DATA INGESTION Iot devices/sensors collect data from the environment. The data can be as simple as temperature and humidity. DATA TRANSMISSION The data is transmitted to the cloud via Gateways. Gateways use both cellular and satellite communication to transmit data. DATA VISUALIZATION The processed data is made useful to end-user by providing alerts to user. User may have an application (interface) that allows him to check on the system. IOT Internet of Things DATA PROCESSING Once the data gets to the cloud IoT platform processes it. Processing can be as simple as checking the range of tempreature or it could be complex like computer vision on video to identify objects. DATA ANALYSIS AND PREDICTION To utilize data collected overtime, data analytics makes use of historical data to provide insight. Insight might help in predicting future events such as failure of a machinery. HOW IoT WORKS POPULARITY TRENDS IN IOT FLOW OF IOT PRINCIPLES