Uploaded by Charles Cordova

Importance of Physical Education During Pandemic

Based on what Willian Simon, Jr. say, I am agreeing that Physical Education should also be focus not just
the other subject like Math, English and etc. Physical Education helps the us a student releases our stress
and exercise also helps our bodies and brains to be active. Exercising supports and optimizes our mind
and it also improves our alertness and there is a lot of benefits of having an exercise. Based on my
experience when I'm still in junior high school my school is lacking of equipment’s and that’s why me or
other students are not in the mood or not into exercising because of the problem in our school.
Now a days students just do what is the task in Physical Education just to pass this subject. Based on my
belief that Physical Education is the most important subject in today’s pandemic. I relate this topic why
Physical Education is most important in today’s pandemic because all students specially like me i only stay
at home for almost 2 years because of this virus and it has a lot of changes like you can’t do exercising
outside or what we did in the PE face to face classes. Physical Education need to be focus in today’s
pandemic so that everyone will be still physically fit in this time.