfargo.com or call the number above if you have questions or if you would like to add new services. online Banking E online Bill pay I onlinestatements H Mobile Banking H Myspending peport H Direct Deposit overdraftprotection Overdraftservice Please review an important message about cr`anges we are making to your Everyday Checking account below your transaction detail. Account number: Beginning balance on 9/29 Deposits/Additione \Mtndrawals/Subtractions Ending balance on 10/28 $784.16 12,063.86 -11,920.39 5192612645 PALPH RUGGIERO New Jersey ac:count terms and conditions apply For Direct Deposit use I-+ $927.63 Pouting Number (BTN): 021200025 Overdraft Protection This account is not currently covered by Overdraft Protection. If you would like more information regarding Overdraft Protection and eligibility requirements please call the number listed on your statemem or visit your Wells Fargo branch. (347) f=haat ,Qarl - r`r`r`7d?6 I Debitcard RE IMPOF=TANT ACCOUNT INFOF2MAT[ON Statement period activity summary H Auto Transfer/Payment I I October28, 2020 . Page3of 6 Transactl.on history (continued) Depos its/ Additions Check Date Number Description Withdrawal s/ Endi ng d ai ly Su btractions balance 26.35 Purchase authorized on 10/21 Silverton Pharm Toms F`iver NJ 1,521.77 POOOO0000986376152 Card 1340 Purchase authorized on 10/21 Epson *Store 800-873-7766 CA S300295268332452 Card 1340 Purchase with Cash Back $ 20.00 authorized on 10/24 Shoprite 153.80 4o.so ELJ#=°Tho¥E¥C!#70¥as¥4#hgasTgro:d:an 10/27 P00580301782383701 Card 1340 Creditone Bank pa ment 201026 00133 ^133 1,306.16 48.o3 30.00 Sunnova Solar 201026 2027208 *undefined Njm Insurance Web Pay 201026 000001244883978 Plalph 111.65 1,056.92 129.29 927.63 Bug8iero Suez Water Tome Water Bill 201026 04409904510071 End[ng belanceon l0RE _ 927.63 ..,. Totals $12,063.86 $11,920.39 The Ending Daily Balance does not reflect any pending withdrawals or hc)Ids on deposited funds that may have been outstanding on your account when your transactions posted. If you had insufficient available funds when a {ransac{ion posted, fees may have been assessed. ^ Converted check:Check converted to an electronic format by your payee or designated representative. Checks c:onverfed to electronic format cannot be returned, copied or imaged. Summalry Of checks wr.itten (checks listed are alscl displayed in the preceding Transaction history) N urn ber Date Amou nt 132 10/5 77.18 N umber 133 Date AmoLim 10/27 30.00 Summary of Overdraft and F}cturned Item Fees Total Overdraft Fees Total Beturned Item Fees Total this statement period Total year~to-date SO.00 $35.00 SO.00 $0.00 Year-to-date totals reflect fees assessed or reversed since the flrst full statement period of trle calendar year. Negative values indicate that fee reversals exceed fees assessed` Monthly service fee summary For a complete list of fees and detailed account information, see the disclosures applicable to your account or talk to a banker` Go to wellsfargo.comffeefaq for a link to these documents, and answers to common monthly service fee questions. Fee period 09/29/2020 -10/28/2020 Standard monthly service fee $10.00 How to avoid the monthly service fee You paid $0.00 Minimum required This fee period Have any ONE of the following account requirements • Minimum daily balance • Total amount of qualifying direct deposits • Total number of posted debit card purchases or posted debit card payments of $1,500.00 $500.00 10 bills in any combination • Age of primary account owner • The fee is waived when the account is linked to a Wells Fargo Campus ATM or Campus Debit Card Flo/f]C 1 7 - 24 $230.16 $5,596.72 20 October28, 2020 . Page5of 6 ***Primary account owner is an individual that has tax responsibility for the account. On the primary account owner's 25th birthday, the account will automatically be subject to the then current monthly service fee unless you meet one of the other options to avoicl the monthly service fee. lMPOF3TANT ACCOUNT INFOFIMATION lMPOBTANT ACCOUNT INFOPIMATION Regulation D and Wells Fargo withdrawal and transfer restrictions on all savings accounts have been discontinued. The Federal Pleserve Board recently removed Ftegulation D's six transaction limit on certain withdrawals and transfers from savings accounts, ancl allowed banks to suspend enforcement of that limit at each bank's discretion. Your Deposit Account Agreement states that both Regulation D and Wells Fargo limit certain types of withdrawals ancl transfers from a savings account to a combined total of six per monthly fee period. Tr`is message is to advise you that these limits were removed in May 2020. We have also discontinued charging the related excess activity fees, and have ceased account conversions and account closures related to the six withdrawal or transfer limit. While it will take a period of time to update our disclosures ancl other materials, the changes described above apply to your account immediately and allow you to make withdrawals and transfers, including online and mobile. from your savings account without regard to the previous limit of six transactions. If you have any questions about your account, please call the phone number at the top of your statement or visit your Wells Fargo branch. Wells Fargo Everyday Checking November30,2020 il Page 1 of 5 Questions? Available by phone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: BALPH PIUGGIEBO Telecommunications Relay Services calls accepted 35 CLAF`KSON DFt 1 -800-TO-WELLS TOMS RIVER NJ 08753-2605 (1 -800-869-3557) 7TY,. 1 -800-877-4833 En espariol: 1 -8J7-72]-2932 On//'ne.I wellsfargo.com Wri.te,. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. (347) P.O. Box 6995 Portland, OP 97228-6995 You and Wells Fargo Account options Thank you for being a loyal Wells Fargo customer. We value your trust in our A check mark in the box indicates you have these company and look forward to continuing to serve you with your financial needs. cc>nven.lent services with your account(s). Gc) tci wellsfargo.com c]r call the number above jf you have c|Llestions or if you would like to add new services. online Banking n online Bill pay I onlinestatements overdraftprotection H Debit card Myspending Fleport n overdraftservice 5192612645 Beginning balance on 10/29 $927.63 l]ALPH RUGGIERO Deposits/Addit`ions 5,686.72 New Jersey account terms and conditions apply Withdrawals/Subtractions - 4,633.24 Ending balance on 11/30 $1,981.11 For Direct Deposit use Pouting Number (BTN): 021200025 Overdraft Protection This account is not currently covered by Overdraft Protection lf you would like more information regarding Overdraft Protect.Ion and eligibility requirements please call the number listed on your statement or visit your Wells Fargo branch. (347) C:hast f=an -r`i7FQa4 ra Auto Transfer/Payment H Mobile Banking Account number: Statement period activity summary E Direct Deposit I I November30,2020 . Page3of 5 Transaction hl.story (continued) C heck Date Number Description 11/25 Deposits/ W;thd rawals/ Additions Sublractions Suez water Toms water Bill 201123 04409904510071 End.Ing da.Ily balance 24.07 2,996.20 iero,F`alph 11/27 Recurring payment authorized on 1 1/26 Amazon prime*CD7Ho Amzn.Com/Bill WA S460331613078280 Card 1340 11/27 130.31 Sunnova solar 201125 3522139 *Undefined 11re7 59.56 187.00 Njm Insurance web pay 201125 000001255192793 Balph Pluggiero 137 ii%: 120.00 Check Fischr Ba 11/30 2,499.33 95.28 t37 ::#aso \mth cash Back $ 3o co authomaed on 1 lne shopme SI Toms Pliver NJ P00460334586932472 Card 1340 Purchase authorized on 1 1/29 Lennys silverton M Toms Diver NJ 16.94 S300334692327605 Card 1340 11/30 iero Hmf Hmfusa.Com 201129181412733g Pal 406.00 1,981.11 1,981.11 Ending balance on 11/30 $5,686.72 Totals $4,633.24 Trle Ending Daily Balance does not reflec:i any pending withdrawals or holds on deposited funds that may have been outstanding on your accc]unt when your transactions posted. If you had insufficient available funds when a transaction posted, fees may have been assessed. ^ Cc)nverted check:Check converted to an electronic format by your payee or designated representative. Checks converted to electronic format cannot be returned, copied or imaged. Summary Of criecks wr.inen N u mber Date 107 11/10 (checks listed are also displayed in the preceding Transaction history) Amou nt 787.00 Number N umbe r D ate Amount 136 * 11/24 40.00 137 Date Amount 11/27 120.00 I Gap in chec:k sequence. Items returned unpaid Date 11/16 Amount Descri ption Active 8886521362 201112 xxxxx8620 Palph A Buggiero sr Pleference # 359.00 091408596745189 Summary of Overdraft and Retui.ned Item Fees Total this statement period Total Overdraft Fees Total Pleturned Item Fees $0.00 $0.00 Total year`to-date $35,00 $0.00 Year-to-date totals reflect fees assessed or reversed since the first full statement period of the calendar year. Negative values indicate that fee reversals exceed fees assessed. Monthly sef`vice fee summary For a complete list of fees and detailed account information, see the d.isclosures applicable to your account or talk to a banker. Go to wellsfargo.comffeefaq for a link to these documents, and answers to common monthly service fee questions. Fee period 10/29/2020 - 11 /30/2020 Standard monthly service fee $10.00 You paid $0.00 Minimum required This fee period The bank has waived the fee for this fee period How to avoid the monthly service fee Have any ONE of the following account requirements • Minimum da.ily balance $500.00 $927.63 E] November30, 2020 . Page5of 5 Worksheet to balance your account General statement policies for Wells Fargo Bank Follow the steps below to reconcile your statement balance with your - account register balance. Be sure that your register shows any .Interest To dispute or report inaccuracies in information we have furnished to a Consumer Reporting Agency about your accounts. You have the right to paid into your account and any service charges, automatie payments or ATM transactions withdrawn from your account during this statement dispute the accuracy of information that Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. has period. Collection and Becovery, P.O. Box 5058, Portland, OPT 97208-5058. Please ill Enter the ending balance on this staternenl E S furnished to a consumer reporting agency by writing to us at Overdraft describe the specific information that is inaccurate or in dispute and the I basis for the dispute along with supporting documentation. If you believe List outstanding deposits and other the information furnished is the result of identity theft, please provide us with an .iclentity theft report` credits to your account that do not appear on this statement. Enter the total in the column ii to the right. Amount Description ln case of errol.s or questions about your electronic transfers, telephone us at the number printed on the front of this statement or write us at Wells Fargo Bank, P.O. Box 6995, Portland, OPl 97228-6995 as soon as you can, if you think your statement or receipt is wrong or if you need more information about a transfer on the statement or receipt. We must hear I from you no later than 60 days after we sent you the FIPIST statement on which the error or problem appeared` I Total I 1. Tell us your name and account number (if any). 1 2. Describe the error or the transfer you are unsure about, and explain as clearly as you can why you believe it is an error or why you need more Sl information. 3. Tell us the dollar amount of the susDected error. E Add E and H to calculate the subtotal` E We will investigate your complaint and w.Ill correct any error promptly. If List outstanding checks, withdrawals, and we take more than 10 business days to do this, we will credit your account other debits to your account that do not appear for the amount you think .is in error, so that you will have the use of the on this statement. money during the time 'it takes us to complete oLir investigation. Enter the total in the column to the right. Numberroescription Amount I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I Total Sl E Subtract E from E to calculate the adjusted ending balance. This amount should be the same as the cilrrent balance shown in your register- =s1 eeolowellsFargoBank,NA AIIrigntsreservedNMLSF`lD3998ol M8mberFDIc ffi •Jgle!69J .tlmiH .Qla] !9qLH9" iiiiiiiiii]#l;:::;;;;il;;;i''iil.`#;ii;:;i;ii;Mi[iis inoA u! uMous 9oueieq ]u©JJno 9ui ee 6uJe§ 9u} eqp,n::;::en,:;;oe:I,LE6::;ej,,:ffiu;::I:;::§enffi us°[q]J9qur6IN EiiB == iRii\i\'\i\d^tt\\_#-,-\Eh-.|uaE in unRE ]RArm illl .rmmm mmE ZHmzm= I:..-=i -I. -'~=--= ==--=-i ---- `T --..--- I---=1 T---TT T--- EE _= - _ _ _ I 12 _ ------ --`--