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Environmental Forces Affecting Management

1-The environmental forces affecting today’s management process can be counted as:
External Factors
-Power of Human Resources
-Rapidity of Change
-Cultural Diversity
-New Employer-Employee Psychological Contact
-CoVid-19 Pandemic
Internal Factors
-Value System
-Mission and Objectives
-Internal Relationships
The generations are changing. The science of management emerged with a WWI generation, then we
had the boomers and now, it is the time of Generation Z. The culture, habits; abilities of this generation
will affect how companies act, react. Also, the major practices and knowledge on human resources may
change in a near future.
Rapidity of change is a broader title. Everything changes so quickly, and companies should follow every
innovation closely. And, some factors that we counted or will count are likely to take their part under
this title.
The world is getting smaller and smaller for everyone. The number of competitors once were limited
within the country that the business works in. Now, in this rapidly changing world, companies should be
very careful and invest both in the business and in people. To have more qualified employees
Cultural diversity is rising in businesses, which is also related with globalism. So, companies should hire
people concerning their skills but not their ethnicity and should provide a proper work-environment for
the employees from every culture.
Related with all these titles, technology is rapidly moving on, and firms should keep themselves up with
all the new developments. They are very likely to stop their businesses if they cannot step forward
With the generation z, the psychological contact between the managers and the employees is changing.
The managers of this era should know about this generation and should be capable of understanding
them and communicating them.
Even though it will probably stay as an environmental factor for some more months, pandemic is
affecting the companies very seriously. Many companies go bankrupt and many of them cannot make
One of the most important internal factors of a company is its value system. Even though it was created
in the past, it can be changed and with the new generation and rapid changes, firms are likely to change
Mission and objectives of a company affects how the employees and managers act, and how the
business act in general.
A sustainable business should have well-established internal relations and happy shareholders,
employees, managers. Internal relationship of the company is very affective on the businesses’