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Mental Health App Concept Paper

Mobile devices and apps offer promising opportunities for both patients
and healthcare professionals, for example, to monitor and assess health
status, and also to provide relevant health information. However, health
information seeking within a mood-tracking app has not yet
been addressed by research. To bridge this gap, the depression-related
health information seeking
of 6,675 users of a mood-tracking smartphone app was unobtrusively
monitored. The study
shows that self-monitored depressive symptoms are associated with
higher depression-related
information seeking within the app. Health information seeking was low
in general, with
differences across 12 depression-related topics (e.g., depressive
thoughts, a depression diagnosis,
or depression facts), but the findings are also promising as the
smartphone app was shown to be a
place where users can inform themselves about health topics related to
the main purpose of the
app. Smartphone apps would therefore seem to be a vehicle through
which to provide additional
health information about, for example, comorbidities, or pre- or
post-interventions, even going
beyond the original purposes of such mobile health (mental Health)
monitoring apps.
Keywords: health information seeking, depression, mood tracker,
smartphone app, self
diagnosis, mental Health
Depressive disorders are the most prevalent mental health condition in
high- and middle
income countries (Kessler & Bromet, 2013) for which wide-ranging
treatment options and
mobile apps are available (Shen et al., 2015). However, three quarters of
primary care patients
with depression in urban areas identified at least one structural,
psychological, cultural, or
emotional barrier to accessing depression therapy or treatment (Mohr
et al., 2010). The main
determinant for seeking professional help for mental health problems is
the severity of symptoms
(Oliver, Pearson, Coe, & Gunnell, 2005), and oftentimes,
non-professional help and lay support
represent the first steps toward help-seeking. More recently, however, it
has also been shown that
mood self-monitoring predicted lower depression and anxiety levels
(Bakker & Rickard, 2018),
possibly through higher emotional self-awareness
The lack of empirical evidence about the use of smartphone apps for
enhancing mental
healthcare has recently been criticized (Van Ameringen et al., 2017).
Smartphone apps have the
potential to not only provide mental health literacy through mood
tracking or the self-assessment
of depressive symptoms, but they also offer the chance of providing
knowledge about mental
health. The present study investigates how self-monitored depressive
symptoms link with
depression-related information seeking within a mood-monitoring
smartphone app. Therefore,
app use was unobtrusively tracked and considered important
The main objective of this project is create a mood tracking app that will
help out with victims of mental health ,advice them monitor and make
sure they are bettering themselves
The purpose of this study is to show that Mental health apps have the
potential to effectively improve access to treatment through
evidence-based self-monitoring and self-help, depending on the
depressive symptomatology
(Proudfoot et al., 2010).
The study focuses on individuals struggling with mental health disability
and need help, it will not only monitor mood changes but as well give
advice and recommend good mental health doctors
An integrated platform that meets the requirements of data collection ,
storage and access will enable patients to keep personal track of their
health and progress. It will enable the doctors in various health
facilities to access information about the patient and treat them
It will also enable the patients easily be connected to doctors in various
facilities, not to mention providing a secure decentralized way to store
the patient data. This can be both time saving and economical since a
patient doesn’t always have to reach out to the different facilities
physically for as long as the doctors and other medical practitioners
involved can access the patients information.
Definition of terms and concepts
Internet of things(IoT)
The internet of things, or IoT, is a system of interrelated computing
devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people
that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to
transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or
human-to-computer interaction.
The cloud" refers to servers that are accessed over the Internet, and the
software and databases that run on those servers. Cloud servers are
located in data centers all over the world. By using cloud computing,
users and companies do not have to manage physical servers themselves
or run software applications on their own machines.
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a wide-ranging branch of computer science
concerned with building smart machines capable of performing tasks
that typically require human intelligence.
Machine Learning
Machine learning (ML) is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that allows
software applications to become more accurate at predicting outcomes
without being explicitly programmed to do so. Machine
learning algorithms use historical data as input to predict new output
Nowadays internet is used by 2 billion people all around the world to
browse contents, send and receive emails, access multimedia resources,
play online games, and social networking, this will enhance the public
to come across an international platform which will enable new ways of
working, interacting, entertaining and living(Tyagi, Sapna Agrawal, 2021).
term IOT firstly have been used by the Kevin ashton which he describes
emerging global, and internet based service architecture. After the stage
of the that era it has now comes to a maturity and now it has networked
over billions of people, objects and machines interacting to one
another… the future of the IOT will dominate a global platform to
interconnect the physical objects, things, humans, thus, enabling new
ways of working, communicating, interacting, entertaining and
living(Tyagi, Sapna Agrawal, 2021) Internet of things have impact on
seriously in the health care sector and this is due to the importance of
the data and the importance of the health to the present society,
internet of things has introduced lot of additional activities to the health
care sector to secure the data, to transmit the data, to process data and
many more. Darwish et al suggest that IoT creates an integrated
communication environment of interconnected devices and platforms
by engaging both virtual and physical world together(Elhoseny et al.,
2018).with the inventions based on the health care sector the data
transmission related to it has been also developed this report is based
on a doctor channeling system through online platform.
Iot related work
Recent iot technologies have made a serious impact on the health care
industry, some of the health care application sensors that are used can
be named as wireless body area sensor network (WBASNs), this system
can measure and report the patients physiological state, Microsoft has
introduced a web page named as google health, by using this the
patients can transfer their personal health care information to the
Microsoft health care vault account. Henry mayo a hospital in Valencia,
Carlifornia has invented a system with the collaboration with the
Microsoft, which process as the doctors are less interacting with the
computers and more interacting with the patients, in this method they
have created intelligent system which will speed up the access of
patients’ data. IOT base health monitoring which provide health and
environment tracking facility, which records human heart rate and body
temperature, telemedicy is a system that is conducted by the doctors
when the doctor and the patient is not physically connected, doctor and
the patients are in separate location and they are link through the
internet and conducting the process. IOT based drug delivery system is a
system that the patients can gain the related drugs that they are needed
without traveling to the pharmacy, doctor consultation app that is
developed according to our research is another IOT Based system which
the patients can consult the doctors through a mobile app, SMART
HOSPITALS is an another system that has developed in recent, it explains
paperless hospitals and clinics which use central electronic health record
to manage their personal data by storing in cloud services, it makes
them easily to accessible and manageable.
Advantages of implementing the iot in health care
There are some advantages to all the parties who are engage in the
health care system, some of them can be named as,
 Access the data through allowing devices to collect, record and
analyze data that would not accessible before
 Look at the patients’ records easily
 Secure access to review the lab tests
 Enter the prescriptions to the cloud
 Cut medication delivery time by the use of the doctors own laptop,
tablet, or smartphone
 Maintain the perfect time within the doctors’ portfolio
 Minimize the time consuming
 The doctors and the staff can access the patients at any time anyplace
 (MRI) magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography (CT), X
RAYS will enable the user to access the patients image almost instantly.
 Speed up patients care management
The study of “IoT” was comprehensive and montages relations and
constraints. The main goal of “IoT” is to ensure that, in conjunction with
“electronic sensor” devices, Internet-based communications and the
sending and reception of information are conventionally accessible. In a
report “28.4 billion IoT users in 2017 and by 2020 they are going up to
50.1 billion” remained the result of one report. “IoT”, according to
scientific charity, provides a range of services. “Wi-Fi, mobile phone, NFC,
GPS etc.” is continuity of contact. The IoT main aim, though, is to
incorporate organizations, mechanization so that messages can be
transmitted without interruptions, compared to software creation; the
start of the programmed is the most frequently recycled sensors with
accelerometers, compression-embedding camps such as the “MCUS,
MPUs”. The services have improved “intelligent fitness, transportation,
grids, parking and intelligent homes.” Therefore, the core goal of IoT is
to combine organizations and mechanization in order to provide
messages continuously. The initial opinion for the “IoT phase is divided
into criteria, specifications and implementation” is comparable to
software development overall. An essential method is the final section
containing the company process. “H.” In order to understand the
specifications of any IoT project Eskelinen submitted two questions and
included them in the design phase. These moments of designbased
science lead to adequate exploration of the following concepts, before
the construction is funded, a strategy needs to be created that blends
realistic goals with theory, and one has to bear in mind at the same time
that real life is a research centre. Systematic and professional testing
methods should be carried out. The designs should always be taken into
account for any failure, and the designs chosen should be demonstrated
to be durable over time. While Saini et.al developed its healthcare
system, the consumer was the subject of the study: the programmed
specifications used a basic design methodology similar to typical
software development courses. The WSN is a significant part of IoT, and
it also plays an important role in its healthcare applications. They are
known for their high-end and miscellany wireless control systems over
other regular devices. Working on the WSN for pulse rates and oxygen
saturation was emphasized by Rotariu and Manta in 2012. Yuehong etc.,
on the other hand, and ECG and blood pressure sensors mounted on the
mobile telephone in 2016. With the IoT approach in the health analogy,
the wireless network improves, he said. Tan et.al used Wi-Fi technology
for its 2012 work in the control area to relay messages on different body
functionality, such as blood pressure, pulse rate, body temperature and
oxygen saturation. J.J.R. and Wannenburg. Bluetooth was introduced
into the smart phone by Malekianc to track patients further.
Future healthcare
The increase of the technology in the health care sector is certainly
high, the use of the medicine is also high because of the unhealthy
society that is exist, the hardware and the software both sides are
increasing their technologies, to identify the things that will ease the life
of the human being. The basic enabling systems of the future health care
is the communication between the e sensing nodes and the processors
and the processing algorithms to make an output from the data by the
sensors(Qadri et al., 2020).according to the Mc kinsey global institute
the economic impact of the internet of thing to the economy is
numbered as USD 3.9 trillion to 11.1 trillion across the globe. The
integration of IOT with the medical sector is name as the medicine 4.0,
and the integration of IOT with the health is known as 2.0, in this
method ubiquitous monitoring of the patients which the doctors will
identify early detection of disorders and implementation of the medical
application for the patients. And also this will connect the smart devices
like environmental sensing, health monitoring, industrial process
monitoring, and smart city applications(Qadri et al., 2020). The main
technology that is underlying In the IOT is the wireless network system
and then main technology that is underlying in the health sectors is
named as the body sensor networks, BNS is a system that explains of
developing sensors for the human body, they are mainly tracking the
fitness of the people by the use of smart wearables, according to the
global wearable market apple, fitbit, and xiaomi has shipped 115.4
million units of wearables in 2017(Qadri et al., 2020). This will imply that
the more people in recent are using the smart wearables to early
detection of the diseases. IoThNet is a system that smart health
monitoring devices are added with the improved connectivity to make
the communications; this will lead the development of the health care
system. There is a massive potential for these systems to track the
health progress of the users. The patients that are connected to these
system can be tracked and changes that are occurred in the patients
body are sync as the information to diagnosis to deliver the medical care
The CRISP-DM methodology was used to describe the hierarchical
process model, consisting of sets of tasks described at four levels of
abstraction (from general to specific): generic task, specialized task, and
process instance. It involved the following steps: Problem understanding
where the problem solved was being identified, data understanding that
involved classifying data, removing outliers and checking for the
necessary data needed for the study, data preparation, modeling,
evaluation and deployment of the algorithm.
A wireless body area network (WBAN) is a novel field that implements
the concept of e-health. A WBAN involves the use of multiple sensor
nodes for health monitoring that can quantify and present the health
condition of the patient.
The figure illustrates the various processes involved in the framework
and identifies actors and the flow of data. At any given time, the patient
could be wearing a monitoring device (typically a body sensor) that
gathers physiological data. These biosensors are carefully placed on a
human body as small implantations on skin or can be worn as jewelry or
even hidden in a patient’s clothes or shoes. Each sensor is independently
capable of sensing, monitoring, processing physical data, and
transmitting it wirelessly to a remote cloud system. The sensor nodes
are also capable of tracking patient location and accurately determining
physical state and activity of the patient, i.e., walking, running, or sitting
idle at one place. The physiological data is uploaded and stored into the
cloud via an EHR system. For each patient, a separate medical profile is
maintained in the cloud. This patient data can be shared with medical
professionals and clinical healthcare systems for their analysis and
opinion. Medical professionals such as physicians and doctors can
dispense quick patient care by accessing the medical data on cloud and
providing expert opinions. With consent of patients, the lab technicians
can also upload magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, X-rays, and
serum reports and store the information in medical profile of the
patients. This profile could be shared via cloud platforms with other
expert specialists around the world permitting standard diagnosis and
adept recommendations in quick time frame. The medical experts can
recommend lifesaving drugs and medicines that need to be available in
pharmacy stores. The pharmacist can check medical profile and allergic
reaction of patients before issuing or recommending any medicines.
Similarly, a hospital dealing with a case of an accident can check the
patient’s blood group, whether allergic to any drugs and reactions and
other preconditions before starting the treatment. This information
would be available via cloud platform and accessible anywhere in the