Information Management & Technology Assignment

Bartolome, Anjo C.
Based on your readings and references given, answer the following:
1) How did you understand information management and information technology?
Information management and information technology are connected with each other.
Information management concerns about the activity of the organization, it helps the organization
to manage to cycle of organization, it embraces the concepts of management which includes the
planning, organizing, up to reporting of information in the activities. While information technology
helps the management to run smoothly by the help of IT tools to ensure its fast and smooth delivery
of information, so that the organization can use it to its decision making and other plans.
2) What is/are the importance of information technology?
In today’s world, the 21st century generation, Information technology has a vital role in the
society, from education, finance and through different platforms. It runs various societal branches
in the world, specially the business world. It benefits the world of business in different manner. It
allows the firms to be efficient and maximize its productivity. It also helps the organization to
spend a shorter time in doing work and using information technology the organization can ensure
that their departments can run smoothly such as human resources, production and manufacturing.
3) Cite an experience where you were able to use information technology, specifically in time of
the pandemic.
The best example of this is the Flexible learning method organized by Tarlac State
University to continue the academic year 2020-2021. Since the pandemic changed the world into
a new normal, face to face classes is not possible, so the university used the information technology
to continue education and office works. From the enrollment date until the start of the class,
information technology is being used by the student like me and the faculty and the administration.
This is a proof that information technology had been able to create us a new platform to live and
make things faster and easier and so much useful specially in this time of pandemic.
4) Compare/contrast your answers with at least 2 of your classmates.
I have compared my answer with the opinions of my classmates and I agree with their
answers. Information Technology and Information management is a mean now a day, its becomes
a need in this digital age. From transportation, communication and to corporate world, information
technology made a gateway to a fast pacing world. In addition, it is true that using information
technology helps us to examine files and keep important records. Also, during this pandemic
information technology gives us the opportunity to survive and protect ourselves from harm by
not going outside just to buy necessities, using gadgets and websites we can order online.
Furthermore, our opinions with using information technology in this time of pandemic met in the
same point, which is using flexible learning education is still possible.